Can i speak to you for a few minutes word

Если вы недавно пришли тему «a few a little в английском языке», предлагаем проверить себя с помощью наших тестов и упражнений-exercises. Это очень важная тема, поэтому ее стоит выучить хорошо. Неправильно составленное предложение на английском, введет в заблуждение вашего собеседника. Мы составили упражнения разной категории сложности в виде тестов, а также воркшитс.

Перед выполнением упражнений на тему a few a little, повторите правила, как их употреблять. Наглядное правило на картинке.

a few a little правило наглядно

Упражнение 1. Вставьте a little a few

  1. I’ve got___money. Let’s have coffee.

a. a little
b. a few

2. I’ve got___stamps that you can use.

a. a little
b. a few

3. I’ve got___time. Do you want to talk?

a. a little
b. a few

4. She can speak___Spanish.

a. a little
b. a few

5. I write___letters every week.

a. a little
b. a few

Ответы на упражнение 1

  1. а
  2. b
  3. a
  4. a
  5. b

Упражнение 2. Вставьте few, a few, little, a little.

  1. Would you like some beer? Just_______ please.
  2. If you want to make pancakes, you need _______ eggs and _______ flour.
  3. Would you like _______ more rice?
  4. I bought _______ newspapers.
  5. I’d like to drink _______ coffee.
  6. This boy isn’t very popular at school. He’s got very _______ friends

Ответы на упражнение 2

  1. а little
  2. a few, a little
  3. a little
  4. a few
  5. a little
  6. few

Exercise 3

  1. We had___rain last night.

a. a little
b. a few

2. They made___mistakes, but it was OK.

a. a little
b. a few

3. Let’s go outside for___fresh air.

a. a little
b. a few

4. There are___new hotels since you last visited.

a. a little
b. a few

Ответы на упражнение 4

  1. а
  2. b
  3. a
  4. b

Упражнение 4. Вставьте few, a few, little, a little.

  1. My parents give me ______    pocket money every week, so I can buy everything I need.
  2. All we need is ______
  3. ______ animals can survive in the desert.
  4. Could we have ______  champagne, please?
  5. They’ve already been to Spain for ______ days.
  6. At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. There were always ______   flowers in pots.
  7. ‘How’s your father ?’ ‘ ______    better, thanks.’
  8. ‘Sandra is fluent in Italian, French and Spanish.’ ‘It’s quite rare, ______   people can speak several foreign languages.’
  9. Can you please buy _______ apples.
  10. I only need ______   minutes to get ready.

Ответы на упражнение 4

  1. а little
  2. а little
  3. а few
  4. a little
  5. a few
  6. a few
  7. а little
  8. a few
  9. a few
  10. a few

Упражнение 5

1. Let’s go to the movies. I have__ money.
2. I’m sorry, I can’t pay for your lunch. I have __money.
3. Not many children like vegetables. For example, __ children eat squash.
4. Joe is always angry. That’s why he has __ friends.
5. Bill didn’t drink all the soda. There’s __ left.
6. The party was fun. There were __ people I knew there.
7. Your house is almost empty! You have __ furniture.

Ответы на упражнение 5

  1. a little
  2. little
  3. a few
  4. few
  5. a little
  6. a few
  7. little

Упражнение 6.  Укажите правильный вариант – few или a few.

  1. A few/few people swim in the sea in the winter.
  2. He went out a few/few minutes ago.
  3. Can I speak to you for a few/few minutes?
  4. There were a few/few guests at the party. The hosts were unhappy.
  5. I’m going shopping. I need to buy a few/few things for tonight’s party.

Ответы на упражнение 6

  1. a few
  2. a few
  3. a few
  4. few
  5. a few

Упражнения для распечатки

  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)

Упражнение 8

  1. There are only _________ biscuits left.
  2. There is ________ traffic here.
  3. It’s winter, but we still have ________ flowers in the garden.
  4. There were _________ taxis in front of the station.
  5. Can I have_________ pepper, please?
  6. She can give us_______ help.
  7. Put ______ salt and mix the ingredients.
  8. There are ______ bottles on the table.

Ответы на упражнение 8

  1. few
  2. a little
  3. a few
  4. a few
  5. a little
  6. a little
  7. a little
  8. a few

Упражнение 9. Укажите правильный вариант – little или a little.

  1. I need a little/little money. Can you lend me some?
  2. I can’t wait for you. I’ve got a little/little time.
  3. You have a little/little time to finish the test. You must write faster.
  4. I have a little/little free time for hobbies because I work a lot.
  5. You don’t have to hurry. There is a little/little traffic at this time of the day.
  6. There is a little/little snow on the ground. The children can’t make a snowman.

Ответы на упражнение 9

  1. a little
  2. little
  3. little
  4. little
  5. little
  6. little

Упражнение 10. Перепишите вопросы, заменив some на «a little» или «a few».

  1. Would you like some cheese?
  2. Would you like some mineral water?
  3. Would you like some strawberries?
  4. Can I offer you some black coffee?
  5. Can I offer you some bread?
  6. Shall I bring you some biscuits?
  7. Shall I bring you some plums?
  8. Would you like some meat?

Ответы на упражнение 10

  1. a little
  2. a little
  3. a few
  4. a little
  5. a little
  6. a few

A few a little exercises worksheet

  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)
  • A few/ a little упражнения (exercises)

Предлагаю вам подборку несложных упражнений на отработку правил употребления few и a few / little и a little в английском языке.  Ко всем упражнениям есть ответы в конце статьи.

Если вам нужно повторить правило – сделать это можно здесь.

Если же необходимо просто освежить в памяти – воспользуйтесь этой инфографикой.few little упражнения

Также в конце статьи вы найдете 2 небольших теста по 10 вопросов в каждом на проверку темы few, a few, little, a little.

Упражнения (Exercises) на употребление few, a few, little, a little

Упражнение 1.  Укажите правильный вариант – few или a few.

  1. A few/few people swim in the sea in the winter.
  2. He went out a few/few minutes ago.
  3. Can I speak to you for a few/few minutes?
  4. There were a few/few guests at the party. The hosts were unhappy.
  5. I’m going shopping. I need to buy a few/few things for tonight’s party.

Упражнение 2. Укажите правильный вариант – little или a little.

  1. I need a little/little money. Can you lend me some?
  2. I can’t wait for you. I’ve got a little/little time.
  3. You have a little/little time to finish the test. You must write faster.
  4. I have a little/little free time for hobbies because I work a lot.
  5. You don’t have to hurry. There is a little/little traffic at this time of the day.
  6. There is a little/little snow on the ground. The children can’t make a snowman.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте few или a few

  1. Susan has ________ friends. She doesn’t feel lonely.
  2. You have _________ mistakes in the test. Correct them!
  3. There are ________ puddles on the road. Let’s put on rubber boots.
  4. _______ apples are enough for me not to feel hungry.
  5. We will come back in __________ days.
  6. The weather was bad, but ________people came.
  7. I really need to see him. I’ve got …………… questions to ask him.

Упражнение 4.  Вставьте little или a little.

  1. There is ________ bread in the cupboard. It’s enough for dinner.
  2. The bottle was not empty. ________ water was left.
  3. Would you like _________ water?
  4. There is still _________ bread left.
  5. Can I have _________ milk in my coffee? I like white.
  6. There is still _________ work to do.

Упражнение 5.  Вставьте a few or a little.

  1. There are only _________ biscuits left.
  2. There is ________ traffic here.
  3. It’s winter, but we still have ________ flowers in the garden.
  4. There were _________ taxis in front of the station.
  5. Can I have_________ pepper, please?
  6. She can give us_______ help.
  7. Put ______ salt and mix the ingredients.
  8. There are ______ bottles on the table.

Упражнение 6.  Выберите правильный вариант ответа в тестовом задании.

  1. I eat _______ meat. I prefer fish. (A – very few / B – a few / C  — very little)
  2. There are ________apples on the plate. Take one (A – a few / B – a lot / C  — a little)
  3. There is ______ milk in the fridge. Can you buy some? (A – a few / B – a little / C — little)
  4. Very _______ pupils in our class can do such difficult sums. (A – few / B – a few / C — little)
  5. There is _______ furniture in the house; it’s almost empty. (A – a few / B – a little / C — little)

Упражнение 7. Вставьте few, a few, little, a little.

  1. Would you like some beer? Just_______ please.
  2. If you want to make pancakes, you need _______ eggs and _______ flour.
  3. Would you like _______ more rice?
  4. I bought _______ newspapers.
  5. I’d like to drink _______ coffee.
  6. This boy isn’t very popular at school. He’s got very _______ friends

Вариант 1. Вставьте few, a few, little, a little.

  1. There are______ hotels in this town. There is almost nowhere to stay for the tourists.
  2. Have you got ______  minutes? I need to talk to you.
  3. Could you buy ______ bottles of water for me?
  4. We had ______  snow last winter. We made snowmen.
  5. We have______ tomatoes, we can’t cook tomato-soup.
  6. The professor spends ______ time in company. He likes to be alone.
  7. They have ______ furniture in the room. The room is almost empty.
  8. I want to eat ______   I’m hungry.
  9. We saw ______ people at the restaurant because the prices there were very high.
  10. This is a modern town. There are only ______  old buildings.

Вариант 2. Вставьте few, a few, little, a little.

  1. My parents give me ______    pocket money every week, so I can buy everything I need.
  2. All we need is ______
  3. ______ animals can survive in the desert.
  4. Could we have ______  champagne, please?
  5. They’ve already been to Spain for ______ days.
  6. At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. There were always ______   flowers in pots.
  7. ‘How’s your father ?’ ‘ ______    better, thanks.’
  8. ‘Sandra is fluent in Italian, French and Spanish.’ ‘It’s quite rare, ______   people can speak several foreign languages.’
  9. Can you please buy _______ apples.
  10. I only need ______   minutes to get ready.

Ответы к упражнениям и тестовым заданиям.

Exercise 1. 1 – few, 2 —  a few, 3 —  a few, 4 —  few, 5 —  a few

Exercise 2. 1 – a little, 2 – little, 3 – little, 4 – little, 5 – little, 6 — little

Exercise 3. 1 – a few, 2 – a few, 3 – a few, 4 – a few, 5 – a few, 6 – a few, 7 – a few

Exercise 4. 1 – a little, 2 – a little, 3 – a little, 4 a little, 5 – a little, 6 – a little

Exercise 5. 1 – a few, 2 – a little, 3 – a few, 4 – a few, 5 – a little, 6 – a little, 7 – a little,  8 – a few

Exercise 6. 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – с, 4 – a, 5 — c

Exercise 7. 1 – a little, 2 – a few / a little, 3 – a little, 4 a few, 5 a little, 6 few

Ответы к тесту

Вариант 1

1 – few, 2 a few, 3 a few, 4 a little, 5 few, 6 little, 7 little, 8 a little, 9 few, 10 a few

Вариант 2

1 – a little, 2 – a little, 3 few, 4 a little, 5 a few, 6 a few, 7 a little, 8 few, 9 a few, 10 – a few

Вот и все. Надеюсь, вам понравились эти упражнения на употребления few и a few / little и a little в английском языке.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

What is wrote with bold is what I tought about, in rest the text is like that and I can’t change the order or anything else.I’ve tried to solve some of them but there is one or two unsolved.Could you please help me? Thanks a lot!

1. It took me some time to understand fully what happened. WHILE
It was a lot of time while I understood what had happened.

Try using (a) ‘while’ as a noun, as in ‘quite a while’.

2.There;s no point arguing about this small detail, in my opinion. WORTH
This small detail doesn;t worth arguing, in my opinion.

Don’t replace the ‘is’ in ‘there’s’ with ‘does’.

3.If your order is delayed,we will contact you. DELAY
Should[STRIKE] is[/STRIKE] a delay to your order, we will contact you.

You’re close! ‘Should _________ ___ a delay,…. (remember that the statement expresses no certainty that there will be a delay.)

4.He didn’t try to help me at all. EFFORT
He …………. any help at all.

Think of replacing ‘try’ with ‘effort’ (to make an effort= to try)

5.The two situations are completely different. COMMON
The two situations don’t put in common each other.

Close again! See if you can use this expression: ‘to have something/nothing in common’.

6.Can I speak to you privately for a few minutes? WORD
Can I have a word with you for a few minutes?

Good! Don’t leave out ‘privately’ or ‘in private’, though. Also, ‘to have a word’ implies that you won’t take more than a few minutes of the other person’s time, so you might leave that part out.

7.I was amazed because there were no problems throughout the holiday. WENT
To my amazement the problems went wrong throughout the holiday.

‘Something/nothing went wrong’ = ‘There were/were no problems’.

8.I have no intention of doing another kind of job. DREAM
I don’t dream to other kind of job.

If a person ‘has no intention of’ doing something, s/he might say, «I wouldn’t dream of doing (whatever it is).

can i speak to you for a minute — перевод на русский

Joey, can I speak to you for a minute?

Джои, можно тебя на минутку?

Monica, can I speak to you for a minute?

Моника, можно тебя на минутку?

Jake, can I speak to you for a minute?

Джейк, можно тебя на минутку?

Mrs. Ableman, can I speak to you for a minute?

Миссис Эйблмэн, можно вас на минутку?

Can I speak to you for a minute?

Я могу с вами поговорить?

Hal, can I speak to you for a minute in there?

Хэл, я могу поговорить с тобой вон там?

Can I speak to you for a minute?

Могу я с вами поговорить?

Hey, can I speak to you for a minute?

Эй, мы можем поговорить?

Can I speak to you for a minute?

Могу я поговорить с вами минутку?

Dr. McNamara, can I speak to you for a minute?

Доктор Макнамара, я могу поговорить с вами минутку?

Can I speak to you for a minute?

Можно вас на минуту?

Can I speak to you for a minute?

Можно с тобой поговорить минутку?

Can I speak to you for a minute?

-Подойди поговорить на минутку.

Can I speak to you for a minute, please?

Можно с тобой поговорить?

Rachel, can I speak to you for a minute?

Рейчел, можно тебя на два слова?

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ПОМОГИТЕ . Choose the appropriate answer. Much or many?
1)They have too (many/much) furniture in the room.
2)There are too (many/much) books on your desk.
3)You have too (many/much) mistakes in the test.
4)You must drink (many/much) coffee.
5)You put too (many/much) vegetables in the soup.
6)You put too (many/much) fruit in the salad.
7)Must we learn (many /much) words for today?
8)We have got (many /much) sandwiches.
Упражнение 3. Укажите правильный вариант – few или a few.
1)A few/few spotsmen swam in the pool today.
2)Harry ran out a few/few minutes ago.
3)Can I speak to you for a few/few minutes?
4)There were a few/few guests at the party. The hosts were unhappy.
5)I’m going shopping. I need to buy a few/few things for tonight’s party.
Упражнение 4. Укажите правильный вариант – little или a little.
1)Fiona can’t wait for you. She’s got a little/little time .
2)You have a little/little time to finish the test. You must write faster.
3)We have a little/little free time for hobbies because we have a lot of homework
4)You don’t have to hurry. There is a little/little traffic at this time of the day.
5)There is a little/little snow on the ground. The children can’t make a snowman.

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