Can you convert pdf to word and edit

Convert your PDF to an editable Word document.

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This wikiHow teaches you how to convert a PDF file to the Microsoft Word document format. When you convert a PDF to a DOCX or DOC file, you can make changes to the file as needed. You may lose some special formatting in the conversion process, but you can always make adjustments in Word.

  1. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 10


    Right-click the PDF you want to open. If you’re using a Mac and don’t have a right mouse button, press Control as you click the file. This will open a context menu.

  2. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 11


    Select Open with. It’s near the top of the menu. Another menu will expand.


  3. 3

    Click Word or Microsoft Word on the menu. This opens Word and attempts to display the PDF.

  4. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 13


    Click OK to convert the file. Word will convert the file to its own format and display the results. If you’re converting a larger file, it can take a few minutes to complete.

  5. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 14


    Edit the Word document. The converted document may not have perfect page to page correspondence due to line and page breaks, graphics, and other details. Making manual adjustments may be necessary.

    • If you downloaded the PDF from the internet, you’ll see a bar at the top of the document asking if you want enable editing. Click Enable Editing so you can make changes to the file.
  6. 6

    Save the converted PDF. Once you’re ready to save the converted file as its own Word document, do the following:

    • Windows — Click File, click Save As, click This PC, enter a file name, select a save location on the left side of the window, and click Save.
    • Mac — Click File, click Save As, enter a name, select a file location, and click Save.
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  1. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 1


    Go to in your computer’s web browser. This will open your Google Docs page if you’re logged into your Google Account.

    • If you aren’t logged in, enter your email address and password when prompted. You may first have to click Go to Google Docs in the middle of the page.
    • One caveat of using Google Docs to convert your PDF is that Google Docs will not preserve any of the PDF’s photos.
  2. 2

    Click the «Upload»

    Android 7 Folder

    icon. You’ll see this at the top-right corner of your file list, just below the last template in the gallery.

  3. 3

    Click the Upload tab. It’s at the top of the «Open a file» window.

  4. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 4


    Click Select a file from your device. It’s the blue button in the center of the window.

  5. 5

    Select your PDF file and click Open. This uploads the PDF file to your Google Drive and opens a preview once it has finished uploading.

  6. 6

    Click the Open with menu. It’s at the top-center part of the window.

    • If you don’t see the Open with drop-down box, move your mouse to the top of the window.
  7. 7

    Click Google Docs on the menu. This opens the PDF in Google Docs.

    • If you don’t see Google Docs as an option in the drop-down menu, you can add it: click Connect more apps in the drop-down menu, search for google docs, and Install to get it.
  8. 8

    Save the PDF as a Word document. Now that you’ve opened the document in Docs, you can save it as a Microsoft Word file and download it to your computer. Here’s how:

    • Click File in the upper-left side of the Google Docs page.
    • Select Download.
    • Click Microsoft Word (.docx) as the format.
    • Select a save location and/or click Save if prompted.
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  1. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 15


    Open Adobe Acrobat DC Pro. If you have the paid version of Adobe Acrobat, you can use it to convert your PDF to a Word document. You’ll find this app in your Windows Start menu or your Mac’s Applications folder.

  2. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 10


    Right-click the PDF you want to open. If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro (the paid version of Acrobat), you can use it to convert a PDF to a Word document. Right-clicking the file on your computer will open a context menu.

    • If you’re using a Mac and don’t have a right mouse button, press Control as you click the file instead.
  3. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 17


    Select Open with. It’s near the top of the menu. Another menu will expand.

  4. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 18


    Select Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. This opens the PDF in Acrobat Pro.

  5. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 19


    Click Export PDF. This tool is in the right panel. A list of file types will expand.[1]

  6. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 20


    Click Microsoft Word as the export format. Additional options will expand.

  7. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 21


    Click Word Document. It’s the first option on the right panel.[2]
    This tells Acrobat what type of document to create.

  8. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 22


    Click Export. Acrobat will now convert the file and prompt you to name it.

  9. Image titled Convert a PDF to a Word Document Step 23


    Name the file and click Save. Now that you’ve saved the PDF as a Word document, you can open and edit in in Microsoft Word.

  10. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do I open a PDF document in Word?

    Luigi Oppido

    Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years.

    Luigi Oppido

    Computer & Tech Specialist

    Expert Answer

    You’ll have to open the PDF document as a Word file. You can do this by converting the PDF into Word using Google Docs, or you can export it into Word by opening the document with the Word application.

  • Question

    If I convert a PDF magazine to MS Word format, will I be able to edit or print?

    Community Answer


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    Why did the document get messed up when I used Google Drive? Tables are different, margins won’t adjust and I am trying to help a friend submit a paper that is due tomorrow.

    Nathan Roberts

    Nathan Roberts

    Community Answer

    This happens because Google Docs uses a different code (UI) to a PDF Document. Hence why it is a different file type. So when the document is getting converted, it tries to place everything in the right place, but looses a lot of the code. This is why you have to edit it to make everything look smart again.

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wikiHow Video: How to Convert a PDF to a Word Document

  • If the text in your resulting file isn’t editable, it’s usually because the text was actually an image rather than plain text.

  • There are several online services, such as SmallPDF, that can also convert your PDF into a Word document if your PDF doesn’t have sensitive information in it.


  • Converting a PDF file to a Word file will almost always result in some loss of formatting.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

You can use Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Adobe Acrobat Pro to convert a PDF file into an editable document. If you have MS Word, right-click the file on your computer, select Open with, and then select Word on the menu. Click OK to allow Word to change the display format. If you downloaded the PDF from the internet, click Enable Editing at the top of the file and then click OK. Edit the file as needed, click the File menu, and select Save As. Choose a location to save the file, make sure the «»Word Document»» option is selected as the file format, and then click Save.
If you don’t have Word, you can use Google Docs to convert a PDF for free. But, if the PDF contains images, they may be lost during the conversion. In your web browser, navigate to and sign in with your Google account. Click the small folder icon at the top-right corner of the file list, click Upload, select the PDF, and then click Open to upload it. When the upload is complete, Google Docs will display a preview. Click the Open With menu at the top and select Google Docs. To download the PDF as a Word document, click the File menu, select Download, click Microsoft Word, and then click Save.
If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can use it to export any PDF as a Word document. First, open the PDF file with Acrobat. Then, click the File menu, select Export To, and choose Microsoft Word.” Finally, select Word Document. You can then save the file to the desired location.

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Сконвертируйте ваши pdf-файлы в doc онлайн и бесплатно

Перетащите файлы сюда. 100 MB максимальный размер файла или Регистрация

Конвертировать в PDF


Портативный формат документов

PDF ― это формат электронных документов, разработанный Adobe Systems с использованием некоторых функций языка PostScript. Официальная программа для просмотра документов в этом формате ― это Adobe Reader. Чаще всего PDF-файл представляет собой сочетание текста с растровой и векторной графикой, текстовыми формами, скриптами, написанными на JavaScript, а также иными элементами.

Конвертер DOC


Документ Microsoft Word

DOC ― это расширение файлов для документов текстового редактора. Оно связано преимущественно с приложением Microsoft Word. Файлы DOC также могут содержать графики, таблицы, видео, изображения, звуки и диаграммы. Этот формат поддерживается почти всеми операционными системами.

Как сконвертировать PDF в DOC

Шаг 1

Загрузите pdf-файл(ы)

Выберите файлы с компьютера, Google Диска, Dropbox, по ссылке или перетащив их на страницу.

Шаг 2

Выберите «в doc»

Выберите doc или любой другой формат, который вам нужен (более 200 поддерживаемых форматов)

Шаг 3

Загрузите ваш doc-файл

Позвольте файлу сконвертироваться и вы сразу сможете скачать ваш doc-файл

Рейтинг PDF в DOC

4.5 (636,922 голосов)

Вам необходимо сконвертировать и скачать любой файл, чтобы оценить конвертацию!

Guaranteed security

Guaranteed security

The safety of your document is Paramount in PDFgear. We won’t save any of your files and it will be deleted once you close the window. More detailed information of the files privacy care, you can find from our Privacy Policy.

Easy and fast conversion

Easy and fast conversion

With its new technique for high-precision extraction measurements, PDFgears provides no lag or delay when converting PDF files to Word document format.

Easy to use

Easy to use

Whether you are a worker, student, or teacher, you can easily use our PDF tools with ease. You can reconstruct Word documents from PDF files in just a few clicks.

Convert files anytime everywhere

Convert files anytime everywhere

Our PDFgear online toolkits supports working on Linux, Windows, and Mac browsers. That means you can convert any of your PDF files to Word document format on any device at any time.

Users-friendly UI

Users-friendly UI

A simplified and direct main interface design allows you to find the exact function you need while working with PDF files. All your needs can be quickly found out and worked out perfectly.

Many PDF tools

Many PDF tools

Not only can you use PDFgear to convert PDFs to Word files, but also more online PDF tools are provided like converting PDF to Word, changing PDF to Excel, merging PDFs, editing PDF, etc. to make your document work easier.

PDF to Word Converter

Quick and easy way to convert your PDF to editable Word document

Or drop PDF files here

Secure Processing

We will not store any of your files.

Quick and Easy

No registration is needed to use our server. Convert and download your files within seconds.

Platform Friendly

Our service works on all devices — compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android

Step 1.

Select your file in our free online PDF to Word converter.

Step 2.

Click the Convert button to start the PDF to Word conversion.

Step 3.

Download the converted Word document to your device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Optional Settings

OCR Method

Source language of your file

To get the best results, select all languages that your file contains.

Improve OCR

Apply Filter:

DOCX Converter

Convert from PDF to DOCX or from scan to DOCX.

PDF is a versatile format, but it’s difficult to edit it. Make it easier to extract quotes, edit a text, or re-use it!

PDF to WORD Converter

Convert your PDF to WORD documents with incredible accuracy.
Powered by Solid Documents.

PDF to Word

Some of your files contain scanned pages. To extract all text from your files, OCR is needed.

Looks like you are trying to process a PDF containing some scanned pages. To extract all text from your file, OCR is needed.

  • No OCR

    Converts PDFs with selectable text to editable Word files.

  • OCR Premium

    Converts scanned PDFs with non-selectable text to editable Word files.

UploadingGetting files from Drive

UploadingGetting files from Dropbox

Uploading file 0 of 0

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Converting PDF to WORD…


Возможность редактировать PDF-документ, сохраняя отображение исходного документа

Конвертация PDF в Word (docx, doc, или rtf)

Установка не требуется

Регистрация не требуется


Конвертация с точным сохранением параметров текста — бесплатно, качественно, быстро

Не нужно покупать дорогостоящие программы для конвертации. Установка и регистрация не требуется.


Загрузите документ в формате PDF, и мы мгновенно конвертируем его в формат Word в превосходном качестве. Отображение вашего исходного PDF-документа будет сохранено в документе формата Word.


Наш сервис автоматически конвертирует ваш PDF-документ в редактируемый документ формата Word за считанные секунды. Не тратьте время на перепечатывание текста. Концентрируйтесь на том, что действительно важно для вас.


Вы мгновенно получите преобразованный документ Word. После конвертации Вы сможете редактировать файл как обычный документ Word. Мы полностью сохраним отображение исходного документа, включая таблицы, символы, колонки и текстовые поля.

Загрузите исходный PDF-документ

Наш сервис обработает ваш документ.

Скачайте преобразованный документ Word

Преобразовать отсканированный текст в документ Word, который можно искать и редактировать.

Наша технология оптического распознавания символов (OCR) преобразует изображение отсканированного текста в документ Word с полным сохраненением исходного макета.

Загрузите оригинальный отсканированный PDF документ или PNG / JPG изображение

Оптическое распознавание символов (OCR) преобразует ваше изображение в текстовые данные и сохранит его макет.

Скачайте документ Word с возможностью поиска и редактирования.

Наша работа

Мы усердно трудимся над созданием высококлассных продуктов, приносящих пользу людям. Каждый день мы помогаем тысячам людей по всему миру экономить драгоценное время с помощью наших инструментов:

Мы помогаем людям в решении бизнес-задач

Приветствуем Вас! Мы — команда, это онлайн-переводчик, который помогает обмениваться идеями миллионам людей по всему миру совершенно бесплатно.

Конвертер PDF в Word — это второй сервис, который мы решили запустить для того, чтобы упростить решение бизнес-задач для наших клиентов.

Люди свыклись с мыслью о том, что формат PDF не редактируется. При этом становится очевидным, что пользователям необходим инструмент, позволяющий редактировать PDF-файлы. Поэтому мы вложили много времени и усилий для того, чтобы создать сервис, которым сможет воспользоваться любой желающий.

Мы убеждены в том, что современные технологии должны помогать людям экономить время и быть продуктивнее. Наша цель — приложить максимальные усилия для того, чтобы предоставить пользователям эту возможность.

Мы искренне надеемся, что наш сервис окажется полезным для вас.

Convert PDF to Word document (.docx, .doc)

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What is PDF to Word ?

PDF to word is a free online tool to convert PDF to word documents (.docx, .doc). If you are looking for PDF to docx, PDF to doc, or pdf2word, then this is your tool. With PDF to word online tool, you can quickly and easily convert PDF files into msword documents.

How to PDF to Word ?

This video will show in detail how to PDF to word.

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