Choose the best word or phrase a or b there is

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

the begin¬ning. I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends again (снова). I (1) ___ to be at school by 9 o’clock on the first day, so I (2) ____ run. At school I meet my friends and we (3) _____ go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4) ____ get our homework diaries and timetables. Then we (5) ____ to find our classes and meet our teachers. 0 A) can 1 A) may 2 A) don’t have to 3 A) should 4 A) don’t have to 5 A) have b) have to b) have b) mustn’t b) shouldn’t b) might b) must


Ответы (1):



I (1-B) have to be at school by 9 o’clock on the first day, so I (2-A) don’t have to run. At school I meet my friends and we (3-A) should go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4-B) might get our homework diaries and timetables. Then we (5-A) have to find our classes and meet our teachers.

Вопрос посетителя

Kerry talks about her first school days.
1) Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
I like going back to school because I (0) con see all my friends.
I (1) ___________ hurry because on the first day I (2) ___________
be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and
we (3) ___________ go to our classroom. We get information
about our new classes and we (4) ___________ get our homework
diaries. Then we (5)___________to find our classes and meet our

Ответ эксперта

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1) don’t have to hurry because on the first day I (2) have to be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3) should цо to our classroom. We tret information about our new classes and we (4)
might get our homework diaries. Then we (5) have to find our classes and meet our teachers.


1)    A girl is talking about her family.

Mark the following sentences with «T» if the
information is true or «F» if it is false.
You will
hear the text twice.

1       Kerry has to go to the swimming
pool. ______________________

2       Kerry’s parents may not know where
she is sometimes. ________________________

Kerry has some
chores to do at home. ______________________

Kerry’s parents
are strict about watching TV. ________________________

5       Kerry’s parents are not strict
about using the phone. __________________________

6      Perhaps Kerry’s family will go to
Jamaica in summer. _________________________

Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b or c. There is an example
(0) at the beginning.

with your (0)
parents about
rules for using the Internet. Always (1) ____________ these rules.

from all over the world can (2) _____________ you. They are (3)___________ to
you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be
(4)__________. You shouldn’t give out your (5) ______, telephone num­ber,
parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents’
(6)___________. Be
very (7) ___________ of any people (8) _________ they ask you to come to some
place, or ask you to give money. You shouldn’t write e-mail (9) _______all in
CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

(0) a parents

b adults



1 a care about

b follow



2 a tell

b check



3 a adults

b friends



4 a safe

b dangerous



5 a permission

b tips



6 a permission

b message



7 a care

b cautious



8 a if

b because



9 a rules

b messages



3) Kerry talks about her first school days. 1) Choose
the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

like going back to school because I (0)
can see all my friends. I (1) _________hurry because on
the first day I (2) _________be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet
my friends and

(3) ________________  go to our classroom. We get information about our new
classes and we (4) _________ get our homework diaries. Then we (5) _________ to
find our classes and meet our teachers.

a can                                                             b
have to

a don’t have to                                          b

a may                                                        b
have to

should                                                    b shouldn’t

a don’t have to                                          b

a have                                                       b

Test-paper 1  5th grade

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.

Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Katie spent her summer holidays in France.

2 Katie enjoyed the trip very much.

3 Her father fished in the river every day.

4 Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother.

5 Katie is happy because she can swim now.

6 Katie’s sister liked riding a horse,

7 Katie didn’t like the weather.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter.

For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do?

Ann B., Norwich

Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a long time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

1 What is the girl’s problem?

a Her sister is not fair.

b Her sister uses the computer longer.

2 Why is it happening?

a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.

b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.

3 What tips can be useful for the girl?

a To talk with the parents about the problem.

b To forget about the problem.

4 What do the parents think about the problem?

a Perhaps they don’t think it is good.

b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

3.1 Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b, or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about the rules for using the Internet. Always (1)                   these rules.

People from all over the world can (2)       you. They are (3)         to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)           .

You shouldn’t give out your (5)            , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents (6)           .

Be very (7)         of any people (8)           they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money.

You shouldn’t write e-mail (9)          all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

  1. a parents            b adults                     c sisters
  2. a care about      b follow                     c argue
  3. a tell                    b check                      c contact
  4. a adults               b friends                    c strangers
  5. a safe                  b dangerous              c cautious
  6. a permission      b tips                          c address
  7. a permission      b message                  c contact
  8. a care                  b cautious                  c dangerous
  9. a if                       b because                  c before
  10. a rules                 b messages               c nicknames

3.2 Paul talks about his summer holidays.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Usually we (0)  take  (take) trips on our holidays. We often (1)                   (spend) holidays in Spain. Last summer we (2)            (be) in Spain. We (3)            (have) a great time there. I (4)                (swim) a lot, (5)                   (fish) in the river and       (6)                     (ride) a bike. The weather (7)                    (be) very nice. I think we (8)                    (go) to Spain next summer, too.

3.3 Kerry talks about her first school days.

Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1)            hurry because on the first day I (2)           be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3)               go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4)             get our homework diaries. Then we (5)           to find our classes and meet our teachers.

  1. a can                                  b have to
  2. a don’t have to                 b mustn’t
  3. a may                                 b have to
  4. a should                             b shouldn’t
  5. a don’t have to                 b might
  6. a have to                            b must

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension.

You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.

Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Katie spent her summer holidays in Italy.

2 Katie enjoyed the trip very much.

3 Her father fished in the river once a week.

4 Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother.

5 Katie is happy because she can play tennis now.

6 Katie’s sister liked riding a horse.

7 Katie liked the weather.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter.

For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do?

Ann B., Norwich

Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a long time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

1 What is the girl’s problem?

a She doesn’t know how to use a computer.

b Her sister uses the computer longer.

2 Why is it happening?

a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.

b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.

3 What tips can be useful for the girl?

a To talk with the parents about the problem.

b To talk with her form teacher about the problem.

4 What do the parents think about the problem?

a Perhaps they don’t think it is good.

b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b, or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about the rules for using the Internet. Always (1)                   these rules.

People from all over the world can (2)       you. They are (3)         to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)           .

You shouldn’t give out your (5)            , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents (6)           .

Be very (7)         of any people (8)           they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money.

You shouldn’t write e-mail (9)          all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

  1. a parents            b adults                     c sisters
  2. a check               b follow                     c argue
  3. a say                    b check                      c contact
  4. a parents              b friends                    c strangers
  5. a safe                  b angry                        c cautious
  6. a permission      b messages                 c address
  7. a permission      b message                  c address
  8. a safe                  b cautious                  c dangerous
  9. a if                       b because                  c after
  10. a tips                   b messages               c nicknames

Paul talks about his summer holidays.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Usually we (0)  take  (take) trips on our holidays. We often (1)                   (spend) holidays in Spain. Last summer we (2)            (be) in Spain. We (3)            (have) a great time there. I (4)                (swim) a lot, (5)                   (fish) in the river and       (6)                     (play) tennis. The weather (7)                    (be) fantastic. I think we (8)                    (go) to Spain next summer, too.

3.3 Kerry talks about her first school days.

Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1)            hurry because on the first day I (2)            be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3)               go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4)             get our homework diaries. Then we (5)           to find our classes and meet our teachers.

(0) a can                                  b have to

(1) a don’t have to                 b mustn’t

  1. a should                              b have to
  2. a should                             b mustn’t
  3. a don’t have to                 b might
  4. a have to                            b must

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension.

You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.

Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Katie spent her summer holidays  in Spain.

2 Katie enjoyed the trip very much.

3 Her father fished in the river every day.

4 Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and sister.

5 Katie is happy because she can play football now.

6 Katie’s sister liked riding a horse.

7 Katie liked the weather.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter.

For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do?

Ann B., Norwich

Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a long time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

1 What is the girl’s problem?

a Her sister is not fair.

b Her sister uses the computer longer.

2 Why is it happening?

a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.

b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.

3 What tips can be useful for the girl?

a To talk with the parents about the problem.

b To talk with her friends about the problem.

4 What do the parents think about the problem?

a Perhaps they don’t think it is fair.

b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b, or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about the rules for using the Internet. Always (1)                   these rules.

People from all over the world can (2)       you. They are (3)         to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)           .

You shouldn’t give out your (5)            , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents (6)           .

Be very (7)         of any people (8)           they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money.

You shouldn’t write e-mail (9)          all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

  1. a parents            b adults                     c sisters
  2. a care about      b follow                     c check
  3. a meet                 b check                      c contact
  4. a adults               b relatives                   c strangers
  5. a safe                  b dangerous              c ready
  6. a permission      b information             c address
  7. a permission      b work                         c contact
  8. a care                  b cautious                  c polite
  9. a if                       b that’s why               c before
  10. a tips                   b messages               c nicknames

Paul talks about his summer holidays.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Usually we (0)  take  (take) trips on our holidays. We often (1)                   (travel) on holidays to Spain. Last summer we (2)            (be) in Spain. We (3)            (have) a great time there. I (4)                (swim) a lot, (5)                   (fish) in the river and       (6)                     (ride) a horse. The weather (7)                    (be) very nice. I think we (8)                    (go) to Spain next summer, too.

3.3 Kerry talks about her first school days.

Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1)            hurry because on the first day I (2)           be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3)               go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4)             get our homework diaries. Then we (5)           to find our classes and meet our teachers.

  1. a can                                  b have to
  2. a don’t have to                 b mustn’t
  3. a don’t have to                 b have to
  4. a should                             b shouldn’t
  5. a don’t have to                 b might
  6. a have to                            b should

Variant 4

  1. Listening comprehension.

You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.

Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Katie spent her summer holidays in France.

2 Katie enjoyed the trip very much.

3 Her mother fished in the river every day.

4 Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother.

5 Katie is happy because she can swim now.

6 Katie’s brother liked riding a horse.

7 Katie didn’t like the weather.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter.

For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do?

Ann B., Norwich

Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a long time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

1 What is the girl’s problem?

a Her sister doesn’t help her with her homework.

b Her sister uses the computer longer.

2 Why is it happening?

a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.

b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.

3 What tips can be useful for the girl?

a To talk with the parents about the problem.

b To forget about the computer.

4 What do the parents think about the problem?

a Perhaps they don’t think it is good.

b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b, or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about the rules for using the Internet. Always (1)                   these rules.

People from all over the world can (2)       you. They are (3)         to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)           .

You shouldn’t give out your (5)            , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents (6)           .

Be very (7)         of any people (8)           they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money.

You shouldn’t write e-mail (9)          all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

  1. a parents            b adults                     c sisters
  2. a care about      b follow                     c contact
  3. a tell                    b think                       c contact
  4. a brothers          b friends                    c strangers
  5. a safe                  b angry                       c cautious
  6. a homework      b tips                          c address
  7. a permission      b e-mails                   c contact
  8. a friendly            b cautious                  c dangerous
  9. a if                       b after                        c before
  10. a rules                 b messages               c name

Paul talks about his summer holidays.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Usually we (0)  take  (take) trips on our holidays. We often (1)                   (spend) holidays in Spain. Last summer we (2)            (be) in Spain. We (3)            (enjoy) the trip very much. I (4)                (swim) a lot, (5)                   (fish) in the river and       (6)                     (ride) a bike. The weather (7)                    (be) very nice. I think we (8)                    (travel) to Spain next summer, too.

3.3 Kerry talks about her first school days.

Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1)            hurry because on the first day I (2)          be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3)               go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4)             get our homework diaries. Then we (5)           to find our classes and meet our teachers.

  1. a can                                  b have to
  2. a don’t have to                 b mustn’t
  3. a may                                 b have to
  4. a should                             b shouldn’t
  5. a mustn’t                           b might
  6. a have to                            b must

Test-paper 2  5th grade Kuzavlev V.P., Lapa N.M.

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

Listen to the children’s talk about their favourite activities.  For questions 1-6, write down how long the children have done their favourite activities.

  1. Katie has sung in the choir                                              .
  2. Molly has played tennis                                                   .
  3. Laura has painted pictures                                              .                            
  4. Timothy has done pantomime                                         .
  5. Andy has played the violin                                                .
  6. Shannon and John have danced ballet dances                                      .
  1. Reading comprehension.

2.1. What video games are popular? Find 4 games.

     Many people in Britain love video games, but some people love them very much. British adults love video games and they play on their computers for more than four hours a day and they take their computers on holiday because they can’t live without them.

But what about young people? 35% of British children (who are thirteen years old) play video games every day, and 7% play for 30 hours a week or more. It means that, at this moment, a lot of children are playing video games. The children who play 30 hours or more may start to get bad marks at school or forget about their friends. Some children even become angry if they can’t play.

What games are these children playing?

Helen: I am playing my favourite game – the new Lord of the Rings. I often play it because there is a lot of action in it and there are some bits of the film in it.  It is just as good as the film.

Ken: I am enjoying The Simpsons game now. I bought it three months ago and I have played it every day since then. I can do many tricks in the game. It’s great!

Beth: I love The Sims. I love to help other people. But now I am playing Sonic the Hedgehog. I like to use my head when I play computer games.

2.2 Read the information about playing video games and tick the questions which have an answer in the text. There is an example  (0) at the beginning.

0 Are video games really popular in Britain?         √    .

1 How many hours do British adults play video games ?                 .

2 Why do British men take video games on holiday?                .

3 Why do some children forget about their video games?              .

4 35% of British children play video games every day and 7 % play 30 hours a week or more. What do these facts mean?            .

5 What may happen to children who play video games very often?            .

6 Why does Helen like the Lord of the Rings?                .

7 When does Ken go skateboarding?               .

8 What does Beth like most about video games?                     .

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.
  1. Here are some notes and photo labels made by foreign pupils during their visit to Britain.

For questions 1-11, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Look, I am fishing in the lake and I (0) see a large fish.

It’ wonderful in the park! I (1)       birds’ singing in the picture. I (2)        birds’ singing, it’s a magic choir! A lot of (3)              come to the park to listen to the birds’ music. In this picture my friends and I (4)            a football match. In England every football match becomes a wonderful (5)           ! Big (6)         play joyful music and people buy (7)          before the match.

Our visit to Britain has been wonderful! We (8)           to the museums and concert halls every day.

On Saturdays we usually (9)           museums and theatres. I have heard a lot about the British Museum since 2001 and now I (10)            it.

Our visit to London has been great! We (11)          every minute of it.

  1. a see                          b am seeing               c have heard
  2. a am hearing            b have heard             c hear
  3. a study                      b admire                     c see
  4. a tourists                  b animals                    c classmates
  5. a am watching         b have watched        c are watching
  6. a area                        b festival                    c day
  7. a bands                     b people                     c tourists
  8. a puzzles                    b second hand books          c souvenirs
  9. a go                             b are going                            c have gone
  10. a are visiting              b visit                                     c have visited

(10)a have seen              b am seeing                          c see

      (11)b will remember     b will celebrate                    c will forget

  1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

      choir     secondhand      invitations        pick up

      leaves     soft       elderly      graffiti          neighbourhood

      water       folk           local

  1. The children washed off graffiti from the houses in Green Street.
  2. Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped to rake                    in the schoolyard and to                flowers.
  3. They visited children at the           hospital and gave them                    toys.
  4. There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to                 litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the                        .
  5. Pupils of the 1st form collected                          books for the local hospital.
  6. The school                          won first prize at the singing competition.
  7. A lot of                       people got                               for the concert.
  8. The children performed                        dances and songs at the concert.

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension.

Listen to the children’s talk about their favourite activities.  For questions 1-6, write down how long the children have done their favourite activities.

  1. Katie has sung in the choir                                              .
  2. Molly has played tennis                                                   .
  3. Laura has painted pictures                                              .                            
  4. Timothy has done pantomime                                         .
  5. Andy has played the violin                                                .
  6. Shannon and John have danced ballet dances                                      .
  1. Reading comprehension.

2.1. What video games are popular? Find 4 games.

     Many people in Britain love video games, but some people love them very much. British adults love video games and they play on their computers for more than four hours a day and they take their computers on holiday because they can’t live without them.

But what about young people?  35% of British children (who are thirteen years old) play video games every day, and 7% play for 30 hours a week or more. It means that, at this moment, a lot of children are playing video games. The children who play 30 hours or more may start to get bad marks at school or forget about their friends. Some children even become angry if they can’t play.

What games are these children playing?

Helen: I am playing my favourite game – the new Lord of the Rings. I often play it because there is a lot of action in it and there are some bits of the film in it.  It is just as good as the film.

Ken: I am enjoying The Simpsons game now. I bought it three months ago and I have played it every day since then. I can do many tricks in the game. It’s great!

Beth: I love The Sims. I love to help other people. But now I am playing Sonic the Hedgehog. I like to use my head when I play computer games.

2.2 Read the information about playing video games and tick the questions which have an answer in the text. There is an example  (0) at the beginning.

0 Are video games really popular in Britain?         √    .

1 How many hours do British adults play video games ?                 .

2 Why do British men take video games on holiday?                .

3 Why do some children forget about their friends?              .

4 35% of British children play video games every day and 7 % play 30 hours a week or more. What do these facts mean?            .

5 What may happen to adults who play video games very often?            .

6 Why does Helen like the Lord of the Rings?                .

7 When does Ken go snowboarding?               .

8 What does Beth like most about her friends?                     .

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

Here are some notes and photo labels made by foreign pupils during their visit to Britain.

For questions 1-11, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Look, I am fishing in the lake and I (0) see a large fish.

It’ wonderful in the park! I (1)       birds’ singing in the picture. I (2)        birds’ singing, it’s a magic choir! A lot of (3)              come to the park to listen to the birds’ music. In this picture my friends and I (4)            a football match. In England every football match becomes a wonderful (5)           ! Big (6)         play joyful music and people buy (7)          before the match.

Our visit to Britain has been wonderful! We (8)           to the museums and concert halls every day.

On Saturdays we usually (9)           museums and theatres. I have heard a lot about the British Museum since 2001 and now I (10)            it.

Our visit to London has been great! We (11)          every minute of it.

  1. a  see                          b am seeing                            c have heard
  2. a  am hearing            b have heard                          c hear
  3. a  watch                      b admire                                 c see
  4. a  tourists                   b animals                                c friends
  5. a  am watching          b watch                                  c are watching
  6. a  week                        b festival                                 c day
  7. a  bands                      b men                                      c tourists
  8. a  cards                       b second hand books           c souvenirs
  9. a  go                             b are going                             c have gone
  10. a  are visiting              b visit                                      c have visited

(10)a  have seen              b am seeing                           c see

      (11)a  will remember     b will celebrate                      c will study

  1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

      choir     secondhand      invitations        pick up

      leaves     soft       elderly      graffiti          neighbourhood

      water       folk           local

  1. The children washed off graffiti from the houses in Green Street.
  2. Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped to rake                    in the schoolyard and to                flowers.
  3. They visited children at the            hospital and gave them                    toys.
  4. There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to                 litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the                        .
  5. Pupils of the 1st form collected                          clothes for the poor.
  6. The school                          took part in the singing competition.
  7. A lot of                       people got                               for the concert.
  8. The children performed                        dances and songs at the concert.

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension.

Listen to the children’s talk about their favourite activities.  For questions 1-6, write down how long the children have done their favourite activities.

1 Katie has sung in the choir                                              .

  1. Molly has played tennis                                                   .
  2. Laura has painted pictures                                              .                            
  3. Timothy has done pantomime                                         .
  4. Andy has played the violin                                                .
  5. Shannon and John have danced ballet dances                                      .
  1. Reading comprehension.

2.1. What video games are popular? Find 4 games.

     Many people in Britain love video games, but some people love them very much. British adults love video games and they play on their computers for more than four hours a day and they take their computers on holiday because they can’t live without them.

But what about young people? 35% of British children (who are thirteen years old) play video games every day, and 7% play for 30 hours a week or more. It means that, at this moment, a lot of children are playing video games. The children who play 30 hours or more may start to get bad marks at school or forget about their friends. Some children even become angry if they can’t play.

What games are these children playing?

Helen: I am playing my favourite game – the new Lord of the Rings. I often play it because there is a lot of action in it and there are some bits of the film in it.  It is just as good as the film.

Ken: I am enjoying The Simpsons game now. I bought it three months ago and I have played it every day since then. I can do many tricks in the game. It’s great!

Beth: I love The Sims. I love to help other people. But now I am playing Sonic the Hedgehog. I like to use my head when I play computer games.

2.2 Read the information about playing video games and tick the questions which have an answer in the text. There is an example  (0) at the beginning.

0 Are video games really popular in Britain?         √    .

1 How many hours do British adults play video games ?                 .

2 Why do British men take video games on holiday?                .

3 Why do some children start to get bad marks at school?              .

4 35% of British children play video games every day and 7 % play 30 hours a week or more. What do these facts mean?            .

  1. What may happen to children who play video games very often?            .

6 Why does Helen like the Lord of the Rings?                .

7 When does Ken go running?               .

8 What does Beth like most about video games?                     .


3.1 Here are some notes and photo labels made by foreign pupils during their visit to Britain.

For questions 1-11, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Look, I am fishing in the lake and I (0) see a large fish.

It’ wonderful in the park! I (1)       birds’ singing in the picture. I (2)        birds’ singing, it’s a magic choir! A lot of (3)              come to the park to listen to the birds’ music. In this picture my friends and I (4)            a football match. In England every football match becomes a wonderful (5)           ! Big (6)         play joyful music and people buy (7)          before the match.

Our visit to Britain has been wonderful! We (8)           to the museums and concert halls every day.

On Saturdays we usually (9)           museums and theatres. I have heard a lot about the British Museum since 2001 and now I (10)            it.

Our visit to London has been great! We (11)          every minute of it.

  1. a see                           b am seeing                           c have heard
  2. a  am hearing            b have heard                         c hear
  3. a  study                       b admire                                c watch
  4. a  tourists                   b parents                               c classmates
  5. a  am watching          b  watch                                 c are watching
  6. a  area                         b festival                                c day
  7. a  bands                      b people                                 c tourists
  8. a  puzzles                    b clothes                                c souvenirs
  9. a  go                             b are going                             c have gone
  10. a  are visiting              b visit                                      c have visited

(10)a  have seen              b am seeing                           c see

      (11)b  will remember     b will tell                                 c will forget

3.2 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

      choir     secondhand      invitations        pick up

      leaves     soft       elderly      graffiti          neighbourhood

      water       folk           local

  1. The children washed off graffiti from the houses in Green Street.
  2. Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped to rake                    in the schoolyard and to                flowers.
  3. They visited children at the             hospital and gave them                    toys.
  4. There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to                 litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the                        .
  5. Pupils of the 1st form collected                          books for the local hospital.
  6. The school                          won first prize at the singing competition.
  7. A lot of                       people got                               for the concert.
  8. The children performed                        dances and songs at the concert.

Variant 4

  1. Listening comprehension.

Listen to the children’s talk about their favourite activities.  For questions 1-6, write down how long the children have done their favourite activities.

  1. Katie has sung in the choir                                              .
  2. Molly has played tennis                                                   .
  3. Laura has painted pictures                                              .                            
  4. Timothy has done pantomime                                         .
  5. Andy has played the violin                                                .
  6. Shannon and John have danced ballet dances                                      .
  1. Reading comprehension.

2.1. What video games are popular? Find 4 games.

     Many people in Britain love video games, but some people love them very much. British adults love video games and they play on their computers for more than four hours a day and they take their computers on holiday because they can’t live without them.

But what about young people? 35% of British children (who are thirteen years old) play video games every day, and 7% play for 30 hours a week or more. It means that, at this moment, a lot of children are playing video games. The children who play 30 hours or more may start to get bad marks at school or forget about their friends. Some children even become angry if they can’t play.

What games are these children playing?

Helen: I am playing my favourite game – the new Lord of the Rings. I often play it because there is a lot of action in it and there are some bits of the film in it.  It is just as good as the film.

Ken: I am enjoying The Simpsons game now. I bought it three months ago and I have played it every day since then. I can do many tricks in the game. It’s great!

Beth: I love The Sims. I love to help other people. But now I am playing Sonic the Hedgehog. I like to use my head when I play computer games.

2.2 Read the information about playing video games and tick the questions which have an answer in the text. There is an example  (0) at the beginning.

0 Are video games really popular in Britain?         √    .

1 How many hours do British adults play video games ?                 .

2 Why do British men take video games on holiday?                .

3 Why do some children forget about their parents?              .

4 35% of British children play video games every day and 7 % play 30 hours a week or more. What do these facts mean?             .

5 What may happen to children who miss school?              .

6 Why does Helen like the Lord of the Rings?                .

7 When does Ken go swimming?               .

  1. What does Beth like most about video games?                     .
  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

3.1 Here are some notes and photo labels made by foreign pupils during their visit to Britain.

For questions 1-11, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Look, I am fishing in the lake and I (0) see a large fish.

It’ wonderful in the park! I (1)       birds’ singing in the picture. I (2)        birds’ singing, it’s a magic choir! A lot of (3)              come to the park to listen to the birds’ music. In this picture my friends and I (4)            a football match. In England every football match becomes a wonderful (5)           ! Big (6)         play joyful music and people buy (7)          before the match.

Our visit to Britain has been wonderful! We (8)           to the museums and concert halls every day.

On Saturdays we usually (9)           museums and theatres. I have heard a lot about the British Museum since 2001 and now I (10)            it.

Our visit to London has been great! We (11)          every minute of it.

  1. a see                          b am seeing                            c have heard
  2. a  am hearing            b have heard                         c hear
  3. a  learn                      b admire                                 c see
  4. a  tourists                  b animals                                c birds
  5. a  am watching         b have watched                    c are watching
  6. a  area                        b festival                                c day
  7. a  bands                      b sportsmen                          c tourists
  8. a  food                         b second hand books          c souvenirs
  9. a  go                             b are going                            c have gone
  10. a  are visiting              b visit                                     c have visited

(10)a  have seen              b am seeing                          c see

      (11)b  will remember     b will celebrate                    c will try

3.2 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

      choir     secondhand      invitations        pick up

      leaves     soft       elderly      graffiti          neighbourhood

      water       folk           local

  1. The children washed off graffiti from the houses in Green Street.
  2. Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped to rake                    in the schoolyard and to                flowers.
  3. They visited children at the             hospital and gave them                    toys.
  4. There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to                 litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the                        .
  5. Pupils of the 1st form collected                          clothes for the poor.
  6. The school                          took part in the singing competition.
  7. A lot of                       people got                               for the concert.
  8. The children performed                        dances and songs at the concert.

Test-paper 3  5th grade Kuzavlev V.P., Lapa N.M.

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

A girl is talking about a holiday called Kwanzaa.

What is it like? For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer a or b.

1 Kwanzaa is …

a an African-American holiday              b a British holiday

2 The colours of Kwanzaa are …

a red, blue, black                                      b red, green, black

3 People celebrate Kwanzaa for …

a 7 days                                                      b 3 days

4 The rules of Kwanzaa are about …

a friendship                                               b family safety

5 Parents give presents to their children on …

a 31st December                                        b 1st January

2 Reading comprehension.

The Club magazine organized a writing competition My worst trip. Here is Robert’s story.

2.1 Robert’s story is mixed up. Put it in the correct order.

A. Last summer I took a trip to London. My friend and I wanted to spend two weeks in this beautiful city. From Berlin we went by train. Then we took the ship to Dover. From Dover to Victoria station in London we went by bus. The last part of our trip we wanted to travel by taxi, and we got in one of those funny British taxis.

B. “Oh, in London there are six Lancaster Hotels. Can you tell me the address?” asked the taxi driver.

My friend answered, “No, sorry, we can’t. Take us to the next hotel, please.”

C. The driver asked, “Where are you going to?” I said, “One moment.” But I couldn’t find the slip of paper. On the slip there was the name and address of our hotel. “Oh, dear! I have lost it!” I thought. My friend remembered the name and said, “Lancaster Hotel, please.”

D. You have to pay £ 25,” said the driver. I opened my bag. But what was that? A little slip with an address. I thought, “You are silly” and said to the driver, “I have found the address and the name of the hotel. Take us to the Manchester hotel, 45 Bayswater Road, please.”

E. But it wasn’t the right hotel. We were driving from one hotel to another but there was no room in any of the hotels for us. It was six o’clock in the evening and the taxi driver wanted to go home.

2.2 For questions 1-5, mark the sentences with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Robert didn’t remember the address of the hotel.

2 Robert lost the slip of paper with the address of the hotel.

3 The boys didn’t want to pay £ 25 to the taxi driver.

4 There was no room in the Lancaster Hotel for the boys.

5 The boys didn’t know about the six Lancaster Hotels in London.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar

3.1. Christmas in Australia is very special.

What is it like? Choose the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 

December is one of hottest (0) months / days of the year. But the Australians have a great time. People (1) choose / open presents for their relatives and friends: toy kangaroos and koala bears in Santa hats. Some go the beach on (2) Easter / Christmas day. They swim, play volleyball or sit around with the family and friends. Santa Claus often wears a swimming costume or funny red (3) shorts / stockings. Many Australians have (4) national / traditional Christmas dinner. It is usually turkey and Christmas (5) present / pudding. Hundreds of people gather together on Christmas (6) Eve/ event. They sit on the ground, (7) light / hang fireworks and sing Christmas songs together.

3.2. Here is Paul’s diary.

For questions 1-10, fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Here is an example (0) at the beginning.

This week I (0) have been (be) to a horse club three times. I (1)              (be) there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Monday I (2)                     (ride) Gabriel from 5 to 6. I (3)                 (be) at the sports center this week, too. On Tuesday I (4)               (watch) a football match. On Thursday Bob and I (5)                 (play) tennis in the playground. While we (6)               (play) tennis, it (7)            (start) to rain and we (8)                      (not finish) the game. Yesterday we (9)                . (talk) about the book  Game Boy all day long. All the boys and girls in my class (10)                  (read) it. I (11)                     (read) it, too and recommend it 100%.

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension.

A girl is talking about a holiday called Kwanzaa.

What is it like? For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer a or b.

1 Kwanzaa is …

a an African-American holiday              b an Irish holiday

2 The colours of Kwanzaa are …

a red, yellow ,black                                  b red, green, black

3 People celebrate Kwanzaa for …

a 7 days                                                      b 4 days

4 The rules of Kwanzaa are about …

a friendship                                               b family safety

5 Parents give presents to their children on …

a 26th December                                        b 1st January

2 Reading comprehension.

The Club magazine organized a writing competition My worst trip. Here is Robert’s story.

2.1 Robert’s story is mixed up. Put it in the correct order.

A. Last summer I took a trip to London. My friend and I wanted to spend two weeks in this beautiful city. From Berlin we went by train. Then we took the ship to Dover. From Dover to Victoria station in London we went by bus. The last part of our trip we wanted to travel by taxi, and we got in one of those funny British taxis.

B. “Oh, in London there are six Lancaster Hotels. Can you tell me the address?” asked the taxi driver.

My friend answered, “No, sorry, we can’t. Take us to the next hotel, please.”

C. The driver asked, “Where are you going to?” I said, “One moment.” But I couldn’t find the slip of paper. On the slip there was the name and address of our hotel. “Oh, dear! I have lost it!” I thought. My friend remembered the name and said, “Lancaster Hotel, please.”

D. You have to pay £ 25,” said the driver. I opened my bag. But what was that? A little slip with an address. I thought, “You are silly” and said to the driver, “I have found the address and the name of the hotel. Take us to the Manchester hotel, 45 Bayswater Road, please.”

E. But it wasn’t the right hotel. We were driving from one hotel to another but there was no room in any of the hotels for us. It was six o’clock in the evening and the taxi driver wanted to go home.

2.2 For questions 1-5, mark the sentences with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Robert didn’t forget the address of the hotel.

2 Robert lost the slip of paper with the address of the hotel.

3 The boys didn’t pay £ 25 to the taxi driver.

4 There was no room in the Lancaster Hotel for the boys.

5 The boys knew about the six Lancaster Hotels in London.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar

3.1. Christmas in Australia is very special.

What is it like? Choose the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 

December is one of hottest (0) months / days of the year. But the Australians have a great time. People (1) choose / come presents for their relatives and friends: toy kangaroos and koala bears in Santa hats. Some go the beach on (2) Halloween / Christmas day. They swim, play volleyball or sit around with the family and friends. Santa Claus often wears a swimming costume or funny red (3) shorts / socks. Many Australians have (4) international / traditional Christmas dinner. It is usually turkey and Christmas (5) tree / pudding. Hundreds of people gather together on Christmas (6) Eve/ event. They sit on the ground, (7) light / buy fireworks and sing Christmas songs together.

3.2. Here is Paul’s diary.

For questions 1-10, fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Here is an example (0) at the beginning.

This week I (0) have been (be) to a swimming-pool three times. I (1)              (be) there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Monday I (2)                     (swim)  from 5 to 6. I (3)                 (be) at the sports center this week, too. On Tuesday I (4)               (watch) a football match. On Thursday Bob and I (5)                 (play) football in the playground. While we (6)              (play) football, it (7)            (start) to rain and we (8)                      (not finish) the game. Yesterday we (9)                . (talk) about the film  Star wars all day long. All the boys and girls in my class (10)                  (watch) it. I (11)                      (watch) it, too and recommend it 100%.

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension.

A girl is talking about a holiday called Kwanzaa.

What is it like? For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer a or b.

1 Kwanzaa is …

a an African-American holiday              b a Welsh holiday

2 The colours of Kwanzaa are …

a red, blue, green                                      b red, green, black

3 People celebrate Kwanzaa for …

a 7 days                                                      b 5 days

4 The rules of Kwanzaa are about …

a friendship                                               b piece

5 Parents give presents to their children on …

a 27th December                                        b 1st January

2 Reading comprehension.

The Club magazine organized a writing competition My worst trip. Here is Robert’s story.

2.1 Robert’s story is mixed up. Put it in the correct order.

A. Last summer I took a trip to London. My friend and I wanted to spend two weeks in this beautiful city. From Berlin we went by train. Then we took the ship to Dover. From Dover to Victoria station in London we went by bus. The last part of our trip we wanted to travel by taxi, and we got in one of those funny British taxis.

B. “Oh, in London there are six Lancaster Hotels. Can you tell me the address?” asked the taxi driver.

My friend answered, “No, sorry, we can’t. Take us to the next hotel, please.”

C. The driver asked, “Where are you going to?” I said, “One moment.” But I couldn’t find the slip of paper. On the slip there was the name and address of our hotel. “Oh, dear! I have lost it!” I thought. My friend remembered the name and said, “Lancaster Hotel, please.”

D. You have to pay £ 25,” said the driver. I opened my bag. But what was that? A little slip with an address. I thought, “You are silly” and said to the driver, “I have found the address and the name of the hotel. Take us to the Manchester hotel, 45 Bayswater Road, please.”

E. But it wasn’t the right hotel. We were driving from one hotel to another but there was no room in any of the hotels for us. It was six o’clock in the evening and the taxi driver wanted to go home.

2.2 For questions 1-5, mark the sentences with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Robert  remembered the address of the hotel.

2 Robert lost the slip of paper with the address of the hotel.

3 The boys paid £ 25 to the taxi driver.

4 There was no room in the Manchester Hotel for the boys.

5 The boys didn’t know about the six Lancaster Hotels in London.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar

3.1. Christmas in Australia is very special.

What is it like? Choose the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 

December is one of hottest (0) months / days of the year. But the Australians have a great time. People (1) choose / wrap presents for their relatives and friends: toy kangaroos and koala bears in Santa hats. Some go the beach on (2) Easter / Christmas day. They swim, play volleyball or sit around with the family and friends. Santa Claus often wears a swimming costume or funny red (3) shorts / shoes. Many Australians have (4) local / traditional Christmas dinner. It is usually turkey and Christmas (5) lights / pudding. Hundreds of people gather together on Christmas (6) Eve/ evening. They sit on the ground, (7) light / sell fireworks and sing Christmas songs together.

3.2. Here is Paul’s diary.

For questions 1-10, fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Here is an example (0) at the beginning.

This week I (0) have been (be) to a library three times. I (1)              (be) there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Monday I (2)                     (read) Harry Potter from 5 to 6. I (3)                 (be) at the sports center this week, too. On Tuesday I (4)               (visit) my grandparents. On Thursday Bob and I (5)                 (play) tennis in the playground. While we (6)             (play) tennis, it (7)              (start) to rain and we (8)                      (not finish) the game. Yesterday we (9)                . (talk) about the game Game Boy all day long. All the boys and girls in my class (10)                  (read) it. I (11)                    (read) it, too and recommend it 100%.

Variant 4

  1. Listening comprehension.

A girl is talking about a holiday called Kwanzaa.

What is it like? For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer a or b.

1 Kwanzaa is …

a an African-American holiday              b a French holiday

2 The colours of Kwanzaa are …

a red, purple ,black                                      b red, green, black

3 People celebrate Kwanzaa for …

a 7 days                                                      b 2 days

4 The rules of Kwanzaa are about …

a friendship                                               b protection of nature

5 Parents give presents to their children on …

a 30th December                                        b 1st January

2. Reading comprehension.

The Club magazine organized a writing competition My worst trip. Here is Robert’s story.

2.1 Robert’s story is mixed up. Put it in the correct order.

A. Last summer I took a trip to London. My friend and I wanted to spend two weeks in this beautiful city. From Berlin we went by train. Then we took the ship to Dover. From Dover to Victoria station in London we went by bus. The last part of our trip we wanted to travel by taxi, and we got in one of those funny British taxis.

B. “Oh, in London there are six Lancaster Hotels. Can you tell me the address?” asked the taxi driver.

My friend answered, “No, sorry, we can’t. Take us to the next hotel, please.”

C. The driver asked, “Where are you going to?” I said, “One moment.” But I couldn’t find the slip of paper. On the slip there was the name and address of our hotel. “Oh, dear! I have lost it!” I thought. My friend remembered the name and said, “Lancaster Hotel, please.”

D. You have to pay £ 25,” said the driver. I opened my bag. But what was that? A little slip with an address. I thought, “You are silly” and said to the driver, “I have found the address and the name of the hotel. Take us to the Manchester hotel, 45 Bayswater Road, please.”

E. But it wasn’t the right hotel. We were driving from one hotel to another but there was no room in any of the hotels for us. It was six o’clock in the evening and the taxi driver wanted to go home.

2.2 For questions 1-5, mark the sentences with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Robert forgot the address of the hotel.

2 Robert lost the slip of paper with the address of the hotel.

3 The boys  paid £ 50 to the taxi driver.

4 There was a room in the Lancaster Hotel for the boys.

5 The boys didn’t know about the six Lancaster Hotels in London.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar

3.1. Christmas in Australia is very special.

What is it like? Choose the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 

December is one of hottest (0) months / days of the year. But the Australians have a great time. People (1) choose / sell presents for their relatives and friends: toy kangaroos and koala bears in Santa hats. Some go the beach on (2) Easter / Christmas day. They swim, play volleyball or sit around with the family and friends. Santa Claus often wears a swimming costume or funny red (3) shorts / boots. Many Australians have (4) world / traditional Christmas dinner. It is usually turkey and Christmas (5) drinks / pudding. Hundreds of people gather together on Christmas (6) Eve/ morning. They sit on the ground, (7) light / throw fireworks and sing Christmas songs together.

3.2. Here is Paul’s diary.

For questions 1-10, fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Here is an example (0) at the beginning.

This week I (0) have been (be) to a local art gallery three times. I (1)              (be) there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Monday I (2)                     (enjoy) new pictures from 5 to 6. I (3)                 (be) at the sports center this week, too. On Tuesday I (4)               (go out) with my friends. On Thursday Bob and I (5)                 (play) tennis in the playground. While we (6)             (play) tennis, it (7)            (start) to rain and we (8)                      (not finish) the game. Yesterday we (9)                . (discuss) the book  Game Boy all day long. All the boys and girls in my class (10)                  (read) it. I (11)                    (read) it, too and recommend it 100%.

Test-paper 4  5th grade Kuzavlev V.P., Lapa N.M.

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

Stuart is talking about his trip.

Match the things he is talking about (1-7) with his impressions of them (a-j). There are 2 extra answers I the second column.

1     . 2     . 3      . 4        . 5      . 6       . 7      .    

Stuart is talking about                                  His opinion

  1. The trip                                                 a  great
  2. The hotel                                              b  I liked it very much
  3. The museums                                       c  the best I’ve ever had
  4. The trip to Windsor                              d  interesting
  5. The theme park                                     e  wonderful
  6. The weather                                          f  not very good
  7. The holidays                                         g  cool

                                                                        h  fantastic

                                                                        i  nice

  1. Reading comprehension.

Nancy and Michael have come to visit Robin and his grandfather.

Mark the statements (1-8) true (T) or false (F).

  1.       Robin is sick and his friends want to help him.
  2.      The grandfather’s puzzle box is very important for Robin.
  3.      Nancy and Michael can open the puzzle box.
  4.      Nancy and Michael don’t know the secret of the box.
  5.      The grandfather knows where the box is.
  6.      Carol has got the puzzle box.
  7.      It is a secret how the box can help.
  8.      Robin hopes that the puzzle box will help him.

Nancy and Michael have come to Robin’s room. Robin is in bed. He is sick and weak and Nancy and Michael feel sorry for him. They want to help. Robin gives them a big smile.

“I know why you are here,” Robin tells them. “You are going to find grandfather’s puzzle box.”

“Yes, we are. We think we can help you soon.” “I hope we’ll play football and do many other things together,” Michael says.

“Oh, good,” says Robin. “Please find that box.” “We will,” Michael and Nancy go back into the living room. Mr. Hall, Robin’s grandfather, is waiting for them.

“Uncle Ben,” Nancy says, “we don’t really understand. You wrote to me, but how can the puzzle box help Robin?”

“You can see that Robin is very sick. The operation will be very expensive. We don’t have much money. The puzzle box is very important for us. It is the only way to get money. It’s a secret box. Nobody can open it. The box has been in our family for a long time. My father told me how to open it.”

“But now will the box help? Is there money in it?” asks Michael.

“Ah” Mr. Hall says.  “That is a secret, too. Will you find the box for me?”

“We will. But there is the box?”

“I don’t know. Maybe one of our relatives has the box now.”

“But how are you going to find out where the box is?”

“I’ll call Carol. She lives in Boston. She may know something about the box. I’ll call her and tell her that you are coming.”

“When shall we leave?”

“Today. The operation will be in two months. We must hurry up or Robin won’t live.”

“We’ll find the box.”

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar
  1. Mary and Philip Swan are talking to a travel agent about future holidays.

For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

  • Would you like to (0) tour Europe during your holidays?
  • No, thank you, we are looking for a 10 or 15 days’ (1)                   in the Pacific Ocean.
  • There is a wonderful trip around Australia and New Zealand.
  • Great! Is it (2)                            ?
  • About 2000 dollars. (3)                                to Australia by ship?
  • No, it’s a long way. We think we (4)                          to Australia by plane.
  • That’s fine. I think you can travel (5)                     the ship The Sun Princess. It’s a wonderful place to (6)                      and have fun.
  • Are there any special activities for children?  (7)                       our own games for our 8-year-old son?
  • No, you needn’t, they are happy to have children on board!  Your son  (8)          play water games, take part in toy boat races and beach parties. Here is a children’s only pool on the ship. Maybe he (9)                            in the swimming competition.
  • Well, the voyage starts on 15 August. Then we (10)                     Australia on 14 August.
  • Fine. I hope you (11)                         your trip.
  1. a  come                          b   tour                          c  choose
  2. a   show                         b   break                        c   voyage
  3. a   expensive                b   boring                       c   dangerous
  4. a   Are you going         b   Do you go                 c   When are you going
  5. a   are going to go/      b   will go/                     c   are going/ are flying

     are going to fly          will fly

  1. a   in                               b   on board                   c   at
  2. a   relax                         b   know                          c   change
  3. a   Are we taking         b   Will we take              c   Shall we take
  4. a   shall                          b   will                              c   is going to
  5. a   will take part           b   is going to                  c   is taking part

                                                  take part

  1. a are going to             b   are arriving at            c   are arriving in

             arrive in

  1. a  are going to        b  will enjoy                     c   are enjoying


  1. Writing.

Write a letter to your pen friend about your hometown holiday/fair.  (60-70 words).

Don’t forget to write:

  • what events there were in your hometown;
  • when they were;
  • what the people did;
  • what you did;
  • what your impressions were.

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension.

Stuart is talking about his trip.

Match the things he is talking about (1-7) with his impressions of them (a-j). There are 2 extra answers I the second column.

1     . 2     . 3      . 4        . 5      . 6       . 7      .    

Stuart is talking about                                  His opinion

1.The trip                                                 a  great

  1. The hotel                                              b  well-known
  2. The museums                                       c  the best I’ve ever had
  3. The trip to Windsor                              d  interesting
  4. The theme park                                     e  wonderful
  5. The weather                                          f  not very good
  6. The holidays                                         g  exciting

                                                                        h  fantastic

                                                                        i  nice

  1. Reading comprehension.

Nancy and Michael have come to visit Robin and his grandfather.

Mark the statements (1-8) true (T) or false (F).

1.      Robin is sick and his friends want to help him.

2.     The grandfather’s puzzle box is very important for Robin.

3.     Robin can open the puzzle box.

  1.      Nancy and Michael don’t know the secret of the box.
  2.      The box is in the house.
  3.      Robin has got the puzzle box.
  4.      It is a secret how the box can help.
  5.      Robin hopes that the puzzle box will help him.

Nancy and Michael have come to Robin’s room. Robin is in bed. He is sick and weak and Nancy and Michael feel sorry for him. They want to help. Robin gives them a big smile.

“I know why you are here,” Robin tells them. “You are going to find grandfather’s puzzle box.”

“Yes, we are. We think we can help you soon.” “I hope we’ll play football and do many other things together,” Michael says.

“Oh, good,” says Robin. “Please find that box.” “We will,” Michael and Nancy go back into the living room. Mr. Hall, Robin’s grandfather, is waiting for them.

“Uncle Ben,” Nancy says, “we don’t really understand. You wrote to me, but how can the puzzle box help Robin?”

“You can see that Robin is very sick. The operation will be very expensive. We don’t have much money. The puzzle box is very important for us. It is the only way to get money. It’s a secret box. Nobody can open it. The box has been in our family for a long time. My father told me how to open it.”

“But now will the box help? Is there money in it?” asks Michael.

“Ah” Mr. Hall says.  “That is a secret, too. Will you find the box for me?”

“We will. But there is the box?”

“I don’t know. Maybe one of our relatives has the box now.”

“But how are you going to find out where the box is?”

“I’ll call Carol. She lives in Boston. She may know something about the box. I’ll call her and tell her that you are coming.”

“When shall we leave?”

“Today. The operation will be in two months. We must hurry up or Robin won’t live.”

“We’ll find the box.”

         3. Vocabulary/Grammar

  1. Mary and Philip Swan are talking to a travel agent about future holidays.

For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

  • Would you like to (0) tour Europe during your holidays?
  • No, thank you, we are looking for a 10 or 15 days’ (1)                   in the Pacific Ocean.
  • There is a wonderful trip around Australia and New Zealand.
  • Great! Is it (2)                            ?
  • About 2000 dollars. (3)                                to Australia by ship?
  • No, it’s a long way. We think we (4)                          to Australia by plane.
  • That’s fine. I think you can travel (5)                     the ship The Sun Princess. It’s a wonderful place to (6)                      and have fun.
  • Are there any special activities for children?  (7)                       our own games for our 8-year-old son?
  • No, you needn’t, they are happy to have children on board!  Your son  (8)          play water games, take part in toy boat races and beach parties. Here is a children’s only pool on the ship. Maybe he (9)                            in the swimming competition.
  • Well, the voyage starts on 15 August. Then we (10)                     Australia on 14 August.
  • Fine. I hope you (11)                         your trip.
  1. a  come                          b   tour                          c  choose
  2. a   performance            b   break                        c   voyage
  3. a   expensive                 b   exciting                     c   dangerous
  4. a   Are you going          b   Did you go                c   When are you going
  5. a   are going to go/      b   will go/                      c   are going/ are flying

     are going to fly          will fly

  1. a   in                               b   on board                   c   for
  2. a   relax                         b   understand                c   change
  3. a   Are we taking         b   Will we take              c   Shall we take
  4. a   shall                          b   will                              c   is going to
  5. a   will take part               b   is going to                  c   is taking part

                                                      take part

  1. a are going to              b   are leaving at            c   are arriving in

          arrive in

  1. a  are going to             b  will enjoy                     c   are enjoying


  1. Writing.

Write a letter to your pen friend about your hometown holiday/fair.  (60-70 words).

Don’t forget to write:

  • what events there were in your hometown;
  • when they were;
  • what the people did;
  • what you did;
  • what your impressions were.

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension.

Stuart is talking about his trip.

Match the things he is talking about (1-7) with his impressions of them (a-j). There are 2 extra answers I the second column.

1     . 2     . 3      . 4        . 5      . 6       . 7      .    

Stuart is talking about                                  His opinion

  1. The trip                                                 a  great
  2. The hotel                                              b  I hate it
  3. The museums                                       c  the best I’ve ever had
  4. The trip to Windsor                              d  interesting
  5. The theme park                                     e  wonderful
  6. The weather                                          f  not very good
  7. The holidays                                         g  traditional

                                                                        h  fantastic

                                                                        i  nice

2. Reading comprehension.

Nancy and Michael have come to visit Robin and his grandfather.

Mark the statements (1-8) true (T) or false (F).

1.      Robin is sick and his friends want to help him.

2.     The grandfather’s puzzle box is very important for Robin.

3.     Nancy and Michael have found the puzzle box.

4.     Nancy and Michael don’t know the secret of the box.

5.     The grandfather knows where the box is.

6.     Carol has opened the puzzle box.

7.     It is a secret how the box can help.

8.     Robin hopes that the puzzle box will help him.

Nancy and Michael have come to Robin’s room. Robin is in bed. He is sick and weak and Nancy and Michael feel sorry for him. They want to help. Robin gives them a big smile.

“I know why you are here,” Robin tells them. “You are going to find grandfather’s puzzle box.”

“Yes, we are. We think we can help you soon.” “I hope we’ll play football and do many other things together,” Michael says.

“Oh, good,” says Robin. “Please find that box.” “We will,” Michael and Nancy go back into the living room. Mr. Hall, Robin’s grandfather, is waiting for them.

“Uncle Ben,” Nancy says, “we don’t really understand. You wrote to me, but how can the puzzle box help Robin?”

“You can see that Robin is very sick. The operation will be very expensive. We don’t have much money. The puzzle box is very important for us. It is the only way to get money. It’s a secret box. Nobody can open it. The box has been in our family for a long time. My father told me how to open it.”

“But now will the box help? Is there money in it?” asks Michael.

“Ah” Mr. Hall says.  “That is a secret, too. Will you find the box for me?”

“We will. But there is the box?”

“I don’t know. Maybe one of our relatives has the box now.”

“But how are you going to find out where the box is?”

“I’ll call Carol. She lives in Boston. She may know something about the box. I’ll call her and tell her that you are coming.”

“When shall we leave?”

“Today. The operation will be in two months. We must hurry up or Robin won’t live.”

“We’ll find the box.”

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar
  1. Mary and Philip Swan are talking to a travel agent about future holidays.

For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

  • Would you like to (0) tour Europe during your holidays?
  • No, thank you, we are looking for a 10 or 15 days’ (1)                   in the Pacific Ocean.
  • There is a wonderful trip around Australia and New Zealand.
  • Great! Is it (2)                            ?
  • About 2000 dollars. (3)                                to Australia by ship?
  • No, it’s a long way. We think we (4)                          to Australia by plane.
  • That’s fine. I think you can travel (5)                     the ship The Sun Princess. It’s a wonderful place to (6)                      and have fun.
  • Are there any special activities for children?  (7)                       our own games for our 8-year-old son?
  • No, you needn’t, they are happy to have children on board!  Your son  (8)          play water games, take part in toy boat races and beach parties. Here is a children’s only pool on the ship. Maybe he (9)                            in the swimming competition.
  • Well, the voyage starts on 15 August. Then we (10)                     Australia on 14 August.
  • Fine. I hope you (11)                         your trip.
  1. a  come                          b   tour                          c  choose
  2. a   show                         b   plan                          c   voyage
  3. a   expensive                b   boring                       c   interesting
  4. a   Are you going         b   Do you go                 c   Why are you going
  5. a   are going to go/      b   will go/                     c   are going/ are flying

     are going to fly          will fly

  1. a   from                          b   on board                   c   at
  2. a   relax                          b   forget                        c   change
  3. a   Are we taking         b   Will we take              c   Shall we take
  4. a   shall                          b   will                              c   is going to
  5. a   will take part             b   is going to                   c   is taking part

                                                    take part

  1. a are going to             b   are arriving from        c   are arriving in

             arrive in

  1. a  are going to            b  will enjoy                     c   are enjoying


  1. Writing.

Write a letter to your pen friend about your hometown holiday/fair.  (60-70 words).

Don’t forget to write:

  • what events there were in your hometown;
  • when they were;
  • what the people did;
  • what you did;
  • what your impressions were.

Variant 4

  1. Listening comprehension.

Stuart is talking about his trip.

Match the things he is talking about (1-7) with his impressions of them (a-j). There are 2 extra answers I the second column.

1     . 2     . 3      . 4        . 5      . 6       . 7      .    

Stuart is talking about                                  His opinion

1.The trip                                                 a  great

  1. The hotel                                              b  I didn’t visit it
  2. The museums                                       c  the best I’ve ever had
  3. The trip to Windsor                              d  interesting
  4. The theme park                                     e  wonderful
  5. The weather                                          f  not very good
  6. The holidays                                         g  special

                                                                        h  fantastic

                                                                        i  nice

2. Reading comprehension.

Nancy and Michael have come to visit Robin and his grandfather.

Mark the statements (1-8) true (T) or false (F).

1.      Robin is sick and his friends want to help him.

2.     The grandfather’s puzzle box is very important for Robin.

3.     Nancy and Michael can open the puzzle box.

4.     Nancy and Michael don’t know the secret of the box.

5.     The grandfather has enough money for Robin’s operation.

6.     Carol has got the puzzle box.

7.     It is a secret how the box can help.

8.     Nancy and Mark hope that they’ll find the puzzle box.

Nancy and Michael have come to Robin’s room. Robin is in bed. He is sick and weak and Nancy and Michael feel sorry for him. They want to help. Robin gives them a big smile.

“I know why you are here,” Robin tells them. “You are going to find grandfather’s puzzle box.”

“Yes, we are. We think we can help you soon.” “I hope we’ll play football and do many other things together,” Michael says.

“Oh, good,” says Robin. “Please find that box.” “We will,” Michael and Nancy go back into the living room. Mr. Hall, Robin’s grandfather, is waiting for them.

“Uncle Ben,” Nancy says, “we don’t really understand. You wrote to me, but how can the puzzle box help Robin?”

“You can see that Robin is very sick. The operation will be very expensive. We don’t have much money. The puzzle box is very important for us. It is the only way to get money. It’s a secret box. Nobody can open it. The box has been in our family for a long time. My father told me how to open it.”

“But now will the box help? Is there money in it?” asks Michael.

“Ah” Mr. Hall says.  “That is a secret, too. Will you find the box for me?”

“We will. But there is the box?”

“I don’t know. Maybe one of our relatives has the box now.”

“But how are you going to find out where the box is?”

“I’ll call Carol. She lives in Boston. She may know something about the box. I’ll call her and tell her that you are coming.”

“When shall we leave?”

“Today. The operation will be in two months. We must hurry up or Robin won’t live.”

“We’ll find the box.”

3. Vocabulary/Grammar


Mary and Philip Swan are talking to a travel agent about future holidays.

For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

  • Would you like to (0) tour Europe during your holidays?
  • No, thank you, we are looking for a 10 or 15 days’ (1)                   in the Pacific Ocean.
  • There is a wonderful trip around Australia and New Zealand.
  • Great! Is it (2)                            ?
  • About 2000 dollars. (3)                                to Australia by ship?
  • No, it’s a long way. We think we (4)                          to Australia by plane.
  • That’s fine. I think you can travel (5)                     the ship The Sun Princess. It’s a wonderful place to (6)                      and have fun.
  • Are there any special activities for children?  (7)                       our own games for our 8-year-old son?
  • No, you needn’t, they are happy to have children on board!  Your son  (8)          play water games, take part in toy boat races and beach parties. Here is a children’s only pool on the ship. Maybe he (9)                            in the swimming competition.
  • Well, the voyage starts on 15 August. Then we (10)                     Australia on 14 August.
  • Fine. I hope you (11)                         your trip.
  1. a  come                          b   tour                          c  choose
  2. a   play                           b   break                        c   voyage
  3. a   expensive                b   great                         c   dangerous
  4. a   Are you going         b   Do you go                     c   Where are you going
  5. a   are going to go/      b   will go/will fly              c   are going/ are flying

     are going to fly          

  1. a   with                            b   on board                      c   at
  2. a   relax                           b   start                              c   change
  3. a   Are we taking           b   Will we take                c   Shall we take
  4. a   shall                            b   will                               c   is going to
  5. a   will take part             b   is going to                   c   is taking part

                                                    take part

  1. a are going to            b   are arriving at            c   are arriving in

             arrive in

  1. a  are going to           b  will enjoy                     c   shall enjoy



Write a letter to your pen friend about your hometown holiday/fair.  (60-70 words).

Don’t forget to write:

  • what events there were in your hometown;
  • when they were;
  • what the people did;
  • what you did;
  • what your impressions were.


Test-paper 1

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

      Текст для аудирования:

  • Where were you during your summer holidays, Katie?
  • We went on a trip to France.
  • Did you enjoy the trip?
  • Yes, I did. Very much. We spent all days near the river. I am happy because I learnt to swim. My brother often went horse-riding. It’s his hobby. Dad was happy too because he could fish every day.
  • How long did you stay there?
  • Two weeks.
  • What was the weather like?
  • Very nice.
  • I see you really had a great time.

Keys: 1. T; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. T; 6. F; 7 F.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1.B; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B;

3. Vocabulary/ Grammar


Keys: 1. B; 2. C; 3. C; 4. A; 5. C; 6. A; 7. B; 8. A; 9. B.


Keys: 1. spend; 2. were; 3. had; 4. swam; 5. fished; 6. rode; 7. was; 8. will go.


Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A.

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension.

      Текст для аудирования:

  • Where were you during your summer holidays, Katie?
  • We went on a trip to France.
  • Did you enjoy the trip?
  • Yes, I did. Very much. We spent all days near the river. I am happy because I learnt to swim. My brother often went horse-riding. It’s his hobby. Dad was happy too because he could fish every day.
  • How long did you stay there?
  • Two weeks.
  • What was the weather like?
  • Very nice.
  • I see you really had a great time.

Keys: 1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. F; 7 T.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1.B; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B;

3. Vocabulary/ Grammar


Keys: 1. B; 2. C; 3. C; 4. A; 5. C; 6. A; 7. B; 8. A; 9. B.


Keys: 1. spend; 2. were; 3. had; 4. swam; 5. fished; 6. rode; 7. was; 8. will go.


Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A.

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension.

      Текст для аудирования:

  • Where were you during your summer holidays, Katie?
  • We went on a trip to France.
  • Did you enjoy the trip?
  • Yes, I did. Very much. We spent all days near the river. I am happy because I learnt to swim. My brother often went horse-riding. It’s his hobby. Dad was happy too because he could fish every day.
  • How long did you stay there?
  • Two weeks.
  • What was the weather like?
  • Very nice.
  • I see you really had a great time.

Keys: 1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F; 6. F; 7 T.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1.B; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B;

3. Vocabulary/ Grammar


Keys: 1. B; 2. C; 3. C; 4. A; 5. C; 6. A; 7. B; 8. A; 9. B.


Keys: 1. spend; 2. were; 3. had; 4. swam; 5. fished; 6. rode; 7. was; 8. will go.


Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A.

Variant 4

  1. Listening comprehension.

      Текст для аудирования:

  • Where were you during your summer holidays, Katie?
  • We went on a trip to France.
  • Did you enjoy the trip?
  • Yes, I did. Very much. We spent all days near the river. I am happy because I learnt to swim. My brother often went horse-riding. It’s his hobby. Dad was happy too because he could fish every day.
  • How long did you stay there?
  • Two weeks.
  • What was the weather like?
  • Very nice.
  • I see you really had a great time.

Keys: 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T; 6. T; 7. F.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1. B; 2. A; 3. A; 4. B;

3. Vocabulary/ Grammar


Keys: 1. B; 2. C; 3. C; 4. A; 5. C; 6. A; 7. B; 8. A; 9. B.


Keys: 1. spend; 2. were; 3. had; 4. swam; 5. fished; 6. rode; 7. was; 8. will go.


Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A.

Test- paper 2

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension

Текст для аудирования:

  1. Katie loves singing. She has sung since she was 3. She often sings in the school concerts. She has already sung in the choir for 5 years.
  2. Molly plays tennis. She has played tennis since she was 6. She has won two tennis competitions.
  3. Laura paints really well. She likes presenting her friends with her paintings. She has painted for 5 years. But she hasn’t had an exhibition yet.
  4. Timothy wants to be an actor. He has performed in concerts since he was 6. But now he is fond of pantomime. He has done pantomime for 2 years.
  5. Andy likes music. He can play different musical instruments. He can play the violin and the piano. He has played the piano since he was 7 and he has played the violin for 3 years.
  6. Shannon and John are fond of dancing. They can perform different dances. They have performed folk dances for 9 years. But they have performed ballet dances since they were 8.

Keys: 1. for 5 years; 2. since she was 6; 3. for 5 years; 4. for 2 years; 5. for 3 years;      6. since they were 8.

2.Reading comprehension.


Lord of the Rings; The Simpsons; The Sims; Sonic the Hedgehog.


        1.√; 2.√; 4.√; 5.√; 6.√.


Keys: 1. leaves, water; 2. local, soft; 3. pick up, neighbourhood; 4. secondhand; 5. choir; 6. elderly, invitations; 7. folk.

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension

Keys: 1. for 5 years; 2. since she was 6; 3. for 5 years; 4. for 2 years; 5. for 3 years;      6. since they were 8.

2.Reading comprehension.


Lord of the Rings; The Simpsons; The Sims; Sonic the Hedgehog.


        1.√; 2.√; 4.√; 5.√; 6.√.

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension

Keys: 1. for 5 years; 2. since she was 6; 3. for 5 years; 4. for 2 years; 5. for 3 years;      6. since they were 8.

2.Reading comprehension.


Lord of the Rings; The Simpsons; The Sims; Sonic the Hedgehog.


        1.√; 2.√; 4.√; 5.√; 6.√.

Variant 4

  1. Listening comprehension

Keys: 1. for 5 years; 2. since she was 6; 3. for 5 years; 4. for 2 years; 5. for 3 years;      6. since they were 8.

2.Reading comprehension.


Lord of the Rings; The Simpsons; The Sims; Sonic the Hedgehog.


        1.√; 2.√; 4.√; 6.√.

Test-paper 3

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

Текст для аудирования:

African-American families celebrate Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa starts on 26th December and finishes on 1st January. People decorate their houses with red, green and black, the colours of Kwanzaa. There are seven principles or rules of Kwanzaa and on each day, people remember a different rule. Every morning, someone lights a lamp and talks about the day’s rule.

These rules are:

  1. Family and friends are very important.
  2. Decide what is best for you and other people.
  3. Work together.
  4. Help people.
  5. Do your best for yourself and other people.
  6. Have new ideas.
  7. Think about your culture and your family.

On 31st December, there is a big dinner that the family makes together and the next day parents give presents to their children.

Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. A; 5. B.

  1. Reading comprehension.


Keys: A, C, B, E, D.


Keys: 1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar.


  1. choose; 2. Christmas; 3. shorts; 4. traditional; 5. pudding; 6. eve; 7. light.


     1. was; 2. was riding; 3. have been; 4. watched; 5. played; 6. were playing; 7. started; 8. didn’t finish; 9. were talking; 10. have read; 11. have read.

Variant 2 

      Listening comprehension.

Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. A; 5. B.

  1. Reading comprehension.


Keys: A, C, B, E, D.


Keys: 1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar.


  1. choose; 2. Christmas; 3. shorts; 4. traditional; 5. pudding; 6. eve; 7. light.


     1. was; 2. was riding; 3. have been; 4. watched; 5. played; 6. were playing; 7. started; 8. didn’t finish; 9. were talking; 10. have read; 11. have read.

Variant 3

      Listening comprehension.

Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. A; 5. B.

  1. Reading comprehension.


Keys: A, C, B, E, D.


Keys: 1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar.


  1. choose; 2. Christmas; 3. shorts; 4. traditional; 5. pudding; 6. eve; 7. light.


     1. was; 2. was riding; 3. have been; 4. watched; 5. played; 6. were playing; 7. started; 8. didn’t finish; 9. were talking; 10. have read; 11. have read.

Variant 4

      Listening comprehension.

Keys: 1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. A; 5. B.

  1. Reading comprehension.


Keys: A, C, B, E, D.


Keys: 1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T.

3. Vocabulary/Grammar.


  1. choose; 2. Christmas; 3. shorts; 4. traditional; 5. pudding; 6. eve; 7. light.


     1. was; 2. was riding; 3. have been; 4. watched; 5. played; 6. were playing; 7. started; 8. didn’t finish; 9. were talking; 10. have read; 11. have read.

Test-paper 4

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

      Текст для аудирования:

We are touring around England. I’m enjoying the trip. It’s great. We are staying at a London hotel. Yesterday we saw a lot of interesting places in the capital. I think the museums are wonderful. We also went on some trips to other cities: Windsor, and Oxford for example. The trip to Windsor was an interesting experience. Best of all I liked the theme park, Legoland in Windsor. It was fantastic! Well, the weather is nice too. It hasn’t rained and it has been warm. I think we’ll come to London next year, too. But we won’t stay at the same hotel. It isn’t very good. On the whole, this is the best holiday I’ve ever had.

Keys: 1. a; 2. f; 3. e; 4. d; 5. h; 6. i; 7. c.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1.T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. F; 7. T; 8. T.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar


    1. c;  2. a;  3. a;  4. b;  5. b;  6. a;  7. c;  8. b;  9. a;  10. c;  11. b.

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension.

Keys: 1. a; 2. f; 3. e; 4. d; 5. h; 6. i; 7. c.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1.T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. F; 7. T; 8. T.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar


    1. c;  2. a;  3. a;  4. b;  5. b;  6. a;  7. c;  8. b;  9. a;  10. c;  11. b.

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension.

Keys: 1. a; 2. f; 3. e; 4. d; 5. h; 6. i; 7. c.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1.T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. F; 7. T; 8. T.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar


    1. c;  2. a;  3. a;  4. b;  5. b;  6. a;  7. c;  8. b;  9. a;  10. c;  11. b.

Variant 4

  1. Listening comprehension.

Keys: 1. a; 2. f; 3. e; 4. d; 5. h; 6. i; 7. c.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Keys: 1.T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. F; 7. T; 8. T.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar


    1. c;  2. a;  3. a;  4. b;  5. b;  6. a;  7. c;  8. b;  9. a;  10. c;  11. b.

1. Here are some tips on using the Internet. Choose the best variant a перевод - 1. Here are some tips on using the Internet. Choose the best variant a русский как сказать

  • Текст
  • Веб-страница

1. Here are some tips on using the Internet. Choose the best variant a,b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about rules for using the Internet, Always (1) ____ these rules. People from all over fhe world can (2) ____ you. They are (3) ____ to you.Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4) ____. You shouldn’t give out your (5)____ address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents’ (6) _____ . Be very (7) ____ of any people (8)___ they ask you to come to some place , or ask you to give money. You shouldn’t write e-mail (9) ____ all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.
(0) a parents 1 a care about 2 a tell 3 a adults 4 a safe 5 a permission 6 a permission 7 a care 8 a if 9 a rules
b adults b follow b check b friends b dangerous b tips b message b cautious b because b messages
c sisters c arque c contact c strangers c cautious c address c contact c dangerous c before c nicknames
2. Kerry talks about her first school days.
1) Choose the best word or phrase (a or b). There is an example (0) at the beginning.
I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends .I(1)hurry because on the first day I(2) ___ be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3) _____ go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4) ____ get our homework diaries. Then we (5) ____ to find our classes and meet our teachers.

0 A) can
1 A) don’t have to 2 A) may
3 A) should
4 A) don’t have to
5 A) have
b) have to
b) mustn’t b) have to
b) shouldn’t
b) might
b) must

2) Complete each sentence. Use may/might, must. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
0 Perhaps Kerry has got a lot of friends at school.
Kerry may have a lot of friends at school.
1 I’m sure Kerry has some school rules.
Kerry ____ some school rules.
2 Perhaps Kerry wears a school uniform.
Kerry ____ a school uniform.
3 I’m sure Kerry has computer lessons at school.
Kerry____ computer lessons at school.
4 Perhaps Kerry’s school is not very big.
Kerry’s school ____ verry big.
5 I’m sure Kerry is a pupil of a London school because she lives in London.
Kerry ____a pupil of a London school.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


1. Вот несколько советов по использованию Интернета. Выбрать оптимальный вариант а, b или c. Есть пример (0) в начале. Поговорите с вашими родителями (0) о правилах пользования Интернетом, всегда (1) ___ настоящих правил. Люди из всех уголков fhe мира может (2) ___ вас. Они (3) ___ к вам. Не забывайте об этом, когда вы находитесь в сети, и вы будете (4) ___. Вы не должны дать (5) ___ адрес, номер телефона, родителей рабочий адрес/телефонный номер без ваших родителей (6) ___. Быть очень (7) ___ ___ любой человек (8), что они просят вас прийти к некоторым место, или попросить вас дать деньги. Вы не должны написать e-mail (9) ___ все в ПРОПИСНЫЕ БУКВЫ, люди могут думать, что вы сердитесь. (0) родители 1 а Уход за около 2 скажите 3 a взрослых 4 безопасное 5 a разрешение 6 a разрешение 7 a уход 8 а если 9 правил b взрослые b следовать b проверить b друзья b опасные b советы b сообщение b осторожный b потому что b сообщения c сестры c arque c контакт c незарегистрированным c осторожный c адрес c контакт с опасным c до c прозвища 2. Керри говорит о ее первых школьных дней. 1) выбрать лучшее слово или фразу (или b). Есть пример (0) в начале. Мне нравится, вернуться в школу, потому что я (0) может увидеть все мои друзья. I (1) спешить, потому что на первый день I(2) ___ быть в школе только в 9 часов. В школе я встречаю моих друзей, и мы (3) ___ идти к нашему классу. Мы получаем информацию о наших новых классов, и мы (4) ___ получить наши домашние дневники. Тогда мы (5) ___ наши классы и встретить наших учителей. 0 A) может1 A) не должны 2 A) мая3 A) следует4 A) не должны5 A) иметьb) должны b) не должны b) должныb) не должен b) может b) должны 2) заполните каждое предложение. Использование Май/возможно, необходимо. Есть пример (0) в начале. 0 может быть Керри получил много друзей в школе. Керри может иметь много друзей в школе.1 я уверен, что у Керри есть некоторые школьные правила. Керри ___ некоторые школьные правила. 2 может быть Керри носит школьную форму.___ Керри школьную форму. 3 я уверен, что у Керри есть компьютерные уроки в школе.Kerry___ Компьютерные уроки в школе. 4 может быть Керри школа не является очень большой.Керри школа ___ verry большой. 5 я уверен, что Керри является учеником Лондонской школы потому, что она живет в Лондоне. Керри ___a ученик Лондонской школы.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


1.вот несколько советов по использованию интернета.выбрать лучший вариант A, B или C. существует пример (0) в начале.поговорим с вашей (0) родителей о правилах использования интернета, всегда (1) ____ этих правил.люди со всего мира могли бы (2) ____ тебя.они (3) ____ тебе. не забудь об этом, когда ты в сети, и вы будете (4) ____.ты не давал свой (5) ____ адрес, номер телефона, адрес места работы родителей / телефон без родителей (6) _____.весьма (7) ____ любой человек (8) ___ они просил вас прийти в какое — то место, и прошу вас дать денег.ты не должен писать по электронной почте (9) ____ все заглавными буквами, люди могут думать, что ты зол.(0) родителей 1 волнует 2 сказать 3 взрослых 4 сейфа 5 разрешение 6 разрешение 7 — 8, если 9 правила уходаb взрослых в последующие проверки в друзья в опасных B в советы b сообщение в осторожный B, потому что b сообщенияC сестры с arque c контакт с незнакомцами с осторожным с решения с контакта с опасными c до C прозвища2.керри говорит о ее первых школьных дней.1) выбрать лучшие слова или фразы (A или B).есть пример (0) в начале.я хотел вернуться в школу, потому что я (0) можно увидеть все мои друзья. я (1) быстрее, потому что в первый же день я (2) ___ быть в школе только в 9 часов.в школе я познакомился с друзьями, и мы (3) _____ идти в нашем классе.мы получаем информацию о наших новых сортов, и мы (4) ____ получить наше задание — дневники.тогда мы (5) ____ найти наши занятия, и наши учителя.0)1) не нужно 2)3)4) не нужно5)b) придетсяb) нельзя, b) придетсяb) неb), возможно,b)2) полное каждое предложение.использование может /, возможно, должны.есть пример (0) в начале.0, возможно, керри есть много друзей в школе.керри может иметь много друзей в школе.1 — я уверен, что керри некоторых школьных правил.керри ____ некоторых школьных правил.2, возможно, керри носит школьную форму.керри ____ школьную форму.3 — я уверен, что керри компьютер уроки в школе.kerry____ компьютер уроки в школе.4, возможно, керри в школе не очень большой.керри в школе ____ verry большой.5 уверен, керри — ученик школы в лондоне, потому что она живет в лондоне.керри ____a ученика лондонской школы.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • sure here you are
  • Работа занимает много времени
  • You look great, care to chat
  • Many British people drink beer men and w
  • Я хочу пойти в магазин
  • Dave dreams of becoming president one da
  • Я хочу пойти в магазин
  • Interesto
  • malis
  • It must be raining
  • A dog in the house
  • Я долго формулирую фразы.с помощью Гугла
  • A dog in the house
  • Interests
  • кетш
  • lunch
  • Nista
  • я
  • Красный цвет. Никто не пострадал? Слава
  • cede
  • admired, considered to be very good
  • Красный цвет. Никто не пострадал? Слава
  • Медиальный бугорок заднего отростка тара
  • Печень — пальпируется и болезненная

The Gateway 2nd Edition Placement Test has been designed to place students into groups corresponding to the seven levels of the Gateway 2nd Edition series (A1+, A2, B1, B1+, B2, B2+ and C1). Students with no previous knowledge of English would not normally be required to take this test.

The Gateway 2nd Edition Placement Test consists of 60 multiple-choice items (39 grammar, and 21 vocabulary) that are worth one mark each, three reading tasks worth five marks each and two writing tasks worth five marks each. It has a maximum score of 85. Give one mark for every correct answer.

Note that the placement test items are progressively more difficult from questions 1 to 60. Before deciding the level, check the test carefully for the number of incorrect questions per section. If students answer questions incorrectly at the beginning of the test, but answer questions correctly at the end of the test, they may be guessing randomly and may be placed in the wrong level.

For questions 1-36, choose the best word or phrase (A, B or C).

1. I ______ got a computer but I’ve got a tablet.




2. Sue: I love Rita Ora! ______ her?
Mike: No. I prefer Ed Sheeran.

Do you like

Are you like

Does you like

3. Marie: ______ play a musical instrument, John?
John: Yes. I play the piano.

Can you

Do you can

Are you

4. That’s Jana. She’s ______ to her friend.




5. Amy: Where ______ you yesterday?
Jill: I was at my grandmother’s house.




6. Angel: Messi’s the ______ footballer in the world.
Ricardo: No, he isn’t. Ronaldo is!

most good



7. I ______ to the radio every day.




8. Dad: Where are you going?
Mum: To the ______. I need to buy some boots.



shoe shop

9. Mary is very ______. She always helps me when I have a problem.




10. You ______ tell anyone – it’s a secret.

don’t have to



11. When I was five I ______ swim but now I can.




12. While we ______ to school, it started snowing. It was beautiful!

was walking

were walking


13. Harry: What are you doing tonight?
Ben: I ______ basketball with Michael. Do you want to come?

’m playing

will play


14. I haven’t finished cleaning my bike ______.




15. If ______ to the concert later, ______ with you.

you’ll go / I come

you go / I’ll come

you go / I come

16. He’s a ______. He writes articles for the newspaper.




17. Customer: I’d like a ______ of pizza, please.
Server: Of course. Here you are.




18. George: These trousers are a bit big.
Dad: Yes, I think you need to buy a ______.




19. That is the man ______ name I can’t pronounce.




20. My best friend isn’t ______ my sister.

as old than

as old as

so old than

21. Can you turn the music down, it’s ______.

not enough loud

not loud enough

too loud

22. James: What ______ if you ______ €100 in the street?
Lisa: I’d give it to the police.

will you do / found

would you do / would find

would you do / found

23. My brother and sister ______ play football together when they were younger.

did use to

use to

used to

24. I enjoyed ______ my homework last night.


to do


25. Mum: What’s the matter?
Natalie: I sang too much at the concert and now my throat is ______.




26. I am very ______ in learning Chinese next year.




27. If I don’t know a word I always ______ using an online dictionary.

look it for

look up it

look it up

28. I’ve lived in London ______ 20 years but I’ve never visited London Zoo.




29. By this time next week, we ______ our exams and we’ll be on holiday!

’ll be finishing

’re going to finish

’ll have finished

30. This film, ______ won three Oscars, stars Johnny Depp and is directed by Tim Burton.




31. It ______ John who used the computer because he doesn’t know the password.

mustn’t be

can’t have been

might have been

32. If you ______ football for five hours you ______ so tired.

wouldn’t have played / wouldn’t have felt

hadn’t played / won’t feel

hadn’t played / wouldn’t have felt

33. I wish I ______ as well as her. She’s got such a lovely voice.


can sing

could sing

34. When we entered the church it was ______ inside.

absolutely packed

very enormous

absolutely old

35. My teacher is very good ______ grammar.

for explain

in explaining

at explaining

36. Sally, could you ______ me some money, please?




For questions 37–60, choose the best word or phrase (A, B, C or D).

37. Tom: Where are you? ______ here for an hour.
Emma: Sorry. I missed the bus.

I wait

I’m waiting

I’ve been waiting

I’d been waiting

38. It was ______ hot that we decided to stay at home.




such a

39. The ______ I concentrate the ______ I finish my work.

more hard / fastest

hardly / faster

harder / fastest

harder / faster

40. You ______ brought food. We have got plenty here.

had better

needn’t have

didn’t need

should have

41. We’ll play a game tonight ______ you have done your homework.




if only

42. You won a prize for your paintings, ______

isn’t it?

haven’t you?

didn’t you?

don’t you?

43. The ______ from the airport into London was expensive but quick.





44. When I ______ money, I usually take out €40 from the cash machine.

pick up


set aside


45. Max always ______ his important computer documents on an external drive.

prints out

saves up

backs up

sets off

46. If the computer doesn’t work try ______ it off and on again.

to switch



having switched

47. The suspect ______ being near the bank at the time of the crime.





48. The man is believed ______ over a thousand marathons since he started.

to run

to be running

he has run

to have run

49. Paul didn’t like decorating so he got a professional decorator ______ his flat for him.



she designed

to design

50. ______ all her emails, she switched off her computer.


She sent

Having sent


51. If you’re angry, just tell him. You should get it off your ______.





52. You should take a few days off work. It won’t ______ you any harm.





53. Slow down, Barry. I can’t ______ you.

keep up with

come up to

come up with

reach up with

54. Budapest is a wonderful city full of culture and ______ in history.





55. I liked my new English teacher, ______ was fortunate, as she also was teaching us history.





56. Mum: Laura, have you done the dishes yet?
Laura: Well, I ______ doing them, but then I had to answer my phone.

started to

did start

was starting

have just was

57. ______ the film started when the phone rang.

No sooner had

Seldom had

Barely had

Not until

58. Do you remember ______ your bed when you were a child?

to do


to make


59. My aunt Jane bears a(n) ______ resemblance to a famous rock star.





60. My sister and my father like to win. There is a competitive ______ running through our family.





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  • Choose the best word or phrase a b c or d to fill the gap
  • Choose the best word or phrase a b c or d to fill each blank
  • Choose the correct word and complete the sentences i would like
  • Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap
  • Choose the best word from the brackets 1 there was were