Cannot be replaced word

нельзя заменить


It is easily seen, however, that it cannot be replaced by a less arbitrary and more ‘objective’ criterion. Однако легко увидеть, что его нельзя заменить менее произвольным и более «объективным» критерием.
Computer games have a number of advantages, they cannot be replaced by merely didactic or plot games. Компьютерные игры обладают рядом преимуществ, их нельзя заменить просто дидактическими или сюжетными играми.
не могут быть заменены


Hair cells that have been destroyed cannot be replaced or newly formed. Любые волосяные клетки, которые были уничтожены, не могут быть заменены или вновь сформированы.
Ferry tickets that have been lost or mislaid cannot be replaced. Билеты на паром, которые были потеряны или хранились в ненадлежащем месте, не могут быть заменены.
невозможно заменить


Metals often cannot be replaced by any other material. Во многих случаях металл практически невозможно заменить ни одним другим материалом.
The increased use of natural resources, which cannot be replaced. Особенно это касается природных ресурсов, которые невозможно заменить.

More translations in context: не может быть заменена, не может быть заменен

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Что нужно делать, если экзамен, предусмотренный местным учреждением, нельзя заменить?


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На территории России достаточно курортов с полезными свойствами, которые невозможно заменить ни чем.


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Человечество потеряло бесценные культурные сокровища и памятники, которые нельзя заменить.



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The feeling with which a calligrapher approaches his workstation, the trembling cannot be replaced.


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То чувство, с которым каллиграф подходит к своему рабочему месту, тот трепет- его ничем нельзя заменить.


Some of the cells in our bodies cannot be replaced, or

can be



very slowly-more slowly than they die.

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Некоторые клетки в организме человека не могут быть заменены или с возрастом заменяются медленней, чем они отмирают.

The vital elements of its mechanism have worn away and cannot be replaced anymore, so the Orphanage really needs a new sewing-machine.




subordinate only to Constitution and

laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan and cannot be replaced during the term of their authority.


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Они подчиняются только Конституции и законам Азербайджанской Республики, и их нельзя заменить в течение срока их полномочий.


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( 7) Билеты на паром,

Russia should make no mistake- Ukraine cannot be replaced with something else, as it seems to hope;

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России не стоит заблуждать- ся- Украину невозможно заменить, как на это, похоже, надеется Россия;

J The dash panel temperature sensor -G56


built into the Climatronic control unit -J255 and

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J Температурныи датчик переднеи панели- G56 выполнен в качестве одного компонента с панелью управления и индикации-

Sometimes, the home examination covers a broader range of subjects and cannot be replaced formally intermediate and final examinations.


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Порой экзамены, проводимые в местном заведении, охватывают широкий диапазон предметов и не могут быть заменены официально.




especially important for the MI-8 helicopter crew, which cannot be replaced at short notice,

contrary to the B-212 helicopter, which has two crews available.


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Возможность такого обращения особо важна для экипажа вертолета Ми8, который не может быть заменен в сжатые сроки,

в отличие от двух экипажей вертолета B212, которые


сменять друг друга.


Therefore the 5 FUNCINPEC and

BLDP members of the Standing Committee cannot be replaced before May 1998.


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Поэтому пять членов Постоянного комитета,


or by doctrines which violate the letter and the spirit of the Charter.


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которые представляют собой нарушение духа и буквы Устава Организации Объединенных Наций.


But large-scale dismissals and

resignations that

could be

caused by its enforcement


lead to the loss of experienced personnel that cannot be replaced in a short time.


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Однако крупномасштабные увольнения и

отставки, которые могут быть вызваны его применением, способны привести к потере опытного персонала, который не представляется возможным заменить в течение короткого времени.


The broking capacity for resource mobilization of the GM therefore lacks a

cogent basis of scientific environmental assessment that cannot be replaced by the internal expertise developed.


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Поэтому возможности ГМ по координации мобилизации ресурсов страдают из-за недостатка

согласованной базы научных экологических оценок, который нельзя возместить созданным внутри его экспертным опытом.


Accelerator pedal position sender -G79 and accelerator pedal position sender 2 -G185

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Датчик положения педали газа- G79 и датчик положения педали газа 2-

G185 встроены в модуль педали акселератора и по отдельности не заменяются.

Results: 52,
Time: 0.0237





Предложения с «cannot be replaced»

An empty cartridge-box, a man killed, cannot be replaced .

Им нечем заменить ни пустой патронной сумки, ни убитого человека.

There is no free equivalent of this icon, so the image cannot be replaced by a free image.

Нет никакого свободного эквивалента этой иконки, поэтому изображение не может быть заменено свободным изображением.

Also, most images found on the web do not meet our non-free content policy, which states that a non-free image may be used only when it cannot be replaced .

Кроме того, большинство изображений, найденных в Интернете, не соответствуют нашей политике несвободного контента, которая гласит, что несвободное изображение может использоваться только тогда, когда его нельзя заменить .

This is a corporate logo, it cannot be replaced .

Это фирменный логотип, его нельзя заменить .

Such like, he expired means the same as he died, yet my passport has expired cannot be replaced by my passport has died.

Такие как, он истек означает то же самое, что он умер, но мой паспорт истек не может быть заменен моим паспортом умер.

The images are being used as portraits although no case is made for why the copyrighted images cannot be replaced with free ones.

Изображения используются в качестве портретов, хотя нет никаких оснований для того, чтобы изображения, защищенные авторским правом, не могли быть заменены бесплатными.

The images are being used as portraits although no case is made for why the copyrighted images cannot be replaced with free ones.

Изображения используются в качестве портретов, хотя нет никаких оснований для того, чтобы изображения, защищенные авторским правом, не могли быть заменены бесплатными.

Some have a fixed manipulator which cannot be replaced , while a few have one very general purpose manipulator, for example, a humanoid hand.

У некоторых есть неподвижный манипулятор, который не может быть заменен , в то время как у некоторых есть один очень универсальный манипулятор, например, гуманоидная рука.

There is no free equivalent of this book cover, so the image cannot be replaced by a free image.

Нет никакого свободного эквивалента этой обложки книги, поэтому изображение не может быть заменено свободным изображением.

This increases the possibility that the uterus cannot be replaced in the animal, and instead must removed.

Это увеличивает вероятность того, что матка не может быть заменена у животного, а вместо этого должна быть удалена.

Upload protected files, or more technically, fully upload-protected files, cannot be replaced with new versions except by an administrator.

Файлы, защищенные от загрузки, или, что более технически, полностью защищенные от загрузки файлы, не могут быть заменены новыми версиями, кроме как администратором.

There is without doubt congestion in the low Earth and geostationary orbits, and we cannot keep launching new satellites to replace the ones that have broken down without doing something about them first.

Без сомнения, проблема загрязнения низких и геостационарных орбит реальна, и мы не должны запускать новые спутники, заменяя те, что неисправны, не решая прежде всего вопрос со старыми — так же.

Certainly it is an imperfect tool, but a useful one that we cannot do without or replace .

Инструмент этот, безусловно, несовершенный, но полезный, обойтись без которого или заменить который невозможно.

It also means that the United States cannot count on cost savings by assuming that a larger portion of Russia’s nuclear force would be retired due to age — and thus not replaced .

Это также означает, что Америка не может рассчитывать на сокращение затрат, полагая, что значительная часть российских ядерных сил будет списана по возрасту и изъята из эксплуатации, причем без замены .

Note: Do not select the Contents cannot be edited check box if you want form users to replace the instructional text with their own text.

Примечание: Не устанавливайте флажок Содержимое нельзя редактировать, если необходимо, чтобы пользователи формы заменяли пояснительный текст своим собственным.

The dismal Jimmys will tell you that we cannot afford to replace the 27,000 miles of track necessary for the task.

Мне могут сказать,.. что нельзя заменять 27 тысяч миль полотна для выполнения этой задачи.

Simulated elements cannot replace physical inductors in all the possible applications as they do not possess all the unique properties of physical inductors.

Моделируемые элементы не могут заменить физические индукторы во всех возможных приложениях, поскольку они не обладают всеми уникальными свойствами физических индукторов.

The mat-board on which the photograph is mounted, even though acidic in nature, cannot be removed and replaced due to the intrinsic value of this original mounting.

Мат — доска, на которой установлена фотография, даже если она кислотная по своей природе, не может быть удалена и заменена из — за внутренней ценности этой оригинальной установки.

However, it cannot be transformed into potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines and has therefore been widely used as a replacement drug for aminophenazone.

Однако он не может быть превращен в потенциально канцерогенные нитрозамины и поэтому широко используется в качестве заменителя аминофеназона.

Spirals, being essentially two-dimensional objects, cannot be chiral, and planar chirality is an infelicitous term that ought to be replaced by a meaningful term.

Спирали, будучи по существу двумерными объектами, не могут быть хиральными, а плоская хиральность — это неверный термин, который должен быть заменен значимым термином.

The player controls each characters and only three for the battle screen, while others cannot replace the leading one.

Игрок управляет каждым персонажем и только тремя для экрана битвы, в то время как другие не могут заменить ведущего.

If we cannot reduce talk about God to anything else, or replace it, or prove it false, then perhaps God is as real as anything else.

Если мы не можем свести разговор о Боге к чему — то другому, или заменить его, или доказать его ложность, тогда, возможно, Бог так же реален, как и все остальное.

If this PIN cannot be changed or disabled, the only remedy is to get a firmware update to enable the PIN to be changed, or to replace the wireless access point.

Если этот PIN — код не может быть изменен или отключен, единственным решением является обновление встроенного ПО для изменения PIN — кода или замена беспроводной точки доступа.

The stirrup cannot normally be replaced , so good quality V-brakes use a durable metal for the stirrup.

Стремя обычно не может быть заменено , поэтому V — образные тормоза хорошего качества используют прочный металл для стремени.

These examples indicate that the correlation coefficient, as a summary statistic, cannot replace visual examination of the data.

Эти примеры указывают на то, что коэффициент корреляции, как сводная статистика, не может заменить визуальный анализ данных.

Most also cannot have replaceable batteries and only last up to 5 years before having to be replaced – so there is additional cost.

Большинство из них также не могут иметь сменных батарей и прослужат только до 5 лет, прежде чем их придется заменить – так что есть дополнительные расходы.

The current standard is WPA2; some hardware cannot support WPA2 without firmware upgrade or replacement .

Текущий стандарт — WPA2; некоторые аппаратные средства не могут поддерживать WPA2 без обновления или замены встроенного ПО.

Some of the bolts can be replaced while others cannot be removed and load transfer will require more complex remediation methods.

Некоторые болты могут быть заменены , в то время как другие не могут быть удалены, и передача нагрузки потребует более сложных методов восстановления.

If the printhead cannot be removed, the printer itself would need to be replaced .

Если печатающая головка не может быть удалена, то сам принтер должен быть заменен .

However, when cooled, many rockets cannot be restarted without at least minor maintenance, such as replacement of the pyrotechnic igniter.

Однако при охлаждении многие ракеты не могут быть перезапущены без хотя бы незначительного технического обслуживания, такого как замена пиротехнического воспламенителя.

Whether a rubber bushing can be replaced or repaired depends upon the propeller; some cannot.

Может ли резиновая втулка быть заменена или отремонтирована, зависит от пропеллера; некоторые не могут.

It looks like the authentic move is simply that of a non-royal king, that cannot serve as a king-replacement.

Похоже, что подлинный ход — это просто ход некоролевского короля, который не может служить заменой короля.

These classes are mutable and cannot be used as a replacement for the regular wrapper classes.

Эти классы изменчивы и не могут использоваться в качестве замены обычных классов — оболочек.

As a new user I cannot edit this page, can someone please undo Evlekis’ edit and replace Lontech’s more neutral rendition?

Как новый пользователь я не могу редактировать эту страницу, может ли кто — нибудь отменить редактирование Evlekis и заменить более нейтральное исполнение Lontech?

Thus, I cannot see any remaining rationale for removing the per-student figures, and I am replacing them ASAP.

Таким образом, я не вижу никакого другого обоснования для удаления цифр по каждому студенту, и я заменяю их как можно скорее.

Replacement of iron stores is seldom such an emergency situation that it cannot wait for any such acute infection to be treated.

Замена запасов железа редко бывает настолько аварийной ситуацией, что она не может ждать лечения любой такой острой инфекции.

Empirical tests cannot replace formal analysis, though, and are not trivial to perform in a fair manner.

Однако эмпирические тесты не могут заменить формальный анализ и не являются тривиальными для выполнения справедливым образом.

I have looked around for replacements , but cannot find any.

Я огляделся в поисках замены , но ничего не нашел.

As such, people with jargon aphasia often use neologisms, and may perseverate if they try to replace the words they cannot find with sounds.

Таким образом, люди с жаргонной афазией часто используют неологизмы и могут настойчиво пытаться заменить слова, которые они не могут найти, звуками.

In some instances, an issue may be so problematic to the point where the product cannot be salvaged and must be replaced .

В некоторых случаях проблема может быть настолько проблематичной, что продукт не может быть спасен и должен быть заменен .

It can be challenging to locate specific information when working with lengthy documents, such as books and reports. Microsoft Word provides users with two tools, find and replace, to streamline this task.

When users try to replace words using the Find and Replace feature, the program throws an error message: Microsoft Word cannot find a match though the terms exist in the document.fix-find-and-replace-not-working-on-microsoft-word

It’s ok if the text you are attempting to replace in your Word document doesn’t exist and you encounter the error. However, if the text exists in the Word doc and still shows the error, that indicates a problem.

Let’s take a glance to discover and resolve the issue of MS Word find and replace not working error.

Follow our guide on Fix: Microsoft Word Table Of Contents Not Updating

Find and Replace is not working on Microsoft Word due to the search formation of the find input box, a corrupted MS Word doc, or MS Office program. Also, if your Word document file is protected with a password, the Find and Replace feature is not functioning correctly.

Due to some reasons, the Find and Replace feature is not functioning properly on MS Word that I mentioned earlier. Now, I will try to describe these issues to know more.

Here are the possible reason for Find and Replace is not working on MS Word:

Password Protected File

If your MS Word doc file is protected with a password, the Find and Replace feature is not functioning on your document.

Find Input Box Set with Formating

Another reason for Find and Replace accurately not working is your Find input field set with the special format. When the Find input field is set with any particular search command, the Find feature works only for it.

Check out our separate post on Microsoft Word Ctrl+Z not Working

Corrupted MS Word Doc

A corrupted MS Word document is one of the common reasons for encountering the issue because a corrupted document perfectly does not load or work while it opens in MS Word.

Corrupted MS Office Program

When the MS Office program file is corrupted, the Find and Replace feature accurately does not work on your Word, and you encounter the error while you try to find and replace any word.

Here’s a complete guide on how to set background image on MS Word.

How to Fix Find and Replace Not Working On Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Suite is a group of productivity applications, and Microsoft Word is one of the core applications often used for crafting business documents.

To ease this problem, I will guide you through some proven and tested methods to fix the issue of the MS Word find and replace feature not working correctly in this section.

Okay, let’s get started without further ado.

Here are the steps to fix the Find and Replace not working on Microsoft Word:

1. Ensure your Word File isn’t Password Protected

First, ensure that your document is not password protected if the find and replace option in your Microsoft Word program is not working.

If it is protected with a password, then you will need to remove the password before using the find and replace function.

Also, check out our separate post on how to make only one page landscape in Word.

2. Make Sure Search Options Checkboxes are Unchecked

MS Word Search Options checkboxes are sometimes set with some criteria, and the program works based on these criteria. When the Word search feature is set on specific search criteria, the Find feature is not functioning correctly.

So, you must ensure none of the Search Options checkboxes are checked. If the checkboxes are selected, you need to remove them. Follow the steps below to do this.

Here are the steps to uncheck the Search Options checkboxes:

Check out the easiest way to enable equation editor in Microsoft Word.

3. Clear Format

If you use any Format to find a specific font, paragraph, or style, then clear all the formats to resolve your Find and replace not functioning issue.

Here are the steps to clear format:

Quickly check out our epic guide on how to enable word wrap in notepad.

4. Start Word in Safe Mode

The most effective and proven method to solve the Find and Replace feature correctly not functioning is to start word in safe mode.

You can try to start Word in safe mode to resolve the issue. To open the Word in safe mode shortcut, press and hold the Ctrl button and click on the Word icon.

You can also start Word in safe mode from the Windows Run program. Follow the steps below to do so.

Here are the steps to open MS Word in safe mode:

Note: There is space between winword.exe and ‘/.’

Have some time to spare? Quickly check out our epic guide on why can’t I copy paste in Microsoft Word.

5. Restart your PC

When you encounter any problem with your device, the first and most effective thing you can do is reboot it. Rebooting works like magic to solve many issues.

As a first step, please try to restart your computer and see if the problem is resolved. If restarting the device does not help, please try the new troubleshooting steps.

6. Repair MS Office Program

Another tested method to resolve the Find and Replace not functioning problem is repairing the MS Office program.

You can try to repair the MS Office program to resolve the problem. Sometimes, repairing the Office program can fix your problem effortlessly.

Here are the steps to repair the MS Office program:

But before that, go through our epic guide on do Microsoft points still work.

7. Reinstall MS Office Program

The final method to fix your Find and Replace not the functioning problem is reinstalling the MS Office program.

If none of the methods work, uninstall the Office program and then reinstall it to resolve your problem. Reinstalling the program helps you remove all the corrupted files and install the new fresh files.

Here are the steps to reinstall the MS Office program:

Check out our separate post on how to insert word page numbers in MS Word.

Final Thoughts

Microsoft Office Find and Replace option is a remarkable feature that helps users find a specific word or text within a second and replace it with different words. Using this feature, you can easily modify your word doc file quickly.

Some users reported that Find and Replace option is not correctly functioning when they try to modify some words or text. If you also encounter the same issue, don’t be upset. Follow the methods I described in this post to resolve the problem within a minute.

That’s all for now. Plenty of solutions to consider. As usual, check out our other details for more information and details.

Goodbye. Have a good day.

Please Note:
This article is written for users of the following Microsoft Word versions: 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. If you are using an earlier version (Word 2003 or earlier), this tip may not work for you. For a version of this tip written specifically for earlier versions of Word, click here: When Replace Doesn’t Work.

Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated May 9, 2022)
This tip applies to Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016

When you try to replace text in your document using Find and Replace, things may not always work as you would expect. If they don’t, check these factors:

  • Have you made a selection of text? If so, the replace operation will work only within that selection.
  • Have you cleared the formatting? (Unless the formatting is necessary for what you are trying to do.)
  • Is Track Changes turned on? (Some functions using wildcards don’t work as expected if Track Changes is on.)
  • Did you spell the Find What and Replace With text correctly?
  • Are there special characters in what you are looking for? (If so, you’ll want to make sure you enter the special characters properly.)
  • Are the search modifiers (match case and whole word) selected properly?

If these factors are set properly and it still doesn’t work properly, then you should exit Word and restart the program. You will then be able to perform the replace anew, with Word in a «fresh» condition.

WordTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Word training.
(Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing software in the world.)
This tip (11097) applies to Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. You can find a version of this tip for the older menu interface of Word here: When Replace Doesn’t Work.

Author Bio

With more than 50 non-fiction books and numerous magazine articles to his credit, Allen Wyatt is an internationally recognized author. He is president of Sharon Parq Associates, a computer and publishing services company. Learn more about Allen…


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“Why Microsoft Word won’t let me edit?

Word documents are very important in an office setting as a lot of official work and reports are done in Microsoft Word. Microsoft’s Productive Suite is very easy to work in, with Microsoft Word being one of the best text editors available in the market. But what if for some reason you can’t edit Word document all of a sudden? It can be especially problematic for office workers.

We definitely understand how distressing this problem can, which is why in this article we have discussed several ways that can be used to diagnose and troubleshoot this problem.

We have shown a VIDEO walk through at the end of the post for easy solution. 

There can be various reasons that can stop you from editing your Word document, let’s look at the causes of this problem:

  • If the trial version of the office program that you are running expires, then you can face this issue.
  • The Word file may be set to open in read-only mode, which is why you are unable to edit it.
  • If editing the Word document has been restricted, then this problem can occur.
  • The Protected view feature is enabled can restrict editing documents that can potentially harm your computer.
  • If more than one user has the document open in a shared network, then you cannot edit the Word document.
  • The the file may not be a Word document (.docx) but rather converted to .doc, which is why Microsoft Word won’t let you edit it.

What To Do When You Can’t Edit Word Document

Now that you know the various causes of this problem, it’s time to troubleshoot them one by one.

Solution 1: Check Some Basic Issues

This problem can occur if you are using a trial version of the Office program and the trial period has expired. The first thing that you need to do if you are using a trial version is to check if the trial period has finished.

Next, if the document you want to edit is in any removable device, then copy it and paste it in your hard disk and then try editing it.

Then, check if the Word is asking for a password when you are trying to edit the document. If yes, then ask the owner of the document to give you the password.

Finally, check if the document you are trying to open is really a .doc file. Sometimes this problem can arise when other file formats are converted into .doc, which Microsoft Word may not allow to be edited.

Solution 2: Disable Read-Only Mode

This problem can also occur if the document has been opened in read-only mode. In this scenario, disabling the read-only mode should fix this problem.

To disable the read-only mode, follow the steps given below:

  1. Locate the Word document you want to edit and right-click on it.
  2. Click on the Properties option from the pop-up menu.
  3. Uncheck the Read-only attribute in the General tab.


  1. Now, select the Security tab and see if the elements in the Group or user names section have been allowed the Full control, Modify, Read & execute, Read, Write permissions.
  2. If they are not allowed then, click on the Edit option below the Group or user names section and select the boxes for the options given above.
  3. Finally, click on Apply and OK to save all the changes.


Now, check if you still can’t edit Word document. This solution should fix this problem.

Solution 3: Change the Restrict Editing Settings

As mentioned above, documents can be restricted to edit. If this is the case, then changing the Restrict Editing settings should fix this problem.

To change the Restrict Editing settings, follow the steps given below:

  1. First, open the document in Microsoft Word and then click on the Review option.
  2. Click on the Restrict Editing option. If any of the restriction boxes are selected, then uncheck them.
  3. Close down the document and reopen it.


Disabling the Restrict Editing feature should solve this issue.

Solution 4: Disable The Protected View Feature

The Protected View feature in Microsoft Word basically opens the potentially malicious documents in a restricted mode. Thus, this security feature can stop you from editing the Word document if it considers the document as malicious or a threat to your computer.

To disable Protected view, follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the document in the Microsoft Word and click on the File option.
  2. Scroll down and click on the Options It will open the Word options panel on your computer.
  3. Now, click on the Trust Centre option and then click on the Trust Centre Settings.


  1. Click on the Protected View option.
  2. Now, uncheck all the options related to Protected View and then click on OK.


Close the document and then reopen it. Check if you are able to edit it or not. If you still cannot edit Word document, then try the next solution.

Solution 5: Remove The Owner Of The File

If you are trying to open a word document that is available in a shared network and you are unable to edit it, then most likely someone else has the file opened and already editing it. If that’s the case then the file will only open in Read-only mode, unless you remove the file owner.

To remove the file owner, follow the steps given below:

  1. First, save the word document that you are unable to edit and then close down all the programs, including the document.
  2. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys on your desktop to open the Task Manager.
  3. In the Processes tab, locate and right-click on the exe process and then click on the End Process option in the pop-up menu.
  4. If any dialog opens up asking to close down the program because it’s not responding, then click on Ok.
  5. Close the Task Manager and navigate to the folder in which the Word document is located.
  6. Locate the file named as ~$cument.doc and delete it.
  7. Now, open the document in Microsoft Word. If any dialog appears asking to load changes made to the template, then click on No.

This solution should fix this problem.


Wrapping Up

So, now you know what to do if you can’t edit Word document. The troubleshooting methods given above should help you fix this problem. Feel free to share your thoughts on the article in the comment section.

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