Can t get a word in the edgeways

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    I couldn’t get a word in edgeways

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I couldn’t get a word in edgeways

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    get a word in edgeways

    get a word in edgewise/edgeways
    ввернуть/вставить словечко; встрять в разговор

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get a word in edgeways

  • 3
    get a word in edgeways

    вставить, ввернуть слово, словечко

    Higgins: «…When Pickering starts shouting nobody can get a word in edgeways.» (B. Shaw, ‘Pygmalion’, act III) — Хиггинс: «…Когда Пикеринг начинает кричать, никому больше слова нельзя вставить.»

    But we chewed the fat for a while. That is, she chewed it. You couldn’t get a word in edgewise. (J. Salinger, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, ch. XV) — Потом мы немного потрепались по телефону. Вернее, Сэлли трепалась, а я молчал. Она ведь никому не даст слова сказать.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get a word in edgeways

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    get a word in edgewise

    get a word in edgewise/edgeways
    ввернуть/вставить словечко; встрять в разговор

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > get a word in edgewise

  • 5
    get in

    1. I

    1) the train is getting in поезд и т. д. прибывает /подходит/

    3) taxes are difficult to get in трудно собирать налоги и т. д.

    2. II

    get in at some time get in late прибывать /приходить/ поздно и т. д.; the boat got in on time пароход пришел вовремя; the train got in 5 minutes early поезд прибыл на пять минут раньше расписания; get in somewhere water was getting in everywhere вода отовсюду просачивалась /проступала/

    3. III

    1) || get a word in ввернуть /вставить/ словечко

    3) get in smb. /smb. in/ get a specialist in приглашать /звать/ специалиста и т. д.

    4) get in smth. / smth. in/ get in debts собирать долги и т. д.

    4. IV

    || get a word in edgeways ввернуть словечко; they had so much to talk about that I couldn’t get a word in edgeways им столько надо было сказать друг другу, что я не мог и словечка вставить

    5. VII

    get in smb. /smb. in/ to do smth. get a man in to fix the roof пригласить мастера починить крышу и т. д.

    6. XI

    1) when the pipe burst, a plumber had to be got in когда прорвало трубу, пришлось пригласить /звать/ водопроводчика

    2) debts could not be got in нельзя было собрать долги и т. д.

    7. XVI

    1) get in on smth. get in on the discussion влезать /вмешиваться, встревать/ в беседу; get in on the new firm устроиться / пролезть/ в новую фирму и т. д.; get in on the trip to Italy присоседиться /примазаться/ к группе, отправляющейся в Италию

    2) get in between smb., smth. get in between the fighters встать между дерущимися; get in between two people встать между этими двумя людьми и т. д.; get in between me and my goal помешать мне добиться своей цели

    3) get in with smb. coll. get in with his crowd сойтись /подружиться/ с его компанией и т. д., he got in with a bad crowd он связался с плохой компанией

    4) get in for some place get in for constituency быть избранным от какого-л. округа, представлять какой-л. округ и т. д., get in at smth. he will get in at the coming elections его изберут /он пройдет/ на предстоящих выборах; get in with smth. get in with a small majority пройти небольшим большинством голосов

    8. XXI1

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > get in

  • 6


    1. остриём, краем (вперёд)

    2. бочком

    3. на ребро, в поперечном направлении

    to get a word in edgeways — с трудом вставить слово, заставить себя выслушать

    НБАРС > edgeways

  • 7

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > edgeways

См. также в других словарях:

  • get a word in edgeways — • get a word in (edgewise) v. phr. To find a chance to say something when others are talking. The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word. Mary talked so much that Jack couldn t get a word in edgewise …   Словарь американских идиом

  • (not) get a word in edgeways —    During a discussion, if you can t get a word in edgeways, you can t say something because the others are talking so much.     I tried to give my opinion, but I couldn t get a word in edgeways …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • get a word in — or[get a word in edgewise] also[get a word in edgeways] {v. phr.} To find a chance to say something when others are talking. * /The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word./ * /Mary talked so much that Jack couldn t… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get a word in — or[get a word in edgewise] also[get a word in edgeways] {v. phr.} To find a chance to say something when others are talking. * /The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word./ * /Mary talked so much that Jack couldn t… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • to get a word in edgewise — Edgeways Edge ways, Edgewise Edge wise, adv. With the edge towards anything; in the direction of the edge. [1913 Webster] {to get a word in edgewise} to succeed in expressing an opinion in a conversation, in spite of constant speech from another… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Edgeways — Edge ways, Edgewise Edge wise, adv. With the edge towards anything; in the direction of the edge. [1913 Webster] {to get a word in edgewise} to succeed in expressing an opinion in a conversation, in spite of constant speech from another or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • edgeways — Edge ways, Edgewise Edge wise, adv. With the edge towards anything; in the direction of the edge. [1913 Webster] {to get a word in edgewise} to succeed in expressing an opinion in a conversation, in spite of constant speech from another or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable …   Collocations dictionary

  • word — 1 noun LANGUAGE/STH YOU SAY OR WRITE 1 (C) the smallest unit of language that people can understand if it is said or written on its own: Write an essay of about five hundred words. | There were a lot of words in the film I couldn t understand. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Edgewise — Edgeways Edge ways, Edgewise Edge wise, adv. With the edge towards anything; in the direction of the edge. [1913 Webster] {to get a word in edgewise} to succeed in expressing an opinion in a conversation, in spite of constant speech from another… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Jaan-E-Mann — Infobox Film name = Jaan E Mann caption = Movie poster for Jaan E Mann director = Shirish Kunder producer = Sajid Nadiadwala writer = Shirish Kunder narrator = starring = Salman Khan Akshay Kumar Preity Zinta Anupam Kher music = Anu Malik… …   Wikipedia

not get a word in edgeways

To be unable to speak or make one’s opinion known due to one or more people dominating the conversation. The third-tier candidate couldn’t get a word in edgeways at the debate. I can never get a word in edgeways when Mary comes to the book club—she just never stops talking.

See also: edgeways, get, not, word

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

not get a word in edgeways


not get a word in edgewise


If you cannot get a word in edgeways in a conversation, you find it difficult to say anything because someone else is talking so much. For heaven’s sake, Sue, will you let me get a word in edgeways! Jamie dominated the conversation and Zhou could hardly get a word in edgewise.

See also: edgeways, get, not, word

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

See also:

  • not able to get a word in edgeways
  • not able to get a word in edgewise
  • not get a word in edgewise
  • edgeways
  • get a word in edgeways
  • get a word in edgewise
  • get a word in edgewise and get a word in edgeways
  • edgewise
  • unable
  • able to get a word in edgewise

I can’t get a word in edgeways.
Я слова не могу вставить.

If you can get a word in edgeways.
Если захотите получить весточку с того света.

Cos he can’t get a word in edgeways.
Потому что он не успевает вставить ни слова.

They’re always jabbering on and on, can never get a word in edgeways and I’m lucky if I get to speak to my brother once in a blue moon.
Они только трещат, и трещат, и трещат, слова не дают вставить, и если мне повезёт, то раз в сто лет я могу переброситься словцом с братом.

I couldn’t get a word in edgewise
Я и слово не мог вставить

She couldn’t get a word in edgewise.
Она и слово вставить не могла.

Because you don’t let him get a word in edgewise, is why.
Потому что ты не даешь ему и слова вставить, вот почему.

I didn’t get a word in edgewise once you made up your mind.
Я и слова не проронила, с тех пор, как ты вдруг передумал.

Because I couldn 't get a word in.
Потому что я не могла выдавить ни слова.

I tried to apologize, but I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.
Я попыталась извиниться, но не могла вставить в разговор ни слова.

‘Cause you don’t let him get a word in edgewise is why.
Потому что ты не даешь ему и слова вставить, вот почему.

I usually can’t get a word in edgewise.
Я обычно даже слова вставить не могу.

Every 30 years, Margaret lets me get a word in edgewise.
Каждые 30 лет, Маргарет позволяет мне вставлять свое слово.

Maybe, but, uh, as much as you talk, this poor guy can hardly get a word in edgewise.
Может быть, но вы так много говорите, что этот бедный парень вряд ли сможет вставить хоть словечко.

And I hung up the phone before she could get a word in edgewise.
И я повесила трубку до того, как она смогла хоть слово вставить.

Can’t a girl get a word in edgewise?
Почему эта девушка не могла произнести ни слова?

That’s because you never shut up long enough for me to get a word in.
Потому что никогда не закрываешь рот так, чтобы я могла вставить хоть слово.

I’m afraid if I stop for air, somebody else will get a word in.
Я боюсь, что если остановлюсь, чтобы вдохнуть, кто-нибудь вставит словечко.

That’s probably the only time she could get a word in.
Да, только в разговоре со мной она могла ввернуть словечко.

Yeah, that’s probably the only time she could get a word in.
Да, только в разговоре со мной она могла ввернуть словечко.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

вставить словечко

вставлять слово

If you would let me get a word in edgeways, I am deducing that the kidnappers had knowledge of the baby and his routines.

Если вы позволите мне вставить словечко, то я сделал вывод, что похитители имели представление о ребёнке и его распорядке.

If I can get a word in edgeways.

If you can get a word in edgeways.

If you let us get a word in edgeways, we’d…

They’re always jabbering on and on, can never get a word in edgeways and I’m lucky if I get to speak to my brother once in a blue moon.

Они постоянно бормочут и бормочут, не дают и слова вставить, большое везение, если удаётся поговорить с братом хоть раз в несколько лет.

I can’t get a word in edgeways.

Can’t get a word in edgeways!

Could I just get a word in edgeways?

Could you please let me get a word in edgeways?

You feel that everything in American life is a reaction to what Donald Trump has said: his followers adoring it, his opponents deploring it and the candidates actually on the ballot trying to get a word in edgeways.

Создается ощущение, что политическая жизнь в США превратилась в непрерывную реакцию на высказывания Дональда Трампа: сторонники президента восхищаются, оппоненты ругают, а кандидаты, непосредственно участвующие в выборах, пытаются хоть чуть-чуть быть услышанными.

They’re always jabbering on and on, can never get a word in edgeways and I’m lucky if I get to speak to my brother once in a blue moon.

Они только трещат, и трещат, и трещат, слова не дают вставить, и если мне повезёт, то раз в сто лет я могу переброситься словцом с братом.

«Nobody could get a word in edgeways, he was interrupting everyone including the president.»

(Саакашвили) не давал сказать ничего — перебивая всех, включая президента.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 12. Точных совпадений: 12. Затраченное время: 56 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Asked by: Rey Luettgen

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Definition of ‘not get a word in edgeways

If you say that you cannot get a word in edgeways, you are complaining that you do not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking so much.

What is a word in edgeways?

to not manage to say something because another person is talking a lot. Once he starts talking, no one can get a word in edgeways. Synonyms and related words. To stop talking, or to not say anything.

Is it word in edgeways or edgewise?

A word in edgeways‘, or as it is sometimes written ‘a word in edgewise’, is a 19th century expression that was coined in the UK. ‘Edgeways/edgewise’ just means ‘proceeding edge first’. The allusion in the phrase is to edging sideways through a crowd, seeking small gaps in which to proceed through the throng.

Can I get a word in meaning?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishget a word in (edgeways)get a word in (edgeways)to get a chance to say something Once George starts talking it’s difficult to get a word in edgeways.

When I talk it isn’t always easy for others to get a word in edgewise?

not get a word in edgewise

If you cannot get a word in edgeways in a conversation, you find it difficult to say anything because someone else is talking so much. For heaven’s sake, Sue, will you let me get a word in edgeways!

43 related questions found

Can not get a word in edgeways?

Definition of ‘not get a word in edgeways’

If you say that you cannot get a word in edgeways, you are complaining that you do not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking so much. He spent all the time talking and they could not get a word in edgeways.

Why do Americans say word in edgewise?

The use of the word edgewise or edgeways (“with the edge facing in the direction of movement”) is metaphorical, suggesting that the gap or opportunity for a person to speak is very slim.

What does get the word out mean?

: to let people know The police put/got the word out that they were looking for him.

What is a heart to heart?

A heart-to-heart is a conversation between two people, especially close friends, in which they talk freely about their feelings or personal problems. I’ve had a heart-to-heart with him.

What does a quick word with someone mean?

: to talk with someone briefly Could I have a word with you?

What does a good talking to mean?

give (one) a (good) talking to

To rebuke, scold, or berate someone thoroughly and intensely. I told her a thousand times not to take the car without asking! Well, I’ll give her a good talking to when she gets home.

What is the meaning of get straight to the point?

to get straight (or «right») to the point: to address the main subject directly, without deviation.

What does talking at cross purposes mean?

: in a way that causes confusion or failure because people are working or talking with different goals or purposes We’ll never succeed together if we continue to work at cross-purposes (with each other). It became clear that they were talking at cross-purposes.

What does fill the bill mean?

or to fill the bill. phrase. If you say that someone or something fits the bill or fills the bill, you mean that they are suitable for a particular job or purpose. If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.

What does talking nineteen to the dozen mean?

When someone talks nineteen to the dozen, he/she speaks very fast without stopping.

What is the meaning of get to the point?

Definition of come/get to the point

: to reach the main or most important idea of something that is said or written It took several paragraphs for her to come/get to the point of her argument.

Which organ is known as heart of heart?

The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a fist, located just behind and slightly left of the breastbone. The heart pumps blood through the network of arteries and veins called the cardiovascular system.

What exactly does the heart do?

The heart sends blood around your body. The blood provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste. Your heart is sort of like a pump, or two pumps in one.

How do you do a heart to heart talk?

Have a Heart to Heart Conversation to Improve Heart Health

  1. Go into the conversation with a purpose. Make a few notes beforehand to keep the conversation on track. …
  2. Think about what you want to accomplish. …
  3. Watch your tone. …
  4. Set an example. …
  5. Acknowledge that you hear him.

What does word up mean in slang?

Filters. (slang, US) I approve; I agree. interjection.

Can you put the word out?

to tell people a new piece of news: So, the new manager has been appointed — should we put the word out?

What is get a word in edgewise?

Insert oneself into a conversation or express one’s opinion despite competition from other speakers. For example, So many people had questions for the lecturer that it was hard to get a word in edgewise, or Nancy loves to talk, and I couldn’t get a word in edgeways.

What means spontaneously?

1 : proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint. 2 : arising from a momentary impulse. 3 : controlled and directed internally : self-acting spontaneous movement characteristic of living things. 4 : produced without being planted or without human labor : indigenous.

What does reading between lines mean?

When you read between the lines, you understand something that’s not said outright.

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