Change agree into another word for keen

Упражнения уровня elementary - Right or wrong, Anagrams, Too many words

Изучение иностранного языка предполагает изучение не только грамматики, но и, возможно даже более глубокого изучения лексики, то есть, изучение слов и их применения в разговорной речи. И сегодня предлагаем вам один из таких тренажеров, точнее упражнения уровня elementary, в которые входят такие задания, как выбрать правильный ответ к предложенным упражнениям — right or wrong, а также упражнения в виде игры под названием Anagrams (Литературный прием, состоящий в перестановке букв или звуков определенного слова, что в результате дает другое слово или словосочетание), где даны английские слова одного значения и нужно переставить буквы в таком порядке, чтобы получить новое слово с другим значением. И еще одно упражнение по составление новых слов Too many words.


  • Выбор правильного ответа — right or wrong
    • Right or wrong
    • Right or wrong 2
  • Игра слов Anagrams
    • Anagrams
    • Anagrams 2
  • Образование новых слов Too many words
    • Too many words
    • Too many words 2

Выполните следующие упражнения.

Right or wrong

Правильно ли используется слово в каждом из следующих предложений? Если вы думаете, что это так, выберете «right», если вы думаете, что это не так, выберете «wrong».


It’s thawing. This means the snow is melting.


If someone says to you, «Oh, sorry!» — you should reply, «You’re welcome!»


The thick, main part of a tree is called the stem.


If a British person sneezes, you usually say, «Bless you!»


He had a very high hedge around his house.


A poppy is a small dog.


A parachute is a type of hat.


The landing is found upstairs in a house.


Which other vegetables have you got apart from apricots?


We can’t swim here — the water’s too shallow.

Right or wrong 2

Продолжаем читать предложения и отвечать согласен или нет.


I work for my uncle. He is my employee.


She’s only seven, but she’s very great for her age.


A spider is a common insect in most countries.


To make a phone call, pick up the receiver and dial the number.


Who was the person who discovered the telephone?


An owl is a type of bird.


The daffodil is a common British spring flower.


The opposite of expensive is dear.


People who are very hungry often say «I could eat a horse!»


He bought a new wheelbarrow for the garden.

Игра слов Anagrams

Продолжаем отрабатывать навыки английской лексики.


В каждом предложении дается слово определенного значения. Поставьте буквы этого слова так, чтобы получилось другое по значению слово, основываясь на подсказки. Пример: Change toga into an animal. — goat


Change agree into another word for keen. —


Change asleep into a word used by polite people. —


Change beard into something you can eat. —


Change below into a part of the body. —


Change bleat into an item of furniture. —


Change carthorse into a group of musicians. —


Change chain into a country. —


Change cheap into a fruit. —


Change cruelty into a word for knives, forks, etc. —


Change disease into a popular place to go on holiday. —

Anagrams 2

Продолжаем менять буквы одного слова так, чтобы получилось другое по значению слово, основываясь на подсказки.


Change flog into a popular sport. —


Change flow into an animal. —


Change hated into something that comes to everybody. —


Change heart into a planet. —


Change lamp into another part of the body. —


Change recall into one of the rooms in a house. —


Change rose into another word for painfui. —


Change super into something you keep money in. —


Change swap into an insect. —


Change thing into a time of day. —

Образование новых слов Too many words

И еще немного придется напрячь свою память.

Too many words

Замените слова, выделенные скобками в следующих предложениях, одним словом. Чтобы помочь вам, даны первые и последние буквы нового слова. Например: The window was broken (by accident). — accidentally


The window was broken (by accident). — ay


It cost £2 for children to get into the exhibition and £5 for (grown-up people). — as


This knife is (of no use). It’s blunt! — us


James translated every word (without making a single mistake). — cy


My (father’s brother) is called Andrew, — ue


Colin asked the pop singer for her (name in her own handwriting). — ah


I received a signed copy of the book from the (person who wrote it). — ar


Three prisoners tried to (get free) at the weekend. — ee


Driving a car without a driving licence is (against tbe law) in this country. — il

Too many words 2

Продолжаем заменять и вписывать слова.


The sun came out and soon most of the snow had (turned into water). — md


Mexico City has a very high (number of people living in it). — pn


(I hardly ever) have a cooked breakfast. — sm


David’s parents live in a (one-storey house) near Brighton. — bw


There are many (moving staircases) on the London Underground. — es


If you heat a piece of metal it will (get bigger). — ed


We stood in a long (line of people waiting) outside the cinema. — qe


They set out at 8.30 in the morning and didn’t (get back again) until 11.30 at night. — rn


The population of the world has increased a lot during the past (hundred years). — cy

Возможно будут интересны другие упражнения:

  • Как поддержать разговор на английском
  • Лексические упражнения на части речи английского языка
  • Закончите английские предложения
  • Вставьте пропущенные слова — упражнения уровня intermediate

Ну как, интересно было? Мы надеемся, что да и у вас все получилось с первого раза, ну, а если не получилось, то упражнения можно повторять бесконечное количество раз, пока не запомните новые слова не будете делать ошибки! Учите английский язык, удачи!

Просмотры: 3 643

  • Change HEART into a planet.


  • Change KEEN into a part of the body.


  • Change TEA into a verb.


  • Change FLOG into a sport.


  • Change CHEAP into a fruit.


  • Change THING into a time of the day.


  • Change REPAINT into a job.


  • Change BLEAT into a piece of furniture.


  • Change CARTHORSE into a group of musician.


  • Change CRUELTY into a word for spoons, knives, forks etc…


  • Change FLOW into an animal.


  • Change SWAP into an insect.


  • Change AGREE into another word for keen.


  • Change BREAK into a job.


  • Change HORNET into a place where kings and queens sit.


  • Change THICKEN into a place where you cook.


  • Change RECALL into a room in a house.


  • Change SUPER into something you keep your money in.


  • Change CHAIN into a country.


  • Change DISEASE into a place to go on holiday.


  • Change CHEATER into a job.


  • Change BELOW into a part of the body.


  • Change ASLEEP into a word used by polite people.


  • Change FRINGE into a part of the body.


  • Change BEARD into something you can eat.


  • eager — change agree into another word for keen, kitchen — change thicken into a place where you cook, finger — change fringe into a part of the body, teacher — change cheater into a job, please — change asleep into a word used by polite people, bread — change beard into something you can eat, elbow — change below into a part of the body, china — change chain into a country, orchestra — change carthorse into a group of musicians, cutlery — change cruelty into a word of knives, forks, spoons, etc, night — change thing into a time of day, earth — change heart into a planet, golf — change flog into a sport, seaside — change disease into a popular place to go on holiday, cellar — change recall into one of the room in a house, peach — change cheap into a fruit, death — change hated into something that comes to everybody, purse — change super into something you keep money in, wolf — change flow into a animal, knee — change keen into a part of the body, baker — change break into a job, eat — change tea into a verb, wasp — change swap into a insect, table — change bleat into an item of furniture, painter — change repaint into a job, thorne — change hornet into a place where kings and queens sit, thousand — change handouts into a number, garden — change danger into a place where you grow flowers, read — change dear into something you do with a book, shirt — change thirst into something you like wearing, green — change genre into a colour, horse — change shore into an animal you like riding, grapes — change pagers into a fruits, snail — change nails into a slow animal, door — change odor into something you can open, harps — change sharp into a musical instrument, plane — change panel into a means of transportation, parrot — change raptor into a talkative animal, lemon — change melon into another fruit, sister — change resist into member of the family, friend — change finder into a person you need to be hapy, cheat — change teach into something you mustn’t do at school, polo — change pool into a sport, listen — change silent into something you must do at school, nurse — change runes into a job, texas — change taxes into an American State, three — change there into a number, ocean — change canoe into a word used in geography, aunt — change tuna into a member of the family, shark — change harks into a dangerous animal, spider — change prides into a insect, cat — change act into a animal, nose — change ones into a part of the body, comics — change cosmic into something you like reading, spain — change pains into a country,

    Таблица лидеров

    Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
    Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
    Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

    Сбить воздушный шар — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.


    The word ‘agree’ can be changed into another word for ‘keen’, which is ‘eager’.

    The letters present in the word ‘agree’ can be rearranged to form a word that means ‘keen’. This is a perfect example of anagram.

    Anagrams are words or phrases which are formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.



    Максимальное количество – 70 баллов

    Part А. Read the texts and do the following tasks.

    Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A-F) for each part (1-5) of the article. There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

    A A More Attractive Underground

    B Happy to Live Underground

    C An Unusual Home

    D All The Mod Cons

    E Going Underground

    F Hidden Financial Advantages

          Digging It Down Under

    The Harper family live in a large, comfortable home. Like many other houses, it has all modern conveniences. Unlike many other houses, it has no windows. The Harpers live in Coober Pedy, Australia, where two thirds of the population live underground.

    Coober Pedy is an opal-mining town in the Australian desert. Above ground, the town does not look very welcoming. The earth is red and dry under the scorching sun. There is a small number of shops and offices and a car park full of lorries carrying explosives. Scrap metal and machinery litter the ground so that visitors often feel as though they have landed on a lunar building site. Underground, however, it’s a very different story. Beneath the parched, red earth is a town where around 3,500 people live and work. There are shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches, all built underground to shelter from the extreme temperatures and violent dust storms of the desert.

    The underground dwellings at Coober Pedy range from cave-like dug-outs with only the most basic facilities, to luxurious caverns with beautiful furniture and state-of-the-art amenities. The Harper family home has three spacious bedrooms and a large living room. There is a modern bathroom and a kitchen with fitted units and every electrical appliance imaginable, but the Harper children, Tom and Wendy, spend most of their time in the games room or the swimming pool! The house is clean and comfortable and the Harpers enjoy entertaining guests there. «People are always surprised when they see how normally we live,» says Wendy. «I think they expect us to be like the Flintstones!»

    The Harpers’ beautiful home is a result of their own hard work, as it was once just a small, two-room cave home. The advantage  of living underground is that, if you need another room, you just dig it!” says Mr Harper. «And the advantage of living in an opal-mining town is that you often find opals while you are extending your house!» Indeed, pock marks on the walls show where the Harpers found their fortune, and it seems that this is how many Coober Pedy families finance their home extensions. «Now there is plenty of room for the children to play,» says Mr Harper. «Tom and Wendy can make as much noise as they want, because the walls are soundproof!»

    The underground homes at Coober Pedy offer an interesting way of life, as well as peace and quiet and relief from the desert sun. The Harper family are certainly content. “Life is so much simpler underground,» says Wendy. «I can’t imagine living anywhere else.»

    Part В. Lexical-Grammar Test.

    I Change the following words. Look at the example first (10 points):

    Change beard into something you can eat BREAD

    1. Change cheap into a fruit. ___________

    2. Change heart into a planet. ___________

    3. Change swap into an insect. ___________

    4. Change hated into something that comes to everybody._________

    5. Change super into something you keep money in. __________

    6. Change toga into an animal. __________

    7. Change disease into a popular place to go on holiday. __________

    8. Change recall into one of the rooms in a house. ___________

    9. Change agree into another word for keen. ____________

    10.Change carthorse into a group of musicians. ___________

    II Think of one word which can be used to complete the sentences below (7 points):

    I bought a white tack suit last week, but now I realized  that I _______________ a mistake. It was my _____________ fault because I should have realized ________________ I bought it that it would need washing immediately because its white colour, and I really paid too ___________ for it. There were also a ____________ coloured ones in the shop that were much _________________ economical and practical, but this one just appealed to me _____ much.

    III Translate the fragment in brackets into English (7 points):

    1. As we dug (глубже)___________, we discovered a large wooden chest.
    2. This is hardly the ideal time to buy a house, (не так ли)____________?
    3. I (не могу не рассказать) ___________________________you about it.
    4. His message (говорит)________________________ very little.
    5. He  (одолжил)____________________ some money from his friend.
    6. Once you have become (зависимым)_____________________ the Net, it’s hard to (избавиться) _____________________the habit of browsing the sites every night.

    IV Fill in the correct tense forms (12 points):

    Yesterday I (receive)__________________________a phone call from an old friend who I (not/hear)_____________________from for months. I asked him what he (do) ______________, and  he told me that he (spend)_________________________the past three months  sailing around the world on an old-fashioned sailing ship. I (always/ love)_____________________ everything to do with the sea, so I was very excited to hear that he (manage)___________________to do something so thrilling. I asked him if we (can)____________________ get together soon,  and made him promise that he (bring)______________________ all the photos he (take)__________________. When he (come)________________ next week, I(expect)___________________________ him to tell me exactly what the trip (be) ______________ like.

    V Rewrite the sentences using the word in bold so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence (7 points):

    1. You’d better see a doctor.

    If __________________________________________________________________

    1. It is too hot to work in the garden. cool


    1. Someone should have told her about it. been


    1. People say she’s the best athlete in the country. said


    1. I don’t know your name. introduced


    1. If I drink strong coffee at night, it keeps me awake. prevents

    ______________________ strong coffee___________________________________

    1. She doesn’t let her children play by the river. allowed

    The children _________________________________________________________

    VI Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence (4 points):

    1. The horses rose a cloud of dust. _____________________________________

    2. He made me to do the things I liked doing least of all._____________________


    3. Stop to pull my hair — it hurts!_______________________________________


    4. I get really annoying when people throw rubbish in the street._______________


    VII Choose the correct word to complete the sentences (8 points):

    The policeman asked John why he had tried to (1)___________________ his father’s car without license and he answered that he had (2)_________________ it to be easy. John’s mother said that John knew how to (3)________________ a motorbike, and that he had never had an (4)_____________________ on it. But the policeman pointed out that what he had (5) ____________________was very serious. He (6)__________________ John that he might have (7)___________________ a pedestrian if he hadn’t (8)_________________in time.

    1. A lead       B drive          C move         D go
    2. A waited   B expected    C accepted    D appeared
    3. A ride        B drive          C move        D go
    4. A incident  B accident    C case           D happening
    5. A made       B done         C acted         D created
    6. A said         B told           C spoke        D talked
    7. A wounded B damaged   C injured      D hurt
    8. A remained B stayed       C stopped    D held

    VIII Fill in the articles where necessary(a/an, the,-) (5 points):

    About _________ hundred miles south of England and within sight of _________ French coast lies _____ small group of _____________ beautiful rocky islands known as _______________ Channel Islands.

    IX Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals (5points):

    1. The sudden _________________ of the travel agency left many people stranded abroad. CLOSE
    2. She’s got an enormous ________________ of flowers in her garden. VARIOUS
    3. I find ___________________ books impossible to follow when I want to make some special dish. COOK
    4. You should consider your options ___________________CARE before making a __________________________DECIDE

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