Choose an appropriate word from the list below one of our guests


Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Exercise 28. Choose an appropriate word from the list below.
1. One of our guests… spoke about the Academy of National Economy and a new program: they are offering in business administration.
2. Our friend is planning to take it … year.
3. Victor is thinking… it, too. 4. He wants to have more… about the program.
5. Could you phone the Academy… and find out all the details?
6. The course costs … of course, like everything nowadays, but he says that his organization will be able to pay.
7. Of course, if he gets a certificate in business … he will be able to get much better job and much more money.
8. And we… need money, don’t we?
9. Maybe they could e-mail all the necessary application… to Victor’s organization?
10. Then… world be much easier.
11. I can send you his… address.

Слова, которые нужно вставить:

1 ответ:




1.yesterday 3.about 4.information 5.administration 7.forms 8.all


Читайте также

1 being
2 not to buy
3 had
4 did
5 has just been found
6 was last seen (или where I saw your cat last)
7 not to go
8 had marked
9 have gone
10 decorated

В смысле перевод слова — цвет, цвета? Сolor — цвет.
Перечисление: orange-оранжевый, pink — розовый, black- черный, grey — серый, blue — голубой, brown- коричневый, purple — фиолетовый, сиренивый, red — красный, yellow-желтый, green- зеленый, violet — фиолетовый, beige — бежевый, white — белый.

I like to wash up.

I like to cook with my mother.

I like to iron clothes.

I don`t like to clear the flat. 

I don`t like to cook alone.

I don`t like to feed our cats.  

<span>1. I hope that this letter will come tomorrow. 2. She hoped that the teacher to praise her. 3. He had not anticipated that they will come back so late. 4. I know that she is a talented singer. 5. I knew he was a great scientist. 6. We did not expect that you have so much to do. 7. The teacher is expected that students will understand the rule. 8. I did not expect that he would write such beautiful poetry. 9. She knew that he was a very busy man. 10. Everyone knew that she progressive scientist. 11. I know that your sister is a very capable student. 12. Everyone knows that Byron great poet. 13. I don’t expect this to happen so soon. 14. We hope that you will help us. 15. He expected that the Minister will answer immediately. 16. We hoped that the weather will change.</span>

Большинство людей считают инвестировать умную вещь, но люди вкладывают деньги по разным причинам. Некоторые хотят отложить что-то в сторону для выхода на пенсию. Другие могут захотеть сэкономить по определенной причине, например, для финансирования обучения в колледже для своих детей или для покупки дома. Некоторые люди используют инвестиции в качестве средства для получения дохода. Кроме того, инвестиции сильно различаются в зависимости от риска. Инвестиции с высоким риском — например, покупка акций небольших, менее известных компаний или облигаций с низким рейтингом — обычно приносят более привлекательный доход или дают более безопасные инвестиции, такие как акции голубых фишек и высокосортные облигации. Тем не менее, вот одна вещь, которую следует иметь в виду: предприятия с высоким риском — большая вероятность того, что вы можете потерять всю свою инвестированную сумму. Но независимо от различных целей и степени риска все инвестиции имеют одну цель: признание или использование денег для зарабатывания денег.

Ағылшын тілі 4 нуска

1. Find the opposite of the underlined word


2. The correct proverb:

Last year I worked very hard at my math and English. I spent all my time reading books and preparing for my entrance exams. My motto was: ….

No pains, no gains

3. Give the opposite of the word “consequence”


4. Match the abbreviation with its meaning: PTO

Please turn over

5. Change the underlined words with an appropriate adjective

I found the book very easy and pleasant to read


6. Choose an appropriate ending for an adjective “warm-“


7. Change the underlined word with an appropriate compound noun

Take your things to the cash-desk to pay for them


8. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence

The first bicycle ….in the 1800 in Europe

Were introduced

9. Choose an appropriate article.

We are going to … barbecue with …Simpsons


10. Choose an appropriate article

John sat down on … bench nearest to the monument


11. Find the correct sentence with for-to-infinitive phrase

It was necessary for him to return immediately

12. Compile the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence.


My fell Jim completely story for


13. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word

She must be exhausted. She was on stage … performance.

The whole

14. Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form

We … … … the hotel if we hadn`t seen the signpost

Would have found

15. Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form

That girl will get into trouble if she … … her inform

Doesn`t wear

16. Correct the sentence with an appropriate pronoun

You ought to be ashamed of…


17. Match the number with its writing: 28.5

Twenty eight point five

18. The correct reading of `2.235`

Two thousand two hundred and thirty-five

19. Choose the correct answer:

I don’t like rats, and you?

Neither I do

20. Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective

Who dresses … in your family?

The most stylishly

21. Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective.

He doesn’t play golf now … … he used to.

As much as

22. Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun.

We visited the village … my mum was born.


23. Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun

I love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes … nervous


24. Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective

I am afraid the box is … to carry

Too heavy

25. Choose the correct sentences

Their husbands` names are Nick and David

26. Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb

It is … … all staff that they should be at work by 8.30

Required of

27. Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence

“would you like to come on a picnic with us?”

He invited us to come on picnic with them

28. Fill in the sentence with an appropriate word

They are said … to a new flat

To have moved

29. Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions

He apologized …policeman… driving fast


30. Find a participial construction sentence from the list below

Waving their scarves and shouting, the funs run into the pitch

31. Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentences

I was so tired, I … … slept for a week

Could have

32. Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.


33. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

My sister … a motorcycle and sidecar

Used to own

34. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

Experts predict that in the future, electricity … to power most cars

Will be used

35. Complete the sentence with one word

Don`t just stand there! … something.


36. Complete the sentence with suitable verb form the list

Leyla gave up … when she had a baby


37. Complete the sentences with suitable verb form the list

It`s important for me … time with my family

To spend

38. Choose an appropriate article

Are you talking now about … John Smith who led … Labour Party?


39. Fill in the sentence with an appropriate word

He is thought… a very good singer

To be

40. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence

I can`t believe it, inspector. You mean that Smith … money from the till all this time?

Has been stealing

41. Fill in the sentence with an appropriate word.

     The play is likely…. by Shaw.

To have been written

42. Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

The overnight rise … Wall Street not maintained.


43. Complete the sentence with one word.

Did she … you what happened?


44. Choose an appropriate module verb to complete the sentence.

We … … taken a taxi when it rained.

Should have

45. Choose an appropriate module verb to complete the sentence. I enjoyed her novel ,so the new one … be good.

Ought to

46. Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence.

“When are you leaving?” My parents asked me.

My parents asked me when I was leaving

47. Find the sentence with the Complex Object.

I felt blood rush into my cheeks.

48. Choose the appropriate article.

There is …. Dr. Kenneth Perch on …. phone.


49. Choose the appropriate article.

… women usually talk more than … men.


50. Choose the appropriate reported speech sentence.

“Why did you dump your girlfriend?”

My friend asked me why I had dumped my girlfriend.

51. Find phrases where the is pronounced as [ձi]

The end/ the other way

52. Indirect speech

I won’t do this again

He said that he had toothache

They said they would do it the next day

They told everyone that they had lied

He told police that he had made a balloon

53. Choose correct from of the verb to complete the sentence.

I’m surprised … … … the job.

Wasn’t offered

Didn’t get offered

54. Find sentences with participle adjectives.

It was a record –breaking performance

I grew up in a car –making town

It was a long-lasting dispute

55. Find the correct noun


56. Complete the sentence with the words: not/beautiful/house/

It’s ……………………… I”d imagine

Not as beautiful house as

Not a beautiful house as

57. Choose verbs which Gerund is followed by




58. Demand





59. Choose the sentence with Gerund

They are interested in learning foreign languages

I’m interested in learning foreign languages

He is interested in learning foreign languages

60. Find sentences with the Absolute Participial construction

The letter having been written, he went out to post it.

An election leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged

 The fuel exhausted, the engine stopped

61. Choose wrong sentences from the list below.

“Who do you want to be you grow up?” “ An astronaut”

What one of you borrowed my blue pen?

“Who are coming with you in the car?” “Jane , Amy and Alex”

What living person do you most admire?

62. Which of the children are in the choir?

“Who do you want to be when you grow up?” “An astronaut “

What one of you borrowed my blue pen?

“Who are coming with you in the car?” “Jane , Amy and Alex”

What living person do you most admire?

What do left in the fridge?

63. Where did they have the party?

In the school hall

64. What did she find funny ?

Classmates’ party clothes

65. Why did Chloe start to cry?

Because she missed previous years

66. What did the hear teacher tell them to do?

Not to be very noisy

67. Why didn’t she go to party at Sam Carter’s house?

She was tired

68. How many members were there originally in The Beach Boys?

Five members

69. What was as popular as the Beach Boys in California at that time?

Surf culture

70. What was their most successful single?

Good Vibration

71. What facts proved their popularity?

They could compete with The Beatles

72. What was the greatest achievement of the band?

They have had 36 songs in the Top 40


1. Оқушыларға анағұрлым толық жауап беруге, өз ойларын анық білуге,өз идеяларын дамытуға көмектесетін сұрақ түрі: Сынақтан өткізу

2. Оқу нәтижелерінің бес түрі анықталған. Оқушыға қатысты бес фактор ретінде қарастырылатын оқу нәтижесі: Білімнің сандық ұлғаюы

3. М. Чиксентмихайдың «Өзіндік мақсат» сызбасы бойынша дағдысы жоғары оқушыға төмен міндет коюдың нәтижесі: зерігу

4. Компьютерлік бағдарламалауда құжаттарды ашу және мұрағаттау үдерістерін білуді қамтитын білім сапасы: технологиялық білім

5. Дж. Флейвелл бойынша, оқушыға тапсырманы орындауға кеңес берілмегендіктен, оқушының қабілеті жетіп тұрса да, тапсырманы орындай алмау: өнімділік тапшылығы

6. Жаттап алынған білімді анықтауға арналған сұрақ: төмен дәрежелі

7. Оқушыны толығырақ жауап беруге итермелеп, өткен материалдарды ойға салу кезінде қолданылатын сұрақ қою тәсілі: түрткі болу

8. Оқушылар мен мұғалімдерге жетістіктер мен даму туралы хабар беруді көздейтін бағалау мақсаты: кері байланыс ұсыну

9. Оқытуда пайдаланатын әдіс—тәсілдерді жақсарту мүмкіндіктерін және осы мүмкіндіктерді іске асыру түрлерін анықтауға бағытталған бағалау түрі:оқу үшін бағалау

10. Оқушылар мен мұғалімдерге білім, түсіну және дағды туралы хабар беруді көздейтін бағалау мақсаты:кері байланыс

11. Бағалау мақсатында жүргізілген қадағалау нәтижелерінің интерпретациясы: алынған мәліметтердің мәнін анықтау

12. Оқуды бағалауды оқу үшін бағалауға ауыстырылу шарты: бағалау сипатын өзгерту

13. «Қара жәшік» ішіндегі жұмыс ретінде белгілі болған бағалау: оқу үшін бағалау:

14. Бағалаудың барлық түрлеріне тән үш сипаттама бар. «Қадағалау» сипаттамасына сәйкес мұғалімнің әрекеті: оқушының сұраққа жауабын тындау

15. Олар ерте жасынан бастап ерекше қабілеттерін ұзақ уақытқа ұстай алатындығымен ерекшеленеді: шоғырлану

16. Мұғалімдер мен ересектерді түсініктеме беруге жетелеу дарынды мен талантты оқушылардың қай сипаттамасына тән: табандылық таныту

17. Ренцулли мен Райс анықтаған дарынды және талантты оқушылардың білімін жетілдіру бойынша қызметтің бірінші кезенің көрсетіңіз:жалпы зерттеу жаттығулар

18. Ең үздік оқушыларды анықтаудағы күрделілікке деген сүйіспеншілік сенімді өлшемінің сипаттамасы (Фриман) :қызығушылығын арттыру үшін күрделі ойын мен тапсырмаларға ұмтылады

19. Ең үздік оқушыларды анықтаудағы ерте символдық белсенділік сенімді өлшемінің сипаттамасы :олар ерте жасынан бастап сөйлей, оқи, жаза бастайды

20. Ең үздік оқушыларды анықтаудағы икемділік сенімді өлшемінің сипаттамасы: басқаларға қарағанда ойлау қабілеттері жақсы ұйымдастырылған

21. Дарынды және талантты балаларды анықтауға «өз білімін жетілдіру» өлшеміне сәйкес келетін балаларда көрініс табатын ерекшелік:олар өздерінің оқуларың реттей алады

22. Сабақты зерттеудің сипаттамалық ерекшеліктерінің бірі: рефлексиялы

23. Жапонияда сабақ зерттеу нәтижелері: барлық мұғалімдер үшін жүйелі түрде жарияланады

24. Сабақты зерттеу (LessonStudy) кезендерінің бірі- «Әріптестерінің кеңесіне сүйеніп, мұғалімнің жеке өзі немесе топпен бірлесіп сабақтың мақсатын аңықтауы мен дайындалуы. Осыдан кейінгі кезеңді көрсетіңіз:сабақты зерттеу өткізу және LessonStud-ге қатысушылардың оны бақылауы

25. Сабақты зерттеудің қадамың көрсетіңіз: нәтижені қамтамасыз ететін ережелер жұмысың құрады

26. Сабақты зерттеу (LessonStudy) тәсілінде зерттеу сабағы аяқталғаннан кейін жүзеге асатын талдаудың белгіленген құрылымы бойынша кезендердің бірі: келесі сабақты зерттеуді топпен бірлесе жоспарлау

27. Сабақты зерттеу тәсілінің демократиялық ерекшеліктерінің бірі: зерттеу үшін бүкіл топ өзіне жауапкершілік алады

28. Сабақ зерттеу тәсіліне қатысты дұрыс тұжырым: сабақты зерттеуді іс-әрекеттегі зерттеу ретінде қарастыруға болады

29. Оқушылардың тақырып бойынша нені түсінбегенін аңықтау үшін бақылау алып, қателерді түзетудегі бағалау мақсаты:оқудағы қиындықтарды аңықтау

30. Бәсекелестікке құрылғандықтан, топ ортақ шешімге келе алмайтын әңгіме түрін көрсетіңі :әңгіме-дебат

Просмотр: 170

1. A recent survey, conducted by a national newspaper, shows that the traditional two-parent family is collapsing and is gradually being replaced by single-parent families.

2. Bank robbers who managed to hide themselves in a time-lock safe in an attempt to steal £3 million, found they were unable to escape when their explosives failed to detonate. They did not resist arrest when security guards opened the safe two days later.

3. A woman whose 6-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver has complained that the judge only gave the man a six-month suspended sentence and a £250 fine. The Home Secretary has said he would be establishing a committee to look into the sentencing guidelines for such cases.

4. Shortly after the match, fighting suddenly began among the supporters of two rival football teams. The police stopped people entering or leaving the town centre in an attempt the violence.

5. Jayne Wilson confessed to stealing £15,000 from the company where she worked, when she was caught red-handed by a security camera which recorded her placing the money in her briefcase. “I was shocked and surprised when I saw the recording,” said the managing director. “I thought she was someone we could trust completely.”

D. Which of the words can be used with the multi-word verbs? Up to three items may be correct.

1. The judge let him off with a. a warning.

b. a suspended sentence.

c. the death penalty.

d. a two-year prison sentence.

2. They have set up a. a business.

b. a birthday party.

c. an inquiry.

d. a research team.

3. They have carried out a. an experiment.

b. a committee.

c. an inquiry.

d. a test.

4. a. The alarm clock went off.

b. The fireworks

c. The gun

d. The telephone

5. a. A new film has broken out.

b. A flu epidemic

c. A fire

d. An argument

6. a. Peace talks have broken down.

b. The holidays

c. Negotiations

d. Community relations

E. Work with a partner. Discuss the following questions, using the multi­word verbs from the box below.

let off give oneself up own up to break down break out go off take aback

1 What time does your alarm clock start ringing in the morning?

2 Your friend has been involved in a petty crime. It is probable the police will catch him. What would you advise him to do?

3 If you discovered something surprising or shocking about someone you have known for a long time, what would your reaction be? Give an example.

4 What can cause riots to start suddenly?

5 Which of the following people would you punish lightly or not at all?

a. a poor woman caught stealing food from a supermarket

b. someone caught stealing small items from work

c. a student traveling on a bus without a ticket

d. a 13-year-old boy caught breaking into a parked car

6 Can you think of examples of people who have been punished lightly for crimes they committed? If so, what were they?

19. Read about some people’s actions and identify the type of their offence.

People s actions Offence
The man said: «I have a gun. Be quick! Be quiet or you’re dead. Put all the cash in the bag!»  
The man began threatening to kill his victim  
Two boys broke into a house and stole a large sum of money.    
The man shot his wife in the head with.357 Magnum.    
The boy hijacked a car.    
The man chased his victim down the street, grabbed her purse, and fled into the night.    
The woman gave a witness some money to per­suade her to testify for the accused.    
The man sold illegal drugs.    
The woman illegally copied her boss’s signature.    
The youth deceived an old lady to get her money.    

A. You are going to read a magazine article about burglar-friendly houses. Choose from the list A-I the sentence which best summarizes each paragraph of the article. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A Houses which are very private are less safe.

B Make your possessions easy to identify.

CThe first time you have your house broken into probably won’t be the last.

D Burglars look at our houses differently to the way we do.

E Draw attention to your home to make it burglar-friendly.

F Burglars are attracted by signs of absence.

G Large homes suggest large bank accounts.

H Lock up and turn the lights on.

I Don’t let the outside show what’s inside.


It’s the last thing you want to hear when you’ve just been burgled, but the awful truth is that if you’ve been burgled once, you’ll probably be burgled again. In fact, it’s likely to happen another four or five times. Why? Because some of us have «burglar-friendly»;houses.

Burglars think that the bigger the house, the richer the owners. «You can’t do much about the size of your house,» says Professor Pease of Huddersfield University, «but if it’s large, you need to be even more careful than if it’s small.»

You should take a good look at your house — not as you normally do, but as a burglar would. If you were a burglar, which home would you choose to rob,- a house with a shiny new car parked outside or one with a rusty vehicle? Anything which signals nice posses­sions and money will certainly catch the burglar’s eye.

People may complain about their nosy neighbours, but there’s no better way of stopping burglars than hav­ing watchful neighbours around. If a house is far away from others, or hidden from the road, it is more attract­ive to burglars, who think they can get in and out without being noticed. So a burglar alarm is a good idea. And remember, you may get privacy from a tall hedge or a high wall — but so does a burglar.

Ian Stephen, who works with the Scottish prison service, believes that you’re more at risk if your house looks nice. «Window-boxes, nice curtains and beautiful­ly painted walls all tell the burglar that you’re proud of your home and care about your possessions and are more likely to have nice things in your house,» he says. He advises people to try to make their homes look as plain as possible and not to draw attention to any new things they have bought by leaving the empty boxes next to the dustbin.

People often leave a light on when they go out. «But be sensible,» advises Ian Stephen. «Don’t leave a light on in the hall as it never makes the burglars believe that you’re in. Have you ever heard of a family enjoying an evening at home in the hall? Leave it on in the living room.» An open window is also an open invitation to bur­glars. If you sometimes forget to shut and lock doors and windows, stick a note on the inside of the front door to remind you. And make sure any ladders are put away and not left outside where burglars can use them.

By leaving newspapers and letters sticking out of the letter-box, or full milk bottles on the doorstep,you are giving burglars the green light to break into your home. Similarly, if you’re away from the house at regular times — out at work or doing the shopping — then your home is also in danger of being burgled. Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your house at these times.

It’s a good idea to take photos of your valuable pos­sessions. By doing that, if you’re burgled, you’ll be able to identify stolen property,which could lead to the thief being put behind bars. It is also possible to label valu­able items such as TVs and videos with your postcode. If they are stolen, this will make them easier to find. One more good idea is to ask for a crime prevention officer to visit your home and identify weak points in its security.

B. Look at the article’s words in bold and try to explain them.

C. Fill in the correct word from the list below:

-identify -watchful -sensible -plain

-possessions -valuable -label

-complained -advised -nosy

1. John lost all of his ….. when arsonists set fire to his house. (belongings)

2. A lot of …… paintings were burnt in the fire at the museum. (expensive)

3. After thieves took Tim’s Porsche, he decided to buy a(n) …… car which was less likely to be stolen. (simple)

4. As the policeman grabbed the thief, ….. passers-by stopped to watch. (extremely curious)

5. It was easy for me to ….. my stolen video recorder as I had written my postcode on the bottom of it. (recognise)

6.The man’s lawyer ….. him not to talk to the newspaper reporters. (recommended)

7. After my house was burgled, I decided to ….. all my expensive possessions in case it happened again. (put an identifying mark on)

8. It’s not….. to leave your house unlocked while you are out. (reasonable)

9. The ….. store detective caught the shoplifter trying to steal a blouse. (observant)

10. The people of the town ….. to the Mayor about the high crime rate in the area. (stated their dissatisfaction)

21. Match the headlines with the crimes:

kidnapping hijacking assassination

arson mugging burglary







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