Change the plural form word

Plural of Nouns

как образуется множественное число в английском языке

In English, everything countable nouns * used both in the singular and in the plural.

* Countable Nouns denote items that can be counted (one, two, three, four, five, etc.): one apple, two apples, three apples; one story, two stories, three stories.

Countable and uncountable nouns

The main way of forming the plural

In English, the plural of nouns is formed by attaching an ending -s (-es) to a noun in the singular:

a pen — pens (handle — handles)

a book — books (book — books)

a box — boxes (box — boxes)

Features of attaching the ending -s (-es)

If a noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -z, -x, then the ending is added -Is:

a bus — buses (bus — buses)
a glass — glasses (glass — glasses)
a bush — bushes (bush — bushes)
a bench — benches (bench — benches)
a match — Played (match — matches)
a fox — foxes (fox — foxes)

If a noun ends in consonant + y, then -y changes to i, and added -Is:

a baby — babies (baby — babies)
a story — stories (story — stories)
a city — cities (city — cities)

If a noun ends in vowel + y, then the ending is simply added -s:

a toy — toys (toy — toys)
a tray — trays (tray — trays)
a monkey — m (monkey — monkeys)

If a noun ends in -f or -faiththen -f changes to -v, and added -Is:

a leaf — leaves (leaf — leaves)
a thief — thieves (thief — thieves)
a wife — wives (wife — wives)
a knife — knives (knife — knives)

But in some cases, nouns ending in -f, the ending is simply added -s:

a roof — roofs (roof — roofs)
a cliff — cliffs (rock — rocks)
a chief — chiefs (leader — leaders)
a dwarf — dwarfs (gnome — gnomes)

If a noun ends in -o, then the ending is added -Is:

a tomato — tomatoes (tomato — tomatoes)
a hero — heroes (hero — heroes)

In some cases, for nouns ending in -o, the ending is added -s:

a photo — beautiful photos (photography — photographs)
a kilo — kilos (kilogram — kilograms)
a piano — pianos (piano — multiple pianos)
a radio — radios (radio — multiple radio)
a video — videos (video — several videos)
a studio — (studio — studios)

There are also nouns on -o, the plural of which can be formed by adding -s or -Is, while the -es form is used more often:

a memento — mementoes / mements (souvenir — souvenirs)
a mosquito — mosquitoes / Mosquitoes (mosquito — mosquitoes)
a tornado — tornadoes / torandos (hurricane — hurricanes)
a volcano — volcanoes / volcanoes (volcano — volcanoes)
a zero — zeoroes / zeroes (zero — zeros)

Special plural forms of nouns

There are nouns in English, the plural of which must be remembered:

a man [mæn] — men (man — men)
a woman [ˈwʊmən] — women [ˈWɪmɪn] (woman — women)
a child [tʃaɪld] — children [ˈTʃɪl.

drən] (child — children)
a tooth [tuːθ] — teeth [tiːθ] (tooth — teeth)
a foot [fʊt] — feet [fiːt] (foot — feet)
a mouse [maʊs] — mice [maɪs] (mouse — mice)
a goose [ɡuːs] — geese [ɡiːs] (goose — geese)
a louse [laʊs] — face [laɪs] (louse — lice)
an ox [ɒks] — oxen [ˈⱰksn] (bull — bulls)

Remember also nouns in which the plural form coincides with the singular form:

one deer — two deer (one deer — two deer)
one fish — two fish (one fish — two fish)
one sheep — two sheep (one ram — two rams)
one series — two series (one episode — two episodes)
one species — two species (one kind — two kinds)
one aircraft — two aircraft (one plane — two planes)
one spacecraft — two spacecraft (one spaceship — two spaceships)
one salmon — two salmon (one salmon — two salmon)
one cod — two code (one cod — two cod)
one moose — two mosses (one moose — two moose)
one means — two means (one remedy — two remedies)
one offspring — two Offspring (one offspring — two offspring)

 Please note that the same noun can be either countable or uncountable, depending on its lexical meaning. For example, salmon (salmon) in the meaning of «kind of fish» is a countable noun, therefore, has the plural form:

I was very excited when I caught a salmon… — I was delighted when I caught the salmon.
I was very excited when I caught two salmon… — I was delighted when I caught two salmon.


Singular and plural nouns

как образуется множественное число в английском языке

In terms of numbers, it is mainly countable nouns that change. Uncountable nouns, as a rule, are used only in the singular form:

sugar — sugar, love — love, friendship — friendship.

In the plural, they are used only when the variety of species, concepts expressed by them is meant, or when they are used in another meaning in which they are already countable. For example:

air — air, movement — movement (as a general concept), music — music, milk — milk, knowledge — knowledge, hair — hair (on a person’s head).

BUT: air — aria, melody — »airs — arias, melodies, movement — movement (for example, political or dance) -> movements — movements (the same), hair — hair -» hairs — hairs, etc.

The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding an ending -s to the singular form:

book — book — »books — books, day — day -> days — days, house — house -> houses — houses.

Reading the ending «-s»:

after voiceless consonants — [s]: books [buks] after voiced consonants and vowels — [z]: friends [frendz], days [deiz]

after sibilants and sibilants (-es) — [iz]: boxes [‘boksiz]

Exception l. Nouns ending in the singular with letters o, s, ss, sh, ch, x (sibilants and sibilants, as they are called), plural ending -Is:

hero — hero -> heroes — heroes, kiss [kis] — kiss -> kisses — kisses, brush — brush -> brushes — brushes, bench — bench -> benches — benches, box — box -> boxes — boxes.

BUT: In words of foreign origin ending in o, only the ending is added to the noun in the plural -s:

piano — grand piano -> pianos — grand pianos, photo — photography — »photos — photos.

Exception 2. For nouns ending in y with a preceding consonant, y is dropped and the ending is added instead -ieswhich reads [-iz]:

country [‘kAntri] — country -> countries [kAntriz] — countries, city — city cities — cities, family — family families — families.

BUT: If there is a vowel in front of y, then the plural is formed according to the general rule, that is, by adding an ending -s:

day — day — »days — days, boy — boy -» boys — boys.

3. Twelve nouns ending in -f or -faith, in the plural lose these letters. An ending is added instead of -f or -fe -ves… These are nouns:

wife — wife, life — life, knife — knife, wolf — wolf, self — essence, human form, calf — calf, shelf — shelf, leaf — leaf (plants), loaf — loaf (bread), thief — thief, half — half, sheaf — pack (paper), etc.

For example: wife [waif] — wife — »wives [waivz] — wife, knife [naif] — knife -> knives [naivz] — knives, shelf — shelf -> shelves — shelves.

4. Some nouns are plural by changing the root vowel:

man — man -> men — men, woman — woman — »women — women, foot [fut] — leg feet [fi: t] — legs, tooth — tooth -» teeth — teeth.
HO: child — child -> children — children.

5. For compound nouns, the plural is formed by adding an ending -s to the second word:

armchairs — armchairs, bookcases — bookcases.

BUT: If these words are united by a preposition, then the first word is put in the plural: sisters-in-law — daughters-in-law.

Words borrowed from Greek or Latin languages ​​form a plural form according to the rules of these languages:

appendix — appendix — »appendices — appendices (to the book), crisis — crisis -> crises — crises, basis — base, bases — bases, radius — radius -> radii — radii.

Names Nouns used only in the singular

  1. Uncountable nouns (both real and abstract) are usually used only in the singular:

    iron — iron, salt — salt, milk — milk, sugar — sugar, love — love.

  2. Nouns advice (advice, advice), information (message, information), progress (success, success), knowledge (knowledge) are used only in the singular.

    He gave me some good advice. He gave me some good advice.
    My coach was satisfied with my progress. My coach was pleased with my progress

  3. The nouns news (news, news), money (money), fruit (fruits, fruits) are used in the singular. But, for example, the plural is used to denote different types of fruits — fruits.

    What is the news? What’s the news? It’s his money. This is his money.

    Fruit is cheap in autumn. In the fall, fruits are cheap.

  4. Among countable nouns, there are those that are used only (or mainly) in the singular form. These are the names of some animals, objects, etc.:

    two sheep — two sheep, six fish — six fish, ten swine — ten pigs, five deer — five deer.

Nouns Plural only nouns

  1. Nouns usually denoting paired objects:

    spectacles — glasses, trousers — trousers, scissors — scissors, scales — scales.

  2. The names of some objects, in contrast to the Russian language, are used in English only in the plural:

    clothes — clothes, goods — goods, contents — content, etc.


The noun people (peoples) in the plural means people (peoples), in the singular meaning people.

There were many people in the square. There were many people in the square.
There are many peoples in Russia. There are many peoples (lives) in Russia.


Pluralization in English, exceptions

как образуется множественное число в английском языке

As you know, English nouns can be singular or plural. Plural of nouns in English language, as well as in Russian, is used to designate two or more objects.

If unions can be good for the worker in the singular, then they are not always good for the worker in the plural. Especially when it comes to finding a job.

~ Amity Shlaes

The rules for the formation of the plural in English, in comparison with Russian, do not require memorizing a huge number of endings, alternating vowels or the loss of consonants. But, as in any other language, there are exceptions and peculiarities of use.

How to add a plural ending correctly, which English nouns do not form a plural according to the rules? This article will tell you about this and much more.

Plural formation in English

Reference Table: English Plural Formation

As you know, there are many more countable nouns in English than uncountable ones. Countable Nouns can be singular or plural.

Singular (eng. singular) is used to refer to one subject:

a pencil (Russian pencil)

a boy (Russian boy

a house (Russian house)

Plural (eng. plural) means that there are more than one items: two, three, four, many, few, etc:

two pencils

three boys

many houses

To use the plural noun correctly, you need to know the rules of education, of which there are not so many.

Plural rules ending -s

Nouns in English form the plural by adding the singular to the form endings –s.

The plural form of most English nouns is formed by the ending — (e) s, which is added to the noun in the singular.

The -s ending can be pronounced like [z] after voiced consonants and vowels or as [s] after voiceless consonants.

Examples of plurals with the ending -s

Singular Translation Plural Pronunciation

room room rooms [ruːmz]
pencil карандаш pencils [‘pensilz]
shoe shoe shoes [ʃuːz]
chair chair chairs [ʧɛəz]
book book books [bʊks]
map map


Singular and plural nouns in English. Irregular plural forms in English

This article talks about the nuances of plural education in English. Besides just adding the letter «s» to the singular noun, there are also exceptions and other rules. These rules will help you to better cope with grammar tasks in the USE and OGE tests. All examples are voiced by native speaker George Dol.

How to use the SINGLE AND PLUARY FORMS OF Nouns in English?

1. Plural by adding «s«

2. Plural for nouns ending in «sh«,»ch«,»x«,»s«,»ss«

3. Plural for nouns ending in «f» or «fe«

4. Plural for nouns ending in «y«

5. Other plural forms (child/children)

6. Plural from nouns of Latin or Greek origin (Datum/date)

7. The plural form of nouns coincides with the only (sheep/sheep)

8. Nouns ending in s/icsbut only used in the singular

9. Nouns that are used only in the plural (trousers,glasses)

10. Nouns that are used only in the singular (advice,money)

11. Collective nouns that are used only in the plural (polilce,military)

12. Collective nouns that are used both in the singular and in the plural (familyteam)


To form plural nouns in English, we add the ending “s«.

Read by George William Dole

If the word ends with deaf consonant [k, p, s, t, f, tʃ , ʃ , θ, h], then «s«Reads like»s«.

Read by George William Dole

If the word ends with vowel [i, e, a, y, u, o], or ringing consonant [b, v, g, d, z, l, m, n, r], «s«Voiced and read as»z«.

Read by George William Dole

If a noun ends in a hissing or hissing sound, namely letters sh, ch, x, s, ss, z then when adding to them “s» between sh, ch, x, s, ss, z and «s”Appears“e«

Read by George William Dole


There is one exception to this rule. If the ending ch pronounced like ‘k‘then you add «s«Instead of»es«: 

If a noun ends in “f» or «fe«Then these endings change to»v«And between them and»s”Appears“e«

Read by George William Dole

Plural in English — online lessons for beginners

Read the entire lesson and do a short, easy listening exercise (a translation is shown after each assignment). In the second block of the exercise, you will be asked to write the same phrases under dictation, so listen and read carefully the phrases that you compose in the first block.  

  Start exercise  

In most cases, the plural in English is formed very simply — the ending “-s» or «-Is«, which read differently depending on the consonant in front of it — voiced or voiceless:

For words ending in «s, ss, ch, tch, x» (hissing or whistling sounds), the ending «-Is«, Which reads loudly [of].

In a side-by-side exercise (see the main exercise below), an English noun is shown; to see it in the plural, just click on the word.

In the lesson exercise, beginners will be able to compose phrases on their own — click on the English words to translate the phrase proposed in Russian. A few words that we will meet in the exercise:

  • to want [that uOnt] — to want (the verb following the verb «to want» requires the use of a particle «to«- I want to help you — I want to help you) to have [tu hEv] — to have one [uan] — one

Features of the use of plural nouns

Grammatical addition: in English, the plural can be in «countable nouns«. There are a number of nouns that are used only in the singular (we emphasize, in English; the use of words in Russian and English can both coincide and diverge, but we need to get out of the habit of making comparisons with the native language, and plunge into the logic of English):

  • money [mani] — money hair [hea] — hair advice [adv] — advice

A number of other nouns are used only in the plural form:

  • glasses [glAsiz] — glassesgoods [goodz] — goods trousers [trauzez] — trousers people [people] — people (singular, but implies the plural)

A number of English nouns form the plural in a special way:

  • man — men [men] — [men] — man / men, people woman — women [umen] — [wiming] — woman / women (we prepare the organs of speech for pronouncing [y], but immediately pronounce the next sound) child — children [child] — [chIldren] — child / children

A separate lesson will be devoted to these features of the plural in English; now it is important for beginners to remember the basic rule for the formation of the plural.

Plural adjectives

Adjectives in english do not change in the plural and do not change by gender:

  • good guy [good boy] — good boy good boys [good boys] — good boys good girl [good girl] — good girl good girls [good girls] — good girls

A noun before another noun can act as an adjective; in this case, it is not used in the plural:

  • life situations — life situations

▲ Start online exercise

Next: Articles A, AN, THE and a bit of TO. • Tutor: preparation for the exam and exam, passing international exams.
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TEST elementary / intermediate


Plural of English nouns

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When we talk about a subjectah, the phenomenons, peoples, we use the plural. In this article, we will analyze the general rules for the formation of the plural, give examples and indicate the exception words that do not lend themselves to the rules. And at the end of the article, you will find a detailed table in which we have collected all the rules, exceptions and many examples so that you always have a plural cheat sheet at your fingertips. Let’s start?

The basic rule for the formation of plural nouns

  1. The general rule of thumb is for most nouns in English, and it sounds like this: add -s to the singular, and we get the plural.

    A Spoon — spoons (spoon — spoons).
    A dog — dogs (dog — dogs).

  2. If the noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -z, -x, then we add -es.

    A brush — brushe’s (brush — brushes).
    A torch — torches (torch — torches).
    A match — matches (match — matches).

  3. If a noun ends in -y (and -y is read like Russian / and /), then -y disappears, and -ies is added.

    A country — countries (country — countries).
    A cherryy — cherries (cherry — cherries).

  4. If the noun ends in -ay, -ey, -oy (-y at the end reads like Russian / y /), then we just add -s.

    a boy — boys (boy — boys).
    A toy — toys (toy — toys).

  5. If the noun ends in -o, then add -es.

    a tomatoo — tomatyes (tomato — tomatoes).
    A hero — heryes (hero — heroes).


    A piano — pianos (piano — multiple pianos)
    A kilo — kilos (kilogram — kilograms)
    A photo — photos (photography — photographs)
    Emptyo — videos (video — several videos)
    A flamingo — flamingos (es) (flamingos — multiple flamingos)
    A Volcano — volcanos (es) (volcano — volcanoes)

  6. If the noun ends in -f or -fe, then -f is changed to -v and -es is appended.

    A loaf — loaves (loaf — loaves).
    A wife — wives (wife — wives).

The plural of «incorrect» nouns

  1. Some nouns defy any rules. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to memorize the plural form of such nouns.
    • A man — men
    • A person — people.
    • A woman — women (woman — women).
    • A mouse — mice.
    • A foot — feet (leg — legs).
    • A child — children.
    • A tooth — teeth
    • A goose — geese (goose — geese).
    • An ox — oxen (bull — bulls).
  2. And then there are nouns that have the same forms, both in the singular and in the plural.
    • A fish — fish
    • A fruit — fruit.
    • A deer — deer (deer — deer).
    • A sheep — sheep.
    • A Swiss — Swiss (Swiss — Swiss).
  3. Many words borrowed from Greek and Latin are also considered exceptions to the general rule. And their plural form also needs to be memorized. A few words are presented below. And we have collected a more complete list in the table at the end of the article.
    • A phenomenon — phenomena.
    • A datum — data (information).
    • A formula — formulae.
    • A genius — genii (genius — geniuses).

Let’s now see how the Rebecca teacher from engvid explains this topic in English.

Even if you have a low level of English, you will in any case understand what she is saying, as she speaks slowly and uses words that we already know.

English plural uncountable nouns

All nouns in English can be divided into two groups: countable and uncountable. The nouns that we have analyzed so far in this article are considered countable — they are all plural. This means that they can be counted: one boy (a boy) — two boys (two boys), one man (a man) — three men (three men), etc.

But also in English there are nouns that are used only in the singular, they simply do not have a plural form. Such nouns are called uncountable. Russian also has similar words: information (information), coffee (coffee). Uncountable nouns in English include the following groups:

  • All bulk and liquid substances: water (water), cream (cream), rice (rice).
  • Abstract concepts: success (success), happiness (happiness), love (love).
  • The words information (information), advice (advice), money (money), news (news), furniture (furniture).
  • You will find a detailed list of countable and uncountable nouns in this article.

What if we need to count the number of these uncountable nouns? In this case, we consider not the objects and phenomena themselves, but what they are measured by.

For example, we cannot say “two sugars”, but we can say “two kilogram sugar «,» two spoons sugar «,» two sachet sugar «- in all these cases, we count sugar using units of measurement of bulk solids.

By the way, note that in Russian in all examples, the word «sugar» is in the singular. Each of the uncountable nouns has its own units of measurement:

  • A bottle of milk — two bottles of milk (bottle of milk — two bottles of milk).
  • A kilo of rice — three kilos of rice (a kilogram of rice is three kilograms of rice).
  • A glass of juice — ten glasses of juice (a glass of juice — ten glasses of juice).
  • We devoted a separate article «Partitive Expressions» to the words with which we measure uncountable nouns.

Without the rules for the formation of the plural, it is impossible to speak English competently, because this topic is closely related to the use of verbs, articles and other parts of speech. Therefore, it is so important to understand all the rules well. Do not forget to download the table by which you can always navigate and choose the correct plural.

↓ Download the table «Education of the plural in English». (* .pdf, 208 Kb)

And also take the test to better remember the rules.


Plural of nouns in English


Plural of words in English

: 4/5

It is believed that the grammatical topic “plural words in English«Is nothing complicated. And, indeed, in most cases, you just need to use the ending and that’s it. But the point is that there are several important exceptions and the same ending is not always added.

In addition, the ending itself is read differently, depending on what is in front of it. If we want our speech (both oral and written) to surprise us not by the number of mistakes, but by its correctness, let us remember once and for all what to do if you need to form a plurality of words in the English language.

Believe me, there is nothing super complicated in this!

The plural of words in English. The main rule

It is believed that plural words in English is formed with the ending -S. This is the basic rule that looks like this:

In our example, the ending should be pronounced rather loudly. Not as «es», but as «ez». This is because the word «orange» has a vowel at the end. According to the rule, the ending should sound voiced every time it is added to a vowel or voiced consonant.


bottle — bottles

«Bottle» — «bottles»

break (break) — breaks (breaks)

«Break» — «breaks»

Please note that if you add an ending to a word after -o, -s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, then you should use not one letter -S, but -ES. Such an ending is read loudly — «z» or «out».

Plural endings. English «nonsense»

What else could there be plural endings? English the language cannot but surprise with its logic and the presence of exceptions (we will talk about them a little later). Let’s consider the most popular «non-standard» cases of plural formation using the following examples.

1. If a word ends with -Y, then when adding –ES it changes to I.

2. The first rule does not work if before our -Y there is not a consonant, but a vowel.

3. If a noun ends in -F, then the plural is –VES.

Plural of nouns in English — exceptions

Now it’s time to study how it is formed plural nounsif we come across exceptions.

Let’s start with those words that just need to be remembered, since their plural forms cannot be explained in any way. The good news is that there are very few such units.

Sometimes you may come across polysyllabic nouns that are hyphenated. What should be done in this case? You must pluralize with the keyword, not just add -S or -ES at the very end. Here’s an example:

mother-in-law (mother-in-law) — mothers-in-law (mother-in-law)

If a compound word is written together, then you should use the standard rule:

housewife (housewife) — housewives (housewives)


Plural of nouns in English

Today we are dealing with the plural form of nouns in English. The topic is relatively simple and interesting. Let’s start!

Moving on to the rules for the formation of a plural noun in English, you should know that uncountable nouns, as a rule, are used only in the singular form:


sugar — sugar

love — love

friendship — friendship

The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding the ending (there are exceptions) -s to the singular form:


book — book books — books

day — day days — days

house — house houses — houses

The plural also uses words that are already countable in their meaning. For example:


air — air

movement — movement (as a general concept)

music — music

milk — milk

knowledge — knowledge

hair — hair (on the head of a person)



movement Movement This may include political movement (s), dance movement (s), etc.

hair — hairs — hairs, etc.

Reading the ending «-s» in nouns

After voiceless consonants, the ending -s gives the sound [s]:


books [buks] — books

pens [pens] — pens

After voiced consonants and vowels, the ending -s gives the sound [z].


days [deiz] — days

Exception: When -s is not put, but the -es ending is put?

Nouns ending in the singular with the letters o, s, ss, sh, ch, x (hissing and sibilant, as they are called), in the plural have the ending -es, which conveys the sound [iz]:


hero — heroes — heroes

kiss — kiss kisses — kisses

brush — brush brushes — brushes

bench — bench benches — benches

box — box boxes — boxes

What else do you need to know about the formation of the plurality of nouns in English?

For nouns ending in -у with a preceding consonant, the ending -у is dropped and the ending -ies is added, which conveys the sound [-iz]:



English grammar reference

  • Before the names of the seasons, months, and days of the week.

    He always goes the South in summer… English classes are on Monday.

    Pluralization of nouns

    The main way of forming the plural of nouns is by adding an ending -s or -Is to the singular form of a noun.

    -s -Is
    a bag — bagsa cat — catsa rose — roses a glass — glassesa fox — foxesa watch — watchesa bush — bushes

    Nouns ending in -y with a preceding consonant are plural by adding the ending -Is, and -y changing to -i. For example, a dictionary — dictionaries.

    But:a boy — boys, a day — days (there is a vowel before -y). Some nouns ending in -f, -faith, become plural by changing -f on -v and adding an ending -Is.

    a half — halvesa wolf — wolves

    a wife — wives

    But:roof — roofs, safe — safes.

    A number of nouns form the plural in a special way.

    units h. many. h.
    manwomanfoottoothgoosemousechildsheepdeerdatumphenomenon menwomenfeetteethgeesemicechildrensheepdeerdataphenomena

    Case of nouns

    In modern English, a noun has two cases: general и possessive… A noun in the general case has no special endings, its relation to other words in a sentence is determined by the place in the sentence and the meaning.

    The student asked the teacher.The student asked the teacher.
    The teacher asked the student.The instructor asked the student.

  • Source:

    Pluralization of nouns in English

    In English, the noun has singular and plural forms: dog — dogs, box — boxes.

    The singular form is transmitted by the so-called. «Zero ending» — wall_ (wall — ending «missing»).

    Methods for the formation of the plural

    The most common way to form plurals is to add an ending -S by the way: cat — cats, wall — walls.

    Another common way is to add an ending –Es.

    1. The ending -es is appended to: to the stem of the word if it ends with –S, -ss, x, z, ch, tch, sh:

    • class — classes (class — classes);
    • bush — bushes (bush — bushes);
    • box — boxes;
    • inch — inches
    • fox — foxes (fox — foxes);
    • match — matches (match — matches, match — matches).

    As a rule, in such words, the ending -s is pronounced as [iz].

    2. To the stem of a word that ends with consonant + ywith the ending — at changes to –I:

    • army — armies (army — armies);
    • country — countries
    • duty — duties (debt — debts, tax — taxes).

    The ending -es in this case is pronounced as [z].

    3. If the word ends with a vowel + y, then we add to the base of the word  -s:

    • Boy — boys (boy — boys);
    • Toy — toys (toy — toys);
    • Day — days.

    The ending -s in this case is pronounced as [z].

    4. To the base that ends in -O In most cases:

    • hero — heroes,
    • potato — potatoes


    • Zoo — zoos (zoo — zoos);
    • Photo — photos (photography — photos);
    • Solo — solos (solo);
    • Piano — pianos (piano);
    • Video — videos (video);
    • Radio — radios (radio).

    12 nouns that end in –F or –Fe, the plural is formed by — it is. In this case, –F changing to –Vand the ending -es reads [z].

    • Calf — calves (calf — calves);
    • Half — halves (half — half);
    • Knife — knives (knife — knives);
    • Leaf — leaves (leaf — leaves);
    • Life — lives (life — lives);
    • Loaf — loaves (loaf — loaves);
    • Self — selves (personality — personalities);
    • Sheaf — sheaves;
    • Shelf — shelves
    • Thief — thieves (thief — thieves);
    • Wife — wives (wife — wives);
    • Wolf — wolves (wolf — wolves).

    All other nouns ending in f are plural with the ending -s, which is pronounced [s]:

    • Chief — chiefs (chief — chiefs);
    • Cliff — cliffs;
    • Roof — roofs;
    • Kerchief — kerchiefs (kerchief — kerchiefs, kerchief — kerchiefs).

    Exception words

    A number of nouns form the plural in a special way that does not follow the rules, namely by changing the vowel at the base of the word. This is an old way of forming plurals of nouns, so the forms of these plural words need to be remembered:

    • Child — children (child — children);
    • Foot — feet (stora — feet);
    • Goose — geese (goose — geese);
    • Man — men (man — men, man — people);
    • Woman [‘wumən] [‘ wumen] — women [‘wɪmɪn] ([‘ wimn] woman — women);
    • Mouse — mice (mouse — mice);
    • Ox — oxen (bull — bulls);
    • Tooth — teeth (tooth — teeth);
    • Louse — lice (louse — lice).

    Noun Mon often forms words with other nouns, usually denoting nationality or profession. In these cases, man becomes plural like this:

    • Englishman — Englishmen (Englishman — Englishmen);
    • Fireman — firemen (fireman — firefighters);
    • Businessman — businessmen (businessman — businessmen).

    Matching singular and plural forms

    There are nouns that have the same singular and plural forms (the plural is the same as the singular):

    • sheep (sheep — sheep),
    • swine (pig — pigs),
    • fish (fish — fish),
    • salmon (salmon — salmon);
    • trout (trout — trout);
    • deer (deer — deer)
    • works (factory — factories);)
    • carft (ship — ship);
    • aircraft (aircraft — aircraft);
    • means (means — means);
    • series (series — series).

    These nouns also include the names of nationalities that end in –Ese and —ss, For example:

    • Chinese — Chinese, Chinese, Chinese
    • Japanese — Japanese, Japanese
    • Swiss — Swiss, Swiss.

    The plural of nouns borrowed from Latin and Greek

    Some words borrowed from Latin and Greek in the XNUMXth century retain their plural forms:

    Latin words:

    • Antenna (antenna) — antennae;
    • Datum (given value) — data;
    • Erratum (typing error) — errata;
    • Formula (formula) — formulae;
    • Genius (spirit, demon) — genii;
    • Radius (radius) — radii;
    • Stimulus — stimuli.

    Greek words:

    • Bacterium (bacteria) — bacteria;
    • Crisis (crisis) — crises;


    In great detail about the plural

    Why VERY — you ask? What details can there be if there is nothing difficult in just adding the ending S to the word? Not everything is as simple as it seems. Do not forget that the spelling of a word can change and some nouns form a plural according to different rules.

    First of all, I remind you that the plural (Plural) in English is formed only by nouns, that is, words that answer the question “Who? What?». Adjectives are not plural. Therefore, in order to say «Interesting articles», we will put in the plural only the word «articles» and get «interesting articles».

    You’ve probably noticed that when studying the topic «Plurals» (as, in principle, and when studying many others), the word «exception» is constantly heard. There are, of course, exceptions. And the problem is that many textbooks mix them up for study, which complicates the process. In fact, most exceptions also obey certain rules and can be categorized into groups.

    1. The first rule (everyone knows): add the ending -S to the noun

    cat — cats girl — girls

    pen — pens

    2. Rule number two: if a noun ends in -S, -SS, -SH, -CH, -Z, -X, then add -ES

    bus — buses dress — dresses match — matches

    box — boxes

    3. Does the letter Y change at the end of a word?

    Remember that if Y is preceded by vowel, then nothing changes, but the ending -S is simply added:

    boy — boys play — plays

    monkey — monkeys

    But if consonant before Y — then Y changes to I and -ES is added:

    city ​​- cities lady — ladies

    country — countries

    4. What to do with the letter -O at the end of a word?

    a) The vast majority of nouns ending in O are plural by adding S:

    photo — photos radio — radios

    studio — studios

    b) Some nouns that are considered exceptions add -ES in the plural:

    potato — potatoes tomato — tomatoes hero — heroes torpedo — torpedoes echo — echoes embargo — embargoes

    veto — vetoes

    c) There is another group of nouns that can form the plural in two ways (-S or -ES). Here is some of them:

    avocado — avocadoes / os buffalo — buffaloes / os cargo — cargoes / os domino — dominoes / os ghetto — ghettoes / os flamingo — flamingoes / os mango — mangoes / os mosquito — mosquitoes / os motto — mottoes / os tornado — tornadoes / os volcano — volcanoes / os

    zero — zeroes / os

    5. Nouns that end in -F and -FE can also be divided into three groups according to the same principle.

    a) General rule: when forming a plural, F is changed to V and -ES is added.

    shelf-shelves half-halves knife-knives leaf-leaves


    b) There are also plural nouns don’t change -F to Vand just accept -S. These are words ending in -IEF, -FF and those with double vowels (OO, EE). Here are some examples:

    belief — beliefs roof — roofs chief — chiefs cliff — cliffs proof — proofs safe — safes brief — briefs reef — reefs cuff — cuffs plaintiff — plaintiffs sheriff — sheriffs

    whiff — whiffs

    c) And the third group includes several nouns, which can have both forms: with -FS and -VES.

    dwarf — dwarfs / ves hoof — hoof / ves scarf — scarfs / ves

    wharf — wharfs / ve


    Nouns that are plural in other ways (not by adding -S) are called Irregular Plurals in English. We call them “exclusion”. However, it is also possible to group exceptions to make them easier for you to remember.

    1. Formation of the plural by changing the vowels.
    This group includes nouns in the plural of which only the root vowel (or vowels) changes.

    man — men woman — women foot — feet goose — geese tooth — teeth mouse — mice

    louse — lice

    2. The plural ending -EN, although it is archaism, has been preserved in a few words.

    child — children ox — oxen

    brother — brethren

    The -EN ending is still used but rarely, mainly in some regional dialects and literature.

    3. The next category of nouns is those that have the same singular and plural forms. In English, they are called Zero plurals.
    These include:

    — names of fish and animals:

    fish, salmon, sheep, deer, swine

    — nouns that end in -S:

    series, means, species

    — names of nationalities ending in -ESE, as well as Swiss nationality:

    Japanese, Chinese

    — other words:

    aircraft, spacecraft

    4. A separate group — words of Latin and Greek pronunciation.
    These are, of course, terms used in the sciences. In the endings of words, changes occur according to various principles.

    -IS → -ES analysis — analyzes basis — bases crisis — crises parenthesis — parenthesesthesis — theses
    -UM → -A bacterium — bacteria datum — data medium — media forum — fora / forums
    -US → -I alumnus — alumni focus — foci cactus — cacti / cactusesfungus — fungi
    -IX → -CES index — indices / xes appendix — appendices / xesmatrix — matrices
    -A → -AE (or adding -S) formula — formulae / las larva — larvae
    -ON → -A criterion — criteria phenomenon — phenomena

    5. In the English language there is a group of words that have two plural forms that differ in meaning.


    Antenna antennas antennas (radio, television)
    antennae antennae in insects
    brother brothers brothers (sons of the same parents)
    Brethren brothers (by religion, belief)
    cloth clothes types of fabrics
    clothes clothes
    index indexes pointers, catalogs
    Indices in mathematics
    penny pennies several coins for one penny
    pence sum of pence (about value)

    How do we form plural compound nouns?

    1. The ending S is added to the word that carries the main meaning.


    Plural formation

    All countable nouns in English can be singular or plural. Plural most nouns are formed by adding the ending -s or -es.

    book — books, bush — bushes

    Plural ending can have different pronunciations.

    After voiceless consonants, the ending is pronounced softly [s] — [c]     


    After voiced consonants and vowels, the ending is pronounced voiced [z] — [z]


    After s, z, x, sh, ch, the ending is pronounced [iz] — [of]

    boss-bosses, box-boxes

    Ending -S or -ES?

    Which ending should you choose? It depends on the final letter of the noun.

    The ending -ES is added if the noun ends in S, Z, X, SH, CH:

    box — boxes, brush — brushes, bench — benches, bus — buses, clutz — klutzes

    In other cases, the ending -S is added.

    Pay attention to plural formation the following nouns ending in Z, since in these 2 cases the doubling of Z occurs)

    Quiz — quizzes (test — tests)

    Fez — fezzes (fresco — frescoes)

    Plural formation of nouns ending in O

    Nouns with the ending O require special attention. They can take both endings. We will add the ending -S in the following cases:

    • when the final O is preceded by a vowel

    bamboo — bamboos, kangaroo — kangaroos, embryo — embryos, zoo — zoos

    Romeo –Romeos, Filipino — Filipinos

    • in abbreviations and abbreviated words

    photo –photos (short for photograph), pro –pros (short for professional), kilo — kilos (short for kilogram)

    • in some borrowed words

    piano –pianos, tobacco –tobaccos, concerto –concertos, solo — solos, dynamo –dynamos, tango — tangos, quarto — quartos

    In other cases, you need to use the ending -ES:

    potato –potatoes, Negro — Negroes, tomato — tomatoes, echo –echoes, embargo — embargoes

    There is also a group of nouns ending in O, which can take any of two endings:

    cargo — cargos or cargoes, banjo — banjos or banjoes, halo — halos or haloes.

    Plural formation of nouns ending in U

    If a noun ends in Y, then it takes the ending -ES. In this case, Y goes into I:


    Plural of nouns in English

    In English, as in Russian, nouns change in numbers. There are two forms: singular and plural.

    Singular (singular) means one item: a cat, an apple, a boy, a cake.

    Plural (plural) denotes two or more subjects: two students, three flowers, ten dogs.

    How does the plural form in English?

    In most cases, the plural of nouns in English is formed with the help of the ending -s.

    Pay attention to how this ending is pronounced:

    • after vowels and voiced consonants — like [z]: pens, boys, dogs;
    • after voiceless consonants — like [s]: cocks, rats, cats;
    • if the word ends with —s, -ss, -shchx, -z, need to add -es which reads [iz]: box — boxes, bus — buses, cage — cages.

    There are some features of adding -s / es for some groups of nouns:

    • If a noun ends with a letter -y, before which there is a consonant, then in the plural -y changing to i and the ending is added to the word -Is: lobby — lobbies, fly-flies Exceptions: proper nouns (the two Germanys, the Gatsbys) and compound nouns (stand-bys).
    • If before the letter —y there is a vowel, then the plural is formed according to the general rule with the help of the ending —s, and the letter y remains unchanged: boy — boys, day — days.
    • If a noun ends in —o, you need to add —is tomato — tomatoes, hero — heroes Exceptions: photos, memos, pianos, radios, studios, kangaroos, zoos and some other words of foreign origin.
    • For nouns ending in -f or -fe, replace -f or -fe with -ves: wolf — wolves, leaf — leaves, life — lives. Exceptions: chiefs, beliefs, cliffs, cuffs, roofs, handkerchiefs.

    All rules are summarized in the table:

    When is the plural not formed according to general rules?

    A number of nouns form the plural in a non-standard (supplerative) way:

    Child — children Children
    Woman — women Woman’s woman
    Man — men Man — men (man — people)
    Person — people Person people
    Tooth — teeth Tooth teeth
    Foot — feet Foot — feet
    Mouse — mice Mouse — mice
    Louse — lice Louse — lice
    Ox — oxen Bull — bulls
    Goose — geese Goose — geese

    Plural and singular forms match

    Some nouns have the same plural and singular forms. These include:

    Deer — deer Deer — deer
    Moose — moose Elk — moose
    Series — series Series (TV series) — Series (TV series)
    Species — species Species, individuals — species, individuals
    Aircraft — aircraft Aircraft — aircraft
    Salmon — salmon Salmon — salmon
    Sheep — sheep Sheep — Sheep


    Plural of nouns. rules

    Let’s talk about how the plural forms in English. If you say «what to talk about here — add -s at the end and you’re done», then in most cases you will be right. But let’s see where this straightforwardness can fail.

    By the way, a lyrical digression: unlike the English language, the plural form in Russian is quite difficult. In addition to the proper plural of nouns, we have three (!) Different plural forms for this, when a specific number is indicated.

    Let’s look at «cats», or rather, cats: without numbers — cats, with numbers — 100 cats, 101 cats, 102 cats — three or even four different shapes to denote a different number of fluffy pets.

    (By the way, an exercise for those who think that a native teacher is always better than a Russian speaker — can you explain when which form is used?)

    The basic rule

    Compared to this confusion in English, everything is incredibly simple: 2, 10, 100, 101, 102, any number of cats. Just add -s at the end — and you’re done.

    «Friends»Is my favorite TV show. My favorite TV show is Friends.

    If you are just starting to learn English, then the addition -s Is ALL you need to know. If you are just comfortable with this, let’s look at special cases where you simply -s may not be enough.

    Hissing sound at the end of a word

    If at the end of the word there is already some hissing-whistling sound (and it will be there if the word ends with -s, -z, -sh, -ch, -x), then to form the plural, you need to add -Is… Which is quite logical — to say buses, foxes and churches is much easier and more pleasant than buss, foxs, churchs.

    I’ll have to take tree buses, carrying those huge boxes! Oh no. It will be necessary to go on three buses, with three huge boxes! Oh no.

    O at the end of a word

    If a noun ends in a vowel -o, then some of them are formed simply by using -s, and part with the help -Is… Unfortunately, there are no special rules here.

    Rather, there are, but such that it would be better not to have them — for example, if the word came to English recently, then we use -s, (tacos), if for a long time — then -Is (echoes). If before -o there is a consonant, then the plural is formed using -s (zoos).

    Or, for example, if this is an abbreviation of a longer word, then we use -s (logos, photos, kilos). In addition, there are a number of words that can be written this way and that (volcanos and volcanoes, mosquitos and mosquitoes).

    Let’s do it easier. Here are the most common words in which the plural is formed by adding —es: tomatoes, potatoes and heroes. If everyone else will write by adding -s, then in 99% of cases this will be the correct option.

    There are three things in life I most of all — mashed potatoesfresh tomatoes and TV showHeroes». Three things I love the most — mashed potatoes, fresh tomatoes and Heroes.
    Baby, let’s make a run for the border, I’ve got a hunger only tacos can stop.
    Baby let’s run overseas, only tacos will satisfy my hunger (South Park)

    Y at the end of a word

    With words ending in -y everything is more or less simple. If before -y there is a vowel, the plural is formed, as usual — with the help -s (days, toys). If before -y consonant, then the plural is formed by replacing -y on -ies… For example, party — parties, city — cities.

    I to read stories about spies. I love reading stories about spies.

    F and FE at the end of a word

    In words ending in -f и -faith the plural is formed by replacing this ending with -ves… For example, wife — wives, leaf — leaves.

    Knives are good, because they don’t make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more ly we are to use them. Makes it look we’re serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro. Knives are good because they don’t make noise. And the less noise from them, the sooner we will put them into action. It will look like we have serious intentions. Guns for show, knives for the pros (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels)

    There are a few exceptions to this rule — roofs, cliffs, etc.

    So, the plural in English is formed by adding -s at the end of a word. The rules get more complicated if the word ends in a hiss, O, Y and F / FE.

    In addition, there are exception words, the plural of which is formed across all the rules. We will talk about them next time.

    And for a snack — entertaining plural education from the character of «The Lord of the Rings» Gollum. After a severe psychological trauma inflicted by the Ring of Omnipotence, and life in a cave, the grammar of his speech has changed markedly. For example, his plural is formed by adding immediately and -s и -Is.

    Our precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Our Beauty. They stole her. Dastardly little hobbits.


    Plural of nouns in English: the rule of education

    In order to form plural nouns in English without mistakes, choose suitable verbs, pronouns and build sentences, it is not enough to know the rule. You need to be able to distinguish countable from uncountable nouns, to know the exceptions and different meanings of the same word. And of course it takes practice.

    We will go in order so that you can get a good understanding of this topic from our tutorial.

    The material is intended for beginners and learners of English from scratch, as well as for systematization of knowledge and repetition.

    The concept of a noun (noun)

    Recall that a noun (noun) is a part of speech that denotes an object, person, phenomenon or material structures. The noun answers the question “Who? What?»:

    Who is this? — This is the boy.

    Who is this? — This is a boy.

    What is this? — This is my new furniture.

    What is it? This is my new furniture.

    What is this? — This is a coffee table.

    What is it? — This is a coffee table.

    Difference between countable and uncountable nouns

    All English nouns (noun) are divided into two groups — countable (countable) and uncountable (uncountable), which in turn have both common features and exceptions.

    It is important to learn to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns, because plural forms only for countable nouns.

    In simple terms, the difference between them is that countable nouns can be counted individually (one apple, two pencils, ten cars, etc.), and the uncountable are not subject to such an account (happiness, water, sand — do not count by the piece). Some examples of countable and uncountable nouns:

    #Countable nounsUncountable nouns

    1 Dog
    2 Ocean
    3 Home
    Planet Earth)
    4 Thought
    5 Ranges
    6 Rule
    7 Eye
    8 Language
    The Sun


    Английские исчисляемые существительные имеют форму единственного и множественного числа. Они называются изменяемые сущ. (variable nouns). Другие же, которые используются только в единственном или исключительно во множественном числе называются неизменяемыми сущ-ными (invariable nouns).

    Сегодня вы узнаете, как образуются plural nouns, познакомитесь со списком исключений и в конце статьи сможете пройти онлайн-тест на множественное число существительных.

    Множественное число имен существительных в английском правила образования, примеры, исключения

    Variable Nouns

    Изменяемые существительные делятся на регулярные сущ-ные (regular plurals) и неправильные (irregular plurals).

    Variable Nouns

    Как формируется множественное число: regular plurals

    Множественное число имен существительных в английском языке образуется в основном путем добавления окончания -s в конец слова. Несмотря на то что это правило действительно простое, все же есть случаи, когда нужно заучить некоторые нюансы.

    • Суффикс -s используется:

    – к существительному: chair – chairs;
    – в именах собственных: the Gatsbys, the Kennedys;
    – к существительным, заканчивающиеся на гласную + y: day – days.

    • Суффикс -es добавляется к сущ-ным, которые заканчиваются:

    – на -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z, o: bus – buses, buzz – buzzes and etc;
    – к сущ., заканчивающиеся на согласную + o: potato – potatoes.

    • Существительные на -o имеют форму множественного числа -os:

    – vowel + o: studio – studios;
    – double oo: bamboo – bamboos;
    – сокращения: autos, kilos, memos;
    – в именах собственных: Romeo – Romeos;
    – музыкальные инструменты: pianos, solos, tangos, sopranos.

    Суффикс -ies добавляется к словам, которые заканчиваются на согласную + y: teddy – teddies, nanny – nannies.

    [qsm quiz=59]


    • [s] after voiceless consonants (после глухих согласных): caps, hats, books.
    • [z] after voiced consonants and vowels (после звонких согласных и гласных): flowers, beds, boys.
    • [iz] after sibilants (свистящий звук): matches, noses.

    Предлагаем изучить таблицу, где наглядно показано различие между singular and plural nouns.

    различие между singular and plural nouns. Примечание:

    множественное число сокращений иногда формируется в орфографии путем удвоения буквы:

    ― Ms (manuscript) ― MSS (рукописи),
    ― p. (page) ― pp. (страницы),
    ― Mr (Mister) ― Messrs (господа),
    ― MP (Member of Parliament) ― MPs [‘em’pi:z] (or MP’s) (члены парламента),
    ― MD (Doctor of Medicine) ― MDs [‘em’di:z] (доктора медицины).

    NB! На заметку

    1. Существительное penny (пенс) имеет две формы множественного числа: pence и pennies. Слово pence используется в британском английском языке, чтобы указать цену или стоимость чего-то. Pennies относится к отдельным монетам как в British English, так и в AmE (где это означает центы), а также иногда употребляется как слегка юмористическое слово для денег.

    – She wants to put some pennies in a machine but hasn’t got money. – Она хочет положить несколько монет в машину, но у нее нет денег.
    – Pies were ten pence off for the staff. – Пироги стояли на десять пенсов дешевле для персонала.

    Слово pence в британском английском в разговорах очень часто используется как просто p (пи).

    2. Отдельные существительные, которые считаются правильными в английском, в русском они рассматриваются как неправильные:

    – Please shut the gate. – Пожалуйста, закрой ворота.
    – Recently we attended the funeral service of a woman who retired less than two years ago. –Недавно мы посетили похороны женщины, которая ушла на пенсию менее двух лет назад.
    – I don’t wear a watch – Я не ношу наручные часы.
    – The fisherman loaded the sledge with his catch, and then he went home. – Рыбак погрузил улов в сани, а затем отправился домой.


    Образование особенных существительных: Irregular Plurals

    Образовать множественное число существительных в английском языке, зная основные правила очень просто. Но существуют слова исключения, которые формируются по-другому. Такие сущ-ные называются неправильными.

    Следующие правила образования необходимо выучить наизусть:

    1. Voicing (озвончение)

    Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f(e), образуют множественное число, заменяя -f(e) на -ve:

    irregula-plurals-таблица. Voicing (озвончение)

    – In most Muslims countries, it is legal for a man to have two or even more wives. – В большинстве мусульманских стран законно иметь двух или даже больше жен.
    – The thieves stole a picture by Rembrandt which costs thousands of dollars. – Воры украли картину Рембрандта, которая стоит тысячи долларов.

    Другие nouns, которые заканчиваются на -f не изменяются, например: belief – beliefs (вера), proof – proofs (доказательство).

    В некоторых случаях возможны окончания -fs и -ves: scarf – scarfs/scarves and etc.

    Слово Still life (натюрморт) имеет правильную мн. форму: still lifes.

    2. Мутация

    Plural forms of special nouns (множественная форма особенных сущ-ных) меняется на другую гласную.

    Несколько примеров:

    – Man/Woman: We plan to organise women‘s football on similar lines to that of men‘s football. –Мы планируем организовать женский футбол по аналогии с мужским.
    – The sugar in cola and juices will eat at your child’s teeth and may cause decay. – Сахар в коле и соках разъедает зубы вашего ребенка и может вызвать гниение.

    irregula-plurals-таблица. Мутация

    3. -en plural

    Ox ― oxen, child ― children, brother ― brethren

    Слово brethren используется как форма обращения к людям в церкви.

    4. Zero inflection

    Некоторые сущ. имеют одинаковую форму в единственном и множественном числе:

    a) Национальности на -ese, -ss: Japanese ― the Japanese, a Swiss ― the Swiss;

    b) Количественные сущ-ные: hundred, thousand, million, dozen, stone (3 dozen eggs, but dozens of people) (two hundred books, but hundreds of books);

    c) Сохранение окончания -s единственного числа без изменений во множественном:

    a means ― means, a works (завод) ― works, a barracks ― barracks, a headquarters ― headquarters, a series ― series, a species ― species;

    d) Имена животных: a sheep ― sheep, a swine ― swine, a deer ― deer, a fish ― fish.


    5. Множественное число иностранного происхождения

    Иностранные слова (loans) обычно встречаются в специальных контекстах, например, s-plural является более естественным в повседневной речи, таким образом, formulas (способ, рецепт), а formulae означает формула, которая используется, чтобы выразить математические правила. Еще один пример antennas (антенна радио или телевизора), слово antennae употребляется в биологии, что означает усики, щупальце насекомых.

    В таблице ниже представлены иностранные слова, которые заканчиваются на определенное окончание и меняются в соответствии с правилом.

    If the word ends in
    (Если слово оканчивается)
    The plural number inflection is
    на -us -i: stimulus [ˈstɪmjələs] = stimuli [ˈstɪmjəlaɪ] стимул.
    -ora: corpus [ˈkɔː.pəs] = corpora [ˈkɔ:pərə] своды; тело (человека, животного).
    – era: opus [ˈəʊ.pəs]= opera [ɒpərə] музыкальное произведение, опера.
    на -a -ae: vertebra[ˈvɜː.tɪ.brə] = vertebrae [ˈvə:tɪbri:] позвонок.
    на -um -a: stratum [ˈstrɑː.təm] = strata [ˈstrɑː.tə] геология: слой, пласт.
    на -is -es: basis [beɪsɪs] = bases [ˈbeɪsiːz] основание, причина.
    на -on -a: criterion [kraɪˈtɪəriən] = criteria критерий.
    на -ex, -ix -ices: appendix [əˈpendɪks] = appendices [əˈpendɪsi:z]приложение. Appendixes (мед.) – аппендикс.

    Множественное число с животными, птицами, деревьями

    Имена животных и птиц имеют две формы: единственное и множественное число. Тем не менее когда вы ссылаетесь на них в контексте охоты или говорите, что их много, довольно часто используется форма без окончания -s, даже если вы имеете в виду несколько животных или птиц, например: They hunted gazelle. – Они охотились на газелей. Внимание! охота на животных плохо влияет на человеческую карму! Звери тоже чувствуют боль!

    Стоит отметить, что the plural form глагола употребляется, когда несколько животных или птиц являются подлежащем предложения, даже если используется форма без -s: Antelope are a more difficult prey*. – Антилопы – более сложная добыча. *Prey –an animal that is hunted and killed by another animal.

    Точно так же, когда вы имеете в виду большое количество деревьев или растений, растущих вместе, можете использовать единственную форму их имен. Когда имеется в виду небольшое число или отдельные деревья, или растения, обычно используется -s.

    Это же правило можно применить и к существительному fish. The plural of noun fishes встречается относительно редко. Мн. число обычно привлекает внимание к отдельным субъектам, нулевое мн.ч. – к животным как к группе:

    – We caught three little fishes. – Мы поймали три маленьких рыбки.
    – My dreams are like silvery fish: I grab at their tails, but they wriggle from my grasp. – Мои сны подобны серебристым рыбам: я хватаю их за хвосты, но они вырываются из моих рук.

    Неизменяемые существительные: Invariable nouns

    В данном разделе вам не нужно будет изучать, как образуется множественное число сущ., при помощи каких окончаний необходимо сформировать слова в plural form. Неизменяемые существительные делятся на Singular Invariables и Plural Invariables. Стоит всего лишь запомнить список слов, которые относятся либо к единственному числу, либо к множественному.

    Неизменяемые существительные Invariable nouns

    Употребление существительных только в единственном числе

    • Сюда относятся те существительные, которые употребляются только в ед.ч.:

    – Material nouns (Вещественные сущ): sugar (сахар), oil (масло), gold (золото).
    – Abstract nouns (абстрактные существительные): luck (удача), information (информация).
    – Proper names (имена собственные): The Thames, Berlin.

    • Некоторые сущ-ные, заканчивающиеся на -s:

    – Болезни (diseases): mumps, rabies.
    – Игры (games): Billiards, draughts.
    – *Название предметов на -ics: aerobics, genetics, linguistics, phonetics.

    *Но просим обратить внимание, что слова, которые заканчиваются на -ics иногда используются во множественном числе и в единственном. Если имеется в виду, что это название предмета, то глагол будет стоять в ед.ч., а когда подразумевается конкретное применение науки, то используется the verb во мн.ч. Сравните:

    Mathematics was never easy for me. – Математика никогда не давалась мне легко.
    – The teacher told me that my mathematics were well below the standard. – Учитель мне сказал, что моя математика намного ниже стандарта. (Мое понимание математики или результат.)
    – А также некоторые proper names: Athens, Brussels, Wales, the United States, the United Nations.

    Существительные, употребляющиеся только во множественном числе

    Сюда относятся:

    1. Слова, обозначающие объекты, состоящие из двух частей (summation plurals):

    Braces – подтяжки;
    Shorts – шорты;
    Glasses – очки;
    Jeans – джинсы;
    Leggings – леггинсы;
    Tights – колготки;
    Trousers – брюки;
    Scissors – ножницы;
    Scales – весы;
    Binoculars – бинокль.


    Когда нужно сослаться на один предмет одежды или инструмент, можно использовать some или a pair of перед существительным. Вы можете ссылаться на более чем один элемент, употребляя число или квантор с pairs of. Когда используете a pair of с существительным во множественном числе, глагол будет стоять в единственном, если он находится в том же предложении. Если глагол находится в следующем относительном придаточном предложении, он обычно стоит во мн.ч.


    – I always wear a pair of long pants underneath, or a pair of pyjamas is just as good. – Я всегда ношу кальсоны под штаны, или пижаму, которая тоже хороша.
    – Rebecca wore a pair of earphones, which were plugged, into a tape recorded. – Ребекка носила наушники, которые были подключены к магнитофону.

    Miscellaneous nouns

    К смешанным сущ. относятся следующие слова:

    Annals [ænlz] – летописи;
    Antics [ˈæntɪks] – выходки;
    Archives [ˈɑːkaɪvz] – архив;
    Arms [ɑːmz] – оружие;
    Ashes [ˈæʃɪz] – прах;
    Customs [ˈkʌstəmz] – таможня и другие.

    Some plural proper names

    Некоторые имена собственные во множественном числе:

    – the Netherlands – Нидерланды;
    – the Midlands – Центральные графства Англии;
    – the Hebrides – Гебридские острова.


    Следующие слова, которые в английском считаются plural invariable, в русском они единственного числа:

    – All of her clothes were on the floor. – Вся ее одежда валялась на полу.
    – Wages (US, plural) – зарплата, UK wage (no plural); – Rises earlier this year in tax and national insurance mean that average take-home wages are falling. – Повышение в начале этого года налогов и национального страхования означает, что средний оклад падает.
    – Greens – овощи, зелень.

    Множественное число составных существительных

    Самые основные случаи сложных существительных (Compound nouns) представлены в виде таблицы.

    Сложное сущ. состоит: -s / -es добавляется: Примеры
    1. Compound noun имеет только одно сущ.-ное. к сущ-му passer-by = passers-by (прохожий);
    looker-on = lookers-on (наблюдатель).
    2. The compound не содержит ни одного сущ. в конец слова letdown = letdowns (разочарование);
    forget-me-not = forget-me-nots (незабудка).
    3. Два сущ-ных, которые в основном пишутся через дефис. ко второму слову ball games = ball games;
    cat-burglar = cat-burglars  (вор-форточник).
    4. Два сущ. соединяются предлогом. к первому слову editor-in-chief = editors-in-chief (главный редактор);
    man-of-war = men-of-war (военные корабли).
    5. The compound начинается со слова man или woman. к двум существительным man-servant = men-servants (слуга);
    woman-teacher = women-teachers.
    But: man-eaters, woman – haters.
    6. Два титула. к двум титулом Lord Justice = Lords Justices.
    7. Фразы. к первому существительному an Inn of Court = Inns of Court.
    8. Compounds in – ful в конец слова handful= handfuls (горсть);
    spoonful = spoonfuls or spoonsful (полная ложка чего-либо).

    Составные числительные с -one: twenty-one, thirty-one, etc. используется с сущ. во мн.ч.:
    ― Twenty-one children were present at the lesson. ― На уроке присутствовал двадцать один ребенок

    Собирательные существительные в английском языке

    Существует большое количество существительных, которые относятся к набору объектов, собранных вместе. Такие сущ. называются collective nouns (собирательные). Они включают в себя group nouns, nouns of multitude and mass nouns.

    Group Nouns

    Групповые существительные, такие как family и audience имеют единственную форму, но за ними может стоять как глагол в ед. ч так и во мн.ч., все зависит от того, рассматриваем ли мы группу как единицу (singular) или как ряд отдельных лиц (plural). Сравните:

    – The staff of the hospital is very helpful. – Персонал больницы очень услужливый.  (Staff as a group).
    – The staff were all given prizes. – Всем сотрудникам были вручены призы. (Each member separately as individuals).

    • Другие примеры собирательных существительных:

    – Community – община;
    – Jury – суд присяжных; жюри;
    – Staff – штат, персонал;
    – Crew – бригада, команда.

    • Выбор между singular and plural verb, также ассоциируется с относительными местоимениями who и which:

    – a family who are…
    – a family which is…

    Некоторые collective nouns часто употребляются с другими исчисляемыми существительными:

    A group of people were standing in the queue. – В очереди стояла группа людей.


    Слова bacteria, data и media на сегодняшний день часто используется как собирательные сущ. Глагол может стоять либо в ед. ч., либо во мн.ч. и форма не изменяется:

    – The media have/has a lot of money today. – В наше время у СМИ много денег.

    Nouns of multitude

    Сущ-ные множества употребляются во мн.ч., но не имеют окончания -s:

    – People – люди;
    – Police – полиция;
    – Clergy – духовенство;
    – Gentry – дворянство;
    – Cattle – крупный рогатый скот;
    – Poultry – домашняя птица;
    – Livestock – домашний скот;
    – Vermin – паразиты, вредители.

    Слово Folk – informal (люди) часто используется во мн.ч. Американский английский Folks.
    – Some old folk have peculiar tastes. – У некоторых стариков своеобразные вкусы.

    Cattle сочетается с числительными (a group of 36 cattle). Чтобы получить исчисляемое сущ., это можно достигнуть с помощью фразы a herd of (стадо).

    Слово police также сочетается с числительными (60 police).

    – Extra police were rushed to the scene of the trouble. – На место происшествия были вызваны дополнительные полицейские.

    Упражнения на множественное число имен существительных

    [qsm quiz=53]


    В английском языке существительные (nouns) имеют число: единственное (singular) и множественное (plural). Следует отметить, что вместе с основным правилом образования множественного числа существительных имеется ряд исключений, которые просто нужно запомнить во избежание ошибок.

    Как правило, исключения представляют собой те существительные, которые образуют множественное число путем изменения корневой гласной либо слово выглядит одинаково как в singular form, так и в plural.

    Читайте более полную версию статьи об образовании множественного числа существительных в английском языке в новом блоге.

    Основные правила образования множественного числа существительных

    Согласно основному правилу, для того чтобы образовать существительное во множественном числе к нему просто нужно добавить окончание – s.


    -a cap (кепка)– caps (кепки)
    -a room (комната) – rooms (комнаты)
    -a cat (кошка) – cats (кошки)
    -a horse(лошадь)-horses (лошади)
    -a balloon(шар)-balloons (шары)
    -an egg(яйцо)-eggs (яйца

    Но и здесь есть несколько нюансов, на которые следует обратить внимание. К существительному нужно добавлять окончание –es в том случае, если оно заканчивается на следующие буквосочетания: -sh, -ch, -s, -x, -ss.

    Правила правописания существительных во множественном числе

    1. Если существительное в единственном числе заканчивается на букву «y», перед которой стоит согласная, тогда при образовании множественного числа «y» меняется на «i» и добавляется окончание -es


    a fly (муха) –flies (мухи)
    a story (рассказ) – stories (рассказы)


    a bay (бухта) – bays (бухты)
    a day (день) – days (дни).

    2. Если существительное в единственном числе заканчивается на –f либо –fe, то f меняется на v и слово приобретет окончание –ves


    a knife (нож) – knives (ножи)
    a life (жизнь) – lives (жизни)


    a roof (крыша) – roofs (крыши)
    a chief (начальник) – chiefs (начальники)

    3. Некоторые существительные, которые заканчиваются на гласную, образуют множественное число путем добавления окончания –es


    a tomato(помидор)-tomatoes (помидоры)
    a potato(картофелина)-potatoes (картофелины)


    a photo(фотография)-photos(фотографии)

    Образование множественного числа не по правилам

    Примеры употребления множественного числа существительных.

    Give me five dollars, please.
    Дайте мне пять долларов, пожалуйста.
    There are seven dishes and several knives on the table.
    На столе семь тарелок и несколько ножей
    Look! There is a fly on the window. I hate flies.
    Посмотри! На окне муха. Я ненавижу мух.
    These girls never go dancing in the evenings.
    Эти девушки никогда не ходят на дискотеку по вечерам.
    Men in that country are very rude.
    Мужчины в той стране грубые.
    A dentist is a person who cures our teeth..
    Дантист – это тот человек, которые лечит наши зубы.

    Watch the video on Plurals of Nouns

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    Changing Nouns from Singular to Plural

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    The majority of singular nouns are made plural simply by adding an S on to the end of the word. However, there are many different rules depending on what letter the word ends in.

    Grammar Corner Changing Nouns from Singular to Plural

    A plural noun is a word that is used to indicate that there is more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea etc. The majority of singular nouns are made plural simply by adding an S on to the end of the word. However, there are many different rules depending on what letter the word ends in. There are also many irregular nouns that don’t follow the rules and these need to be learned and memorized. The rules every EFL teacher needs to know so they can teach their students effectively are:

    1 To make regular nouns plural, add ‑s to the end.

    • cat – cats
    • house – houses
    • girl– girls
    • computer– computers

    2 If the singular noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add ‑es to the end to make it plural.

    • bus – buses
    • wish– wishes
    • lunch – lunches
    • tax – taxes

    3 In some cases, singular nouns ending in -s or -z, require that you double the -s or -z prior to adding the -es for pluralization.

    • fez – fezzes
    • gas –gasses
    • quiz– quizzes

    4 If the noun ends with ‑f or ‑fe, the f is often changed to ‑ve before adding the -s to form the plural version.

    • wife – wives
    • wolf – wolves
    • shelf– shelves


    roof – roofs

    belief – beliefs

    chef – chefs

    chief – chiefs

    5 If a singular noun ends in ‑y and the letter before the -y is a consonant, change the ending to ‑ies to make the noun plural.

    • city – cities
    • puppy – puppies
    • activity – activities

    6 If the singular noun ends in -y and the letter before the -y is a vowel, simply add an -s to make it plural.

    • ray – rays
    • boy – boys
    • essay – essays

    7 If the singular noun ends in ‑o, add ‑es to make it plural.

    • potato – potatoes
    • tomato – tomatoes


    photo – photos

    piano – pianos

    halo – halos

    8 If the singular noun ends in ‑us, the plural ending is frequently ‑i.

    • cactus – cacti
    • focus – foci

    9 If the singular noun ends in ‑is, the plural ending is ‑es.

    • analysis – analyses
    • ellipsis – ellipses

    10 If the singular noun ends in ‑on, the plural ending is ‑a.

    • phenomenon – phenomena
    • criterion – criteria

    11 Some nouns don’t change at all when they’re pluralized.

    • sheep – sheep
    • series – series
    • species – species
    • deer –deer

    12 Irregular Nouns

    Irregular nouns follow no specific rules.

    • child – children
    • goose – geese
    • man – men
    • woman – women
    • tooth – teeth
    • foot – feet
    • mouse – mice
    • person – people

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    Plural Nouns in English! Learn the definition, useful rules to make plural nouns (regular plural and irregular plural) with examples and ESL printable pictures in English.

    What are Plural Nouns?

    Plural nouns are words used to indicate that typically denotes more than one person, animal, thing, idea or instance. When we want to talk about more than one of anything, we will use plural nouns. In most cases, we just add “s” to the end of a noun to make it plural.

    Pluralization in English can be a bit of a tricky game, and as with any language, the key to mastering this aspect lies in practicing through reading and conversing until the variations that appear unpredictable in the beginning become second nature, a matter of habit. Having said that, there are certain principles that are generally applicable that make the task easier by giving us a broad idea of how common words are pluralized. Let us take a look at these.

    Regular Plural Nouns

    How to make a regular plural noun?

    In order to change a singular noun to its plural form, we usually add “s”. For example, the plural of pen is pens. The plural of hat is hats. These are regular plurals. Let take some examples as below:

    1. For most nouns, add an ‘s’ at the end of the word.

    Car Cars
    Desk Desks
    Tree Trees
    Ball Balls
    Hand Hands

    2. For nouns that end with ‘s’, ‘x’, ‘z’, ‘ch’, or ‘sh’, add ‘es’ at the end of the word.

    Boss Bosses
    Box Boxes
    Topaz Topazes
    Leech Leeches
    Dish Dishes

    3. For some words that end with ‘o’, add ‘es’ at the end of the word.

    Potato Potatoes
    Echo Echoes
    Hero Heroes

    4. For some words that end with ‘o’, add ‘s’ at the end of the word.

    Photo Photos
    Piano Pianos
    Logo Logos
    Radio Radios

    5. For some words ending with ‘f’, replace the ‘f’ with a ‘v’ and add ‘es’ at the end of the word.

    Thief Thieves
    Loaf Loaves
    Half Halves
    Calf Calves
    Leaf Leaves

    6. For some words ending with ‘f’, add an ‘s’ at the end of the word.

    Reefs Reefs
    Roof Roofs
    Chef Chefs

    7. For some words ending with ‘ife’, replace the ‘f’ with a ‘v’ and add an ‘s’ at the end of the word.

    Wife Wives
    Knife Knives
    Life Lives

    8. For common nouns ending with a consonant followed by ‘y’, replace the ‘y’ with an ‘i’ and add ‘es’ at the end of the word.

    Nappy Nappies
    Poppy Poppies
    Fly Flies
    Penny Pennies
    Sty Sties

    Irregular Plural Nouns

    How to make an irregular plural noun?

    There are many nouns which don’t follow the rule. For example, the plural of sheep is sheep. The plural of person is people. These are irregular plurals. Let take some examples as below:

    1. Some nouns are the same in both forms.

    Fish Fish
    Sheep Sheep
    Deer Deer
    Tuna Tuna
    Trout Trout

    2. For some nouns, other letters must be replaced or added, sometimes changing the words completely.

    Person People
    Ox Oxen
    Child Children
    Goose Geese
    Man Men
    Foot Feet

    Plural Nouns in English | Infographic

    Plural NounsPin

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