Change the sentences using the word in brackets so that they have the same meaning

1. I don’t go to a public school any more. I used to go to a public school. — Я не хожу в государственную школу больше. Я ходил в государственную школу.
2. Did the teachers punish the children a lot? Were the teachers strict? – Учителя много наказывали детей? Учителя были строгими?
3. I’m a good student now, but I wasn’t before. I didn’t use to be a good student. — Я хороший студент, но я не был им раньше. Я не был хорошим учеником.
4. I went into the room. The man was shouting. When I went into the room the man was shouting. — Я вошел в комнату. Человек кричал. Когда я вошел в комнату, человек кричал.
5. I was writing the last answer. The teacher told me to stop. While I was writing the last answer the teacher told me to stop. — Я писал последний ответ. Учитель сказал мне, чтобы я остановился. Пока я писал последний ответ, учитель сказал мне остановиться.
6. I passed all of my exams. I didn’t fail any of my exams. — Я сдал все мои экзамены. Я не провалил ни один из моих экзаменов.
7. Kate likes meeting new people. Kate is very friendly. — Кейт любит знакомиться с новыми людьми. Кейт очень дружелюбна.

Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences.

1. I don’t go to a public school any more.



Did the teachers punish the children a lot?




I’m a good student now, but i wasnt gefore.



I went into the room.

The man was shouting.



I was writing the last answer.

The teacher told me to stop.



I passed all of my exams.


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Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences.
1.I don’t go to a public school any more.
2.Did the teachers punish the children a lot?
3.I’m a good student now,but i wasnt gefore.
4.I went into the room.The man was shouting.
5.I was writing the last answer.The teacher told me to stop.
6.I passed all of my exams.

1 ответ:



<span>1.I used to go to a public.
2.Were the teachers strict?
3.I used to be a bad student.
4.When I went into the room, the man was shouting.
5.While I was writing the last answer, the teacher was telling me to stop.
6.I didn`t fail  all of my exams.

Читайте также

1.are you picking  flowers at the moment?
2. are you wearing gloves and a scarf?
3.are you raking leaves now?
4.have you got a raincoat?
5.doesnt he swim well? it raining outside?


I don’t know – Я не знаю………..

Had met
had noticed
didn’t deal
were concerned

a) I wish you had gone  sightseeing with us.
b) I wish I had time to visit the historic shopping districts
c) They wish they had  tasted the delicious Tex-Mex cuisine.
d) He wished he hadn’t left the party so early.
e) Do you wish you had the possibility to take a horse-drawn carriage?

I am , are visiting, come, rains, shines, is, works, are cooking, making, am having.

he first act begins with a brawl servants who belong to two warring families — the Montagues and the Capulets. It is unclear what caused the feud, but obviously it is a long and uncompromising, is drawn into the maelstrom of passion and young and old alike. By the servants quickly joined by representatives of the two noble houses, and then their own chapter. On July sun-drenched area real fight begins to boil. The citizens who are tired of hatred, are struggling to separate the fighters. Finally comes the supreme ruler of Verona — Prince, who orders to stop collision on pain of death, and angrily deleted.

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences. — Используйте слова в скобках, чтобы переписать предложения так, чтобы они имели то же значение, что и исходные предложения

Ответ от эксперта

1. This is the best game. — There aren’t any games as good as this one. — Это лучшая игра. — Нет таких игр, как эта.
2. Look at these consoles. They are all expensive. — None of the consoles are cheap. — Посмотрите на эти консоли. Они все дорогие. — Ни одна из консолей не дешевая.
3. Except for Tom, all of my friends play computer games. — Most of my friends play computer games. — За исключением Тома, все мои друзья играют в компьютерные игры. — Большинство моих друзей играют в компьютерные игры.
4. Drive Hard isn’t very good and Break Free isn’t very good. — Neither Drive Hard nor Break Free are very good. – Бешенные гонки не очень хороши, и Освобождение не очень хорошо. – Ни Бешенные Гонки, ни Освобождение не являются очень хорошими.
5. Virtual History is an educational game. Maths Fun is educational, too. – Both Virtual History and Maths Fun are educational games. — Виртуальная история — образовательная игра. Математика – это весело, также является образовательной. — И Виртуальная история, и Математика – это весело — это образовательные игры.
6. I’m going to buy a computer game. I like Skypilot and Lost Treasure. — I’m going to buy either Skypilot or Lost Treasure. — Я собираюсь купить компьютерную игру. Мне нравится Небесный пилот и Потерянное сокровище. — Я собираюсь купить Небесный пилот или Потерянное сокровище.
7. There are two games on my computer. — There are not many games on my computer. — На моем компьютере две игры. — На моем компьютере не так много игр.
8. I’m too busy to play games. – I don’t have much time for playing games. — Я слишком занят, чтобы играть в игры. — У меня нет много времени для игр.

Помогите, пожалуста. 18 баллов.
Change the sentences using I wish… so

that the meaning remains the same.

1 I’d love to have enough money to buy these


2 It’s a pity I have so much homework to do.

3 It’s a shame I know so little about recycling.

4 I regret not living in the 19th century.

5 It’s a pity I’m not in the Antarctic now.


Светило науки — 769 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи



1. I wish I had enough money to buy these shoes.

2. I wish I didn’t have so much homework to do.

3. I wish I knew more about recycling.

4. I wish I lived in the 19th century.

5. I wish I were in Antarctic now.

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