Sometimes, we come across uncountable nouns in English. They create a problem, unlike any other words. Usually, when dealing with more than one thing, we add an “S” for the plural form. For uncountable nouns, like “advice,” the rules are different, and this article will explore it.
Advice Or Advices: What Is The Plural Of Advice?
“Advice” is the correct plural form of “advice.” There is no definitive plural form since the noun is uncountable. That means, when we work with multiple pieces of “advice,” we keep it written as is. We say “some advice” or “lots of advice” as the plural form.
The definition of “advice,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation.
How Prevalent Is The Use Of “Advices”?
While “advices” is incorrect, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get used. Plenty of native speakers sometimes struggle with the rules that follow uncountable nouns, and we have the statistics to prove it.
According to Google, “Advices” is mentioned 17,700 times on The New York Times website, while “Advice” is mentioned 246,000 times.
We also have this graph to share with you, which shows how common “advice” is since it’s the correct form. However, “advices” does still see some usage in modern times (though it definitely was more popular between one and two centuries ago).
So, why does “advices” seem to be so common to mistake? Usually, with other uncountable nouns (like “research”), most native speakers have an easy time remembering the difference.
However, there is a verb form, written as “advises.” This could be the best explanation as to why some people use “advices” instead of “advice” when writing in the plural form.
Examples Of How To Use The Plural Of Advice In A Sentence
We’ve spoken a lot about “advices” being wrong, but that’s not much help if you don’t know what the right form is. We’ve put together some examples to help you out with this, and we suggest you read them to familiarize yourself.
There are plenty of ways to use the plural of “advice,” though each time only uses it as “advice.” The word in front of “advice” shows it’s the plural form (like “lots of” or “much” or “some”).
- They gave me lots of advice to help me out.
- I have some advice that I think you’ll benefit from.
- There is plenty of advice that I could give you here.
- We have more advice if you’re willing to listen to it.
- She gave me lots of advice to help me understand what to work on.
- Is there any more advice you can give me?
- Do you have some more advice for me?
- That’s almost too much advice, but I’ll keep working on it!
As you can see, the words before “advice” are what determines whether it’s a plural form. No one writes “advice” and expects people to know that they mean there are multiple instances of it. For example:
- He gave me advice. (Singular form)
- He gave me some advice. (Plural form).
Advice – Synonyms
If you’re struggling with the rules surrounding uncountable nouns, you might benefit from one of these synonyms. These will help you understand the words in a more familiar way, and you can use an alternative while still conveying the same meaning you want to.
- Guidance
- Counseling
- Counsel
- Help
- Direction
- Instruction
- Information
- Recommend
- Guidelines
- Suggestions
- Hints
- Tips
- Ideas
- Opinions
- Pointers
There are plenty of synonyms for “advice.” Each one is used as a way to offer insight or opinions about a certain subject that most people will benefit from hearing.
Is It “Some Advice” Or “Some Advices”?
No matter what, “some advice” is always correct because “advice” is uncountable and looks the same in the singular and plural form. There are no cases where “some advices” is correct.
- Correct: He gave me some advice.
- Incorrect: He gave me some advices.
- Correct: I have some advice to help you.
- Incorrect: I have some advices to help you.
- Correct: Do you have some advice for how I can improve?
- Incorrect: Do you have some advices for how I can improve?
What Is The Difference Between “Advice” And “Advise”?
We’ve mentioned it earlier, but “advise” is perhaps the most obvious reason why people confuse the plural form of “advice.” There’s a key difference to pay attention to, though.
You should use “advice” as a noun to talk about opinions or information that somebody gives you to help you with something. You should use “advise” as a verb to talk about giving some your opinion on a matter.
The definition of “advise,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to give someone advice.”
According to this graph, “advice” is more common to use than “advise.” We typically sway towards the noun form in these cases and use other verbs like “give” or “told” to help us.
- He gave me advice.
- He advises me.
- I told you all the advice I could.
- I advised you.
Do You Ask For Advice Or Advise?
You ask for “advice” because it is the noun form, meaning you’re asking for someone else’s opinion on a matter. When you give “advice,” you are “advising” somebody.
The key difference is that “advice” is the noun while “advise” is the verb.
We can “advise” someone with “advice,” but we can’t “advice” someone with “advise.”
Is It Correct To Use “Advises”?
Finally, let’s look at when it’s possible to use “advises” in a sentence.
“Advises” is grammatically correct when you’re writing in the third person singular form (he, she, it). Otherwise, you should use “advise.”
According to this graph, it’s more common to use “advise” in the standard form. That’s because there are more situations where “advise” comes up with the correct pronouns. The choices for “advises” are more limited.
Here are some cases where we might use “advise” and “advises,” depending on the pronoun:
- I advise you not to do that.
- He advises me daily.
- They advise me all the time.
- She advises him not to.
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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.
Tip: See my list of the
Most Common Mistakes in English. It will teach you how to avoid mistakes with commas, prepositions, irregular verbs, and much more.
Slightly surprisingly, “advice” is an uncountable (mass) noun in English (like “water” or “sand”), and as such it has no plural form:
correct His advice was very helpful.
wrong His advices were very helpful.
Thus, we speak about the amount of advice, not the “number of advices”:
correct I didn’t receive much advice.
wrong I didn’t receive many advices.
Since it is uncountable, we cannot say “an advice”. We would usually say just “advice” (without an article), or, if it is necessary to emphasize that we think about it as about one piece of information, we use “piece of advice”:
correct This was good advice.
correct This was a good piece of advice.
wrong This was a good advice.
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It’s common in times of turmoil to reach out to friends and loved ones for advice. Just as naturally, you’ll likely want to extend advice in return whenever those special people in your life request help or guidance. However, when offering more than a single piece of advice, is it correct to say “advices?”
“Advice” cannot be used plurally in most cases because “advice” is a noncount noun, and the word “advices” is not grammatically correct. However, when speaking in specific legal, financial, or business settings, it is acceptable to use the word “advices” as the plural form of the word “advice.”
This article will explore the word “advice,” including where the term comes from and how to use it. We’ll also consider alternatives as well as how to use it in the plural form properly. So read on to learn more about this fascinating word and how it works within our language!
The Etymology of “Advice”
If you’ve ever experienced the annoyance of a friend who comes to you for advice and then quickly ignores your words of wisdom, you understand how frustrating it can be to see your advice go unheeded.
When tensions rise, it can be valuable to remember that, at its root, the word “advice” has never implied that we are to accept a statement as entirely factual. Instead, at least initially, it pointed to someone’s opinion!
English derives the word “advice” from the French term “avis,” which means “viewpoint,” “opinion,” or “judgment.”
Though each person naturally views their advice as the wisest, most accurate path, advice is often nothing more than a single viewpoint. Moreover, because an individual’s perspective shapes that person’s outlook, each person is likely to see value in different forms of advice.
Initially, the term “avis” was a part of the phrase, “ço m’est à vis,” translating to “it seems to me” (source). This phrase perfectly reflects the true nature of advice between friends, a piece of advice that comes from personal experience rather than a true “right or wrong.”
Of course, in more professional settings, “advice” does seem to reflect a more profound sense of right and wrong. In particular, legal advice bears more experience and more weight than a simple piece of advice from a friend.
Though both legal advice and personal advice draw from the same meaning, they require different handling, both grammatically and in real life.
Is Advice Countable or Uncountable?
Still, the question remains, is advice countable or uncountable? If countable, what is the plural form of “advice”?
In most cases, “advice” is an uncountable noun. This means that it is subject to all the same rules as other uncountable nouns, and we cannot use “advice” plurally. However, when discussing legal advice or specific business advice, we may consider “advice” a countable noun.
When deciding whether or not to use a plural form of “advice,” it can be helpful to go back to the original rule that determines whether a word is countable or uncountable.
What Is an Uncountable Noun?
Count nouns commonly refer to words that we think of as more “traditional” nouns: people, places, and things. As the name might suggest, these are nouns that someone can easily count.
The rules surrounding plurality among countable nouns are straightforward to learn. First, it is plural if there is more than one of any countable person, place, or thing. Then, to signify the plurality of that term, you simply add either an “s” or “es” to the end.
For example:
- My cat (singular) hid in the bush (singular), chasing her toy (singular).
- My four cats (plural) ran around the bushes (plural), chasing their toys (plural).
Because “cat,” “bush,” and “toy” are all tangible, countable nouns, they are plural. Signifying their plurality is as simple as tagging the terms with either “s” or “es.”
How Mass Nouns Are Different
Noncount nouns, which we also call “mass nouns” or “uncountable” nouns, reflect nouns that are far harder to number. These noncount nouns typically refer to ideas, feelings, or abstract words in the English language but can also refer to nouns that, while tangible, we simply cannot count (source).
A few common examples include:
- Loyalty
- Happiness
- Money
- Steel
- Copper
- Joy
- Peace
- Information
How would someone attempt to connect a number to sugar without counting the individual grains? How could you quantify copper before it exists in a measurable shape? What would it mean to experience multiple “peace”?
Simply spoken, you can’t.
Because these words are uncountable, they exist without being either plural or singular. Look at how this functions in actions:
- I appreciate the loyalty you have given me in our friendship.
- I gain so much happiness from our time together.
- Even without much money, we are able to have a great time.
In the sentences above, you can see that because these words represent concepts rather than tangible objects, you can’t really count them in the traditional sense.
However, though we generally view “advice” as one such uncountable noun, you occasionally may hear someone use it plurally in very specific settings.
When Can You Say “Advices?”
Though our language follows grammatical rules, those rules sometimes shift and change depending on a given setting. When it comes to “advice,” plural usage changes between informal language and formal, legal settings. In such cases, is “advice” correct?
Formal “Advices”
Though it is not appropriate to use the word “advices” when giving an opinion to friends, the term can be correct when discussing specific kinds of advice.
In particular, you may hear this word when discussing official payment advice, legal advice, or any other advice someone intends another to receive as fact rather than opinion (source).
There is a significant difference between discussing friends’ opinions and “advice” with major financial or political implications.
For example, in his original writing, Henry David Thoreau uses this word in the plural sense, speaking of “the latest advices from Mexico.” In this instance, “advice” doesn’t signify an opinion; it means significant political statements, making it appropriate to use the word “advices.”
Read on to see a few more examples:
The President issued advices about evacuating the refugees.
My lawyer gave several advices about what steps I should take during my divorce proceedings.
He proposed some advices about appropriate environmental protections before we began the experiment.
In the above instances, “advices” has less to do with opinion and more with the appropriate legal actions a person should take.
What Can I Say Instead of “Advices?”
In most cases, we would consider “advice” an uncountable noun that we should not technically use in the plural form. Thus, it is not correct to say “advices” when describing common advice given in informal conversation.
It’s frequently easiest to lump all individual segments of advice under the umbrella term “advice.” Even if your friend mentioned 10 different suggestions during a conversation, you could still easily leave the conversation saying, “Thanks for the advice.”
If that doesn’t feel sufficient, you can get around this rule by getting more specific.
For example, try saying:
- Thanks for the pieces of advice you gave.
- I appreciate all the advice and tips you offered me.
- You always provide the best bits of advice.
Using the plural words pieces, tips, and bits clearly indicates that you were receptive to the multiple opinions your friend gave.
Is “an Advice” Correct?
The next step of understanding how to use this somewhat unusual word is understanding how we should use it in combination with articles. For example, though one can discuss “the advice,” it’s both incorrect and unnecessary to talk about “an” advice (source).
In the English language, “a” and “an” signify that a word is in its singular form while not being specific about which noun it is.
For example, if you were making a school supply list, you might write out:
- Paper
- A binder
- Highlighters
- An extra eraser
By looking at this list, you can see that the writer doesn’t have any particular binder or eraser in mind; she just wants any binder or eraser. Because “binder” begins with a consonant, you would use “a” rather than “an,” which precedes words that begin with vowels.
While it seems that, following this rule, you’d say “an advice,” the article is not necessary here. Because “advice” is generally singular, there’s no need to double down by using the word “an.”
Though it is unnecessary to use the article “an” when discussing advice, we can still use the definite article “the.” “The” serves to point out a specific example of a noun. If you’re discussing a particular piece of advice separate from the rest, it’s appropriate to specify that by using the word “the.”
Check out a few examples here:
- Correct: I appreciated the advice you gave me yesterday.
- Incorrect: It’s kind of you to give the advice.
For example, by saying, “I appreciated the advice you gave me yesterday,” you express a level of gratitude for a particular piece of advice over all others.
Because the second example seems to refer to all advice as a whole, it only creates confusion to phrase it in a way that specifies “the advice.”
“Advice” vs. “Advise”
The English language contains a long list of easily confused words, and near the top of that list are “advice” and “advise.” People mix up words for a variety of reasons: similar appearance, sound, or meaning. In the case of “advice” and “advise,” people frequently confuse these words for all three reasons!
Though these two related words appear and sound highly similar, they function very differently in practical use.
As we previously discussed, “advice” is a noun, meaning an opinion someone shares to guide future actions. “Advise” is a verb, meaning the act of sharing that opinion.
Look at how these two words function in context:
- I appreciate your advice, but I believe I’m going to try anyway.
- Thank you for advising me, but I think I’m going to try anyway.
In the first sentence, advice represents an idea someone shared, making it a noun. In the second example, that same person was completing the action of advising a friend; as always, an action is a verb.
Other Easy-to-Confuse Words
If you find these two words confusing, don’t worry. You aren’t alone! According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “advise” and “advice” are part of a long collection of words that commonly trip up even experts of the English language (source). Check out the chart below to find out a few more:
Commonly Confused Words | Examples: |
Effect vs. Affect | What’s the effect of the lesson on your memory?How did the lesson affect your memory? |
Altogether vs. All together | We abolished that rule altogether.Putting your luggage all together before flying was a major hassle. |
Been vs. Gone | She’s been shopping, but she just returned.She’s gone shopping, and she should be back soon. |
Beside vs. Besides | Sit beside me at the concert.Besides rock music, what other genres do you like? |
All vs. Every | All members are expected to wear their uniforms.Every member should tell me what size he or she wears. |
Everyday vs. Every day | She’s just your average, everyday student.Every day, she arrives on time and gets to work. |
Lend vs. Borrow | Can you lend me your pencil for the day?I’m afraid I may need to borrow your pencil. |
Full vs. Fill | The classroom is already full of students.It will fill with students tomorrow as well. |
Its vs. It’s | The cat grabbed its toy from the bin.It’s a shame that you are allergic to cats. |
Quiet vs. Quite | She’s a quiet girl who prefers not to speak much.She’s quite the piano player! |
This article was written for
For further reading on commonly confused words, check out this article: “Preternatural vs. Supernatural: What’s the Difference?”
Final Thoughts
Even for native English speakers, some words take a while to understand fully, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth the effort. Advice is definitely one such word.
Though it may be common to give and receive advice, not everyone naturally understands the rules around this word and its operation in practice.
In most situations, advice is an uncountable noun and should not be plural. However, if you’re discussing legal advice, it’s not uncommon to hear people discuss plural “advices.” The more you practice sharing your advice with others, the more you can learn about our language and how it develops!
Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!
Asked by: Virgie Thiel
Score: 4.5/5
(6 votes)
‘Advice’ is a noun meaning «an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do.» Advice is a noncount noun (or mass noun) which means it does not have a plural form.
How do you say more than one advice?
If the object really is the advice (and not something that provides or takes advice), then «advices» would be just fine. (Because in this context, «advice» would be a countable noun since you could have two of them.)
Is it correct to say advise or advice?
So, the main difference between advice vs advise is that “advise” (with an S) is a verb that to recommend, or to give information to someone. On the other hand, “advice” (with a C) is a noun: an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action. Read below how you can use them in a sentence.
What is the singular for advice?
«Advice«, without a final «s», is, and has always been, singular. In the headline about the Titanic, «advices», ending in «s», is plural and does not mean «advice».
What is the plural of pay advice?
The most common plural of “remittance advice” — a note sent by a customer paying a supplier, indicating that payment is on its way — seems to be “remittance advices”.
37 related questions found
What is plural feedback?
The word feedback has evolved over the years, and is now accepted as a countable noun. Therefore, if feedback shared frequently in certain professions, each feedback unit is countable and hence its plural is now accepted as «feedbacks» .
Is advice a countable noun?
Advice is uncountable. we say a piece of advice (not ‘an advice’) and some advice (not ‘some advices’).
What is the sentence of advice?
Examples of advice in a Sentence
My advice is to sell your old car and get a new one. Take my advice and sell your old car. He needs advice from an expert. She’s been giving him some expert advice about investing.
Is advice abstract noun?
Abstract noun of the verb ‘advise’ is ‘advice’. … An abstract noun is a noun that refers to an idea or a general quality. It does not refer to a physical object. Some of the examples of abstract nouns are: goodness, freedom, wisdom, brilliance, poverty, justice, philosophy, anger, peace, happiness, calm, etc.
How do you use advice in a sentence?
Using Advice and Advise in a Sentence
- You’ve done this before, please give me your advice.
- I need your advice on which car to buy.
- Her father gave them sound financial advice.
- She took my interview advice on board and got the job.
- Always get home improvement advice from an expert.
Can I say advices?
Slightly surprisingly, “advice” is an uncountable (mass) noun in English (like “water” or “sand”), and as such it has no plural form: correct His advice was very helpful. wrong His advices were very helpful. … Since it is uncountable, we cannot say “an advice”.
Can you give me some or any advice?
In Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, «advice» is uncountable noun, so «Some advice» is the correct one. However, googling «some advices» returns 400K results and in fact many formal English articles / news use «some advices» as in this article on Yahoo News: «Real World 101: What Every Graduate Should Know».
How do you use advice and advise?
The main difference between ‘advice’ and ‘advise’ is this: advice is a thing (a noun), advise is an action (a verb). They cannot be used interchangeably. I advise you to get some advice about this matter.
What is the plural of knowledge?
Knowledge is an uncountable noun, so it is never used in the plural: ✗ Students don’t understand how to use these knowledges in real life.
Why is advice uncountable noun?
You cannot say «an advice» or «several advices». It is uncountable, so it can’t be plural. You ask for advice, you receive advice, you receive a piece of advice, you receive several pieces of advice, you receive some advice.
What can I say instead of advise?
- admonish.
- caution.
- charge.
- commend.
- direct.
- encourage.
- instruct.
- point out.
Is advice a collective noun?
While in some languages collective nouns are easy to use because they always require a singular verb, in English, it is not so. … If in American English the verb is in singular, in British English, these nouns may require the verb in both singular and plural.
Which type of noun is advice?
When someone gives you a suggestion about what you should do, that’s advice. In this sense, it is an uncountable noun (that means you can’t have “an advice” or “many advices”). Elena gave her daughter advice about what to say to her father.
Can abstract nouns be plural?
To define an abstract noun, the Oxford Dictionary uses three abstract nouns: idea, quality, and state. All three can form plurals.
Should you use advice in a sentence?
Advice sentence example. «I will give you a piece of advice ,» he said, unaffected by her tirade. I took your advice , and I got myself engaged. Good advice , she muttered and turned the page.
Is saying please advise rude?
In the end, there’s nothing grammatically wrong with “please advise.” It’s just a question of usage and style. Some people don’t like it because it can be interpreted as rude or demanding. Other people think it’s redundant: just ask your question and call it a day.
Is advice an opinion?
Advice is based on knowledge, experience or industry expertise; whereas an opinion is based on what someone thinks, not what they know.
What is the word of advice?
word of advice — cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness); «a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality»; «the warning was to beware of surprises»; «his final word of advice was not to play with matches»
Where can I ask advice?
The 8 Best Sites to Get Good Free Advice Online
- 7 Cups. 7 Cups is an online advice site that aims to connects people who need to talk with caring listeners. …
- Elder Wisdom Circle. …
- FreeAdvice. …
- r/advice. …
- Ask a Manager. …
- Fun Advice. …
- TheAnswerBank. …
- Hey, From the Future.
Can personnel be singular?
“Personnel” can be both singular and plural. … Modern style guides suggest that when “personnel” is plural, it means “people,” and when it is singular, it’s a collective noun similar to “staff” and “board.” All personnel are required to wear galoshes on Mondays.
Is it wrong to make the word «advice» plural «adivces». My professor told me it is wrong to make it plural when I sent to him that sentence:
«Thanks for the advices»
Many thanks for your help in advance.
Sorry, but yes it’s wrong.
He gave me a lot of good advice.
Thanks for the advice.
Your professor is correct!
Hi, Dreamy,
In this context, advice is uncountable, so your professor is right.
Last edited: Dec 17, 2009
Of course, «advice» cannot be used in plural. By the way, in Russian (my native language as can be seen from the profile) and some other languages both singular and plural forms exist, but not in English. However, it is usually clear from the context when you want to say that only «one advice» was given or «several pieces of advice» were used. The only thing you can do here (and that is what I often do) is use the word «piece» which allows «-s» at the end:
«One piece of advice»
«Two pieces of advice»
«Ten pieces of advice»
Hi, Dreamy,
In this context, advice is uncountable, so your professor is right.
Please, could somebody name contexts where advice can be countable?
Please, could somebody name contexts where advice can be countable?
If you look up «advice» in the WR dictionary, definition 2 reads «a formal notice of a sale, delivery, or other transaction.» That sort of advice is a piece of paper or an electronic message. In that sense, it is countable.
gvozd, I hope this can make sense.
Throughout your lifetime, you can have many advices that is not advice.
No, coolieinblue — that makes no sense at all.
gvozd, I hope this can make sense.
Throughout your lifetime, you can have many advices that is not advice.
I’m sorry, but that’s not correct English. It uses the plural form of «advice» in its uncountable sense, which has no plural.
Thank you for your correction, PaulQ and Egmont .
Which one is correct: «some of his advice is useful» or «some of his advice are useful»? And how do you say it in Perfect Tense, e.g. «All his advice have been useless and never helped me»?
Sorry if my question seems stupid, but I’m really confused..
In AmE, advice would always take a singular verb. So your sentences should read «Some of his advice is useful» and «All of his advice has been useless and (has) never really helped me.» (I mention AmE because AmE and BE have some differences concerning whether uncountable nouns take singular or plural verbs, and I don’t know if advice this is one of those cases or not.)
Don’t apologize. Determining which nouns are countable and which are not is hard.
Last edited: Jun 28, 2012
Thank you!
I hope someone from Great Britain will respond as well.
Thank you!
I hope someone from Great Britain will respond as well.
What JustKate said about AmE is true in BrE too.
Though advice is normally a non-count noun, it is used as a count noun by the Society of Friends (Quakers), e.g. «Advices and Queries». Apparently advice was countable when the Friends Society started, and they have maintained the tradition. They no longer use thee except in fixed phrases, but they do use advices.
I mention this because no one has mentioned whether the context is «among Friends», or historical, or what.
Thank your for your insight.
from the paper of record….
«Advices received early this morning tended to increase the number of survivers [sic] by 200.»
(ny times, front page, 4/16/1912)
Hello hubBubba — welcome to the forums!
I’m sorry: I don’t understand your point — are you suggesting that «advices» is correct? (I’m sure it isn’t….)
I’m afraid I couldn’t find your New York Times citation.
hubBubba said:
Advices received early this morning tended to increase the number of survivers [sic] by 200.»
(ny times, front page, 4/16/1912)
Loob said:
I’m sorry: I don’t understand your point — are you suggesting that «advices» is correct? (I’m sure it isn’t….)
It’s either a typo, or it’s in a quote (and thus couldn’t be changed) or else advices was OK in 1912. It sounds to me as though it was in a quote. In any case, whether or not it was permissible then doesn’t affect the fact that it’s incorrect now.
Last edited: Jul 22, 2013
I interpret ‘advices’ in this sentence as ‘advisory notices’, in which case, it is countable. A pretty unusual (or obsolete) usage though.
tx… i’m suggesting that it was at one time (eg a century ago, give or take) correct. i agree that, today, you’d have to be somewhat looney to use that form. just an interesting observation; also, i wonder when & why it became unacceptable.
i tried, twice, to post a link to the nyt citation. for reasons that are not apparent, wordReference won’t let new members do that.
btw, the famous front-page article in which «advices» appeared is headlined «Titanic Sinks Four Hours After Hitting Iceberg…».
Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2013
Should I say?
1. What was some of the advice he gave her? or
2. What were some of the advice he gave her?
Hello felipenor
It has to be singular: «was», not «were».
Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
I’d say advice note and not advice in the sense of a delivery note. I’d say Your advice has been invaluable even if I’d received several pieces of advice.
I interpret ‘advices’ in this sentence as ‘advisory notices’, in which case, it is countable. A pretty unusual (or obsolete) usage though.
It is tempting to say «advisory», but I think the meaning is simply «notices»/»reports»/»communications», judging both from the context and from the way I have seen cognate words used in Latinate languages («advice» comes from a Latin word).
Should I say?
1. What was some of the advice he gave her? or
2. What were some of the advice he gave her?
«Advice», without a final «s», is, and has always been, singular. In the headline about the Titanic, «advices», ending in «s», is plural and does not mean «advice».
Should I say?
1. What was some of the advice he gave her? or
2. What were some of the advice he gave her?
It should be was, although the sentence doesn’t sound natural to me. I’d say What did he advise her to do? although I concede that this refers to all the advice he gave her and not just some of it. I suppose you could say What were some of the things he advised her to do?
Hello hubBubba — welcome to the forums!
I’m sorry: I don’t understand your point — are you suggesting that «advices» is correct? (I’m sure it isn’t….)
I’m afraid I couldn’t find your New York Times citation
Yes, ofcourse it’s not right.for example see the affirmative of present indifinite tense ,take a first form of main verb.So,here is act as singular verb.Correct or not?.Now we talk about noun. Advice is noun and it belongs to special category so there can’t be plural form but,if we talk about numerical adjective like as several,all,a few,some ,a number of etc.,it can possible to make plural form of advice and it will be «pieces of advice».
Hello friends,
I want say something about «advice»
for example see the affirmative of present indifinite tense ,take a first form of main verb.So,here is act as singular verb.Correct or not?.Now we talk about noun. Advice is noun and it belongs to special category so there can’t be plural form but,if we talk about numerical adjective like as several,all,a few,some ,a number of etc.,it can possible to make plural form of advice and it will be «pieces of advice».
Now we talk about noun. Advice is noun and it belongs to special category so there can’t be plural form but,if we talk about numerical adjective like as several,all,a few,some ,a number of etc.,it can possible to make plural form of advice and it will be «pieces of advice».
We call that special category «uncountable nouns». Like you say, there is no plural.
But we can make a countable noun using «<container>+of» or «<amount>+of» or <unit>+of». For example:
uncountable: tea, sand, advice, dirt
a cup of tea
a grain of sand,
a liter of tea
a gram of dirt
a piece of dirt
a piece of advice
several pieces of advice
a few pieces of advice
10 pieces of advice
I want say something about «advice»
for example see the affirmative of present indifinite tense ,take a first form of main verb.So,here is act as singular verb.Correct or not?.
«Advice» is never a verb. The verb is «advise».
I advise you to stop.
He advises her to stop.
His teacher advises him.
«Advice» is never a verb. The verb is «advise».
I advise you to stop.
He advises her to stop.
His teacher advises him.
Yes that’s correct . it’s mistake.
I am writing about Richard Hakluyt. According to you, can I use the plural form of «advice» in the meaning of «written pieces of advice»?
This is the sentence: «Its book contains a large assortment of travel narratives, plus various kinds of documents: notes, advices, instructions, diaries of journey, letters.»
Thank you for your time.
My best,
… can I use the plural form of «advice» in the meaning of «written pieces of advice»?
Hello Giampiero
No, you can’t, I’m afraid.
«Its book contains a large assortment of travel narratives, plus various kinds of documents: notes, advices, instructions, diaries of journey, letters.»
About 100 years ago, that sentence would have been considered formal and a little old-fashioned, but correct. Today, if you wished to say the same thing idiomatically, you would have to use another word for «advices».
The OED remarks:
Advice: 2.b. As a count noun.
(a) A piece of advice (in the sense of “Opinion given or offered as to what action to take; counsel; recommendation”). Now chiefly Caribbean and South Asian1.
1984 N. Bissoondath in L. Hutcheon & M. Richmond Other Solitudes (1990) 299 I thought he could give me more practical advices.
2009 Sunday Observer (Sri Lanka) (Nexis) 10 May Asked what advices could be given from the Epidemiological Unit to eliminate the disease, Dr. Tissera said that [etc.].
7. Information conveyed or imparted.
a. Intelligence, news. Also (now less commonly) as count noun: a report; a dispatch.
1710 R. Steele Tatler No. 129. ⁋1 A mail from Holland, which brought me several Advices.
The point is that «advice» is now only used as an uncountable noun. The use as a countable noun is considered wrong.
1 I have also found examples from Africa.
I am writing about Richard Hakluyt. According to you, can I use the plural form of «advice» in the meaning of «written pieces of advice»?
This is the sentence: «Its book contains a large assortment of travel narratives, plus various kinds of documents: notes, advices, instructions, diaries of journey, letters.»
Richard Hakluyt was an English writer who died in 1616. In ordinary modern English, attempting to use «advices» in the plural is almost always going to be wrong.
Hello everyone,
Just to confirm it with you, advice can’t be used in the plural even if one wants to stress they are of different types, unlike the usage of «experience» in «different experiences«, right?
Different youtube videos give different advices on this subject.
Different youtube videos give different advice on this subject.
Is my understanding correct?
Thank you!!
Yes, that’s correct. ‘Advice’, with this meaning, is always uncountable. Your sentence with the plural form is incorrect. Another way of phrasing it, if you wanted a plural noun, might be e.g., Different youtube videos give different kinds of advice on this subject.
«Advice» is uncountable. To make a countable noun use «<unit> of <uncountable>». With «advice», we use «piece» as the unit:
Let me give you a piece of advice.
That was a good piece of advice.
We use «piece» for some other uncountable things:
She ate a piece of cake.
He took a piece of candy.