Choose the appropriate word for my boss home

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: alayrone


Автор ответа: AlexanderReutov



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6 б

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Главная » Английский язык — 10 — 11 классы

a journalist

В) a mechanic

2. Choose the appropriate word.

For my boss home exists only in his ______.

А) imagine

Б) imaginary

В) imagination

3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

Next year all the school-leaving exams ______ by the end of June.

А) will be taken

Б) will have taken

В) will have been taken

4. Give the definition of the word “responsible”.

А) well-informed

Б) pleased and happy

В) having a duty to be in charge of doing something

5. ___ of the broken leg she still helps in the garden.

А) Despite

Б) In spite of

В) However

6. My friend always helps me. I don’t, ___ .

А) Although

Б) though

В) Despite

7. I am a captain now ___ I am still afraid of water.

А) however

Б) although

В) though

8. The building we saw yesterday was ___ gorgeous.

А) very

Б) extremely

В) completely

9. Thanks for coffee. We had ____ a wonderful time.

А) absolutely

Б) extremely

В) simply

10. What they told the headmaster was ____ untrue.

А) simply

Б) a bit

В) a little

Ответ №1


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5 б

6 б

7 б

8 б

9 в

10  a


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    2.Choose the appropriate word.
    For my boss home exists only in his ______.
    a) imaginec) imagination
    b) imaginaryd) imaginable

    3.Choose the correct form of the verb.
    Next year all the school-leaving exams ______ by the end of June.
    a) will be takenc) will have taken
    b) will taked) will have been taken

    4. Give the definition of the word responsible.
    a) well-informed
    b) pleased and happy
    c) difficult and complex
    d) having a duty to be in charge of doing something

    5.Make the right word combinations.
    1) dead-end a) skills
    2) interpersonal b) estimate
    3) rough c) person
    4) self-confident d) job
    6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

    1) This job is not________(to enjoy), it is rather boring.
    2) We would like to be self-employed____(busy) people.

    Задать свой вопрос

    1 ответ

    2019-02-04 10:41:31

    2 c
    3 d
    4 d
    5 self-confident person, rough estimate, interpersonal skills, dead-end job
    6 enjoyable, business

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    2. ​Choose the appropriate word.

    For my boss home exists only in his ______.

    A) imagine​c) imagination

    b) imaginary​d) imaginable


    Choose the correct form of the verb.

    Next year all the school — leaving exams ______ by the end of June.

    A) will be taken​c) will have taken

    b) will take​d) will have been taken


    Give the definition of the word “responsible”.

    A) well — informed

    b) pleased and happy

    c) difficult and complex

    d) having a duty to be in charge of doing something


    Make the right word combinations.

    1) dead — end​ a) skills

    2) interpersonal​ b) estimate

    3) rough ​ c) person

    4) self — confident​ d) job


    Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

    1) This job is not________(to enjoy), it is rather boring.

    2) We would like to be self — employed____(busy) people.

    Вы открыли страницу вопроса 2. ​Choose the appropriate word?. Он относится к категории
    Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 10 — 11 классов.
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    108 просмотров

    2.​Choose the appropriate word.

    For my boss home exists only in his ______.

    a) imagine​c) imagination

    b) imaginary​d) imaginable

    3.Choose the correct form of the verb.

    Next year all the school-leaving exams ______ by the end of June.

    a) will be taken​c) will have taken

    b) will take​d) will have been taken

    4. Give the definition of the word “responsible”.

    a) well-informed

    b) pleased and happy

    c) difficult and complex

    d) having a duty to be in charge of doing something

    5.Make the right word combinations.

    1) dead-end​ a) skills

    2) interpersonal​ b) estimate

    3) rough ​ c) person

    4) self-confident​ d) job

    6. Open the brackets and fill in the appropriate form of the words.

    1) This job is not________(to enjoy), it is rather boring.

    2) We would like to be self-employed____(busy) people.

    Английский язык

    (17 баллов)

    09 Май, 18


    108 просмотров

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