Choose the appropriate word the people

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
People of teaching (job/ profession/ occupation/ career) are mainly woman.
Neither of her books (have/ has) been bought.
They are thinking about (whether/ if) the plan is good.
(None/ No one) knows where she is.
Among the (applicants/ applications) only four people were successful.
Practise (to do/ doing) this exercises as often as you can.
Both kittens were so wonderful that I was prepared to take (either/ any).

Test I
Variant I
Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
People of teaching (job/ profession/ occupation/ career) are mainly woman.
Neither of her books (have/ has) been bought.
They are thinking about (whether/ if) the plan is good.
(None/ No one) knows where she is.
Among the (applicants/ applications) only four people were successful.
Practise (to do/ doing) this exercises as often as you can. 
Both kittens were so wonderful that I was prepared to take (either/ any).
I’ll be very grateful if you call in (for/ in/ on/ at/ out/ up) us one of these days.
The box (contains/ includes) old letters.
He wasn’t at home, (either/ neither) were his parents.
Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right.
 The countryside looks very………………….now. (COLOUR)
 She was…………………when I told her my plan. (DOUBT)
 It was very……………… I drove slowly. (FOG)
 Let’s go for a………………walk in the fresh air! (HEALTH)
 Seeing all that food made me very……………….. (HUNGER)
She married a………………..businessman. (SUCCESS)
 You can trust her. She’s a very…………………girl. (TRUTH)
Test I
Variant II
Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
Her (job/ profession/ occupation/ career) as a driver came to an end after a bad accident.
Either Ann or Alice (is/ are) responsible for this job.
He can’t decide (whether/ if) to go to London in winter.
(None/ No one) of my friends has paid their tuitions at the university.
(Advanced/ Advance) technologies are finding their way to schools.
She had to (practice/ practise) the violin every day.
7) We have two bedrooms but (neither/ no one) is comfortable enough.
The old photo called (for/ in/ on/ at/ out/ up) the memory of his late wife.
A (hairdresser/ barber/ hairman) is a person who cuts men’s hair.
(Either/ Neither) his son nor his daughter were at the party.
Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right.
You must be…………………when you open the door. (CARE)
He has a…………………routine of exercises. (DAY)
 It’s nice meeting such a……………….person. (FRIEND)
 He looked very…………………in that hat. (FUN)
 We’re………………….that they’ll agree to come. (HOPE)
 He looked…………………..when he heard the news. (THOUGHT)
It was…………………to see him again. (WONDER)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку ( «Rainbow English 11» Unit I)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку ( "Rainbow English 11" Unit I)

Материалы на данной страницы взяты из открытых истончиков либо размещены пользователем в соответствии с договором-офертой сайта. Вы можете сообщить о нарушении.

Введите ваш emailВаш email

Choose the appropriate verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. People often (say/tell) tell me about their problems.
2. Gwen doesn’t (talk/speak) _ German very well.
3. Mr Brown was (speaking/talking) _ in front of the school for half an hour.
4. My classmates and me often (talk/tell) _ about our favourite TV shows.
5. Never (tell/say) _ lies.
6. Try to (say/tell) _ the truth.
7. I don’t like physics very much. Everybody (says/tells) _ it is a difficult subject, and I agree.
8. Could you (tell/say) _ us the time, please?
9. Garry (said/told) _ to me he wanted to visit the USA.
10. Sam (said/told) _ , “I want to see Brussels.”

Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT One. IV. Use of English. Номер №27


Перевод задания
Выберите соответствующие глаголы в скобках, чтобы закончить предложения.
1. Люди часто (say/tell) рассказывают мне о своих проблемах.
2. Гвен не (talk/speak) _ по−немецки очень хорошо.
3. Г−н Браун (speaking/talking) _ перед школой полчаса.
4. Мои одноклассники и я часто (talk/tell) _о наших любимых телешоу.
5. Никогда не (tell/say) _ ложь.
6. Попробуйте (say/tell) _ правду.
7. Я не очень люблю физику. Все (says/tells) _ , что это сложный предмет, и я согласен.
8. Не могли бы вы (tell/say) _ нам, сколько времени, пожалуйста?
9. Гарри (said/told) _ мне, что хочет посетить США.
10. Сэм (said/told) _ : «Я хочу увидеть Брюссель».

1. People often tell me about their problems.
2. Gwen doesn’t speak German very well.
3. Mr Brown was speaking in front of the school for half an hour.
4. My classmates and me often talk about our favourite TV shows.
5. Never tell lies.
6. Try to tell the truth.
7. I don’t like physics very much. Everybody says it is a difficult subject, and I agree.
8. Could you tell us the time, please?
9. Garry said to me he wanted to visit the USA.
10. Sam said, “I want to see Brussels.”

Перевод ответа
1. Люди часто рассказывают мне о своих проблемах.
2. Гвен не говорит по−немецки очень хорошо.
3. Г−н Браун выступал перед школой полчаса.
4. Мои одноклассники и я часто рассказываем о наших любимых телешоу.
5. Никогда не лгите.
6. Попробуйте сказать правду.
7. Я не очень люблю физику. Все говорят, что это сложный предмет, и я согласен.
8. Не могли бы вы сказать нам, сколько времени, пожалуйста?
9. Гарри сказал мне, что хочет посетить США.
10. Сэм сказал: «Я хочу увидеть Брюссель».

Progress Check I

Variant I

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

Young people are not (1)__________________ in politics nowadays and I don’t see any reason why they should. There are lots of other things that are really (2)_____________ an (3)__________________ for people of our age, such as sports, music and certainly (4)___________________. I don’t watch political programmes on TV as I don’t understand them anyway. (5)_______________ use a very difficult language, which I don’t always understand. I certainly watch news from time to time, but I don’t enjoy it very much. It’s all about military conflicts, antiglobalists’ protests and other (6)___________ things.







  1. Use the words in the appropriate form.

Mike became interested in politics when he was at school. When his schoolmates were partying or camping or just watching TV, he (1)_____________________ about different political systems and movements. It was a weird (причудливый) hobby for a teenager, but he obviously (2)_______________ it. When I entered his room for the very first time, my attention (3)___________________ to a little bookcase in the corner. The collection of books there was quite unusual – biographies of famous politicians, political reviews, textbooks on politics and international relations and no feature books at all! Mike proudly said that the unique collection (4)_____________________ in just two years. He also (5)________________ me several files with articles and printed internet materials that related to different political parties and political events.

     Now Mike works as a political analyst. He can easily forecast which party will win the elections, whether the unemployment rate will rise or fall, and whether our economy will grow whether we’ll have to survive through a recession period. His articles (6)________________________ in serious newspapers and now it’s me who (7)______________ his articles to make a collection.








It is something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have.

  1. right
  2. freedom
  3. responsibility
  4. obligation

Choose the appropriate word.

All people have the right to ____________________ of opportunity.

  1. equal
  2. equally
  3. equalize
  4. equality

Complete the sentence.

The problem of homeless people ______________________ tomorrow. We have done it today.

  1. must not be discuss
  2. must not discuss
  3. must not be discussed
  4. must be not discussed

Choose the appropriate word.

To my mind, the government ___________________ take care of old people.

  1. can
  2. must
  3. may
  4. could

Match the elements on the left and on the right.

  1. liberal                  a) -nal
  2. free                       b) -ize
  3. exter                     c) -ty
  4. opportuni           d) –dom

Correct the mistakes.

You can say you are keen of studying laws indeed?


List of the rights of young people (at least 5).

Young people have the right: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Progress Check I

Variant II

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

I’m convinced that we shouldn’t ignore politics. If young people are (1)_______________ to it, they can’t influence it. Someone else is shaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are. I’m not saying that we should take part in all kinds of (2)___________________. Politics is a very (3)____________________ thing and its often very difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. I never support people who protest (4)__________________, no matter how good their (5)___________________ are. I think we should analyse (6)___________________ and think for ourselves.







  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

The number of people who travel for business and educational purposes has (1)________________ considerably over recent years. We move from city to city, from country to country looking for educational (2)________________, or better job. (3)____________________, those are not the only reasons for migration – often people have to leave their native land and flee from civil wars, terrorist attacks or poverty. They (4)_____________________ to other countries, sometimes, illegally, seeking (5)________________ and decent life. But in spite of their hopes and dreams the new reality can be quite tough. Most immigrants experience language problems. Even if they speak the language of the new country (6)__________________, their accent gives away their foreign background, and they may feel different and alienated from the others. They also leave behind friends and relatives, which (7)_____________________ to their loneliness and insecurity.


a) strengthened

b) increased

c) broadened

d) improved


a) needs


c) opportunities



a) However

b) And

c) Because

d) That’s why


a) tour

b) commute

c) travel

d) immigrate


a) safety

b) danger

c) health

d) advice


a) loudly

b) quietly

c) fluently

d) widely


a) increase

b) helps

c) contributes

d) lessen

It is  the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone.

  1. right
  2. freedom
  3. responsibility
  4. obligation

Choose the appropriate word.

The people in that village were more ___________________ inclined.

  1. liberal
  2. liberate
  3. liberally
  4. liberation

Complete the sentence.

I think people _______________ this problem.

  1. will be able solve
  2. will able to solve
  3. will be able of solve
  4. will be able to solve

Choose the appropriate word.

You ___________________ cross the street at the red light.

  1. can’t
  2. must
  3. mustn’t
  4. should

Match the elements on the left and on the right.

  1. respons                  a) -sion
  2. necessi                   b) -ty
  3. permis                    c) -ful
  4. neglect                    d) -ible

Correct the mistakes.

When I must stopped using my aerosol spray?


List of the rights of children (at least 5).

Children have the right: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________






итогового тестирования по английскому языку

11 класс

1. Назначение итогового тестирования: определить уровень

образовательных достижений по английскому языку за курс 11 класса средней


2. Документы, определяющие содержание итогового тестирования.

1. Обязательный минимум содержания среднего общего образования по

английскому языку (приложение к приказу Минобразования России от 19.05.1998г.


2. Федеральный компонент государственного образовательного стандарта

общего образования. Английский язык. Среднее общее образование риказ

Минобразования России от 05.03.04г. №1089 «Об утверждении Федерального

компонента государственных стандартов общего, основного общего и среднего

(полного) общего образования»).

3. Программа для общеобразовательных учреждений по английскому языку.

5-11 классы. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.

4. Рабочая программа по английскому языку 11 класс, утверждённая

приказом №42 от 29.08.2016.

5. Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: учебник

для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2013.

3. Структура итогового тестирования.

Итоговое тестирование включает в себя 20 заданий с выбором одного

правильного ответа из четырех предложенных.

4. Распределение заданий по содержанию.

5. Распределение заданий по уровням сложности.


1. Ann never returns home late.

2. They highly estimated the young artist’s talent.

3. I nearly missed my bus to Rostov yesterday.

4. You should work hard if you want to master the language you’re learning.

5. The boy was rightly punished for his bad behavior.

6. Bats fly mostly at night.

7. Please open the door wide. Otherwise we won’t be able to carry the piano in.

8. Maxim Dunaevsky’s melodies are widely known to lots of people in Russia.


1 Наречие late имеет значение «поздно»: Ann never returns home late. — Энн никогда не возвращается домой поздно. У наречия lately другое значение — «недавно, в последнее время» (не подходит сюда по смыслу)

2 High —  высоко (используется после глагола), highly  — весьма, крайне,  сильно,  чрезвычайно

3 Near — близкий; около. Nearly = почти

4 Hard — трудный, тяжелый (или «трудно, тяжело»), а hardly —  «едва ли», «почти не»

5 Наречие right  = правильно, верно, справедливо; прямо, направо.
 Rightly = справедливо, правильно, должным образом.

Оба наречия right и rightly могут иметь один и тот же смысл = правильно, верно. Но наречие rightly используется перед глаголом.

6 Most — превосходная степень наречия much. Mostly означает «обычно», «как правило», «в большинстве случаев»

7 и 8 Наречие wide = широко; повсюду (to open the door wide =  распахнуть дверь настежь).

  Widely = повсюду, в большей степени, широко ( widely known = широкоизвестный)

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  • Choose the appropriate word or words a person
  • Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences
  • Choose the appropriate word or word combination
  • Choose the appropriate word is the weather
  • Choose the appropriate word is sudden