Choose the appropriate word or words a person

66 месяцев назад

words to make the tag question. He wore his new suit yesterday,…? 1)doesn’t he. 2)hadn’t he. 3)didn’t he. 4)isn’t he. Choose the correct form of the verb. Sam… to talk to anyone and went straight to his room. 1)wanted. 2)hadn’t wants. 3)doesn’t want. 4)didn’t want. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary. 1)to calm-… 2)to feel-… 3)to get-… 4)to stick-… Choose the appropriate word(or words) Chemistry was the… Subject for Stacy 1)most difficult. 2)difficult. 3)more difficult. 4)difficulty . Match the words on the left and on the right to make the compound adjectives 1)high 2)old 3)well 4)open A. -faced. B. -speed C. -known. D. -fashioned. Choose the correct form of the verd. We spent the day… Among the cars 1)walk. 2)we’re walking. 3)walked. 4)walking. Write the sentences with the Gerund 1)I agreed to meet after… 2)my brother is keen on… 3)it is worth…


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Midterm Questions

?Choose the appropriate answer:A hill or ridge of sand piled up by the wind

?Choose the appropriate answer.

Very great in size, amount, degree, intensity, or especially in extend

?Find synonym of the word in bold

US petrol prices have been pushed to their highest level.

?Find synonym of the word in bold

I owe all my knowledge to the German inventor, Johannes Gutenberg.

?Find synonym of the word in bold

Success is a Journey, not a Destination!

?Find synonym of the word in bold

While travelling and experiencing different cultures, you definitely broaden your horizons.

?Find antonym of the word in bold

Ideas are the beginning of all achievement

?Find antonym of the word in bold

As I get older, I’ve learned to people rather than


them of things.

?Choose the appropriate word for definition:

The place at a port, airport, or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travelers, or luggage

?Choose the appropriate word for definition:

An arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a specified premium

?Choose the appropriate word for definition: be given, presented with, or paid (something)

?Choose the appropriate word for definition: a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay.

?Choose the appropriate word for definition: tocancel something

?Choose the appropriate word for definition: to give something to a person in authority

?Choose the right answer

I think you _______________ my question – what I meant was, can you hear me OK?

?Choose the right answer

We have just enough fuel left to reach our ________________.

?Choose the right answer

The job was extremely ________________ – it took much longer than I expected.

?Choose the right answer

He earns a/an _________________ salary.

?Choose the right answer

Travel helps you to _______________your horizons and understand different cultures.

?Choose the right answer

The job offers excellent _______________prospects.

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: very surprising

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: worth having and wanted by most people

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: always calm and never angry or too excited

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: not known or popular with many people

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: to start a journey

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: the possibility of being successful, especially at work

?Complete the sentence with the appropriate word

It was really ________________of you to remember my birthday.

?Complete the sentence with the appropriate word

You may feel a little _____________ for a few days after the operation.

?Complete the sentence with the appropriate word

He’s intelligent, but poor _________________ is limiting his success.

?Complete the sentence with the appropriate word

I’m really nervous to live at school, but I know I need to __________________and get some experience living without my family.

?Complete the sentence with the appropriate word

He ___________over 1,000 miles to be at the wedding.

?Complete the sentence with the appropriate word

He was so _________________ and seemed to always know what he wanted.

? Choose the appropriate word for definition

an act of travelling from one place to another.

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: giving fulfillment or the pleasure associated with this

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: causing mental or emotional stress.

? Choose the appropriate word for definition: speaking two languages fluently

? Choose the appropriate word for definition:

relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.

? Choose the appropriate word for definition:

willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly.

? Choose the correct word for the given definition:

A person who is willing to take risks and try new ideas.

?Choose the appropriate antonym for the given word: Underrated

?He speaks two languages from birth. He’s __________.

?Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word: Well-known

?Choose the correct word for the given definition:Express warm approval or admiration of.

?The whole territory was_________. It was impossible to see the end.

?The _____________ of someone or something is the place to which they are going or being sent.

? Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word: Abroad

? Choose the correct word for the given definition:

Something that takes a lot of time.

?Choose the appropriate antonym for the given word: Boring

? Choose the appropriate synonym for the given word: Look for

?Fill in the gap with appropriate personality adjective:

The Island attracts ________________travelers.

?What is “Personality clash?

?What does the underlined prefix mean in the word “



?If the holiday is arranged by travel agency in which our travel and accommodation are booked for us, what type of holiday is it?

?Choose the correct definition for the word “Monotonous”

?Fill in the gaps with appropriate word

Teaching young children is a _____________and rewarding job.

?Fill in the gaps with appropriate word

Teaching young children is a challenging and ______________ job.

?Choose the correct expression with its meaning: Organizing your time effectively-

?Choose the correct expression with its meaning: How much time you spend at work and home-

?Choose the correct option.

_________________ women have always been desirable in the world of fashion.

?Choose the correct option.

The park is so _________. It was impossible to see the end.

?Choose the correct option.

I’m not ___________________ or arrogant, but I do believe in my own ability.

?Choose the correct option.

_______________ system is a new model in the urban rail transit system in China.

?Choose the correct option.

She’s very good at coping with ……. situations.

?Choose the correct option.

His speeches are very ……, and I just want to fall asleep.

?Choose the correct option.

It’s …… to sit on the plane with nothing to read.

?Choose the correct option.

We have a …… year ahead of us in this economic climate.

?Choose the correct option.

You’re going to Africa? How ……!

?Choose the correct option.

My schedule is quite …… — I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.

?Choose the correct option.

Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially …… activity.

?Choose the correct option.

It is very ….. toknow that the project was a success.

?Choose the correct option.

Whether or not we go to Spain for our holiday …… onthe cost.

?Choose the correct option.

Have you had previous …… of this type of work.

?Choose the correct option.

One of the requirements of this position is …… intwo or more European languages.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

None of them is a five star _________ but two are fairly comfortable.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

It is a lonely lake, situated in extremely wild ____________ at a height of 1153 ft.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

 If your Dad is feeling bad enough, he needs to see a doctor, not a ___________.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

One of the requirements of the job is …… intwo or more African languages.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

Staff members were given a _______ for finishing the project on schedule.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

If you want to ……… for the job you should write to the company.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

Our manager is an ________ person; she never gets angry.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

Come in, Connie, and meet my ____________________, Yancey Gideon.

?Read the question and choose the most appropriate answer.

Her ……. as a dancer came to the end when she broke her leg.

? A financial news website is looking ……a freelance journalist with a knowledge of economics and stock markets.

? A financial news website is looking for a freelance journalist with a knowledge ….. economics and stock markets.

? She is so …… , she should think before she speaks in case she hurts someone.

? I think it is good for young people to take a gap year and travel to ….. their horizons.

? To avoid any mistakes, we need to be ….. and not to make decisions too quickly.

? His success was ….. by one small mistake.

? We booked a ….. which included the bus and all our meals.

? I do not need to improve my ….. skills, as I organize my time efficiently.

? At an interview I like to ask simple questions and then I use ….. to throw the candidate off guard.

? Never carry packages through ….. for others.

? Usually ….. person is the one who is not easily upset or annoyed.

? Alan Shepard ….. America`s first manned space mission.

? He is not ….. because of his father. It must be because of his mother, she was always. making things and painting.

? When someone goes outside of one’s own country.

? A location someone is going to.

? The place where someone lives permanently

? Which is NOT a synonym for journey?

? What do you purchase when you a tour company plans you trip?

? He often _________ to London for work.

? He took a ________ to the US last year.

? Which is NOT a reason a person travels abroad?

? Broadening your horizons means…

? Sometimes a person travels abroad to do each of the following except ……….

? Reasons people want to ‘get away from it all’ BUT

? Which is a synonym of ‘explore new places’

? When did Kevin _______ from China?

? The tour group has 30 minutes to ________ before we take off again.

? Which is a synonym of ‘carry on’

? In the morning we will __________ at 7AM.

? When we get to our destination we have________.

? Sally is very confident and a forceful person she is….

? I was annoying my friend but he does not easily get upset he is….

? Define the synonym for “Challenging”

? Commuting from one workplace to the other may really be ……………..

? My friend is very ……………. in English language.

? I prefer travelling independently to going on a……………………. because it includes all the tour necessities.

? The professor has an easy time controlling his class because the students are …………… about their studies.

? Most of the Russian citizens are…………….. because they ought to know two languages.

? This land is very large in size but it is …………………………

? The schoolboys are more ……………..not to take any mistakes in spelling than ever before.

?What is the definition ofadventurous?

?What is the definition of cautious?

? What is the definition of sensible?

?What is the definition of bilingual?

?What is the meaning of repetitive?

?What is the meaning of look around?

?What is the meaning of workstations?

? What is the meaning of set out?

?I have no problem with …. I can easily organize my day and spend all day effectively.

?My friend Lucy asked me to … her little child, while she was at work.

?Most people think that the most … job is modeling, because you can meet famous people and attend different parties.

?While working at home you miss out office… and can’t … your social skills

?A: How was your___?

B: Great, very good hotels, flights on time, everything was good.

?Omar is a very ______ soul: he just does the same thing year in year out.

?The train was packed full of____ from the suburbs on their daily journey to work

?I have loads of assignments. I’m going to stay in tonight and do my __________.

?Pilots, doctors and teachers are considered to have the most ________ jobs.

?The students were sitting on a ______ around the teacher.

?I’m tired of traveling solo, I’ve booked a cheap_______ holiday.

?She is looking ______ a new job.

? You will have to ______ this essay – its complete rubbish!

? A person who is not easily upset or annoyed:

? A person who is determined to do what they want:

?A person who makes a lot of effort:

?A person who accepts other ideas and opinions:

?A person who believes in their own success:

?Billy is a/an………. student who will do well in his career.

?David has a very………personality, and gets on with everyone.

?Lucy was extraordinarily …………to her friends.

?Mum is a/an……………. driver and never goes above 40 miles per hour.

?She’s very ………….to other people’s needs.

? The new secretary is extremely ………. but very talkative.

?Does travel ___________ the mind?

?Does ___________ broaden the mind?

?It is very hard to have proper… . Especially, if your working hours are not flexible.

?It is very hard to have proper work-life balance. Especially, if your working hours are not …

?A new worker has fluency … Italian and experience of working with foreigners.

?A new worker has good fluency in Italian and experience … working with foreigners.

?Therefore, I consider she has prospects … promotion.

?John was a very ________and experienced rock-climber.

? Anna is a ______ woman who always tells others what to do.

? Be __________- the child is sleeping.

?He is a very _________ person who will not do anything without thinking carefully.

? The new manager is hard-working but very _________!

? A: Can you ride a________?

B: Not very well.

?They booked a _________to Spain.

?When you travel you understand different _____________.

? They _________ for the border at dawn.

? Her speech is so __________ that I want to sleep.

? Isabella’s job is so _______– why can’t she find something more interesting?

?Miranda is so _____. Everyone around likes her.

? He always tells the truth. He is a/an _____ person

? Maria loves meeting friends. She is a _____ person.

?Carla is always on time in all meetings. She is very ____________-

?It is a rule to have a _______________ to travel overseas.

?I think people who can play chess are really _______________.

? It is such a______________ film. I always cry when I watch it.

? I won a lottery! I am so __________.

? Mark is a ___________ man. He has almost no money.

?I woke up yesterday night because I had a ______ dream.

?I saws quite _______________ to see Amanda on a TV show.

?Little Johnny is only 4 but he can write. He is so __________

? Before you go abroad make sure you take all ____________.

?If we have some free time next year we want to ___________Japan.

? It is necessary to have a good _____________ balance not to be stressed.

? Paying attention to detail is important, but it also a very ___________ work.

? Jack is an easy- _________young man, he is always relaxed.

? My younger brother is ______-willed. It’s difficult to make him do what I want.

? Our new manager is quite ________-minded and accepts all our new ideas.

? What is the most popular holiday ___________ in the world?

?Is it better to travel inside your country or to go ________________?

?An ___________person does not give others enough time to think.

?Andy never comes on time. He is so _____________.

?A sociable person is usually__________.

?Which prefix means “against”?

?Which prefix means “two”?

?Our ____________ included hotel, transportation and even museum tickets!

? What is “a place you travel to”?

Do’stlaringiz bilan baham:

1) out
2) up
3) down
4) into

My name is Alice.
Это очень просто

There are no chairs; There is some bread; Are there any birds; There are some children; There isn’t anybody.

Эт зе энд оф зе найнтинс сенчери э фрэнчмэн колд Барон Пье дэ Кубетин дисайдед  ту трай ту  ревайв зе олимпикс геймс. Хи дискрайбт зе олимпикс спирит ин зе фолоувинг вордс. Зе импотант синг ис нот уинин бат  токин пат. Файв эприл эйтин найнти сикс. Зе Олимпикс геймс  беган эгеин, афте неэли фифтин сенчерис. Ин найнтин сетин Кубетин фаунд эн эмблем оф файв линк рингс

  • 0

3 Read the text and choose the appropriate word or word combination from the box to fill in the gaps.

(( unfairly treated, a supreme judicial body, decisions, jurisdictions, specialize in, a variety of courts, youth, appeal to, are binding upon, appeals courts, time-consuming ))

All 1) _____ tend to have lower courts, 2) _____ and high/supreme courts. The role of each and its 3) _____ is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for having 4) _____. One reason is that a particular court can 5) _____ particular types of legal actions, for example, family courts and 6) _____ courts. The other reason is that if a person considers that his case was 7) _____ in a lower court he can 8) _____ a higher court which can reverse or uphold the decision of a lower court. The decisions of a higher court 9) _____ lower courts. At the top of this hierarchy is 10) _____, but the process of taking an action from a lower court to the highest court may be very costly and 11) _____.

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

All 1) _ decisions___ tend to have lower courts, 2) ___ appeals courts __ and high/supreme courts. The role of each and its 3) _ jurisdictions _ is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for having 4) ___ a variety of courts __. One reason is that a particular court can 5) ____ specialize in _ particular types of legal actions, for example, family courts and 6) ___ youth __ courts. The other reason is that if a person considers that his case was 7) ___ unfairly treated __ in a lower court he can 8) __ appeal to ___ a higher court which can reverse or uphold the decision of a lower court. The decisions of a higher court 9) __ are binding upon ___ lower courts. At the top of this hierarchy is 10) __, a supreme judicial body ___, but the process of taking an action from a lower court to the highest court may be very costly and 11) ___ time-consuming ))__.

  • Комментариев (0)

Choose the appropriate word.

A) 1 adult, 2 adults, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 teens, 6 development, 7 introverts, 8 extroverts, 9 relationships Б) 1 adults, 2 adult, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 teens, 6 development, 7 extroverts, 8 introverts, 9 relationships В) 1 adult, 2 adults, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 relationships, 6 development, 7 introverts, 8 extroverts, 9 teens Г) 1 adults, 2 adult, 3 idolise, 4 hobbies, 5 teens, 6 development, 7 introverts, 8 extroverts, 9 relationships Children live in their world, from which 1) are excluded.

The 2) world is strange and exciting for them.

They have dreams of success, romance, fame and adventure.

They 3) big brothers and sisters, pop singers or film stars.

4) such as stamp — collecting, music or dancing are important to them.

Children, especially when they are in their 5) , go through a physical and emotional 6) which can be frightening.

Some adolescents are 7) and keep themselves to themselves, while others are 8) and like to share their thoughts and form 9) with other people.

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