Choose the appropriate word there was a

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: barashekpedro

Все еще актуально?



Автор ответа: ssttrruuzzhhkkaa



1. e

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. e

6. b

7. b

8. c

9. b

10. e

11. e

12. b

13. c

14. d

15. c

16. c

17. d

18. b

19. d

20. a

21. d

22. b

23. b

24. c

25. b


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Велосипедист должен встретить автобус на остановке A или B. Не дождавшись автобуса на остановке A, велосипедист отправился к остановке B. После того как он проехал треть пути, он оглянулся и увидел автобус, приближающийся к остановке A со скоростью 60 км/ч. Определи скорость движения велосипедиста (км/ч), если известно, что, отправившись на остановку A или на остановку B из этой точки, он приедет туда одновременно с автобусом. В ответе укажи только число без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: 55

6 лет назад

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. In two sentences both words are possible.
1) I bought the (latest / last) copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the kiosk. 2) His (last / latest) words before he died were: «The rest is silence.” 3) My uncle is the (oldest/eldest) member of my family. 4) Do you know that Mr West’s (older/elder) daughter is an actress? 5) What is the (last/latest) day of the week? 6) What do you think about his (last/latest) play? Does John himself like it? 7) The school building is (older/elder) than all the other buildings in this street. 8) What is the (last/latest) news? 9) I haven’t read Kitty’s (last/latest) play, but I know what she is working on now. 10) My friend’s (elder/older) brother is not in Russia now.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 5. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Выберите подходящие слова, чтобы закончить предложения. В двух предложениях возможны оба слова.
1) Я купил (latest / last) экземпляр сегодняшней газеты. В киоске больше не было. 2) Его (last / latest) слова перед смертью были: «Остальное − тишина». 3) Мой дядя − (oldest/eldest) член моей семьи. 4) Вы знаете, что (older/elder) дочь мистера Уэста − актриса? 5) Какой (last/latest) день недели? 6 ) Что вы думаете о его (last/latest) пьесе? Нравится ли она самому Джону? 7) Здание школы (older/elder) всех остальных зданий на этой улице. 8) Какая (last/latest) новости? 9) Пьесу Китти (last/latest) я не читал, но знаю, над чем она сейчас работает 10) Брата моей подруги (elder/older) сейчас нет в России.

1) I bought the last copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the kiosk. 2) His last words before he died were: «The rest is silence.” 3) My uncle is the oldest / eldest member of my family. 4) Do you know that Mr West’s older / elder daughter is an actress? 5) What is the last day of the week? 6) What do you think about his latest play? Does John himself like it? 7) The school building is older than all the other buildings in this street. 8) What is the latest news? 9) I haven’t read Kitty’s latest play, but I know what she is working on now. 10) My friend’s elder/older brother is not in Russia now.

Перевод ответа
1) Я купил последний экземпляр сегодняшней газеты. В киоске больше не было. 2) Его последними словами перед смертью были: «Остальное − тишина». 3) Мой дядя − самый старший/старший член моей семьи. 4) Вы знаете, что старшая/старшая дочь мистера Уэста − актриса? 5) Какой последний день недели? 6) Что вы думаете о его последней пьесе? Нравится ли она самому Джону? 7) Здание школы старее всех остальных зданий на этой улице. 8) Какие последние новости? 9) Я не читал последнюю пьесу Китти, но знаю, над чем она сейчас работает. 10) Старший/Старший брат моей подруги сейчас не в России.





6 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Al. Choose the appropriate word. (Выберите нужное слово.)
… is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.
l) A flood
2) A drought
3) A hurricane
4) A snowfall

Смотреть ответ



(2 оценки)



6 лет назад

Светило науки — 20 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

A drought  — засуха(долгий период сухой погоды, недостаточно воды)

(2 оценки)

Тест по английскому языку Is it easy to live apart from the family? 9 класс с ответами. Тест включает в себя 2 варианта по 6 заданий. Вопросы и задания теста разделены на три уровня сложности: части А — базового уровня, части В — повышенного, части С — высокого уровня.

Variant 1

A1. Match the words on the left and the endings on the right.

1) class
2) understand
3) impress
4) relation

а. -ing
b. -mate
с. -ion
d. -sllip

А2. Choose the appropriate word.

Susan decided to become а … .

1) novel
2) novella
3) novelist
4) novelette

А3. Choose the correct words to make the tag question.

Не wore his new suit yesterday, … ?

1) doesn’t he
2) hadn’t he
3) didn’t he
4) isn’t he

А4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

Sam … to talk to anyone and went straight to his room

1) wanted
2) hadn’t wants
3) doesn’t want
4) didn’t want

B1. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.

1) to calm
2) to feel
3) to get
4) to stick

C1. Imagine that you are а host of а TV programme. Ask your guest about llis job, family and
hobby. Write three questions to the guest.

Variant 2

A1. Match the words on the left and on the right.

1) to give
2) to feel
3) to look
4) to avoid

а. quarrels
b. advice
c. upset
d. smart

А2. Choose the appropriate word.

There was а … park close to their house.

1) wonder
2) wonderland
3) wonderment
4) wonderful

А3. Choose the correct words to make the tag question.

His elder sister has been living in Spain since childhood, … ?

1) hasn’t she
2) isn’t she
3) didn’t she
4) liadn’t she

А4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

The problem was that the day before yesterday Stacy had got а poor mark at school. She … get ready for her Chemistry test.

1) wouldn’t be able
2) can’t
3) couldn’t
4) won’t be able

В1. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.

1) to quarrel
2) interested
3) ashamed
4) to share

C1. Imagine that you аre а first-year student at University. Ask your teacher about the subject,
laboratory work and test. Write three questions to the teacher.

Ответы на тест по английскому языку Is it easy to live apart from the family? 9 класс
1 вариант
A1. 1b 2a 3c 4d
1) down
2) like
3) along
4) up
2 вариант
A1. 1b 2c 3d 4a
1) with
2) in
3) of
4) with

Опубликовано: 13.08.2020
Обновлено: 25.12.2021

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе ( 3 четверть )

1. Write the same in English

a) очевидец происшествия b) избавиться от свидетеля c) час пик d) бесплатно e) вулкан f) нефтяное пятно g) кислотный дождь h) в чью-то пользу i) национальное достояние j) приобрести недвижимость k) потрясающий пейзаж l) поклясться на Библии

2. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1. Several scenes have been cut (down / out) of the film.

2. I think you should get rid (out / of) this habit.

3. If you cut the cake (up / down), everyone will be able to get a piece.

4. The entrance to the museum was free (in /of) charge, which helped us to save some money.

5. Sound, heat and light move (in /on) waves.

6. The concert was (attended / visited) by thousands of music lovers.

7. The park was somebody’s private (heritage / property) and we were not allowed to enter it.

8. Nowadays there is a shortage (of/with) food in some African countries.

9.  If you cut the cake (up/down), everyone will be able to get a piece.

10. We have a wonderful (scenery/view) of the pond from our window.

3. Write the appropriate article (a/an,the, — )

1)… Indian elephant is … endangered animal.

2) … Sofia is… capital of … Bulgaria.

3) At … party each child got … box of … chocolates.

4) They live in … south of … Sweden.

5) … Volga is … longest river in … western part of … Russia.

4. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right

1. My ________ question is about the living conditions in the summer camp. THREE

2. Look, someone _______water over the floor. Be careful, it’s slippery. SPILL

3. Do you think electronic books are _________ than rarer ones? CONVENIENT

4. Through the centures people _____ to predict most of natural disasters. LEARN

5. Scientists say the _____ areas are polluted. COAST

6. He jumped into the water ______a small child who evidently couldn’t swim. RESCUE

7. No doubt the Internet is an ________ source of information. VALUE

5. Complete the sentences

Conquered, benefits, revenge, witness, disaster, witnesses, features, rescue, evident, waste

1. We swore to take ____ on our attacker. 2. They had to ____ the tourists who had lost their way in the mountains. 3. The Normans ____ England in 1066. 4. Are there any ____ to the car accident in Oxford Street? 5. Volcano eruption is a natural ____. 6. Plenty of sunshine is one of the ____ of living in Greece. 7. It was ____ that she had once been a beauty. 8. Our plan has some undesirable ____. 9. ____ which is not dangerous should be recycled. 10. If you ____ something, you see it happen.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе ( 3 четверть )

1. Write the same in English

a) нехватка питьевой воды b) переполненный автобус c) посещать школу d) наследие e) жить в хороших условиях f) спасать от смерти g) ядерное оружиеh) завоеватьземлю i) закончиться катастрофой j) поверхность воды k) личное имущество l) очевидно

2. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1. Don’t waste your money, save it (for/on) a house, put it in the bank.

2. Any witnesses (to/of) the incident are asked to contact to police.

3. The fireman came (to/at) these people’s rescue.

4. If you hurt my mum, I’ll take revenge (to/on) you.

5. I’m (at/in) no condition to walk that fast.

6. Saturday is the most (comfortable/convenient) day to see our friends.

7. It`s time for people to understand the (benefit /value) of human life and stop all wars.

8. Many trees are cut (off/down) in Siberia.

9. The hotel was cut (off/down) from the station by the snow.

10. What are you saving money (for/from)? – I want to buy a new house.

3. Write the appropriate article (a/an,the, — )

1) … Recreation areas often appear in … suburbs of …big cities.

2) Max, put on … clean shirt,… black one is dirty.

3) … Sun is shining brightly in …blue sky.

4) Where is…money I have put on…table? – It is on…shelf below…mirror.

5) Have you done …exercises yet,Bob?

4. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right

1. It was in news yesterday that a powerful tornado__ in the east. STRIKE

2. The cultural heritage of the country must|___ SAVE

3. This museum seems to have the ___ paintings of Russian artists. VALUABLE

4. The terrible disaster ____by scientists a long time ago. PREDICT

5. The cobra is a common _______ snake. POISON

6. We should ___ him to pass the exam again. COURAGE

7. No one likes travelling in _____ buses. CROWDED

5. Complete the sentences

Crowds, predict, heritage, waves, lack, erupted, surface, swearing, recycle, rid

1. The astronauts explored the _____ of the moon. 2. It is not always easy to get _____ of harmful habits. 3. When Vesuvius _____ in AD 79, it buried the Roman city of Pompeii. 4. We can _____ serious climatic changes nowadays. 5. I sat on the bench listening to the sound of _____ breaking on the rocks of the shore. 6. There were _____ of people at the theatre. 7. Can we _____ bottles? 8. She was angry and was _____ at everybody. 9. There is no _____ of stories to tell them. 10. The historic building is as much part of our _____ as the paintings.

Unit 3 “In Harmony with Nature”

  1. Listening ex.1 p.146
  1. Reading

Match the paragraphs (A- G) with the titles (1-8). One is extra.

  1. Use of English

Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right.

1. The cobra is a common ____________________ snake. poison

2. The ring doesn’t only look expensive, in fact, it’s really ______________. value

3. They climbed the mountain from the ______________________ side. southwest

4. What is the __________________________ of Moscow now? populate

5. You should _______________________ Peter to sit the exam again. courage

6. No one likes travelling in _______________________ buses. crowded

7. Many __________________ think that weather changes will be the science

biggest problem caused by _______________ in next hundred years. pollute.

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1. Saturday is the most (comfortable/convenient) day to see our friends.

2. It`s time for people to understand the (benefit /value) of human life and stop all wars.

3. Many trees are cut (off/down) in Siberia.

4. The hotel was cut (off/down) from the station by the snow.

5. What are you saving money (for/from)? – I want to buy a new house.

6. The concert was (attended / visited) by thousands of music lovers.

7. The park was somebody’s private (heritage / property) and we were not allowed to enter it.

8. Nowadays there is a shortage (of/with) food in some African countries.

9.  If you cut the cake (up/down), everyone will be able to get a piece.

10. We have a wonderful (scenery/view) of the pond from our window.

Use the definite article where necessary.

  1. ___ United Kingdom includes ___ Great Britain and ___ Northern Ireland.
  2. The largest fresh water lake in ___ Europe is ___ Lake Ladoga in ___ northwestern Russia.
  3. We’ve booked a holiday for three weeks in ___ Canary Islands.
  4. Located to _____ east of ___ Mariana Islands in ___ western Pacific Ocean, ___ Mariana Trench is the deepest known area.
  5. ___ Astrachan is located on ___Caspian Sea.
  6. Once I went for my holidays to ___ Lake Baikal. It was great!
  7. ___ English Channel is between ___ Great Britain and ___ France.
  8. ___ Pennines is a chain of mountains which is known as the backbone of ___England.
  9. The longest river in ___United States is ___Mississippi.
  10. ___ Urals divide ___Asia and ___Europe.
  11. ___ Appalachian mountains in ___United States are very old.
  12. Which is longer:  ___ Volga or ___Danube?
  13. Is ___ Everest the  highest mountain in world?
  14. Is ___ Amsterdam in ___ United States or in ___ Netherlands?
  15. ___ Loch Ness is a lake in ___ Scotland.

Translate from Russian into English

1.Говорят, что погода в Британии очень переменчива.


2. Черное море находится в южной части России.


3. Когда надо, он может быть твердым как сталь.



I.Listening: 1d 2a 3f 4b 5g 6e c-extra

II. Reading: 5 8 1 6 3 2 4

III.Use of English:

1 poisonous

2 valuable

3 southern

4 population

5 encourage

6 overcrowded

7 scientists

8 pollution

1 convenient

2 value

3 down

4 off

5 for

6 attended

7 property

8 of

9 up

10 view

1 The, -, —

2 -, -, —

3 the

4 the, the, the, the

5 -, the

6 —

7 the, -, —

8 the, —

9 the, the

10 the, -, —

11 the, the

12 the, the

13 —

14 -, the, the

15 -, —

1 The weather in Britain is said to be changeable.

2 The Black Sea is situated in the southern part of Russia.

3 When necessary, he can be as hard as nails.

3. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right

1. My ________ question is about the living conditions in the summer camp. THREE

2. Look, someone _______water over the floor. Be careful, it’s slippery. SPILL

3. Do you think electronic books are _________ than rarer ones? CONVENIENT

4. Through the centures people _____ to predict most of natural disasters. LEARN

5. He jumped into the water ______a small child who evidently couldn’t swim. RESCUE

4. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right

1. Scientists say the _____ areas are polluted. COAST

2. Her experience of management turned out ________. VALUE

3. It’s ______ other museums as very little is locked up in glass cases. LIKE

4. No doubt the Internet is an ________ source of information. VALUE

5. Crimea is _______ picturesque. FORGET

5. Write several sentences

  • why it is important to raise ecological awareness
  • what are the best ways to do it
  • the role of each individual in raising ecological awareness.

3. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right

1. It was in news yesterday that a powerful tornado__ in the east. STRIKE

2. The cultural heritage of the country must|___ SAVE

3. This museum seems to have the ___ paintings of Russian artists. VALUABLE

4. The terrible disaster ____by scientists a long time ago. PREDICT

5. He jumped into the water ______a small child who evidently couldn’t swim. RESCUE

4. Complete the sentences with derivatives of the words on the right

1. The cobra is a common _______ snake. POISON

2. It’s common knowledge that swimming can be really ___ to your health. BENEFIT

3. We should ___ him to pass the exam again. COURAGE

4. No one likes travelling in _____ buses. CROWDED

5. They climbed the mountain from the ______side. SOUTHWEST

5. Write several sentences

The worst ecological threat to our planet.

  • what the threat is
  • why, in your view, it presens a great danger
  • how the problem can be solved

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