Can you spell the word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Можешь произнести

А как пишется

Можете произнести по

Can you spell «boy» then?

Can you spell the word chrysanthemum?

Can you spell «early signs»?

Can you spell his name first time?

Can you spell them without looking them up? 1.

Can you spell out what is the danger?

Teacher: Can you spell it?

Can you spell and write a coherent sentence?

Can you spell out exactly what we are expected to do?

Can you spell all 10 words right?

Can you spell the name of this color correctly?

Can you spell «illegal immigrant,» then?

Can you spell his name without looking on Google?

А вы можете назвать их имена, не заглядывая в Google и следующее предложение?

Can you spell your last name for me, please?

Can you spell out exactly what I would have to find?

Can you spell: «Unanimously affirmed.»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 63. Точных совпадений: 63. Затраченное время: 90 мс

227 параллельный перевод

Can you spell that for me?

Можете произнести по слогам?

— Can you spell?

— Правописание учили?

Can you spell that?

Можно по буквам?

Can you spell dog?

А слово «пёс»?

Can you spell cat?

Скажи по буквам слово «кот».

— Can you spell that?

— Можешь написать?

Can you spell Soderbergh for me?

Продиктуете Содерберг по буквам?

Can you spell «donation»? He can’t.

Можете написать «пожертвование»?

Farron Davis, can you spell that?

Фэррон Дэвис… Вы можете произнести по буквам?

Can you spell that for us, please?

Как правильно пишется ваше имя?

Can you spell?

Вы умеете писать?

Can you spell everything you’re thinking of?

— Ты сам с этим справишься?

That’s a big word, can you spell it?

Длинное слово. Написать сможешь?

You can’t spell «leopard» with a «U.»

«Leopard» пишется не через «U».

A spell you can’t explain

Необъяснимые чары.

— Tell them you can’t spell.

— Скажи им, что не умеешь писать.

— I can’t imagine any witch of a woman… casting a spell over you.

Не могу представить женщину, способную околдовать тебя.

— For one thing, you can’t spell.

— Во-первых, вы наделаете ошибок в письме.

I’d spell it out for you, only I can’t spell.

Я бы объяснила тебе, но боюсь наделать ошибок.

If you’re lookin for Horner, you can keep on looking for quite a spell because he’s lit out, bag and baggage, together with all the rest of the God-fearin’citizens.

Можешь не искать Хорнера, им тут даже не пахнет. Он уехал прочь со всем своим добром вместе с остальными благоверными горожанами.

In the middle of the woods, in a state you can not spell

√ де-то в лесу, в глуши, в штате, название которого € даже выговорить не в состо € нии.

Well, at least you can spell.

Ну, по крайней мере, ты умеешь правильно писать.

Can you at least spell the word «statehood» correctly?

Ты хоть слово «государство» напишешь правильно?

I can cast a spell on you!


You reckon… You can hold out a spell?

Ты думаешь… ты сможешь продержаться?

You made the spell and you can undo it!

Ты наложила заклинание и ты можешь снять его!

Remember, you can’t spell Relaxo without relax.

Помните, нельзя писать «Расслабо» без расслабления.

— I’m surprised you can spell. — Fuck you!

Вали отсюда!

— You can’t spell «difficulty».

— Не можешь написать «трудности».

Step outside for a spell, and I swear, when you return… I’ll have evidence even you can’t question.

Выйди на улицу ненадолго, и я клянусь, когда ты вернешься, у меня будут такие доказательства, которые ты не сможешь оспорить.

You can spell fox.

Ты знаешь по буквам слово «лиса».

Very well, we shall see if a spell in the rigging can’t teach you to tread more carefully.

Что ж, прекрасно.

I said, » Our Commissar is a sorcerer, he can cast a spell and you’ll get a letter from your wife /

Я говорю : » У нас комиссар — колдун, может наколдовать письмо от жены.

You can spell, can you?

Ты можешь произносить слова по буквам?

You stay and watch her. I know a spell that will reveal the demon so that we can fight it, but I need to get some supplies from the magic shop.

Я знаю заклинание, которое заставит демона, завладевшего ею, проявиться так, чтобы мы могли бороться с ним, но мне нужно взять кое-какие ингредиенты из Волшебной лавки.

Look, I can at least buy you enough time for Willow’s spell to bind it.

Слушай, по крайней мере, я могу выиграть достаточного времени, пока заклинание Виллоу не свяжет ее.

You see, Ross? This poor bastard can’t even spell «job», but at least he tries.

Этот долбоёб даже произнести слово «работа» не может, но он старается.

I can spell better than you think.

СиДжей, я пишу намного грамотнее, чем ты считаешь.

They’ll lift the spell, then you can fight all 20 and still get killed.

Они снимут заклятие, и ты сможешь сражаться со всеми ими двадцатью, и тебя все равно убьют. Отличная идея.

Remember, you can’t spell stock boy without «Oh, boy!»

Запомните, теперь вы не скажете «парень со склада» не прибавив «Вот так парень!»

So you think if we kill this vampire, they’d take off the spell whammy and we can go back to being ourselves?

Итак, ты думаешь, что если мы убьем того вампира, они снимут колдовство и мы сможем вернуться назад и быть самими собой?

Hey, I can out-spell you any time, any place.

Я оторфографю тебя в любое время, в любом месте.

I can’t believe you could even read a resurrection spell at age seven.

Я не могу поверить, что ты мог читать заклинание воскрешения уже в семь лет.

Well, then, Calcifer, can you break the spell I’m under?

Понятно, Калюцифар. Ты сможешь снять с меня проклятие?

You can’t even break your own spell.

Сначала освободись сама. Что тебе я?

Uh, shouldn’t you shut the fuck up so he can spell the fucking word, Georgie?

А может ты лучше заткнёшься, твою мать, а дашь парню назвать слово?

Come on, you can knock off for a spell.

— Брось, отдохни немножко.

I can’t believe you don’t know how to spell it.

А ты этого и не знаешь

Before you can cast a spell… you must have the physical strength to stand its effect.

Знай, прежде, чем творить чары тебе потребуются силы, чтобы их выдержать.

Can you please spell «Gabbana»?

Не подскажете, как пишется «Габбана»?

Hey, you can’t even spell wisdom teeth, Downey.

Эй, Дауни, ты даже не знаешь, как это пишется.

  • перевод на «can you spell» турецкий

Can You Spell These Common English Words?

Image: bluecinema/ E+/ Getty Images

About This Quiz

Let’s just get one thing out of the way upfront: Spelling these days has gone right down the drain. «WYD,» «OMW» and «BRB» have become more commonplace than «What are you doing?,» «On my way!,» and «Be right back.»  Why? Well, texting has a lot to do with it. We started trying to send texts on early phones equipped with only numbered keypads. Typing anything very lengthy — it just took too long. (Even a «hello» would require you to punch in, «4433555555666.») Abbreviations just made it simpler to communicate. 

Fast-forward to the 2000s and we got smartphones with complete keyboards, but it was too late: We’d already adopted that shorthand way of typing as its own form of language. And, we won’t lie: It works. But, as self-professed, certified «word nerds,» whatever happened to the days of complete words and full sentences — with punctuation, please?

This quiz won’t test your «text speak» (we have one for that, though), but it will test your ability to remember the spelling of common English words. Can you spell the name of the word for baubles on your wrist, neck and ears? What about another term for your hobbies? Maybe you’re not a professional, but one of these when it comes to spelling? One thing is sure: We g-u-a-r-a-n-t-e-e you’ll have fun with this one!

Question 1 - mispell

It’s bad enough to spell a word incorrectly, but it’s even worse to spell this word wrong. Which is correct?

We thought we’d start with a word that represents this whole quiz — misspell. Did you «misspell» it or get it correct? Double Ss and double Ls can make this a tricky one to get right.

We thought we’d start with a word that represents this whole quiz — misspell. Did you «misspell» it or get it correct? Double Ss and double Ls can make this a tricky one to get right.

Question 2 - Pronunciation

You may know how to say it, but do you know how to spell this word that means «how something sounds?»

Being able to spell something correctly is one thing, but do you also know its «pronunciation?» Consider it the spoken equivalent of the proper written spelling. Both are important to make you sound extra smart!

Being able to spell something correctly is one thing, but do you also know its «pronunciation?» Consider it the spoken equivalent of the proper written spelling. Both are important to make you sound extra smart!

Question 3 - Handkerchief

Some people wear decorative ones in suits; others are used for blowing your nose. Which is the proper spelling?

You may abbreviate it as «hankie» to avoid having to spell the full thing, but it’s always good to know the correct spelling of any word! This one can be tricky because it’s usually pronounced without the «D» sound in there.

You may abbreviate it as «hankie» to avoid having to spell the full thing, but it’s always good to know the correct spelling of any word! This one can be tricky because it’s usually pronounced without the «D» sound in there.

Question 4 - Weird

Al Yankovic made a name for himself using this descriptive word. Which one is correct?

That’s «Weird Al» Yankovic to you, a man who has been entertaining people with his comedic songs since the mid-1970s. He became famous for tunes like, «Trapped in the Drive-Thru» and «White & Nerdy.»

That’s «Weird Al» Yankovic to you, a man who has been entertaining people with his comedic songs since the mid-1970s. He became famous for tunes like, «Trapped in the Drive-Thru» and «White & Nerdy.»

Question 5 - eye doctor

An eye doctor might do this to your eyes in order to see inside them. Which is the correct spelling?

An eye doctor may choose to dilate your eyes in order to better determine the health of your vision. The process of dilation allows components inside the eye to be viewed more clearly and carefully.

An eye doctor may choose to dilate your eyes in order to better determine the health of your vision. The process of dilation allows components inside the eye to be viewed more clearly and carefully.

Question 6 - jury

Commit a crime and a grand jury might decide to do which of these to you?

If you commit a crime, local prosecutors may present their case to a grand jury, which will decide whether to «indict,» or charge, you with a crime. Grand jury indictments are usually applied only to the most serious cases.

If you commit a crime, local prosecutors may present their case to a grand jury, which will decide whether to «indict,» or charge, you with a crime. Grand jury indictments are usually applied only to the most serious cases.

Question 7 -  Amateur

If you’re not a professional, most people would probably consider you this. Can you spell it?

Athletes who play in the NFL, NBA or MLB are professionals for sure. Athletes who play at the collegiate level, while talented, are usually considered amateurs because they don’t accept money and may be less skilled.

Athletes who play in the NFL, NBA or MLB are professionals for sure. Athletes who play at the collegiate level, while talented, are usually considered amateurs because they don’t accept money and may be less skilled.

Question 8 - Calendar

Sunday through Saturday, January to December, this item will tell you what’s happening. Which is the right spelling?

Today, most of us use a calendar system known as the Gregorian calendar, which follows a 12-month pattern from January to December. There have been plenty of other types of calendars throughout history, though, including the Roman, Julian and Mayan.

Today, most of us use a calendar system known as the Gregorian calendar, which follows a 12-month pattern from January to December. There have been plenty of other types of calendars throughout history, though, including the Roman, Julian and Mayan.

Question 9 - spouse

Not getting along with your spouse? You may decide to do this, but can you spell it?

We’ll let you in on a little secret: A teacher a long time ago gave us a trick to remember how to spell this one. Just remember that there’s «a rat» in «separate.» Do you see it? Now, use it to help you remember!

We’ll let you in on a little secret: A teacher a long time ago gave us a trick to remember how to spell this one. Just remember that there’s «a rat» in «separate.» Do you see it? Now, use it to help you remember!

Question 10 - Shaq

The ceilings were too low to ____________ Shaq’s 7-ft., 1-in. frame. Which properly-spelled word fills the blank?

You’d need some pretty tall ceilings to accommodate Shaquille O’Neal. The former NBA superstar clocks in at 7-ft., 1-in. tall and, while we’re not ones to judge, he also tips the scale at 320-plus pounds. He’s a big man!

You’d need some pretty tall ceilings to accommodate Shaquille O’Neal. The former NBA superstar clocks in at 7-ft., 1-in. tall and, while we’re not ones to judge, he also tips the scale at 320-plus pounds. He’s a big man!

Question 11 - football

Football players sometimes like to assure their fans of a win. Which of this is the correct spelling of a word similar to «assure?»

Athletes may like to promise their fans a win, but there’s no «guarantee» it’ll happen! That’s why they play the game, after all. It wouldn’t be much fun to watch if one team was guaranteed a victory.

Athletes may like to promise their fans a win, but there’s no «guarantee» it’ll happen! That’s why they play the game, after all. It wouldn’t be much fun to watch if one team was guaranteed a victory.

Question 12 - Republican

If you’re not a registered Republican or Democrat, you may belong to this group of voters who aren’t affiliated with either party. How is it spelled?

Independent voters choose that designation because they don’t want to affiliate with either the Republican or Democratic parties. Independent voters are at a disadvantage sometimes, though: They typically cannot vote in primaries.

Independent voters choose that designation because they don’t want to affiliate with either the Republican or Democratic parties. Independent voters are at a disadvantage sometimes, though: They typically cannot vote in primaries.

Question 13 - Definitely

Not maybe, not perhaps, but ___________. How do you spell it?

If you got this one right, you are «definitely» a word genius! The word «definitely» just means there is no doubt about something. Are you going to have fun finishing this quiz? Definitely!

If you got this one right, you are «definitely» a word genius! The word «definitely» just means there is no doubt about something. Are you going to have fun finishing this quiz? Definitely!

Question 14 - Jewelry

Earrings, necklaces and bracelets are part of a category of accessories known as this. Which is the right spelling?

Jewelry pieces, such as fun bangles, dangly earrings and statement necklaces, are a great way to jazz up any outfit. Most historians believe that the act of wearing jewelry dates all the way back to Cro-Magnon era.

Jewelry pieces, such as fun bangles, dangly earrings and statement necklaces, are a great way to jazz up any outfit. Most historians believe that the act of wearing jewelry dates all the way back to Cro-Magnon era.

Question 15 - library

Spend enough time in one of these and your spelling will go from «eh» to «ah.» What is it?

We’ll be honest: A library is one of our favorite places. Maybe it’s because it’s quiet or maybe it’s because it’s full of books that can transport you to another time and place. Either way, if we ever go missing, start the search there!

We’ll be honest: A library is one of our favorite places. Maybe it’s because it’s quiet or maybe it’s because it’s full of books that can transport you to another time and place. Either way, if we ever go missing, start the search there!

Question 16 - Millennial

We use this word to refer to a group of people born between the early-1980s and the mid-1990s. Can you spell it?

If you know someone as a «millennial,» that means they were most likely born in the period of time from the 1980s to the mid-1990s. As a group, they come just after the age range known as Generation X.

If you know someone as a «millennial,» that means they were most likely born in the period of time from the 1980s to the mid-1990s. As a group, they come just after the age range known as Generation X.

Question 17 - hobby

Have a favorite hobby? If so, you’ve probably referred to it as this a time or two. How is it spelled?

You may «pass the time» doing it, but the synonym for the word «hobby» is spelled p-a-s-t-i-m-e. Seems like it’s missing a letter (or two), doesn’t it? But, it’s not. It’s correct with just one «S» and one «T.»

You may «pass the time» doing it, but the synonym for the word «hobby» is spelled p-a-s-t-i-m-e. Seems like it’s missing a letter (or two), doesn’t it? But, it’s not. It’s correct with just one «S» and one «T.»

Question 18 - Principal

He (or she) is the one in charge of a school full of students and teachers. Do you know how to spell it?

We hope we didn’t trick you with this one! The word «principle» is, in fact, a correct spelling, but the wrong choice for this definition. A «principal» is the one charged with leadership over a school.

We hope we didn’t trick you with this one! The word «principle» is, in fact, a correct spelling, but the wrong choice for this definition. A «principal» is the one charged with leadership over a school.

Question 19 - Roosevelt

The 26th president, Teddy Roosevelt, is credited with this saying: «__________ you can and you’re halfway there.» Which spelling fits the blank?

Roosevelt hit the nail on the head with this one! Sometimes, all it takes to get something done is to «believe» that you can do it. The mind is half the battle; the rest is convincing your body to go along with it!

Roosevelt hit the nail on the head with this one! Sometimes, all it takes to get something done is to «believe» that you can do it. The mind is half the battle; the rest is convincing your body to go along with it!

Question 20 - Receipt

Be sure to grab this when you make a purchase, in case you need to return anything. How is this word spelled?

It’s another one of those words that appears to have a random letter (this time a «P») in it, but it belongs there! We tend to pronounce this word so that we don’t hear the «P,» which is why spelling it can be a challenge.

It’s another one of those words that appears to have a random letter (this time a «P») in it, but it belongs there! We tend to pronounce this word so that we don’t hear the «P,» which is why spelling it can be a challenge.

Question 21 - dancer

If you’re a dancer (or aspire to be one), you probably need a natural sense of this to excel. How is it spelled?

The word «rhythm» is strange-looking, isn’t it? It’s because, in this case, the «Y» is treated as a vowel; yet, it doesn’t look like one! Rhythm is the concept of moving in time with the beat of music.

The word «rhythm» is strange-looking, isn’t it? It’s because, in this case, the «Y» is treated as a vowel; yet, it doesn’t look like one! Rhythm is the concept of moving in time with the beat of music.

Question 22 - Vacuum

Our least favorite household chore involves this apparatus. Can you spell it?

It’s true; we hate having to use a vacuum, but it’s a necessary evil. Speaking of «evil,» that’s an evil kind of spelling, isn’t it? Two «U’s» side-by-side gives this word not only an interesting look, but also an unusual sound.

It’s true; we hate having to use a vacuum, but it’s a necessary evil. Speaking of «evil,» that’s an evil kind of spelling, isn’t it? Two «U’s» side-by-side gives this word not only an interesting look, but also an unusual sound.

Question 23 - theyre

This word means «they are,» but people struggle more with its usage than its spelling. Which is it?

Ah, the great they’re/their/there debate! Will it ever end? We’ll continue to champion for using the right word in the right case. In this instance, it’s «they’re,» which means «they are.»

Ah, the great they’re/their/there debate! Will it ever end? We’ll continue to champion for using the right word in the right case. In this instance, it’s «they’re,» which means «they are.»

Question 24 - Queue

If you’ve ever stood in line awaiting your turn, you’ve been in one of these. Can you spell it?

A «queue» is a line of sorts where you’re waiting your turn for something, such as paying for your groceries or getting a new driver’s license. With two U’s and two E’s, it’s almost all vowels!

A «queue» is a line of sorts where you’re waiting your turn for something, such as paying for your groceries or getting a new driver’s license. With two U’s and two E’s, it’s almost all vowels!

Question 25 - Committee

Someone might ask you to serve on one of these, but do you know how to spell it?

Schools, governments and even workplaces have groups dedicated to specific purposes, sometimes called committees. A committee may do everything from creating rules to creating new cafeteria options.

Schools, governments and even workplaces have groups dedicated to specific purposes, sometimes called committees. A committee may do everything from creating rules to creating new cafeteria options.

Question 26 - Grammar

Good spelling isn’t all that’s important; good ___________ is too! How is it spelled?

Maybe you’re already an expert speller, but how’s your grammar? The word «grammar» is associated with how sentences are put together. Good grammar, in fact, can make sentences easier to read!

Maybe you’re already an expert speller, but how’s your grammar? The word «grammar» is associated with how sentences are put together. Good grammar, in fact, can make sentences easier to read!

Question 27 - letter

You may close a written letter with this word, particularly if it’s for professional purposes. Can you spell it?

We «sincerely» hope you chose the correct spelling of this one! The word «sincerely» is often used to close business letters, probably because it means that you are trying to convey that you are genuine or real in your feelings.

We «sincerely» hope you chose the correct spelling of this one! The word «sincerely» is often used to close business letters, probably because it means that you are trying to convey that you are genuine or real in your feelings.

Question 28 - Tomorrow

If you don’t get it done today, you might opt to do it when?

Some words have double consonants, some don’t, and some have only one — as in the case of «tomorrow.» It can be hard to remember whether to include two Ms or two Rs, though. Maybe you’ll figure it out … tomorrow?

Some words have double consonants, some don’t, and some have only one — as in the case of «tomorrow.» It can be hard to remember whether to include two Ms or two Rs, though. Maybe you’ll figure it out … tomorrow?

Question 29 - food and water

Something that is considered essential, such as food and water, could also be called by which of these words?

There aren’t very many things in life that are «necessary»: food, water, new shoes. Wait, how’d that last one get in there? We do love us some new shoes, but they certainly aren’t essential like the other two.

There aren’t very many things in life that are «necessary»: food, water, new shoes. Wait, how’d that last one get in there? We do love us some new shoes, but they certainly aren’t essential like the other two.

Question 30 - Government

The ______________ of a country is what makes its rules and laws. Can you choose the correct spelling?

The term «government» is a bit challenging because of that somewhat silent «N» there in the middle. An easy way to remember to include it is to think about what the government does: It governs!

The term «government» is a bit challenging because of that somewhat silent «N» there in the middle. An easy way to remember to include it is to think about what the government does: It governs!

Question 31 - Public

You can do things privately or you can do them in this manner. Just be careful which you choose! Which of these is the proper spelling?

If you do something «publicly,» be careful: You never know who may be watching! The word «publicly» means, of course, that something is being done out in the open — in public, so to speak.

If you do something «publicly,» be careful: You never know who may be watching! The word «publicly» means, of course, that something is being done out in the open — in public, so to speak.

Question 32 - Cats and dogs

Cats and dogs are known to like doing this to one another. What is it?

Sometimes cats and dogs just don’t get along. Other times, they simply like to «harass,» or pester, one another. The word «harass» actually comes from the French «harer,» which means to «set a dog on.» Pretty appropriate for our question, wouldn’t you say?

Sometimes cats and dogs just don’t get along. Other times, they simply like to «harass,» or pester, one another. The word «harass» actually comes from the French «harer,» which means to «set a dog on.» Pretty appropriate for our question, wouldn’t you say?

Question 33 - Hump Day

We prefer Fridays, but some people are fans of this day, known affectionately as «Hump Day.» How do you spell it?

It comes smack in between Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, which makes «Hump Day» an appropriate nickname, since you’re «over the hump» of the first part of the week. We still live for Fridays, though.

It comes smack in between Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, which makes «Hump Day» an appropriate nickname, since you’re «over the hump» of the first part of the week. We still live for Fridays, though.

Question 34 - Success

Has this quiz been a ___________? It will be if you can get this one right! Which is it?

The word «success» simply means that something favorable has happened. You may be successful at work, at home or in your community. Heck, you may even be successful at finishing this quiz!

The word «success» simply means that something favorable has happened. You may be successful at work, at home or in your community. Heck, you may even be successful at finishing this quiz!

Question 35 - Liaison

This person is one who helps create links between other people or organizations. Do you know how to spell it?

Phew! We ended with a tricky one! The word «liaison» is one of those words where its letters look out of place … even when they aren’t! «Liaison» comes from the French and means «to bind.»

Phew! We ended with a tricky one! The word «liaison» is one of those words where its letters look out of place … even when they aren’t! «Liaison» comes from the French and means «to bind.»

Перевод по словам

  • can empower — может уполномочить
  • can change — может меняться
  • can about — можно о
  • can attain — может достичь
  • please can — пожалуйста, может
  • can from — может, из
  • can outline — можно выделить
  • can entangle — может запутать
  • hopefully we can — надеюсь, что мы можем
  • can be pushed — может быть выдвинут

you [pronoun]

pronoun: вас, вам, вы, вами, тебя, тебе, ты, тобой

  • stops you — останавливает вас
  • status you — статус вас
  • indicate you — указывают на вас
  • reimburse you — возмещает
  • sparing you — избавляя
  • prompting you — предлагающее
  • you are so cute when you — вы так мило, когда ты
  • do you know why you — Вы знаете, почему вы
  • ask you if you want — спросить вас, если вы хотите
  • you wish you could — вы хотели бы

spell [noun]

noun: заклинание, чары, период, время, очарование, заговор, обаяние, короткий промежуток времени, смена, замена

verb: означать, читать по складам, заговаривать, очаровывать, сменять, заменять, давать передышку, называть по буквам, околдовывать, отдохнуть

  • spell checking — проверка правописания
  • rainy spell — дождливое заклинание
  • cast your spell — отдать свое заклинание
  • the spell was cast — заклинание было брошено
  • to break a spell — разорвать заклинание
  • spell during — заклинание во время
  • cast a spell on you. — околдовать вас.
  • second spell — второе заклинание
  • be under the spell — быть под впечатлением
  • a spell with — заклинание с

Предложения с «can you spell»

I got two gold stars for spelling Tyrannosaurus. Can you spell it?

Я получил две золотые звезды за то, что знаю, как пишется тиранозавр.

Can you spell illegal immigrant, then?

А ты знаешь, как пишется нелегальный иммигрант?

Can you spell that?

Ты можешь произнести это по буквам?

Can you spell your name for me?

Как пишется ваше имя?

Can you spell it?

Как пишется?

Andrew, can you spell estrogen?

Эндрю, ты можешь произнести эстроген?

I had to copy my history homework from Kristy Peters, and she can barely spell her name.

Мне пришлось списывать историю у Кристи Питерс, а она даже свое имя пишет с ошибками.

You’ll need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell .

Вам нужна будет ведьма, которой можно будет доверять для заклинания маскировки.

The proper spell drawn in white sorcerer’s sand can invoke the Keeper.

Правильно сотворенное заклинание с помощью колдовского песка может вызвать Владетеля.

I knew I was awake now and free from the spell , for no spell can withstand this exorcism.

Я знал, что никакие чары не устоят против моей молитвы.

I can cast a spell on the door, but it will weaken me greatly.

Я могу наложить заклятие на дверь, но это обессилит меня до предела.

Vincent’s boundary is too strong, but what Davina and I can do is cast a disruption spell .

Граница Винсента очень сильна, и все, что мы с Давиной можем сделать, это наложить разрушающее заклинание.

I’ve reworked the unmaking spell so we can travel between the universes.

Я переделал заклинание, теперь мы можем перемещаться сквозь вселенные.

With Furcifer gone, I can put a cloaking spell on her.

Ферцифера больше нет, теперь я могу наложить заклинание маскировки.

You’ll need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell .

Вам нужна будет ведьма, которой можно будет доверять для заклинания маскировки.

It’s friendly — she’s underlined friendly — that’s probably why she calls it Hercules or Hercles. She can’t spell .

Он доброжелательный — она подчеркивает это — наверное, поэтому она зовет его Геркулесом.

Nothing a little locator spell can’t fix.

Ничего небольшое заклинание локатора не может исправить.

Uh, so apparently you can find deceased spirits with a simple locator spell .

По всей видимости, найти дух покойника можно простым поисковым заклинанием.

I’m casting a binding spell so it will lure the Widows to us and you guys can kill ’em.

Накладываю связующее заклятие, чтобы оно приманило Вдов к нам, а вы, ребята, смогли их убить.

Reverend father, answered the Preceptor of Goodalricke, no spell can effect the champion who comes forward to fight for the judgment of God.

Преподобный отец, — отвечал прецептор Гудольрик, — никакой талисман не в силах одолеть рыцаря, который выступает на бой за правое дело на божьем суде.

To rupture the spell of the ideology of the commodified consumer society… so that our oppressed desires of a more authentic nature can come forward.

Разорвать чары идеологии сложившегося потребительского общества… так чтобы наши подавленные желания более истиной природы могли выйти на первый план.

If you can unknot this rope using that spell , you’ll have taken an important step towards control.

Если ты сможешь ослабить связь этим заклинанием, ты возмешь всю ответственность за контроль на себя.

Can you, uh, crack open the undo spell ? It’s probably somewhere near the back.

Найди заклинание отмены — наверняка где — то в конце.

I can’t live like a porcelain doll, and I have no clue how to undo the damn spell .

Но я не могу жить словно фарфоровая кукла, и я понятия не имею, как разрушить это чертово заклятие.

Can you cast a spell to subdue him?

Ты можешь применить заклятье, чтобы усмирить его?

Just do the stupid cloaking spell so I can go grab Elena and you can go back to wrecking my mansion.

Просто сделай это тупое маскировочное заклинание. чтобы я мог спасти Елену и можешь вернуться разрушать мой особняк.

I get what you need from us, but if both doppelgangers are alive again, the travelers can restart their spell .

Я поняла, что тебе от нас надо, но если оба двойника будут живыми снова странники смогут перезапустить заклинание.

The victim of her witcheries can only name the fatal scroll, the spell inscribed on which is, doubtless, the cause of his silence.

Жертва ее колдовства только и могла сослаться на роковые письмена, начертанные заклинания, которые вынуждают его молчать.

You can keep being a Debbie Downer, or you can do a locator spell and help me find Rayna.

Ты можешь быть нытиком или ты можешь сделать заклинание поиска и помоги мне найти Рейну

Is it supernaturally possible that he can do a spell that swaps her life for his life once he-pfft- kills himself?

Это сверхъестественно возможно,что он сможет создать заклинание ,которое отделит его заменит от ее как только он убивает себя?

I don’t think I can spell trebuchet.

Не думаю, что смогу произнести требуше по буквам.

If we can use his own spell against him, once he’s locked in his body, I can end our collective woes with a brief snap of the neck.

Если мы используем его же заклинание против него, то запрем его в собственном теле, и избавимся от нашей общей головной боли легким поворотом головы.

An immediate reunion with your dearly departed friends or you can do that same spell for a young witch friend of mine.

Незамедлительное воссоединение с твоими покойными друзьями или ты можешь наложить это же заклинание на мою подругу — юную ведьму.

Now, this potion can temporarily reverse any spell those do-gooders cast.

И это зелье может временно обратить вспять любое заклинание этих люблю — делать — добро существ.

If we can reverse Balthazar’s spell

Если перевернуть заклинание Бальтазара…

But this spell can dissipate Drago Sanguinem.

Но это заклинание может рассеять Drago Sanguinem.

I can’t even spell funicular!

Я даже не смогу выговорить это!

Can you make a spell that makes me immune to hypnotism?

Ты можешь сделать заклинание для иммунитета к гипнотизму?

Can you even spell downstage?

Ты вообще можешь произнести передний план?

Because when Queenie was taught how to make mead, there were ways of concocting the recipe that can put a spell on it.

Когда Куини учили, как делать медовуху, выдумывали рецепты, которые могли бы наложить заговор.

‘Don’t throw young beauties into the lake, instead throw the gullible journalists who can’t resist the noxious spell of exoticism?’

Не бросайте молодых красавиц в озеро, а бросайте в озеро легковерных корреспондентов, поддающихся губительному влиянию экзотики?

I’ve accelerated the process, but we can’t control when the specific spell will manifest.

Я ускорила процесс. Но я не знаю, когда появится нужное заклинание.

Authorities would like to remind our viewers that this kind of leap can spell desperation.

Власти особо акцентируют внимание наших зрителей, на том, что подобный прыжок — свидетельство отчаяния.

There’s a kind of enslavement that we can desire… when we’re under a spell .

Я убежден, что существует рабство, которого можно желать. Когда мы являемся пленниками каких — то чар.

And what he protects is also guarded by an enchantment… a spell that can only be broken by someone who has been tempted by their inner darkness and turned away from it, someone just like you.

И то, что он защищает, также оберегается колдовством… заклинанием, которое может разрушить только человек, столкнувшийся со своей внутренней тьмой и отвернувшийся от нее, человек вроде тебя.

Right now the patient’s lucky if she can spell jurisprudence.

Сейчас для пациентки будет большой удачей, если она сможет произнести юриспруденция.

I can’t even spell the Philippines.

Я даже не знаю, как оно пишется.

Look, I can at least buy you enough time for Willow’s spell to bind it.

Слушай, по крайней мере, я могу выиграть достаточного времени, пока заклинание Виллоу не свяжет ее.

There’s gotta be something somewhere in here — an item or a spell — some hoodoo that can reverse the lockdown.

Где — то здесь, наверняка, должна быть какая — то вещь или заклинание, какое — то колдовство, чтобы снять блокаду.

Once I seal the box in here… no one can break the spell but me.

Как только я запечатаю ящик… никто кроме меня не сможет разрушить заклятье.

I’ll lower the protection spell so that Snow and Charming can be victorious.

Я опущу защитное заклинание, и Белоснежка с Прекрасным смогут стать победителями.

Yeah, I can spell this out for him, though.

Я могу объяснить за него.

And with this power, I can finally cast a spell over all of Storybrooke.

И с этой силой я могу, наконец, наложить заклинание на весь Сторибрук.

I can finally cast a spell over all of Storybrooke.

Наконец — то я могу наложить заклятье на весь Сторибрук.

Well, everybody tells me I can’t do what I want, can’t rely on luck, but when a magic spell turns everybody into heroes of legend, who did it turn me into?

Ну, все говорят мне, я не могу делать, что хочу, не могу полагаться на удачу, но когда магическое заклинание превратило всех в героев легенд, кем стал я?

The only thing that can break our spell on your ex-BFF is a Matarese… evil bug spirit of the underworld.

Единственное, что может разрушить наше заклятье на твоём бывшем лучшем друге, это Матарис — злобный жукодух из нижнего мира.

The summoning spell for Gachnar can be shut down in one oftwo ways.

Заклинание вызова Гахнара можно отменить одним из двух способов.

I haven’t exactly found a spell that can undo an anti-magic border per se, but this book mentions travelers, which isn’t that helpful, but at least it’s a step in the right direction.

Я не нашла конкретного заклинания, которое бы смогло снять антимагический барьер, но в этой книге говорится о странниках, и пусть она не очень полезна, но это хотя бы шаг в правильном направлении.

You need to hit the Angel tablet, see if you can find anything on the spell that Metatron used to empty out heaven.

А ты займись ангельской скрижалью. посмотрим, есть ли там что — нибудь о заклинании, которое Метатрон применил, чтобы подчистить Небеса.

Her openness, her tenderness, have fixed such a spell over me, that nothing can ever efface, although I have been weak enough to suffer a distraction.

Простодушие и нежность ее полны для меня очарования, от которого по слабости я мог отвлечься, но которого ничто никогда не затмит.

 Do you remember your spelling? Do you read enough to keep the shape of words in your head? You’re going to have to prove this to us by acing our newest spelling bee! Are you up for it?

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Pick the correct spelling of the word described in the image above

Not Your Best

It looks like you didn’t manage to get even half of the answers right. But that’s fine, since the good news is that we see loads of potential in you. Why not take some time to go over the correct answers below? We’re sure you’ll be able to ace this test the next time you attempt it! Don’t forget to share this quiz with your friends and family as well, just to see how they fare.

Well Done!

You managed to answer a good portion of the test questions correctly. Alas, you, unfortunately, didn’t do well enough to get an impressive 100% on the test, yet you were so close! We’re sure that if you gave it another go, you’d manage to get it perfectly correct. We believe in you! If you liked this quiz, then make sure you share it with your friends, just to see if they’re as smart as you are!


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