Change word no problem

No problem is quite an informal way of saying ‘you’re welcome’.

It could also mean ‘yes, I can do it’, and is seen as a way of saying ‘This is easy, I can do it, and it doesn’t pose any problems’. Another way this could be said is, in response to

Another way this could be said is, in response to expression of regret, or gratitude when no thanks, or apology is necessary.

Example 1:

  • “Could you help me with this please?” “Sure, no problem”

Example 2:

  • “Thank you for helping yesterday” “It was no problem at all”

I have listed some more below, and labelled them ‘I’ or ‘F’ to signify formal and informal expressions.

No Problem Synonyms

  • You’re welcome (Formal)
  • Sure thing (Informal)
  • No worries (Informal)
  • Cool (Informal)
  • It’s all gravy (Informal)
  • It’s all right (Informal)
  • Certainly (Formal)
  • Of course (Formal)
  • That’s OK (Informal)
  • No at all (Formal)
  • That’s absolutely fine (Formal)
  • Don’t mention it (Formal / Informal)
  • It’s nothing (Informal / Formal)
  • No probs (Informal)
  • You’re very welcome (Formal / Informal)
  • It’s my pleasure (Formal)
  • No sweat (Informal)

Now try to use a different one each day, so you get to practise different ways of saying ‘no problem’, every time!!

No Problem Translation

English uk flag No problem
Spanishspain flag No hay problema
Frenchfrance flag Pas de problème
Italianitaly flag Nessun problema
Germangermany flag Kein Problem
Portugueseportugal flag Sem problemas
Russianrussian flag Нет проблем
Chinesechina flag 没问题
Japanesejapan flag どういたしまして
Polishpoland flag Nie ma problemu
English uk flag You’re welcome!
Spanishspain flag De nada.
Frenchfrance flag Vous êtes les bienvenus !
Italianitaly flag Prego!
Germangermany flag Gern geschehen!
Portugueseportugal flag Seja bem-vindo!
Russianrussian flag Не за что!
Chinesechina flag 不客气!
Japanesejapan flag どういたしまして!
Polishpoland flag Nie ma za co!
English uk flag Certainly
Spanishspain flag Ciertamente
Frenchfrance flag Certainement
Italianitaly flag Certamente
Germangermany flag Sicherlich
Portugueseportugal flag Certamente
Russianrussian flag Конечно же
Chinesechina flag 当然了
Japanesejapan flag 慥かに
Polishpoland flag Z pewnością
English uk flag It’s my pleasure
Spanishspain flag Es un placer
Frenchfrance flag Tout le plaisir est pour moi
Italianitaly flag Il piacere è mio
Germangermany flag Es ist mir ein Vergnügen
Portugueseportugal flag O prazer é meu
Russianrussian flag С удовольствием
Chinesechina flag 是我的荣幸
Japanesejapan flag どういたしまして
Polishpoland flag To dla mnie przyjemność
Other Ways to Say You Are Welcome
other ways to say no problem

200 Phrases for saying THANK YOU in any situation!

Thank you vs Anytime
Other Ways to Say “You Are Welcome”!

I have observed a growing trend in which people substitute «no problem» for «you’re welcome» as a response to «thank you». In particular, it seems to be an increasingly common response from servers and store clerks.

It seems to me that «no problem» isn’t appropriate for all situations as a response to «thank you», such as when I express thanks for receiving a cup of coffee at the local doughnut shoppe. To me, responding «no problem» to «thank you» implies there might have been a problem, which was somehow narrowly averted.

Are there specific situations in which «no problem» is appropriate to use as a substitute for «you’re welcome»?

asked Jan 17, 2014 at 19:26

JoshDM's user avatar


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The phrase «no problem» is a short version of «It was no problem,» implying that it didn’t cause the person any trouble or hardship to do the thing for which they are being thanked.

It could be construed as an act of humility or deference, because they are suggesting that the action they performed, and any inconvenience it may have caused them, are unimportant relative to the positive impact to the thanking party.

Fully unpacked, it goes like this:

«It was no problem for me to hold the door for you, because your ease of access is more important than me getting to my car faster.»

Compare this with «You’re welcome», which could be construed as an acknowledgement by the thanked party that they did do something worth thanking.

In an extreme case, this could be construed as more selfish or even arrogant, because the thanked party is allowing attention to be on them, instead of the other party.

«You’re welcome to this open door, which I am holding open.»

Obviously both connotations are usually very minor and mostly ignored; most of the time, people choose ‘you’re welcome’ or ‘no problem’ because «It’s just what you say when someone thanks you.» I doubt many people actually think it’s arrogant to say «you’re welcome» unless it’s said with a rude tone of voice. However, these implications may explain why ‘no problem’ has become more common, and could even be seen as a more polite reply.

answered Jan 17, 2014 at 20:13

asfallows's user avatar


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The main difference is that you’re welcome is meant to be polite while no problem is meant to be friendly.

answered Jan 17, 2014 at 19:31


Many languages use some form of «it’s nothing» or «no problem» when a favor or nicety is done, to put the receiver of the action at ease that it was only a miniscule bit of effort to serve.

In Spanish, it’s «de nada» or «no hay de qué» or «no problema» (I never hear, «you’re welcome», and the last has made its way into English).

In French, it’s «de rien» or «pas de quoi !» or «pas de problème» (more common than «bienvenue», in my experience).

Where «you’re welcome» was much more common years ago, it’s getting replaced as it has in Europe.

«Not a problem» and «it’s nothing» seem to be more common in spoken English now than «you’re welcome».

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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answered Jan 17, 2014 at 19:53

anongoodnurse's user avatar


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Based on the other answers it seems not everyone has the following connotations with both terms, but I would argue that «No problem» implies that you did something out of the ordinary for someone, however that you did not consider it a problem. So in a sense you’re disregarding the «thank you». In contrast «You’re welcome» seems to imply that you appreciate their appreciation, as you in no way disregard their «Thank you».

Just to make it a bit clearer I have listed a number of responses to «Thank you» and how I would paraphrase the nuances hidden behind the reactions:

  • «You’re welcome» — «You’re welcome to what I just did for you»
  • «No problem» — «You didn’t even need to thank me, it wasn’t a problem in the first place»
  • «My pleasure» — «Making you happy already made it worth it, don’t worry about thanking me» or alternatively in a shop setting/trade setting it could also suggest «It was my pleasure to make this deal with you»
  • «Anytime» — «It was some trouble to me, but I would do it for you any time»

So overall, in a shop setting I would expect them to appreciate the «thank you», so «you’re welcome» seems to be the nicest response, although none of them seem to be incorrect or really wrong.

answered Jan 17, 2014 at 23:23

David Mulder's user avatar

David MulderDavid Mulder

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So much lies in context:

«No problem»

Not as appropriate.

«Thank you for having us over for this party, cooking this wonderful meal, and really the live band, renting the services of James Earl Jones just to say wacky things in his Darth Vader voice and the fireworks you set up by hand and injured yourself on really were appreciated.»

«No problem.»

Okay. The problem here is somebody’s recognized a lot of effort you’ve undergone on their behalf as a guest at a lavish party. In a sense, you’re turning around and saying «Well it was nothing to me really» which implies the guest wasn’t worth much effort in your eyes. «You’re welcome» works better here because it means you were glad to have made that effort for them. But it works best of course followed with «And thank you for coming etc…»

More Appropriate

<You held the door for somebody. They’ve thanked you.>

«No problem.»

In this case, I’d say it’s better than «You’re welcome.» Holding the door is a decent human thing too as is thanking someone for remembering to do it, but it really is no problem. To say «You’re welcome» to a door-holding could be seen as slightly more pompous, making too big of a deal out of a very small thing that we forget to do for each other sometimes when somebody is carrying a bunch of stuff or has a bunch of kids in tow.

You can’t really go wrong with either, but I do think people appreciate it when one is just a little bit more right, and that essentially boils down to the level of effort you actually undertook. If you’ve very obviously gone through a lot of effort, it’s nicer to say that they are welcome to reap the benefits of that effort. If you’re just being as polite as we all should be all the time I think «no problem» is a better fit for suggesting it’s what we all should do for each other all the time and that you’d do it again without thinking about it.

Community's user avatar

answered Jan 18, 2014 at 4:28

Erik  Reppen's user avatar


I would say the level of politeness and etiquette of which words to use depends a lot on the country/region you are in.

For example, «no problem» may sound a little informal to you when thanking someone for delivering you a cup of coffee. However, in Australia and New Zealand, «no problem» would be commonplace, and may also be shortened to «no worries», «cheers», or even just a smile or nod in return. A full «you’re welcome» can almost sound a bit forced and inauthentic.

answered Jan 17, 2014 at 23:11

Adrian Macneil's user avatar

As a guide, one may wish to consider the form in which the thanks was expressed.

As a response to ‘Thank you’ or ‘Thank you very much,’ I’d personally recommend sticking with ‘you’re welcome’ or ‘you’re quite welcome!’ to not sound overly familiar. One could also respond with ‘It was no problem at all’ if it fits the service provided (e.g. you walked a half-block out of your way to show them where a store was located.)

If, the thanks was expressed as ‘Thanks,’ the more informal ‘no problem’ seems more in keeping with the tenor of the exchange.

My internal guide makes me want to err on the side of formality, but that is just me.

Thank you so very much for the opportunity to discuss this lively and interesting topic!


answered Jan 17, 2014 at 23:31

MrWonderful's user avatar


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To me, the difference is in what is thanked for. I use no problem in a case, let’s resume to the example of holding a door open, where the extra effort is almost the same. When two people want to go through a door, one of them has to open it anyway and — unless you are physically handicapped — holding it open for two seconds longer is no effort. Another example: making two cups of coffee instead of one is only a slight difference.

«You’re welcome» instead I hear more often where there is an extra effort, but the person that is being done the favour is worth the extra effort to the person who does it. For example, watering your neighbours’ plants when they are on vacation.

Steve Melnikoff's user avatar

answered Jan 18, 2014 at 13:07

user62698's user avatar

When the coffee shop has less than one Michelin star, and is happy with that.

If they do want a Michelin star then it might still be perfectly okay to be that informal if they’re going for a friendly vibe, because it’s not like it’s impolite or informal to the point of being overly familiar or anything.

answered Jan 18, 2014 at 0:30

Jon Hanna's user avatar

Jon HannaJon Hanna

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«No problem» is appropriate when someone is thanking you for doing them a favor — something you went a little out of your way for out of kindness or consideration.

«You’re welcome» is suitable for cases unlike the above, such as being thanked for a party invitation (which was planned and meaningful) or a paid service (where it was the server’s responsibility to do what they did).

That’s what creates the sense of it being casual vs. formal, as noted in the other answers, and this taxonomy fits the other examples.

answered Jan 18, 2014 at 9:40

Relsqui's user avatar

To add another opinion that hasn’t been considered yet… I would say it depends on the intent of the thanker. Sometimes «Thank you» can be more «I’m sorry to have bothered you/put you out of your way» than actually expressing gratitude. In Japanese «sumimasen» (sorry/excuse me) is sometimes used where in English we would say «Thank you».

I would say if the thanker is feeling/looking a bit apologetic, then «Don’t worry about it» or «No problem» is a more appropriate response. For example, perhaps they asked you for directions and you started giving them, but the directions turned out to be more complicated than either of you realised, so you ended up walking in the opposite direction with them for a little while. Or you are a salesperson in a shop and a customer asked you for another size of clothes — you looked on the shop floor, then the backroom, then looked it up in the catalogue, then rang other stores, etc. In these cases their «thank you» might be more apologetic, because they were asking you for more than they originally realised they were asking you for. So you let them know with a reply like «No trouble at all!» or «No problem!» to let them know that it doesn’t matter.

However, if it’s something that you planned to do for the thanker — like you bought them a really nice present, or you invited them to your house and cooked dinner, then they’re not feeling anxious or apologetic, they’re just grateful. So in this instance you say «You’re welcome» to acknowledge that they are thanking you and let them know that you were happy to do whatever it was. «I was happy to» would also be an appropriate reply in this case if they’ve expressed the thanks as «Thank you for doing X».

answered Jan 20, 2014 at 9:48

starsplusplus's user avatar

I have many relatives (native English speakers) who are offended by «no problem.» (I myself use «no problem,» or sometimes «yep!» in informal response to «thank you.») Still, I would recommend «you’re welcome» in all contexts except with friends, in case your listener is like one of my relatives. (I think a lot of «no problem» users don’t realize that they come across as rude to some folks.)

answered Jan 18, 2014 at 10:27

hunter's user avatar


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I’m an American expat living in German, and I’ve noticed this trend over the last few years from my compatriots. I also don’t find «No problem» appropriate in many cases, but it does seem to be the norm now — at least in the United States. It’s annoying because my German students are using it, too, in situations where «You’re welcome» would be the appropriate reply. I attribute the over use of «No problem» to the dumbing down of the education system. Many people have a very limited vocabulary and may not even be aware that «No problem» doesn’t fit the situation.

«You’re welcome» is still good enough for me. It is polite and friendly.

answered Jan 17, 2014 at 19:38

Babs's user avatar


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“Why Microsoft Word won’t let me edit?

Word documents are very important in an office setting as a lot of official work and reports are done in Microsoft Word. Microsoft’s Productive Suite is very easy to work in, with Microsoft Word being one of the best text editors available in the market. But what if for some reason you can’t edit Word document all of a sudden? It can be especially problematic for office workers.

We definitely understand how distressing this problem can, which is why in this article we have discussed several ways that can be used to diagnose and troubleshoot this problem.

We have shown a VIDEO walk through at the end of the post for easy solution. 

There can be various reasons that can stop you from editing your Word document, let’s look at the causes of this problem:

  • If the trial version of the office program that you are running expires, then you can face this issue.
  • The Word file may be set to open in read-only mode, which is why you are unable to edit it.
  • If editing the Word document has been restricted, then this problem can occur.
  • The Protected view feature is enabled can restrict editing documents that can potentially harm your computer.
  • If more than one user has the document open in a shared network, then you cannot edit the Word document.
  • The the file may not be a Word document (.docx) but rather converted to .doc, which is why Microsoft Word won’t let you edit it.

What To Do When You Can’t Edit Word Document

Now that you know the various causes of this problem, it’s time to troubleshoot them one by one.

Solution 1: Check Some Basic Issues

This problem can occur if you are using a trial version of the Office program and the trial period has expired. The first thing that you need to do if you are using a trial version is to check if the trial period has finished.

Next, if the document you want to edit is in any removable device, then copy it and paste it in your hard disk and then try editing it.

Then, check if the Word is asking for a password when you are trying to edit the document. If yes, then ask the owner of the document to give you the password.

Finally, check if the document you are trying to open is really a .doc file. Sometimes this problem can arise when other file formats are converted into .doc, which Microsoft Word may not allow to be edited.

Solution 2: Disable Read-Only Mode

This problem can also occur if the document has been opened in read-only mode. In this scenario, disabling the read-only mode should fix this problem.

To disable the read-only mode, follow the steps given below:

  1. Locate the Word document you want to edit and right-click on it.
  2. Click on the Properties option from the pop-up menu.
  3. Uncheck the Read-only attribute in the General tab.


  1. Now, select the Security tab and see if the elements in the Group or user names section have been allowed the Full control, Modify, Read & execute, Read, Write permissions.
  2. If they are not allowed then, click on the Edit option below the Group or user names section and select the boxes for the options given above.
  3. Finally, click on Apply and OK to save all the changes.


Now, check if you still can’t edit Word document. This solution should fix this problem.

Solution 3: Change the Restrict Editing Settings

As mentioned above, documents can be restricted to edit. If this is the case, then changing the Restrict Editing settings should fix this problem.

To change the Restrict Editing settings, follow the steps given below:

  1. First, open the document in Microsoft Word and then click on the Review option.
  2. Click on the Restrict Editing option. If any of the restriction boxes are selected, then uncheck them.
  3. Close down the document and reopen it.


Disabling the Restrict Editing feature should solve this issue.

Solution 4: Disable The Protected View Feature

The Protected View feature in Microsoft Word basically opens the potentially malicious documents in a restricted mode. Thus, this security feature can stop you from editing the Word document if it considers the document as malicious or a threat to your computer.

To disable Protected view, follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the document in the Microsoft Word and click on the File option.
  2. Scroll down and click on the Options It will open the Word options panel on your computer.
  3. Now, click on the Trust Centre option and then click on the Trust Centre Settings.


  1. Click on the Protected View option.
  2. Now, uncheck all the options related to Protected View and then click on OK.


Close the document and then reopen it. Check if you are able to edit it or not. If you still cannot edit Word document, then try the next solution.

Solution 5: Remove The Owner Of The File

If you are trying to open a word document that is available in a shared network and you are unable to edit it, then most likely someone else has the file opened and already editing it. If that’s the case then the file will only open in Read-only mode, unless you remove the file owner.

To remove the file owner, follow the steps given below:

  1. First, save the word document that you are unable to edit and then close down all the programs, including the document.
  2. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys on your desktop to open the Task Manager.
  3. In the Processes tab, locate and right-click on the exe process and then click on the End Process option in the pop-up menu.
  4. If any dialog opens up asking to close down the program because it’s not responding, then click on Ok.
  5. Close the Task Manager and navigate to the folder in which the Word document is located.
  6. Locate the file named as ~$cument.doc and delete it.
  7. Now, open the document in Microsoft Word. If any dialog appears asking to load changes made to the template, then click on No.

This solution should fix this problem.


Wrapping Up

So, now you know what to do if you can’t edit Word document. The troubleshooting methods given above should help you fix this problem. Feel free to share your thoughts on the article in the comment section.

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