Choose the appropriate word or word combination

  • 0

3 Read the text and choose the appropriate word or word combination from the box to fill in the gaps.

(( unfairly treated, a supreme judicial body, decisions, jurisdictions, specialize in, a variety of courts, youth, appeal to, are binding upon, appeals courts, time-consuming ))

All 1) _____ tend to have lower courts, 2) _____ and high/supreme courts. The role of each and its 3) _____ is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for having 4) _____. One reason is that a particular court can 5) _____ particular types of legal actions, for example, family courts and 6) _____ courts. The other reason is that if a person considers that his case was 7) _____ in a lower court he can 8) _____ a higher court which can reverse or uphold the decision of a lower court. The decisions of a higher court 9) _____ lower courts. At the top of this hierarchy is 10) _____, but the process of taking an action from a lower court to the highest court may be very costly and 11) _____.

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  • 0

All 1) _ decisions___ tend to have lower courts, 2) ___ appeals courts __ and high/supreme courts. The role of each and its 3) _ jurisdictions _ is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for having 4) ___ a variety of courts __. One reason is that a particular court can 5) ____ specialize in _ particular types of legal actions, for example, family courts and 6) ___ youth __ courts. The other reason is that if a person considers that his case was 7) ___ unfairly treated __ in a lower court he can 8) __ appeal to ___ a higher court which can reverse or uphold the decision of a lower court. The decisions of a higher court 9) __ are binding upon ___ lower courts. At the top of this hierarchy is 10) __, a supreme judicial body ___, but the process of taking an action from a lower court to the highest court may be very costly and 11) ___ time-consuming ))__.

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Рекомендуется вначале прочитать конспект урока «English-speaking countries» (УМК М.З.Биболетовой «Enjoy English»). В тесте 8 вопросов, из которых два или четыре — повышенной сложности (ввод ответа с клавиатуры). Нет ограничения по времени. В случае явно плохих результатов (меньше 15% правильных ответов) тестирование по теме «Английский 7. English-speaking countries» заканчивается досрочно! Неудовлетворительная оценка выставляется, если правильных ответов меньше 50% ! Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 7 класс».

3 Read the text and choose the appropriate word or word combination from the box to fill in the gaps.

(( unfairly treated, a supreme judicial body, decisions, jurisdictions, specialize in, a variety of courts, youth, appeal to, are binding upon, appeals courts, time-consuming ))

All 1) _____ tend to have lower courts, 2) _____ and high/supreme courts. The role of each and its 3) _____ is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for having 4) _____. One reason is that a particular court can 5) _____ particular types of legal actions, for example, family courts and 6) _____ courts. The other reason is that if a person considers that his case was 7) _____ in a lower court he can 8) _____ a higher court which can reverse or uphold the decision of a lower court. The decisions of a higher court 9) _____ lower courts. At the top of this hierarchy is 10) _____, but the process of taking an action from a lower court to the highest court may be very costly and 11) _____.

Как Вас зовут? *

A1. Mark the right translation of the adjective «любой» (Отметьте верный перевод прилагательного «любой»)





A2. Choose the appropriate word or word combination. (Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово или словосочетание)

… is a person whho presents on TV political, social and other news

Racial regime



TV commentator

A3. Mark the word that means job (Отметьте слово, которое обозначает должность)

… means a set of opinion to make people tolerant and friendly to each other.





A4. Choose the appropriate word (Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово)

… you see don’t be suprised.





B1. Put in «to», «into», «of» or «on»

Sometimes journalists go … areas where there are was conflicts

B2. Put in «to», «into», «of» or «on»

He can dive deep … the sea.

B3. Put in «to», «into», «of» or «on»

We got may pictures … wild animals.

B4. Put in «to», «into», «of» or «on»

Many journalits report … wars.

65 месяцев назад

the environment. b) The biggest ……….. today is the car. c) ……….. may cause the ice at the North Pole and South Pole to melt and sea level to rise, leading to serious ……….. in many parts of the world. d) ……….. is the layer of gases that protect us from ……… the sun. e) In the last few years the news has been full of stories of hurricanes, floods, droughts and other ……….. caused by the weather. f) Smoke, dirt and noise are all types of ………. . g) At Chernobyl, there was an accident at a nuclear ……… .


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