Choose the appropriate word for the following sentence

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: ila533334


Автор ответа: Selestina317
















Автор ответа: Lil666Unicorn


1. couple

2. voyage

3. quiet

4. altogether

5. travels

6. rather

7. except

8. sick

9. waiting

10. quite

11. journey

12. together

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Контрольная работа

за 1 четверть

1. Choose the appropriate word for the following sentence: Reading is one of the _______ hobbies you could have

  1. Good   b) best    c)better    d) bad

2. Choose the appropriate word for the following sentence: Reading is a way for me to relax and _____ my imagination

  1.  to make b) to get     c)to use   d) to end

3. Translate: Reading improves your spelling and vocabulary

  1. Чтение улучшает твое правописание и словарный запас
  2. Чтение улучшает твою разговорную речь и словарный запас
  3. От чтения правописание и словарный запас не становятся лучше
  4.  Чтение развивает написание и вокабуляр

4. Translate: I prefer to read non-fiction books

  1. Я предпочитаю читать нехудожественную литературу
  2.  Я не люблю читать нехудожественную литературу
  3. Я люблю читать детективы
  4. Я люблю читать справочники

5. Choose the sentence with Present Simple

  1. Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3. I read books every day
  4.  I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

6. Choose the sentence with Present Progressive

  1. Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3. I read books every day
  4.  I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

7. Choose the sentence with Present Perfect

  1. Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3.  I read books every day
  4. I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

8. Choose the sentence with Present Perfect Progressive

  1.  Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3.  I read books every day
  4.  I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

9.  Translate into English: Фестиваль в шотландской столице проводится каждый год

  1. The festival at the Scottish capital is held every year
  2. The festival at the Scottish capital was held every year
  3.  The festival at the Scottish capital is hold every year
  4.  The festival at the Scottish capital  holds every year

10. Choose the sentence with Future Simple:

  1. You are a Russian pupil
  2.  I think we’ll enjoy the concert tonight
  3. Very few young people know about Gershwin today
  4.  He created the most romantic music I’ve ever heard.

11. Translate into English: На следующей неделе я собираюсь на концерт нашей школьной рок-группы

  1. Next week I went to the concert of our school rock group
  2. Next week I was going to the concert of our school rock group
  3.  Next week I am going to the concert of our school rock group
  4.  Last week I am going to the concert of our school rock group

12. Translate into Russian

To succeed in, to explore, to influence, horror, imagination, to inspire, remarkable, a plot, to publish, to be set

13. Translate into English

Роман, художественная литература, образование, поощрять, при условии, иметь успех, жанр автобиография,

справочник, научная фантастика, описывать

Контрольная работа

за 1 четверть

1. Choose the appropriate word for the following sentence: Reading is one of the _______ hobbies you could have

  1. Good   b) best    c)better    d) bad

2. Choose the appropriate word for the following sentence: Reading is a way for me to relax and _____ my imagination

  1.  to make b) to get     c)to use   d) to end

3. Translate: Reading improves your spelling and vocabulary

  1. Чтение улучшает твое правописание и словарный запас
  2. Чтение улучшает твою разговорную речь и словарный запас
  3. От чтения правописание и словарный запас не становятся лучше
  4.  Чтение развивает написание и вокабуляр

4. Translate: I prefer to read non-fiction books

  1. Я предпочитаю читать нехудожественную литературу
  2.  Я не люблю читать нехудожественную литературу
  3. Я люблю читать детективы
  4. Я люблю читать справочники

5. Choose the sentence with Present Simple

  1. Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3. I read books every day
  4.  I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

6. Choose the sentence with Present Progressive

  1. Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3. I read books every day
  4.  I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

7. Choose the sentence with Present Perfect

  1. Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3.  I read books every day
  4. I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

8. Choose the sentence with Present Perfect Progressive

  1.  Books have influenced all my life
  2.  I have been reading Fear Street by R.L. Stine this week
  3.  I read books every day
  4.  I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

9.  Translate into English: Фестиваль в шотландской столице проводится каждый год

  1. The festival at the Scottish capital is held every year
  2. The festival at the Scottish capital was held every year
  3.  The festival at the Scottish capital is hold every year
  4.  The festival at the Scottish capital  holds every year

10. Choose the sentence with Future Simple:

  1. You are a Russian pupil
  2.  I think we’ll enjoy the concert tonight
  3. Very few young people know about Gershwin today
  4.  He created the most romantic music I’ve ever heard.

11. Translate into English: На следующей неделе я собираюсь на концерт нашей школьной рок-группы

  1. Next week I went to the concert of our school rock group
  2. Next week I was going to the concert of our school rock group
  3.  Next week I am going to the concert of our school rock group
  4.  Last week I am going to the concert of our school rock group

12. Translate into Russian

To succeed in, to explore, to influence, horror, imagination, to inspire, remarkable, a plot, to publish, to be set

13. Translate into English

Роман, художественная литература, образование, поощрять, при условии, иметь успех, жанр автобиография,

справочник, научная фантастика, описывать

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) In cinemas you don’t hear (applaud/applause) very often. The audience (applaud/applause) only if the film is very successful.
2) I’ve seen two films this week. The former was a comedy and the (later/latter) was a psychological drama.
3) I’m sorry, I don’t want to speak about it any (farther/further): it makes me sad.
4) We have had this ring in the family for many years. For all of us, it is (priceless/pricy).
5) The new film is very popular. I can say that it’s a real (blockbuster/flop).
6) This funny cartoon is (last/the last) thing I watched on television.
7) This writer died two years ago. His (last/latest) book is a long novel.
8) Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you our new film director. He is a very gifted (guy/man).
9) Films about American cowboys are (thrillers/westerns).
10) Use your (imagination/impression) and speak about schools of the future.
11) Jim is leaving London on the (nearest/next) train.
12) He said he (will/would) watch the film later.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 10. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Выберите подходящие слова, чтобы закончить предложения.
1) В кинотеатрах не часто слышишь (applaud/applause). Зрители (applaud/applause) только в том случае, если фильм очень успешен.
2) На этой неделе я посмотрел два фильма. Первый был комедией, а (later/latter) − психологической драмой.
3) Извините, я не хочу об этом говорить (farther/further): мне становится грустно.
4) Это кольцо у нас в семье уже много лет. Для всех нас это (priceless/pricy).
5) Новый фильм очень популярен. Могу сказать, что это настоящий (blockbuster/flop).
6) Этот забавный мультфильм (last/the last) я смотрел по телевизору.
7) Этот писатель умер два года назад. Его (last/latest) книга представляет собой длинный роман.
8) Дамы и господа, я хотел бы представить вам нашего нового режиссера. Он очень одаренный (guy/man).
9) Фильмы про американских ковбоев − это (thrillers/westerns).
10) Используйте свое (imagination/impression) и расскажите о школах будущего.
11) Джим уезжает из Лондона на (nearest/next) поезде.
12) Он сказал, что (will/would) смотреть фильм позже.

1) In cinemas you don’t hear applause very often. The audience applaud only if the film is very successful.
2) I’ve seen two films this week. The former was a comedy and the latter was a psychological drama.
3) I’m sorry, I don’t want to speak about it any further: it makes me sad.
4) We have had this ring in the family for many years. For all of us, it is priceless.
5) The new film is very popular. I can say that it’s a real blockbuster.
6) This funny cartoon is the last thing I watched on television.
7) This writer died two years ago. His last book is a long novel.
8) Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you our new film director. He is a very gifted man.
9) Films about American cowboys are westerns.
10) Use your imagination and speak about schools of the future.
11) Jim is leaving London on the next train.
12) He said he would watch the film later.

Перевод ответа
1) В кинотеатрах не так часто слышишь аплодисменты. Зрители аплодируют только в том случае, если фильм очень успешен.
2) На этой неделе я посмотрел два фильма. Первый был комедией, а последний − психологической драмой.
3) Извините, я не хочу говорить об этом дальше: мне становится грустно.
4) Это кольцо у нас в семье уже много лет. Для всех нас это бесценно.
5) Новый фильм очень популярен. Могу сказать, что это настоящий блокбастер.
6) Этот забавный мультфильм − последнее, что я смотрел по телевизору.
7) Этот писатель умер два года назад. Его последняя книга − длинный роман.
8) Дамы и господа, я хотел бы представить вам нашего нового режиссера. Он очень одаренный человек.
9) Фильмы об американских ковбоях − это вестерны.
10) Используйте свое воображение и расскажите о школах будущего.
11) Джим уезжает из Лондона следующим поездом.
12) Он сказал, что посмотрит фильм позже.

Помогите с кр по английскому
Выберите предмет

Контрольная работа Unit 3


Write this in English.

Трогательная история, важная идея, великие достижения, быстро расти.

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1.Jane bought the (latest/last) copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the Shop.

2.I’ve just known that Kate’s (older/elder) sister is a teacher.

3.His (last/latest) words before he died were: “Forgive me”.

Report the following sentences.

1) Ken: I will see a great film at the weekend.

2) Sue: I will go to the cinema at night.

3) John: Kate will buy tickets for The Ballet.

Choose the right forms to complete the sentences.

-Does he know the name of his (nearest/next)-door neighbor?

— Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box?

-What is your (nearest/next) question?

-Jane lives (nearest/next) to the school of all of us.

Choose suitable prepositions (at, by, from, in, for, with, around, off, through, to) where necessary.

1.Matilda borrowed several books ____ the Library.

2. He knew her well enough to see ___ her behaviour

3..Have you read any novels___ Ivan Turgenev?

4. Will you see ___my daughter while I ’m away?

5.What’s the matter ___ her?

Translate these sentences into English.

Этот фильм оставил глубокое впечатление.

Фильм «Матильда» пользуется успехом у молодой аудитории.

Аудитория аплодировала актерам очень громко.

Make your own sentences with the words from ex.1

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Задание 4. Выберите правильный предлог, выпишите правильный вариант.
Test Two. Choose the appropriate words to complete the following sentences.
1. When Jane heard the terrible news, she broke (down/up) and
cried bitterly
2. It takes some effort to break (away/out) from bad habits but it’s
worth it.
3. When the war broke (up/out), the whole family were enjoying
their first seaside holidays together.
Unit Two
4. The car broke (away/down) before they reached Stratford so we
decided to stay for the night in one of the motels.
5. When the children saw the funny puppet, they broke (into out)
laughter. Everyone wanted to touch it and shake its little hand.
6. When the Berlin Wall was broken into/down), it became a big
event in Germany and all over the world.
7. The robbers broke (in/into) the shop at night but the police came
in time to arrest them.
8. The frightened dog broke away/up) and ran out of the garden.

1 ответ:




1 up

2 away

3 up

4 down

5 out

6 into

7 in

8 up

Читайте также

<span>Why have you been listening to this song since yesterday?</span>


Fat-fatter-the fatests
slow-slower-the slowest
weak-weaker-the weakest
big-biger-the bigest
strong-stronger-the strongest
slim-slimer-the slimest

1)Where’s mummy?
She s in the garden.
2)Where’s daddy?
He’s in the bedroom
3)Where’s your sister?
She’s in the kitchen

1. has stopped;
2. has bought;
3. bought;
4. traveled;
5. have seen.

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  • Choose the appropriate word at the end
  • Choose the appropriate word all people
  • Choose the appropriate prefix to make the opposite of the word honest
  • Choose the appropriate missing word to fill in the gap we already seen this movie
  • Choose the appropriate missing word to fill in the gap they have seen this cartoon