Chinese word for red

A very colorful Chinese lantern.

A very colorful Chinese lantern.

One of the first things you learn when picking up a new language are the colors. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve taught Chinese youngsters all of the colors in English – it’s right up there with the words for the days of the week, fruit, and other essentials. Now, I won’t make our readers run around the classroom locating the different colors as I shout them out, but I will teach you the Chinese vocabulary that you need to know! Let’s start with the Chinese word for color (颜色 – yán sè). That second character (色) is going to come in handy, because it’s used in all of the words for different colors. Take, for example, the Chinese word for red (红色 – hóng sè) – basically, 红 means “red” and 色 means “color,” so together it means “the color red.” Here are 15 Chinese words about colors that you’ll want to remember:

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As you may have noticed, there are two different words for brown. Both of these words are fine, but when shopping for something like clothing, it’s more common to use the word “coffee color” (咖啡色 – kā fēi sè). When describing the color of something, it’s also common to add the particle 的 to the end. Just look at a few examples:

  • I want that red one. (我要那个红色的 – wǒ yào nà gè hóng sè de)

  • This one is white. (这个是白色的 – zhè ge shì bái sè de)

  • He’s wearing a green shirt. (他穿绿色的衬衫 – tā chuān lǜ sè de chèn shān)

If there’s such a thing as a national color, it’s definitely red in China. In Chinese culture, red represents prosperity and happiness, and it’s seen just about everywhere you look – on the flag, on the lucky red envelopes given for Spring Festival and weddings, and on decorations in the house. As it’s believed that Chinese people are descendants of the Yellow Emperor, that’s also quite an auspicious color. As they are associated with mourning and loss, black and white are both considered unlucky colors. However, many Chinese women have taken up the Western custom of wearing a white wedding dress these days, so white isn’t such a bad color after all.

Now that you know the Chinese words for colors, it’s time to answer an important question:

What’s your favorite color? Why?


(nǐ zuì xǐ huān shén me yán sè? wèi shén me)

hóng sè


Chinese Definition

     1. 形容词. 紅的
     2. 形容词. 紅色的
     3. 名词.
     4. 名词. 紅色
     1. red
           紅色 — red (color)
     2. (colloquial) popular; in vogue
           邁克爾·^傑克遜 沒有 以前 那麼 紅 了。 — Michael Jackson is not as popular as he used to be.
     3. (The red clothes and bunting used on festive occasions.)
           披紅 — to drape in red silk as a sign of honor or for festivity
           紅包 — red envelope / red packet
     4. revolutionary; Communist; Red
           紅軍 — Red army
     5. worldly
     6. women’s
     7. bonus; dividend
           分紅 — distribute or draw dividends
     8. (Cantonese) blood tofu
           豬紅 — pig blood tofu
     9. Hong
           女紅gōng — the feminine arts (e.g. needlework, sewing, embroidery)
     10. (Placename in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history, northeast of modern Tai’an, Shandong.)
     1. color/colour; tint; hue; shade
           顏色 — color
     2. look; expression
     3. kind; sort
           貨色 — goods; stuff; trash; rubbish; quality of goods; specification
     4. feminine charm; beauty
           姿色 — good looks (of women)
     5. sexual; lewd
           色情 — pornography; sex
     6. (colloquial) being a perv
     7. theatrical role
     8. metallic content

Translations for and their definitions

     1. red
           紅色 — red (color)
     2. (colloquial) popular; in vogue
           邁克爾·^傑克遜 沒有 以前 那麼 紅 了。 — Michael Jackson is not as popular as he used to be.
     3. (The red clothes and bunting used on festive occasions.)
           披紅 — to drape in red silk as a sign of honor or for festivity
           紅包 — red envelope / red packet
     4. revolutionary; Communist; Red
           紅軍 — Red army
     5. worldly
     6. women’s
     7. bonus; dividend
           分紅 — distribute or draw dividends
     8. (Cantonese) blood tofu
           豬紅 — pig blood tofu
     9. Hong
           女紅gōng — the feminine arts (e.g. needlework, sewing, embroidery)
     10. (Placename in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history, northeast of modern Tai’an, Shandong.)
     1. red
           紅色 — red (color)
     2. (colloquial) popular; in vogue
           邁克爾·^傑克遜 沒有 以前 那麼 紅 了。 — Michael Jackson is not as popular as he used to be.
     3. (The red clothes and bunting used on festive occasions.)
           披紅 — to drape in red silk as a sign of honor or for festivity
           紅包 — red envelope / red packet
     4. revolutionary; Communist; Red
           紅軍 — Red army
     5. worldly
     6. women’s
     7. bonus; dividend
           分紅 — distribute or draw dividends
     8. (Cantonese) blood tofu
           豬紅 — pig blood tofu
     9. Hong
           女紅gōng — the feminine arts (e.g. needlework, sewing, embroidery)
     10. (Placename in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history, northeast of modern Tai’an, Shandong.)
     1. n. the color red
     2. adj. red
     1. n. the color red
     2. adj. red


hóng sè

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Start learning Chinese vocabulary

Author Zachary Becker

Posted Jun 9, 2022

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One of the first things you learn when you start studying a new language is how to say the colors. In Chinese, the word for red is 红 (hóng). This word is also used in other contexts where we might use the word «red» in English. For example, 红酒 (hóngjiu) is red wine, and 红灯 (hóngdēng) is a red light.When you are talking about colors in Chinese, it is important to know the word for the color, but also the word for «color» itself. The word for «color» in Chinese is 颜色 (yánsè). This word can be used on its own, or as part of a longer word, like 颜色不同 (yánsè bùtóng), which means «different colors.»So, how do you say «red» in Chinese? The word for red is 红 (hóng). To say «the color red,» you would say 红色 (hóngsè). And to say «I like the color red,» you can say 我喜欢红色 (wǒ xǐhuān hóngsè).

If you want to describe something as being «red,» you can use the word 红 (hóng) on its own, or you can use a phrase like 红色的 (hóngsè de), which means «red in color.» For example, if you want to say «this apple is red,» you can say 这个苹果是红色的 (zhège píngguǒ shì hóngsè de), or «这个苹果是红色的 (zhège píngguǒ shì hóngsè de).If you want to talk about different shades of red, Chinese has a few words that you can use. For example, 深红 (shēnhóng) is a deep red, and 浅红 (qi

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How do you say «red» in Mandarin Chinese?

In Mandarin Chinese, the word for «red» is 红 (hóng).

There are a few different ways that you can use this word to describe different shades of red. For example, if you wanted to describe a deep, crimson red, you could say 红润 (hóng rùn).

If you wanted to describe a brighter, more orange-y red, you could say 红橙 (hóng chéng).

And if you wanted to describe a light pink color, you could say 红粉 (hóng fěn).

So as you can see, there are a few different ways to say «red» in Mandarin Chinese, depending on the shade of red that you are trying to describe.

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How do you say «red» in Cantonese?

There are a few different ways to say «red» in Cantonese. One way is to say «faa laa ng» which means «red flowers.» Another way to say «red» in Cantonese is to say «hong lau» which means «red leaves.» Lastly, you can say «hong se» which means «red color.»

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How do you say «red» in Taiwanese?

There are a few different ways to say «red» in Taiwanese. One way is to use the word «hóng,» which is the Chinese character for «red.» Another way is to use the Taiwanese word «hé,» which is also the Chinese character for «red.» You can also use the word «lóng,» which is the Mandarin word for «red.»

When it comes to describing the color red, there are a few different ways to do so in Taiwanese. One way is to use the word «hóng,» which is the Chinese character for «red.» Another way is to use the Taiwanese word «hé,» which is also the Chinese character for «red.» You can also use the word «lóng,» which is the Mandarin word for «red.» All of these words can be used to describe the color red in Taiwanese.

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How do you say «red» in Shanghainese?

«Red» in Shanghainese is pronounced «hong» (pronounced exactly like the English word «hong» without the «g» sound at the end). The Shanghainese word for «red» is written as «红» in Chinese characters.

The word «hong» is used to describe the color red in Shanghainese. For example, «hong se» (红色) means «red color» and «hong qing» (红青) means «red and green» (the two colors together).

When referring to the color red, Shanghainese speakers might also use the word «chun» (春), which means «spring.» This is because the color red is associated with the season of spring in Chinese culture.

In addition, the word «hong» can be used to describe other things that are red in color, such as «hong luo» (红螺) meaning «red snail.»

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How do you say «red» in Hakka?

«Red» in Hakka is sah. It is written as 沙 and pronounced as shā. The letter «a» is pronounced as in «father». This is a very common color word and you will hear it used often.

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How do you say «red» in Wu?

The colors in Wu are very important and have specific meaning. The colors are also used to describe mood and emotions. For example, the color red is associated with anger and passion. It is also the traditional color of good luck and is often seen during festivals and celebrations.

When it comes to describing the color red in Wu, there are a few different words that can be used. One word that can be used is “hóng” which means “red”. Another word that can be used is “lóng” which means “dragon”. This word is often used in reference to the color red because dragons are considered to be very powerful and lucky in Chinese culture.

In addition to these two words, there are also a few other words that can be used to describe different shades of red. For example, the word “chì” can be used to describe a deep, dark red. The word “zĭ” can be used to describe a brighter, more vibrant red. And the word “hóngse” can be used to describe a reddish-orange color.

So, when it comes to saying “red” in Wu, there are a few different words that can be used depending on the shade of red you are trying to describe. If you want to describe a traditional, lucky red, then you would use the word “hóng”. If you are trying to describe a deeper, darker red, then you would use the word “chì”. And if you are trying to describe a reddish-orange color, then you would use the word “hóngse”.

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How do you say «red» in Gan?

Gan is a language spoken in China. It is a tonal language, which means that the meaning of a word can change depending on the tone in which it is spoken. There are four tones in Gan: high level, rising, falling-rising, and falling.

The word «red» can be translated to Gan as follows:

high level: hong2

rising: hong3

falling-rising: hong4

falling: hong1

The word «red» is most commonly used in the high level tone, which is the default tone. The other three tones are used less frequently and typically only in specific circumstances.

In Chinese culture, red is the color of luck and good fortune. It is often used in festivals and celebrations. Red envelopes are commonly given as gifts, often containing money.

The word «red» can also have other meanings in Gan, depending on the context. For example, it can be used to describe someone who is angry or passionate.

So how do you say «red» in Gan? The most common translation is hong2, but it can also be hong3, hong4, or hong1, depending on the context.

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How do you say «red» in Xiang?

The Xiang dialect, also known as Hunanese, is spoken in the Hunan province of south-central China. Xiang has many sub-dialects, but the two most commonly spoken are the New Xiang dialect and the Old Xiang dialect.

The word for «red» in New Xiang is hongse, while in Old Xiang it is hongsa. In both dialects, the word for «red» can also be used to describe other things that are red in color, such as the red color of a person’s face.

When referring to the color red, New Xiang speakers would typically use the word hongse, while Old Xiang speakers would use hongsa. In addition, both dialects have other words that can be used to describe the color red. For example, in New Xiang, the word chise can be used to describe the color of a person’s face when they are flushed or red in the face. Old Xiang speakers may also use the word sese to describe the color red.

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Why are Chinese names written in red ink?

The traditional color for Chinese names is red, which is thought to be a symbol of good luck.

What does a red hat mean in China?

A red hat traditionally associated with funerals in China signifies that the wearer has lost someone they loved. It is a sign of respect and comfort to those who mourn.

What is the origin of the Chinese word for color?

The Chinese word for color, yánsè, is derived from the ancient Chinese term wǔyánliù (五顏六色), which means all colors.

How do you say white in Chinese?

白色 bái sè.

What is the meaning of different colors in China?

Different colors have different meanings in China. For example, yellow is seen as a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Red represents strength and vitality, while green is associated with fertility and youth.

What color represents death in Chinese?


What does the color black mean in Chinese culture?

Black in Chinese culture is associated with destruction, evil, profundity, disasters, cruelty, sadness and suffering. It is bad fortune and must not be worn to auspicious occasions like weddings. The Chinese word for black is ‘hei’ which itself stands for bad luck, irregularity, illegality etc. Avoid using black in your brand marketing as it could have a negative impact.

What does Pink Mean in Chinese culture?

In Chinese culture, pink is considered to be a shade of red. Thus holds all the same meanings of good fortune and joy. Fun fact: In Chinese society, during holiday or special occasions they exchange a red envelope with money inside. The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is a symbol to ward off evil spirits.

What is the Chinese color for good luck?

The color Chinese Pink is considered to be a shade of red. Thus holds all the same meanings of good fortune and joy.

How do you say colors in Mandarin Chinese?

The word for «color» in Mandarin is «色(sè)», and it can be shortened to just «色»。 色 most often means «color» or «hue», but it can also refer to other similar concepts such as「形(xíng)」which means shape, «水晶(shuǐjiān)»which refers to a type of semi-precious gemstone, and «背景音像(běishì yīnyue)」 which are background songe noises.
— This lamp has three colors. 上式的这个灯泡有三个色泽。
— This book has four colors. 这本书有四个色彩。

Why do Chinese people like the color red so much?

There is no one answer to this question, as people in China have different favorite colors for different reasons. For example, many Chinese people may like the color red because it is traditionally associated with good luck and happiness. Additionally, many people in China associate the color red with the New Year celebration, which is an important event in their culture.

What is the Chinese color for Orange?

The Chinese color for Orange is Red followed by Green.

How are colors used in Chinese language?

There are various ways colors are used in Chinese language. Colors can be used as adjectives to describe an object, they can also be incorporated into idiomatic proverbs and sayings, and finally they can also be used as words to connote certain feelings or emotions.
Here are some examples of how colors are used in the Chinese language:
-Red is often associated with happiness, love, and passion. 愉快,红色带来的感觉很浓厚。 (Yànkǎo, hóngsè dēi lái de gāngqí.) -Green usually represents nature and freshness. 青蓝是天气的标志性亮点。Qīnglán shì tiānqì de zhēzhǐx

Why learn the names of Mandarin colors?

There are a few reasons why learning the names of Mandarin colors is important. First, these colors have cultural meanings and can be used in place of more general descriptors like «red» or «green.» For example, many people might say «the red balloon» to describe the object, but someone from China might say «the red Zhao» to refer to the specific type of red balloon shown.
Secondly, there are certain colors that are used in particular contexts. For example, green is often associated with money in China, and pink is often associated with love. Knowing which colors represent which concepts can come in handy when speaking or writing in Chinese.
Lastly, knowing the names of Mandarin colors can help you learn about Chinese culture. For example, if you want to buy something at a store in China and don’t know what kind of color it is, knowing the name of the color will clue you in as to what type of product you’re looking for.

What does the color green mean in Chinese?

The colour green in Chinese is associated with the east, Jupiter, Spring, wind, health, prosperity and harmony. A green hat is traditionally associated with infidelity.

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Words for colours in Mandarin Chinese (普通话 / 國語 / 華語) with notes and colour-related expressions.

Colour is 颜色 (yán sè) or 色彩 (sè cǎ). The word 色 (sè) — colour — is often attached to colour words to indicate that you are talking about a colour, rather than anything else.

black 黑色 (hēisè) = black, dark, secret, wicked

Black is considered a neutral colour, and is associated with the north, Mercury, Winter, cold, and also death and mourning. It was formerly worn at funerals, but white is currently more common on such occasions.

Black-related words and expressions

  • 漆黑的 (qīhēi de) = pitch black
  • 黑色喜剧 [黑色喜劇] (hēisè xǐjù) = black comedy
  • 黑带 [黑帶] (hēidài) = black belt (in martial arts)
  • 黑市商 (hēishìshāng) = black market
  • 黑洞 (hēidòng) = black hole

white 白色 (báisè) = white, clear, bright, plain, to state, in vain, free of charge

White is associated with metal, the west, Venus, Autumn, and symbolises brightness, purity and fulfilment. It is a colour of death and mourning and commonly worn at funerals. In ancient China, white was only worn when mourning the dead.

White-related words and expressions

  • 白葡萄酒 (báipútáojiŭ) = white wine
  • 白天鹅 [白天鵝] (bái tiān’é) = swan (“white sky goose”)
  • 蛋白 (dànbái) = egg white
  • 眼白 (yǎnbái) = the white of the eye
  • 雪白 (xuěbái) = snow-white
  • 白米 (báimǐ) / 白米饭 [白米飯] (báimǐfàn) = white rice

red 红色 [紅色] (hóngsè) = red, popular, successful, bonus

Red is associated with fire, summer, the south, Mars, good fortune and joy. Gifts of money are given in red envelopes at Chinese New Year, weddings and on other occasions. Traditionally Chinese brides wear red dresses.

Red-related words and expressions

  • 深红色 (shēnhóngsè) = crimson, incarnadine, ruby, carmine (“deep red colour”)
  • 鲜红 (xiānhóng) = scarlet, vermillion, bright red
  • 朱红色 (zhūhóngsè) = vermillion
  • 红色的头发 [紅色的頭髮] (hóngsè de tóufǎ) = red hair
  • 红军 [紅軍] (hóngjūn) = Red Army
  • 红酒 [紅酒] (hóng jiǔ) = red wine
  • 红楼梦 [紅樓夢] (hónglóumèng) = Dream of the Red Chamber — one of China’s Four Great Classical Novels, first printed in 1791
  • 丹 (dān) = red, pellet
  • 赤 (chì) = red, revolutionary, sincere, bare
  • 赤卫队 [赤衛隊] (chìwèduì = Red Guards
  • 绛 (jiàng) = crimson
  • 朱 (zhū) = bright red

yellow 黄色 (huángsè) = yellow, pornographic, yolk, gold

Yellow is associated with heroism, emperors, neutrality, good luck, Saturn, the changing of seasons and the earth. It is considered a beautiful and prestigious colour. It was used on royal palaces, altars, temples, and was worn by emperors. To Buddhists yellow represents freedom from wordly cares and mourning.

Yellow-related words and expressions

  • 黄热病 [黃熱病] (huángrèbìng) = yellow fever
  • 黄炸药 [黃炸藥] (huáng zhàyào) = dynamite (“yellow exploding medicine”)
  • 黄河 (huánghé) = Yellow River
  • 黄牌 (huángpái) = yellow card

blue 蓝色 [藍] (lánsè) = blue, clear (day)

Blue has the same associations as green (see below).

Blue-related words and expressions

  • 蓝调 [藍調] (lándiào) = the blues
  • 蓝图 [藍圖] (lántú) = blueprint
  • 蓝奶酪 [藍奶酪] (lánnǎilào) = blue cheese
  • 蓝山雀 [藍山雀] (lánshānquè) = bluetit
  • 碧 (bì) = bluish green, green jade

green 绿色 [綠色] (lǜsè) = green

Green is associated with the east, Jupiter, Spring, wind, health, prosperity and harmony. A green hat is traditionally associated with infidelity.

Green-related words and expressions

  • 青 (qīng) = green (grass), blue (sky), black (vein, eye, bruise), young, grass, unripe crops

brown 褐色 (hésè) = brown (colour) 棕色 (zōngsè) = brown (eyes)

Brown-related words and expressions

  • 红棕色 [紅棕色] (hóngzōngsè) = bay
  • 栗色 (lìsè) = chestnut (colour), maroon
  • 淡褐色 (dànhésè) = hazel (colour), light brown
  • 暗褐色 (ànhèsè) = dun (colour), dark brown
  • 赤褐色 (chìhèsè) = auburn, reddish-brown, russet

pink 粉红色 [粉紅色] (fěnhóngsè) = pink

orange 橙色 (chéngsè) / 橘色 (júsè) = orange (colour)

grey 灰色 (huīsè) = grey, melancholy

purple 紫色 (zǐsè) — purple

silver 银白色 [銀白色] (yín báisè) — silver

Silver-related words and expressions

  • 银器 [銀器] (yínqì) = silverware, silver, silver plate
  • 银币 [銀幣] (yínbì) = silver coin, silver
  • 银灰色 [銀灰色] (yínhuīsè) = silver-grey

gold 金色 (jīnsè) — gold (colour), blond, fair (hair)

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chinese colors

Last updated:

January 16, 2023

When you’re learning Chinese vocabulary, you need to pick up basic words like colors (颜色 — yán sè) that help you give better descriptions.

Having a wide and varied color vocabulary will let you express greater nuance when you describe things in Mandarin. 

This mega guide to Chinese colors will expand your knowledge of Chinese color vocabulary.

It’s organized into color families, including descriptions, varieties, everyday idioms and helpful notes on the significance of colors in Chinese culture.


  • 1. 红色 (hóng sè) — Red
  • 2. 橙色 (chéng sè) — Orange
  • 3. 黄色 (huáng sè) — Yellow
  • 4. 绿色 (lǜ sè) — Green
  • 5. 蓝色 (lán sè) — Blue
  • 6. 紫色 (zǐ sè) — Purple
  • 7. 白色 (bái sè) — White
  • 8. 黑色 (hēi sè) — Black
  • 9. 灰色 (hūi sè) — Gray
  • 10. 棕色 (zōng sè) — Brown
  • 11. 其它颜色 (qí tā yán sè) — Other Colors

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1. 红色 (hóng sè) — Red

Red 红色 is a prominent color in Chinese culture. It represents strength, vitality and energy. It’s also related to festivity. An auspicious (lucky) color, it’s associated with holidays like Chinese New Year and weddings.

Varieties of red:

  • 粉红 (fěn hóng) — pink
  • 玫瑰红 (méi gūi hóng) — rose red
  • 朱红 (zhū hóng) — vermilion
  • 枣红 (zǎo hóng) — maroon
  • 玫瑰红 (méi gūi hóng) — rose red
  • 莲红 (lián hóng) — lotus red
  • 深红 (shēn hóng) — dark red
  • 辣椒红 (là jiāo hóng) — chili red
  • 珊瑚红 (shān hú hóng) — coral
  • 棕红 (zōng hóng) — reddish brown
  • 鲜红 (xiān hóng) — bright red
  • 绯红 (fēi hóng) — scarlet

Idioms using red:

  • 看破红尘 (kàn pò hóng chén) — “To see through the red dust of the world,” meaning to give up worldly desires and adopt a Buddhist monastic lifestyle.
  • 姹紫嫣红 (chà zǐ yān hóng) — “Beautiful purples and bright reds,” used to describe a brightly colored bouquet of flowers.
  • 面红耳赤 (miàn hóng ěr chì) — “Face red and ears popping,” to describe someone who’s fiery mad and smoking-from-the-ears angry.
  • 红杏出墙 (hóng xìng chū qiáng) — “The red apricot tree leans over the garden wall,” referring to a wife having an illicit lover.

Cultural references using red:

  • 红宝书 (hóng bǎo shū) — “Little Red Book” was Mao’s collection of writings reflecting his Communist vision. It was first published in 1964 and became the “bible” of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, a period of rapid sociopolitical change and major turmoil in China, from 1966–71.
  • 红楼梦 (hóng lóu mèng) — “A Dream of a Red Mansions” is a literary classic, as famous and foundational as Charles Dickens’ “Tale of Two Cities” is for Western literature. It was written in the 18th century Qing Dynasty by Cao Xueqin

2. 橙色 (chéng sè) — Orange

Orange 橙色 is a lively and happy color, reminiscent of autumn and plentiful harvests. It can represent good fortune, celebration and wealth.

Varieties of orange:

  • 橙红色 (chéng hóng sè) — reddish orange
  • 柿子橙 (shì zǐ chéng) — persimmon
  • 阳橙 (yáng chéng) — sun orange
  • 热带橙 (rè dài chéng) — tropical orange
  • 蜜橙 (mì chéng) — honey orange
  • 深橙 (shēn chéng) — dark orange

Idioms using orange:

  • 红橙黄绿蓝靛紫 (hóng chéng huáng lǜ lán diàn zǐ) — “Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple,” meaning all the colors of the rainbow.

3. 黄色 (huáng sè) — Yellow

Yellow 黄色 is a bright and glorious color, associated with the sun. A color worn by ancient Chinese emperors, it represents riches and power. It’s also a happy color signifying inspiration and vitality.

Varieties of yellow:

  • 桔黄 (jú huáng) — tangerine
  • 柠檬黄 (níng méng huáng) —  lemon yellow
  • 橄榄黄 (gǎn lǎn huáng) —  olive yellow
  • 杏黄 (xìng huáng) —  apricot
  • 金黄 (jīn huáng) — golden yellow

Idioms using yellow:

  • 明日黄花 (míng rì huáng huā) — “Chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival,” meaning an antiquated, old-fashioned or out-dated thing.
  • 人老珠黄 (rén lǎo zhū huáng) — “Old and yellow,” referring to an old and faded woman.
  • 青黄不接 (qīng huáng bù jiē) — “The yellow crop of autumn doesn’t last until the green of spring,” referring to scarce resources, such as not having enough manpower or not able to make ends meet.

Cultural references using yellow:

  • 黄金周 (huáng jīn zhōu) — “Golden week,” the two periods of seven-day national holidays in China. The first is Chinese New Year, around January or February (depending on the lunar calendar), and the other starts on October 1, China’s National Day.
  • 黄帝 (huáng dì) — “Yellow Emperor,” an ancient Chinese mythological emperor, similar to King Arthur in Western legends.
  • 黄脸婆 (huáng liǎn pó) — “Yellow-faced woman,” meaning a faded old woman.

4. 绿色 (lǜ sè) — Green

Green 绿色 is a color representing nature and new growth. It’s a lively and fresh color. The color of jade, green is also elegant. Green-colored jade jewelry has been popular throughout Chinese history among those who could afford it.

Green does have a couple of negative connotations in Chinese culture, though. For example, to be “green-faced” in Chinese is to be sick, and to “wear a green hat” is to be cheated on by your wife.

Varieties of green:

  • 豆绿 (dòu lǜ) — bean color
  • 橄榄绿 (gǎn lǎn lǜ) — olive green
  • 茶绿 (chá lǜ) — tea green
  • 葱绿 (cōng lǜ) — scallion green
  • 苹果绿 (píng gǔo lǜ) — apple green
  • 森林绿 (sēn lín lǜ) — forest green
  • 水草绿 (shǔi cǎo lǜ) —  seaweed
  • 草绿 (cǎo lǜ) —  grass green

Idioms using green:

  • 红男绿女 (hóng nán lǜ nǚ) — “Red gentlemen and green ladies,” referring to young people dressed up in fancy clothes.
  • 柳绿花红 (liǔ lǜ huā hóng) — “Green willows and red flowers,” meaning the colors of spring.
  • 绿林好汉 (lǜ lín hǎo hàn) — “Hero of Greenwood,” a kind of hero who lives in the woods and rebels against established authorities and social class structures; similar to a Robin Hood.
  • 戴绿帽子 (dài lǜ mào zǐ) — “Wear a green hat,” meaning to be cheated on by one’s wife.
  • 脸都绿了 (liǎn dōu lǜ le) — “Green in the face,” meaning to look sickly and unwell.
  • 花花绿绿 (huā huā lǜ lǜ) — “Lots of flowers and green,” meaning colorful, flashy and gaudy.

5. 蓝色 (lán sè) — Blue

Blue 蓝色 is an expansive color, the hue of the open skies and the ocean. A peaceful color, blue in Chinese culture is associated with the iconic, blue-painted pottery pieces. Blue can also be a color of sadness.

Varieties of blue:

  • 天蓝 (tiān lán) — sky blue
  • 蔚蓝 (wèi lán) — azure
  • 月光蓝 (yuè guāng lán) — moonlight blue
  • 海洋蓝 (hǎi yáng lán) —  sea blue
  • 湖蓝 (hú lán) — lake blue

Idioms using blue:

  • 青出于蓝 (qīng chū yú lán) — “Green supersedes blue,” as in, the younger generation surpasses the older.
  • 衣衫蓝缕 (yī shān lán lǚ) — “Shabby clothes.”

6. 紫色 (zǐ sè) — Purple

Purple 紫色 is a luxurious, mysterious color, suggesting beauty, passion and emotional depth.

Varieties of purple:

  • 紫罗兰色 (zǐ lúo lán sè) — violet
  • 葡萄紫 (pú táo zǐ) — grape color / grayish purple
  • 玫瑰紫 (méi gūi zǐ) — rose purple
  • 暗紫 (àn zǐ) — gloomy purple

Idioms using purple:

  • 万紫千红 (wàn zǐ qiān hóng) — “Thousands of purples and reds,” describing the flourishing of a variety of trades and industries.
  • 紫气东来 (zǐ qì dōng lái) — “Purple breeze flows from the east,” suggesting that an auspicious and lucky time is coming.

7. 白色 (bái sè) — White

White 白色 can connote a sense of superiority. It can also represent goodness and purity.

In Chinese culture, white is often used in combination with other colors. White by itself is a funeral color. 

Therefore, in traditional Chinese culture, people don’t normally wear white accessories in their hair or give white flowers as gifts, because of the association with mourning.

Varieties of white:

  • 象牙白 (xiàng yá bái) — ivory
  • 牡蛎白 (mǔ lì bái) — oyster white
  • 珍珠白 (zhēn zhū bái) —  pearl white
  • 玉石白 (yù shí bái) —  jade white
  • 银白 (yín bái) —  silvery white
  • 米白 (mǐ bái) —  beige

Idioms using white:

  • 一穷二白 (yì qióng èr bái) — “First poor then white,” to describe someone as financially impoverished and culturally backward.
  • 唇红齿白 (chún hóng chǐ bái) — “Red lips and white teeth,” to describe a beautiful feminine mouth.
  • 白璧无瑕 (bái bì wú xiá) — “White as jade without imperfections,” meaning spotless and perfect.

8. 黑色 (hēi sè) — Black

Black 黑色 is a basic and ever-trendy color. Black can be somber or sophisticated. 

In Chinese culture, black is often worn by elderly ladies, since bright colors are thought to be suited only for young people.

Varieties of black:

  • 土黑 (tǔ hēi) — soil or earth-colored
  • 煤黑 (méi hēi) — coal black
  • 碳黑 (tàn hēi) — soot black
  • 古铜黑 (gǔ tóng hēi) — black like the color of old copper
  • 铁黑 (tiě hēi) — black like iron

Idioms using black:

  • 月黑风高 (yuè hēi fēng gāo) — “The moon is black and the winds are high,” to describe a dark, windy and ominous night.
  • 起早贪黑 (qǐ zǎo tān hēi) — “Rise early and desire the dark,” meaning to wake up early and sleep late.
  • 颠倒黑白 (diān dǎo hēi bái) — “Reverse black and white,” or to distort the truth and misrepresent facts.

9. 灰色 (hūi sè) — Gray

Gray 灰色 is sometimes dark and gloomy, but gray can be modern and trendy at other times.

Varieties of gray:

  • 银灰 (yín hūi) — silver gray
  • 铁灰 (tiě hūi) — iron gray
  • 铅灰 (qiān hūi) — lead gray
  • 烟灰 (yān hūi) — smoky gray

Idioms using gray:

  • 万念俱灰 (wàn niàn jù hūi) — “All hopes turn gray,” meaning utter disappointment.
  • 灰心丧气 (hūi xīn sàng qì) — “Gray heart and mournful spirits,” to feel down and depressed.

10. 棕色 (zōng sè) — Brown

Brown is an earthy and warm color. It is a popular choice for both home furnishings and fashion in Chinese culture. However, there are not many expressions or idioms that include brown.

Varieties of brown:

  • 褐色 (hè sè) — another name for brown
  • 红棕 (hóng zōng) — reddish brown
  • 金棕 (jīn zōng) — golden brown

11. 其它颜色 (qí tā yán sè) — Other Colors

Did we cover all the colors? Perhaps the main ones, but wait, there’s more…!

Here are special and miscellaneous colors, some from popular fashion, that you can add to your vocabulary.

  • 金色 (jīn sè) — gold
  • 银色 (yín sè) — silver
  • 咖啡色 (kā fēi sè) — coffee color (or “brown” for Cantonese speakers)
  • 奶油色 (nǎi yóu sè) — cream or nude
  • 豆沙色 (dòu shā sè) —  literally “red bean colored,” this color looks like a pinky-mauve and is a popular color for lipstick!
  • 牛仔色 (níu zǎi sè) — denim colored
  • 荧光色 (yíng guāng sè) —  neon
  • 彩虹色 (cǎi hóng sè) — rainbow

Note: You can pair 深 (shēn) “dark” or 浅 (qiǎn) “light” with any color hue to describe varying intensities of that color.

For example:

深橙 (shēn chéng) — dark orange

浅桔黄 (qiǎn jú huáng) — light tangerine yellow

Whew! Those were a lot of colors!

Hope this journey into colorland expands your knowledge and love for the Chinese language and culture.

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