Check your understanding gap fill complete the sentences with a word from the box

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a-h next to the numbers 1-8.

1…… a forest
2……. bark
3…… to run away
4……to cry
5….. to shout
6…. an argument
7….. a tent
8……. to hurt

a. the noise a dog makes
b. a place with lots of trees and plants
c. a nylon and metal structure that you sleep in when you go camping
d. to speak in a loud voice
e. to produce water from your eyes when you’re sad
f. to escape or leave suddenly or secretly
g. to cause pain
h. a conversation in which people express different opinions, often angrily

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle the best option to complete these sentences

1.Grace takes a photo of Benji / a butterfly
2. Mark and Grace speak for the first time on Tuesday, Wednesday
3. After Grace falls, Mark helps her stand up / walks home with her
4. On TV, Mark’s dad looks sad / angry.
5. Grace doesn’t tell her mum about Mark because her mum will call the police Mark’s dad
6. Mark ran away because he doesn’t like Mel / want to live in London
7. The police are going to search the forest on Friday / Saturday
8. Grace thinks Mark should move to London / stay in Manchester

2. Check your understanding: gap fill Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

for (x2)
in (x2)

1. Grace thinks ………. putting the photo on Facebook.
2. Grace has never seen Mark ……….. school.
3. Mark’s dad is ………… TV with a policeman.
4. Mel isn’t interested ………… Mark.
5. Mark runs ……… after an argument with his dad.
6. Mark left home ………. the middle of the night.
7. Grace feels sorry ………. Mark and his dad.
8. On Friday, Mark is waiting ……… Grace in the forest.​

2. Check your understanding: gap fill typing Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the sentences with a word or words, 1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are 2. An experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria or had to have 3. There are octillion cells in the human body. 4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty 5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring side. 6. You would be much too small to 7. Mites are really small creatures, like 8. They live in eyelashes and a​


1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are bacteria.

2. An experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria died or had to have a special diet.

3. There are seven octillion cells in the human body.

4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty  space.

5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring  one 500th of a centimetre on each side.

6. You would be much too small to see.

7. Mites are really small creatures, like insects.

8. They live in eyelashes and eyebrows.​


1. Только одна десятая клеток вашего тела — это вы на самом деле. Остальное — бактерии.

2. Эксперимент показал, что животные, у которых не было бактерий, умирали или должны были сидеть на специальной диете.

3. В теле человека семь октиллионов клеток.

4. Большинство атомов в человеческом теле — это просто пустое пространство.

5. Без пустого пространства вы могли бы поместить свое тело в коробку со стороной в одну пятисотую сантиметра.

6. Вы были бы слишком малы, чтобы вас можно было видеть.

7. Клещи на самом деле маленькие существа, как насекомые.

8. Они живут в ресницах и бровях.​

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New York Athens Amsterdam

Rome Tokyo

Listening skills practice: Travelling abroad – exercises

Listen to the five airport announcements and do the exercises to practice and improve your listening skills.


Do this exercise before you listen. Write a number (1-6) to put these sentences in order.







Wait at the boarding gate

Go to the checking-in desk.

Board the plane.

Go through immigration.

The plane takes off.

Arrive at the airport.

1. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with a word from the box.


Speaker A: The plane is going to Rome___________.


Speaker B: The plane is going to Tokio_.


Speaker C: The plane is going to Athens_________.


Speaker D: The plane is going to Amsterdam_.


Speaker E: The plane is going to New York _.

Here is a video from BBC for practice understanding spoken English.  I downloaded it from a website, I do not own this nor the exercises.

After watching the video you have to answer the follow up questions and fill the sentences. if you need help in answering or in understanding, you can read more and find the transcription of the text and the answers.

  1. Check your understanding: gap fill
    Complete the gaps with a word.

three million                         fifty million                   sixty

twenty                                     two million                   five million

1. Just over ___________________ people live in Scotland.

2. Nearly ___________________ people live in Wales.

3. Northern Ireland is home to just under ___________________ people.

4. The population of England is around ___________________ people.

5. The Edinburg Festival has celebrated art, theatre and culture for over _________________ years.

6. About ___________________ per cent of Welsh people speak Cymraeg.

  1. Check your understanding: grouping

Write the words into the correct group.

London            Cardiff                                          bagpipes                     Edinburgh

Belfast            talking about the weather       peace process           Cymraeg

tea                   kilts                                                  choirs                          dancing

England Scotland
Wales Northern Ireland

Have you been to any of the countries in the United Kingdom?

Would you like to go? Where? Why?

What similarities are there between the United Kingdom and your country?

1. Transcript:

Nick: This is London and behind me are the Houses of Parliament. Parts of these buildings are more than nine hundred years old.

This is where the laws of the UK are debated and created.

The United Kingdom is actually made up of four different countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each nation

has its own culture and heritage.

The population of England is around fifty million people. The English are known for drinking tea, the Queen and talking about the

But what are we really like?

Priest: The English are a tolerant people.

Woman 1: They’re just enchanting.

Woman 2: The English people are very nice.

Woman 3: They’re so polite and so friendly.

Nick: Scotland is in the north of Britain. Just over five million people live there.

It’s been part of the UK since 1707. Edinburgh is the capital city and home to the Scottish Parliament. The Parliament building is a

work of art in itself!

Scotland has some unique customs: wearing tartan kilts…. playing the bagpipes…. and tossing the caber – a very large post.

For over sixty years, The Edinburgh Festival has celebrated art, theatre and culture.

Wales is on the western edge of Britain.

It also used to be a separate country but has been part of the UK for over four hundred years.

Nearly three million people live in Wales.

One of its symbols is a red dragon, found on the national flag. The Welsh Parliament is in the capital city, Cardiff. The Welsh are

proud to have their language and twenty per cent of the people speak Cymraeg. Most signs are in English and Welsh.

Singing is an important tradition in Wales. People working in coal mines in Wales originally formed male-only choirs, they are still

popular today.

Old Welsh Man: Well, I joined the choir because I met a couple of students – Welsh boys – they brought me here – love singing –

I’m in the choir.

Young Welsh Man: The choir sings in Welsh so you have to be willing to try and pronounce the language but you definitely don’t

have to be Welsh to be a member of the choir.

Nick: Northern Ireland is also part of the United Kingdom. The country is home to just under two million people. The capital is

Belfast and for many years, Northern Ireland was a place of conflict.

This beautiful country was considered a dangerous place to visit. The troubles lasted until recent years when the peace process

brought both sides together. Now, both sides share power in the Northern Ireland assembly.

The flag most often used for Northern Ireland shows the red hand, a symbol with a long history in this part of Ireland, and a crown

which shows links to the rest of the UK.

The culture in Northern Ireland is rich in myth and legend.

One story says that the rocks forming the Giant’s Causeway were thrown there by an Irish giant during a fight with a Scottish giant.

Irish dancing is popular in Northern and Southern Ireland and has been exported around the world.

Irish Dancer: Irish dancing is special because you have to have good posture, arms by your side and crossed feet. I love Irish

dancing because it’s great exercise and a lot of fun.

Nick: The four countries of the UK have different traditions. But those differences are also strengths and make the UK what it is today.

2. Answers to the questions:

  1. Check your understanding: gap fill

1. five million

2. three million

3. two million

4. fifty million

5. sixty

6. twenty

  1. Check your understanding: grouping
England Scotland
tea kilts
London bagpipes
talking about the weather Edinburgh
Wales Northern Ireland
Cymraeg peace process
choirs dancing
Cardiff Belfast

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