Choose the appropriate word at the end

Test 2. Family and friends
Variant 1
Al. Match the words and the right translation.
1) to cheat а.. положиться
2) to hurt b. обманывать
3) to rely с. доверять
4) to trust d. причинять боль
A2. Choose the appropriate word.
At the end of the term Susan had to write a review of the book and she was glad. Literature was Susan’s … school subject.
1) favour 3) favourable
2) favourite 4) favoured
A3. Find the sentence with the Gerund.
1) Aunt Mary has been washing the clothes since morning,
but they are still dirty.
2) Paul was doing the ironing when the light switched off. 3) Look, the fridge is empty. It is worth going out tonight.
4) I heard them quarrelling at breakfast.
A4. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.
Sam returned home. He was upset because he had got a bad mark. The front door… but he knew his mum was in.
1) locked 3) had locked
2) was locked 4) had been locked
Bl. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.
1) look
2) invite
4) rely
Cl. Write the questions about your city, beginning with the following words.
1) Where / /__/__/__? (to situate)

2) When/__/__/__/__?(to found)
3) What kind of/__/__/___/in___/__?(to be)

Тест по английскому языку Family and friends 9 класс с ответами. Тест включает в себя 2 варианта по 6 заданий. Вопросы и задания теста разделены на три уровня сложности: части А — базового уровня, части В — повышенного, части С — высокого уровня.

Variant 1

A1. Match the words and the right translation.

1) to cheat
2) to hurt
3) to rely
4) to trust

а. положиться
b. обманывать
с. доверять
d. причинять боль

А2. Choose the appropriate word.

At the end of the term Susan had to write а review of the book and she was glad. Literature was Susan’s … school subject.

1) favour
2) favourite
3) favourable
4) favoured

АЗ. Find the sentence with the Gerund.

1) Aunt Mary has been washing the clothes since morning, but they аre still dirty.
2) Paul was doing the ironing when the light switched off.
3) Look, the fridge is еmрtу. lt is worth going out tonight.
4) I heard them quarrelling at breakfast.

А4. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

Sam returned home. Не was upset because he had got а bad mark. The front door … but he knew his mum was in.

1) locked
2) was locked
3) had locked
4) had been locked

B1. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.

1) look __________
2) invite __________
3) join __________
4) rely __________

C1. Write the questions about your city, beginning with the following words.

1) Where /__________/ __________/ __________/ __________? (to situate)
2) When /__________/ __________/ __________/ __________? (to found)
3) What kind of /__________/ __________/ __________/ in __________/ __________? (to be)

Variant 2

A1. Match the words and the right translation.

1) to deserve
2) to enter
3) to support
4) to саrе

а. поступать
b. поддерживать
с. заботиться
d. заслуживать

А2. Choose the appropriate word.

The Smiths were lucky to live in the very centre of the city. Their house was old and it was founded by а famous … many years ago.

1) architect
2) architectonic
3) architecture
4) architectural

АЗ. Find the sentence with the Past Perfect Tense.

1) Tom returned hоme and had а tasty dinner and started reading the lecture.
2) Kate has read all magazines about fashion.
3) When his elder sister came, John had repaired her laptop.
4) All members of the Brown’s family gathered at the table and had an unpleasant talk about making money.

А4. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

lt was Stacy’s birthday. She … up early. Yesterday she had invited her friends to her birthday party.

1) wakes
2) woke
3) has woken
4) had woken

B1. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary.

1) enter __________
2) care __________
3) invite __________
4) wash __________

C1. Write the questions about your friend’s family, beginning with the following words.

1) Who /__________/ __________/ __________? (to be)
2) What /__________/ __________/ __________/ __________? (to do)
3) What kind of /__________/ __________/ __________/ __________ in? (to live)

Ответы на тест по английскому языку Family and friends 9 класс
1 вариант
A1. 1-b 2-d 3-a 4-c
1) after
2) to
3) —
4) on
1) Where is the best cafe situated?
2) When was this city founded?
3) What kind of places of interest are there in your city?
2 вариант
A1. 1-d 2-a 3-b 4-c
1) —
2) of
3) to
4) up
1) Who is your friend’s mother?
2) What does your friend’s mother do?
3) What kind of pets do live in?

Опубликовано: 18.09.2018
Обновлено: 26.12.2021

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) The central (character/characteristic) of the play is a scientist who is working on a difficult problem. 2) My friend (connected/wondered) why I hadn’t phoned him. 3) My parents and I love to (receive/refuse) friends in our house. 4) If you can’t find your seat in the theatre, ask (the dramatist/an usher) to help you. 5) Our seats were (on/in) the gallery, rather far from the stage. 6) Hold (on/up) a minute, I’m nearly ready. 7) My friend is very much (alike/like) me: we both like the same things. 8) The scenery of the play (was/were) fantastic. 9) When I told father about my problem, he (previously/willingly) offered his help. 10) He couldn’t decide what to do for a long time and (at/in) the end became a music teacher.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 10. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Выберите подходящие слова, чтобы завершить предложения.
1) Центральный (персонаж / характеристика) пьесы − ученый, работающий над сложной проблемой. 2) Мой друг (подключился / поинтересовался), почему я не позвонил ему. 3) Мы с родителями любим (принимать / отказываться) друзей в нашем доме. 4) Если вы не можете найти свое место в театре, попросите (драматурга / билетера) вам помочь. 5) Наши места были (on/in) галерке, довольно далеко от сцены. 6) Держите (on/up) минуту, я почти готов. 7) Мой друг очень (похожий / как) я: мы оба любим одно и то же. 8) Декорации спектакля (was / were) фантастическими. 9) Когда я рассказал отцу о своей проблеме, он (ранее / охотно) предложил свою помощь. 10) Он долго не мог решить, что делать и (at/in) конце стал учителем музыки.

1) The central (character/characteristic) of the play is a scientist who is working on a difficult problem. 2) My friend (connected/wondered) why I hadn’t phoned him. 3) My parents and I love to (receive/refuse) friends in our house. 4) If you can’t find your seat in the theatre, ask (the dramatist/an usher) to help you. 5) Our seats were (on/in) the gallery, rather far from the stage. 6) Hold (on/up) a minute, I’m nearly ready. 7) My friend is very much (alike/like) me: we both like the same things. 8) The scenery of the play (was/were) fantastic. 9) When I told father about my problem, he (previously/willingly) offered his help. 10) He couldn’t decide what to do for a long time and (at/in) the end became a music teacher.

Перевод ответа
1) Центральный персонаж пьесы − ученый, работающий над сложной проблемой. 2) Мой друг поинтересовался, почему я не позвонил ему. 3) Мы с родителями любим принимать друзей в нашем доме. 4) Если вы не можете найти свое место в театре, попросите билетера вам помочь. 5) Наши места были на галерке, довольно далеко от сцены. 6) Подождите минуту, я почти готов. 7) Мой друг совсем как я: мы оба любим одно и то же. 8) Декорации спектакля были фантастическими. 9) Когда я рассказал отцу о своей проблеме, он охотно предложил свою помощь. 10) Он долго не мог решить, что делать и в конце концов стал учителем музыки.

СРОЧНО!!!ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!Use the appropriate words to complete the sentences 1) At the end of a school year pupils look(forward/through to their summer holidays. 2) When will the new textbook be(printed/published) and appear in the shops? 3) We dont often meet each other but(generally/occasionally) w do. 4) Even among her friends she felt(alone/lonely). 5) John tried hard to com- plete the job on time but(failed/failure). 6) I would like to discuss the problem with you in(private/general). I dont think Dianna should know about it 7) They had(fun/trouble playing on the stage. Everybody enjoyed the perfor mance. 8) In my opinion he(ied/lay to you. 9) The Gnvention/investigation) of the Internet has changed the life of people. 10) I found the talk about Alice favourite books absolutely 11) He was looking(f after a job as a builder. 12) The photos from the family album okept/brought) the days of our life in Australia to mind. 13) A big dog was(pushing/pulling sledge with a child.

Ответ оставил Гость

1) forward
2) published
3) generally
4) lonely
5) failed
6) private
7) fun
8) lied
9) invention
10) в задании не вижу вариантов ответа
11) looking for
12) kept
13) pulling

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Контрольный срез по английскому языку

9 класс

I variant

1. Choose the appropriate form.

At the end of the term Susan had to write a review of the book and she was glad. Literature was Susan’s … school subject.

A. favour

B. favourite

C. favourable

D. favoured

2. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

Sam returned home. He was upset because he had got a bad mark. The front

door …. . But he knew his mum was in.

A. locked

B. was locked

C. had locked

D. had been locked

3. Match the words on the left and on the write.

1. travel a. reclaim

2. hand b. pass

3. baggage c. agency

4. boarding d. luggage

4. Write the appropriate words.

1. Conflicts may lead to bad ____________ and violence RELATE

2. We need to fill in the _________ form when we transport valuable goods. DECLARE

3. The instructor told us to take all necessary ____________ with us. EQUIP

4. When we were in the camp, we had a lot of __________ there. ENTERTAIN

5. Put the words in order to make sentences. Write them down.

1) lawyer/ you/ a/ work/ if/ you/ were/ court/ in/ would/ the

2) want/ me/ to/ some/ my/ I/ dad/ lend/money

6. Ask three questions to your English-speaking friend about her future career.




Reading 1 variant

Task 1. Read the magazine article and match the headings (a-d) below with the paragraphs (1-4).

  1. Sit on the chair and put one leg out in front of you. Point your toes and ‘write’ each letter of

the alphabet in the air with your big toe. Then repeat the exercise with the other foot. This is great for people who like skiing, snowboarding or ice skating.

  1. Put a tape measure on a wall outside your house and see how high you can reach with one

hand. Then jump off one foot and see how high you can get. Then jump off both feet. Try to jump higher each day. This is useful basketball practice, by the way!

  1. You don’t need a partner for this. Dancing is an aerobic exercise – this means it brings a lot of new oxygen to your muscles. This is really important because it makes your heart strong and keeps you healthy. Dance 2or 3 times a week – at home or a discotheque!

  2. Do you think helping at home is useless and boring? You’re wrong. Housework can make

your muscles and bones strong. Cleaning floors or windows are also great exercise for your elbows and knees. And 30 minutes of digging the garden can burn 200 calories.

a. Dance to the music!

b. Jump for Joy!

c. Tide Your Room.

d. Easy as ABC!

Task 2 Read the text. Are these statements true ( T ) or false ( F )?

What pets do Russians have?

Most people in Russia love animals. A lot of them have got one or more, even in big cities. .

One survey shows that 45% of Russians have cats at home. People like cats – in Moscow there is the famous Cat Theatre and it is always full. Dogs are popular too – 36% of Russians have dogs and there are dogs show all over the country. The shows have prizes for different types of dogs. There is also a dog show programme on TV. Wild bird were once very common pets in Russia. Many people had wild birds from the forest in their homes. They feed the birds in March and April every year to celebrate spring. Now only 12% have birds as pets – there are mostly budgies. Goldfish are less popular now, too — only 4% of Russians have them as pets. And 10% of animal lovers have other pets. Some of these are small, friendly animals such as rabbits. Others are dangerous or rare pets like the spider you can see here.

1. The most popular pets are cats.

2. 45% of people in cities have got cats.

3. Dogs can win prizes at dog shows.

4. Wild birds were popular pets some centuries ago.

5. People freed their birds in spring.

6. Goldfish are not very popular pets.

7. A lot of people have rare pets.

Контрольный срез по английскому языку

9 класс

II variant

1. Choose the appropriate form.

The Smith were lucky to live in the centre of the city. Their house was old and it was founded by a famous ….. .

A. architect

B. architectonic

C. architecture

D. architectural

2 Choose the correct form of the verb.

Sam ….. to talk to anyone and went straight to his room.

A. wanted

B. hadn’t wants

C. doesn’t want

D. didn’t want

3. Match the words on the left and the endings on the right. a. -ment

2. attract b.-ler

3. encourage c. -ter

4. chat d. -ion

4. Write the appropriate form.

1. The custom office asked me to ________ my suitcase and started examining it. PACK

2. Our planet need __________. PROTECT

3. Lets go to the concert. It will be a __________show. WONDER

4. I have been to many countries. ___________ is my hobby. TRAVEL

5. Put the words in order to make the sentences. Write them down.

1. if/ scientist/ a/ you/ were/ machine/ would/ you/ a/ new/ you/ invent

2. at/ who/ did/ the/you/ meet/ airport?

6. Ask three questionsto your English-speaking friend about his summer exams.




Reading 2 variant

Task 1. Read the article and match the headings (a-d) below with the paragraphs (1-4).

  1. A Wild Plant

  2. Getting Around

  3. A Nicknamed Politician

  4. A Sea Centre

  1. Aberdeen Maritime Museum is situated on in the city of Aberdeen. The museum tells the story of the city’s long relationship with the North Sea. Collections cover shipbuilding, fast sailing ships, fishing and port history, and displays on the North Sea oil industry. The collection includes ship plans and photographs from the major shipbuilders of Aberdeen.

  2. Margaret Thatcher is a British politician, who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She is the first and only woman to hold either post. She was the first woman to lead a major political party in the UK. That is why her the nickname was the “Iron Lady”.

  3. The Venus fly trap is a very interesting example of a carnivorous plant. Most plants get their nutrients from the soil only, but the Venus fly trap is able to get them from the soil and any unfortunate insects that land in its trap. When an insect lands in the trap, the trap closes and the insect is slowly dissolved. The ability of the trap to detect a victim and close is a mystery since Venus fly traps do not have a nervous system of any sort.

  4. The transport system in Northern Ireland is very well developed. Translink operates the Ulsterbus, Metro Bus service and N1 Railways integrated public transport system — you can reach every corner of every county in a couple of hours.

Task 2 Read the text. Are these statements true ( T ) or false ( F )?

The University of Cambridge was founded in the twelfth century. It was formed on the model of European continental universities, in particular that of Paris. Until the fifteenth century the history of Cambridge was not as significant as that of Oxford. But by the end of the seventeenth century the University was the home of Isaac Newton — professor of mathematics from 1669 till 1702 whose influence was deep and permanent. At that time serious tests were offered to the candidates for degrees. During the early part of the nineteenth century examinations were greatly improved and written examinations were more often used than oral ones.

In the 19th century there were built a number of laboratories for natural sciences, among them the Cavendish Laboratory opened in 1871, which was organized by the well-known Scottish mathematician and physicist James Clerk Maxwell. It was named after the English scientist of the 18th century Henry Cavendish.

Today it is one of the greatest physical laboratories known throughout the world. The Laboratory is widening its contacts with the leading research centres in other countries.

1. The University of Cambridge was founded according to the model of European continental universities.

2. In the 19th century the candidates for degrees more often had to take oral examinations.

3. The Cavendish Laboratory is known throughout the world because James Clerk Maxwell and Henry Cavendish worked there.

4. Cambridge University was as significant as Oxford from the very beginning of its foundation.

5. The Cavendish Laboratory was named after the English scientist of the 18th century Henry Cavendish.

6. In the 19th century a lot of laboratories for natural sciences were opened.

7. By the end of the eighteenth century the influence of Isaac Newton — professor of mathematics — was deep and permanent.


1 variant

2 variant





3. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

3. 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c

4.1. relation(s), 2. declaration,, 4.entertaining

4. 1.unpack, 2. protection, 3. wonderful, 4. travelling

5. 1.If you were alawyer you would work in the court.

2. I want my dad to land me some money.

5. 1.If you were a scientist you would invent a new machine.

2. Who did you meet at the airport?





1. 1d, 2b, 3a, 4c

1. A4, B3, C1, D2

2. 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6T, 7F

2. 1T, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6T, 7F

Итого 26 баллов.

23- 26 -«5»

19- 22- «4»

14- 18 -«3»

18 и меньше — «2».

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