Choose the best word flight journey trip travel or voyage to fit these gaps

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вопрос задал evgenevna0318,

4 года назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил Gamboja



2) trip

3) voyage

4) travel

5) flight

6) journey

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Слайд 1Traveling and tourism.

Презентация к уроку-обобщению лексики для 9 классов.
Преподаватель: Андреева

Н. И.

Traveling and tourism.Презентация к уроку-обобщению лексики для 9 классов.Преподаватель: Андреева Н. И.

Слайд 2Answer the questions.
Are you fond of traveling?
Why do people travel?

do people take a camera with them? What do they

usually photograph?
What do we see and learn while travelling?
Do you agree that traveling broaden our minds?
How do different people spend their holidays?
What means of traveling do you know? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
What places have you visited?
Have you ever taken a holiday cruise along the Black Sea coast or down the Volga?
Some people prefer to travel on their own and hate travelling in a group. What about you?
What countries would you like to visit?
Do you like to explore new places?
If someone invited you to spend a week on a desert island, would you agree?
Do you believe that one day people will be able to travel in space?
Would you like to go to Mars or some other planet?

Answer the questions.Are you fond of traveling?Why do people travel?Why do people take a camera with them?

Слайд 3Match 2 parts of proverbs and translate them.

Match 2 parts of proverbs and translate them.

Слайд 4There is a saying about traveling. Let’s read and translate

it. Do you share this opinion?
Adventure is necessary for us

all. It keeps people from growing stale and old, it develops our imagination, it gives us movement and change which are necessary to our life.

There is a saying about traveling. Let’s read and translate it. Do you share this opinion?Adventure is

Слайд 14Here is some basic travel vocabulary. Translate the words.

Here is some basic travel vocabulary. Translate the words.

Слайд 15The difference between journey, trip, travel, voyage.
Trip is shorter than

a journey.
Travel is a general word.
Voyage means a long journey

by sea.

The difference between journey, trip, travel, voyage.Trip is shorter than a journey.Travel is a general word.Voyage means

Слайд 16Translate the sentences.
Last week he flew to New York. It

was an early-morning flight.
The plane was to take off at

6 a.m. and land at 7 a. m.
He was stranded at the airport.
The plane was delayed by fog.
Air passengers often suffer such delays.
Trains always run on time here. You have to change trains at Crewe.
We are sailing on the QE2. It sets sail at noon. It will dock in New York at 6 p. m.
I hope the sea won’t be rough- I might be seasick.
The ship was wrecked. The passengers were marooned on a desert island.
Our car does 10 km to the liter. It goes quite fast. We can usually overtake other cars.
The car swerved into the middle of the road to avoid the cyclist.
He backed/reversed the car into the drive and parked in front of the house.

Translate the sentences.Last week he flew to New York. It was an early-morning flight.The plane was to

Слайд 17Choose the best word flight, journey, trip, travel or voyage

to fit these gaps.
I would love to ________ round the

world in a balloon.
The “Titanic” sank on its maiden __________.
How long does the ________ from New York to Rio take?
She says her hobbies are reading, golf and _______.
When they were in Cairo they took a ________ to see the Pyramids.
Getting from London to the north of Scotland involves an overnight train _________.

Choose the best word flight, journey, trip, travel or voyage to fit these gaps.I would love to

Слайд 18Answers.
I would love to _travel_______ round the world in a

The “Titanic” sank on its maiden ___voyage_______.
How long does the

_flight/journey_______ from New York to Rio take?
She says her hobbies are reading, golf and _travel______.
When they were in Cairo they took a __trip______ to see the Pyramids.
Getting from London to the north of Scotland involves an overnight train _journey________.

Answers.I would love to _travel_______ round the world in a balloon.The “Titanic” sank on its maiden ___voyage_______.How

Слайд 19Fill in the blanks.
Yesterday John was supposed to take

a _____ from London to Amsterdam. He got up very

early, put his luggage in the _______ of his car and tried to start the engine. It wouldn’t start. John lifted the ________ but he couldn’t see what the matter could be. He immediately called his local _______ to ask them to send a ______ at once. Fortunately, the garage had a man free and he was with John within 10 minutes. He quickly saw what the matter was. “You’ve _______ of petrol”, -he said. John felt very foolish. “Why didn’t I _______ everything last night?” -he wondered. Despite all this, he got to the airport, checked in quite early and then went straight through to the _____ to read a newspaper while he waited. Soon he heard an announcement. “Passengers on flight BA 282 to Amsterdam are informed that all flights to and from Amsterdam are _________ because of heavy snowfall last night”. “ If only I have decided to go by ________”, John thought. “It would probably have been quicker in the end and even if I sometimes feel sick on the _________ , it can be quite pleasant sitting in a ______ on the deck, watching the seagulls and other ______. The ________ on a ship seem to produce much better food than those on an aircraft too”.

Fill in the blanks. Yesterday John was supposed to take a _____ from London to Amsterdam. He

Слайд 20Answers.
Yesterday John was supposed to take a flight from

London to Amsterdam. He got up very early, put his

luggage in the boot of his car and tried to start the engine. It wouldn’t start. John lifted the bonnet but he couldn’t see what the matter could be. He immediately called his local garage to ask them to send a mechanic at once. Fortunately, the garage had a man free and he was with John within 10 minutes. He quickly saw what the matter was. “You’ve run out of petrol”, -he said. John felt very foolish. “Why didn’t I check everything last night?” -he wondered. Despite all this, he got to the airport, checked in quite early and then went straight through to the departure lounge to read a newspaper while he waited. Soon he heard an announcement. “Passengers on flight BA 282 to Amsterdam are informed that all flights to and from Amsterdam are delayed because of heavy snowfall last night”. “ If only I have decided to go by train”, John thought. “It would probably have been quicker in the end and even if I sometimes feel sick on the ferry , it can be quite pleasant sitting in a deckchair on the deck, watching the seagulls and other passengers. The galleys on a ship seem to produce much better food than those on an aircraft too”.

Answers. Yesterday John was supposed to take a flight from London to Amsterdam. He got up very

Слайд 21Most people are fond of traveling abroad. What is more:

pros or cons about going abroad? Let’s divide them into

two groups.

Discover new places, miss your friends, help to become more educated person, improve knowledge of foreign language, wait at airports, depend on the weather, have to think about accommodation and food, broaden your mind, many places are polluted, teach people about art and culture, the beauty of many places has disappeared, help to relax, beaches are always overcrowded, the most fantastic place is home, meet interesting people, see world wonders.

Most people are fond of traveling abroad. What is more: pros or cons about going abroad? Let’s

Слайд 22Going abroad: what is more pros or cons?
Have you

anything to add?

Going abroad: what is more pros or cons?  Have you anything to add?

Слайд 23Read the text and fill in the blanks with suitable

words from the box.

Read the text and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box.

Слайд 25Are you fond of traveling abroad?

Are you fond of traveling abroad?

Слайд 26Match the prepositions with the nouns.

Match the prepositions with the nouns.

Слайд 27Answers.
In the country
In the mountains
In a forest
At the seaside
At sea

the sea
On a river
On a lake
By a lake

Answers.In the countryIn the mountainsIn a forestAt the seasideAt seaBy the seaOn a riverOn a lakeBy a

Слайд 28What can you do in these places?
In the country, in

the mountains, in a forest, at the seaside, at sea,

by the sea, on a river, on a lake, by a lake.

Diving, climbing, cycling, canoeing, picking mushrooms, hang-gliding

What can you do in these places?In the country, in the mountains, in a forest, at the

Слайд 29Answers.
In the country: cycling+milking cows+horse riding+harvesting
In the mountains: climbing+hang-gliding+hiking+skiing
In a

forest: picking mushrooms+picking berries+walking
At the seaside/by the sea: diving+swimming+sunbathing
At sea:

On a river: canoeing+rowing+water rafting
On a lake: fishing+water skiing
By a lake: camping+making bonfires

Answers.In the country: cycling+milking cows+horse riding+harvestingIn the mountains: climbing+hang-gliding+hiking+skiingIn a forest: picking mushrooms+picking berries+walkingAt the seaside/by the

Слайд 30What equipment do you need in each case?

Ways of spending holiday

sailing, windsurfing, sightseeing, hiking, eating out, camping, sunbathing, water skiing, hitchhiking, package tour

an umbrella, a swimsuit, a backpack, a yacht, a tent, a surfing board, shorts, a camera, sun cream, a sun hat, a smart dress/suit, a train timetable, a sleeping bag, water skis, walking boots, a guidebook, a road map, a good food guide, a novel, a compass

What equipment do you need in each case?         Ways

Слайд 31Answers.
Sailing: a swimsuit, a yacht, shorts, sun cream, a compass

a swimsuit, a surfing board
Sightseeing: a phrase book, a camera,

a guidebook
Hiking: a backpack, shorts, sun cream, a sleeping bag, walking boots, a compass
Eating out: a good food guide, a smart dress/suit
Camping: a tent, a sleeping bag
Sunbathing: an umbrella, swimsuit, sun cream, a sun hat, a novel
Water skiing: a swimsuit, sun cream, water skis
Hitchhiking: a backpack, a sleeping bag, a road map
Package tour: a backpack, shorts, a camera, a train timetable, a sleeping bag, a guidebook, a road map, a compass

Answers.Sailing: a swimsuit, a yacht, shorts, sun cream, a compassWindsurfing: a swimsuit, a surfing boardSightseeing: a phrase

Слайд 32Read the list of places where you can stay for

a night at your holidays and answer the questions.
Self-catering cottages

or flats
Youth hostels
Holiday camps
Guest houses

Read the list of places where you can stay for a night at your holidays and answer

Слайд 33Answers.
Campsites: you can camp in your own tent there, they

provide toilets, showers and cooking facilities
Self-catering cottages or flats: you

can rent them and you have to cook and clean yourself
Hotels: provide you with a room to sleep in, usually with a private bathroom, a restaurant where you can eat all the meals and there are other facilities (bar, swimming-pool, sauna, fitness club etc.)
Bed&breakfast: a family house which offers rooms for rent with breakfast provided
Youth hostels: offer cheap accommodation in large rooms (usually more than 4 people sleep in one room). You have to have your own sleeping bag, cooking facilities are provided.
Holiday camps: organized stays for young people, usually in tents or huts, away from civilization
Guesthouses: small family hotels with a more informal atmosphere
Caravans: large vehicles equipped with beds, cupboard, cooking facilities, water which are pulled by cars, you can use them for camping if you want something more comfortable than a tent.

Answers.Campsites: you can camp in your own tent there, they provide toilets, showers and cooking facilitiesSelf-catering cottages

Слайд 34Where would you like to go first while visiting another

city or country. Prioritize the ideas.
Historic buildings
Art galleries
Shopping centers
The old

Main streets
The Zoo

Where would you like to go first while visiting another city or country. Prioritize the ideas.Historic buildingsDiscosMuseumsRestaurants&cafesArt

Слайд 35Define what kinds of transport these words denote. Select them

into the necessary columns.
Departure lounge, steering wheel, platform, flight, harbor,

deck, runway, check-in desk, crew, brakes, land, parking lot, seat belt, stewardess, take off, voyage, speed limit, cruise, garage, sleeping car, buffet car, pilot, overtake, captain, airport, compartment, petrol station, terminal, air-traffic control, ticket inspector, cabin, disembark, duty-free shop, left luggage, non-smoking car, hand luggage, window seat, aisle seat, life jacket

Define what kinds of transport these words denote. Select them into the necessary columns.Departure lounge, steering wheel,

Слайд 37Add as many words as possible.

By coach: driver,…

By bike: pedals,…


foot: walking boots,…

Hitchhiking: to thumb a lift,…

Add as many words as possible.By coach: driver,…By bike: pedals,…On foot: walking boots,…Hitchhiking: to thumb a lift,…

Слайд 38Answers.

By coach: driver, bus terminal, coach station.

By bike: pedals, to

ride a bike, a wheel, to

change a tyre, to pump up the tyres.

On foot: walking boots, walking, running, trainers

Hitchhiking: to thumb a lift, to hitch a lift, lorry,

Answers.By coach: driver, bus terminal, coach station.By bike: pedals, to ride a bike, a wheel, to

Слайд 39Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with

a partner.

Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with a partner.

Слайд 40Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with

a partner.
Купите билет до Парижа и обратно в купе для

некурящих. Узнайте, есть ли скидки для студентов и есть ли в поезде бар или ресторан.
Вы на ж/д вокзале. Узнайте в справочной, где можно купить билеты, оставить багаж и подождать поезда. Спросите, как пройти на платформу №5 и на какую платформу прибывают поезда из Оксфорда.
Вы встречаете на вокзале тетю из Эдинбурга. Узнайте в справочной, не задерживается ли поезд и когда он должен прибыть.

Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with a partner.Купите билет до Парижа и обратно

Слайд 41The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.
-Could I have

a return ticket to Paris with a reserved seat, in

non-smoking compartment?

— Do you offer reductions to students?

-Is there a buffet car on a train?

2) — Excuse me, could you tell me where the ticket office is?

— I would like to leave my luggage and go sightseeing. Where can I find the left luggage room?

— Is the waiting room nearby?

-How to get to platform 5?

— Which platform do the trains from Oxford arrive at?

— I am waiting for a train to Edinburgh. What time does it arrive?

— Is it going to arrive on time or is it likely to be delayed?

The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.-Could I have a return ticket to Paris with a

Слайд 42Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with

a partner.


To pay an excess
luggage fee
Flight number
Life jacket
Window/aisle seat
Fasten your

sear belts

Economy class
Business class

Delayed flight

To check in

Check –in desk,
departure lounge,
arrival lounge

Cabin luggage/
Hand luggage

Estimated arrival time

To go through passport
control/to go through a
security check

Customs control

Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with a partner.Airport/planeCrewTo pay an excessluggage feeFlight numberLife

Слайд 43Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with

a partner.
Вы впервые летите самолетом. Спросите бортпроводника, как пристегнуть ремни

и где находится спасательный жилет. Узнайте, сколько времени длится полет до Амстердама и когда подадут еду и напитки. Спросите, должны ли вы отключить мобильный телефон и можно ли им пользоваться во время полета.
Вы в аэропорту. Узнайте в справочной, где производится регистрация пассажиров, вылетающих в Нью-Йорк. Спросите, сколько багажа вы можете взять с собой, сколько единиц ручной клади можно взять в салон и сколько берут за перевес.
Вы встречаете в аэропорту зарубежного гостя. Узнайте в справочной, когда приземлится рейс из Мадрида и сколько времени может занять паспортный и таможенный контроль. Выясните, есть ли в зале для прибывающих ресторан или кофе-бар.

Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with a partner.Вы впервые летите самолетом. Спросите бортпроводника,

Слайд 44The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.
— Excuse me,

could you help me fasten my seat belt?

— Where can I find my life jacket?

— How long is the flight to Amsterdam?

— Where can we get anything to drink or to eat?

— Do I need to turn off my mobile phone?

— May I use it during the flight?

The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.- Excuse me, could you help me fasten my seat

Слайд 45Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with

a partner.

Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with a partner.

Слайд 46Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with

a partner.
Позвоните в отель и закажите на выходные номер с

ванной. Выясните:
а) входит ли в стоимость завтрак
б) это номер с видом на улицу или на море
в) можно ли готовить самим
г) до какого времени следует зарегистрироваться
д) как добраться до отеля с ж/д станции

Вы только что прибыли в отель и обращаетесь к стойке администратора.
а) выясните, готов ли ваш номер
б) попросите разбудить вас утром в 7:30
в) спросите, где вы можете пообедать и в какое время подают завтрак
г) спросите, в какое время в воскресенье вы должны выписаться
д) спросите, где ближайший информационный центр

Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues with a partner.Позвоните в отель и закажите на

Слайд 47The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.

The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.

Слайд 48Describe the photos and answer the questions.
What are the main

attractions of both holidays?
What are the problems you may encounter

during each of these holidays?
Have you ever been on any holidays like these? Describe your experience.
Which holiday would you choose? Why?

Describe the photos and answer the questions.What are the main attractions of both holidays?What are the problems

Слайд 49Look at the photo, read the newspapers headlines and answer

the questions.

Look at the photo, read the newspapers headlines and answer the questions.

Слайд 50Look at the photos and answer the questions.
What idea

of traveling does this machine represent and how does it

differ from traditional means of transport?
Do you think alternative sources of energy will be widely used in transport one day? When and on what conditions?
What means of transport do you use most often and what do you use them for?
Would you like to have a car? Why? What would you use it for?

Look at the photos and answer the questions. What idea of traveling does this machine represent and

Слайд 51Discuss the questions with a partner.
What way of traveling do

you prefer and why?
Traveling broadens the mind. Discuss.
If you had

a visitor from abroad, which places in Russia and in your home area would you like to shoe him/her? What would you say about them?
Do you think that going on a package tour is the best way of visiting foreign countries? Why?
If you had enough money to travel wherever you wanted, where would you go?

Discuss the questions with a partner.What way of traveling do you prefer and why?Traveling broadens the mind.







into/out of













2. Choose the best word flight, journey, trip, travel or voyage to fit these gaps.

  1. I
    would love to round
    the world in a balloon.

  2. The
    on its maiden

  3. How
    long does the from
    New York to Rio take?

  4. She
    says her hobbies are reading, golf and

  5. When
    they were in Cairo they took a to
    see the Pyramids.

  6. Getting
    from London to the north of Scotland involves an overnight train

3. Fill in the blanks. Most of the words you need can be found opposite.

John was supposed to take a (1)from
London to Amsterdam.

got up very early, put his luggage in the (2)
of his car and tried to start

engine. It wouldn’t start. John lifted the (3)
but he couldn’t see what the matter
could be. He immediately called his local ……..(4)
to ask them to send a

at once. Fortunately, the garage had a man free and he was with John
within ten minutes. He quickly saw what the matter was. ‘You’ve………(6)

he said. John felt very foolish. ‘Why didn’t I (7)
everything last

he wondered. Despite all this, he got to the airport, checked in
quite early

then went straight through to the (8)
to read a newspaper while he

Soon he heard an announcement. ‘Passengers on flight BA 282 to

are informed that all flights to and from Amsterdam are (9)

of a heavy snowfall last night.’ ‘If only I had decided to go
by (10),’

thought. ‘It would probably have been quicker in the end and even
if I

feel sick on the (11),
it can be quite pleasant sitting in a

on the deck, watching the seagulls and the other ………(13).

on a ship seem to produce much better food than those on an aircraft

4. Write two advantages and two disadvantages for each of the four forms of

travel from the table

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A … is usually shorter than a journey

Click the card to flip 👆

1 / 48

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Exercise 1 and 2 are not included in this quizlet (matching exercises)

Terms in this set (48)

A … is usually shorter than a journey


A trip is usually shorter than a …


business trip or business journey?

business trip

… a trip suggests an organised short excursion

(to) go on

… trip could be something you do yourselves in your own car


…. means a long journey usually by sea, though this use is quite formal. It is often used in other contexts with ‘discovery’.


My flight from New York to Tokyo was … …. (delayed for a very long time) because of bad weather, then later it was cancelled and I was stuck at the airport.

severely delayed

My flight from New York to Tokyo was severely delayed because of bad weather, then later it was cancelled and I was … … (unable to move from) the airport

stuck at

My flight from New York to Tokyo was severely delayed because of bad weather, then later it was cancelled and I was stuck at the … (luchthaven)


The airline … … …. (paid for me to stay) in a hotel overnight, and they put me on standby for the early morning flight the next day.

put me up

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Traveling and tourism.



Transcript Traveling and tourism.

Traveling and tourism.
Презентация к уроку-обобщению лексики для
10-11 классов.
Преподаватель: Андреева Н. И.
Answer the questions.
Are you fond of traveling?
Why do people travel?
Why do people take a camera with them? What do they usually photograph?
What do we see and learn while travelling?
Do you agree that traveling broaden our minds?
How do different people spend their holidays?
What means of traveling do you know? What are their advantages and
What places have you visited?
Have you ever taken a holiday cruise along the Black Sea coast or down the
Some people prefer to travel on their own and hate travelling in a group. What
about you?
What countries would you like to visit?
Do you like to explore new places?
If someone invited you to spend a week on a desert island, would you agree?
Do you believe that one day people will be able to travel in space?
Would you like to go to Mars or some other planet?
Match 2 parts of proverbs and translate
1) Every country has
a) the welcomer home.
2) East or West
b) like home.
3) There is no place
c) its customs.
4) The wider we roam
d) home is best.
There is a saying about traveling. Let’s read and
translate it. Do you share this opinion?
Adventure is necessary for us
all. It keeps people from
growing stale and old, it
develops our imagination, it
gives us movement and
change which are necessary
to our life.
Why do people travel?
Why do people travel?
To see the
Why do people travel?
To see the
To learn
a language
Why do people travel?
To see the
To learn
a language
To know
the history
and culture
Why do people travel?
To see the
To learn
a language
To know
the history
and culture
To make friends
Why do people travel?
To see the
To learn
a language
To know
the history
and culture
To make friends
To know
customs and
Why do people travel?
To see the
To learn
a language
To visit new
To know
the history
and culture
To make friends
To know
customs and
Why do people travel?
To see the
To learn
a language
To meet people
To visit new
To know
the history
and culture
To make friends
To know
customs and
Why do people travel?
To see the
To discover
To meet people
To learn
a language
To visit new
To know
the history
and culture
To make friends
To know
customs and
Here is some basic travel vocabulary. Translate the
Transport type
Different kinds
of vehicle
Parts of vehicle
People working
with it
sports car,
estate car, bus,
coach, tram,
van, lorry
boot, engine,
gears, steeringwheel, brakes,
chauffeur, busconductor
petrol station,
garage, service
passenger train,
freight train,
local train,
ticket collector,
guard, porter
waiting room,
ticket office,
boat, liner, ferry,
captain, purser,
deck, bridge,
gangplank(трап) steward (ess)
port, buoy,
customs, lighthouse, docks
airplane, jet,
cockpit, nose,
tail, wings, aisle,
duty-free shop,
lounge, runway
pilot, ground
staff, steward,
cabin crew, air
traffic controller
The difference between journey, trip, travel, voyage.
Trip is shorter than a journey.
Travel is a general word.
Voyage means a long journey by sea.
Translate the sentences.
Last week he flew to New York. It was an early-morning flight.
The plane was to take off at 6 a.m. and land at 7 a. m.
He was stranded at the airport.
The plane was delayed by fog.
Air passengers often suffer such delays.
Trains always run on time here. You have to change trains at
We are sailing on the QE2. It sets sail at noon. It will dock in New
York at 6 p. m.
I hope the sea won’t be rough- I might be seasick.
The ship was wrecked. The passengers were marooned on a
desert island.
10) Our car does 10 km to the liter. It goes quite fast. We can usually
overtake other cars.
11) The car swerved into the middle of the road to avoid the cyclist.
12) He backed/reversed the car into the drive and parked in front of
the house.
Choose the best word flight, journey, trip, travel or voyage
to fit these gaps.
I would love to ________ round the world in a balloon.
The “Titanic” sank on its maiden __________.
How long does the ________ from New York to Rio
She says her hobbies are reading, golf and _______.
When they were in Cairo they took a ________ to see
the Pyramids.
Getting from London to the north of Scotland involves
an overnight train _________.
I would love to _travel_______ round the world in a
The “Titanic” sank on its maiden ___voyage_______.
How long does the _flight/journey_______ from New
York to Rio take?
She says her hobbies are reading, golf and
When they were in Cairo they took a __trip______ to
see the Pyramids.
Getting from London to the north of Scotland involves
an overnight train _journey________.
Fill in the blanks.
Yesterday John was supposed to take a _____ from London to
Amsterdam. He got up very early, put his luggage in the _______ of
his car and tried to start the engine. It wouldn’t start. John lifted the
________ but he couldn’t see what the matter could be. He
immediately called his local _______ to ask them to send a ______
at once. Fortunately, the garage had a man free and he was with
John within 10 minutes. He quickly saw what the matter was.
“You’ve _______ of petrol”, -he said. John felt very foolish. “Why
didn’t I _______ everything last night?” -he wondered. Despite all
this, he got to the airport, checked in quite early and then went
straight through to the _____ to read a newspaper while he waited.
Soon he heard an announcement. “Passengers on flight BA 282 to
Amsterdam are informed that all flights to and from Amsterdam are
_________ because of heavy snowfall last night”. “ If only I have
decided to go by ________”, John thought. “It would probably have
been quicker in the end and even if I sometimes feel sick on the
_________ , it can be quite pleasant sitting in a ______ on the deck,
watching the seagulls and other ______. The ________ on a ship
seem to produce much better food than those on an aircraft too”.
Yesterday John was supposed to take a flight from London to
Amsterdam. He got up very early, put his luggage in the boot of his
car and tried to start the engine. It wouldn’t start. John lifted the
bonnet but he couldn’t see what the matter could be. He
immediately called his local garage to ask them to send a mechanic
at once. Fortunately, the garage had a man free and he was with
John within 10 minutes. He quickly saw what the matter was.
“You’ve run out of petrol”, -he said. John felt very foolish. “Why didn’t
I check everything last night?” -he wondered. Despite all this, he got
to the airport, checked in quite early and then went straight through
to the departure lounge to read a newspaper while he waited. Soon
he heard an announcement. “Passengers on flight BA 282 to
Amsterdam are informed that all flights to and from Amsterdam are
delayed because of heavy snowfall last night”. “ If only I have
decided to go by train”, John thought. “It would probably have been
quicker in the end and even if I sometimes feel sick on the ferry , it
can be quite pleasant sitting in a deckchair on the deck, watching
the seagulls and other passengers. The galleys on a ship seem to
produce much better food than those on an aircraft too”.
Most people are fond of traveling abroad. What is
more: pros or cons about going abroad? Let’s divide
them into two groups.
Discover new places, miss your friends, help to
become more educated person, improve
knowledge of foreign language, wait at airports,
depend on the weather, have to think about
accommodation and food, broaden your mind,
many places are polluted, teach people about
art and culture, the beauty of many places has
disappeared, help to relax, beaches are always
overcrowded, the most fantastic place is home,
meet interesting people, see world wonders.
Going abroad: what is more pros or cons?
Have you anything to add?
1) discover new places
miss your friends
2) help to become more educated person
wait at airports
3) improve knowledge of foreign language
depend on weather
4) broaden you mind
have to think about accommodation and food
5) teach people about art and culture
many places are polluted
6) help to relax
the beauty of many places has disappeared
7) meeting interesting people
beaches are always overcrowded
8) see world wonders
the most fantastic place is home
Read the text and fill in the blanks with suitable words
from the box.
Cycling, arrived, are short of money, boating, travel agency,
return, canoeing, are young at heart, arranged, travel card,
luggage, accommodation, to get the most of, broadens
I like traveling because it (1)____ my outlook and helps me to understand other
cultures. I think that I’m already an experienced traveler. First of all, everything
should be well-planned. I’m not an adult yet so I travel with my parents. This
year we decided to go to Britain. At first we went to a (2)_____ that helped us to
arrange our journey. They (3)___
For us an (4)____ in a British hotel and booked us a (5) _____ ticket. Then we
packed our (6)_____ and (7)______ at the airport. We stayed in a small hotel
near London. It offered us a wide range of different activities: (8)_____ and
(9)______ for those who (10)_______ . (11)________ is offered for those who
want to get to remote places and are fond of scenic routes. Those who want
(12)______ their holiday but (13) ________ can buy a (14)________ which is a
cheap way way to see almost everything.
I like traveling because it (1) broadens my outlook and helps me to understand
other cultures. I think that I’m already an experienced traveler. First of all,
everything should be well-planned. I’m not an adult yet so I travel with my
parents. This year we decided to go to Britain. At first we went to a (2) travel
agency that helped us to arrange our journey. They (3) arranged
For us an (4) accommodation in a British hotel and booked us a (5) return
ticket. Then we packed our (6) luggage and (7) arrived at the airport. We
stayed in a small hotel near London. It offered us a wide range of different
activities: (8) cycling and (9) canoeing for those who (10) are young at heart .
(11) boating is offered for those who want to get to remote places and are fond
of scenic routes. Those who want (12) to get the most of their holiday but (13)
are short of money can buy a (14) travel card which is a cheap way to see
almost everything.
Are you fond of traveling abroad?
Arguments for
Arguments against
I’m absolutely for…
As for me, I don’t like the idea of…
People travel abroad because…
I think that …
More than that…
What is more…
Life without traveling is…
I can never understand…
I travel because…
I am sure I wouldn’t go…because…
What is more, traveling abroad…
Match the prepositions with the
in, at, on , by
the country, the seaside, a river, the sea, the mountains,
a lake, a forest
In the country
In the mountains
In a forest
At the seaside
At sea
By the sea
On a river
On a lake
By a lake
What can you do in these places?
In the country, in the mountains, in a forest, at the
seaside, at sea, by the sea, on a river, on a lake,
by a lake.
Diving, climbing, cycling, canoeing, picking
mushrooms, hang-gliding
• In the country: cycling+milking cows+horse
• In the mountains: climbing+hanggliding+hiking+skiing
• In a forest: picking mushrooms+picking
• At the seaside/by the sea:
• At sea: diving+sailing
• On a river: canoeing+rowing+water rafting
• On a lake: fishing+water skiing
• By a lake: camping+making bonfires
What equipment do you need in each case?
Ways of spending holiday time.
sailing, windsurfing, sightseeing, hiking, eating out,
camping, sunbathing, water skiing, hitchhiking, package
an umbrella, a swimsuit, a backpack, a yacht, a tent, a
surfing board, shorts, a camera, sun cream, a sun hat, a
smart dress/suit, a train timetable, a sleeping bag, water
skis, walking boots, a guidebook, a road map, a good
food guide, a novel, a compass
Sailing: a swimsuit, a yacht, shorts, sun cream, a compass
Windsurfing: a swimsuit, a surfing board
Sightseeing: a phrase book, a camera, a guidebook
Hiking: a backpack, shorts, sun cream, a sleeping bag, walking
boots, a compass
Eating out: a good food guide, a smart dress/suit
Camping: a tent, a sleeping bag
Sunbathing: an umbrella, swimsuit, sun cream, a sun hat, a novel
Water skiing: a swimsuit, sun cream, water skis
Hitchhiking: a backpack, a sleeping bag, a road map
Package tour: a backpack, shorts, a camera, a train timetable, a
sleeping bag, a guidebook, a road map, a compass
Read the list of places where you can stay for a
night at your holidays and answer the questions.
Self-catering cottages or flats
Youth hostels
Holiday camps
Guest houses
How are these places
different from each other?
Who chooses to stay here?
Where do you stay on
Campsites: you can camp in your own tent there, they provide toilets,
showers and cooking facilities
Self-catering cottages or flats: you can rent them and you have to cook
and clean yourself
Hotels: provide you with a room to sleep in, usually with a private
bathroom, a restaurant where you can eat all the meals and there
are other facilities (bar, swimming-pool, sauna, fitness club etc.)
Bed&breakfast: a family house which offers rooms for rent with
breakfast provided
Youth hostels: offer cheap accommodation in large rooms (usually
more than 4 people sleep in one room). You have to have your own
sleeping bag, cooking facilities are provided.
Holiday camps: organized stays for young people, usually in tents or
huts, away from civilization
Guesthouses: small family hotels with a more informal atmosphere
Caravans: large vehicles equipped with beds, cupboard, cooking
facilities, water which are pulled by cars, you can use them for
camping if you want something more comfortable than a tent.
Where would you like to go first while visiting another
city or country. Prioritize the ideas.
Historic buildings
Art galleries
Shopping centers
The old town
Main streets
The Zoo
Define what kinds of transport these words denote.
Select them into the necessary columns.
• Departure lounge, steering
wheel, platform, flight, harbor,
deck, runway, check-in desk,
crew, brakes, land, parking lot,
seat belt, stewardess, take off,
voyage, speed limit, cruise,
garage, sleeping car, buffet
car, pilot, overtake, captain,
airport, compartment, petrol
station, terminal, air-traffic
control, ticket inspector, cabin,
disembark, duty-free shop, left
luggage, non-smoking car,
hand luggage, window seat,
aisle seat, life jacket
train car plane ship
steering wheel
departure lounge
sleeping car
parking lot
buffet car
seat belt
check-in desk
speed limit
ticket inspector
left luggage
seat belt
duty-free shop
non-smoking car
petrol station
life jacket
window seat
take off
aisle seat
air-traffic control
duty-free shop
hand luggage
window seat
aisle seat
life jacket
Add as many words as possible.
• By coach: driver,…
• By bike: pedals,…
• On foot: walking boots,…
• Hitchhiking: to thumb a lift,…
• By coach: driver, bus terminal, coach station.
• By bike: pedals, to ride a bike, a wheel, to
change a tyre, to pump up the tyres.
• On foot: walking boots, walking, running, trainers
• Hitchhiking: to thumb a lift, to hitch a lift, lorry,
Speaking practice. Study the expressions and
make up dialogues with a partner.
Information desk,
ticket office,
Waiting room,
Left-luggage room
A sleeper/
sleeping car,
buffet car,
Non-smoking car/
Return ticket/
One way ticket
Railway station/
Reductions for
Ticket inspector
To arrive on time
Platform 3
Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up
dialogues with a partner.
• Купите билет до Парижа и обратно в купе для
некурящих. Узнайте, есть ли скидки для студентов и
есть ли в поезде бар или ресторан.
• Вы на ж/д вокзале. Узнайте в справочной, где можно
купить билеты, оставить багаж и подождать поезда.
Спросите, как пройти на платформу №5 и на какую
платформу прибывают поезда из Оксфорда.
• Вы встречаете на вокзале тетю из Эдинбурга.
Узнайте в справочной, не задерживается ли поезд и
когда он должен прибыть.
The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.
-Could I have a return ticket to Paris with a reserved seat, in non-smoking compartment?
- Do you offer reductions to students?
-Is there a buffet car on a train?
- Excuse me, could you tell me where the ticket office is?
- I would like to leave my luggage and go sightseeing. Where can I find the left luggage room?
- Is the waiting room nearby?
-How to get to platform 5?
- Which platform do the trains from Oxford arrive at?
- I am waiting for a train to Edinburgh. What time does it arrive?
- Is it going to arrive on time or is it likely to be delayed?
Speaking practice. Study the expressions and
make up dialogues with a partner.
Customs control
Life jacket
Fasten your sear belts
To pay an excess
luggage fee
Window/aisle seat
Economy class
Business class
Delayed flight
Flight number
Estimated arrival time
Cabin luggage/
Hand luggage
To go through passport
control/to go through a
security check
To check in
Check –in desk,
departure lounge,
arrival lounge
Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues
with a partner.
Вы впервые летите самолетом. Спросите бортпроводника, как
пристегнуть ремни и где находится спасательный жилет. Узнайте,
сколько времени длится полет до Амстердама и когда подадут
еду и напитки. Спросите, должны ли вы отключить мобильный
телефон и можно ли им пользоваться во время полета.
Вы в аэропорту. Узнайте в справочной, где производится
регистрация пассажиров, вылетающих в Нью-Йорк. Спросите,
сколько багажа вы можете взять с собой, сколько единиц ручной
клади можно взять в салон и сколько берут за перевес.
Вы встречаете в аэропорту зарубежного гостя. Узнайте в
справочной, когда приземлится рейс из Мадрида и сколько
времени может занять паспортный и таможенный контроль.
Выясните, есть ли в зале для прибывающих ресторан или кофебар.
The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.
- Excuse me, could you help me fasten my
seat belt?
- Where can I find my life jacket?
- How long is the flight to Amsterdam?
- Where can we get anything to drink or to
- Do I need to turn off my mobile phone?
- May I use it during the flight?
- What time does the plane from
Madrid arrive?
- How long do the passport and security
control usually take?
- Is there a café or a restaurant in the
arrival lounge?
2) – Excuse me, where can I find the check-in desk
for a fight to New York?
-How much luggage can I have?
- How many pieces of hand luggage can I take on
- How big is the excess luggage fee?
- Are there any newsstands in the departure
- I am carrying a paper cutter as a souvenir.
- Will that be a problem at the security check or will
I have to take it out?
Speaking practice. Study the expressions and
make up dialogues with a partner.
private bathroom
shared bathroom/
cooking facilities
To ask for a wake up
To book a room
At the hotel
Room with a view
of the sea
The window
overlooks the river
To check in/
To check out
Breakfast included
Speaking practice. Study the expressions and make up dialogues
with a partner.
Позвоните в отель и закажите на выходные номер с ванной.
а) входит ли в стоимость завтрак
б) это номер с видом на улицу или на море
в) можно ли готовить самим
г) до какого времени следует зарегистрироваться
д) как добраться до отеля с ж/д станции
Вы только что прибыли в отель и обращаетесь к стойке
а) выясните, готов ли ваш номер
б) попросите разбудить вас утром в 7:30
в) спросите, где вы можете пообедать и в какое время подают
г) спросите, в какое время в воскресенье вы должны выписаться
д) спросите, где ближайший информационный центр
The examples of the dialogues. Add the replies.
– I would like to book a double
room with a bathroom for the
coming weekend.
- Is breakfast included?
- What is the view from the
windows? Do the windows
overlook a street or a lake?
-Are there any cooking facilities?
-What time do we have to check-in?
- How to get to the hotel from the
train station?
- Is my room ready?
- I would like to ask for a wake-up
call at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
- Where can I have dinner?
- What time do you serve
breakfast in the morning?
- By what time do I have to check
out on Sunday?
- Where is the nearest tourist
Describe the photos and answer the questions.
What are the main attractions of both holidays?
What are the problems you may encounter during each of these
Have you ever been on any holidays like these? Describe your
Which holiday would you choose? Why?
Look at the photo, read the newspapers headlines and
answer the questions.
1) Holiday of a lifetime,
wanna visit Europe
for free?
2) Hitchhiker robbed by
lorry driver
What kind of holiday does the photo present?
What do the newspaper headlines tell us about hitchhiking?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of hitchhiking?
Have you ever hitchhiked? If so, how was it?
Look at the photos and answer the questions.
What idea of traveling does this machine represent and how does it differ
from traditional means of transport?
Do you think alternative sources of energy will be widely used in transport
one day? When and on what conditions?
What means of transport do you use most often and what do you use
them for?
Would you like to have a car? Why? What would you use it for?
Discuss the questions with a partner.
1) What way of traveling do you prefer and why?
2) Traveling broadens the mind. Discuss.
3) If you had a visitor from abroad, which places
in Russia and in your home area would you
like to shoe him/her? What would you say
about them?
4) Do you think that going on a package tour is
the best way of visiting foreign countries?
5) If you had enough money to travel wherever
you wanted, where would you go?

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Choose the best word a basic spreadsheet is a
  • Choose the best word a b or c for each space yesterday i went shopping
  • Choose the best phrasal verb to replace each word or phrase in italics
  • Choose the best definition for this word
  • Choose the best definition for each word router