Choose the best word sherlock holmes

Помогите с тестом, прошу ( 1. Choose the best word. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat glance\appearance. A mystery is a story about a crime\future or a strange event. Agatha Christy created\read a lot of famous detectives. The police started an exploration\investigation into the crime. The young man hid\find behind some bushes. Sherlock ran out of\after the criminal. The detective put up\off a fight with the burglar. The children explored\hide an old chest. There are a lot of small shops in the nephew/area. It is a dangerous\an amazing book. 2. Fill in the missing word. adventure, enjoy, book, criminals, amazing, character, adventures, funny I __________ books of different genres: _________ and detective stories, science fiction and comics. I would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one of the most ________books I have ever read. In this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil (зло) My favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very __________. This policeman put many _________ behind the bars. 3. Put the verbs into Past Simple: Mr. Johnson ………………. (find) 10$ in the park yesterday. Columbus ……………………… (discover) America. We ………………………… (watch) TV last night. Marry …………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago. J. Rowling ……………………… (write) 8 books about Harry Potter and his friends. 4. Make up sentences using used to construction: I \play football\ when I was 10. Matt
ot have a lot of free time\ when he was a student. Fiona \wake up late\ before she found a job. Karl \ live with his parent\ when he was a student. They \ play computer games\ when they were 11.

1. Choose the best word.
Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat glance\appearance.
A mystery is a story about a crime\future or a strange event.
Agatha Christy created\read a lot of famous detectives.
The police started an exploration\investigation into the crime.
The young man hid\find behind some bushes.
Sherlock ran out of\after the criminal.
The detective put up\off a fight with the burglar.
The children explored\hide an old chest.
There are a lot of small shops in the nephew/area.
It is a dangerous\an amazing book.

2. Fill in the missing word.
adventure, enjoy, book, criminals, amazing, character, adventures, funny

I __________ books of different genres: _________ and detective stories, science fiction and comics.
I would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one of the most ________books I have ever read.
In this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil (зло)
My favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very __________.
This policeman put many _________ behind the bars.

3. Put the verbs into Past Simple:
Mr. Johnson ………………. (find) 10$ in the park yesterday.
Columbus ……………………… (discover) America.
We ………………………… (watch) TV last night.
Marry …………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago.
J. Rowling ……………………… (write) 8 books about Harry Potter and his friends.

4. Make up sentences using used to construction:
I \play football\ when I was 10.
ot \have a lot of free time\ when he was a student.
Fiona \wake up late\ before she found a job.
Karl \ not \ live with his parent\ when he was a student.
They \ play computer games\ when they were 11.

5. Choose the correct variant:
1. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it (be) cloudy yesterday.
• is
• was
• were

2. Mr. Wilson usually finishes his work at half past three, but he (finish) it later yesterday afternoon.
• finish
• finishes
• finished

3. We usually have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we (have lunch) later.
• had lunch
• have lunched
• had had lunch

4. The Browns live in a five-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.
• were living
• did live
• lived

5. How you (cut) your finger?
• How have you cut
• How you cutted
• How did you cut

6. When you (write) to your parents last time?
• When do you writed
• When did you write
• When did you wrote

7. We (not/have) a holiday last year.
• didn’t have
• haven’t had
• haven’t had

Underline the correct item.
Tom told me the story until/after he read the novel.
First she made dinner, then/when she watched TV.
The cat ran away until/as soon as it saw the dog. We were surprised when/until we saw Mum on television.
Lyn got a job after/until she finished school.

Read the text and answer the questions.
When I was seven years old, my family left the big city and to the countryside. I was very excited because our new was near a beautiful forest.
One day, I decided to go for a walk in the forest but I lost my way. I tried to get back but I just went deeper into the forest. I looked around me and started calling for help, but no one heard me. I was confused and scared because it was almost dark, so I sat under a tree and began to cry.
Suddenly I heard someone coming. It was a boy my age. «Hi,» he said. Tm Philip. What’s the matter?» I told Philip that I was lost. «Don’t worry,» Philip said. «I live near here. I know the forest well.» We walked and talked until we were out of the forest. Philip said goodbye and left before I could thank him.
When I got home my mum was talking to a policeman. They were both very upset. «Oh, Tom, thank goodness you’re OK!» my mum said when she saw me. «I lost my way in the forest, Mum, but I’m fine now. I’m so sorry,» I said. «You were lucky, young man,» the policeman said. «Never play alone in that forest, it’s too dangerous. Eight years ago, a young boy named Philip MacMann lost his way in that same forest and never came back.»
I did not say a word. I wanted to tell them about the boy who helped me but I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me. Did a ghost help me? I couldn’t sleep that night, or the next. I never saw Philip again and I never went back to the forest!

How old was Tom when he moved house?
Where did Tom’s family move to?
How did Tom feel when he discovered he was lost?
Did Tom thank Philip when they were out of the forest?
What happened to Philip MacMann eight years ago?
Why couldn’t Tom sleep that night?


1. Choose the best word.
1. There are a lot of small cafes in the garden/area 2.A mystery is a story about a crime\future or a strange event. 3. It is a dangerous\an amazing book. 4. The police started an exploration\investigation into the crime. 5.The young man hid\find behind some bushes. 6.Sherlock ran out of\after the criminal. 7.The detective put up\off a fight with the burglar. 8.The children explored\hide an old chest.9. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat glance\appearance. 10. Agatha Christy created\wrote a lot of famous detectives.
2. Fill in the missing word: famous, intelligent, imagination, glance, solve, enjoy, adventure, criminals.
1.Miss Marple can ________ the hardest of mysteries. 2.Hercule Poirot is a _________detective. 3.Jules Verne had a great ___ ____. 4.At first________ she was an ordinary lady, but she wasn’t. 5.Ann is the most _________student in our class.
3. Put the verbs into Past Simple:
1. Miss Marple ________ (catch) many criminals. 2. The professor and Alex _______(find) a mysterious message. 3. When I was ten, my family ________(leave) the countryside. 4. Dr. Frankenstein ______(not/meet) Captain Walton on the ice. 5. ____ (you / help) your mum with the housework yesterday?
4. Make up sentences using used to and didn`t use to construction:
1. Ben \ live with his parent\ when he was a pupil._____________________________________________ You\ play computer games\ when you were 8 ____________________________________
3.Sally \wake up late\ before she found a job.______________________________________________
4. .I \ not play basketball\ when I was 7._________________________________________
5. Steve
ot have a lot of spare time\ when he was a student. _________________________________________


1. Choose the best word.

1.      Sherlock
Holmes is famous for his neat glanceappearance.

2.      A
mystery is a story about a crimefuture or a strange event.

3.      Agatha
Christy createdread a lot of famous detectives.

4.      The
police started an explorationinvestigation into the crime.

5.      The
young man hidfind behind some bushes.

6.      Sherlock
ran out ofafter the criminal.

7.      The
detective put upoff a fight with the burglar.

8.      The
children exploredhide an old chest.

9.      There
are a lot of small shops in the nephew/area.

10.  It
is a dangerousan amazing book.

2. Fill in the missing word.

adventure, enjoy, book, criminals,
amazing, character, adventures, funny

1.      I
__________ books of different genres: _________ and detective stories, science
fiction and comics.

2.      I
would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one
of the most ________books  I have ever read.

3.      In
this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil (

4.      My
favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very __________.

5.      This
policeman put many _________ behind the bars.

3. Put the verbs into Past Simple:

1.      Mr.
Johnson ………………. (find) 10$ in the park yesterday.

2.      Columbus
……………………… (discover) America.

3.      We
………………………… (watch) TV last night.

4.      Marry
…………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago.

5.      J.
Rowling ……
………………... (write) 8 books
about Harry Potter and his friends.

4. Make up sentences using used to

1.      I
play football when I was 10.

2.      Matt
 not have a lot of free time when he was a student.

3.      Fiona
wake up late before she found a job.

4.      Karl
live with his parent when he was a student.

5.      They
play computer games when they were 11.


1. Choose the best word.

  1. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat glanceappearance.

  2. A mystery is a story about a crimefuture or a strange event.

  3. Agatha Christy createdread a lot of famous detectives.

  4. The police started an explorationinvestigation into the crime.

  5. The young man hidfind behind some bushes.

  6. Sherlock ran out ofafter the criminal.

  7. The detective put upoff a fight with the burglar.

  8. The children exploredhide an old chest.

  9. There are a lot of small shops in the nephew/area.

  10. It is a dangerousan amazing book.

2. Fill in the missing word.

adventure, enjoy, book, criminals, amazing, character, adventures, funny

  1. I __________ books of different genres: _________ and detective stories, science fiction and comics.

  2. I would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one of the most ________books I have ever read.

  3. In this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil (зло)

  4. My favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very __________.

  5. This policeman put many _________ behind the bars.

3. Put the verbs into Past Simple:

  1. Mr. Johnson ………………. (find) 10$ in the park yesterday.

  2. Columbus ……………………… (discover) America.

  3. We ………………………… (watch) TV last night.

  4. Marry …………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago.

  5. J. Rowling ……………………… (write) 8 books about Harry Potter and his friends.

4. Make up sentences using used to construction:

  1. I play football when I was 10.

  2. Matt not have a lot of free time when he was a student.

  3. Fiona wake up late before she found a job.

  4. Karl live with his parent when he was a student.

  5. They play computer games when they were 11.


4. воображение

7. писатель

10. известный

12. исследовать

14. необычный

16. расследование


1. событие

2. персонаж

3. путешествие

4. вдохновлять

5. удивительный

6. юмористический

8. преступление

9. сплетня

11. приключение

13. тест, викторина

15. обнаруживать

_____________________________________ Module 2

7th form

1. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb.

  1. Jules Verne ……….. (write) Twenty Thousands Leagues Under the Sea.

  2. Miss Marple…………. (catch) many criminals.

  3. ………………………………. (Hercule Poirot / live) in Belgium?

  4. How……………………………..……… (Captain Nemo/travel)?

  5. ………………………………………. (Dr Watson / help) Sherlock Holmes?

  6. It ………………(be) Sunday yesterday. I ………………….(not/go) to school.

  7. Agatha Christie …………… (create) the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.

  8. Arthur Conan Doyle……….. (be) a famous writer.

  9. The professor and Axel ……….. (find) a mysterious message.

  10. ………………………………. (Miss Marple/live) in England?

2. Choose the best word. Translate the sentences.

  1. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his neat glanceappearance.


  1. Agatha Christy createdread a lot of famous detectives.


  1. The police started an explorationinvestigation into the crime.


  1. Sherlock ran out ofafter the burglar.


  1. The children exploredhide an old chest.


  1. There are a lot of small shops in the nephew/area.


  1. It is a dangerousan amazing book.


3. Fill in the missing word.

adventure, enjoy, book, criminals, amazing, character, adventures, funny

  1. I __________ books of different genres: _________ and detective stories, science fiction and comics.

  2. I would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one of the most ________books I have ever read.

  3. In this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil (зло)

  4. My favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very __________.

  5. This policeman put many _________ behind the bars.

4. Put the verbs into Past Simple:

  1. Mr. Johnson ………………. (find) 10$ in the park yesterday.

  2. Columbus ……………………… (discover) America.

  3. We ………………………… (watch) TV last night.

  4. Marry …………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago.

  5. J. Rowling ……………………… (write) 8 books about Harry Potter and his friends.

5.Choose the correct item:

  1. The children played in the garden until / then it got dark.

  2. Henry used to go / went to the Ireland last week.

  3. Lyn got a job after / until she finished school.

  4. First she made dinner, then / when she watched TV.

  5. The mouse ran away until / as soon as it saw the cat.

  6. I was sleeping as soon as / when the phone rang.

  7. I turned on the light until / as soon as I arrived.

  8. She ran to the police station until / after she saw the thief.

  9. Please turn off the computer after / when you leave.

  10. She made dinner when / then she took the dog for a walk

ответе на вопросы , плз
Раздел 1. Чтение
Read the text and do tasks after it
With the words “Elementary, my dear Watson…” the most famous detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend, Dr. Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language
Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. After that came the whole series of books about him: “The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes”, “The Return of Sherlock Holmes”, “The Hound of the Baskervilles” and many others. Many thousands of books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year.
Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked for, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmes’s friend, Dr. Watson. Conan Doyle’s medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.
Conan Doyle started the fashion of tile detective story. Today the fashion goes on.
And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speaks when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifying glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London.
If you go to London, you will not be able to find 221 B Baker Street. But instead, you can go to a pub called the “Sherlock Holmes”. In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock Holmes’s room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle’s stories. On the walls there are drawings from the original editions about Sherlock Holmes.
magnifying glass – увеличительное стекло

I. The text is about …
1) Sherlock Holmes’s work.
2) the most famous detective and his inventor.
3) Dr. Watson’s medical practice.
4) Conan Doyle’s education.

II. Choose the right sentence.
1) Dr. Watson was Dr. Bell’s assistant.
2) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle’s friend.
3) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle’s book character.
4) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s relative.

III. Find the wrong statement.
1) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s friend.
2) Conan Doyle was a doctor.
3) There is 22l B Baker Street in London.
4) The fashion of the detective stories goes on.

IV. Complete the sentence.
Conan Doyle is known to everybody as…
1) the author of books about Sherlock Holmes.
2) a talented doctor.
3) a good friend of Dr. Joseph Bell.
4) a man who opened a pub in Baker Street.

V. Answer the question.
When did Sherlock Holmes use the phrase “Elementary, my dear Watson “?
1) after he gave Watson the explanation of his guess
2) if he wanted Watson to investigate the crime himself
3) before he began to explain something to Watson
4) if Watson asked him how to find the criminal

VI. Choose the title to the text.
1) Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes
2) Conan Doyle and Dr. Joseph Bell
3) Conan Doyle’s Family
4) Conan Doyle and His Characters

1. Mountain Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
2. Sherlock Holmes was the best detective in London.
3. Go and pick an apple from the nearest tree.
4. Tokyo is the biggest city in the world.
5. Rebecca is nicer than Jane.
6. Mrs Brown is taller than Mrs Taylor.
7. I think English is easier than French. 8. John is the worst skier in the school.
9. This is the funniest joke I know.
10. Cindy is the cleverest girl in the class.
11. My football socks are dirtier than yours.
12. I find French more interesting than history.
13. The new hotel is the most modern building in our town.
14. Tony is the most intelligent boy in our class.
15. Good health is better than money.
16. This is a wonderful place for a holiday.
17. I find French more difficult than English.
18. Karen is the prettiest girl in the class.
19. He is the ugliest man in the world.
20. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.

Ответе на вопросы , плз
Раздел 1. Чтение
Read the text and do tasks after it
With the words “Elementary, my dear Watson…” the most famous detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend, Dr. Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language
Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. After that came the whole series of books about him: “The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes”, “The Return of Sherlock Holmes”, “The Hound of the Baskervilles” and many others. Many thousands of books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year.
Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked for, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmess friend, Dr. Watson. Conan Doyles medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.
Conan Doyle started the fashion of tile detective story. Today the fashion goes on.
And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speaks when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifying glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London.
If you go to London, you will not be able to find 221 B Baker Street. But instead, you can go to a pub called the “Sherlock Holmes”. In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock Holmess room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle’s stories. On the walls there are drawings from the original editions about Sherlock Holmes.
magnifying glass – увеличительное стекло
I. The text is about …
1) Sherlock Holmess work.
2) the most famous detective and his inventor.
3) Dr. Watsons medical practice.
4) Conan Doyles education.
II. Choose the right sentence.
1) Dr. Watson was Dr. Bells assistant.
2) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyles friend.
3) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyles book character.
4) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmess relative.
III. Find the wrong statement.
1) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmess friend.
2) Conan Doyle was a doctor.
3) There is 22l B Baker Street in London.
4) The fashion of the detective stories goes on.
IV. Complete the sentence.
Conan Doyle is known to everybody as…
1) the author of books about Sherlock Holmes.
2) a talented doctor.
3) a good friend of Dr. Joseph Bell.
4) a man who opened a pub in Baker Street.
V. Answer the question.
When did Sherlock Holmes use the phrase “Elementary, my dear Watson “?
1) after he gave Watson the explanation of his guess
2) if he wanted Watson to investigate the crime himself
3) before he began to explain something to Watson
4) if Watson asked him how to find the criminal
VI. Choose the title to the text.
1) Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes
2) Conan Doyle and Dr. Joseph Bell
3) Conan Doyles Family
4) Conan Doyle and His Characters

1) 2

2) 3

3) 4

5) 3

6) 4

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Choose the right option.

1. Sherlock Holmes was a …………. detective.

a. gust b. cosy c. famous

2. I like beautiful……………… in our village.

a. public b. dictionary c. landscapes

3. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and ………… people.

a. helpful b. heavy c. crowded

4. He can speak three ….: English, German and French.

a. languages b. knowledge c. nationality

5. The athlete broke the world …….……. for the 100 m race.

a. idea b. record c. advice

6. There’s аn …………… with Вrаd Pitt in today’s newspaper.

a. interview b. message c. weather

7. The оnlу thing we watch оn ТV is the …… news.

a. local b. gossip c. cartoon

8. Swimming is not ………. in this river.

a. allowed b. polluted c. polite

9. I find ……………. the most stressful.

a. sitting exams b. taking care of pets c. eating ice cream

10 A …………. is a funny story with a happy ending.

a. adventure b. biography c. humorous story

11. The book is very …………

a. bored b. boring c. bore

12. — What’s on tonight?

– I don’t know. Let’s have a look at the ………..

a. TV guide b. message c. fashion advice

13. I prefer classical music because it is ……………than rock music.

a. relax b. more relaxing c. most relaxing

14. There is a ……….. of mineral water.

a. bar b. loaf c. bottle

15. Madonna is …………than Rihanna.

a. more famous b. most famous c. famous

16. This is the house ……… my grandmother was born.

a. where b. when c. who

17. I cut ………

a. myself b. herself c. itself

18. Have you ……….. seen clowns performing tricks?

a. ever b. tomorrow c. usually

19. Is there …………. milk?

a. some b. many c. any

20. He is the ……….. boy in the class.

a. tallest b. tall c. taller

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  • Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap
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  • Choose the correct word and complete the sentences plug the printer into the
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  • Choose the best word or phrase a b c or d to fill the gap