Change the form of the word i think we will

Помогите пожалуйста.
Exercise 8. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the _______ (SCHOLAR)?
Do you think that you pay enough _______ (ATTEND) in class?
Could you tell me what the _______ (SOLVE) to number seven is?
My dad said Id better spend more time on my _______ (STUDY).
I would like to know what qualifications _______.(TEACH) require in your country.
Joshua was suspended from school for a week for bad _______ (BEHAVE).
I did six hours of _______ (REVISE) for the test, and I still failed!
Please send photocopies of all your _______ (CERTIFY) to us at the address below.
Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.
Being unable to read
It seems 1) _______ (THINK) today not to provide children with a decent 2) _______ (EDUCATE).There is such an emphasis on 3) _______ (ACADEMY) achievement these days that its easy to forget what a problem 4) _______ (LITERATE) used to be. Being unable to read can be 5) _______ (INTENSE) embarrassing and can make someone feel like a complete 6) _______ (FAIL). Someone who cant read is often 7) _______ (UNDERSTAND) afraid of certain situations. The problem can seem 8) _______ (SOLVE). However, given the right teacher, a lot of hard work and a 9) _______ (REASON) amount of time, anyone can learn. Being able to read can lead to an 10) _______ (IMPROVE) quality of life.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. Scholarship.
2. Attention.
3. Solution.
4. Studying.
5. For Teaching.
6. Behaviour.
7. Revision.
8. Certificates.

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Если ответ по предмету Английский язык отсутствует или он оказался неправильным, то попробуй воспользоваться поиском других ответов во всей базе сайта.

Найти другие ответы

1   There will be a help and support line when the new computer system is in …………………….. .

      I’m giving my laptop away because it’s of no …………………….. to me any more.

      What’s the …………………….. of trying to keep up with fashions that change too quickly?

2   I think it’s time Megan faced up to …………………….. and realised that she’s going to have to change her lifestyle.

      There’s a lot of talk about the effects of technology, but I don’t think people have really changed that much in …………………….. .

      It’s amazing how popular …………………….. TV has become in such a short time.

3   Many of today’s mobile phones wouldn’t look out of …………………….. in science fiction films.

      Vikram’s been offered a …………………….. at Oxford to study computer science.

      Nothing will ever take the …………………….. of my old, reliable transistor radio.

4   Do all these lights on the stereo serve a …………………….., or are they just for decoration?

      Jerry seems to lack a sense of …………………….. since he retired.

      I can’t believe that Alfie would’ve sent you a computer virus on …………………….. .

5   In this game, you compete against the …………………….. to collect as many gold rings as you can.

      People in my office waste time surfing the Net and watching the …………………….. until it’s time to leave.

      We provide full technical support for all our products around the …………………….. .

6   During the 197Os, computer chips began to appear in people’s homes in the …………………….. of the first games consoles.

      You need to fill out the …………………….. online to become a member of the website.

      All the players have been in good …………………….. lately, so it should be a good match.

7   I was in the …………………….. of texting Debbie when my phone rang and it was her!

      Recent developments mean that there is a good chance the Middle East peace …………………….. could be restarted.

      If the monster isn’t behind that door or that door, then it must be behind the third one – it’s just a …………………….. of elimination.

8   The path …………………….. around the side of the building.

      What …………………….. you to come up with the idea of a clockwork radio?

      The scientist …………………….. me into the laboratory, where an experiment was going on.

пожалуйста помогите даю 20 баллов
Complete the words.
1 s _ b _a_ _n _s
2 _ ad _ _ ts
3 l_ _t_p
4 _ ut_ _n
5 a _s_ g _ me_ _
2 Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B.
1)Mobile a) pet
2)Digital b) dome
3)MP3 c) car
4)Glass d) player
5)Virtual e)phone
6)Flying f)camera
3 Underline the correct form of the verb.
Maybe we’ll go / am going to bed late tonight.
Look at those black clouds! It’s probaby going to / will snow.
I promise I am going to / will feed the dog.
I want to buy a new video game so I’ll / ‘m going to save my pocket money.
I will / am going to order a pizza if you like.
4 Fill in the gaps with for, after, forward, up.
1 She looks ______________ her mother when she`s ill.
2 Ann is looking ____________ to her holiday.
3 Look ______________ the word in the dictionary.
4 I`m looking ____________ Sam. Have you seen him?
5 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If you come on time, I think we … (discuss) everything.
My parents … (buy) a new car if they have enough money.
If Susan … (not prepare), she may fail her Maths test.
If you don’t sleep, you … (get) tired very soon.
We … (go) to the zoo if it’s sunny.
If you … (cook) dinner, I’ll make the dessert.
If we (not hurry), the concert will start without us.
6.What gadget(s) help(s) you to do the following:
To surf the Net
To take pictures
10 To send text messages


1. We (live) in this house since 1970 that is to say ever since my father (die). He (come) to this country twelve years ago. He (be) born in South America and (live) there until he (get) married.

2. You (see) Mrs. Chi lately? — yes. I (see) her at the school gate three day ago.

3. As soon as I have enough money. I’ll buy a new car.

4. I (not use) the car this evening, so you can have it.

5. I (walk) along the street when I suddenly (feel) something hit me in the back. I (not know) what it was.

6. My brother is an architect. He loves (design) new buildings.

7. They decided (not go) to the cinema.

8. There is no point in (arrive) half an hour early.

9. I found a tree (lie) across the road. I wasted hours (look) for this book.

10. Pardon me for (be) late. It is very kind of you (wait) for me.

11. I still remember for (hear) her (sing) this song.

12. I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him 2 dollars.

13. If only he (know) then that the disease was curable.

14. The teller was made (lie) down on the floor.

15. You risk (lose) your money when you put it into that business.

16. It is difficult to get used to (eat) with chopsticks I prefer (drive) to (be driven).

17. I’ll never forget (meet) her years ago.

18. She was made (pay) back the money.

19. He described the accident as if he (see) it himself.

20. Has he learnt the poem, he (tell) her about it.

21. Can you see that I’m busy (write)?

22. Hardly I (arrive) when a quarrel broke out.

23. How you (get) on at school?

24. Hardly he (take) up the book when the phone ring.

25. Coming into the room he (see) Mary where he (leave) her.

26. It’s time we (leave) for the airport.

27. Is there anything here worth (buy)?

28. Provided you leave now, you (catch) the train.

29. As long as you (use) my car carefully, you can lend you some days.

30. The committee recommends that the annual subscription (be) increased to $3.

31. God save the Queen.

32. My sister (talk) to his pen pal on the phone at the moment. They (not contact) each other for a long time.

33. Jeans (make) about 2 hundred years ago, and now they (sell) in every corner of the world.

34. I wish I (have) a good English-Vietnamese dictionary.

35. If there (be) too much exhaust fume in the air, more and more people (cope) with respiratory problems.

36. I suggest (burn) coal to heat the house.

37. I think we should (speak) English in the class.

38. These students (learn) English since they (be) five.

39. Who (invent) telephone?

40. Lan (write) to her pen pal for three years, and they (meet) each other last week.


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

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  • Change text to capital letters in word
  • Change word document to text
  • Change word but same meaning
  • Change text spacing in word
  • Change way of thinking word