Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence i quickly took her name and address

Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete these sentences.
1. We agreed to meet (among/between) between 2 o’clock and 2:30.
2. She divided the work (among/between) _ all the pupils in the class.
3. The twins divided the chocolate (among/between) _ them.
4. I want to tell you something but it’s (among/between) _ you and me.
5. The house stood (among/between) _ the trees in the middle of the little grove.
1. I quickly took (in/down) _ her name and address.
2. That day I felt unwell and couldn’t take (in/down) _ what the teacher was saying.
3. The plane took (off/up) _ for Rome at 9:30.
4. He has taken (off/up) _ the piano.
5. It’s good manners to take (down/off) _ your hat when you enter a house.
6. There are a number of simple rules that I hope you’ll take (up/in) _ .
7. My brother took (up/in) _ painting only a year ago but he can already paint very well.

Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Five. IV. Use of English. Номер №24


Перевод задания
Выберите подходящие слова в скобках, чтобы завершить эти предложения.
1. Мы договорились встретиться (среди/между) между 2 часами и 2:30.
2. Она разделила работу (среди/между) _ всех учеников в классе.
3. Близнецы разделили шоколад (среди/между) _ ними.
4. Я хочу сказать вам кое−что, но это (среди/между) _ вами и мной. 5. Дом стоял (среди/между) _ деревьев посреди маленькой рощи.
1. Я быстро took (in/down) _ ее имя и адрес.
2. В тот день я чувствовал себя плохо и не мог take (in/down) _ , что говорил учитель.
3. Самолет took (off/up) _ в Рим в 9:30.
4. Он has taken (off/up) _ фортепиано.
5. Это хорошая манера to take (down/off) _ шляпу, когда вы входите в дом.
6. Есть ряд простых правил, которые, я надеюсь, вы take (up/in) _ .
7. Мой брат took (up/in) _ рисованием только год назад, но он уже умеет хорошо рисовать.

1. We agreed to meet between 2 o’clock and 2:30.
2. She divided the work among all the pupils in the class.
3. The twins divided the chocolate between them.
4. I want to tell you something but it’s between you and me.
5. The house stood among the trees in the middle of the little grove.
1. I quickly took down her name and address. 2. That day I felt unwell and couldn’t take in what the teacher was saying. 3. The plane took off for Rome at 9:30. 4. He has taken up the piano. 5. It’s good manners to take off your hat when you enter a house. 6. There are a number of simple rules that I hope you’ll take in. 7. My brother took up painting only a year ago but he can already paint very well.

Перевод ответа
1. Мы договорились встретиться между 2 часами и 2:30.
2. Она разделила работу среди всех учеников в классе.
3. Близнецы разделили шоколад между ними.
4. Я хочу сказать вам кое−что, но это между вами и мной. 5. Дом стоял среди деревьев посреди маленькой рощи.
1. Я быстро записал ее имя и адрес.
2. В тот день я чувствовал себя плохо и не мог понять, что говорил учитель.
3. Самолет вылетел в Рим в 9:30.
4. Он занялся фортепиано.
5. Это хорошая манера снимать шляпу, когда вы входите в дом.
6. Есть ряд простых правил, которые, я надеюсь, вы примете.
7. Мой брат занялся рисованием только год назад, но он уже умеет хорошо рисовать.

Английский язык,

вопрос задал 24508112006,

8 месяцев назад

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Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!​

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заповніть таблицю «Тканини людського тіла» Please Срочно!!!!!!!!!!!​

8 месяцев назад


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8 месяцев назад

2015 жылғы статистикалық мәліметтері бойынша қазақстанда халқының қанша % (христиан, ислам, будда) сенеді помогите пожалуйста ради бога <:(​…

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2 года назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 4 points

1. He talked (about/from) leaving London.

2.I thanked you (of/for) helping me.

3.Don’t prevent me (of/from) writing a letter.

4.He blames her (of/for) breaking the window.

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(3 оценки)



2 года назад

Светило науки — 1342 ответа — 11625 раз оказано помощи

  1. He talked about leaving London.
  2. I thanked you for helping me.
  3. Don’t prevent me from writing a letter.
  4. He blames her for breaking the window.

(3 оценки)

Choose the appropriative words to complete the sentences: unique article calls cheerful courageous fascinating murmurs investigating lies mumbles occasion rewarding Впечатайте вместо пропусков выделенные слова.

1. The … in the latest copy of the magazine was poorly written.
2. Do you know that Julia sometimes … some words in her sleep?
3.Denis knew he had been wrong but he was not … enough to admit it.
4.The problem has a … solution. There is no other way out.
5. The police are still … the murder.
6.Helen … her granny every evening. She wants to wish her good night.
7. I can`t understand Bob when he … and ask him to say the same clearer.
8. This famous actress … about her age. I`m sure she is much older.
9. Yesterday I had no … to speak to him. He was busy all day long.
10. Teaching is a … job.
11. Your report was a kind of … reading for the manager. He was really amused.
12. My mum has a … outlook. You can`t call her a pessimist.

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There’s one extra. • Biscuits can be very _________. • A healthy diet should contain plenty of _________ fruit and vegetables. • He can’t cook. He doesn’t even know how to __________ an egg. • Avoid ________ snacks such as crisps and peanuts. • I’d like something __________, sprite or lemonade for example. • She likes her steak ______________. raw fattening well-done fresh fizzy boil salty

2 ответа:






1.Biscuits can be very fattening.
<span>2. A healthy diet should contain plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
3. He can’t cook. He doesn’t
even know how to boil an egg.
4. Avoid salty snacks such as
crisps and peanuts.
5. I’d like something fizzy, sprite or lemonade
for example.
6. She likes her steak well-done.</span>

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Is the planet blue?
Is the cat white?
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Ответ: I have already washed my hands. Mother has already received the letter. I have already got a good mark. She has already cleaned the flat. My brother has already bought a new one. I have already took a ferry ride. Mother has already made a river cruise. My son’s dream has already came true.

Как говорят многие учителя,что школа -это дом знаний.Это да,не спорю,но,а как же свое личное время и прочее? В школах есть и свои недостатки,например,во-первых,у нас нет времени на хобби и спорт из-за огромного домашнего задания,которого нам задают почти по всем предметам.Также у нас есть скучные предметы,уроки и иногда бывают проблемы из-за оценок.Бывает,что учителя еще и давят на своих учеников насчет уроков и так далее.Да,я понимаю,учителя думают это хорошо,да,но мы же еще дети,надо быть к нам более добрее и относиться с пониманием.

Yerevan — the capital of Armenia.

Yerevan is the capital of Armenia. 1,1 mln people live in Yerevan and it is the largest city in Armenia.

Yerevan is the most important transport crossroad, as well as political, economic, cultural and scientific center. The city has 2 airports and Yerevan had a metro since 1981.

The name of Yerevan originated from Urartian Erebuni fortress before it was called Yerevan city. Yerevan is more then 2800 year old. It has been the capital since 1918 and is the 12th in the history of Armenia.

Yerevan is located from 900 to 1300 meters above the sea level. The climate is mild. Hot dry summers and relatively short but cold winters are typical for Yerevan. It is divided into 2 parts by the Hrazdan River.

Ереван- столица Армении.

<span><span>Ереван является</span> <span>столицей Армении.</span> <span>1,1 млн.</span> <span>людей живут</span> <span>в Ереване</span><span>, и это</span><span> самый крупный город</span> <span>в Армении.</span>

<span>Ереван является</span> <span>важнейшим транспортным</span> <span>перекрестком</span><span>, а также</span> <span>политическим, экономическим,</span> <span>культурным и научным центр</span><span>ом.</span> <span>В городе есть</span> <span>два</span> <span>аэропорта</span> <span>и </span><span>метро</span> <span>с 1981 года.</span>

<span>Название</span> </span><span><span>Ереван </span></span><span><span>происходит от</span> <span>урартской</span> <span>крепости Эребуни</span><span>.</span> <span>Ереванe </span><span>более чем</span> <span>2800</span> <span>лет.</span> <span>Он</span> <span>был</span> <span>столицей</span> страны начиная <span>с 1918 года</span> <span>и является</span> <span>12-й в</span> <span>истории Армении.</span>

<span>Ереван</span> <span>находится</span> <span>от 900 до</span> <span>1300 метров над</span> <span>уровнем моря.</span><span> Климат мягкий</span><span>.</span> <span>Жаркое сухое лето</span> <span>и относительно</span> <span>короткая, но</span> <span>холодная зима</span> <span>характерны для</span> <span>Еревана.</span> <span>Он разделен на</span> <span>2 части по</span> <span>реке</span> <span>Раздан.</span></span>


1 an , 2 be booked , 3 gripping ,4 didn’t she ,5 are being discussed,6 don’t they , 7 gathered, 8 the ,9 debris,10 the , 11 was spotted

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