Check the following words in the word list use them to describe each persons clothes

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Ответ на Module 4, Страница 60-61, Номер 1 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Module 4, Страница 60-61, Номер 1 по учебнику Английский язык. 8 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательный организаций. Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подолянко, В. Эванс. — 10 издание, Просвещение, 2019г.


1a Check the following words in the Word List. Use them to describe each person’s clothes in pictures A-E.
->The man in pic A is wearing a floral shirt and loose-fitting shorts.
b Look at the pictures again. What do you think of these people’s clothes? Make sentences using the phrases.

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Фото подробного решения: Module 4, Страница 60-61, Номер 1 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)

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ГДЗ Английский язык за 8 класс Ваулина — Spotlight — УчебникModule 4 – 4b – 1a

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Check the following words in the Word List. Use them to describe each person’s clothes in pictures A-E.
Проверьте следующие слова в словаре. Используйте их,



• floral


• striped


• checked


• plain

без узора

• polka-dot

в горошек

• patterned




• baggy

мешковатый, обвисший

• elegant


• tight-fitting


• loose-fitting

свободный, просторный

• casual


• smart

нарядный, красивый

• sporty


• scruffy

неряшливый, грязный



• velvet

бархат, плис, вельвет

• leather


• silk


• cotton


• wool


• nylon


• linen


Picture A, the man is wearing a floral shirt, a pair of loose-fitting shorts and a felt hat.

Картинка А. Мужчина одет в цветастую рубашку,

Picture B, the woman is wearing loose-fitting checked trousers, a long leather jacket, a plain white blouse and a smart hat.

Картинка B, Женщина одета в свободные клетчатые брюки,

Picture C, The woman is wearing a tight-fitting striped dress and an elegant hat.

Картинка С, Женщина одета в облегающее полосатое

Picture D. The man is wearing a casual woollen jumper, a plain shirt and a pair of loose-fitting cotton jeans.

На картинке D Мужчина одет в повседневный шерстяной

Picture E The woman is wearing a plain tight-fitting cotton dress, a smart jacket and patterned scarf around her waist.

Картинка Е. Женщина одета в облегающее хлопковое

ГДЗ — «Spotlight — Учебник»

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Дули Д., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е.


Check the following words in the Word List. Use them to describe each person’s clothes in pictures A-E.
Проверьте следующие слова в словаре. Используйте их, чтобы описать одежду каждого человека на картинках А-Е.

a. Check the following words in the Word List. Use them to describe the clothes in pictures A−E.

Pattern Style Material
floral, striped, checked, plain, polka−dot, patterned baggy, elegant, tight−fitting, loose−fitting, casual, smart, sporty, scruffy velvet, leather, silk, cotton, wool, nylon, linen

> The man in picture A is wearing a floral shirt and loose−fitting shorts.

b. Look at the pictures again. What do you think of these people’s clothes? Make sentences using the phrases below.

looks (very) smart / classy / modern / trendy / fashionable / casual / comfortable / ridiculous / awful / old−fashioned / funny / weird

> The man’s clothes in picture A make him look funny.

c. Choose a picture from A−E and describe it to the class. Explain your choice.

Задание рисунок 1

Английский язык 8 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4b Listening & Speaking. Номер №1


Перевод задания

Проверьте следующие слова в списке слов. Используйте их, чтобы описать одежду на картинках A−E.

Узор Стиль Материал
цветочный, полосатый, клетчатый, однотонный, в горошек, с рисунком мешковатый, элегантный, облегающий, свободный, повседневный, нарядный, спортивный, неряшливый бархат, кожа, шелк, хлопок, шерсть, нейлон, лен

> Мужчина на снимке А одет в цветочную рубашку и свободные шорты.

Посмотрите еще раз на картинки. Что вы думаете об одежде этих людей? Составьте предложения, используя приведенные ниже фразы.
выглядит (очень) стильно / шикарно / современно / модно / модно / непринужденно / удобно / нелепо / ужасно / старомодно / смешно / странно
> Одежда человека на картинке A заставляет его выглядеть забавно.

Выберите картинку A − E и опишите ее классу. Объясните ваш выбор.



The woman in picture B is wearing a leather coat, white cotton blouse and checked wool trousers.

The woman in picture C is wearing an elegant hat and a smart striped dress.

The man in picture D is wearing a plain wool jumper and casual cotton jeans.

The woman in the picture E is wearing an elegant tight−fitting plain dress with a jacket, and a smart patterned silk scarf.


The woman’s clothes in picture B makes her look comfortable / old−fashioned.

The woman’s clothes in picture C makes her look fashionable / trendy.

The man’s clothes in picture D makes him look casual.

The woman’s clothes in picture E makes her look classy.


The woman in the picture E is wearing an elegant tight−fitting plain dress with a jacket, and a smart patterned silk scarf. The woman’s clothes in picture E makes her look classy. I like this style.

Перевод ответа


Женщина на снимке B одета в кожаное пальто, белую хлопчатобумажную блузку и клетчатые шерстяные брюки.
Женщина на картинке C одета в элегантную шляпку и нарядное полосатое платье.
Мужчина на фотографии D одет в простой шерстяной джемпер и обычные хлопчатобумажные джинсы.
Женщина на снимке E одета в элегантное облегающее однотонное платье с жакетом и нарядным узорчатым шелковым шарфом.


Одежда женщины на картинке B делает ее удобной / старомодной.
Одежда женщины на картинке C делает ее модной / модной.
Одежда мужчины на картинке D делает его непринужденным.
Одежда женщины на картинке E делает ее шикарной.


Женщина на снимке E одета в элегантное облегающее однотонное платье с жакетом и нарядным узорчатым шелковым шарфом. Одежда женщины на картинке E делает ее шикарной. Мне нравится этот стиль.

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Check the following words in the Word List. Use them to describe each person's clothes in pictures
Проверьте следующие слова в словаре. Используйте их, чтобы описать одежду каждого человека на картинках А-Е.

Picture A, the man is wearing a floral shirt, a pair of loose-fitting shorts and a felt hat.
Картинка А. Мужчина одет в цветастую рубашку, свободные шорты и фетровую шляпу.

Picture B, the woman is wearing loose-fitting checked trousers, a long leather jacket, a plain white
Картинка B, Женщина одета в свободные клетчатые брюки, длинную кожаную куртку, белую блузку без узора и красивую шляпу.

Picture C, The woman is wearing a tight-fitting striped dress and an elegant hat.
Картинка С, Женщина одета в облегающее полосатое платье и элегантную шляпу.

Picture D. The man is wearing a casual woollen jumper, a plain shirt and a pair of loose-fitting
На картинке D Мужчина одет в повседневный шерстяной джемпер, рубашку без узора и свободные хлопковые джинсы.

Picture E The woman is wearing a plain tight-fitting cotton dress, a smart jacket and patterned
Картинка Е. Женщина одета в облегающее хлопковое платье, нарядный пиджак и узорчатый шарф вокруг талии.

ГДЗ — «Spotlight — Учебник»

по предмету Английский язык за 8 класс.

Год издания



Ваулина Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О., Эванс В.


Check the following words in the Word List. Use them to describe each person’s clothes in pictures A-E.
Проверьте следующие слова в словаре. Используйте их, чтобы описать одежду каждого человека на картинках А-Е.

Clothes in IELTS speaking is not easy because there is so much special vocabulary you need to talk about this topic. This post shares several current words and phrases related to fashion so you can also sound ‘on-trend’ when talking about your style preferences and what’s ‘in’ or ‘out’ this season.

IELTS Vocabulary: Clothes

Be careful with these common mistakes!

The clothe I love is X

The cloth I like most is…. X 

Clothes (is always plural)

Cloth refers to the material and is also used for materials used for cleaning

One item of clothing I love is 😄

One piece of clothing I love is 😄

I like to dress jeans X

I like to wear jeans 😄

I wear jeans, it is so comfy X

I wear jeans/trousers, they are so comfy 😄

My jeans / trousers (g.b.) /pants (u.s.) are comfy

Essential verbs

1. To wear clothes  – (sounds like “WHERE”!) 

To wear is irregular 

I usually wear jeans and a T-shirt

Last week, I wore a suit – WAR!

have never worn a tie before!

I tend to wear…

2. To dress (usually no object)

I like to dress smartly / casually / neatly

I will dress up when going to a party = dress smartly

To get dressed

got dressed quickly 

got the children dressed

Phrasal Verbs

I haven’t worn these new shoes in yet! =to wear something new until comfortable

I have worn this jacket out, I need a new on =used so much it can no longer be used

I am worn out = I am tired!

Different kinds of clothes you like to wear

Be careful with this common mistake when talking about clothes in IELTS Speaking.

I like to wear short skirt X

I like to wear short skirts 😄

I like to wear a short skirt 😄

I like to wear smart pants
(= clean and tidy) 

You should use either the plural or use ‘a’.

typically wear jeans and a t-shirt / a hoodie / a sweatshirt / silk clothes 

I like to look dashing = handsome/beautiful

Describing your favourite clothes

Here are some useful words and collocations you can use to describe your favourite clothes and different type of clothes you may wear.

  • simple 
  • casual
  • presentable = quite smart
  • scruffy = messy, untidy
  • willy-nilly =without care, a bit untidy 
  • stylish yet comfy 
  • elegant 
  • chic
  • dressy 
  • a conservative style 
  • classic clothes 
  • vintage clothes 
  • semi-formal dresses / clothes

Dressed up to the nines = really smart/elegant

Dressed to kill (for a woman)= really smart/elegant

I am going to dress to impress!

  • bright/dark colors 
  • baggy = very loose (too big)
  • tight / clingy = (too small)
  • fashionable 

Clothes that are in fashion

Be careful with this common mistake about using the word ‘colour’ when describing colours – you don’t need it!

I like to wear clothes in black colour X

When talking about colours in English, we rarely use the word ‘colour’. Just use the actual colour! 

I like to wear clothes in black 😄

I like to wear black clothes 😄

IELTS Speaking Sample: Clothes and Fashion

Part 1

What type of clothes do you like to wear?

Well, I prefer casual clothes – simple and comfortable. A pair of jeans and a shirt would be perfect. I’m not the fashionable type. But of course, I also dress up for special occasions.

What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?

Climate affects people’s clothing. I live in the tropics, so people in my country usually wear clothes with light fabrics. We also wear light-coloured clothes. For casual attire, a pair of jeans or short pants, a shirt for men, or a blouse for women are common.

How important is fashion to you?

I am not much worried about it. I prefer wearing simple yet presentable clothes.

What kind of clothes do you dislike?

Well, I dislike wearing untidy and eccentric clothes. Example would be tearing or ripped jeans. I also avoid clothes with flashy colours or those that are too stunning.

Are clothes important to you?

Yes, they are essential as they protect us from cold, dry and hot weather. It protects our body from germs that are present in the atmosphere and also helps to maintain proper hygiene. It also helps to protect our body from ultraviolet radiation, which may cause skin problems.

Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?

Yes, I think people behave differently when they wear different clothes. For example, one who wears formal clothes may portray a professional and confident image. Wearing casual clothes, on the other hand, makes us look comfortable and relaxed.

What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country?

Those who work in the corporate wear either smart casual or business/formal attire on a regular workday. Some employees such as teachers, have uniforms. Other workers are allowed to wear casual clothes to work.

Part 2

Describe someone you know who dresses well. You should say

  • who they are
  • how you know them
  • what kind of clothes they wear

and say why you like the way they dress.

Let me talk about a friend who dresses very well. Her name is Tina. We are of the same age, and she is currently a professor in a prestigious university in my country. Although she is not in the fashion industry, she dresses fashionably. She is tall, not very slim and is very attractive.

She has been my friend since high school. I see her sometimes as she also lives in my neighbourhood. We also spend time together with friends, especially on weekends.

She doesn’t have a specific dressing preference or style. I think she bases her attire on the weather as well as on occasions and events, I usually see her wearing light-coloured dresses and high-heeled shoes when she goes to work. She also wears formal clothes. She is fond of accessories that look fashionable. Her footwear always matches her dress. I think she has a huge collection of clothes, shoes and bags as I rarely see her wearing the same set after some time. I see her wear casual clothes too but they don’t look plain or boring on her.

I think she can carry herself very well in any kind of dress. She looks comfortable no matter what her attire is. She always looks clean and tidy. I like her style because she doesn’t dress extravagant or offensive. She always looks professional and presentable.

Describe an item of clothing that you recently bought.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • when and where you bought it
  • what it looks like and
  • explain why you bought it.

Sample Answer

The last item of clothing that I bought was a pair of boots. I bought them when I went to the Silk Market on my day off. They are black, tall, and soft. They also look very smart. This pair caught my eye because they were simple and matched my clothes and accessories. I chose them because boots can be worn on many occasions and are still appropriate. Also, in the winter, it’s freezing here in Beijing and it’s good to have some warm shoes to wear when you go out. It is popular to wear shoes that have pointy or tight toes, but to me, this style looks silly and is very uncomfortable. My boots give my feet plenty of room to be comfortable without looking clumsy and bulky. I’m short, so I like these boots because they have a high enough heel to make me look average without being awkward or difficult to walk in. Now, of course, one of the most essential things for me besides the style is the price, and that is what attracted me to these boots. My friends tell me that if I had gone to Europe or America, my boots would have cost me an arm and a leg. No pun intended. Here in China, my boots are very reasonably priced.

I guess that would be the final reason why I bought them.

Vocabulary for Cue Card

Awkward: Causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with. Eg: There is always an awkward silence in the temple

Clumsy: Awkward in movement or in handling things. Eg: She is way too clumsy than I thought

Bulky: Large and unwieldy. Eg: Sarah was carrying a bulky bag

Plenty: More than enough. Eg: There are plenty of clothes in my wardrobe already    

Part 3

How important are clothes and fashion to you? [Why/Why not?]?

Clothes and fashion are not that important to me. I always prefer comfortable clothes but make sure I look presentable and clean. I am more of being practical in choosing what I wear.

How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore 10 years ago?

Well, I can say that there hasn’t been much change in the clothes I wear now to that of about 10 years ago. I still wear regular jeans and shirts for casual days or formal clothes for business events. But, since the trend has changed, the kind of this essential clothing has also changed for me, especially regarding the style of jeans and shirts. I used to wear straight-cut jeans, but I wear contemporary styles such as slim-fit clothes.

Can clothing tell you much about a person?

We can tell a lot about a person based on what he wears and how he wears it. For example, when we look at a person in a well-fitted suit, we get the impression that he is successful and has his life together. On the other hand, a person who usually wears a t-shirt and shorts signals that he/she is laid-back and easygoing.

What do you think the clothes we wear say about us?

At times, I think the clothes we wear may show part of our personality or status. For example, clothing may determine the kind of job a person has. For some, it may be a tool for expression. Some could be stylish, which may reflect their personality as being creative.

How do people choose what style of clothing to buy?

Many people buy clothing because it is a new style or a colour they like. Often people will buy something because it looks like what a favourite movie star or singer wears. Other people buy clothes that suit them or that they will wear most often. Other people just buy clothes because they are functional.

Do you think the brand of clothing is important?

I don’t really care about the clothing brand as long as I buy is good quality. Famous brands are usually too expensive for me, so I rarely buy them. Often I can find inexpensive brands that are just as good a quality and very nice. Of course, here in China, you can get brand-name clothes at a very low price.

Why do some people buy brand-name clothes?

Many people buy brand-name clothing because they like the style. However, some people simply want their clothes to last a long time, so they buy a particular brand of clothing known for its good quality. Other people buy brand-name clothing because they feel it makes them look more stylish and hip. Some people just like to have that name on their clothing. I think it might make them feel important.

Compare the materials and fashions of today’s clothing with those of the past.

In my opinion, older fashions changed more slowly and gradually from one to another. They faded into each other. The fashions of today have changed drastically in a short period. Often certain clothes will only be in style for one year, or so before another, very different style is in. Of course, there are more choices to choose from now.

Do men and women have the same shopping habits when they buy clothes?

No, they have very different shopping habits. Often men will shop less and only because they need new clothes. They often do not buy much and will spend less on what they buy. I think that they dread shopping and probably would instead go to the dentist. Women buy clothes more often, and they usually pay more for their clothing. Often they will buy new clothes because they want to be in style. Women also don’t mind spending money as long as it’s their boyfriend or husband’s.

Sometimes factory workers and, very often, school students have to wear uniforms. What do you think of this?

I think it helps reduce competition in the work or school area. When the workers or students don’t feel that they have to keep up with someone else’s clothes or style, they can concentrate on work or study. The bad side is that if the uniform is uncomfortable or does not look very smart or stylish, it makes work or school unpleasant for some people. Also, it can make people feel they have no individuality and are just like everyone else.

IELTS Speaking Practice: Clothes and Fashion

The examiner may ask you to talk about the clothes you like to wear or your attitude towards fashion. Read the following IELTS-style questions and answers below, and pay attention to the phrases in bold. Use the ‘Definitions’ section at the bottom of the page to check the meaning of any phrases you don’t understand.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: Do you enjoy buying clothes?

Pedro: I used to … yes … like most young people, I was a bit of a slave to fashion, and I’d always have to buy that must-have shirt or pair of shoes … I’m not so bothered now, though … I wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing something old fashioned, but I’m not as bothered as I used to be about what I wear …

Examiner: What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

Marco: I prefer casual clothes actually … I hate getting dressed up for special occasions … I think it’s possible to look good in a pair of jeans … but that’s my opinion … I don’t think my wife would call me a fashion icon that’s for sure …

Examiner: Are there many clothes shops where you live?

Sylvia: Yes … there are lots in my town … apart from the big chain stores we’ve got a couple of really nice shops that sell vintage clothes … old clothes but in a classic style that never really go out of fashion … I love going there …

Part 2-style task

Describe someone you know who dresses well. You should say

  • who they are
  • how you know them
  • what kind of clothes do they wear

and say why you like the way they dress.

Tomoko: I’d like to talk about one of my teachers … Miss Evans … she teaches us English in the school I go to … we always look forward to seeing what she’s going to wear when our lessons start … she’s always very well dressed and takes a lot of pride in her appearance … it’s not that she dresses in very smart clothes … she doesn’t come to school dressed to kill or anything like that … but what she wears really suits her … and she has a great sense of style as well … we often ask her where she gets some of her clothes and most of the time they’re just off the peg … and she says she’s not interested in designer labels or anything like that … she doesn’t seem too concerned about keeping up with the latest fashion … she just wears timeless clothes… yes … Miss Evans is the person I think looks great in the clothes she wears …

Part 3-style questions

Examiner: What factors affect the clothes we choose to wear?

Maki: It depends … where we are or where we’re going is a significant factor … if you are going out to a club or party, you’re going to dress for the occasion … and then some think it’s essential to look like they’re on trend … they’ll want to wear the latest fashions … there are lots of factors…

Examiner: What things determine what is in fashion and what we should wear?

Martin: I suppose the big fashion houses and fashion shows must have an effect, but the clothes you see on the catwalk don’t always reflect what normal people wear … so I suppose it will be things like what singers are wearing in videos or models are wearing in magazines … that kind of thing …

Examiner: Is it possible to look good without spending lots of money on clothes?

Corinna: I’m sure it is … yes … I suppose it’s about having an eye for what looks good … knowing how to mix and match different items of clothing that go well together … I think you can pick up great bargains in charity shops … sometimes for youngsters even hand-me-downs can look good …


to be on-trend: to be very fashionable

casual clothes: not formal

classic style: a simple, traditional style that is always fashionable

designer label: a well-known company that makes (often expensive) clothing

dressed to kill: wearing clothes that attract admirers

to dress for the occasion: to wear clothes suitable for a particular event

fashionable: in fashion

fashion house: a company that sells (usually expensive) new styles of clothes

fashion icon: a person who is famous for their sense of fashion

fashion show: an event where models show off the latest in fashion designs

to get dressed up: to put on nice clothes, often to go out somewhere special

to go out of fashion: to not be in fashion anymore

hand-me-downs: clothes that are passed down from older brothers or sisters to their younger siblings

to have an eye for (fashion): to be a good judge of

to have a sense of style: the ability to wear clothes that look stylish

the height of fashion: very fashionable

to keep up with the latest fashion: to wear the latest fashions

to look good in: to wear something that suits you

to mix and match: to wear different styles or items of clothing that aren’t part of a set outfit

must-have: something that is highly fashionable and therefore in demand

off the peg: clothing that is ready-made

old fashioned: not in fashion anymore

on the catwalk: the stage that modals walk along to show off the latest fashions

a slave to fashion: someone who always feels the need to wear the latest fashions

smart clothes: the kind of clothes worn for a formal event

to suit someone: to look good on someone

to take pride in one’s appearance: to pay attention to how one looks

timeless: something that doesn’t go out of fashion

vintage clothes: clothes from an earlier period

well-dressed: to be dressed attractively

1. Look at the pictures and describe the people’s hair with the adjectives below. Make sure the adjectives are in the correct order.

curly      dark      fair      long      medium-length      short

straight      wavy

 Maria’s got …………………… …………………… …………………… hair.

 Tom’s got …………………… …………………… …………………… hair.

 Alice’s got …………………… …………………… …………………… hair.

 Sean’s got …………………… …………………… …………………… hair.

 Lara’s got …………………… …………………… …………………… hair.

 Alex’s got …………………… …………………… …………………… hair.


1 long, straight, black   2 short, curly, dark

3 shoulder-length, wavy, dark   4 short, straight, dark

5 long, wavy, fair   6 shoulder-length, straight, dark

2. Match the words below with the descriptions.

boots      dress      coat      gloves      hoodie      jeans

socks      T-shirt      tie      trainers

1   I wear them in winter to keep my feet warm and dry. ………………………….

2   I wear it over my other clothes when it’s very cold outside. ………………………….

3   I wear them on my feet, inside my shoes. ………………………….

4   Men often wear one around their necks when they go to work. ………………………….

5   I wear these on my feet when I run or exercise. ………………………….

6   It’s like a jacket. It’s very soft and warm, and it has a part to cover my head. ………………………….

7   I wear these to cover my lower body. They are dark blue and very strong. ………………………….

8   You can wear this short-sleeved top on its won or under a jumper. It sometimes has pictures or words on it. ………………………….

 I wear these to cover my hands when the weather is cold. ………………………….

10   A woman wears this. It usually covers her from her shoulders to her knees. ………………………….


1 boots   2 coat   3 socks   4 tie   5 trainers   6 hoodie

7 jeans   8 t-shirt   9 gloves   10 dress

3. Write short descriptions of the people. Describe their hair, facial hair and clothes.


















(Possible answers)

1   He’s got short, straight, dark hair. He’s wearing a coat and tie.

2   She’s got shoulder-length, straight, fair hair. She’s wearing a dress and gloves.

3   He’s got short, wavy, fair hair and a dark beard. He’s wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket.

4   She’s got short, wavy, dark hair. She’s wearing dark trousers and a dark jacket.

4. Read the notices from a lost property website. Look at the photos and complete the descriptions.

brown      dark      eyes      jacket      long      moustache

scarf      shirt      short      straight      tie      wavy

I sat next to you on the 6.30 train from Oxford to London. You left your umbrella on the seat. I’ve got it. You are tall, with 1………………………. 2………………………. 3………………………. hair. You wore a light 4………………………. and a dark 5………………………. Please contact me and I’ll return your umbrella.

You were on the 36 bus on Monday at 7.40. You left your glasses on the bus. Please contact me and I’ll return them to you. You have 6………………………., 7………………………., 8………………………. hair and brown 9………………………. You have a dark beard and a 10………………………. You wore a stripy 11………………………. and a blue 12……………………….


1 long   2 straight   3 dark   4 scarf   5 short   6 wavy

7 brown   8 eyes   9 moustache   10 jacket   11 shirt

12 tie

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