Choose one word that you cannot use to complete each sentence

СРОЧНО! 22 балла!

Cross out the word or phrase that you cannot use with the words in bold.

1 get the sack/skills/a pay rise

2 beat/support/enter the other team

3 win a match/a race/a goal 4 make sense/goals/decisions

5 state/optional/compulsory subjects

6 get your best/injured/fit

7 pass/revise/fail an exam


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 Private schools in England are very expensive.
2 John’s really passionate ______football.

He wants to be a professional footballer.
3 I have no idea how to play cricket — the

______ are too complicated for me.

4 Gina’s studying to be a doctor but she hasn’t

chosen the area of medicine she wants to ______ in yet.

5 I think she earns quite a high _______in

her new job.

6.I _______playing chess a bit boring.

7 My uncle has a successful _______ as an actor, writer and director in theatre and television.

Learn about using can and could.

Practice 1: can, could and be able to

Choose one word to complete each sentence (note: contractions such as «couldn’t» count as one word).

  1. I’m right-handed. I write with my left hand.
  2. Spiderman climb up walls.
  3. you usually remember your dreams?
  4. People used to think that witches able to do magic.
  5. When I was young I eat anything I liked, I never got fat.
  6. you able to come to the pub tonight?
  7. I think my computer’s broken. I’m not to send any emails.
  8. I’m able start work tomorrow.
  9. How long have you able to speak English?

Practice 2: past, present or something else?

Choose the best expression to complete these sentences.

  1. I  swim since I was 11.
  2. I’m an interpreter. I  speak 7 different languages.
  3. I  drive very well. I failed my test again today.
  4. One day I  run a marathon, but I need to practise first.
  5. I would love to  see the future.
  6. I live in Florida. I love  go to the beach every day.

Practice 3: general ability or specific occasion?

Choose the best answer to complete these sentences. If both answers are possible, choose both! Read the grammar rules again here if you can’t remember them!

  1. I  find a birthday present for my mum this year.
  2. The ambulance arrived quickly and they  save everyone.
  3. It was really noisy, so I  sleep last night.
  4. I  type 40 words a minute when I was a student.
  5. I crashed my car, but the mechanic  fix it.
  6. Some dinosaurs  walk on two legs.
  7. Although I woke up 40 minutes late, I  get to work on time.

300 просмотров

II Choose an appropriate word to complete each sentence. There’s one extra.

1 Biscuits can be very _________.

2 A healthy diet should contain plenty of _________ fruit and vegetables.

3 He can’t cook. He doesn’t even know how to __________ an egg.

4 Avoid ________ snacks such as crisps and peanuts.

5 I’d like something __________, sprite or lemonade for example.

6 She likes her steak ______________.

Raw, fattening, well-done, Fresh, fizzy, boil, salty

Transform the sentences and use either Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.

1 She has walked 10 km. – _________________________________________ (for 3 hours).

2 I have been talking to Ann on the phone since 2 o’clock. – _________________________________________________ (just).

3 Nick has learned this poem by heart! – _________________________________ (all morning)!

4 Mummy has been cooking for 2 hours. – __________________________________ (yet)

Английский язык

08 Апр, 18


300 просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

fattening fresh boil salty fizzy well-done  — лишнее raw


She has been wallking 10 km for 3 hours

I have just talked to Ann

Nick has been learning poem by heart all morning

Mummy hasn’t cooked the dinner yet. 


08 Апр, 18

I. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1. There’s someone at the door. It can / must be the postman.
2. Don’t worry, you don’t have to / mustn’t pay now.
3. It was 5 o’clock an hour ago. Your watch can’t / mustn’t be right.
4. In my opinion, the government might / should do something about this.
5. I suppose that our team must / should win, but I’m not sure.

II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains some of these modal verbs: can, could, must, have to or should (including negative forms):

1. I’m sure that Helen feels really lonely.
2. You’re not allowed to park here.
3. It would be a good idea if Harry took a holiday.
4. Do I need a different driving licence for a motorbike?
5. Mary knows how to stand on her head.

III. Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn’t, can’t or can. More than one answer may be possible.
1. I   ______ forget to phone Julie tonight.
2. Sue says she’s stuck in traffic and she ________ be late.
3. Tell Peter he _____ stay the night here if he wants to.
4. Me learn to fly! You ______ be joking!
5. Don’t be silly. You ___________ expect me to believe you!
6. Tim ___________ have got your letter as he doesn’t know your address.

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Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
1. Some of pictures are ___ colour, but not all of them.
A)of B)in C)with D)on
2. I’ve been trying to ___ to the internet all morning, without much succes.
A)contact B)join C)connect D)link
3. You must pay to become a(n) ___ to this website to use all the services.
A)pioneer B)subscriber C)application D) analyst
4. I’m really looking forward to the next ___ of my favourite magazine.
A)issue B)publication C)episode D)sample
5. Everybody should watch the news so that they know something about ___ affairs.
A)everyday B)recent C)present D)current

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  • Choose one word or phrase the box to complete each sentence
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