Cannot be trusted word

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

нельзя доверять

нельзя верить

доверять нельзя

нельзя доверить

верить нельзя

можно доверять

нельзя полагаться

не стоит доверять

нельзя положиться

не заслуживает доверия

не заслуживают доверия

не следует доверять

полагаться нельзя

не может пользоваться доверием

It shows they cannot be trusted.

This shows that he certainly cannot be trusted.

Это отчетливо свидетельствует о том, что им нельзя доверять , — добавил он.

I am a liar who cannot be trusted.

Теперь я предстал в роли лжеца, которому нельзя верить.

History shows Russia cannot be trusted.

We all know that corporations cannot be trusted.

Всем нам хорошо известно, что страховым компаниям доверять нельзя.

Unfortunately, the nuclear-capable flights confirm that Putin cannot be trusted.

К сожалению, полеты бомбардировщиков с ядерным оружием на борту подтверждают, что Путину доверять нельзя.

Everyone knows the media cannot be trusted.

Мы все знаем теперь, что нельзя доверять средствам массовой информации.

It shows they cannot be trusted.

Adults clearly cannot be trusted here.

He is a liar who cannot be trusted.

However, most electric companies cannot be trusted.

In societies that are not transparent and less democratic, conspiracy theories flourish because the government cannot be trusted.

В обществах, которые не являются прозрачными и менее демократичными, теории заговора процветают, потому что правительству нельзя доверять.

A real gold standard should be seriously considered, since governments simply cannot be trusted.

Необходимо серьёзно рассмотреть золотой стандарт, поскольку правительствам просто нельзя доверять.

She cannot be trusted with our highest office.

They aim to persuade us that the evidence cannot be trusted because scientists or other influential figures have colluded to manipulate it.

Они пытаются убедить нас в том, что доказательствам нельзя доверять, потому что ученые или другие влиятельные личности сговорились манипулировать ими.

Certainly the radioactive dating methods simply cannot be trusted.

Безусловно, методам радиоактивного датирования просто нельзя доверять.

More importantly, it is a tainted instrument, the results and judgments of which cannot be trusted.

Что еще более важно, это испорченный инструмент, результатам и суждениям которого нельзя доверять.

We already know that photos and videos cannot be trusted.

Who makes of a great sporting power a rogue nation that cannot be trusted in sport.

Кто делает из великой спортивной державы страну-изгой, которой нельзя доверять в спорте.

If he shows that he cannot be trusted, then she will not give another chance.

Если он покажет, что ему нельзя доверять, то она не даст другого шанса.

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cannot be trusted — перевод на русский

People in masks cannot be trusted.

Людям в масках нельзя доверять.

I can’t do anything. He’s too incompetent, and the bottom line is, he cannot be trusted.

Он слишком некомпетентный, и самое главное, ему нельзя доверять.

People cannot be trusted.

Людям нельзя доверять.

But, my brother, Jake cannot be trusted.

Но, мой брат, Джейку нельзя доверять.

This man cannot be trusted and I’ll prove it.

Этому человеку нельзя доверять, и сейчас я докажу это!

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— I understand what you are saying but in the book of G’Kar it says that the Centauri cannot be trusted.

— Я понимаю, что вы говорите но в книге Джи-Кара сказано, что центаврианам нельзя верить.

The first thing we are all taught is that while outsiders cannot be trusted we can always trust a fellow Narn, yes?

Первое, о чем мы думаем, это, если чужакам нельзя верить мы всегда можем верить другу-Нарну, да?

You’re the one who cannot be trusted, Jonathan Kent.

Это вам нельзя верить, Джонатан Кент.

Look, the circumstances may be different, but Zod cannot be trusted.

Возможно, обстоятельства сейчас другие, но Зоду нельзя верить ни при каких условиях.

I told you, these guys are liars. They cannot be trusted.

Я же сказал им нельзя верить.

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Предложения с «cannot be trusted»

If a country’s monetary policy cannot be trusted , the best remedy, this logic suggests, is to limit or eliminate its capacity to have one.

Если валютная политика страны не заслуживает доверия , наилучшим средством, рассуждая логически, будет ограничить или отказать стране в возможности иметь таковую.

My dear Edward, if I thought we could get out of our present difficulties by giving up Malta, Gibraltar or a few of the African colonies, I’d jump at it, but Hitler cannot be trusted .

Мой дорогой Эдвард, если бы я думал, что мы можем избежать нынешних трудностей, отдав Мальту, Гибралтар и несколько африканских колоний, то я бы пошел на это, но Гитлеру нельзя доверять .

Clinton’s aggressive approach to Moscow — that Putin cannot be trusted and must be met with force — diverts sharply from Trump’s cozy take.

Агрессивное отношение Клинтон к Москве и ее заявления о том, что Путину нельзя доверять , а надо отвечать силой, очень сильно отличаются от удобной позиции Трампа.

The battle between Naftogaz and Gazprom serves as a reminder, to some, that the Russians cannot be trusted .

Противостояние между Нафтогазом и Газпромом служит некоторым людям напоминанием, что России нельзя доверять .

Dmitry, another former Donbass Battalion fighter, said the volunteers’ case shows that the Ukrainian leadership simply cannot be trusted .

Дмитрий, также воевавший в рядах батальона «Донбасс», считает, что пример добровольцев демонстрирует: украинскому руководству нельзя доверять .

Putin’s Russia simply cannot be trusted or be relied upon to play an honest broker role on North Korea — or pretty much on any other issue, for that matter.

Путинской России просто нельзя доверять , считая, что она может стать честным посредником в решении проблем Северной Кореи, как собственно в решении всех прочих проблем.

But America’s ability to offer a credible diplomatic path will be seriously undermined if others judge that it cannot be trusted to stand by agreements.

Но способность Америки предлагать убедительные дипломатические пути урегулирования этих проблем будет серьёзно подорвана, если другие решат, что ей нельзя доверять в вопросе выполнения условий соглашений.

Teabing’s eyes were menacing even across the hangar. You can expect a call from my lawyers. And for future reference, the French police cannot be trusted .

Тибинг метнул в его сторону злобный взгляд:— Ждите звонка от моих адвокатов. А на будущее запомните: французской полиции нельзя доверять !

Americans are starting to see that the President cannot be trusted to make the tough decisions facing this nation.

Американцы начинают понимать, что президенту нельзя доверять там, где дело касается необходимости принимать серьезные решения от имени нации.

The message is four words in length, lacks context, is unverified, and so cannot be trusted .

В сообщении 4 слова, в нем нет контекста, оно никем не проверено, и доверять ему нельзя.

My dear Edward, if I thought we could get out of our present difficulties by giving up Malta, Gibraltar or a few of the African colonies, I’d jump at it, but Hitler cannot be trusted .

Мой дорогой Эдвард, если бы я думал, что мы можем избежать нынешних трудностей, отдав Мальту, Гибралтар и несколько африканских колоний, то я бы пошел на это, но Гитлеру нельзя доверять .

There is no reason why you should have known that natives cannot be trusted with strong drink.

Нет никаких оснований, по которым вы должны были знать о губительном воздействии на туземцев крепких напитков.

As they’ve proven time and again, the FBI cannot be trusted with matters of national security.

Ну, как показало время, ФБР нельзя доверять вопросы национальной безопасности.

Guilhem is dignified with a long vida, but much of it cannot be trusted .

Гильем гордится длинной Вайдой, но многим из них нельзя доверять .

Men who lie, who cannot be trusted , who conceal to their wives what they have been doing, except their adulterous affairs, are also men worthy of contempt.

Мужчины, которые лгут, которым нельзя доверять , которые скрывают от своих жен все, что они делали, кроме своих прелюбодеяний, также достойны презрения.

Iran simply cannot be trusted to keep any peaceful nuclear technology is obtains as such without turning to weapons production.

Иран просто не может быть уверен в том, что он сохранит любую мирную ядерную технологию как таковую, не перейдя к производству оружия.

If the vendor cannot be trusted to protect trade secrets, then the risks of an offshoring software development may outweigh its potential benefits.

Если поставщику нельзя доверять защиту коммерческой тайны, то риски разработки офшорного программного обеспечения могут перевесить его потенциальные выгоды.

Marta is very unhappy with Tessa as Montoya cannot be trusted .

Его можно использовать и для проводной линии связи.

Basically a typical love song with heartbreak etc of the dark eyed lover who cannot be trusted .

В основном типичная песня о любви с разбитым сердцем и т. д. темноглазого любовника, которому нельзя доверять .

NO my friend, the Boers cannot be trusted to have their own homeland.

Нет, мой друг, бурам нельзя доверять их собственную родину.

From this article we are supposed to believe that the Palestinians and Arabs in general are shifty liars whose testimony cannot be trusted .

Из этой статьи мы должны исходить, что палестинцы и арабы в целом — хитрые лжецы, чьим показаниям нельзя доверять .

Any facts quoted by him cannot be trusted .

Никаким фактам, приведенным им, нельзя доверять .

The conclusion must be that MN cannot be trusted to evaluate sources for either insertion or removal.

Вывод должен заключаться в том, что MN нельзя доверять для оценки источников как для вставки, так и для удаления.

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Religion says that single individuals cannot be trusted, whether they


meditating or



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Я не собираюсь проигрывать эту гонку просто потому, что вам нельзя доверить.

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As they have proven time and again, the FBI cannot be trusted with matters of national security.

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Ну, как показало время, ФБР нельзя доверять вопросы национальной безопасности.

And I know he cannot be trusted, but I


at least willing to listen to what he has to say.

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Я знаю, что ему нельзя доверять, но, по крайней мере, я готов выслушать, что он скажет.

When dealing with the dark Ones regrettably their word cannot be trusted, but fortunately when in their presence we


read their minds.

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Прискорбно, что имея дело с темными, нельзя верить их словам, но, к счастью, когда мы находимся в их присутствии, мы можем читать их мысли.

Any statistics coming from the police department cannot be trusted, because under this mayor, the police


more concerned

with protecting Clarence Royce politically than fighting crime.

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Любым данным статистики полицейского департамента… нельзя доверять, так как при нынешнем мэре… полиция больше озабочена защитой политических

интересов Клэрэнса Ройса… чем борьбой с преступностью.

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Человеку, которому

нельзя доверить

провод подрывного капсюля, нельзя доверить видеть мое лицо.



at first reluctant, thinking the soldiers cannot be trusted; but Petrit assures him he



showing him a pistol he keeps hidden away.

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Оки сначала сопративляется, думая, что солдатам нельзя доверять; но Петрит уверяет его, что они безопасные,

показывая ему пистолет, который он припрятал подальше.

The Security Council adopted it because it agreed with all of Iraq’s neighbours: Saddam Hussein cannot be trusted with the possession of such weapons.


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Совет Безопасности принял ее потому, что он согласился со всеми соседями Ирака- нельзя доверять Саддаму Хусейну обладание таким оружием.


Ukraine’s nuclear authority(SNRIU)


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Ядерный регулятор Украины( ГИЯРУ)

не в первый раз игнорирует угрозы безопасности и ему нельзя доверять.


Such assurances amount to


a systematic abuser which otherwise cannot be trusted to abide by its international obligations.


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Такие заверения равносильны проявлению доверия к систематическому нарушителю, которому в иных случаях нельзя доверять в том, что касается соблюдения им своих международных обязательств.


Day by day it becomes more and

more clear that the West does


have a choice in dealing with Putin- he


dangerous and cannot be trusted.


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День за днем становится все более

ясно, что у Запада нет выбора в общении с Путиным,- он опасен и ему нельзя доверять.


No matter how bitter it


to say, unfortunately,

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Как ни печально это утверждать, дипломатическим гарантиям украинской стороны, к сожалению,

Some Saami elders state that traditional weather-reading skills cannot be trusted anymore due to the effects of climate change.


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Некоторые старейшины саами утверждают, что сейчас больше нельзя полагаться на традиционные методы предсказания погоды, поскольку климат изменился.


It may also obstruct the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process in the rest of Ituri

district by sending out a message that negotiations with FARDC cannot be trusted.


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Это может также затруднить процесс разоружения, демобилизации и реинтеграции в остальной части района Итури,

поскольку теперь у всех сложилось впечатление, что на переговоры с ВСДРК надеяться нельзя.


In Afghanistan, about 80% of the roads do


have a hard surface, and such’soft’ surfaces cannot be trusted unless they have


previously surveyed, marked or cleared.


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В Афганистане около 80 процентов дорог лишены твердого покрытия, а на такого рода» мягкие» поверхности нельзя положиться, если только они предварительно не обследованы, промаркированы или расчищены.


If buyers cannot be trusted to complete Internet orders for the correct products and quantities,

other selling methods(such as telephone selling, or even traditional sales people!) need to




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Если пользователям нельзя доверять в отношении точности заполнения ими Интернет- формуляров с точки зрения продуктов и их

количества, то необходимо использовать другие методы продажи например, продажу по телефону или даже с использованием традиционных продавцов!


In reality, you cannot be trusted with anything because you don’t see that Jews

are not

accepted to non-Jewish clubs,


are not

accepted to non-Jewish schools. Do you think that doesn’t matter?

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Вам ничего нельзя доверить на самом деле, потому что вы не видите, что в нееврейские

клубы евреев не принимают, в нееврейские школы евреев не принимают?

In a statement published on 21 November 1994 in the Egyptian weekly Rose al-Yusif, Su’ud al-Sabah, Kuwaiti Minister of Information,

said,»The Iraqi regime cannot be trusted, and we must all work together for its removal.


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Ноября 1994 года египетский еженедельник» Rose al- Yusif» опубликовал заявление министра информации Кувейта Сауда ас- Сабаха,

который сказал:» Иракскому режиму нельзя доверять, и мы все должны добиваться его свержения.


Requirements and conditions


often underpinned by strong paternalistic attitudes; policymakers believe that they


acting in the

best interests of persons living in poverty, who cannot be trusted to make decisions for themselves and their families.


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Такие требования и условия зачастую основываются на явном патернализме: политики считают, что они действуют в наилучших интересах лиц,

живущих в нищете, которым нельзя доверить принятие решений, касающихся их самих и их семей.




a liability to have such a person unwatched as the person may do or continue to do things to stop or impede the forward progress of the project or organization and

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Когда такой человек оставлен без присмотра, он является помехой, поскольку может сделать или продолжать делать что-нибудь, чтобы остановить или задержать развитие проекта или организации,

My dear Edward, if I thought we


get out of our present difficulties by giving up Malta, Gibraltar or a few of the African colonies, I would jump at it, but Hitler cannot be trusted.

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Мой дорогой Эдвард, если бы я думал, что мы можем избежать нынешних трудностей, отдав Мальту, Гибралтар и несколько африканских колоний, то я бы пошел на это, но Гитлеру нельзя доверять.

All in all, the multi-pronged aggressive behaviour of the Eritrean

terrorist regime leaves no doubt that it

is not

serious about peace, and therefore cannot be trusted to implement an agreement that


designed to bring

lasting peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea.


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Агрессивное во многих отношениях поведение террористического режима Эритреи не оставляет

никаких сомнений в том, что он серьезно не настроен на мир и что поэтому нельзя рассчитывать на то, что он выполнит соглашение, призванное установить

прочный мир между Эфиопией и Эритреей.


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Last updated January 24th, 2022

Trusted documents are files that have been marked as trusted by enabling active content in them.

Active content (macros, ActiveX controls, data connections, and so on) opens without the Message Bar warning after you mark the file as trusted. For a trusted document, there is no prompt when you open the file, even if new active content was added, or changes are made to the existing active content. However, the prompt does appear if the file was moved since you last trusted the file.

After a document is trusted, it does not open in Protected View. Therefore, you should trust documents only if you trust the source of the file.

Note: If a file opens in Protected View that has no active content, and you enable editing, the file is trusted and no longer opens in Protected View. However, if the file contains active content, a Message Bar appears for the disabled active content, until you enable the content. Active content is not enabled automatically when you exit Protected View.

Creating trusted documents

When you open a new file that has active content (data connections, macros, and so on) the Message Bar appears because active content may contain viruses and other security hazards that could harm your computer or your organization’s network.

Security Warning Message Bar for macros

However, if you trust the source of the file, or know that the active content is secure (for example, the macro is signed by a trusted publisher), then you can enable the file’s active content by selecting the Enable Content button. This makes it a trusted document. When you reopen the file, the Message Bar won’t appear. 

Caution: Never enable content in a document if you’re not sure what that macro does. Malicious macros are often used by attackers to distribute malware.

Some files can’t be made trusted documents

There are situations when you can’t make a file a trusted document. For example, one or several, types of active content have been disabled when you attempt to open the file. Active content can be disabled if:

  • The system administrator has set a security policy to disable a certain type of active content for your organization (for example, Disable all macros without notification). In this case, if you open a file with macros, and data connections, the file can’t be trusted because the macros are disabled when the file opens.

  • You have changed your Trust Center settings for one, or more, active content types.

To see your security settings, click the File tab. Click Options. Click Trust Center, and then click Trust Center Settings. Or you can learn more in View my options and settings in the Trust Center.

More reasons why files cannot be made trusted documents

  • The file opened from an unsafe location, such as your temporary Internet folder (TIF) or the Temp folder

  • If the feature is turned off by your system administrator for network locations, or for all locations

  • If the file you are trying to trust is a template, such as files with the extensions .dot, .dotx, or .dotm

For these files, click Enable All Content to enable the active content for that session. This enables the content for one time, only. The Message Bar appears when you reopen the file.

The following example is an image the Security Warning area when a file cannot be trusted.

Trusting documents on a network

It’s important to be careful before trusting documents on a network because other people could tamper with network files and change the active content in them. To lower the possibility of security risks, you should only trust files on a network location that is access controlled or created by the system administrator.

A Security Warning dialog box appears when you try to trust a file from a network location. You can click Don’t show this message again in the dialog box, and then the dialog box does not appear again. In addition, you can turn off the feature by clicking No on the Security Warning dialog box.

Turn off Trusted Documents feature for network locations

You can turn off the Trusted Documents feature, for network locations, in the Trust Center.

  1. Click the File tab.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Select Trust Center, and then Trust Center Settings.

  4. Click Trusted Documents.

  5. Clear the Allow documents on a network to be trusted check box.

View or modify Trusted Documents settings in the Trust Center

You can view or change Trusted Documents settings in the Trust Center. Making changes starts or disables the ability to create trust documents that protects your computer and your organization’s network from possible malicious code in active content.

  1. Click the File tab.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Select Trust Center, and then Trust Center Settings.

  4. Click Trusted Documents.

  5. Make selections for trusted documents that you want.

Trusted Documents settings explained

  • Allow documents on a network to be trusted    — The Security Warning dialog box no longer appears for files in network locations.

  • Disable Trusted Documents    — The Security Warning dialog box appears for files, each time you open them.

  • Clear all Trusted Documents so that they are no longer trusted    — Click Clear to delete the list of documents that were previously trusted.

Learn more 

Active content types in your files

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Recent events confirm the long held view of many that adherence to international law is, for the Americans, at best an optional extra rather than being an essential component of conduct between States.

The first example relates to the current standoff between the US and North Korea. Article 2 (3) of the UN Charter, a document the US was instrumental in formulating, requires that:

“All members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means….”

Article 2 (4) further provides that:

“All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity …..of any State…..”

Scarcely a day has passed in recent weeks without those obligations being violated in respect of North Korea. President Trump himself has threatened “fire and fury like you have never seen”. He, along with his Defence Secretary Mattis and the US ambassador to the Un Nikki Haley have variously referred to “all options are on the table” or “North Korea will be obliterated” and similar phrases, all of which are unsubtle overt threats.

It is not just words. Massive military exercises have been conducted close to North Korea’s borders, both land and maritime. We are told that one of the objectives of the exercise is to practice the “decapitation” of the North Korean leadership. Nuclear-armed bombers patrol Korean air space, and missile systems have been installed. The latter are purportedly for “defensive” purposes but in reality they are part of an offensive missile system aimed at Russia and China.

The second example was the unprecedented incursions by US federal officers into the Russian consulate in San Francisco and the homes of Russian consular staff. This is a breach of one of the most important international conventions, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and Optional Protocols (“the Vienna Convention.”)

Article 22 of the Vienna Convention states:

  1. The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.

  2. The receiving State is under a special obligation to take appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission……

  3. The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property therein and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or execution.

There is no scope for ambiguity here. Inviolable means exactly what it says. What is less clear are the American’s motives for such a blatant and unacceptable breach of international norms. Christopher Black quotes the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying that the only reason for such a search to be conducted, aside from bullying and intimidation, is to use it as an opportunity for the Americans to plant items to be used in their propaganda war against Russia.

That is certainly possible, and it is a reasonable inference to draw from the fact that the Americans demanded that the premises be vacated while the search was undertaken. It is also consistent with a long record of such duplicity by the United States, and its persistent false claims used to justify aggression.

The allegations against the Libyan government’s ‘killing of its own people’; the alleged sarin gas attacks by the Syrian government against its own people; Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction; and Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program are only four of the most recent and egregious examples.

The consequences of those falsehoods have been devastating for three of the four countries concerned. Notwithstanding convincing evidence to the contrary, successive US governments have persisted in these falsehoods, with the willing complicity of the mainstream media.

Black also correctly points out that it acts as a precedent that can rebound against the United States, as the US cannot now logically argue that its own diplomatic missions remain immune.

The third possibility is that the actions were simply a result of terminal hubris and stupidity. The US has long regarded itself as the “exceptional nation” with that perception now irrefutably extended to being exempt from the provisions of international law.

This would not be a novel conclusion as their actions for many decades have long demonstrated both stupidity and a disregard for international law. The invasion and searching of diplomatic premises in violation of the Vienna Convention is therefore simply an extension of a well-established pattern of behaviour.

The third illustration of why the word of the United States cannot be trusted is the one with potentially the most dangerous consequences. The US and its allies have long claimed that Iran had a nuclear weapons program. Israel has claimed for 20 years that Iran was “only months away” from possessing a nuclear weapon, including a bizarre presentation by Benjamin Netanyahu to the UN General Assembly.

The complete absence of any supporting evidence, and indeed the existence of two unanimous US Intelligence Reports to the contrary, was never sufficient to stop the relentless propaganda barrage against Iran, nor prevent the imposition of sanctions.

The net effect was to dangerously ratchet up tensions to the point where a single act of stupidity, such as Israel carrying out one of its multiple threats to attack Iran, could easily have led to a wider war.

Thanks largely to the initiatives of the Russian and Chinese governments, and a rare moment of sanity by the then US administration, an agreement between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, the European Union’s Foreign Affairs High Representative, Germany and Iran was negotiated. Known as the Joint comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) it was agreed to by all parties in July 2015.

The UN Security Council subsequently endorsed the agreement unanimously on 20 July 2015 (UNSC Resolution 2231). Three key provisions from the Preamble are worth briefly noting:

(iii) Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire nuclear weapons.

(v) The JCPOA will produce the comprehensive lifting of all UNSC sanctions as well as multilateral and national sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program.

(viii) The E3/EU+3 and Iran commit to implement this JCPOA in good faith and to refrain from any action inconsistent with the letter, spirit and intent of this JCPOA that would undermine its successful implementation.

The UNSC Resolution effectively turned the JCPOA into an instrument of international law. The US Congress also passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act under which the President is required to provide a “compliance certification” to Congress every 90 days to verify Iran’s adherence to the terms of the JCPOA.

Under the terms of the JCPOA the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is also entitled to carry out inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities (civilian use is permitted) and issue its own compliance certificates. It has repeatedly done so.

Trump has twice thus far met his obligations to report compliance to Congress, but he told the Wall Street Journal that if it was up to him he would have found Iran non-compliant 180 days ago (i.e. when he was inaugurated).

Trump’s ignorance is bad enough, but it is now known that he has instructed his intelligence agencies to provide proof of Iran’s non-compliance. This is extraordinary and dangerous. Trump clearly has an a priori conclusion that Iran is non-compliant and wants the intelligence agencies to produce what can only be described as ‘fake facts’ to justify his pre-held conclusion.

This is reminiscent of the point noted by the head of British Intelligence in the lead up to the Iraq war when he noted that “the facts were being made to fit the policy.”

The US has also not only failed to life the sanctions in accordance with the JCPOA but has imposed new sanctions on the pretext that Iran has carried out ballistic missile tests (not banned under the JCPOA) and is a “sponsor of terrorism.” Again, facts are not allowed to intrude upon the policy. It is simply impossible to reconcile these and other actions with the obligation of “good faith” in the JCPOA.

The three illustrations noted here confirm the truth of President Putin’s observation that America was HeAOROBOPOCNOCO6Hb1, which I understand, translates as “non-agreement capable.”

The only remaining mystery is why anyone would accept America’s commitment to anything when compliance is completely at the whim of the administration of the day.

James O’Neill, an Australian-based Barrister at Law, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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