Can you download excel online

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Операционная система: Windows

Microsoft Excel 2021


Microsoft Excel 2019


Microsoft Excel 2013


Microsoft Excel 2010


Microsoft Excel 2007


Microsoft Excel 2003


Microsoft Excel 2016


Do you want to use Microsoft Excel for free? Of course you do!

This post is going to show you all the ways you can use Microsoft Excel for free in a totally legitimate and legal way from Microsoft.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is part of the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software.

Excel allows users to import, manipulate and visualize data. It’s a powerful tool for data analysis and can be used to create charts, graphs, and pivot tables. Many businesses worldwide use Excel for these purposes.

Excel is also a powerful tool for personal productivity and can help you to stay organized and on track with personal budget templates, track bills and payments, manage expenses, and more.

Excel is available for purchase as part of the Microsoft Office suite, but it can be used totally for free if you know how.

Follow this post to find out how you can start using Excel for free today!

Get Excel for Free Online

Most people don’t know this, but you can use the online version of Excel for free.

Microsoft offers a free online version that can be accessed by anyone with a Microsoft account. The online version of Excel includes a lot of the most frequently used features as the desktop version so depending on your use case the free online version might be all you need.

Excel Online vs Excel Desktop: What’s the Difference?

Here is a comparison of the availability of some of the main features between the online and desktop versions of Excel.

Feature Desktop Excel App Online Excel App
Functions ✔️ Included ✔️ Included
Pivot Tables ✔️ Included ✔️ Not all pivot table functionality is available
Tables ✔️ Included ✔️ Included
Conditional Format ✔️ Included ✔️ Included
Charts ✔️ Included ✔️ Included
Power Pivot ✔️ Included ❌ Not included
Power Query ✔️ Included ⚠️ Limited refresh capability
VBA ✔️ Included ❌ Will never be available on the web or mobile app
Office Scripts ❌ Not available yet ✔️ Only available with an M365 business plan
Add-Ins ✔️ Included ⚠️ Only Office add-ins, no Excel or COM add-ins.
Data Types ✔️ Included ✔️ Included

This is not an exhaustive list and even within these feature categories, there will be differences in the implementation between the desktop and web. But it should help you decide if the online version is good enough for your Excel uses.

How to Get Excel Online for Free

Microsoft Excel online is free and can be accessed by anyone through a free Microsoft account.

In fact, you might already have access to Excel online through a free Microsoft email service such as Outlook, Hotmail, or Live. You can use those credentials to sign into

You will be prompted for your email and password and once entered you will be taken to the main Office hub page.

You have access to some of the most popular Microsoft apps including Excel from within the Office hub. All for FREE!

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
  • Outlook, Skype, and Teams.
  • Calendar and To-Do

These are all included with your free account.

💡 Tip: Click on the Waffle icon in the upper left then click on All apps to see all the apps to which you now have free access! There are many more great apps included such as Power Automate for task automation.

If you don’t already have one of these Microsoft accounts, then you can sign up and get one for free!

Go to and click on the Create free account button. After you provide the usual details and confirm your account, you will be taken to the Outlook email app.

You should see the Excel app icon on the left pane, but if not you can access it from either the Waffle icon at the top, or the App icon at the bottom.

Click on the Excel icon and this will launch the Excel online app. You’ll then be able to create a New blank workbook or open any Excel files you’ve previously saved in OneDrive.

💡 Tip: You can open a new workbook by going to Save this URL in your browser’s bookmark bar and you can create a new blank Excel workbook with one click!

This will open a new workbook that automatically gets saved to your OneDrive account. It should look very familiar if you use the Excel desktop app as they are becoming harder and harder to tell the difference between them.

📝 Note: You might see a more compact version of the Excel ribbon commands the first time you use Excel online.

💡 Tip: This Single Line Ribbon can easily be switched back to the more familiar Classic Ribbon. Click on the Chevron icon to the right of the ribbon then choose the Classic Ribbon option.

Congratulations! You now have access to the free online version of Microsoft Excel 🥳

Get Excel for Free with a Microsoft 365 Trial Account

What if you want to use the desktop Excel app?

If you only need to use the desktop version of Excel for a couple of days, then this method will be perfect for you.

You can get access to the desktop version of Excel with a free 1-month Microsoft 365 trial account.

These are the available Microsoft 365 plans which have a free 1-month trial and include the Excel desktop app.

  • Microsoft 365 Family
  • Microsoft 365 Apps for business
  • Microsoft 365 Business Standard
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium

⚠️ Warning: You will need to add a payment method to your account to sign up. But you can cancel your plan before the end of the trial period to avoid any charges.

Get Excel for Free on Android or iOS

Excel is also available for free as a mobile and tablet app for Android and iOS.

You can find the Excel Android app on the Google Play store while the Excel iOS app is on the Apple App Store.

  • Excel for Android
  • Excel for iOS

The Excel app for mobile devices has limited functionality but it can be a great option for quickly viewing an Excel file when you’re not at your desktop computer. But don’t expect to be using it for anything other than viewing files and basic data entry.

The extra real estate on a tablet device does add to the usability of these apps and helps to make the experience less frustrating.

Get Excel for Free with a Microsoft 365 Education Plan

If you are a student or staff at an eligible education institution, then you already have access to Microsoft Excel for free.

Some educational institutions will partner with Microsoft to buy bulk licenses that allow all their students, staff, and faculty to use the full Microsoft Office suite for free.

This isn’t really free since the school is paying for the license and you are paying for the school. But it’s already included in your tuition fees so you might as well use it!

Go to the Microsoft 365 Eduction site and enter your .edu email address and click the Get Started button to sign up.

You will need access to your .edu email address as you will be required to verify it with a code sent to your email.

💡 Tip: Some universities and colleges offer their alumni lifetime email accounts with their .edu domain. So you might still be able to use this Microsoft 365 Education plan even if you’re currently not a student.

This will get you the full desktop version of Excel plus all the other Office apps for free!

Get Excel for Free with the Microsoft Developer Program

The Microsoft 365 Developer Program gives you access to an instant sandbox preconfigured Microsoft 365 tenant which will allow you to build solutions using sample data.

You’ll be able to join the program with an existing free Microsoft account or you can create a free account for the sole purpose of joining the developer program.

This program is totally free and it gives you full access to all the Microsoft Office desktop apps including the desktop version of Excel. You only need a phone number to verify your account.

Click on the Join now button to sign up and you will be prompted to sign in with a Microsoft account.

You will need to provide a few details and verify your account via a phone number. But once you’re done, you will have access to a full Microsoft 365 E5 environment. The E5 subscription will last for 90 days, but you can renew it for free on expiry.

Click on the Go to subscription link or go to and sign in with the admin credentials you set up during the Developer Program account creation.

This will take you to the Office Hub page of your new Microsoft 365 E5 environment and you should see an Install Office button on the top right.

Click on the Install Office button and choose the Office 365 apps options to install the Excel desktop app.


Excel is used by close to 1 Billion people for work and personal productivity, but most users don’t know they can access Excel online with a free Microsoft account.

There are fewer features available in Excel online compared to the Excel desktop app, but most users won’t even notice the difference. Microsoft has been working hard to close the feature gap between Excel online and the desktop.

Excel power users will be missing some of their favorite features in Excel online such as VBA, Power Query, and Power Pivot. But there are still options for getting the desktop version of Excel for free if you require these tools.

You may have access to an M365 subscription already through your educational institution or you can sign up for a free 90-day renewable developer license for the M365 E5 plan.

Do you know about these ways to get Microsoft Excel for free? Have you used any of them? Let me know in the comments below!

About the Author

John MacDougall

John is a Microsoft MVP and qualified actuary with over 15 years of experience. He has worked in a variety of industries, including insurance, ad tech, and most recently Power Platform consulting. He is a keen problem solver and has a passion for using technology to make businesses more efficient.

Microsoft Excel для Windows

Программа для работы с электронными таблицами вышла в 1985-м году. Интересно то, что первая версия редактора создавалась для компьютеров Apple Mac, вариант для Microsoft DOS появился в 1987-м году. Это был первый табличный редактор, который позволял менять ширину ячеек и использовать разные шрифты. Понятно, что здесь также был набор функций, недоступных в других аналогах того времени. В пакете программ Office этот редактор поставляется с 1993-го года.

Интерфейс Excel

Интерфейс Excel

Excel 2019 – это самая последняя версия редактора таблиц. Впрочем, версия 2016 также остается актуальной, так как она еще несколько лет будет поддерживаться и получать обновления.

Существенной разницы между двумя версиями нет, Excel 2019 является усовершенствованной версией 2016.

История версий

Excel Особенности
2007 Новый ленточный интерфейс, предоставляющий более удобный доступ к функциям, и появление нового формата файлов xlxs
2010 Возможность использовать большее количество строк и столбцов, максимальный объем файла увеличен до 2-х гигабайт
2013 Комбинированные диаграммы и возможность открывать книги в отдельных окнах
2016 Появился «Помощник», писать формулы и уравнения можно от руки (только для сенсорных экранов)
2019 Новая вкладка «Рисование», поддержка векторных изображений

Функции и возможности

В программе присутствуют все необходимые инструменты для работы с электронными таблицами. При этом в каждой новой версии появляются новые инструменты, однако на основных функциях стоит сделать акцент.

Оформление таблицы

Сразу после запуска программы открывается новая книга с таблицей. Это избавляет пользователя от необходимости создания таблицы — можно сразу приступить к заполнению ячеек. Таблицу можно оформить любым способом, исходя из своих потребностей: выбрать цвета ячеек, строк, столбцов, использовать любые шрифты и форматирование для них. Для большего удобства в программе присутствует множество шаблонов и тем, что позволяет настроить внешний вид таблицы в один клик.

Оформление таблицы

Оформление таблицы

Работа с диаграммами

Диаграммы — один из важнейших инструментов в этой программе, позволяющий отображать те или иные данные в удобном формате. Присутствует большое количество разных диаграмм, пользователь может использовать круговые, финансовые, точечные и многие другие виды. При этом данные из таблиц легко преобразовываются в нужный тип диаграммы.

Работа с диаграммами

Работа с диаграммами

Создание графиков

Построение графиков аналогично работе с диаграммами. Excel предоставляет пользователю объемные, точечные, номинальные, с маркерами и другие виды графиков. В последних версиях программы появилась удобная функция, где графики в виде миниатюр могут отображаться прямо в ячейках.

Создание графиков

Создание графиков

Работа с формулами

Excel позволяет производить различные арифметические действия, используя встроенный редактор формул. Редактор обеспечивает возможность возводить в степень, извлекать корень, умножать, делить и выполнять многие другие математические действия, используя огромную базу из готовых символов. Стоит добавить, что Excel удобно использовать и в качестве обычного калькулятора. В новых версиях редактора таблиц появилась функция рукописного ввода для устройств с сенсорным экраном.

Работа с формулами

Работа с формулами

Изображения и фигуры

В таблицу можно вставить любое растровое изображение и отредактировать его непосредственно в программе. Новые версии Excel также позволяют использовать в таблицах векторную графику любой сложности. Отдельный пункт — «Фигуры», что позволяет вставлять в таблицу простейшую графику, это могут быть математические символы, стрелки, многоугольники, звездочки и другие.

Изображения и фигуры

Изображения и фигуры

Рисунки SmartArt

Набор инструментов, с помощью которого можно в несколько кликов превратить простую таблицу в настоящую презентацию. SmartArt представляет собой набор шаблонов, которые позволяют оформлять списки, добавлять готовые диаграммы, использовать матрицы. Также с помощью этого инструмента можно наглядно сравнивать какие-либо данные, показывать связь между различными идеями и многое другое.

Рисунки SmartArt

Рисунки SmartArt

Преимущества и недостатки

Сегодня существует огромное множество программ для работы с электронными таблицами, между тем, как и 35 лет назад, Excel остается лучшей в своем роде. К другим преимуществам следует отнести:


  • Быстрое преобразование данных из формата в формат;
  • Поиск с заменой по множеству параметров;
  • Возможности программы быстро подстраиваются под нужды пользователя или компании;
  • Поддержка и обновления от Microsoft;
  • Возможность легко составлять наглядные таблицы, графики и диаграммы;
  • Совместимость с бухгалтерскими решениями, например, с 1С.

Как и в предыдущих версиях, есть трудности при обработке объемных массивов данных. К другим недостаткам можно отнести:


  • Сложно контролировать изменения, которые вносят другие пользователи;
  • Требуется специальная подготовка для работы со всеми функциями.

Скачать бесплатно

Скачать Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel версии 2016 доступна для скачивания с помощью MultiSetup или официального сайта. Программа распространяется бесплатно, поддерживает Windows 10, 8, 7 и имеет интерфейс на русском языке.

Windows 10, 8, 7
Версия 2016
Размер 688 Мб
Файл exe

In Softonic we scan all the files hosted on our platform to assess and avoid any potential harm for your device. Our team performs checks each time a new file is uploaded and periodically reviews files to confirm or update their status. This comprehensive process allows us to set a status for any downloadable file as follows:


It’s extremely likely that this software program is clean.

What does this mean?

We have scanned the file and URLs associated with this software program in more than 50 of the world’s leading antivirus services; no possible threat has been detected.


This software program is potentially malicious or may contain unwanted bundled software.

Why is the software program still available?

Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are possibly false positives.

What is a false positive?

It means a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious due to an overly broad detection signature or algorithm used in an antivirus program.


It’s highly probable this software program is malicious or contains unwanted bundled software.

Why is this software program no longer available in our Catalog?

Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are likely to be real positives.


Microsoft Excel 2013


Microsoft Excel 2010

excel 718 МБ excel 659,3 МБ
Скачать Скачать


Microsoft Excel 2007


Microsoft Excel 2003

excel 215 МБ excel 329,3 МБ
Скачать Скачать

Особенности программы Excel

Может функционировать как в настольных системах Windows, рабочих станциях и серверном поле (реализация NT), так и в MAC OS. Разработчики не забыли и про мобильные устройства. Полноценная работа в Excel возможна на планшетах, нетбуках и других аппаратах. Новые версии Excel получили способность быстрее проводить форматирование таблиц. Кроме того, разработчики внедрили систему автоматической корректировки, подсказывающей пользователю оптимальные варианты представления вписанных данных. Есть возможность в черновом режиме «Page Layout» увидеть отображение документа в печатной форме и вручную исправить положение, размер и границы таблиц. Впечатляет работа функции «Flash fill». Она сканирует действия юзера в реальном времени и, основываясь на них, выдает прогнозируемые варианты заполнения табличного поля. К примеру, при операции сокращения имени или отчества одного человека в столбце с множеством элементов, выпадет список, предлагающий применить действие ко всем членам. Задействована также анимация в отображении таблиц, что улучшает восприятие и наглядность.

Функциональность Excel

Поддержка программой платформы HTML5 и исполнительной схемы JavaScript позволяет осуществлять комплектацию документа аудио, видео и анимации. Это обеспечивает режим интерактивности представляемому табличному документу как в режиме «одни-на-один», так и в онлайн-клиенте. Все файлы процессора Excel, работающего в комплекте офисного приложения, сохраняются на облачном сервисе. Организациям Майкрософт предлагает бизнес-вариант Excel – самый продвинутый тип программы. В ней реализованы функции для создания многофункциональных аналитических таблиц: PowerPivot и View, а также Quick Explore. Первый инструмент дает возможность манипулировать данными многомерного представления прямо в таблице. Кросс табличный обзор, выполняемый приложением Quick Explore в совокупности с утилитой PowerView, собирающей все данные (графические файлы, диаграммы) и комплектующей в одно окно, обеспечивают высокую информативность готовому документу.

Microsoft Excel — один из самых популярных редакторов таблиц, позволяющий делать любые математические вычисления и использовать комплексные формулы для подсчета необходимых величин. Редактор Excel располагает огромной библиотекой формул для разного рода задач: продолжения числового ряда, поиска среднего значения из ряда доступных, составления пропорций, решения и анализа линейных и нелинейных уравнений и прочих функций соответствующего предназначения.

Возможности табличного процессора Microsoft Excel

В одном из своих ключевых проектов разработчики представили следующий набор способностей:

  • расширенный арсенал форматирования содержимого ячеек в Excel. Доступен выбор цвета и гарнитуры шрифта, начертания текста, обрамления, цвета заливки, выравнивания; уменьшение и увеличение отступа. Наконец, в утилите возможно задание числового формата ячеек с уменьшением или увеличением разрядности; вставка, удаление и перемещение ячеек; подсчет агрегированной суммы; сортировка и фильтрация по заданному критерию и другие опции
  • вставка огромного количества диаграмм и графиков для анализа и визуализации числовых данных. Так, штатный функционал Excel позволяет вставить на лист иллюстрации, сводные таблицы, гистограммы или линейчатые диаграммы; иерархические, каскадные и лепестковые диаграммы. В дополнение к этому, доступно использование графиков с областями; статистических, комбинированных и кольцевых диаграмм, а также особого подвида точечных или пузырьковых спарклайнов
  • схожий с Word инструментарий разметки страницы. Пользователь способен конфигурировать поля, ориентацию и размер страниц; выбрать индивидуальную тему из встроенной библиотеки или загруженную из сети; настроить цвета, шрифты и эффекты, применимые к табличному содержимому; ширину, высоту и масштаб распечаток и прочие элементы
  • широкий ассортимент представленных в программе Excel функций. Все функции разбиты на соответствующие категории, что упрощает их использование и выбор. Также можно составлять зависимости формул, наглядно демонстрирующие, какие именно ячейки влияют на подсчет результирующих значений в искомом слоте
  • получение внешних данных из сторонних источников для использования в реляционных базах данных. Вложенный функциональный набор Excel позволяет тут же сгенерировать запрос для переноса в СУБД из внешнего файла, веб-служб, ODBC-контейнера и прочих источников
  • встроенные продвинутые средства рецензирования и совместной работы. Читатели и редакторы могут одновременно открывать один и тот же документ после его синхронизации с облаком, вносить в него изменения и правки, а также добавлять комментарии для других рецензентов
  • интегрированный движок проверки орфографии, тезауруса, синтаксиса и пунктуации набираемого текста. Если данный модуль встречается с новым для него термином или фразой, она тут же выделяется подчеркиванием, дабы автор документа был осведомлен о вероятной ошибке.

На этом портале вы можете выбрать любую версию редактора Excel для скачивания, перейдя на страницу актуального для вас издания программы и щелкнув на активную ссылку. Весь софт на сайте доступен абсолютно бесплатно и содержит русскую локализацию.

Excel for Free! It’s possible with a Microsoft account and a web browser 😃👍

How to get Excel for free?

With the Cloud technology, it is easier to use Office applications from a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, …) rather than install it on your computer.

To work with Excel online, you can go on or

Then, you select one of your Microsoft account (like

There, you see your name or your picture on the right-upper corner.

You can now create an Excel document by clicking on the menu icon (the 9 dots) and select the Excel menu.

In this screenshot, you have a new workbook of Excel but in a browser 😃😎

Interface of Excel Online

As you can see, on the previous image, the interface of Excel Online is similar to Excel desktop

  • The main part of the windows it’s the grid
  • The menus are in the ribbon
  • All the 500 formulas of Excel are available
  • You can insert Charts
  • You can change the format number
  • It’s possible to draw border
  • To copy you have the fill handle
  • You can increase series easily
  • ….

Well, it’s Excel and for free.

Excel Online is always updated

From the very first release of Excel Online in 2013 and now (2019), a lot of tools of Excel desktop have been added

For instance, at the beginning, it

New tools

Some tools are only present in the Online version. This is the case of the Survey. Now, you can easily create a survey, send if to your user and collect the result in the same workbook.

But it is especially on collaborative work that Office Excel makes sense.

Microsoft Excel is the industry-leading spreadsheet program from the Microsoft family. MS Excel helps millions of its users in completing their daily office and personal work. Download Microsoft Excel for Free and install this smart workbook on your Windows PC to save time and money.

If you are searching for the latest version of Microsoft Excel Free Download, you are at the right place. Here you can Download Microsoft Excel for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android devices.

In the article, we will let you know about how to download the smart Excel workbook free for your PC. Download Free the Latest Version of Microsoft Excel 2021 Professional Plus for Windows 7, 8 & 10 Compatibility x64 (64-Bit). You can also use Microsoft Excel Online for free in 2021.

Note: Microsoft Excel is not available separately for download, but you can still use Microsoft excel online without Installing the software by clicking the link below. By clicking the second link you can download the complete Microsoft Suite to use( MS Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and many more).

How to Download Microsoft Excel for Free in 2021?

If you are looking for Microsoft Excel Free Download for Windows 7 & 10 you can download Microsoft Office’s latest version for free for your PC. Because MS Excel is always included in all versions of Microsoft Office released by Microsoft, and a part of the all Microsoft Office package. If you have downloaded the Office Suite, you don’t need to download Microsoft Excel separately for your computer.

Microsoft Excel 2016 is the most famous Edition of Excel, But the latest version of Microsoft Excel is MS Excel 2019 مايكروسوفت وورد which is currently available in the market. If you can’t afford to buy a complete Microsoft office solution, You can download an MS Excel spreadsheet separately for your Desktop PC.

In the latest version of Microsoft Office, you will find Microsoft Excel 2019 16.0.6742.2048 full version (32-64 bit), but Microsoft Excel 2016 is the most famous version of MS Excel.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool that is designed to help users to compute difficult functions and formulas easily while working in their office. MS Excel has tons of great aspects and features.

Microsoft Excel is mostly used for mathematical computations, and analyzing complex data sets with just a few simple clicks and commands. MS Excel formulas help users to manage balance sheets, and income statements, create salary sheets, compute large amounts, and various other financial data sets.

Microsoft Excel has a simple interface and it’s very easy to use even for newbies. The top screen toolbar is full of all famous options that help new users to complete their desired tasks. Microsoft Excel can generate a wide range of reports from the data given in the spreadsheet.

However, at the same time, this program is also extremely convenient for professionals. The unlimited amount of columns and rows gives you the option to enter an endless amount of data with titles and descriptions. The data you entered once in your spreadsheet can be found later with a search option. Users can also put the program to work as a social calendar for their upcoming events.

Using Microsoft Excel you can easily import and export data between all Microsoft office programs such as MS Word or PowerPoint. You can record nearly any type of data in form of numbers, text, and images. You can also arrange the data in any format and color. Microsoft Excel can be used to generate complicated reports and tracklists.

At the end of the day, Microsoft Excel is not just a single software competitor that offers such a smooth experience, with so many optional features.

Another incredibly useful feature of Excel 2013 is the ability to generate a wide range of reports from the data in the spreadsheet. There are dozens of different report options from creating a pivot table to making a simple pie chart. You are able to define exactly what data to use in the report and how to arrange it. You can customize nearly every part of a report to meet your needs. You could even potentially generate a full report by hand instead of relying on the automated wizard in the program.

Excel 2013 introduced a new feature known as flash fill. This feature attempts to intelligently sort data in a way that makes sense to people. You can import or paste in a large amount of unsorted data. Excel will go through looking for patterns or similarities between various data fields. It will then sort the data into rows and columns. This feature can make organizing data from many different disparate programs simpler and faster. The flash fill feature does not always work correctly although it can really save a large amount of time when it does.

The interface for Excel 2019 has been updated from previous versions to make it easier to use. The complicated menu bars at the top of the application have been replaced with a new ribbon. The ribbon on the top of the sheet allows users to see almost all of the functions available grouped by different categories. These changes can actually improve the productivity of the latest version of MS Excel.

Use Microsoft Excel Online Now

For user convenience, Microsoft Excel is available online for free. you can use Microsoft Excel online from anywhere using your desktop, laptop, or tablet without installation. You can save your data and spreadsheets on cloud storage and access it anywhere, anytime, when you need it.

Office 365 users can access online Excel using cross-platform. Users can open, view, edit and save Excel spreadsheets from any device like their laptop, mobile, tablet, or PC. 1TB of OneDrive cloud-free online storage also comes with an Office 365 subscription.

Previously Released Versions

The latest version of MS Excel is Microsoft Excel 2019 currently available in the market. But Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, Ms. Excel 2010, Microsoft Excel 2013, and 2017 are the previously released version of Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Excels Functions and Tricks

  1. Keyboard shortcuts available
  2. Multiple columns or rows option
  3. Fast find and replace data option
  4. Show and hide specified sows
  5. Protect and encrypt files with a password
  6. Connect multiple sheets with a single formula
  7. Expand the formula bar to multiple rows
  8. Convert your rows Into columns easily
  9. Add headers and footers to your sheet
  10. Alphabetize data in a column or rows
  11. Freeze and unfreeze cells
  12. Wrap text to fit in a cell
  13. Remove duplicate items in a range of cells
  14. Autofill feature for fast typing
  15. Collapse and show the toolbar ribbon
  16. Select an unselect entire row
  17. Start a new line in a cell
  18. Create macros to save time on repetitive processes
  19. Split data into different cells
  20. Share a common format between rows

Smarter Workbook Best Features

  • Beautiful and compatible spreadsheets
  • Helpful mathematical Formulas
  • Multiple functions in one sheet
  • Best and smarter workbook for office work
  • Simplistic Interface
  • Easy to use

Last updated on March 15, 2023

Finding a free version of Excel has proven to be an impossible task. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to locate a legitimate free version of Microsoft’s powerful spreadsheet tool. The only options I found were either pirated versions or malware-ridden downloads. There is a limited online version of Excel that Microsoft offers for free after creating an account. Unfortunately, this version lacks many of the advanced features, macros, and formatting styles that separate Excel from second-tier spreadsheet programs.

However, I did find a way to get unlimited access to Excel, including all of the advanced features, free for 30 days, Through this link. This gave me plenty of time to organize my data, create charts, and more without having to make a payment.

Follow the steps below, and I’ll show you how to register your account, start the free trial, and download and install Excel on your PC for free.

Download Excel for Free for 1 Month!

Please note: Excel is part of Microsoft 365 and can’t be downloaded on the computer as a standalone app. The instructions below will show you how to download the entire Microsoft 365 suite of apps (with Excel in it), free for 1 month. 

  1. Go directly to the official Microsoft 365 free trial page.
  2. Click the Try 1 Month Free button.
    Microsoft 365 for free
  3. If you have an existing Microsoft account, sign in. If not, create a new account.
  4. Confirm your intention to start the free trial, and click Next.
    Start free trial
  5. While this is 100% free, you will need to select a payment method to activate the free trial. You will not be charged until the free month trial period is over. The accepted payment methods are credit or debit card, PayPal, and mobile phone (where available).
  6. Submit your payment information and click Save.
  7. Press the Start Trial, Pay Later button.
    microsoft 365 free trial payment confirm
  8. Confirm your subscription and click Continue.
  9. Click Download the Desktop Apps and the Microsoft account page will open in a new tab.
  10. Click Install Office to begin the Excel download process.
    install office
  11. Select your preferred language and version, or leave it as default and click Install.
  12. Choose the folder that you want to download the Excel setup file.
  13. When the download is complete, open the file, and Microsoft will automatically install the entire collection of Microsoft 365 apps to your computer.

Download Excel for Free for 1 Month!

Excel was first released by Microsoft in 1985. In its early days, it was a basic spreadsheet tool with limited capabilities. Over the years, Microsoft updated Excel, adding charts and graphs, formulas, and the ability to calculate complex formulas.

As the software evolved to meet the growing demand, it became the gold standard of spreadsheet tools. Microsoft improved the UI in 2007 with the “ribbon style” header, making it easy for people to access its features.

The latest version of Excel includes even more advanced features and capabilities, such as Power Query, Power Pivot, and Power BI. These allow for more powerful data analysis and visualization.

Excel is an easy program to use. However, with all the different features and ways to evaluate and organize the data in the spreadsheets, it can take some time to master. Once you have a good understanding of how it works, you’ll see that it’s a very logical and straightforward program.

As a part of Microsoft 365, sharing spreadsheets and collaborating with others is simple. All progress is automatically saved to the OneDrive cloud storage, so you can share it with others, without having to email the document as an attachment.

Formulas and Functions Simplify Data Calculations and Analysis

Excel offers a wide range of built-in formulas and functions that can be used to perform calculations on data in a spreadsheet. These include basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as more advanced functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, and MAX.

See excel forumlas

Click on the small arrow to see all the different Function options

Excel also includes financial functions like PV, FV, PMT, and statistical functions like COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF. These functions can be used to perform calculations on data in a spreadsheet, and can be combined to create more complex formulas.

Quick Data Visualization with Charts and Graphs

It’s easy to add charts and graphs to add a visual perspective to display your data. All you have to do is highlight the data you want in the chart and click on the graph or chart style you prefer. There is a wide variety of chart types, including column, bar, line, pie, area, scatter, and more.

Excel Charts

Choose a chart or graph style and embed it in your spreadsheet

You can drag and drop the chart anywhere you want on the spreadsheet, adjust the colors, and change the data. This makes it easy to see patterns and trends in the data, which can be useful for making decisions and presenting information to others.

Use PivotTables to Summarize and Analyze Large Data Sets

Pivot tables are a powerful tool in Excel that allows you to summarize and analyze large amounts of data. They can be used to group data by different criteria and to create cross-tabulations and other summary views of the data.

PivotTable Excel

Open a PivotTable to view data from multiple tabs or worksheets

Pivot tables can be created by selecting the data you want to analyze, then clicking on the “Insert” tab and selecting “PivotTable” from the “Tables” group. Once the pivot table is created, you can drag and drop fields to the different areas of the pivot table to create different views of the data.

Download Excel for Free for 1 Month!

Highlight important data with Conditional formatting

The conditional formatting feature simplifies the process of applying formatting to cells based on certain conditions. This can be used to highlight important data, or to make it easier to spot patterns and trends. For example, you can use conditional formatting to highlight cells that are above or below a certain value or to highlight cells that contain specific text.

Conditional values

A sample of the conditional formatting rules

Conditional formatting can be applied by clicking on the “Home” tab and then selecting “Conditional Formatting” from the “Styles” group.

Macros Can Automate Repetitive Tasks

Excel macros are a simple way to automate repetitive tasks in a spreadsheet. They can be used to perform complex calculations, to manipulate data, or to automate other tasks that are performed frequently. They are created by recording a sequence of actions in Excel and then saving it as a macro. Once created, you can run macros by clicking on the “View” tab, selecting “Macros” and then choose the ones you want to run.

Data Validation Prevents Mistakes and Simplifies Data Entry

You can use the data validation tools to set rules for data entry in a spreadsheet. This can be used to ensure that data is entered correctly and to prevent errors. Data validation can be used to create drop-down lists, which can make it easier for others to enter data correctly.

excel data validation

Open the data validation tools in the Data section

You can set up rules such as only allowing numbers within a specific range, or only allowing certain text entries. Data validation can be applied by clicking on the “Data” tab and then selecting “Data Validation” from the “Data Tools” group.

Download Excel for Free for 1 Month!

Microsoft Excel is compatible with most modern operating systems, with the exception of Linux. It can be installed without any issues on Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. Mac users need to have  macOS Sierra (10.12) or later. While it can run on older OSs, it could cause the computer to slow down or crash.

Mobile Apps

You can download Excel as a standalone app on Android and iOS. It has an intuitive interface, making it easy to use on the smaller screens. While most of the formulas, charts, and features are available on the mobile, there are some features, such as macros and some advanced functions.

Before downloading Word, make sure that your computer meets the system requirements.


Operation System Windows 7, 8.1, 10, and 11.
Windows Server 2016 and 2019
Processor 2-core 1.6 GhZ or faster
Memory 64-Bit system: 4 GB
32-Bit system: 2 GB
Hard Disk Space 4 GB
Display 1280 x 768 screen resolution
Graphics DirectX 9 or later


Operation System MacOS 10.12 Sierra and later
Processor Intel processor
Memory 4 GB of RAM
Hard Disk Space 10 GB
Display 1280 x 800 screen resolution
Graphics No graphic card required

Mobile Apps

Android Android 7.0 and higher
iOS iOS 13 and higher


For the best performance, it’s recommended to use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari.

Download Excel for Free for 1 Month!

If you have a free Microsoft account, you can use a free online version of Excel through the Microsoft 365 website. However, there are some downsides to the online version:

  • Limited functions and formulas: Many of the advanced formulas and functions are not available, plus the selection of charts and graphs is limited.
  • Different formatting options: With limited formatting options, it can be difficult to customize the data to your needs. Additionally, it may display differently when shared with someone viewing it on a desktop app.
  • No macros: There is no option to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Internet connection required: You must have a stable internet connection to view or edit any spreadsheet. If you’re working and the internet goes out, the page will instantly lock, and turn to View Only.

If Excel isn’t the right spreadsheet tool for your needs, you can uninstall it in a few simple steps.

  1. Type Add or Remove Programs in the Windows search bar and press Enter.
  2. Locate Microsoft 365 and press the Uninstall Button.
    Uninstall Microsoft 365
  3. Confirm that you want to remove the software, and the uninstallation wizard will uninstall it from your computer.

Keep in mind that this will remove all the Microsoft 365 apps and not just Excel. When it is completed, you will need to restart your computer. Uninstalling Excel from your computer will not cancel your Microsoft 365 account, that must be done by logging in to your Microsoft 365 account.

In addition to a great collection of productivity software, Microsoft 365 comes with 1 TB of OneDrive cloud storage for each user.

  • Word: The gold standard in word processing, Word comes with a host of essential features, such as grammar and spell check, formatting options, a wide selection of fonts, and templates for everything from resume writing to creating marketing materials.
  • PowerPoint: You can be as creative as you want or work on a pre-made template. Whatever you choose, PowerPoint will help you create a good-looking presentation. There is no limit to the number of slides per presentation, and you can use animations and transitions to help bring your presentations to life.
  • Outlook: Keep your calendar, to-do lists, meeting scheduler, and email all in one app with Outlook. The software allows you to send emails from multiple accounts, so you only need one app for sending personal and professional emails.

Download Excel for Free!

Is there a free version of Excel?

Yes, there is a free web-based version of Excel. However, it is very limited in terms of advanced formulas, limited functionality with PivotTables, and many of the popular Macros won’t work. A better solution is to get a free 1 month trial of Excel, and start organizing your data into spreadsheets, with unlimited access to all the features.

Are Excel spreadsheets secure?

Yes, Excel spreadsheets can be secured. To secure your Excel spreadsheets, click the File Info tab, and open the Protect Workbook option. There you can password-protect the document, which also adds AES encryption. You can also adjust the settings of the workbook so it’s read-only and add an invisible digital signature to protect the integrity of the document.

Can Excel open CSV files?

This is one of the differences between Excel and Excel for the Web. The downloaded version of Excel 365 can open CSV files while the browser-based Excel can not.

How do I cancel my Excel Account?

If you want to cancel Excel you will need to log in to your Microsoft account, click on your avatar in the top right corner > My Account > Manage (located under the credit card information) > Cancel.

Visit Excel Microsoft 365 Website

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