Choose the best word for each gap taking


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    Впечатайте буквы с выбранными ответами к 1 и 2 заданию в таблицу ниже и нажмите «отправить». Результат появится сразу, также можно будет посмотреть подробнее, какие ответы правильные, а какие нет.

    Task 1. Read the article about bears. Choose the best word A, B or C for each gap 1-9.
    There are many different types of bears 1 __ North America. For example, there are lots of black bears living there, but 2 __ knows exactly how many there are. There could be 3 __ 600,000 and 750,000, and strangely not 4 __ of them are black in colour. They can be brown, or 5 __ white.
    Bears mostly sleep 6 __ the cold weather in winter, so they are very hungry when they wake up. They eat a lot of different things, such 7 __ leaves and fruit, and many people say they also love eating honey. Bears are very good 8 __ climbing trees, and baby bears 9 __ to climb when they are very young.
    1. A in B by C on
    2. A anyone B everyone C nobody
    3. A between B either C about
    4. A one B all C each
    5. A even B always C still
    6. A since B from C during
    7. A like B as C than
    8. A for B with C at
    9. A learn B learned C learning

    Task 2. Read sentences 10-15 about a boy who likes chess. Choose the best word A, B or C for each gap.
    10. Robbie’s dad ___ Robbie to play chess when he was seven years old.
    A learnt B taught C knew
    11. When Robbie started playing chess, his dad explained things to him very ___.
    A especially B certainly C carefully
    12. Robbie likes to ___ most of his free time playing chess.
    A spend B take C stay
    13. Last term, Robbie ___ a chess club at his school.
    A kept B joined C belonged
    14. Robbie plays against the club’s best players to make ___ his game improves.
    A right B sure C correct
    15. Robbie was very happy when he won a ___ in a chess competition.
    A present B gift C prize

    3a Выберите лучшее слово (А, В, С или D) для каждого пропуска (1-8).

    Ты с нетерпением 1) ждешь, когда пойдешь в школу или ты абсолютно боишься(dread) этого? Или, возможно, ты бы предпочел пойти в школу где-то еще! На этой неделе журнал Go рассмотрит, насколько разными бывают школы 2) в мире.


    В мире существует много видов школ. Некоторые дорогие, частные школы-интернаты, как, например Школа Регби в Англии, где была изобретена(inventend) игра регби! Также есть специальные школы, например школы драмы, танцевальные школы или 40 акробатических школ в Уцяо, в Китае. Это может звучать смешно, но как объясняет 13-летний Чжан Ли: «Наша тренировка(training) начинается 5:30 утра. Это очень тяжело, но эти навыки(skills) помогут мне 3) зарабатывать на жизнь, когда я закончу школу». Также в разных школах огромное количество учебных предметов. В Средней школе Холдена в США, предметы включают в себя рисование комиксов, уроки фотографии, написание песен и йогу.


    В школе в горах Аннапурна в Непале, занятия не начинаются раньше 10 утра потому, что многие ученики вынуждены пройти пешком час, чтобы добраться до школы. В Японии нет ничего необычного(unusual) в том, чтобы 4) тратить 2 часа или больше, чтобы добраться до школы на общественном транспорте(public trasport) «Это не так уж и плохо» — говорит 15-летний Кейко из Токио. «Иногда я учусь или сплю в поезде, и это хороший способ догнать моих друзей 5) по учебе».


    Средняя продолжительность учебного дня в Великобритании и США – 6 с половиной часов для учащихся средней школы. Ученикам в Корее и Греции, 6) однако не так повезло! После школы они посещают(attend) дополнительные занятия в частных школах. «Обычно, — говорит Джи Ким из Сеула, Южная Корея, — я не возвращаюсь домой раньше полуночи, но если я не буду упорно заниматься, я не 7) поступлю в хороший университет».


    Во всех школах есть правила, но иногда они действительно строгие(strict). В колледже Итон, очень известной школе-интернате для мальчиков в Англии, студенты носят изящную(smart), но очень старомодную форму(old-fashioned unifom) с длинным пиджаком, штанами и рубашкой; в Японии все должны участвовать(participate) в «о содзи» или уборке школы перед тем, как идти домой, в то время как в школе Саммерхилл в Англии, где студенты сами 8) придумывают правила!


    Итак, твоя школа лучше или хуже, чем школы в других частях мира? Неважно каков твой ответ, мы не должны забывать, что у 300 миллионов детей в мире нет школ, чтобы в них ходить. Так что если ты даже захочешь изменить какие-то вещи в своей школе, ты один из счастливчиков!









    Use of English:
    Part 1

    Warm-up Exercises

    Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

    Task 1. Choose the best word for each gap.

    1. I have no money left! I really really need a __________ as soon as possible.

    a – work
    b – job
    c – career

    2. Ahead of her lay college and a possible _________ in journalism.
    a – work
    b – job
    c – career

    3. I have a lot of __________ to do today.
    a – work
    b – job
    c – career

    1. Сочетания с неопределенным артиклем ‘a work’ не существует в английском, а ‘a career’ означает всю твою профессиональную жизнь от начала и до конца. Правильный ответ: B.
    2. С
    3. A

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    Practice Exercises

    Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

    Task 1. Choose the most suitable word for each gap.

    Once upon a time, people left school or university, joined a company and stayed with it until they retired. The concept of a job for life is now long (1)_______, and nowadays many employees find it hard to stay loyal to their companies for even a relatively short period of time. According to a recent survey, this is particularly (2)_______ in London, where more than half of those asked said that they constantly (3)_______ one eye on other job opportunities, (4)_______ they are fairly happy in their existing job. A high number of London workers say that they are always on the (5)_______ , although they are content and motivated in their current position.

    Job seekers find that the internet (6)_______ them with a quick and easy way to find out what’s available, and 53 percent said that they had applied for a job or registered with an employment agency in the past 12 months. This proactive (7)_______ means that people can look for a perfect job match with the (8)_______ of effort. But while this is good for job hunters, the growing lack of company loyalty could (9)_______ up being a big problem for employers. Perhaps surprisingly, the (10)_______ factors attracting job seekers was not more money, but challenging and interesting work.

    1. A.finished        B.done         C.over         D.gone
    2. A.true         B.real         C.right         D.actual
    3. A.put         B.keep         C.hold
    4. A.just as         B.even if well that
    5.         B.pursuit         C.lookout
    6. A.delivers         B.serves         C.fulfils         D.provides
    7. A.manner         B.custom         C.approach
    8. A.minimum         B.lowest         C.smallest         D.least
    9.         B.come         C.end         D.lead

    1. D
    2. A
    3. B
    4. B
    5. C
    6. D
    7. C
    8. A
    9. C
    10. A

    Use of English: Part 2

    Alberto Granado

    Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

    Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

    (0) In January 1952, 23-year-old medical student Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado, a 29-year-old biochemist, set _____ (1)  from Buenos Aires, Argentina on a sputtering single cylinder motorbike. They wanted to discover _____ (2)  South America they had read about in books. By the end of the journey, they had travelled over 8,000 kilometres across such inhospitable places _____ (3) the Andes, the Atacama Desert and the Amazon Basin.

    The journey had a significant impact on Guevara, _____ (4) , after witnessing extreme poverty and social injustice, vowed to do something about it. The _____ (5)  significant moment for Guevara was his visit to a leper colony. It was here that Guevara decided _____ (6)  to continue his career in institutional medicine. Instead, he _____ (7)  become a ‘doctor of the people’ – tending _____ (8) who could not afford the treatment.

    1. off
    2. the
    3. By
    4. as
    5. who
    6. most
    7. it
    8. not
    9. would
    10. those

    For questions 13 – 24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

    Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the numbered spaces.

    young enterprise

    How prepared are you for (0) ____ future? You are studying to obtain qualifications for your chosen career, but what (13) ____ getting the business skills necessary to make your career a success? How do you gain the advantage (14) ____ will get you your dream job? Perhaps you even have an ambition to set (15) ____ a business yourself?

    (16) ____ year since 2007, when the Young Enterprise Programme began, hundreds of thousands of young people have gained a head start while they are still at school by taking part (17) ____ the programme. There, they have gained key business skills and knowledge, either through a series of workshops (18) ____ through starting and running their own real company. At Young Enterprise we believe that it is important for learning to (19) ____ exciting, fun and hands-on, which is (20) ____ our programmes are run on the principle of learning by doing.

    (21) ____ participate in a programme, your first step is to consult your school. Your school will need to become a centre if it has (22) ____ yet done so. It can register as (23) ____ of these by contacting the nearest Young Enterprise office. Once it (24) ____ registered as a centre, you can get started!

    13 ABOUT

    14 THAT / WHICH

    15 UP

    16 EACH / EVERY

    17 IN

    18 OR

    19 BE

    20 WHY

    21 TO

    22 NOT 

    23 ONE

    24 HAS / IS

    Use of English:
    Part 3

    Father fires son for 10 years of laziness. A businessman sacked his son because he was lazy, incompetent and (1) ________________.

    Stuart Bidwell, 26, was handed dozens of (2) ________________ letters about his work during his ten years with the firm.

    Manager and father Stephen Bidwell said: ‘He got (3) ________________ warnings and was just no good.
    He didn’t really have the right (4) ________________ for the job anyway.

    We only gave him the job because he was family and we didn’t want him to be (5) ________________.
    The final straw came when Stuart was caught making long-distance phone calls to his girl-friend in Australia during office hours. Apparently Stuart was finally asked to hand in his (6) ________________ but he refused, so he was sacked.

    Stuart Bidwell told the court that he had been (7) ________________ dismissed. Stuart said he had worked for his father’s company since leaving school at 16 and that he had only ever had two warning letters.
    Stuart’s father has already put an (8) ________________ in the local paper for a replacement and says that they have already had over 100 (9) ________________ through the post.

    1. HONEST
    3. NUMBER
    4. QUALIFY
    5. EMPLOY
    6. RESIGN
    7. FAIR
    9. APPLY

    Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

    1. dishonest
    2. disciplinary
    3. numerous
    4. qualifications
    5. unemployed
    6. resignation
    7. unfairly
    8. advertisement
    9. applications

    Use of English:
    Part 4

    Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word given.

    1 Someone broke into their flat the other day.

    They …………………………………….. into the other day.

    2 Did the hairdresser dye her hair blonde?

    Did she …………………………………….. blonde?

    3 ‘Not only is she pretty, but also clever,’ he said.


    ‘She ……………………………………..,’ he said.

    Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

    4 The plumber is fixing our tap at the moment.


    We …………………………………….. at the moment.

    5 I haven’t been for an eye test for over six years.

    I have …………………………………….. for over six years.

    6 We were sent home as soon as we arrived.

    We …………………………………….. we were sent home.

    7 They are going to hire someone to paint their house this summer.

    They are going …………………………………. this summer

    1. had their flat broken into
    2. get her hair dyed
    3. is both pretty and clever
    4. are getting/having our tap fixed
    5. not had my eyes tested
    6. arrived no sooner than
    7. to have their house painted

    177 просмотров

    Choose the best word (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1-7).

    It was the sound of the car brakes 1)…………that caught her attention first of all. The noise stood out from all the other noises that crowded into her ears — the car horns hooting, the sound of children’s voices as they ran out of the school playground, mothers calling their children, 2)………. to get them home.

    Then, it felt as if someone had placed their hands on her and forcibly made her turn around and look. As soon as she did, her eyes 3)………. and her hands began to shake. Her legs seemed frozen to the 4)……….All she could do was watch 5)………..immobile, as if it was all happening in slow motion, right there in front of her.

    She opened her mouth, but no sound came 6)………….Then came the dull thud as the car hit the child, the shocked gasps of the 7)……….and the roaring of the car as it sped away.

    1 A shrieking C screaming

    B screeching D shouting

    2 A restless C impatient

    B nervous D worried

    3 A opened C broadened

    B enlarged D widened

    4 A point C spot

    B place D mark

    5 A helplessly C pointlessly

    B uselessly D worthlessly

    6 A out C about

    B through D away

    7 A viewers C audience

    B spectators D onlookers

    Английский язык

    15 Март, 18


    177 просмотров

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