Choose the appropriate word is sudden

Complete the text choosing the appropriate words.

When I was four months old, my mother died suddenly and my father was left to look (1) .

Me all by (2) .

I had no brothers or sisters with whom I could play (3) .

While I was still a baby, my father (4) .

Me and fed me and (5) .

All the millions of other things a mother normally does for her child.

But my father didn’t mind.

He was without any doubt the most (6) .

Father any boy ever had.

Some people thought he was a serious man.

But he wasn’t.

He was full of fun, very cheerful and (7) .

As he always (8) .

Do what he had promised to.

1) a) through b) after c) for d) at 2) a) him b) his c) himself d) he 3) a) together b) out c) with d) too 4) a) cleared b) cleaned c) washed d) did 5) a) used b) produced c) made d) did 6) a) stubborn b) wonderful c) ambitious d) big — headed 7) a) reliable b) quick — tempered c) easy — going d) greedy 8) a) could b) was able c) managed to d) couldn’t.

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66 месяцев назад

words to make the tag question. He wore his new suit yesterday,…? 1)doesn’t he. 2)hadn’t he. 3)didn’t he. 4)isn’t he. Choose the correct form of the verb. Sam… to talk to anyone and went straight to his room. 1)wanted. 2)hadn’t wants. 3)doesn’t want. 4)didn’t want. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary. 1)to calm-… 2)to feel-… 3)to get-… 4)to stick-… Choose the appropriate word(or words) Chemistry was the… Subject for Stacy 1)most difficult. 2)difficult. 3)more difficult. 4)difficulty . Match the words on the left and on the right to make the compound adjectives 1)high 2)old 3)well 4)open A. -faced. B. -speed C. -known. D. -fashioned. Choose the correct form of the verd. We spent the day… Among the cars 1)walk. 2)we’re walking. 3)walked. 4)walking. Write the sentences with the Gerund 1)I agreed to meet after… 2)my brother is keen on… 3)it is worth…


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос


Choose the correct translation of the verbs.

Есть один дистрактор

испытывать головокружение

Filling the gaps

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

Qigong — цигун


Qigong is an excellent way of treating disease. It consists of , which involve standing in various postures for half an hour per day, and carrying out simple movements and breathing exercises. , and helps strengthen the immune system. So far it has been used mainly to treat minor ailments, such as . However, it has also been successful in treating cancer.

a system of meditative exercises

qigong reduces stress, improves circulation

allergies, asthma, insomnia, rheumatism and obesity


Match the pictures with the words.

A cold

A rash

A stomach bug


A sore throat

A hay fever

A heart attack

A runny nose

Filling the table

Sort the phrases below into the table.

Symptom Disease


stomach bug

heart attack

runny nose

high temperature







What should you do when you are ill? Put the sentences in the right order.

Watch the symptoms.

Buy medicines.

Go to a drug — store.

Visit a doctor.

Recover after the illness.

Take in the medicines.

Take prescriptions.

Filling the gaps with the given words

Choose the right word in the dialogue.

— What do you think about the alternative therapies?

— Well, they are a completely

way to treat illnesses

using drugs.

— Yes, but they can be very expensive compared to just going to see your


— That’s true, but I think that most people are willing to pay

when it comes to their health.

— Yes, you`re right, and I think it’s worth it.

— I think I would like to try an alternative method of

because I’ve heard so much about things like acupuncture and yoga.

— Yes, I would too. I`m very

to see for myself if these therapies really work.

— I`ve heard of

medicine, shiatsu and healing using the hands.

— Yes, I`ve heard of those and also hypnotherapy and hydrotherapy.

— I think that

therapies will become more widely used in the

because people will start to believe in them more than they do now.

— I agree, I think that it will be

that they work just as well as conventional treatments for most illnesses.

Choosing the appropriate word

Underline the right words.

I feel dizzy/busy today.

My grandpa has a hacking cough/eye.

Lisa felt a splitting headache and she nearly painted/fainted.

I don`t want to blow/bother you while you are studying.

My granny usually wheezes/sneezes while sleeping.

He made a full discovery/recovery from a hard illness.  

Listening for specific information

You are in hospital. You will hear the conversation. Who is the doctor talking to?

A parent

A nurse

Another doctor

Spelling the words

Word games

Find 8 words on the topic «Illnesses».


Connect the illness and the remedy.

Multiple choice

Choose the right sentences. You can choose more than one.

All people living in the UK are entitled to receive medical care at no cost, which is provided by the National Health Service. Medicines are given to people who have low incomes or permanent disabilities without cost, and people who pay for medicines do not pay the full cost. The National Health Service is funded by taxes, as well as a separate health insurance tax.

The National Health Service is funded by taxes.

Medicines are given for with no cost to people with high incomes.

All people in the UK have the right to get a free medical help.

Some people do not have to pay the full cost for the medicines.

Filling the gaps

Fill in the gaps in the dialogues.

— Shall I make hot milk for you?

— Would you like me to help you?

— You look awful. Let me phone your mum.

— Can I help you with the bag?

— Let me give you a lift.

— That’s really kind, but I think I can make it hot myself.

— Yes, please. It’s very kind of you. It’s hard for me to get off the bus.

— That’s really nice, but I’ve already phoned her.

— Would you? It`s so heavy. That would be great!

— Oh, no, thanks. I’ll be fine and will drive home myself.

Giving the definition

Guess the illness. Type the word.

Words to choose: a chickenpox, an allergy, a stomach bug, a cold, a heart attack, a hay fever.

An infectious illness which causes a slight fever and spots on your skin. It is a


A common illness that makes it difficult to breathe through your nose and often makes your throat hurt. It is a


A sudden serious medical condition in which someone`s heart stops working normally, causing them great pain. It is a


A medical condition in which you become ill or in which your skin becomes red and painful because you have eaten or touched a particular substance. It is an


A medical condition like a bad cold that is caused by breathing in pollen (=dust from plants). It is a


The illness affecting your stomach that people catch easily from each other but it`s not very serious. It is a


154 просмотров


1. Choose the appropriate verb.

I can … that you are wrong.

1) prove 2) quit 3) manage 4) book

2. Match the expressions to the right translation.

1) quit motherland a) доказать правду

2) prove the truth b) прекратить писать письма

3) manage the team c) покинуть отчизну

4) quit writing letters d) управлять командой

3. Mark the word that means the result of someone’s work.

1) producer 2) reporter 3) poem 4) journalist

4. Choose the appropriate word.

… you see don’t be surprised.

1) Whenever 2) However 3) Whatever 4) Wherever

5. Choose the right variant of the sentence in reported speech.

1) We said to them, “We have no money.”

a) we told them that we have no money

b) we told them that we had no money

c) we told them we have no money

d) we told to them that we had no money

2) He asked us, “What are your names?”

a) he asked us our names what were

b) he asked our what names are

c) he asked us what our names are

d) he asked us what our names were

3) She said to Richard: “Water the flowers”.

a) she asked Richard that he watered the flowers

b) she asked Richard to water the flowers

c) she asked Richard if he waters the flowers

d) she asked Richard not to water the flowers

6. Put in that, which or who.

1) The place _______ we are speaking about is very famous.

2) The play was written by Bernard Shaw ____ was a famous playwright.

7. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

1. I have some (money/ moneys) in my pocket.

2. Her (hair/ hairs) is beautiful.

8.Read the text.

«Television, computers, books»

Match the headlines 1-5 with the parts of the text A-D. One headline is unnecessary.

1. Disadvantages of computer reading

2. First read, then watch

3. Source of information

4. Magic world of books

5. My favourite book

A. As far as books and computers are concerned, I can say in my firm confidence that computers will never replace books. First because they fulfill different functions. It’s true that both books and computers contain information. But one computer is worth the whole library. So perhaps, computers will replace reference books because it’s quicker and easier to find the necessary information in the computer than in reference books.

B. But I’m sure computers can’t be compared to fiction. Historical novels, adventure books, detective stories, science fiction, romance, poems, recommended by teachers create a special atmosphere. They take us into the imaginary world of high human emotions, exciting relations. C. A computer can help you in reading these books without turning the pages but working on the computer demands certain effort. You are to sit straight, not to stoop; you keep your finger on the keyboard. Besides computers have a harmful impact on the eyesight. In my opinion, it’s impossible to read «War and Peace» on the screen. We’ll lack something important: the invisible contact with the writer who speaks with us from the past centuries.

D. As to TV, its role is expressed in the proverb, «It’s better to see than to hear». Paraphrasing it we can say it’s good to see after you have read. Screen versions of literary masterpieces add much to our understanding the author and arouse unforgettable emotions. But books are the greatest wonders in the world, which brings us knowledge and bring us up. Through centuries and distances we can keep in touch with the greatest minds in the universe.

Английский язык

15 Апр, 18


154 просмотров

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