Cannot open this file excel


  1. [ИСПРАВЛЕНО] Excel не может открыть файл, так как формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимыми
  2. 3 варианта исправления ошибки «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что расширение файла является недопустимым»
  3. Ошибка «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что формат файла или расширение является недопустимым»
  4. Решение 1. Используйте EaseUS File Repair Tool, чтобы исправить ошибку, при которой Excel не может открыть файл
  5. EaseUS Excel Data Recovery/Repair Tool
  6. Решение 2. Измените расширение файла Excel, чтобы открыть его
  7. Решение 3. Откройте файл Excel с помощью функции «Открыть и восстановить»
  8. Восстановление файла Excel, когда формат файла или расширение являются недопустимыми
  9. 1. Восстановите несохраненный документ Excel из предыдущих версий
  10. 2. Восстановите несохраненный Файл Excel с помощью автоматического восстановления
  11. Важные советы по предотвращению потери файла Excel
  12. 1. Восстановите удаленный или утерянный файл Excel с помощью программного обеспечения для восстановления файлов
  13. 2. Автоматическое резервное копирование файла Excel
  14. Финальные слова
  15. FAQ по ошибке «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что расширение файла является недопустимым»

[ИСПРАВЛЕНО] Excel не может открыть файл, так как формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимыми

Вы получаете сообщение об ошибке: Excel не может открыть файл **.xlsx, потому что формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимыми? Здесь предложены быстрые исправления и подробные решения, которые помогут вам исправить эту ошибку в Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013 или 2016. Кроме того, если вы потеряли файлы Excel, вы можете скачать программное обеспечение для восстановления данных EaseUS, чтобы получить дополнительную помощь.

3 варианта исправления ошибки «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что расширение файла является недопустимым»

Формат файлов Excel — .xlsx или .xls. Каждый раз, когда пользователь открывает какой-либо файл, он открывается с тем же расширением. Однако некоторые пользователи могут столкнуться с ошибкой при попытке открыть или отредактировать файл Excel в Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 и 365. Отображаемое сообщение об ошибке гласит: «Excel не может открыть файл, поскольку расширение является недопустимым».

В этой статье предлагается три эффективных решения для устранения ошибки «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимыми». Вы можете изменить расширение файла, воспользоваться утилитой восстановления Office или воспользоваться одним из лучших ПО для восстановления данных для восстановления файлов Excel.

Рабочие решения Пошаговое устранение неполадок
Решение 1. Инструмент восстановления файлов EaseUS Запустите мастер восстановления данных EaseUS, а затем просканируйте испорченные или поврежденные файлы . Все шаги
Решение 2. Изменить расширение файла Откройте Microsoft Excel и перейдите в «Файл» > нажмите «Экспорт» и выберите «Изменить тип файла . » Все шаги
Решение 3. Используйте «Открыть и восстановить Запустите Office Excel > щелкните «Файл» и «Открыть» > выберите недоступный файл Excel . Все шаги

Ошибка «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что формат файла или расширение является недопустимым»

Иногда при попытке открыть или отредактировать файл Excel в Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, или 365, вы можете столкнуться со следующей проблемой:

«Excel не может открыть файл ‘filename.xlsx’, потому что формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимыми. Убедитесь, что файл не был поврежден и что расширение файла соответствует формату файла».

Обычно это указывает на то, что файл несовместим с версией файла Excel, которая была повреждена. Здесь мы покажем вам все возможные решения и вы можете пробовать их, пока проблема не будет устранена. Прежде чем пробовать эти решения, проверьте, нормально ли работает Excel.

Шаг 1. Нажмите сочетание клавиш Windows + R, введите excel.exe / safe и нажмите «ОК». Загрузка Excel без шаблонов и надстроек позволил увидеть, работает ли программа должным образом или повреждена.

Шаг 2. Если Excel открывается нормально, проверьте наличие надстроек, вызывающих проблемы в Excel. Отключите надстройки и нажмите кнопку «ОК». Затем перезапустите Excel, чтобы проверить устранена ли проблема. Если нет, перейдите к решениям ниже.

Всего существует три действенных способа решения проблемы «Excel не может открыть файл». Кроме того, предусмотрены два метода восстановления Excel, когда формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимыми.

Решение 1. Используйте EaseUS File Repair Tool, чтобы исправить ошибку, при которой Excel не может открыть файл

Если ошибка «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что расширение файла является недопустимым» вызвана повреждением файла, а не совместимостью файлов, вам нужна профессиональная программа восстановления файлов, которая поможет решить эту проблему.

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard это универсальный инструмент, который может восстановить удалённые файлы и восстановить повреждённые файлы легко и эффективно.

EaseUS Excel Data Recovery/Repair Tool

  • Восстановление поврежденных файлов Excel в форматах XLSX/XLS
  • Восстановление одного или нескольких файлов Excel безлимитно
  • Поддерживает MS Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, Версии XP, 2000, 97 и 95
  • Восстановление повреждённых JPEG/JPG восстановление повреждённых файлов MP4 и MOV

Пройдите по ссылке и скачайте EaseUSMS Office document repair tool, затем следуйте пошаговым инструкциям ниже, чтобы восстановить поврежденные файлы Excel в три этапа:

1. Загрузите и установите на свой компьютер EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

2. Используйте установленную программу для поиска и восстановления потерянных данных. Выберите раздел диска или папку, из которой «пропали» ваши данные. Затем нажмите кнопку «Сканировать».

3. Когда сканирование будет завершено, найдите в списке результатов нужные вам файлы и папки.

Выберите их и нажмите кнопку «Восстановить». При выборе места для сохранения восстановленных данных не следует использовать тот же диск, который вы сканировали!

Решение 2. Измените расширение файла Excel, чтобы открыть его

Очень часто эта ошибка возникает из-за несовместимого расширения файла Excel. MS Excel по умолчанию сохраняет документы Excel в виде файлов XLSX или XLS. Excel 2003 и более ранние версии сохраняют файлы в формате XLS, в то время как Excel 2007 и более поздние версии, такие как Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016 и 2019, сохраняют файлы в формате XLSX. Вы можете изменить формат файла по умолчанию для соответствующей версии Excel на любой другой формат файла, поддерживаемый MS Excel.

Шаг 1. Откройте Microsoft Excel и перейдите на вкладку «Файл».

Шаг 2. Нажмите «Экспорт» и выберите «Изменить тип файла».

Шаг 3. Измените расширение файла на любой другой формат файла, поддерживаемый MS Excel, и нажмите «Сохранить как». Затем проверьте, сможет ли Excel открыть ваш файл.

Решение 3. Откройте файл Excel с помощью функции «Открыть и восстановить»

«Открыть и восстановить» — это встроенная простая в использовании утилита MS Excel, которая позволяет исправить ошибку «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимым».

Шаг 1. Запустите Office Excel. В меню «Файл» или на кнопке Microsoft Office нажмите «Открыть».

Шаг 2. В диалоговом окне «Открыть» щелкните по недоступному файлу Excel.

Шаг 3. Щелкните стрелку вниз на кнопке «Открыть», а затем нажмите «Открыть и восстановить». После этого Microsoft Office начнет проверку документа Excel и устранит обнаруженные в нём проблемы или повреждения.

Восстановление файла Excel, когда формат файла или расширение являются недопустимыми

Если ваш несохраненный файл Excel не может быть открыт из-за недопустимого формата или расширения файла, как вы восстановите несохраненные файлы Excel? В этом случае попробуйте два способа, описанных ниже.

1. Восстановите несохраненный документ Excel из предыдущих версий

Этот метод восстанавливает потерянные файлы только до предыдущей версии. Это означает, что вы можете потерять некоторые изменения, которые, возможно, внесли в документ.

Шаг 1. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по недоступному файлу Excel и выберите «Свойства».

Шаг 2. Откройте вкладку «Предыдущие версии», чтобы просмотреть все ранее сохраненные версии файла Excel.

Шаг 3. Выберите самую последнюю версию и нажмите «Восстановить», чтобы вернуть электронную таблицу.

2. Восстановите несохраненный Файл Excel с помощью автоматического восстановления

Этот метод работает только в том случае, если вы включили функцию автосохранения в Microsoft Excel. Эта функция также полезна для восстановления несохраненных документов Word.

Шаг 1. Откройте Office Excel и перейдите на вкладку «Файл» > щелкните «Информация».

Шаг 2. Рядом с «Управление версиями» вы увидите все автоматически сохраненные версии вашего файла.

Шаг 3. Откройте файл в Excel и нажмите «Восстановить».

Шаг 4. Сохраните файл с новым именем и установите расширение как .xlsx.

Важные советы по предотвращению потери файла Excel

Существует множество способов предотвратить потерю данных. Если вы потеряли важные файлы Excel из-за случайного удаления, форматирования жесткого диска или вирусных атак, вы можете использовать инструмент восстановления для восстановления этих утерянных данных. Для избежания проблем с потерей данных также очень важно делать резервные копии ваших Excel файлов.

1. Восстановите удаленный или утерянный файл Excel с помощью программного обеспечения для восстановления файлов

В дополнение к восстановлению несохраненного документа Excel, вызванного сбоями Excel при сохранении или по другим причинам, многие пользователи могут захотеть восстановить утерянные электронные таблицы Excel, вызванные случайным удалением, сбоем операционной системы, повреждением/порчей жесткого диска или потерянным разделом. В этих случаях вам придется обратиться за помощью к профессиональному инструменту восстановления файлов. Вам стоит попробовать программное обеспечение для восстановления файлов EaseUS. Оно позволяет восстанавливать удаленные файлы таких форматов как DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX, PDF, CWK, HTML/HTM, INDD, EPS и т.д. с помощью нескольких щелчков мыши.

Попробуйте немедленно вернуть утерянный файл Excel:

1. Загрузите и установите на свой компьютер EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

2. Используйте установленную программу для поиска и восстановления потерянных данных. Выберите раздел диска или папку, из которой «пропали» ваши данные. Затем нажмите кнопку «Сканировать».

3. Когда сканирование будет завершено, найдите в списке результатов нужные вам файлы и папки.

Выберите их и нажмите кнопку «Восстановить». При выборе места для сохранения восстановленных данных не следует использовать тот же диск, который вы сканировали!

2. Автоматическое резервное копирование файла Excel

Если вы часто изменяете и вносите правки в свой документ, хорошей идеей будет включить функцию автосохранения. Или вы можете вручную копировать и создавать резервную копию своего файла в другое безопасное место на всякий случай.

Финальные слова

«Excel не может открыть файл ‘(имя файла)’ .xlsx, потому что формат файла или расширение является недопустимым» — это типичная ошибка, с которой вы можете столкнуться при открытии файла Excel. С помощью описанных выше методов эту ошибку легко устранить без потери данных.

Если Excel не может открыть файл, проблема связана с повреждением файла. Инструмент восстановления файлов EaseUS может помочь исправить и восстановить файл Excel с помощью нескольких щелчков мыши. Он хорош для восстановления фотографий, видео, документов и других файлов на жестком диске, SD-карте, карте памяти или любом другом носителе. Независимо от того потеряны эти файлы или находятся на ваших устройствах. Его стоит попробовать.

FAQ по ошибке «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что расширение файла является недопустимым»

Следующие четыре часто задаваемых вопроса очень важны при ошибке «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что расширение файла является недопустимым». Если у вас встретились какие-либо из этих проблем, то вы можете найти методы решения здесь.

Как исправить недопустимый формат файла или расширение файла?

Вы можете попробовать исправить ошибку «Excel не может открыть файл, потому что расширение файла является недопустимым», изменив разрешение файла:

Шаг 1. Откройте файл Excel. На панели задач выберите «Файл», а затем выберите «Параметры» > «Экспорт» > «Изменить тип файла».

Шаг 2. Вы можете напрямую изменить расширение файла в зависимости от установленной версии Excel. Щелкните «Сохранить как». Затем проверьте, устранена ли ошибка «Excel не может открыть файл».

Как я могу восстановить документ Excel или расширение файла, являющееся недопустимым?

Вы можете восстановитьExcel файл, формат или расширение которого недопустимо в предыдущих версиях.

Выберите поврежденный файл. Щелкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Свойства» > «Предыдущие версии». Появится список предыдущих версий; вам нужно выбрать интересующий вас вариант и нажать «Восстановить» для восстановления. Предыдущие версии взяты из истории файлов или точек восстановления.

Что означает недопустимое расширение файла?

Excel не может открыть файл‘(имя файла)‘ .xlsx, потому что формат файла или расширение является недопустимым» это распространенная ошибка, с которой могут столкнуться многие пользователи при открытии файла .xlsx, особенно при открытии электронной таблицы, полученной по электронной почте. Возможными причинами этой проблемы могут быть:

  • Файл Excel испорчен или поврежден.
  • Файл Excel несовместим с используемой вами версией MS Excel.

Почему я не могу открыть файл XLSX?

Когда файл Excel поврежден, несовместим с версией Excel, заражен вирусом или получен по электронной почте, это распространенные причины проблемы «Excel не может открыть файл, так как формат файла или расширение файла являются недопустимыми». При появлении любой из этих проблем вы не сможете открыть свой файл XLSX.

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EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional — одна из лучших программ для восстанов.


The file format of an Excel worksheet is .xlsx or .xls. Whenever the user opens any file, it is opened with the same extension. However, some users may encounter an error when trying to open or edit an Excel file in Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 365. The error message displayed reads «Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid«.

This article will provide you with comprehensive solutions to resolve the «Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid» error. You can change the file extension, use the Office repair utility, or use one of the best file repair software to repair Excel files. 

Workable Solutions Step-by-step Troubleshooting
Fix Excel Cannot Open the File on Windows 10 Use a file repair tool, change the Excel file extension, or use the Open and Repair tool to troubleshoot…
Fix Excel Cannot Open The File Because the Extension Is Not Valid on Mac Restart the Excel application as well as Mac or Change the Excel file format on Mac to resolve the problem…
Recover Excel Files Cannot Open the File Restore unsaved Excel Wordbook from previous versions or restore unsaved Excel file using AutoRecover…

Excel Cannot Open The File Issue Overview

Sometimes, when you try to open or edit an Excel file in Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, or 365, you may encounter the following problem:

«Excel cannot open the file ‘filename.xlsx’ because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.»

Error - Excel can't open the file  because the extension is not valid

It usually indicates the file is not compatible with the Excel version of the file that has come corrupt or damaged. Here, we will show you all the possible solutions, and you can try these until your issue is fixed. Before you follow the solutions, check if Excel is working normally.

Step 1. Press Windows+R keys, type excel.exe /safe, and click «OK». Loading Excel without templates and add-ins allows you to see if the program works as it should or if it is corrupted.

Step 2. If Excel opens normally, check for any add-ins that are causing problems in Excel. Disable the add-ins and click on the «OK» button. Then, restart Excel to check if the problem is fixed. If not, move on to the fixes below.

check your excel application

We have full solutions to help you solve Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid issue in this post. In the beginning, you can watch a video tutorial to troubleshoot. The key moments in this video are as follows:

  • 00:26 Ensure you have enough permissions
  • 01:03 Enable Safe Mode
  • 01:26 Open Excel in Safe Mode
  • 01:43 Repair and recover the Excel

How to Fix Excel Cannot Open the File Because the Extension Is Not Valid on Windows 10/8/7

There are three useful solutions in total here to solve the Excel cannot open file problem. 

Fix 1. Use EaseUS File Repair Tool

If the «Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid» problem is caused by file corruption and not by file compatibility, you need a professional file repair program to help you fix the problem. 

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is an all-in-one tool that can help recover deleted files and repair corrupt files easily and efficiently.

EaseUS Excel Data Recovery/Repair Tool

  • Recover corrupted Excel files in XLSX/XLS formats
  • Repair single or multiple Excel files without quantity limit
  • Support MS Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, XP, 2000, 97, and 95 versions
  • Support other document repairs like Word and PDF

Go ahead and download the EaseUS MS Office document repair tool, then follow the step-by-step guides below to repair damaged Excel files in three steps:

Step 1. Launch EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, and then scan disk with corrupted documents. This software enables you to fix damaged Word, Excel, PPT, and PDF files in same steps. 

select the disk with corrupted documents

Step 2. EaseUS data recovery and repair tool will scan for all lost and corrupted files. You can find the target files by file type or type the file name in the search box. 

find corrupted documents

Step 3. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard can repair your damaged documents automatically. After file preview, you can click «Recover» to save the repaired Word, Excel, and PDF document files to a safe location.

repair corrrupt documents

Fix 2. Change the Excel File Extension to Fix Excel Cannot Open the File

Many times, this error occurs due to the incompatible file extension of the Excel file. MS Excel saves Excel workbooks as XLSX or XLS files by default. Excel 2003 and earlier versions save files as XLS, whereas Excel 2007 and later versions like Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, and 2019 save files in XLSX file format. You can change the default file format for the corresponding Excel version to any other file format supported by MS Excel.

Step 1. Open Microsoft Excel and go to the «File» tab.

Step 2. Click «Export» and choose «Change File Type».

Step 3. Change the file extension to any other file format that MS Excel supports and click «Save As» (Excel not saving changes? Quick tips are here). Then, Check whether Excel can open your file or not. 

Change file extendsion to fix excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid

Fix 3. Open Excel File Using the Open and Repair Feature

The «Open and Repair» is a built-in easy-to-use MS Excel utility that allows you to correct the «Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid» error.

Step 1. Start Office Excel. On the File menu or the Microsoft Office button, click «Open».

Step 2. In the Open dialog box, click to select the inaccessible Excel file.

Step 3. Click the down arrow on the Open button, and then click «Open and Repair». Microsoft Office will then start to check the Excel document and repair problems or corruption it found. 

Fix 'Excel cannot open this file' error with Open and Repair feature.

How to Fix Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or File Extension Is Not Valid on Mac

Some users have reported that they couldn’t open Excel files on Mac. They also receive this error — Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid. If you are faced with this error, you are unable to view or edit your Excel file. Follow the solutions below, and you can troubleshoot the Office problems.

Fix 1. Restart Excel on Mac

Step 1. Quit the Excel application: click «Excel > Quit Excel».

Step 2. Try to open your Excel file on Mac again.

restart excel on mac

Fix 2. Restart Mac

Go to the «Apple menu > restart».

restart Mac

Fix 3. Change Excel File Format on Mac

Step 1. Click «File» from the menu bar.

Step 2. In the «Export To» pop-out menu, pick «Excel».

Step 3. To adjust the file format between XLSX and XLS, click «Advanced Options» and choose the one you want.

change file format on mac

How to Recover Excel File When the File Format or File Extension Is Not Valid

If your unsaved Excel file cannot be opened because the file format or file extension is not valid, how would you recover unsaved Excel files?  In this case, try the two ways below. 

1. Restore Unsaved Excel Wordbook from Previous Versions

This method only restores lost files to a previous version. It means that you might lose some changes you may have made to the document.

Step 1. Right-click the inaccessible Excel file and choose «Properties».

Open Excel properties

Step 2. Open the «Previous Version» tab to list all the previously stored versions of the Excel file.

Step 3. Choose the most recent version and click «Restore» to retrieve the spreadsheet.

recover unsaved excel from previous versions

2. Restore Unsaved Excel File Using AutoRecover

This method only works if you have turned on the AutoSave feature in Microsoft Excel. This feature is also helpful for recovering unsaved Word documents. 

Step 1. Open Office Excel and head into the «File» tab > click «Info».

Step 2. Besides Manage Versions, you’ll see all autosaved versions of your file.

Restore cannot be opened Excel file from previous version.

Step 3. Open the file in Excel and click «Restore». 

Restore Excel file that cannot be opened

Step 4. Save the file with a new file name and set the extension as .xlsx.

Important Tips: How to Prevent Excel Files from Getting Loss

There are many ways to prevent data loss. If you have lost important Excel files due to accidental deletion, hard drive formatting, or virus attacks, you can use the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard tool to retrieve lost data. Another crucial point to avoid data loss is backing up your Excel file on a regular basis.

1. Recover Deleted or Lost Excel Files with File Recovery Software

In addition to restoring unsaved Excel caused by Excel crashes when saving or other reasons, many users may want to recover lost excel spreadsheets caused by accidental deletion, OS crash, hard drive damage/corruption, or lost partition. In these cases, you have to resort to a professional file recovery tool for help. And, EaseUS file recovery software is worth trying. It allows you to recover deleted DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX, PDF, CWK, HTML/HTM, INDD, EPS, etc. with a few clicks.

Give it a try to get your lost Excel back immediately:

Step 1. Select location and click «Scan»

Choose the drive or a specific folder on Desktop or somewhere else where you lost the excel files, and click the «Scan» button.

select the location of the Excel files

Step 2. Locate your excel files

To quickly find the Excel files from the scan results, click the «Documents» option in the left panel. Choose «Excel», and click «Preview» to check if the Excel files are the wanted ones.

scan the lost excel files

Step 3. Recover Excel files

Finally, select the desired Excel files and click the «Recover» button. Then, select a folder to save the Excel files to another location.

recover Excel files

2. Back Up Excel File Automatically

If you modify and change your worksheet frequently, turning on the AutoSave feature is a good idea. Or, you can manually copy and backup your file to another safe location in case of accident.

Turn on AutoSave feature in Excel

Final Words

«Excel cannot open the file ‘(filename)’ .xlsx because the file format for file extension is not valid» is a normal error that you can face while opening an Excel file. With the help of the above methods, this error can easily be resolved without data loss.

If Excel cannot open the file problem is due to file corruption, the EaseUS file repair tool can help you fix and recover the Excel file with a few clicks pretty quickly. It is good at repairing photos, videos, documents, and other files on the hard drive, SD card, memory card, or any other storage medium. No matter whether they are lost or exist on your devices. It’s worth a shot.

The following four frequently asked questions are extremely relevant to the «Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid» error. If you also have any of these problems, you can find the methods here.

1. How do I fix the file format or file extension is not valid?

You can try to fix the «Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid» error by changing the file extension:

Step 1. Open your Excel file. On the taskbar, select «File» and then choose «Options» > «Export» > «Change File Type».

Step 2. You can directly change the file extension depending on the version of Excel installed.  Click «Save As». Then, check if the error «Excel cannot open the file» is resolved or not.

2. How do I recover an Excel file format or file extension that is not valid?

You can restore the Excel file format, or the file extension is not valid from previous versions.

Select the damaged file. Right-click it and click «Properties» > «Previous Version». A list of previous versions will appear; you need to select the option you are interested in and click «Restore» to recover. Previous versions come from File History or restore points.

3. What does file extension not valid mean?

«Excel cannot open the file ‘(filename)‘ .xlsx because the file format for file extension is not valid» is a common error that many users may encounter while opening a .xlsx file, especially when opening a spreadsheet received through an email. The possible reasons for this issue might be:

  • The Excel file is corrupt or damaged.
  • The Excel file is not compatible with the version of MS Excel you’re using.

4. Why can’t I open an XLSX file?

When the Excel file is corrupted, not compatible with the Excel version, infected by the virus, or received by email, these are the common causes of the «Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid» problem. If any of these problems appear, you can’t open your XLSX file. 

Download PC Repair Tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically

You may get an error prompt displaying the error message Microsoft Office cannot open this file because some parts are missing or invalid when you try to open a Word document or any other Office document on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 computer. This post provides the applicable solutions to this issue.

Microsoft Office cannot open this file because some parts are missing or invalid

You’ll receive the following full error message when this issue is triggered on your system;

Microsoft Word
We’re sorry. We can’t open Document because we found a problem with Its contents.
Microsoft Office cannot open this file because some parts are missing or invalid.

If you have encountered the Microsoft Office cannot open this file because some parts are missing or invalid error message on your Windows 11/10 computer when opening a Microsoft Office document, you can try our recommended solutions below in no particular order and see if that helps you resolve the issue on your system.

  1. Check Task Manager
  2. Run AV scan on the Word document
  3. Open the Word document in Safe Mode
  4. Repair and Recover the corrupted Word document

Let’s take a look at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions

1] Check Task Manager

Among other reasons for the issue, the error can occur when you attempt to access a document written in a previous version of Microsoft Office, such as 2007 or 2003. Some affected users reported that what worked for them in resolving the Microsoft Office cannot open this file because some parts are missing or invalid error on their Windows 11/10 computer was simply open Task Manager, switch to the Processes tab and end task for any WINWORD.EXE process. Once done, re-opened the problematic Word document – the document opened throwing the error prompt but with the repaired file. The final step was to exit the error prompt and click on the repaired file that appeared to the left side of the screen and then saved the file to another location on the local drive.

2] Run AV scan on the Word document

Run AV scan on the Word document

A corrupted Microsoft Office document could due virus/malware infection. So, you can scan the document using Microsoft Defender or any reputable third-party antivirus software to check if the file is malicious or not. Once the scan completes, see if the document can be opened now with all the contents intact. If so, then as a necessary precaution, you should run a full system AV scan.

3] Open the Word document in Safe Mode

Open Word document in Safe Mode

A rogue addon or resource can potentially damage or corrupt your Word document. To rule out this possibility as a potential culprit, especially if you have recently installed an addon, you can open Word in Safe Mode and see if the problem you’re currently facing is resolved. If the issue is fixed, then you need to uninstall any addon you installed recently. But, if the issue persists, you can try the next solution.

4] Repair and Recover the corrupted Word document

Repair and Recover the corrupted Word document

This solution requires you to Repair and Recover the corrupted Word document. But, keep in mind that you may not be able to recover the document if the type of file corruption suggests that it was opened in Word when it was located on a USB Drive, or saved from Word directly to an external USB drive.

It’s best practice not to work with Word or any Office documents when they are located on a USB drive or save from Word directly to such a drive; doing so could cause catastrophic, unrecoverable corruption of the document. To forestall future occurrences whereby you may lose important documents, we recommend you always save a copy of your document to OneDrive.

Hope this post helps you!


  • Word cannot open this file because it is larger than 512 Megabytes
  • Word cannot open the file because the file format does not match the file extension
  • Microsoft Office cannot open this file because the .zip archive file is an unsupported version
  • Microsoft Office cannot open this file because there are problems with the contents.

How do I fix an invalid Word document?

To fix an invalid Word document on your Windows 11/10 PC, follow these steps to repair Word file by Repair option:

  • Launch the Microsoft Word app in your system.
  • Go to the file option and click to Open.
  • Choose the damaged Word file and select the file.
  • In below, click to the down arrow on the Open button.
  • Here select Open and Repair option to repair Word files.

How do you fix the File is corrupted and cannot be opened Word?

To fix The file is corrupt and cannot be opened in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, you can try this suggestion:

  • Launch the Office document on your computer.
  • Head to the Files menu.
  • Open the Trust Center > Trust Center settings.
  • Click on Protected View.
  • Now, uncheck all the checkboxes in the tab.
  • Click OK and restart the Office.

Why is Word not letting me open a document?

There could be a number of reasons why Word isn’t opening a document on your computer. If Microsoft Word won’t open you can try repairing the Office installation. You can select the option Quick Repair or Online Repair to repair your Office programs.


Obinna has completed B.Tech in Information & Communication Technology. He has worked as a System Support Engineer, primarily on User Endpoint Administration, as well as a Technical Analyst, primarily on Server/System Administration. He also has experience as a Network and Communications Officer. He has been a Windows Insider MVP (2020) and currently owns and runs a Computer Clinic.

The default file format of an Excel worksheet is XLSX and whenever the user opens any file, then it is opened with the same extension. Sometimes, when the user ties to open the sheet, then an unwanted error stops the file from opening. The error does not recognize the extension of file. It says, ‘Excel cannot open the file ‘(filename)’.xlsx because the file format for the file extension is not valid.
Excel cannot open the file ‘(filename)’.xlsx because the file format for the file extension is not valid.’

There is always a number associated with such errors, to find that number press “Ctrl+Shift+I” and you’ll find “101590” at the lower-right corner of this message. There could be the following reasons behind this error;

  • The Excel file is corrupt or
  • The Excel file is not compatible with the version of MS Excel you’re using.

There are various Excel errors and ways to fix them, and this error can also be fixed easily. In this article, we have mentioned some of the useful methods to solve this error.

  1. Change the Extension of The Worksheet
    Many times, this error occurs due to the unsupported file extension of your file. So, make sure that MS Excel in your system supports the .xlsx extension. To check the support of .xlsx extension; 

    • open MS Excel and go to “File.”
    • Now, select “Export” and choose “Change File Type.”
  2. select “Export” and choose “Change File Type

    • Check whether it is showing the option of .xlsx or not. If not, then change the extension of the file. To change the extension, go to my computer and browse “Tools.” Now, choose the “View” tab and enable “File Name Extension.”
    • Now, choose the “View” tab and enable “File Name Extension

    • After enabling the “File Name Extension,” you can change the extension of any file.
  3. Using “Open and Repair” Feature of MS Excel
    The “Open and Repair” feature of Excel allows you to repair the corrupted excel files. To repair a .xlsx file with this feature;

    • Open MS Excel and Go to “File” Menu.
    • Now, select the “Open” tab and click on “Browse.”
    • Choose the file which you want to open, but instead of opening the file directly, choose “Open and Repair” option from the below right side of the opened window:
  4. Open and Repair

From this feature, you can easily repair and open the corrupted .xlsx files.

  1. Excel Repair Software
    If none of the above methods helps in solving the problem, then try using Excel Repair software. This tool can help you repair corrupt excel files and make your worksheet accessible immediately. This utility offers some great features to solve your query, such as;

    • Repairing of both .xls and .xlsx file formats.
    • No file size limitation.
    • Compatibility with all versions of Excel – including MS Excel 2016.
    • Preview of recovered files before saving.
    • Quick and easy to use.

    For better understanding, let’s have a look at the working process of this tool.

Using Excel Repair is very simple. The user-interface of this tool is specially designed keeping the usability of users in mind. Follow these steps to use the tool:

  1. Download Excel recovery and launch it on your system
  2. Download Now

  3. A window will appear on the screen, now “Browse” the Excel file which you want to repair with this tool and click “Repair” like this:
  4. click Repair

  5. The repairing process will take a few seconds (depending on the file size). Once the file is repaired, you’ll be able to see all its content, like this:
  6. Once the file is repaired

  7. You can save the file at the desired location on the computer. Just click the “Save” button and select the location where you want to save it.
  8. Save” button and select the location

This way you can easily access the data of your corrupted .xlsx file.

Final Words

“Excel cannot open the file ‘(filename)’.xlsx because the file format for file extension is not valid” is a common error that any user can face while opening a .xlsx file. With the help of the above methods, this error can easily be resolved without affecting the integrity of the file.

Download Now

Watch the Complete Video to Repair Corrupt Excel Files

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Are you the one facing the Excel Cannot Open the file error, because the Excel file format or file extension is not valid?

Well many Excel users like you caught complaining about this error while trying to edit or open their Excel files in Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019.

Here in this article, we are going to describe some very effective methods to fix Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid error easily.

Before explaining anything I want you to take a look over the error message:

“Excel cannot open the file ‘filename.xlsx’ because the file format for the file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.”

Error Screenshot:

Excel cannot open the file filename xlsx

After reading the complete error message you can easily identify that either the Excel file is got corrupted or maybe the Excel file format or file extension is not valid.

So this means, Excel cannot open the file ‘(filename)’.xlsx’ error can either be resolved by solving the corruption issue or  Excel file format or file extension issue.

Best Software To Resolve Excel Cannot Open The File Issue:

As I said, this error can be fixed by resolving the corruption issue. So to resolve Excel file corruption I want to recommend you all to go with the experts recommended solution.

If you are eligible to perform manual methods to fix Excel file corruption then you can try the solution listed here: 13 Best Ways To Repair Corrupted Excel File Effectively.

But if you don’t want to follow such lengthy procedures then use the MS Excel Repair Tool to fix Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid error automatically. This tool is designed with an advanced algorithm to fix any sort of corruption, errors, damages in the Excel file, and recovers data. It can easily restore entire Excel data includes cell comments, charts, worksheet properties, and other related data. The corrupt Excel file can be restored to a new blank Excel file.

* Free version of the product only previews recoverable data.

This is a unique tool to repair multiple files at one time and restore them even without modifying original formatting. It is easy to use, even a novice user can use it.

Steps To Utilize MS Excel Repair Tool:

Why I Am Getting This Excel Cannot Open The File Error?

  • The file is not compatible with the version of Excel that is used.
  • If the Excel file gets corrupted
  • Or else the error is often seen with the emailed Excel files – especially forwards of forwards.
  • If an Excel file is being edited by multiple people running different Excel versions.

Well, these are some of the reasons due to which you encounter Excel cannot open the file ‘(filename)’.xlsx’ because the file format or extension is not valid error.

So to get rid of this Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid here follows the manual as well as the automatic solution.

How To Fix Excel Cannot Open The File Error?

1. Change The Excel Sheet File Extension:

In some cases, it is found that users are getting the error due to the unsupported file extensions of the file, so it is worth trying to alter the Excel sheet file extension. Follow the steps to do so:

Method 1:

  • Verify the support of xlsx extension and then go to ‘My Computer’.
  • After that browse Tools > Folder Options > File Types.
  • Now, check the ‘xlsx’ extension is included there or not. If in case not, then rename the file and change ‘.xlsx’ to ‘.xls’.

Method 2:

  • Launch your Excel application
  • Hit the File tab from the menu.
  • After that choose the Export option from the listed menu list.


  • From the export section, choose the Change File Type.
  • Hit Workbook (*.xlsx) option present within the Change File Type.

change file type

After completing all this, once again open your Excel application to check whether the Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid error is gone or not.

Hope this will help you to resolve the Excel Cannot open the file error but if not then make use of the second manual solution.

2. Utilize The Open And Repair Utility

You can make use of the inbuilt open and repair utility to fix Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid error, follow the steps to make use of it:

  • First, click on “Open” in the File Menu.
  • From the list, select the Excel file which is showing the Excel cannot open the file error.
  • Next from the drop-down list of the “Open” tab > select “Open and Repair”

excel open and repair 1

  • And finally, click on the“repair” button to repair the excel file.


However, it is found that it is unable to solve the severely damaged file and errors, so in this case, make use of the automatic solution.


We have tried our best to provide an ample solution to fix Excel cannot open the file .xlsx in Excel 2007 or 2013. Hope that by following the given solution you are able to fix Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid error and start accessing the Excel file.

That’s it!!!

Priyanka is an entrepreneur & content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and has expertise in MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in the easy-to-understand language is very impressive. When not writing, she loves unplanned travels.

Excel for Microsoft 365 Excel 2021 Excel 2019 More…Less

Last Updated: March 25, 2020


You may receive an unexpected prompt to Grant Access to files when you try to open a file or do «Save as…» or «Save a copy». When this happens, Excel may become unresponsive and you will need to force quit the application to recover.


This issue has been fixed with version 16.34. Please update to this version or newer to address this issue. For help installing the latest Office updates, please visit Install Office updates.

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  • Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or File Extension Is not Valid
  • How to Fix the “Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or File Extension Is not Valid” Issue on Windows 10
  • Solution 1. Check the File Extension
    • There are two scenarios here:
  • Solution 2. Repair the File
  • Solution 3. Change Group Permissions
    • Here are the steps to try:

How to fix Excel cannot open the file because the file format or extension is not valid issue?

Despite the increasing challenges from competitors like Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel remains the most used spreadsheet app. It’s the app of choice in most workplace settings. What’s more, it includes numerous tools that help streamline and ease workflows.

Excel, like every other Microsoft app, occasionally runs into issues. Most of these are mere annoyances and can be solved with one or two program or system reboots. However, the “Excel cannot open the file because the file format or extension is not valid” issue has proved to be more bothersome for several users.

If you encounter this message when you try to open a file in Excel (or an Excel file), this guide will be helpful. We explain the possible reasons why the error can occur and three solutions that could work for you.

Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or File Extension Is not Valid

When any user encounters this error in Excel, it’s usually due to one of two reasons:

  • The file is corrupted.
  • The file extension isn’t supported.

A corrupted file is unlikely to be opened by the parent program. Even if it successfully opens, it’s likely to have multiple errors such as missing data or unreadable portions. Excel and several other programs go the extra mile and simply don’t open corrupted files. It’s up to the user to try and fix the file corruption first or use another document with uncorrupted data.

Sometimes, the corruption is caused by malware that infiltrated the system. This can happen if your system isn’t fully protected when working with Spreadsheets on the web. Unrelated internet activity can cause this as well. After all, some malware types are known to be distributed as macros that can attach to Office documents.

It is better to be prepared for anything. Auslogics Anti-Malware will protect you against online and offline threats, as your main or supplementary antivirus. It’s unobtrusive, lightweight, fast, and frequently updated.

Sometimes, this error could be due to incompatible or unsupported file formats. Versions of Excel since 2007 use Office Open XML as the primary file format but are backward-compatible with the earlier versions of Excel files. A glance at the file extension will tell you straight away whether the program can open that file.

If the file you’re attempting to open is in one of these formats, it won’t open because it’s been corrupted. That’s because the file extension is compatible with Excel:

Excel Workbook. xlsx

Excel Macro-enabled Workbook. xlsm

Excel Binary Workbook. xlsb

Excel Macro-enabled Template. xltm

Excel Add-in. xlam

Spreadsheet. xls

Excel Template. xlt

Excel Macro. xlm

In addition, documents in these non-Excel file extensions can be opened by the program, though functionality might be reduced in some fashion:

XML. Spreadsheet 2003 or XML formatted files. xml

Lotus Spreadsheets. prn

Tab delimited/Unicode text files. txt

Comma-separated values files. csv

Data Interchange Format files. dif

Symbolic Link Format text files. slk

dBase Data Files. dbf

OpenOffice Files. ods

XML Paper Specification Files. xps

Portable Document Format files. pdf

Note that this isn’t an exhaustive list. Excel can open files with other extensions, including html.

How to Fix the “Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or File Extension Is not Valid” Issue on Windows 10

Sometimes, when opening a file in Excel, the program displays this error message instead:

Microsoft Excel

Excel cannot open the file [File Name] because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.

If you encounter this error in any version of Excel since Excel 2007, three options are open to you:

  1. Check the file extension and change it if needed.
  2. Repair the file with Excel’s inbuilt repair tool.
  3. Change group permissions for the file.

Let’s explain each option in more detail.

Solution 1. Check the File Extension

If you’re unable to open the file, it could be due to an unsupported file extension. To be frank, this is very rare nowadays since most spreadsheets use a format Excel can open. However, if you’re trying to open the document on a pre-2007 Excel program, you can have issues with certain files.

There are two scenarios here:

  1. The Excel file is not opening in a legacy version of the program.
  2. The file is not opening in Excel because of an unsupported format.

In both instances, the solution is the same. Open any Excel file (or just launch the program and open a blank spreadsheet) and click the File tab. Next, click Open > Browse and locate the file you’re trying to open.

Now, look under the file name field and change the file extension. If you’re trying to open an xlsx document in a legacy Excel version, change the extension to xls. If you’re trying to open a document in an unsupported or less common file format, change the extension to xlsx or xls.

Save the change and then try opening the file again. If everything is done right, the file should open now.

Solution 2. Repair the File

When you get the “Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid” error, it’s likely because the spreadsheet is corrupt. If you manage to open the file anyway, there might be multiple errors and we’re sure you don’t want that. It is better to try repairing the file first and that is exactly what we’re going to do.

  1. Open a blank spreadsheet in Excel.
  2. Select the File tab and click Open.
  3. Hit the Browse button and choose the problematic file.
  4. In the file selection window, click the Open drop-down menu and select Open and Repair.

Excel will attempt to repair the file and then open it.

Solution 3. Change Group Permissions

In rare instances, the “Excel cannot open the file because the file format or file extension is not valid” error happened because the file has special permissions. Removing this permission will allow your Excel program to open it without issues.

Here are the steps to try:

  1. Navigate to the location of the problematic file.
  2. Right-click the file and select Properties.
  3. When the Properties dialog box opens, switch to the Security tab.
  4. In the Security tab, click the Edit button to change permissions got for the file.
  5. A new Permissions dialog box will open. Locate and click the Add button.
  6. Another dialog box will open labeled “Select Users or Groups”. In this box, click the Advanced button.
  7. Click the Find Now button.
  8. Select Everyone under the search results and then click OK.
  9. Click the OK button again to return to the Permissions dialog box. You’ll notice that the Everyone group has been added to the list under “Groups or user names”.
  10. Select Everyone in the “Groups or user names” section.
  11. Under Permissions for Everyone, tick Allow for all the options.
  12. Click Apply and then OK to confirm and save your changes.

After this, the file will no longer be restricted and you should be able to open it in Excel.

When opening an older version of an Excel file in a newer version, you may encounter the “Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid” error. This happens if you have accidentally renamed the file with a different file format or an incorrect file extension. Also, you may get the ‘Excel cannot open the file’ error if the file has become unreadable or corrupted.

This is how the complete Excel error message looks like:

“Excel cannot open the file filename.xlsx because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.”

Excel Cannot Open the File Extension Not Valid Error

Check out this video for a quick demonstration of how to fix “Excel Cannot Open the File Because the Extension Is Not Valid”

How to Fix ‘Excel Cannot Open the File Because the Extension Is Not Valid’ Error?

Try any of these workarounds to fix the error and regain access to your Excel file data:

Workaround 1 – Change the Default File Format

By default, an Excel file is saved in .xlsx or .xls file format. Trying to open the file with a different or incorrect extension may cause the ‘Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid’ error. To fix the error, try changing the Excel default file format by following these steps:

Note: Take a backup of the Excel file that you cannot open and try the steps on the backup copy.

  • In Excel 2010 and newer versions, click on the File menu.

Note: For Excel 2007 and earlier versions, click on the Office button.

  • On the left panel, click on Options. 
  • In ‘Excel Options’ window, under Save workbooks section, click on the Save files in this file format: drop-down. Select a file format (i.e., the one supported by your Excel version).

Save Workbook in Other File Format

  • Click OK.

Check if you can open your Excel file. If not, try the next workaround.

Workaround 2 – Edit the Excel File Permissions

You may receive the ‘Excel file format or file extension is not valid’ error if you lack sufficient permissions to open the file. Usually this happens when you try to open an Excel file received from some other user. Follow these steps to change the file permissions and see if it fixes the problem:

  • Right-click on the file that won’t open and click Properties.
  • In the file properties dialog box, click the Security tab and then hit the Edit button.
Edit Excel File Properties
  • When the file’s permissions dialog box appears, click on the Add button.
Add Excel File Permissions
  • Click on the Advanced button from the ‘Select Users or Groups’ window.
Open Advanced Settings
  • Select Find Now. A list of all users and groups will get displayed in a search results box. Choose Everyone group from the list and hit OK.
Select Everyone Group
  • You can see the ‘Everyone’ group in the ‘Enter the object names to select’ textbox. Click OK once again to return to the file’s permission dialog box.
Everyone Group is Added Users Groups
  • Click Everyone from the Group or user names: box and check all the checkboxes under Allow.
Allow Permissions for Everyone
  • Click on Apply and then OK.

Now try to open the Excel file. If you’re still getting the Excel file cannot open error, use the following workaround.

Workaround 3 – Recover Unsaved Workbook

If the ‘Excel file extension not valid error’ occurs when attempting to open an unsaved workbook, do the following to recover the unsaved workbook:

  • In Excel, click File. 
  • From the Info screen, under Manage Versions, click Recover Unsaved Workbooks.
Recover Unsaved Workbooks

Excel will list any unsaved files. Try opening the file and save it. If this doesn’t work, skip to the next workaround.

Workaround 4 – Repair the Workbook

If none of the above workarounds has worked for you, chances are that the Excel file has become corrupted. Try to repair the file using the Excel inbuilt ‘Open and Repair’ utility by following these steps:

  • In your Excel application, click on File > Open.
  • In the ‘Open’ dialog box that pops-up, select the Excel file you want to repair and click the arrow next to the Open button.

Select Excel File for Repairing

  • From the dropdown list, select Open and Repair.
Open and Repair Excel File
  • Excel will ask you to attempt to repair the file or extract data from it. Click Repair to retrieve maximum data. If the Repair option fails, click on Extract Data to recover the data without formulas and values.
Repair Excel File

If the ‘Open and Repair’ utility doesn’t help fix the corrupted file and/or recover the data, use an Excel repair tool such as Stellar Repair for Excel to regain access to your file and its data.  

free download

Stellar Repair for Excel software can help repair severely corrupted XLS and XLSX files. Also, it helps recover all the file components, including tables, pivot tables, cell comments, charts, chart sheets, images, formulas, etc., without impacting the original structure of the Excel file. 

To learn how the software works, read this: How to repair corrupt Excel file using Stellar Repair for Excel?


You may encounter the error ‘Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid’ when opening a workbook with a different file format or an incorrect file extension. Also, the error may occur if the Excel file has turned corrupt. This article has covered some of the most effective workarounds to resolve the error. But if nothing works, you can try to repair the Excel file and retrieve its data using the Stellar Repair for Excel software.


Q. I have an Excel file saved on my system. I get the error message ‘Excel cannot open the file filename.xlsx because the file format or file extension is not valid’ when trying to open it. Can I get back all my data using the Excel repair tool?

A. Stellar Repair for Excel displays a preview of all the recoverable data. You can get back all the Excel file data shown in the preview window.

Q. I downloaded the repair tool, but it says, “File is severely corrupted, cannot be previewed.” What should I do next?

A. This message appears if your Excel file has turned severely corrupt. Contact the support team at Stellar to get further assistance.

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