Choose a word tests

 Ready for another spelling challenge? It’s another week and it’s time to test your English chops again. Bring your A, B and C game because we have 16 confusing words for you to spell!

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Choose the correct spelling:

Didn’t Make It

It looks like you didn’t manage to get at least half of the answers right. But that’s fine, since the good news is that we see loads of potential in you. Why not take some time to go over the correct answers below? We’re sure you’ll be able to ace this test the next time you attempt it! Don’t forget to share this quiz with your friends and family as well, just to see how they fare.

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Good Job! You managed to answer a good portion of the test questions correctly! Alas, you unfortunately didn’t do well enough to get an impressive 100% on the test, yet you were so close! We’re sure that if you gave it another go, you’d manage to get it perfectly correct. We believe in you! If you liked this quiz, then make sure you share it with your friends, just to see if they’re as smart as you are!

Spelling Maverick

Outstanding! You managed to spell every single word in this quiz correctly! You either love to read a lot or are just naturally blessed when it comes to language skills. Keep up the good work, since people like you are few and far between! Make sure that you share this quiz with your friends and family to see if they’re as talented as you are!


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Having a strong vocabulary is essential for understanding and communicating effectively in English.

Vocabulary listed in a dictionary

The Barton English Vocabulary Test was designed in 2012 and updated in 2021. A shorter Javascript version of the quiz can now be found here.

This vocabulary test contains hundreds of unique fill-in-the-blank questions to help you build your vocabulary, level by level. In the test, you’ll have to select the most suitable word that matches the sentence in each question. The vocabulary test questions are divided into four English levels.

Here is an example of an upper-intermediate question:
«The outside of the restaurant was recently redesigned in order to … more customers.»

attract propose introduce restore

(The answer is attract).

Please read the level descriptions below to determine which level is best for you. The difficulty of each word has been determined by the English Vocabulary Profile (EVP) and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA).

Feel free to repeat the test again and again so you can learn from your mistakes. Good luck!

Elementary (A2) (15 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR A2 level (TOEIC:225, IELTS: 3).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: fast, earn, write.

Intermediate (B1) (31 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR B1 level (TOEFL iBT:42, TOEIC:550, IELTS:4.5).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: suggest, doubt, interview.

Upper-Intermediate (B2) (48 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR B2 level (TOEFL iBT:72, IELTS:6, FCE).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: threaten, reliable, adjust.

Advanced (C1) (79 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR C1 level (TOEFL iBT:95, TOEIC:945, IELTS:7.5, CAE).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: gossip, eligible, optimistic.

Proficient (C2) (125 questions)

  • This level is designed to match CEFR C2 level (IELTS:9, CPE).
  • Sample vocabulary from this level: instinct, diplomatic, sacred.

Вставьте пропущенные слова - упражнения уровня intermediate

Продолжаем учиться пользоваться английским языком и отрабатывать навыки его владения. Сегодня предлагаем выполнить лексические упражнения, вставьте пропущенные слова в предлагаемых упражнениях. Данные задания рассчитаны на уровни изучения английского языка pre-intermediate и intermediate. Упражнения содержат много новой лексики, которая будет полезна всем, кто учит язык на разных уровнях.


  • Выполните упражнения, вставьте пропущенные слова в предложениях
    • Choose the word 1
    • Choose the word 2
    • Choose the word 3
    • Choose the word 4
    • Choose the word 5

Выполните упражнения, вставьте пропущенные слова в предложениях

Choose the word which best completes each sentence

Choose the word 1

Выберете правильный вариант из предложенных в каждом предложении.


A bed on board a ship is called a



I have no brothers or sisters. I am



I’m terribly sorry, I seem to have

my book at home.


My sister and I are always quarrelling. We just don’t seem to



Most parents find it difficult to

their children nowadays.



to inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago.


I think everyone should

the Human Rights movement.


I only paid £3 for this dress. It was a real


Choose the word 2

Продолжаем работать с лексикой английского языка. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выберете один правильный вариант из предложенных.


Which horse shall we

on in the 2.15 race?


Manchester United

Liverpool in the F.A. Cup Final.


My work’s got worse and worse. Unless I

summer. I’ll fail my exams in the summer.


Oh dear! My watch has



If you work for someone, then you are



I’m afraid there’s no

of seeing Mr Brown until tomorrow.



around this town is quite beautiful.


He’s always telling me what to do. He’s so


Choose the word 3

И еще 8 предложений.


His parents gave him everything he asked for. He was thoroughly



I still feel like a cigarette even though I

smoking two years ago.


He wants to get to the top before he is thirty. He is very



John always arrives on time. He’s so



She made the

mistake of forgetting to put the ”s” on the verb in the third person singular.


I was very

for all the advice she gave me.


I don’t have a job. I’m



I always try to

something each month for my holidays.

Теперь немного потренируемся в написании английских слов, напишите по одному слову в каждой из трех пар скобок, чтобы составить наиболее логичное предложение. Пример смотрите ниже.

Choose the word 4

Write one word in each of the three pairs of brackets to make the most logical sentence. Before starting, look at the example: The teacher (teacher, mechanic, solicitor) wrote the answer (letter, answer, notebook) on the board (floor, board, ceiling).


The (referee, soldier, caretaker) blew his (ballroom, whistle, candle) to end the (match, battle, lesson).


Sally (phoned, decided, cycled) to have a (check-up, wedding, party) on her (weekend, birthday, flat).


The (bird, dog, cow) was (grazing, sitting, swimming) on the (pavement, nest, lamp-post).


The (cooker, man, sheep) put his (bicycle, comb, brother) in his (floor, drawer, pocket).


James (borrowed, caught, made) six (teeth, eggs, books) from the (library, station, post office).


We bought a new (sofa, shower, lawn) for the (kitchen, living-room, garden) in the January (moth, sales, shop).


The (artist, shop assistant, chef) placed the (motorbike, casserole, guitar) in the (drawer, garage, oven).


That (man, shop, woman) drove her (car, flat, father) into a (carpet, tree, circus).


The (plane, boat, train) now standing at (station, platform, lane) seven has just arrived (to, for, from) Brighton.


After listening to the (weather forecast, CD, wind) they decided to (try on, cancel, post) their (order, newspaper, picnic).

Choose the word 5

Next ten sentences


The (opera, blackbird, choir) sang a (song, music, performance) at the Christmas (shopping, concert, Eve).


The (planets, groups, flowers) Mars and Jupiter are clearly (marked, visible, placed) in the (east, clear, night) sky.


On (one o’clock, Thursday, June) we went to the (shops, airport, beach) for a (swim, meal, haircut).


The (coffee, snow, water) began to (freeze, boil, melt) in the (sunshine, day, saucepan).


The (students, father, pigeons) were waiting anxiously for the (shape, results, arrival) of their (tickets, neighbour, exams).


All (those, who, after) wishing to go to the concert please (rise, raise, lift) your (hands, voices, level).


The (doctor, teacher, policeman) put his (ruler, baton, stethoscope) to the patient’s (house, chest, pockets).


His (manners, handwriting, speech) was (terrible, marvellous, backwards). I just couldn’t (respect, eat, read) it.


A British (car, passport, flag) is (valid, remembered, worn) in most foreign (countries, languages, stamps).


The (pedestrian crossing, car, computer) is a wonderful (invention, discovery, hobby) which has greatly increased (conversation, productivity, collection).

Возможно будут интересны другие упражнения на отработку словарного запаса английского языка:

  • Упражнения на прилагательные английского языка (intermediate)
  • Упражнения на глаголы английского зыка уровня intermediate
  • Упражнения уровня elementary
  • Найдите лишнее слово — упражнение на отработку английской лексики

Ну как, получилось выполнить упражнения без ошибок? Если да, то у вас хороший словарный запас и достойный уровень английского языка. Вступайте в нашу группу VK, добавляйте сайт в закладки и следите за новыми публикациями и упражнениями. Учите английский и удачи!

Просмотры: 7 979

Тест на тему «Choose the odd word»










3. sickness




4. shore








II Choose the correct verbs:

1. If you feel sorry for what you’ve done, try to do something

pleasant to ______ up for it.




2. What ______ you think so?




3. Try to ________ of it as soon as possible if you don’t want to get

into trouble.




4. It was hard for him to __________ that his father was right.




5. She _________ already come, I can smell her perfume.



must have

6. You must have left the keys at home – you _________ them.

can’t had lost

can’t have lost

can’t lost

7. I ________ my friend to pass the examination.




8. These pills are said _____ for headache.

to be use

to be using

to be used

9. You must be _______ of what is around you in the park, there are many animals there.




10. If you don’t want a bear to approach your food, you must _____ it properly.





III Choose the correct words:

1. We must find _______ immediately. I see dark clouds and hear

thunder. Staying here might be dangerous.




2. I’m not going to go _____ with you anymore. You are just a pain in the neck.




3. What is so special about him? Why is he the most famous ______ of our school?




4. Don’t give ______ you collection of stamps, one day you may regret doing this.




5. I have no idea how to sort ______ these problems.




6. If you want to spend the night in the National Park, you need to make a _____.




7. You can get Lyme ______ if a tick bites you.




8. He is the best friend. He is always _______ when I’m in trouble.




9. This forest is a place of ________, so be careful, there are wild animals here.




10. If you want to travel ______, you must have an international passport.




IV Choose the correct translation:

1. He expected his brother to buy all the presents.

Он ожидал, что его брат купит все подарки.

Он ожидал своего брата, чтобы купить подарки.

2. I don’t want her to tell all the details.

Я не хочу, чтобы она рассказывала все подробности.

Я не хочу ей рассказывать обо всех подробностях.

3. Она заставила его убрать в комнате и помыть посуду.

She made him to clean the room and wash the dishes.

She made him clean the room and wash the dishes.

4. Получилось так, что такси было как раз вовремя.

The taxi happened to be just in time.

The taxi happened to be just in time.The taxi happened be just in time.

Здесь представлены материалы теста на тему «Choose the odd word», которые могут быть просмотрены в онлайн режиме или же их можно бесплатно скачать.
Предмет теста: Английский язык (все классы). Также здесь Вы найдете подборку тестов на схожие темы, что поможет в еще лучшей подготовке к тестированию.

Список похожих тестов

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Choose the right tense

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__________________ …

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TEST IN READING FOR THE FOURTH FORM. Прочитайте текст, состоящий из 6 частей ( A-F). Перед вами 5 вопросов (1-5) к разным частям текста. Установите …

Choosing a great vocabulary quiz maker

What is a vocabulary test or quiz?

A vocabulary test or quiz is a measure of someone’s understanding of the meaning of a selection of words. You can create a quiz to evaluate the width and depth of vocabulary that someone may have.

Vocabulary quizzes are often used in companies as part of the recruitment process to help identify the level of intelligence of prospective employees. Schools and universities will also use vocabulary assessments as part of their education program to help improve student’s grammar.

Using a vocabulary test maker like FlexiQuiz is easy. You can create hundreds of tests for students at all levels to complete in the classroom or remotely.

Types of vocabulary tests

Various types of vocabulary assessments can be shared to understand the participants’ understanding of words, synonyms, antonyms, and phrases.

This section will show you some of the types of tests that can be created with FlexiQuiz,

  1. Matching words with images

    With this question type, respondents must link images to the correct word. There are several ways to apply this with FlexiQuiz:

    1. Display a mix of pictures and words and ask students to match the correct image to the relevant term. Create this question using our fill in the blanks question type.
    2. Share a word or phrase and ask students to match this against a choice of images. We’ve created an example of this using our picture choice question type.
      vocabulary test using images
  2. Match the word with the definitions

    You share a word and offer several definitions or synonyms of which one is correct. Create this question using our single-choice or multiple-choice question types.

    Vocabulary quiz using multiple choice

  3. Identification

    Students are shown one main word with a choice of three answer choices, they will need to correctly identify which is a synonym, antonym, or is not relevant.
    To create this the quiz maker would use the fill in the blanks question type.

  4. Open-ended questions

    You can share a word and ask students to write a definition or synonym for the term. Create this question using the essay question type, although it will need to be manually marked.

  5. Fill the gaps

    This question comes in the form of a sentence, and the respondent needs to guess the missing word correctly.
    You can create this question using fill in the blanks or matching text. Students will also need to spell the word correctly based on the answer options that you provide.
    Or you can create a multiple-choice question so that students can pick from a choice of words.

    Example test using a fill in the blanks question

  6. Odd one out

    Give students a list of words or phrases, and they have to correctly identify which one is not part of the group.

    You can create this type of question using the single-choice question type.

    Example of a multiple choice question

Benefits of creating an online vocabulary test

  • With a variety of online tools, it’s possible to create fun and engaging tests for students of all ages and abilities.
  • Tests can be taken remotely on any device as part of home working or homeschooling.
  • Tests can identify the respondent’s strengths and weaknesses through a range of FlexiQuiz features such as question banks, time limits, maximize quiz attempts, and more.
  • FlexiQuiz will automatically mark and score your tests, except for essays and file upload questions. Auto scoring can save you time, leaving you free to relax.

How to create an online vocabulary quiz

  1. To start, choose a vocabulary quiz maker like FlexiQuiz.
  2. Create or login to your FlexiQuiz account.
  3. From your main dashboard, select create quiz and enter a quiz name.
  4. Choose to add a Welcome screen or move straight to the questions.
  5. Add your questions with the relevant question type — see the suggestions shown above.
  6. Configure the test with background themes, time limits, logos, progress bars, and more.
  7. Publish and share your online quiz.
  8. FlexiQuiz will automatically score any completed exams. Your participant’s results will be tracked in real time and displayed on your analyze screen.

FlexiQuiz is an online vocabulary quiz maker where you can build tests for free with up to 10 questions and share with up to 20 people. Sign up to FlexiQuiz to start.

Relevant help guides

Advanced configuration options.

  • Time limits.

  • Custom certificates
  • Randomize questions — create a more challenging assessment by shuffling the order of the questions.

Ways to share your vocabulary test.

Sharing results

Question types:

Multiple choice with a single response

Fill in the blanks


File upload


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  • Choose a word from the box to describe a person who
  • Choose a word from the box to complete the story last night
  • Choose a suitable word from the list below
  • Choose a question word from the box and write the complete questions
  • Choose a proper form active or passive mind the word order where necessary