Can russians say n word

We have the great Soviet movie «Circus». In this movie the bad hero decided to ruin reputation of the famous white American circus star by showing her black child to the circus audience during the show. But to his surprise people from audience got the child and started singing him a luluby passing him from one person to another. And each person was singing the luluby in their native language (every person was from different republic of Soviet Union)

In the end the star asked — What is it?

And the person who brought sleeping child to her answered — It means that we love all children in our country. Bting them to life as many as you like, black ones, white, red even blue or pink with stripes from 1:18:00

Of course it’s old movie but it shows the polycн of the country and hoц people should behave.


Обновлено на

18 окт. 2021

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

Just… don’t

  • Английский (американский вариант)

I don’t know, can you say it in Russia?

  • Русский

@edwardws I used to think it was a synonym to a cool guy. because I never saw a black people

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@onkakto Black people themselves use it to mean «guy.» But it’s considered really impolite and racist for white people to use it. So I’d recommend not using the term

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Not if you’re not black.

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Нет. Нельзя.

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Can I say N-word in Russia?
I used to think it was a synonym to a cool guy

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    that is based on opinion. In my opinion, no. I think it is a rude term but that is just me.

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There is no reason to worry that this question would be closed — it is indeed a very good question.

Word Негр is not considered racist in Russia or Russian language. Do note that the scientific name for the race is Negroid — hence the word to describe an individual representative of that race. This word is different in pronunciation from the N-word in America that you’re referring to.

I personally have studied and lived in the USA for over 10 years and do understand your sentiments very well. However the reason the N-word is considered racist is historical rather than linguistic. In the USA, the racism of the word has origins in the black slave trade of 18-19th centuries, where word negro was pretty much equated to the word «slave». The N-word is simply a derogative derivative of it.

Because in Russia historically the black population has always been extremely small and Russia never really experienced the black slave trade anywhere near the level of the USA, there was no reason for the word to gain a negative connotation. Hence, again, In Russian the word is not racist and is not considered derogatory in any way.

In some contexts, naturally, word негр may be used as a derogative, but that would be a minority case. There is also a rather rude version ниггер, recently borrowed from English, which corresponds directly to the N-word you are referring to — and this word is racist and derogative and would not be used in normal conversations.

  • found these guys cassette at a vinyl store that I frequent: https://ni**

    sent this to my friends and they didn’t bat an eye, told me its a word that ppl use internationally and that im a weirdo for having problem with it


  • WRU


    found these guys cassette at a vinyl store that I frequent: https://ni**

    sent this to my friends and they didn’t bat an eye, told me its a word that ppl use internationally and that im a weirdo for having problem with it


    I aint typing that s*** you know which letters to put

    I don’t know how its real either

  • russians are the scariest people on god b

  • Well, this escalated quickly

Former President Donald Trump told British broadcaster Piers Morgan that were he still in charge of the US, he’d tell his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin that he couldn’t say the word ‘nuclear’ ever again. During the conflict in Ukraine, Trump has swung between issuing nuclear threats and calling for negotiations.

“Putin uses the ‘N-word’… the nuclear word, all the time,” Trump told Morgan, in a clip from an interview set to air on Monday. “That’s a no-no, you’re not supposed to do that. He uses it on a daily basis. And everybody’s so afraid… And as they’re afraid, he uses it more and more. That’s why he’s doing the kind of things he’s doing right now.””

Putin has not directly threatened the West with nuclear weapons, but in a speech marking the launch of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine in February, cautioned that anyone who “tries to stand in our way” will face consequences “such as you have never seen in your entire history.” Before the offensive began, he expressed the view to French President Emmanuel Macron that a war between Russia and NATO would be one with “no winners,” presumed by many to be a reference to the destructive power of nuclear arms.

Trump, however, told Morgan that he’d wave America’s own nukes at Putin. “I’d say we have far more than you do, far more powerful than you, and you can’t use that word ever again.” Most sources suggest that Russia actually has a greater number of warheads than the US. 

“You cannot use the nuclear word ever again, and if you do, we’re gonna have problems,” Trump continued, without elaborating.

US plans WMD 'provocation' to frame Russia – Moscow

Previous statements by Trump have been even more direct, with the former president telling Fox News in March that he’d send nuclear-armed submarines “coasting back and forth, up and down [Russia’s] coast.” 

However, Trump’s messaging on the current conflict has been inconsistent. After proclaiming that he’d threaten Russia with nuclear missiles, he called last week for a negotiated end to the conflict in Ukraine, stating that it “doesn’t make sense that Russia and Ukraine aren’t sitting down and working out some kind of an agreement,” adding that “there is a solution, and it should be figured out now – not later – when everyone will be DEAD!”

Fears of nuclear war have likely influenced the Western response to the Ukraine conflict. While NATO states and the EU have targeted Russia with unprecedented economic sanctions and funneled billions of dollars worth of arms to the Zelensky regime in Kiev, the West has not directly sent troops into the conflict, nor have Western powers imposed a no-fly zone for fear of a direct conflict with Russia. US President Joe Biden has stated that such a situation could spiral into a “third world war.”

According to the Pentagon’s most recent Nuclear Posture Review, American nukes are intended to serve as a deterrent to nuclear attack on the US and its allies, but their use may also be considered in “extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.”

Russia, which reportedly possesses around 700 more nuclear warheads than the US, asserts that it could use nuclear weapons in the event of a first nuclear strike on its territory or infrastructure, or if the existence of the Russian state is threatened by either nuclear or conventional weapons.

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