Check your vocabulary gap fill complete the sentences with a word from the box

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations from the box.

Peterhof Palace, Mamayev Kurgan, Golden mountains, Baikal,
Trans-Siberian Railway, Seven Wonders of the World, St Basil’s Cathedral,
Valley of the Geysers, Golden Ring, Mount Elbrus
1. Alternative…………could be easily found on Russian territory if only tourists
were willing to dig them out.
2. T h e …………is a group of towns and cities in Russia.
3. L a k e …………is one of the genuine Seven Natural Wonders of the World.
4. A most amazing attraction is th e …………in Kamchatka.
5. T h e …………is now the longest continuous rail line on earth.
6. Europe’s highest peak is the 5,642 m etre ……………
7. The so-called …………of the Altai Republic are noted for being among the most
beautiful parts of Siberia.
8. The huge memorial statue of the Motherland, known as «The Motherland
Calls!» was the largest free-standing sculpture in the world when it was built
on top o f …………in 1967.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a-h next to the numbers 1-8.

1…… a forest
2……. bark
3…… to run away
4……to cry
5….. to shout
6…. an argument
7….. a tent
8……. to hurt

a. the noise a dog makes
b. a place with lots of trees and plants
c. a nylon and metal structure that you sleep in when you go camping
d. to speak in a loud voice
e. to produce water from your eyes when you’re sad
f. to escape or leave suddenly or secretly
g. to cause pain
h. a conversation in which people express different opinions, often angrily

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle the best option to complete these sentences

1.Grace takes a photo of Benji / a butterfly
2. Mark and Grace speak for the first time on Tuesday, Wednesday
3. After Grace falls, Mark helps her stand up / walks home with her
4. On TV, Mark’s dad looks sad / angry.
5. Grace doesn’t tell her mum about Mark because her mum will call the police Mark’s dad
6. Mark ran away because he doesn’t like Mel / want to live in London
7. The police are going to search the forest on Friday / Saturday
8. Grace thinks Mark should move to London / stay in Manchester

2. Check your understanding: gap fill Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

for (x2)
in (x2)

1. Grace thinks ………. putting the photo on Facebook.
2. Grace has never seen Mark ……….. school.
3. Mark’s dad is ………… TV with a policeman.
4. Mel isn’t interested ………… Mark.
5. Mark runs ……… after an argument with his dad.
6. Mark left home ………. the middle of the night.
7. Grace feels sorry ………. Mark and his dad.
8. On Friday, Mark is waiting ……… Grace in the forest.​

2. Check your understanding: gap fill typing Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the sentences with a word or words, 1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are 2. An experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria or had to have 3. There are octillion cells in the human body. 4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty 5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring side. 6. You would be much too small to 7. Mites are really small creatures, like 8. They live in eyelashes and a​


1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are bacteria.

2. An experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria died or had to have a special diet.

3. There are seven octillion cells in the human body.

4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty  space.

5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring  one 500th of a centimetre on each side.

6. You would be much too small to see.

7. Mites are really small creatures, like insects.

8. They live in eyelashes and eyebrows.​


1. Только одна десятая клеток вашего тела — это вы на самом деле. Остальное — бактерии.

2. Эксперимент показал, что животные, у которых не было бактерий, умирали или должны были сидеть на специальной диете.

3. В теле человека семь октиллионов клеток.

4. Большинство атомов в человеческом теле — это просто пустое пространство.

5. Без пустого пространства вы могли бы поместить свое тело в коробку со стороной в одну пятисотую сантиметра.

6. Вы были бы слишком малы, чтобы вас можно было видеть.

7. Клещи на самом деле маленькие существа, как насекомые.

8. Они живут в ресницах и бровях.​

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