Choose and underline the correct word i am talking about the



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Choose and underline the correct word
1. I am talking about the girl who/which is sitting on the sofa.
2. This is the skate-park where/which people come to skateboard.
3. My mum made a cake which/who tasted really delicious.
4. The girl who/whose hair is very long is my elder sister.
5. 2001 was the year when/where we played in the chess tournament.

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Ответы и объяснения 2



1. Who
2. Where
3. Which
4. Whose
5. When



1. …who is…(которая)
2. …where people… (где люди)
3. …which tasted… (который)
4. …whose hair… (чьи волосы)
5. …when we… (когда мы)

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Choose and underline the correct word
1. I am talking about the girl who/which is sitting on the sofa.
2. This is the skate-park where/which people come to skateboard.
3. My mum made a cake which/who tasted really delicious.
4. The girl who/whose hair is very long is my elder sister.
5. 2001 was the year when/where we played in the chess tournament.

2 ответа:



1. Who
2. Where
3. Which
4. Whose
5. When



1. …who is…(которая)
2. …where people… (где люди)
3. …which tasted… (который)
4. …whose hair… (чьи волосы)
5. …when we… (когда мы)

Читайте также

I don’t know him well enough.
You have asked me enough questions today.
They have enough time to do the job.
She looks enough pretty to be photographed.
You know enough English worlds to translate the text.
It do be good and enough.(не уверен)
There are enough vegetables in the house.

 Они говорят, что экзотические животные были впервые взяты в Британию в тринадцатом столетии, когда Король Генри III получил подарок леопардов и слона. Животные жили в Башне Лондона специальное место.

1.A.Strange object was filmed in the sky by photographer.
2.B .Unusual craft was discovered in Himalayas by explorers.
3.C.Thousands have been fooled by Belgian UFO Hoax .
4.D.New planetarium will be opened by mayor tomorrow.

1.This is a pencil
2.This is a pencil? Yes
3.Pencil on the table
4. Pencil on the table? Yes
5.What is on the table?

1 the
2 the
3 the
4 a
5 -, the
6 the
7 a
8 -, a
9 -, a

the days
The Baby’s
the ladies
these men
these women
those cities
those shelves
these fish.


I play football with my frends

She dances and sings

They cook a cake

Sue likes do her homework

Peter doesn’t go to school


I. Fill in the correct word

·handsome ·sociable · curious ·fit · slim ·determined ·daring ·patient ·curly ·creative

1. Don’t be so ………………………………! If he wants to tell you what happened he will.
2. She has green eyes and long ………………………… hair.

3. Your paintings are amazing. You are really very ………………………………….

4. Dan is tall, well-built and really ……………………….. 5. Be ……………………………! We’ll come in a minute.

6. Betty has a lot of friends. She’s very …………………

7. Tom often goes to the gym. He is very ……………..

8. Lily is a model. She is tall and …………………………

9. This pilot is really ……………………………….., he set a lot of aviation world records

10. My sister is very …………………………………….. . When she wants something she does everything to achieve it.

II. Choose and underline the correct word

1. I found the book really bored/boring. 2. Dad said he was really disappointed/disappointing in us.

3. The lesson was quite interested/interesting. 4. Jane is always tired/tiring after work. 5. Jack is scared/scaring of spiders. 6. It’s a little bit surprised/surprising to see you here.

III. Complete the sentences using back, away, up, for, with

1. John gave ……………………… boxing two years ago because of health problems. 2. Jules Verne is famous …………….. his adventure novels. 3. Give me ……………………….. my skateboard! 4. Shelly gave ……………… her book collection to the school library. 5. I don’t need your help. I can cope ………………… my problems.

IV. Choose and underline the correct word

1. I am talking about the girl who/which is sitting on the sofa. 2. This is the skate-park where/which people come to skateboard. 3. My mum made a cake which/who tasted really delicious. 4. The girl who/whose hair is very long is my elder sister. 5. 2001 was the year when/where we played in the chess tournament.

V. Put the adjectives into the correct order

1. English nice middle-aged
a(n) …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….. writer

2. Japanese young interesting

a(n) …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….. student

3. famous Greek well-built

a …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….. boxer

4. tall French sociable

a …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….. actor

5. talented teenage Italian

a(n) …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….. artist

VI. Describe your friend/relative according to the plan.

1. General information (name, age)

2. Appearance (height, figure, hair, face, eyes…)

3. Personality

4. Hobbies/interests

Start your description with I want to tell you about….


Module 3

Variant 2

Fill in the correct word

·attractive ·sociable · curious ·fit · tall ·hard-working ·kind ·patient ·shoulder-length ·stubborn

1. Be …………………………………..! We will finish soon.
2. She has blue eyes and …………………… ………………………………. blond hair.

3. Tina goes skiing in winter and windsurfing in summer. She is very …………………………………………..

4. Sue is slim, not very tall and really ………………………..

5. My little sister is so …………………………… She wants to know everything.

6. Tom stays at work till late at night. He is very …………………………………

7. Karen likes parties. She’s very …………………………

8. Harold is a basketball player. He is really …………………………

9. Karen will help you. She’s very ………………………..

10. Peter never changes his decisions. He’s very ……………………………….

Ответ №1

2. Variant

I. 1. Patient. 2. Shoulder-length. 3. Fit. 4. Attractive. 5. Curious. 6. Hard-working. 7. Sociable. 8. Tall. 9. Kind. 10. Stubborn.

II. 1. Boring. 2. Tiring (Вот тут я не уверен, наверное) 3. Interested. 4. Disappointed. 5. Exciting. 6. Amazing.

III. 1. Away 2. Of. 3. Back. 4. For. 5 Back

IV. 1. Which. 2. Who. 3. Where 4. When. 5. Whose.

V. 1. Tall funny Britiwh actor. 2. Young interesting French student. 3. Young nice Italian singer 4. Talented teenage German writer. 5. Strong Well-built Greek boxer (Извини, если будут ошибки)

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 3 A (Module 3). Номер №C

Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.
e.g. Jane, whose favourite hobby is fencing, also loves swimming.
16. I am talking about the girl _ has long brown hair and green eyes.
17. This is the skate−park _ people come to skateboard.
18. He tried to explain _ he did such a thing.
19. The girl _ hair is curly is my elder sister.
20. 2001 was the year _ we played in the chess tournament.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 3 A (Module 3). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Завершите предложения, используя правильное относительное местоимение или относительное наречие.
например, Джейн, любимое хобби которой − фехтование, тоже любит плавать.
16. Я говорю о девушке, _ длинные каштановые волосы и зеленые глаза.
17. Это скейт−парк _ люди приходят на скейтборд.
18. Он пытался объяснить _ он сделал такую вещь.
19. Девушка _ вьющиеся волосы − моя старшая сестра.
20. 2001 год был годом, _ мы играли в шахматном турнире.

16. I am talking about the girl who has long brown hair and green eyes.
17. This is the skate−park where people come to skateboard.
18. He tried to explain why he did such a thing.
19. The girl whose hair is curly is my elder sister.
20. 2001 was the year when we played in the chess tournament.

Перевод ответа
16. Я говорю о девушке, у которой длинные каштановые волосы и зеленые глаза.
17. Это скейт−парк, куда люди приходят кататься на скейтборде.
18. Он пытался объяснить, почему он так поступил.
19. Девушка, чьи волосы кудрявые − моя старшая сестра.
20. 2001 год был годом, когда мы играли в шахматном турнире.


Module 3

Variant 1

I. Fill in the correct word

·handsome ·sociable · curious ·fit · slim ·determined ·daring ·patient ·curly ·creative

1.Don’t be so ………………………………! If he wants to tell you what happened he will.

2.She has green eyes and long ………………………… hair.

3.Yourpaintings are amazing. You are really very ………………………………….

4. Dan is tall, well-built and really ……………………….. 5.Be …………….……………..! We’ll come in a minute.

6.Betty has a lot of friends. She’s very …………………

7.Tom often goes to the gym. He is very ……………..

8.Lily is a model. She is tall and …………………………

9.This pilot is really ……………………………….., he set a lot of aviation world records

10.My sister is very …………………………………….. . When she wants something she does everything to achieve it.

II. Choose and underline the correct word

1.I found the book really bored/boring. 2. Dad said he was really disappointed/disappointingin us.

3.The lesson was quite interested/interesting. 4. Jane is always tired/tiring after work. 5.Jack is scared/scaring of spiders. 6.It’s a little bit surprised/surprisingto see you here.

III. Complete the sentences using back, away, up, for, with

1.John gave ……………………… boxing two years ago because of health problems. 2. Jules Verne is famous …………….. his adventure novels. 3.Give me ……………………….. my skateboard! 4.Shelly gave ……………… her book collection to the school library. 5.I don’t need your help. I can cope ………………… my problems.

IV. Choose and underline the correct word

1.I am talking about the girl who/which is sitting on the sofa. 2.This is the skate-park where/which people come to skateboard. 3.My mum made a cakewhich/who tasted really delicious. 4.The girl who/whose hair is very long is my elder sister. 5.2001 was the year when/where we played in the chess tournament.

V. Put the adjectives into the correct order

1. English nice middle-aged

a(n) …………………………………………………………writer

2.Japanese young interesting

a(n) ………………………………………………………student

3. famous Greek well-built

a …………………………………………………………boxer

4. tall French sociable

a …………………………………………………………….actor

5. talented teenage Italian

a(n) ………………………………………………………….artist


Module 3

Variant 2

Fill in the correct word

·attractive ·sociable · curious ·fit · tall ·hard-working ·kind ·patient ·shoulder-length ·stubborn

1.Be …………………………………..! We will finish soon.

2.She has blue eyes and …………………… ………………………………. blond hair.

3.Tina goes skiing in winter and windsurfing in summer. She is very …………………………………………..

4.Sueis slim, not very tall and really ………………………..

5.My little sister is so …………………………… She wants to know everything.

6.Tom stays at work till late at night. He is very …………………………………

7.Karen likes parties. She’s very …………………………

8.Harold is a basketball player. He is really …………………………

9.Karen will help you. She’s very ………………………..

10.Peter never changes his decisions. He’s very ……………………………….

II. Choose and underline the correct word

1.I was so bored/boringyesterday and didn’t know what to do. 2. This football match was so tired/tiring.3. Karenis really interested/interesting in diving. 4..Mum said she was disappointed/disappointing in us. 5.Our tripto Pariswas so exciting/excited.5.You did an amazed/amazingjob.

III. Complete the sentences using back, away, up, for, of

1.Susan gave ………………… her old clothes to charity. 2. Tom lost control …………………….. his car. 3.She gave ……………. dancing three years ago. 4.Agatha Christie is famous …………….. her detective stories. 5.Give me ……………. my book. I need it.

IV. Choose and underline the correct word

1.My sister knitted a sweater who/which she is wearing now. 2.A doctor is someone whose/who helps treat sick people. 3.This is the park which/where people come to play chess. 4.2004 was the year when/where we visited London. 5.Oh! Is she the person whose/which house is for sale?

V. Put the adjectives into the correct order

1. British funny tall

a ……………………………………………………………

2. French young interesting


3. young nice Italian

a(n) ………………………………………………………..singer

4. talented teenage German

a ………………………………………………………….writer

5. strong Greek well-built

a …………………………………………………………..boxer

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