Choose the appropriate missing word to fill in the gap have you visited dubai

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2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Срочно!!!!! Choose the appropriate missing word to fill in the gap.
Have you
visited Dubai?
I have
met a famous person.
She is the most beautiful girl I have

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(53 оценки)


2 года назад

Светило науки — 405 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


Have you ever

visited Dubai?

I have never

met a famous person.

She is the most beautiful girl I have ever



(53 оценки)



September 2021

Срочно!!!!! Choose the appropriate missing word to fill in the gap.
Have you
visited Dubai?
I have
met a famous person.
She is the most beautiful girl I have

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Have you ever

visited Dubai?

I have never

met a famous person.

She is the most beautiful girl I have ever



53 votes
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это верно ⚡






Алла разы болсын рахмет дұрыс











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Starlight 10, Unit 1.11: все задания с решениями

На этой странице находятся все задания с полными, готовыми решениями из учебника Starlight 10, Unit 1.11.

Ex. 2. Read the texts. For each gap, fill in the appropriate missing word. Compare answers with your partner.
Прочитать текст. Заполнить пропуски наиболее подходящими словами.



In a city like Venice, it stands to reason that the principal mode of transport would be some sort of boat. Say the word ‘gondola’, and romantic moon-lit evenings spent lazily floating along any one of Venice’s countless canals 1)__ to mind. However, gondolas are 2)__ more than that.
Before the advent of motorised boats, gondolas, because of their manoeuvrability and speed, 3)__ used to transport both people and goods within the city and to the nearest islands. Originally used as a private means of transport for the wealthy, gondolas quickly became a sort of ‘taxi’ for people of all classes to get 4)__ one part of the city to 5)__.

There is a very interesting means of transport available in Spain. In places like Malaga or Mijas, tourists can see the sights 1)__ the back of a donkey, or burro, as they are called. Back in the 1960s, a group of tourists spotted some workers riding their burros back from their fields. After 2)__ their pictures taken with the burros, the tourists asked 3)__ they could go for a ride. The workers agreed that they could, for a small fee, and the tradition of the burro taxi 4)__ born. In the town of Mijas there are about sixty of these four-legged taxis and, 5)__ if you don’t know exactly 6)__ you want to go, the burro’s owner will take you for a pleasant half-hour ride along the main streets for a very reasonable price.

The troika – a Russian carriage or sleigh drawn 1)__ a trained team of three horses running abreast – is, for many, a symbol of mighty Russia herself.
It developed 2)__ a means of efficiently crossing vast distances and negotiating long and difficult roads at great speed. Up until 1860, the troika was the primary means of transport in Russia.
A journey in a troika is a wild, exciting and memorable experience. The horses that pull the troika are arranged so 3)__ the centre horse moves straight forward at a trot while the two outside horses move at a smooth gallop with slightly outward-bent heads. The jingling sounds of bells on these elaborately-decorated, colourful sleighs can be heard 4)__ miles around. The troika has come to mean so 5)__ more to the Russian people than a mere means of transport. It is an image of Russian freedom and the Russian soul and spirit.

Visitors to Britain may be surprised to come 1)__ across a new form of transport. Virtually silent and non-polluting, pedicabs in cities 2)__ such as London and Edinburgh can be hired to 3)__ take you to the restaurant or theatre of your choice, or simply to see the sights.
But what is a pedicab? It is actually a sophisticated form of a rickshaw, a form of transport that is common in the Far East. The pedicab is basically a lightweight tricycle that can carry 4)__ up to three passengers and is powered 5)__ by the driver -a fit young cyclist!
Costing about £3 for a half-mile trip, pedicabs are not cheap, but they have certainly proved popular 6)__ with tourists, and their numbers are increasing.


In a city like Venice, it stands to reason that the principal mode of transport would be some sort of boat. Say the word ‘gondola’, and romantic moon-lit evenings spent lazily floating along any one of Venice’s countless canals SPRINGS to mind. However, gondolas are FAR more than that.
Before the advent of motorised boats, gondolas, because of their manoeuvrability and speed, WERE used to transport both people and goods within the city and to the nearest islands. Originally used as a private means of transport for the wealthy, gondolas quickly became a sort of ‘taxi’ for people of all classes to get from ONE part of the city to ANOTHER.
В таком городе, как Венеция, само собой разумеется, что основным видом транспорта является какой-нибудь вид лодки. Скажите слово “гондола” и на ум приходят романтические вечера в лунном свете, проводимые в медленном плавании вдоль какого-нибудь одного из бесчисленных каналов Венецианских каналов. Однако, гондолы представляют собой нечто большее.
Перед появлением моторизированных лодок, гондолы из-за своей маневренности и скорости использовались для перевозки людей и товаров в пределах города и до ближайших островов. Первоначально используемые в качестве средств транспорта для богатых, гондол быстро стали видом “такси” для людей всех классов, чтобы добираться от одной части города до другой.
There is a very interesting means of transport available in Spain. In places like Malaga or Mijas, tourists can see the sights FROM the back of a donkey, or burro, as they are called. Back in the 1960s, a group of tourists spotted some workers riding their burros back from their fields. After HAVING their pictures taken with the burros, the tourists asked IF they could go for a ride. The workers agreed that they could, for a small fee, and the tradition of the burro taxi WAS born. In the town of Mijas there are about sixty of these four-legged taxis and, EVEN if you don’t know exactly WHERE you want to go, the burro’s owner will take you for a pleasant half-hour ride along the main streets for a very reasonable price.
В Испании доступно очень интересный вид транспорта. В таких местах, как Малага или Михас, туристы могут посмотреть на достопримечательности со спины осла, или бурро, как его здесь называют. В 1960-х годах группа туристов заметила нескольких работников, едущих на своих бурро с полей. Сделав несколько фотографий с бурро, туристы спросили, могут ли они на них прокатиться. Работники согласились за небольшую плату, и так родилась традиция бурро-такси. В городе Михас есть около шестидесяти таких четырехногих такси, и, даже если вы не знаете точно, куда вам следует ехать, владелец бурро за очень разумную цену устроит вам получасовую поездку вдоль главных улиц.
The troika – a Russian carriage or sleigh drawn BY a trained team of three horses running abreast – is, for many, a symbol of mighty Russia herself.
It developed AS a means of efficiently crossing vast distances and negotiating long and difficult roads at great speed. Up until 1860, the troika was the primary means of transport in Russia.
A journey in a troika is a wild, exciting and memorable experience. The horses that pull the troika are arranged so THAT the centre horse moves straight forward at a trot while the two outside horses move at a smooth gallop with slightly outward-bent heads. The jingling sounds of bells on these elaborately-decorated, colourful sleighs can be heard FOR miles around. The troika has come to mean so MUCH more to the Russian people than a mere means of transport. It is an image of Russian freedom and the Russian soul and spirit.
Тройка – это русская повозка, или сани, которые тянут три обученные лошади, бегущие рядом друг с другом. Для многих это символ самой могущественной России.
Тройка развивалась как средство эффективного пересечения огромных расстояний и преодоления трудных дорог на огромной скорости. До 1860 тройка была первостепенным средством транспорта. в России.
Поездка на тройке – это неистовое, волнующее и запоминающееся событие. Лошади, которые везут повозку, организованы так, что центральная лошадь бежит рысью строго прямо, в то время как две внешних лошади двигаются плавным галопом со слегка наклоненными в сторону головами. На расстоянии миль вокруг можно слышать звенящие звуки бубенцов на этих искусно украшенных, цветных санях. Тройка стала значить для русских людей гораздо большее, чем средство транспорта. Это образ русской свободы, русской души и духа.
Visitors to Britain may be surprised to come ACROSS a new form of transport. Virtually silent and non-polluting, pedicabs in cities SUCH as London and Edinburgh can be hired to TAKE you to the restaurant or theatre of your choice, or simply to see the sights.
But what is a pedicab? It is actually a sophisticated form of a rickshaw, a form of transport that is common in the Far East. The pedicab is basically a lightweight tricycle that can carry UP to three passengers and is powered BY the driver – a fit young cyclist!
Costing about £3 for a half-mile trip, pedicabs are not cheap, but they have certainly proved popular WITH tourists, and their numbers are increasing.
Посетители Великобритании могут с удивлением наткнуться на новый вид транспорта. Абсолютно тихий и не загрязняющий окружающую среду, в таких города как Лондон и Эдинбург на велорикше можно доехать до выбранного вами ресторана и театра или просто осмотреть достопримечательности.
Но что такое велорикша? На самом деле это усложненная форма рикшы – вида транспорта, распространенного на Дальнем Востоке. В сущности, велорикша – это легкий трехколесный велосипед, который может перевозить до трех пассажиров и который приводится в действие водителем – сильным молодым велосипедистом!
Стоя примерно по три фунта за километр, велорикши не дешевые, но они, без сомнения, оказались популярными у туристов и их число возрастает.


I. Fill in the missing words. There are two words you don’t need to use.

*tutor * *bring up * research *came* salary *vet *uniform *prize *sound *freelancer *overtime *deadline

1.Bob hated working in the bank and he ______ to the conclusion that a desk work wasn’t for him.

2. Ann has worked ________ every day this month, as it’s the busiest time in her company.

3. John has to wear a _________there are strict rules in his school.

4. Tony loves working as a _______ because he doesn’t have to spend 8 hours in the office every day.

5. The children returned home safe and _______after a search team found them in the forest.

6. Marie Curie was the first woman who won the Nobel _________.

7. I really admire Jane. She could ___________ two children when her husband had died.

8. Alex has a rough ________ to meet so he’s been working during the weekend

9. We shall go to Moscow when my father gets his _________ .10. Pete has got lessons with a__________ after school because he wants to catch up his classmates in Physics.

II. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions: in, out, up, round, about, back

Kate passed out after the operation and the doctor brought her _______.

We thought that new students would bring _________some changes in our work and daily routine.

John was brought____________. in the USA that’s why he can speak English fluently.

He was upset. He lost his job which brought _________ 10,000 rubles a month.

We knew that his disk was brought ________last month but we couldn’t get it.

Looking at these pictures brings __________many memories about our childhood.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

Mum was angry because she ……….(CLEAN) the house all morning when the children came in with those muddy shoes.

Tom didn’t want to go to the cinema with us because he … already …. (SEE) the film.

The woman sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He …. never …(FLY) before.

When we got home last night, we found out that somebody ….(BREAK) into the flat.

We ……(PLAY) tennis for half an hour when it started to rain.

I was very tired when I arrived home. I ……(WORK) hard all day.

When I arrived, Kate was angry. She ……..(WAIT) for me for a very long time.

Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He …..(LOOK) for his contact lens for 20 minutes.

At the time the factory was closed, Sarah ….(WORK) there for 5 years.

When Sarah came at the party, Paul …. already ….(GO) home.

IV. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

1. lift/raise

a) Please, help me to ______ this sofa, it’s very heavy.

b) If you want to say something, don’t shout, just_______ your hand.

2. discovered/found out

a) After a few minutes of the lecture, the professor ______that nobody was listening to him.

b) Who exactly ______ America? Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci?3. work/job

a) I had been looking for a good ______ before I found one.

b) Sorry, can’t speak now, have a lot of _____________to do.

4. Geography/Earth Science

a) Mary wants to travel to all those countries she studies in her ______class.

b) Jason finds __________ fascinating because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.

5. salary/wage

a) My _______is not too good, I earn about a thousand euros per month.

b) Your _______ depends on how many pizzas you will deliver.

6. employer/employee

a) Mr Smith is extending his company, so he needs to hire more ______.

b) His _________ gave him the pay rise, now he gets 150 ponds more.


18 Май, 18


(20 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

TEST 4 (9 grade)

I. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. The machine that lets you put documents and such on paper. CHATTING

  2. The tool you use to type words onto the computer. SPELLCHECKER

  3. The program that checks your spelling. SCANNER

  4. Talking to other users by typing or using headphones. MOUSE

  5. The most popular internet search engine. SOFTWARE

  6. What you use to click things on the screen. VIRUS

  7. What is another word for computer screen. CURSOR

  8. Any physical part of a computer. PRINTER

  9. The object on your screen that lets you point at things. EMAIL

  10. Internet mail. HARDWARE

  11. A machine that lets you put paper documents onto your computer. KEYBOARD

  12. A program that destroys your computer system. GOOGLE

  13. Any program on the computer. MONITOR

  14. To shut down and restart a computer system. REBOOT

II. Complete the statements:

  1. If you have a virus on your computer, …

  2. If you cannot connect to the Internet, …

  3. If you’ve spilt something on the keyboard, …

  4. If the screen has frozen, …

  5. If you have deleted a file by mistake, …

III. Choose the correct verb form to fill in the gap:

  1. Where ………………………….. this time in three days?

a. will you have been b. will you be being c. will you be

  1. What ……………………………. this time tomorrow?

a. will you have done b. will you be doing c. will you do

  1. I don’t think I …………………………… my dinner in time for the party.

a. cook b. have cooked c. will have cooked

  1. Don’t call me in the evening because I _______ at a live show of Madonna.

a. will be b. am being c. will have been

  1. Do you think he _______ English in two years’ time?

a. will study b. will have studied c. will be studying

IV. Complete the dialogue:

Kate: Just think, this time next week I (25-lie) _______ on a tropical beach.

Leo: While you (26-relax) _______ on the beach, I (27-stressed out) _______ over my project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I (28-work) _______ so hard?

Kate: I (29-manage) _______ somehow.

Leo: You are terrible. Can’t you take me with you?

Kate: No. But I (30-send) _______ you a postcard of a beautiful white sand beach.

Leo: Great! That (31-make) _______ me feel much better!

V. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous:

  1. By 2018 we ______ (live) in Moscow for 12 years.

  2. He __________ (write) a book by the end of the week.

  3. He __________ (write) this book for two hours by 3 o’clock tomorrow.

  4. ______________ (finish, you) this project by the next week?

  5. ______________ (be, she) in Canada for 5 months this week.

VI. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect:

  1. We (to do) _______ the washing by 8 o’clock.

  2. Sam (to leave) _______ by next week.

  3. She (to discuss) _______ this with her father tonight.

  4. The police (to arrest) _______ the driver by this time tomorrow.

  5. Sandra (to complete) _______ the essay by next Monday.

VII. Fill in the sentences with the correct particle:

  1. I hear that Joan and Steve are breaking _______.

  2. Three men broke _______ prison yesterday.

  3. Four men broke _______ the house and fortunately they were arrested in two days.

  4. I hate his car! It’s always breaking _______!

  5. Fighting broke _______ between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

VIII. Fill in the idioms:

  1. Fortunately, the talks at the ministerial level were very successful. They are _______.

  2. Replacing a car tyre isn’t exactly _______.

  3. We have to be sure that we don’t _______.

  4. Some countries’ technologies _______ technologies of some African countries.

Keys. Module 4. Technology

I. Match the words with their definitions:















II. Complete the statements:

III. Choose the correct verb form to fill in the gap:

  1. Where ………………………….. this time in three days?

a. will you have been b. will you be being c. will you be

  1. What ……………………………. this time tomorrow?

a. will you have done b. will you be doing c. will you do

  1. I don’t think I …………………………… my dinner in time for the party.

a. cook b. have cooked c. will have cooked

  1. Don’t call me in the evening because I _______ at a live show of Madonna.

a. will be b. am being c. will have been

  1. Do you think he _______ English in two years’ time?

a. will study b. will have studied c. will be studying

IV. Complete the dialogue:

Kate: Just think, this time next week I (25-lie) will be lying on a tropical beach.

Leo: While you (26-relax) will be relaxing on the beach, I (27-stressed out) will be stressed out over my project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I (28-work) will be working so hard?

Kate: I (29-manage) ’ll manage somehow.

Leo: You are terrible. Can’t you take me with you?

Kate: No. But I (30-send) ’ll send you a postcard of a beautiful white sand beach.

Leo: Great! That (31-make) ’ll make me feel much better!

V. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous:

  1. By 2018 we will have been living (live) in Moscow for 12 years.

  2. He will have written (write) a book by the end of the week.

  3. He will have been writing (write) this book for two hours by 3 o’clock tomorrow.

  4. Will you have finished (finish, you) this project by the next week?

  5. She will have been (be, she) in Canada for 5 months this week.

VI. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect:

  1. We (to do) _______ the washing by 8 o’clock.

  2. Sam (to leave) _______ by next week.

  3. She (to discuss) _______ this with her father tonight.

  4. The police (to arrest) _______ the driver by this time tomorrow.

  5. Sandra (to complete) _______ the essay by next Monday.

VII. Fill in the sentences with the correct particle:

I hear that Joan and Steve are breaking up.

Three men broke out of prison yesterday.

Four men broke into the house…

I hate his car! It’s always breaking down!

Fighting broke out between opposing football fans after last night’s game.

VIII. Fill in the idioms:

Fortunately, the talks at the ministerial level were very successful. They are on the same wavelength.

Replacing a car tyre isn’t exactly rocket science.

We have to be sure that we don’t get our wires crossed.

Some countries’ technologies are light years ahead of technologies of some African countries.

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