Check grammar or no word in the dictionary

Grammar Checker & Rephraser

Check spelling, grammar and style for English texts


Refine your style with our paraphrasing tool

Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation
in one click

Whether you’re writing an email, a presentation or an essay, your resume or a cover letter in English, don’t let mistakes get in the way of your success.

Reverso detects and corrects all types of grammar and spelling mistakes: wrong verb tenses, lack of agreement between subject and verb, incorrect prepositions, confusion between words with similar spelling, typos and punctuation errors.


Rewrite and enhance any sentence with our paraphraser

Rephraser is designed to help you instantly enhance your writing, strike the right tone, or simply find inspiration. Just enter your text and our AI will suggest useful and reliable alternatives: shorter or longer, more or less formal, idiomatic or creative…

Add style and clarity to your essays, while avoiding unintentional plagiarism.


Add style and clarity to your essays, while avoiding unintentional plagiarism.


Write compelling and professional emails — avoid repetition with regular clients.


Let your ideas flow, unleash your creativity, and find inspiration anytime.


Engage your audience with impactful social media posts and emails.

Add style and clarity to your essays, while avoiding unintentional plagiarism.Write compelling and professional emails - avoid repetition with regular clients.Let your ideas flow, unleash your creativity, and find inspiration anytime.Engage your audience with impactful social media posts and emails.

Make the most out of our online grammar checker

Double-click on a word to find its synonyms

With our all-in-one writing assistant, no need to open a new tab every time you need a synonym or definition. Simply double-click on any word and enjoy a rich variety of synonyms from our comprehensive thesaurus and precise word definitions. You can even look up English verb conjugations.

Avoid unintentional plagiarism

If you have doubts if your text resembles a lot already existing publications, Reverso is at your service to prevent plagiarism. Rephraser will reword your creation to ensure its uniqueness while preserving your line of thought.

Mix and match Rephraser suggestions

Rephraser offers a wide variety of alternatives to your text while preserving the intended meaning. Feel free to mix and match the suggestions to create the perfect combination. After all, it’s up to you to decide what tone and style best fits your needs.

Learn new ways to express yourself

Tired of using the same old statements with your regular clients? Trying to find a better way to conclude an email? Use Rephraser to revamp your vocabulary and discover new idiomatic expressions for commonly-used ideas.

Enjoy AI-based translation from and to English

Not a native English speaker? Use Reverso’s AI translator to enjoy natural-sounding and accurate translations from and to English.

With Rephraser, fix errors that grammar checkers can’t detect

Grammar checkers are effective at correcting rule-based mistakes such as subject-verb agreement or wrong prepositions. This is not always enough to make your ideas shine. Use Rephraser to bring enhancements at the sentence level, making your text more fluid and pleasant to read: fix word order, reduce repetitions, replace simple words with idioms, and boost your overall style.

This tool enables you to correct the most cumbersome mistakes, with a high degree of accuracy and speed, and to improve your written English. When several corrections are possible, you are prompted to choose one of them. There are cases when mistakes are skipped in order to limit the display of warnings or when the suggested corrections are not perfectly adapted to the context. Therefore, we advise you to review the text yourself after the correction. To improve your English spelling, you can also consult our online grammar module and our conjugator. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the results of the spelling and grammar check. This way, you will enable us to improve our service. Contact us if you want to implement a spell-checking tool adapted to your company (for French, English, Spanish, Italian or other languages). If you are looking for a PC product, we recommend Ginger.

The concept of an automatic and interactive online spell-checker was created and developed by Reverso Technologies Inc. in addition to the online translation service. It makes use of the best technologies developed by Ginger Software with an interface, settings and complementary processings specifically devised by Reverso Technologies Inc. for the Reverso website and the corporate products.

Write like a pro! Rely on the most accurate free grammar checker available.

Extensive research shows that the Scribbr Grammar Checker (powered by QuillBot) drastically outperforms the competition.

Want to make sure you’re not plagiarizing?


Correct all your writing errors

Enhance your writing with Scribbr’s free Grammar Checker. We can help you to avoid mistakes with:

  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Word choice
  • And more—try it yourself!

We are also happy to provide personalized help with our professional proofreading service.

spelling mistake

Spell-check on steroids

Spelling may seem straightforward, but basic spell-checks often don’t recognize many specialist terms you might use in your writing, incorrectly marking them as mistakes.

Scribbr has a large dictionary of recognized words, so you can feel confident every word is 100% correct.

comma mistake

Check your punctuation

Our Grammar Checker takes away all your punctuation worries. Avoid common mistakes with:

  • Commas
  • Dashes and hyphens
  • Apostrophes
  • And more!

accept all

Improve your text with one click

The Scribbr Grammar Checker allows you to accept all suggestions in your document with a single click.

Give it a try!

A Grammar Checker for all English variants

There are important differences between the versions of English used in different parts of the world, including UK and US English. Our grammar checker supports a variety of major English dialects:

  • US English
  • UK English
  • Canadian English
  • Australian English

Why users love our Grammar Checker

🌐 English US, UK, CA, & AU
🏆 Quality Outperforms competition
✍️ Improves Grammar, spelling, & punctuation
⭐️ Rating 4.8 based on 2,962 reviews

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Следующие организации доверяют нашей программе проверки стилистики и грамматики на основе ИИ

  • BMW Group
  • European Union
  • Spiegel Magazine
  • Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)
  • Heise
  • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  • Blinkist
  • Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
  • JetBrains
  • IP Australia
  • Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Бесплатно зарегистрировавшись, вы получите:

  • Написание текстов без отвлекающих факторов
  • Персональный словарь
  • Оценку качества текстов
  • Надежное хранение текстов
  • Больше советов по пунктуации, стилю и шрифтовому оформлению в «тщательном режиме»
  • Возможность выбрать темную или светлую тему
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Safari

Наше расширение для браузера работает на всех сайтах

С его помощью вы получите советы (грамматические, пунктуационные и т. д.) по улучшению текста электронного письма, статьи для блога или обычного сообщения. LanguageTool автоматически определяет язык текста и прямо во время написания даёт подсказки. В целях обеспечения конфиденциальности расширение LanguageTool не хранит тексты пользователей.

Более 5000 отзывов в интернет-магазине Chrome

Самое популярное расширение для корректуры текстов для Chrome с более чем 1 миллионом пользователей по всему миру

Встречайте LanguageTool для macOS

Теперь расширенные грамматические, орфографические и стилистические подсказки от LanguageTool можно получать прямо в популярных текстовых программах.

Поддерживаемые приложения

Интеграция с популярными офисными программами

Расширение LanguageTool интегрируется с текстовыми программами, помогая писать профессиональные тексты без ошибок. Теперь статья, диссертация или книга, над которой вы работаете, как и обычная заметка, будут выглядеть безупречно.

  • Дополнение для Google Docs

    Бесплатное расширение для браузера позволяет проверять все тексты в Документах Google на наличие грамматических и орфографических ошибок.


  • Дополнение для Microsoft Word

    Работает с Windows, Mac и даже с онлайн-версией. Требуется Word 2016 и выше или Office 365.


* Для проверки грамматики в OpenOffice требуется Java 8. В настоящее время недоступно для версии Premium. Возникли проблемы с его установкой? Обратитесь за справкой сюда: Troubleshooting

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

Пишите профессионально без грамматических, пунктуационных и стилистических ошибок

LanguageTool исправляет только орфографические ошибки?

LanguageTool исправляет орфографические ошибки, а также предлагает полный анализ написания всех возможных текстов. В дополнение к орфографии, грамматике и выбору слов корректируется также стилистика текста.

Находит ли LanguageTool пунктуационные ошибки?

Да, LanguageTool выявляет и исправляет пунктуационные ошибки всех видов. Он разбирает предложения со сложной структурой и даже различает обязательные и необязательные запятые.

Каким образом в LanguageTool обнаруживаются и исправляются ошибки?

Ошибки и подсказки отображаются автоматически во время набора текста, что позволяет его сразу же откорректировать. А двойной щелчок по любому слову отобразит его синонимы.

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Какие языки проверяет LanguageTool?

LanguageTool работает с более чем 30 языками. Основными являются русский, английский, украинский, испанский, немецкий и французский. В английской версии можно выбрать между шестью языковыми вариантами (США, Великобритания, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия и Южная Африка).

LanguageTool – бесплатная программа?

LanguageTool доступна в двух версиях. Бесплатная версия исправляет орфографические, а также простые пунктуационные и некоторые стилистические ошибки. Только версия Premium выявит все ошибки и поможет создать безупречный текст. Также доступны корпоративные аккаунты для компаний.

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Будет ли LanguageTool работать в моей программе?

LanguageTool работает со многими программами и всеми распространенными интернет-браузерами. Также у нас есть специальный текстовый редактор в виде приложения для iOS, macOS (Apple) и Windows. Вам понадобится только одна учетная запись пользователя.

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Может ли LanguageTool перефразировать предложение?

Недавно в дополнение к исправлению в LanguageTool появилась функция перефразирования (на основе ИИ). С ее помощью можно переписывать целые предложения, делая их проще, короче или более официальными.

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Подходит ли LanguageTool для проверки и коррекции курсовой или дипломной работы?

Да, наша программа поможет вам проверить курсовую и дипломную работу на наличие ошибок. Для других академических работ и публикаций для печати особенно будет полезна функция проверки стилистики текста. Кстати, студенты получают скидку на LanguageTool.

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Не ограничивайтесь проверкой грамматики и орфографии — удивляйте всех понятным, четким и стилистически безупречным текстом.

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A Free Way to Check Your Grammar

Just about everyone is familiar with spell-check; the tool has been around for a long time. Ways to Perfect your grammar, however, are far newer. From punctuation problems to misusing words, getting your grammar down is more complex than simply looking something up in the dictionary and making sure you spelled it right.

Our grammar checker uses an advanced system to identify common writing errors and help you fix them. This is an essential step for anyone looking to complete clean, polished writing. Whether you are a journalist, student, or content writer, you need to check you always need to double-check your grammar just like you need to check your spelling.

Why Does Grammar Matter?

Writing is an incredibly effective form of communication. This is as true today as it was tens of thousands of years ago when written language first emerged. Over the centuries, the English language has grown like a large city, sprouting out in different directions, some properly planned, others seemingly coming out of nowhere. The result is that English is a diverse, flexible, and highly artistic language with greater possibilities than possible. On the downside, this also means there are many rules and tips writers need to follow. While knowing some of these rules is part of the professional writer’s job, the idea that anyone can consistently produce articles, essays, blog posts, and the like without making occasional grammar errors is difficult to imagine.
Thankfully, there are ways for writers of all experience levels to check their work and make sure it comes out as good as it possibly can.

Proper grammar matters for a variety of different reasons that are relevant to several different fields. This includes, for example, journalism where reporters and other news writers need to consistently turn in quick and concise articles that need to come out error-free before they go “live.” It is important for these professionals to use proper grammar checker. Another place where grammar checkers are important is in academic writing. Often wordy and dense, even the scholars among us are not impervious to making grammar errors. It is critical that anyone submitting an academic work to a journal or otherwise use a grammar checker. Finally, grammar checkers are important for students. Many times, teachers will mark off for grammar and lower student’s grades as poor grammar is a known sign for lack of interest or not trying hard enough on a particular assignment.

How to Improve Your Writing with the Grammar Checker

The grammar checker tool goes through your text line by line and analyzes it to make sure you are using the proper punctuation, the right usage, the right spelling, and even suggest alternative synonyms for words that you included in your text, which can possibly be improved.
Synonyms are an important part of the Grammar Checker. While using different words that mean the same thing may not fall under the category of error-correction, it is, nevertheless, a critical part of writing a good paper, essay, or blog post. There are times when one word works far better and makes more sense than another even though, technically, the two words mean the same thing.

Why the Grammar Checker?

With the grammar checker, you no longer need to be a sophisticated writer or an English major to craft clean, well-written sentences. By checking your grammar, you can rest easy knowing that not only are the words on your page spelled properly, and they are also in the correct format. Fear of coming off as “ignorant” or “uneducated” is a cause of anxiety for many people when they write. This can be true for many different groups of people from those who genuinely are uneducated, to those who simply do not need to write very many things down, and have thus forgotten some of the rules. Either way, by using a grammar checker, you can begin writing as well as everyday professionals.

How the Grammar Checker Can Help You Avoid Mistakes

Many online grammar checkers only check for simple problems like spelling errors and punctuation. The grammar checking tool, however, looks for many common errors beyond just punctuation, including usage and others. Rather than having to spend hours toiling over the proper word usage or making sure that you are applying other English language rules properly, the grammar checker enables you to focus on the actual content of your writing while it handles the rules and other such things.

How the Grammar Checker Works

Using TheWordCounter’s grammar check tool is incredibly easy. You simply copy your text into the empty text box on the grammar check page, which asks you to “Please copy and paste your text here,” then you click the large red button which says “Check your text.” You will be given your results almost instantaneously, and they will include suggestions that, when incorporated, will have a dramatic impact on the quality of your writing.

What are the Most Common Grammar Mistakes?

Although some writers find checking for grammar tedious and frustrating, all professional writers accept the importance of proper grammar. The problem, though, is that some do not have either the knowledge or time to thoroughly check their own work for all the potential mistakes that are common to most writers. This is where a grammar checker comes in.

Grammar checking software and technology is getting increasingly more advanced and, certainly soon enough, will be able to check your documents and writing for all of the most common mistakes. For now, however, the grammar checker tool prides itself on being able to catch and make suggestions about most of the grammar mistakes you are likely to make. In terms of what some of those mistakes that you might make which can and cannot yet be fixed by using the grammar checker, they include:

  • Colon Mistakes: People often misuse colons. The main problem with how people use colons is that they use them in the middle of sentences. Colons should only come after complete thoughts. For example, Dogs have many great qualities: They are loyal, loving, and protective. You can find colon mistakes scattered all across Google, the internet, and even in books. It is certainly one of the most common English grammar mistakes.
  • Comma Splice: In English grammar, splices occur when writers try to separate a transition word using one common when, in most cases, they should use two.
  • Compound Sentence Problems: People often make the mistake of not using commas in compound sentences. This creates run-on sentences and other problems.
  • Misplaced Modifiers: One of the most common grammar issues, misplaced modifiers, occur most often when nouns are improperly separated from the words they are modifying. Usually, misplaced modifiers can be caught with simple proofreading.
  • Missing Commas: Another common, yet easy to fix, grammar mistake has to do with missing commas after introductions. This gives readers a slight break before they continue on with the sentence.
  • Overused Commas: As with too few commas, too man can cause readability problems as well.
  • Problems with Parallel Structure: Parallel structure problems often occur as a common grammar mistake when writing lists.
  • Run-On Sentence: Often caused by missing commas, run-on sentences are something you have to keep a sharp eye out for as they can seriously lessen the quality and clarity of your writing.
  • Sentence Fragments: Sentence fragments are a grammar mistake that can confuse readers and make it unclear who is speaking or what is mean.
  • Split Infinitives: An infinitive is an action word plus “to.” Sometimes writers make the mistake of slipping in an adjective between an action word plus the word “to,” resulting in a split infinitive.
  • Sprawling Sentences: Sprawling sentences are another one of those types of problems that you can catch only by reading a text. They result from too many consecutive, weighted sentences in a row. Sprawling sentences can make things difficult for readers.
  • Subject-Verb Agreement Errors: Subject-verb agreement issues are probably the single largest category of grammar issues. Subject-verb agreement problems have to do with using the right plural versus singular words. For example, it has versus have or other such differences.
  • Vague Pronouns: Unclear pronouns can confuse readers when “he” or “she” or “they” appears in writing, and the reader does not know to whom the pronoun is referring.

Specific Grammar Mistakes

Here of the most common grammar mistakes:

  • Alot vs. A lot vs. Allot
  • Assure vs. Insure vs. Ensure
  • Compliment vs. Complement
  • Dangling Modifiers
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • En Dash vs. Em Dash
  • Farther vs. Further
  • i.e., vs. e.g.
  • Incomplete Comparisons
  • Into vs. In to
  • Its vs. It’s
  • Less vs. Fewer
  • Lose vs. Loose
  • Me vs. I
  • Passive Voice
  • Possessive Nouns
  • Referring to a Brand or Entity as ‘They’
  • Semicolons
  • Then vs. Than
  • They’re vs. Their vs. There
  • To vs. Too
  • Use of Commas
  • Using Affect instead of Effect or vice-versa.
  • Who vs. That
  • Who vs. Whom vs. Whose vs. Who’s
  • Your vs. You’re

How the Grammar Checker Can Help

The main way the grammar checker tool can help is through the overall improvement of your writing. Using proper grammar is about more than just following rules and guidelines; it is about making your writing as clear, readable, and concise as possible. If writing is viewed as a way to communicate, then clear communication must be a top priority for writers of all types and merits. As such, a grammar checking tool is a necessary part of any serious writer’s toolbox.

Other Tools on TheWordCounter offers other free tools in addition to the grammar checker. These include a spell checker as well as a character counter and the word unscrambler.

Character Counter

TheWordCounter’s character counting tool serves a number of purposes from letting you know exactly how much space you may have for a social media post or Tweet, to know if you have written enough to turn your assignment. Counting characters is common in systems like Microsoft Word, but may online bloggers have less sophisticated writing systems that do not include suggested corrections, help with typos, or suggestions for using correct grammar. The free grammar checker can help with all of that and more.

Word Unscrambler

Beyond just an online grammar check, if you are struggling to solve a word puzzle or anything like that, the word scrambler can help!

What is the best grammar checker?

When it comes to choosing the best grammar checker, there are many things to consider. For one, you want to think about who the audience is for your writing. If you are dealing with a mainstream audience—for example, in the case of a journalist, then you simply want to make sure that you catch any basic grammar problems. But if, on the other hand, you are an academic or scholar submitting your work to a body of scholars, then you are going to want to do all you can to make sure what you turn in is clean, readable, and free of any kind of grammar mistakes.

Thankfully, the Grammar Checker covers all of these categories. The online tool works perfectly for casual writers, students, journalists, and academics alike!

Grammar Checkers and ESL

One of the biggest problems those who learn English as a second language face has to do with the use of grammar. While things like spelling, stringing together sentences, and, most importantly, the understanding of the meaning of words can be taken up in a rather direct way, there is something about grammar that even otherwise great ESL speakers struggle with.

Grammar mistakes common in spoken language can be solved on an individual level with effort and concentration. But it is not easy, and ESL speakers will need to work hard over a long period of time if they truly wish to speak perfect English. Thankfully, this is not necessarily the case for written language. With the help of a grammar tool like the grammar checker, English as second language speakers can quickly and easily solve their grammar issues which will work wonders if they need to have formally written documents of any kind, or if they simply want to be certain that the emails and other online communications they are writing are free of errors and other such issues.

When to Use a Grammar Checker?

You should use a grammar checker anytime you want to improve your writing skills or English writing. Whether you are looking to make sure you are obeying all the right grammar rules or if you are just looking for punctuation mistakes, a grammar checker is a necessary tool right alongside your writer’s dictionary and thesaurus. The grammar checker will improve not only things like word overuse, but also your writing style in general.

There are so many places where you can use a Grammar checker that you may not have even considered. Gmail, Linkedin, on Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere else that grammatical errors can occur. Some people try and correct for these errors using Chrome or other plugins, but really what is needed is a legit grammar corrector where you take your actual text and enter into a grader. This is precisely what the Grammar Checker tool offers. Look no further to correct your spelling, sentence structure, word usage or otherwise. The grammar checker has you covered with all of those plus spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, punctuation errors, and more.

English grammar checker can be defined as an application used to verify the grammatical correctness of a written text. Sentence type checker also helps you structure English grammar better, by identifying possible errors in usage or stylistic infelicities in a passage. English grammar checkers are most often implemented when a writer feels the need to crosscheck a work for grammatical errors and spelling errors; or when there is a need for improvement in learning English grammar. It can be that great help you need with your English language structure and grammar.

In the past, program checkers work with simple pattern matching, using a collection of thousands of phrases that have been marked by a group of English experts as poor writing, using the English grammar sentence structure rules as a yardstick. The checking program works by breaking texts into sentences and checking for possible matches in the phrase dictionary, flagging the suspected phrases and providing alternatives. These programs also perform mechanical checks.

The ideal English grammar checker works in a more complex way. While a nominal checking software may be designed using a computer programming language alongside a combination of some syntax and grammar, the new ones go beyond all of that, knowing that it goes beyond natural languages. It’s quite easy to write an averagely complete formal grammar collection for a natural language, but a lot more is required when it comes to real usage, as there would so many exceptions to consider, which would make the regular program of very little help in making English grammar checks. Ideally, every natural English grammar checker must contain a dictionary of all the words, along with each word’s parts of speech. Natural words have their many different parts of speech, and it greatly makes any English grammar checker even more complex. Here is how most English grammar checker works; an English grammar checker finds a sentence in a text, looks up each word in its embedded dictionary, and then makes a final attempt to analyze and match the sentence with the grammar requested for.

using english grammar checker advantages

Most writers face their real challenge in editing. After writing for weeks, months, or years, the editing mode becomes a pain, as they would have to delete a lot of their work most of the times. Unless one uses the English grammar checker, one may hardly see the technical problems that may be hiding within the pages. Many people say today that learning English grammar in this third millennium is no longer as important, probably because computer grammar checkers have outdated the human knowledge. This is not true. You will find comfort knowing that a little red or green line will provide help with sentence structure and grammar and point your errors out to you, showing you the road to perfection by just a click of the mouse. As comforting as this sound, it is also unreal.

There are over half a million words in the English grammar, and you can arrange and rearrange those words in so very many ways. No program on earth can detect all your mistakes, some programs even end up identifying errors that aren’t really wrong. Although the English grammar checker online is used as a tool, careful proofreading is still the best way to get it right. It is mostly best to always carefully read through your documents, checking for errors the English grammar online check must have missed. Always bear in mind that most grammar checkers cannot always be 100% accurate. To always get the best result after using the English grammar checker, it is always a good idea to read it carefully many times over and also best to ask a few persons to go through your documents as well, perhaps they might be able to detect and correct something you may have missed.

People use correct English grammar check for essay correction for several reasons. Not all the tools out there are great. Some are pure trash, yet the number of people relying on them in on great increase. Lots of teachers, students, employers and even professional writers are relying on it. You need to know the advantages and disadvantages of using the tool. Firstly, we will take a look at the benefits of using English grammar checking tool;

Advantages of Using English Grammar Checker

If you need help with grammatical structure in English, our tool is probably all you need.

It has the following advantages:

  • Almost perfect jobs: one of the advantages of the English grammar checker is to help you complete your write-up with a work with minimal or no mistakes. Rest assured that your paper would be correct. There would be no need to worry about incorrect grammar and spelling any longer.
  • Make a huge difference: with right spelling and a good sentence structure grammar, you will notice the difference. Free English grammar check helps you with it. You will no longer need to spend some time doing editing and proofreading as the tool will help you with all of that.
  • It can be of great help to busy people: perhaps you have so many works at hand and lack the time to look out for mistakes in papers, online English grammar checker can come in handy and help save you some time.
  • Good communication: if you feel your paper has failed to effectively communicate your ideas, allow English grammar checker fix it for you. It is the help you need in order to provide a great paper for those reading it.
  • Build confidence: you may not be feeling confident enough to present a great paperwork because you are afraid that it may contain a lot of mistakes that you don’t know how to correct. You’ve got a tool that will help you check and correct the grammar in your work, as well as help fix your grammatical structures in English right and build confidence.
  • Learning English grammar: in a process where one uses the English grammar checker frequently, one tends to always pick up on or two new things in each work. Therefore, using English grammar and sentence structure checker helps in learning English grammar.

check english grammar online

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Things to Note about English Grammar Checker

  • While it is a good way to improve your writing, it is not ideal to completely rely on the grammar check English free tool. See the tool as a teacher that can teach you advanced English grammar and learn as much as you can about every correction the tool makes. This will help your written English, and also your spoken English as well.
  • It is also important to note that there are some tools that are not as good as they were promoted to be. It is always important to do a bit of research and trial about anyone before going ahead to use them in important writings.

Looking at what we have at this point, one can only say using the English grammar checker is really helpful in learning English grammar. In our generation today, the English grammar checker has been somewhat helpful to 80% writers in bringing out fewer error jobs and also making it faster to crosscheck ones work. But I’ll also advise before anyone goes into using the grammar check online free English, be sure to know about the advantages and disadvantages of the tool. Make sure to check it out so that you will know what expectations to have when making use of the software.

Proficient English Grammar Checker Online Tool

Check grammar and sentence structure for free to polish your text to perfection through our online English grammar finder app

What Are the Reasons to Use an English Grammar Checker?

Our online English correction software platform is designed to offer a wide range of benefits in the form of a huge number of attractive features, innovative capabilities, and desirable characteristics required to enhance the quality of your writing. You can make your writing a high-quality and professional piece of text by processing it through our online grammar analysis tool for free online. A few of the most important reasons for all types of writers to use our online tool to check English sentence grammar in their writings include:

  • Highly trustful results – A grammar English online check conducted through our specialized grammar checker application produces the most trustworthy results that you can fully rely upon. Our software platform incorporates advanced algorithms powered by cutting-edge technologies to make it highly robust and reliable. Comprehensive input from the domain experts like linguists, grammaticians, educators, and editors is continuously incorporated into the algorithms to provide you with 100% reliable results.
  • Free-to-use tool – Our online grammar and sentence analysis tool is completely free to use with a freemium subscription with fundamental features. You can also use an advanced subscription to our tool for a very little monthly charge. The overall cost-efficiency of using our online app is extremely high compared with the manual editing and proofreading process. A freemium subscription is highly useful for all types of students, scholars, and other learners with limited budgets.
  • Highly time-saving platform – As you know, time is money. Thus, saving time is just saving money. You can save time in multiple ways by using our tool to check grammar online English writing such as:
    • Instant accessing the service without any waiting time for submitting your text or waiting in a long queue for receiving the edited text.
    • Faster checking speech within a few seconds to scan your entire text and find out all types of grammatical mistakes
    • Quicker editing within a few minutes through a few clicks to choose the correct options
    • Easier submitting and receiving of your document through copy and paste process
  • A comprehensive writing solution – Our online tool offers a unified editing and proofreading solution for your writing under one single roof. You can get numerous options to correct a wide range of writing issues through our application such as:
    •  All types of grammatical mistakes
    • Active voice and passive voice errors
    • Sentence structure and clarity issues
    • Incorrect word choice and tense shift problems
    • Parts of speech and tense mistakes
    • Adjective degrees and verb form errors
    • Spelling and punctuation issues
    • Run-on, fragmented sentences, and comma-splice problems
    • And much more
  • The capability of plagiarism detection – Another very important reason to choose our online app for performing English sentence check is the capability of our platform to detect any kind of plagiarized content in your writing. It compares all major repositories, online content, knowledge bases, and recognized copyright infringement organization databases to detect any plagiarized content in your text.
  • Text tone detection feature – The ability of our tool to detect the tone and effectiveness of your text in line with the targeted audience is another very crucial reason to use it. Our app checks the entire text from the target audience’s perspective so that it is attractive and engaging for the readers. Thus, it helps you achieve your desired objective of writing.
  • Unlimited usage – The users of our English correction online tool get access to our platform without any limits or counts. You can use our tool as many times as you like it. You can modify your text again and again and recheck through our online application for any kind of new mistake.
  • Intuitive and easy to use – Using our tool is so easy and simple. The entire process of using our app is based on a few steps and clicks. The web interface to interact with our platform is very intuitive and any person without any specialized skill can easily understand it without any formal training and can use it effectively.
  • Editing skill improvement option – Another very attractive reason for all types of writers to use our online English grammar checker application is the option to learn and improve their editing skills continually. Our online app offers corrective options with proper explanations to understand a particular mistake easily. Thus, the writers keep improving their editing and proofreading skills through this option.
  • Higher service uptime – The overall availability of our online English grammar detector application is extremely high. The average uptime of our servers is more than 99.999%. You can access it at any time around the clock without any interruption or glitches. Our application is powered by highly advanced technologies to support its continued operations such as broader bandwidth, dual connectivity, robust security, faster processing power, huge storage, and much more.
  • Extra capabilities – Our platform is designed to offer a complete solution of English editing and proofreading that is in line with domain-specific standards, international writing criteria, and linguistic rules. Our platform supports numerous types of additional features that make it extremely attractive for all types of writers to use such as:
    • Compliance with numerous citation and referencing styles commonly used in research, journalism, and academic writings
    • Supports a wide range of versions of the English language commonly spoken around the world such as Australian, Indian, American, British, and other versions of English
    • And many others

How to Check Grammar English Easier with Online Tools

First, you have to know what you want before going ahead to find a tool. There are many different English grammar tools online, from different software companies, designed for different purposes, and with their own unique features. Considering all these, you have to take a thorough look at the tool before using it. A lot of people may think there is no need to put in that much work into English grammar checks, but if you have something serious to write on a regular basis, you might want to think again.

Here are some of the things you have to put into consideration:

  • Compatibility with a graphical user interface and operating systems: first thing first; the graphical user interface (GUI) allows users to interact with an application. Any English grammar checker worth using should be able to relate to its user in a way that he or she can easily achieve results. To check English grammar online with an English grammar checker, you will need to carry out commands such as item selection, movement of files, clicking, etc. Generally, a good and advanced English grammar tool should be user-friendly. Also, it will not make it easier if the tool is not compatible with your operating system. Some English grammar checker is all-encompassing and works with most OS. But if the program you want to use is not compatible with your OS, you may have to consider another.
  • A genre of writing: designers of these tools have different things in mind when developing the function ability of their tool. Some are designed to work perfectly well for one particular genre of writing (like fiction), and stuff like that.
  • Accessibility: many advanced English grammar checkers can be used online, but can it also be used offline? You do not want to be stopped from working at any point just because there is no internet access.
  • Cost: if you use an English grammar checker, you are taking advantage of a service rendered by another person to check English grammar online (and offline as the case may be); and it might actually be worth paying for. However, some of these English grammar checker tool designers are too gracious to let their users get a certain period of free trial after which they start to pay if they are still interested in using it. Some others do not charge their tool users at all.

Looking for the best English grammar checker? Look no more, you have it right here!


No errors found. Check for difficult-to-spot mistakesarrow pointing right

Your text might contain multiple writing issuesarrow pointing right

For large texts, please install the app first

To enable large texts, please confirm

How it works

To check your text, copy and paste or write directly into the online editor above.

Click the gray Free Check button to check grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you see an underlined word or text passage, click on the highlighted area for correction options and apply as necessary.

To make sure your sentences are clear and your word choice is perfect, double-check your text.

Click the orange Deep Check button to detect even difficult-to-spot writing mistakes, such as wrong words, advanced punctuation and capitalization errors, run-on sentences, dangling modifiers, style issues, incorrect tense, and up to ten times more errors than any other grammar checker.

To enable advanced suggestions right inside the online editor, wait for the check to complete, install the free desktop or mobile app, and reload this page. Tip: Bookmark this page now.

More than a grammar checker?

Yes. This tool checks not only grammar, but also spelling, punctuation, word choice, and even style.

🔎 Checks Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more
⚡ AI-based Using the best grammar check algorithms
✅ Free Check No registration required
🌐 English US, UK, CA, AU, SA, NZ

Who is this tool for?

Anyone who writes in English: students, learners, professionals, teachers, and even proofreaders. Yes, even native English speakers make mistakes from time to time.

Table of Contents:

  • Grammar Check & Punctuation Corrector
  • How Prepostseo grammar checker works?
  • What do we offer? – Features of our grammar checker
  • How to avoid grammar mistakes?
  • Who can use this grammar checker?
  • Why use a grammar checker – Importance of grammar checker
  • Prepostseo grammar checker removes
  • Prepostseo grammar checker can be used as
  • FAQs

Grammar Check & Punctuation Corrector

The frustration of proofreading content makes you less productive and kills your valuable time. Those days are gone when you had to spend hours to proofread your document because Prepostseo has developed an AI algorithm with the help of English linguistic professionals to check grammar mistakes like a professional grammar checker.

The grammar and punctuation checker by Prepostseo acts like a grammar scanner to scan the material for grammatical errors. It also works as a free punctuation checker online, sentence quality checker as well as a spelling checker.

Now you can jump directly to publishing your content online after writing, because, it allows you to find and remove any grammar mistakes at one click.

The below image shows what writers and authors think about grammatical mistakes.

Let’s find out how to use Prepostseo grammar checker to eliminate spelling and grammatical errors.

How Prepostseo grammar checker works?

A grammar check is vital for any writer to write error-free content for its readers. Without using basic grammar rules in your essay, you cannot convey what you really want to say.

Our grammar checker eliminates the need to follow those rules of grammar because it does it by itself for you. If you want to check grammar online, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter your text in the input box above.
  2. If you want to upload a file, use the Select file button to upload a document from local storage.
  3. Select the language of the text to check the grammar.
  4. Hit the Check Grammar button to start a grammar check online.

It completes chocking grammar in only a few seconds and shows you all grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors by highlighting in various colors. You can scroll to the error to get the suggestions and replacement of the mistake.

It classifies the spelling errors and grammar errors by two different colors:

  • Spelling mistakes are highlighted in red color.
  • Grammar, syntax, and punctuation mistakes are highlighted in yellow.

What do we offer? – Features of our grammar checker

The Prepostseo grammar and punctuation checker is developed to resolve grammatical mistakes of written content efficiently. This efficient tool identifies grammatical and punctuation mistakes in written content and then suggests the correct use of grammar in the sentence or phrase.

Here are some Key Features of our rewriting tool:

✅ Checks   Grammar, spelling, & punctuation
⌛️ Save time  Fixes all errors in one click
📖 Languages  EN, ES, FR, IT, and more
💲 Pricing  100% Free

It is a free premium grammar checker full of rich features that any writer may need for professional writing checks. It offers the following extraordinary features of its users:

  • Auto suggestions

This free grammar and punctuation checker and corrector suggest the corrections automatically after scanning the text. These suggestions are 100 % accurate and can be used to quickly fix the errors.

  • One-click correction

It is the best grammar checker online that enables the writers to correct the mistakes at one click. It is a headache to rectify errors manually. This tool lets you remove all grammar errors by clicking on the suggestion it provides.

  • Free of cost

It is completely free of cost for everyone. No signup or premium account is required to use this professional grammar checker because it offers the feature of free grammar check without login or registration. It will never ask you to pay a penny for the service.

  • No limitations

There are no limitations or restrictions of words to check grammar for your essay or blog. You can check 1000 words, 2000 words, or even 5000 words using this best grammar checker app.

  • Accommodates multiple file formats

It is the best essay checker that lets you check the grammar of your text by uploading files in several file formats. You can upload DOC, DOCX, TXT, and PDF files for a grammar check with punctuation and explanation as well.

  • Text highlight

It highlights the errors and mistakes to enhance the visibility of errors. It provides suggestions and acts as a grammar check with correction. As mentioned earlier,

  1. Highlights spelling mistakes in red.
  2. Highlights grammar, syntax, and punctuation mistakes in yellow.
  • Checks grammar in multiples languages

This correct punctuation checker free can be used in multiple languages. It lets you check your text in more than 10+ languages.

It is an English to Hindi grammar checker that can check grammar in Italian, Portuguese, Espanol, Nederland, Svenska, Francais, Japanese, Russian, Deutsche, Polski, Danish, and many more languages. It even lets you choose the accent for the English language.

  • Auto language detection

Yes. It detects the language of the text automatically. You may choose any language from the given list if you want, but, there is no need. Because this tool automatically detects the language of the essay you pasted in the box.

How to avoid grammar mistakes?

It is not easy to write perfect grammar unless you are a grammar expert. A brilliant mind is sometimes insufficient to produce a good text. Grammatical mistakes can look like the world’s most boring thing.

However, it can take a lot of time. There is no assurance that your work will be impeccable after the tedious process of proofreading.

Instead of long proofreading or thoroughly checking grammar errors and orthography line by line, you can use the sentence corrector tool to remove all types of grammatical mistakes.

In addition, our best online grammar corrector consists of a multi-lingual dictionary. So, the language profile swapping is not required. You can achieve reliable results using this tool because it has an auto-detection feature.

The word corrector requires you to write text in proper grammar in order to render error-free English. We using the most reliable outcome of artificial intelligence.

We asked our linguistic professional about the worst grammatical errors. According to Will Jackson, who is a professor of English linguistics and creator of advanced deep learning technique for grammar correction, the worst grammatical errors are:

  • 51% incorrect verb forms
  • 20% subject-verb disagreement
  • 10% run-on sentences
  • 6% comma splices
  • 5% pronoun-antecedent disagreement
  • 4% incorrect capitalization
  • 4% of others

Who can use this grammar checker?

This grammar checker can be used by anyone for checking grammar and spelling errors. It can be used by:

  • Students

In the world of academia, proper grammar is one aspect that can help students to achieve good grades while presenting perfect and flawless grammar assignments.

Teachers usually putt great effort into students for their linguistic skills. Students using this English corrector as an assistant to outperform and learn at the same time.

Communication skills matter a lot in the offline and online world. Poor skills can lead to poor grades, which is not a good sign for a student for their professional life.

The following graph shows the percentage of total grammatical and other errors categorized by various levels:

  • Teachers

Teachers had to check all the papers manually before grammar checkers and it consumed a lot of time. Now, teachers can use this tool to check every assignment and test papers in no time.

This free grammar check also shows the score out of 100, making it easy for the teachers to give away grades to their students.

  • Blogger & SEO writers

Bloggers and SEO writers have to come up with new eye-catchy content every day. The reputation of a blogger is at risk every time.

All bloggers need to publish useful content every day to engage more people to read. If they make simple grammar mistakes, they may lose valuable readers. SEO writers can use this tool to write quality content to drive more traffic.

Rankmgr states the importance of grammar for SEO as,

“Search engines are grammar sensitive. Good use of grammar helps search engines have less difficulty reading your text and gives them a better ability to grasp the message behind your content. As a result, they will be able to rank your content for the right keyword phrases.”

  • Freelancers

Freelance writing is a tough job, indeed. Freelancers have to make sure their work is perfect as per the demand of their respective customers. If they commit silly grammar mistakes, this gives a negative sign to the customers and may ultimately lose a valuable client.

  • Companies & Enterprises

The enterprises should make sure that the documentation of any product or service will give a good impression to its readers. Usually client and supplier trust in that enterprise who communicate correctly and clearly.

Many businesses rely on written documents like emails, memos are written agreements for their success. Documents that are free of spelling and grammatical errors will help your employees to understand your instructions properly.

It is being seen that in the case of an e-commerce website, many customers who want to buy products will hesitate while purchasing from a website whose contents consist of grammar and spelling errors.

So, companies can use this tool to make their impression lasting which will eventually generate more revenues.

Why use a grammar checker – Importance of grammar checker

While we are living in a time when social media & blogging are rife with 120 character limits, grammar and orthography still matter. You may be mistaken if your words are not delivered correctly.

Nearly anyone is vulnerable to dumb grammar mistakes, even native speakers. You will be confident that you are presenting quality material for the readers to read using this tool.

These are some of the reasons you should use this correct grammar online:

  • Makes you more credible

Would you want people to take you as an amateur? Online spell checker lets you be more reliable and trustworthiness as a:

  • Student
  • Publisher
  • Employee
  • Businessman
  • Content Writer

Communication problems lead to misunderstandings for authors and publishers. Moreover, writing mistakes lead to low marks if you are a student.

  • Gets the attention of the reader

The primary aim of each author is to address the reader in such a manner that the user understands the context.

If your grammar is not up to the mark in your blog or essay, the reader will lose interest. Well, our tool takes care of that very aggressively.

  • Improves your writing skills

You will get detailed explanations of all errors with our grammar corrector to help you avoid those errors next time. This means that you can improve your writing and language free of charge.

  • Saves valuable time

If you write longer content, it can be time-consuming and tiring to proofread every piece of work you produce. The better use of the time is probably not to obsess about one article or essay for days. Our tool saves your time by allowing you to correct all errors in your text with a few clicks.

  • Indicates your authority

Mistakes make you look stupid. With a faultless content, you may prove your authority. This will give people a feeling that you have the knowledge and familiarity with what you are doing.

Let’s check out the types of grammar mistakes.

Prepostseo grammar checker removes

1. Active & Passive voice errors

Many people think that any particular sentence that consists of verbs like is, was, were, etc. is a passive voice but this is not actually true. A sentence that will be converted to a passive voice should have an object.

Active voice: “The history class witnessed the fort.”

The Passive voice transformation,

Incorrect: “The history class has witnessed the fort.”

Correct: “The fort was witnessed by the history class.”

Always keep in mind that all passive voice sentences have a form of a verb like was, were, etc., but not all sentences that consist of those verbs are passive. We should have to be very careful while writing passive voice sentences in our articles.

2. Spelling Mistakes

This tool efficiently identifies and removes spelling mistakes. Spelling mistakes in an essay or article create a very bad impact on the mind of readers. The content should be clean from all types of spelling mistakes.

Incorrect: “Jonas can dive in the see.”

Correct: “Jonas can dive in the sea.”

Spelling mistakes can easily be avoided if articles and content should be revised properly. Usually, most of the spelling mistakes will occur if the article is not revised properly.

3. Redundant Expression

The redundant expression is nothing but using the same keywords or words repeatedly whose meanings are the same. The redundant expression should be avoided as much as possible. They will affect the efficiency of the paragraph.

Incorrect: “We can completely book the hotel floor fully.”

Correct:We can completely book the hotel floor.”

The above incorrect expression will create a sense of redundancy. The meaning of the words “completely” and “fully” is the same but both words occurred in the sentence for the same context. Our tool removes this type of errors very precisely.

4. Verbs and Tenses mistakes

The mistakes of tenses are very common in English writing. Proper knowledge about tenses can reduce these mistakes. The proper form of verbs should be used depending on the scenario. Our tool takes care of this too.

Incorrect:We have a great party yesterday.”

Correct:We had a great party yesterday.”

5. Comma splices or fragmentation

Online sentence correction is very important for sentences to be fragmented in a proper way. The writer should clearly identify where the sentence fragmentation is needed and where to use it.

So, a comma should be inserted where necessary. Our comma checker also takes care of this type of mistake.

Incorrect: “If you are not out there. Get me a coffee.”

Correct: “If you are out there, get me a coffee.”

6. Ambiguous Pronoun References

Ambiguous usage of references of the pronoun can also affect the beauty of sentences. The writer should properly use pronoun references in sentences.

Incorrect: «Janice had a meeting with Tom, but he couldn’t meet her.”

Correct:Janice had a meeting with Tom, but Tom couldn’t meet Janice.”

It makes a sense of ambiguity in the mind of the reader who couldn’t meet.

Prepostseo grammar checker can be used as

  • A tool to prepare for IELTS Academic Writing

Prepostseo grammar checker can be used to prepare for your IELTS exam writing. It helps you polish your writing skills by indicating each grammar mistake in your writing.

You won’t settle for less than 6.5 bands in IELTS right? Start using our grammar checker right now to make this happen.

  • An essay checker

Want to make a run-on sentence check?

This sentence checker can be used as an essay checker by the teacher as well as by students. Students can check their essays before taking it to their teachers and teachers can check the essays of students to find any mistakes related to grammar and punctuation.

  • An assignment checker

Students must use this tool to check their assignments before submitting them to the teachers. This way, you can make sure that your assignment is ready to submit.

  • A report checker

Composed a report and worried about submitting it? Now you don’t need to get your confidence level any lower. This tool can scan reports for grammar mistakes.

  • A thesis checker

Doing your doctorate research? It must be exhausting to compose and proofread hundreds of pages by yourself. Try using this English grammar articles checker. You will not regret doing so because this thesis grammar checker will provide you the ease of grammar correction.


How do you check if a sentence is grammatically correct?

To check if a sentence is grammatically correct,

  • Go to this URL: Prepostseo grammar checker.
  • Paste the sentence in the given box or upload it as a file.
  • Click the Submit
  • Scroll to the highlighted mistakes and correct them by clicking the suggestions.

How do I check my grammar mistakes?

To check the grammar mistakes,

  • Go to the Prepostseo grammar checker.
  • Paste your text in the given box or upload it using Select File
  • Click the Check Grammar button.
  • Scroll to the highlighted mistakes and correct them by clicking the suggestions.

What is the best free grammar checker?

There are hundreds of grammar checkers in the market, most of which are paid. Prepostseo grammar checker is the best grammar checker if we consider the following factors:

  • No cost, totally free
  • Reliable and credible
  • Equipped with AI technology
  • Best performance
  • No restrictions

Is “me and my friend” grammatically correct?

To say “me and my friend” is grammatically wrong. “Me” cannot be used as a subject. You can either say “my friend and I” or “my friend and me.”

Where do you put “me” in a sentence?

“Me” can be placed as an object in the sentence because it is an object pronoun. For example: “My mother loves me.” Here, “me” is the direct object of the verb “loves.”

Other Languages: English, Español, Français, Português, italiano, Nederlands, svenska

Useful links will open in a new tab:

Free English grammar checker. The smart grammar and spelling checker makes your text better online!.
Search and correction of errors in different languages:
English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Greek.
Determination of readability and other basic text metrics.

English – Grammar check

Textgears algorithms check text and detect over 200 types of grammatical errors:
correct use of parts of speech, and the construction of sentences.
After checking, the service will offer options for correcting errors,
and also display statistics on the most common mistakes. This will help to improve your grammar knowledge.


By using our website, you can check the text for free
to find spelling mistakes and typos. Spell checking algorithms
take the most common rules of the language into account, as well as differences
in spelling in different dialects. By using the service, you can
improve your texts here and now!

Checking the text style

Textgears not only detects grammar and spelling errors,
but also analyzes the style of speech, checks the appropriateness
of using individual words in a general context.
Smart algorithms will help you save your essay or
CV from inappropriate words, as well as choose
synonyms, and make your text more presentable.

Free Grammar Check

Use the best free grammar checker online to improve word usage,
tense, and punctuation for any English text.

Enter your English text here

A free grammar check to help you write better

Writer’s free grammar checker is a simple, AI-powered assistant that makes your text clear, error-free, and easy to understand. It scans your text for every type of mistake, from silly punctuation errors to nuanced grammatical mistakes, irregular verb conjugations, misspelled words, and more.

The free grammar check
trusted by leading brands

Go beyond standard grammar checks

Go beyond standard grammar checks

Guarantee your copy is free of common and not-so-common English grammar errors.

Eliminate punctuation and grammar errors

Em-dashes are not scary. A missing comma or typo, though, is. Nail them all with Writer.

Eliminate punctuation and grammar errors

One-click proofreading for tone and style

One-click proofreading for tone and style

Writer was built for writing at work, where writing clearly and concisely is key. Communicate crisply with Writer.

Word choice and terminology

Whether you’re trying to connect with your audience or follow guidelines at work, always choose the right word with Writer.

Word choice and terminology

Writer’s online grammar check FAQ

  • Real talk. Is Writer (or Grammarly, or any premium grammar checker) worth the money?
    • Good-enough grammar and spelling checkers are built into most word processors today, whether it’s Microsoft Word’s Editor or Google’s home-grown system. Tools like Writer and Grammarly allow you to take these grammar systems with you outside of these editing tools, anywhere you write, whether you’re composing a tweet, an email or an iMessage.
    • If you write for work, a complete writing AI assistant like Writer will also help you make sure you are using the right tone, writing style and terminology for your audience.
  • How does the Writer grammar checker beat Grammarly’s?
    • Most grammar checkers use rules to identify English writing errors and suggest corrections. This works well when the problem isn’t contextual, ie, a rule that says, anytime someone types teh they actually meant the. However, the vast majority of errors we would want to catch are contextual. There are relatively few always-true, easy rules that can be programmed. Even with an army of linguists, you just couldn’t cover all the possible English grammatical errors. There are too many ways for the English language to work, so a mostly valid rule could break in some contexts.
    • That’s why Writer uses techniques from artificial intelligence, such as deep learning. Deep learning systems start out with the capacity to learn, and then are trained to recognize patterns by being shown many examples. For example, we teach the Writer deep learning grammar error correction system to correct subject/verb agreement by showing it many examples of subjects and verbs. We might show it Writer’s AI writing assistant helps everyone at your company write with the same style, terminology, and brand voice and tell the model that this is a good sentence. Then, we would change the verb «write» to the incorrect «writes»: Writer’s AI writing assistant helps everyone at your company writes with the same style, terminology, and brand voice and tell the model that this is a bad sentence. Writes should be write. We do this millions and millions of times, and the model learns. It doesn’t just memorize examples, but gets a «feel» for things. And at Writer, we are very careful about the training data we feed our model, because good data helps the model generalize well.
    • The ability to generalize is a real differentiator between grammar error correction systems, including Writer and Grammarly’s. Our data is the only data set built specifically for the writing that matters most — the writing that happens at work.
  • How does Writer compare to other writing assistants?

    Like many writing assistants, Writer is a comprehensive grammar and spell checker. However, unlike most writing assistants, Writer provides some unique features for stronger, better writing:

    • It works everywhere: A browser extension, Word plug-in and Google Document add-on so that you can take Writer with you everywhere you write on the web. Yes, Writer has a great web editor too, when you want a full-screen, distraction-free editing experience.
    • Artificial intelligence: More content coming here from the answer above.
    • Built for professional use: Writer is built for the writing we do at work. You don’t talk to your boss the way you do your best friend, and Writer understands that. You can also use Writer with a team, making it easy to share a writing style or set of preferred terminology with a group of people.
    • More content checks than any other writing assistant: In addition to AI grammar and spelling checks, Writer checks your content for:
      • Clarity
      • Readability
      • Approachability
      • Conciseness
      • Writing style
      • Terminology
      • Tone
      • Brand voice
      • Uniqueness
      • Bias
  • Why is Writer the preferred Grammarly alternative for professionals?

    Professional users need an AI writing assistant that provides consistently excellent corrections and suggestions everywhere they write online. Writer achieves that for professional writers by providing the following features:

    • Grammar AI that understands some rules are meant to be broken: You have a style and we get that. Not all grammar rules are meant to be followed. Writer’s false-flag rate is lower than any other tool, because the underlying machine learning models are trained on data from people writing at work — not students or people just starting to learn English.
    • Brand voice guidelines: Customize Writer’s voice suggestions to suit you. Are you formal, but approachable? Or friendly and casual? Make sure everything you write is aligned with your brand voice preferences.
    • Customizable content styleguide: Your editorial guidelines should be your own. From date formats to punctuation use to capitalization preferences, select your own, and then share them with a team. Writer is the most customizable writing assistant available, and the choice of professional writers.

    Interested in learning more about the differences between Writer and Grammarly? Check out this breakdown of the differences by an independent content strategist who analyzed both online grammar check tools for professional use.

Grammar checker

How do I know if my grammar is correct?

If you notice an underlined spelling mistake, grammar suggestion, or style recommendation in your text, you can click on the suggested corrections to apply them. The grammar corrector will automatically proofread the text again to make sure it’s in the best shape for sharing.

Is there a
checking app?

Yes! When you sign up for Writer, you’ll get access to powerful and easy-to-use tools like a plagiarism checker, styleguide builder, tone detector, and more.

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Grammar check


Does it correct

You bet. This isn’t just a spellchecker — it’s a writing tool powered by AI. That means we’ll catch more grammar mistakes and redundancies, so your point comes across more clearly.

Who is
Writer for?

Writer is great for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills. Our tools are trusted by copywriters, UX writers, marketers, product teams, bloggers, and more. Drafting an important email? Run it through Writer to catch mistakes. Putting together a marketing page for a product? Let Writer analyze it for voice and tone to make sure it’s on brand and persuasive.

Grammar checkers

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