Can i say a swear word

swear word — перевод на русский

Movies. Swear words.


Swear words?


..Lucy used to make swear words.

Люси составляла ругательства.

I’ve been… I’ve been using all the wrong swear words.

Я использовала неправильные ругательства.

— What? — Is «arse» a swear word?

— Слово «жопа» -это ругательство?

Показать ещё примеры для «ругательства»…

— Konrad already knows swear words.

— Конрад уже знает бранные слова. Да!

Why do we need swear words when you’ve got «nock hole»?

Зачем нам нужны бранные слова, когда у нас есть «отверстие»?

I think that the company might have some sort of policy… — …against using swear words.

Думаю, политика компании вряд ли позволит использовать бранные слова.

Then alternate saying a decent word and a swear word in turn.

Тогда будем поочередно говорить хорошее слово и бранное слово.

Not so much swear words, 0-5 Thomas.

Поменьше бранных слов, капрал Томас.

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What were the first words you learnt in English? If you started learning as an adult, after you nailed hello and goodbye, I’ll bet that fuck wasn’t far behind. Some English swear and curse words are almost universally understood; you can tell someone to fuck off in any country in the world and people get it. We will give you an overview of bad words in English but beware: It is not appropriate in certain settings to use those!

  • When swearing in English – what is offensive and what isn’t?
  • The most common swear word in British English
  • The most common swear word in American English

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When swearing in English – what is offensive and what isn’t?

Very few swear words are truly offensive in the UK nowadays. Swearing is acceptable in workplaces and among friends, even in families. It’s up to you on an individual basis to work out when you can use these words. So if your British friend tells you to fuck off, don’t immediately assume you should be offended. Because there’s more than one way to use fuck off and understanding this, and many other swear words, will make you a better English speaker. Never forget culture and context when learning a language.

So let’s dive in. 

The most common swear word in British English

1. Fuck

What a brilliantly diverse word fuck is. Used on its own, it usually signifies annoyance:

“Ah fuck, the kettle’s broken, how am I going to make tea?”. 

Fuck can be joined to other words to change its meaning. Fuck off for example can mean get away from me, or it can be used to signify surprise or shock. It all depends on the context and how you say it.

“Nice tits.”

“Fuck off.” (Leave me alone, you sad, lonely creep.)

“I’m pregnant and it’s triplets.”

“Fuck off!” (Hopefully not coming from the father of the triplets, but a likely shocked reaction from friends.)

“I just won £1 million on the lottery.”

“Fuck off!” (A nice surprise, probably.)

Fuck is also a vulgar way to say have sex as in “We fucked last night.” But this phrase makes you sound like an overexcited teenage boy, so it’s one not to use. Learn more about the use of diverse English words that might not always make sense.

2. Piss off

Another phrasal verb, piss off is a milder version of fuck off. However, it’s still probably not one to use in front of grandma. It usually means go away, but your tone of voice has a big impact on its meaning. 

“You look lovely today, Jean.” 

“Oh, piss off Greg.” (Depending on the tone of voice, Jean is either angry or flirting. It’s an important distinction Greg will have to make himself.)

It can also be used to express surprise or shock:

“James is coming for a drink tonight.”

“Piss off, he never comes out on Wednesdays.”

3. Bugger off

With a similar meaning to piss off, bugger off is very British. When a Brit says this to an American it usually causes them to giggle and swoon over the accent rather than be offended. And again, it can be used forcefully to tell someone to go away, or playfully to flirt with someone. 

“Drinking wine again, Carol?”

“Oh, bugger off.” (Again, is Carol angry, playful or flirting? Tone of voice and a cheeky smile will give her away.)
Don’t forget to put on your best British accent for this expression!

4. Bloody hell

This is another very British swear word. Bloody hell is actually quite mild and it’s used to express anger. 

“Bloody hell, Yuri’s lost the tickets to the concert.”

“Yuri, what the bloody hell have you done?”

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5. Bastard

The earliest definition of bastard is a child with unmarried parents, but the word has morphed away from that. Now bastard is used to call someone nasty or unpleasant. It’s usually used to talk about men:

“The bastard cheated on me.”

It’s also used in Britain to say that something is difficult or unpleasant to do:

“Commuting into London every day is a bastard.”

If you want to experience bastard in a strong northern accent, see this video featuring the brilliant actor, Sean Bean.

YouTube video

6. Wanker/tosser

These are more swear words which are usually directed at men. They mean a stupid or unpleasant person. 

“Ah Yuri you wanker, how did you lose the tickets?”

“Logan’s a tosser. He never pays for his drinks.”

7. Bollocks

One of the greatest British swear words is bollocks. It means testicles, but it’s used in some wonderful ways, most often to exclaim when something has gone wrong:

“The train’s delayed and we’re going to miss our flight.”


It’s also used to call out a liar:

“I’ve been working hard on this all day.”

“Bollocks! You were playing computer games for most of the morning.”

And it can be used as a verb, to mean a telling off. 

“My boss bollocked me for coming in late three times this week.”

The most common swear word in American English

1. Motherfucker

A more American swear word, although it is used in other countries too, is motherfucker. This is not a word that’s used literally (not very often, anyway). We use it to talk about someone we really dislike or who has made us angry. We don’t just use it for people, we can use it for things and situations too. 

“I crashed your car… I’m really sorry.”

“My new car?! You motherfucker!”

“I heard you’re getting divorced.”

“Yeah, it’s a motherfucker.”

You can also use motherfucker affectionately, especially when you’re impressed with something someone’s done. 

“I got a 1400 on my SATs.”

“You clever motherfucker!”

And it can be turned into an adjective. 

“I can’t get the motherfucking waffle maker to turn on!”

2. Son of a bitch

In the US, you’re much more likely to hear someone being called a son of a bitch rather than a bastard

Like bastard, you can use son of a bitch to talk about people and things. 

“That son of a bitch insulted me.”

“Why didn’t you take the elevator?”

“The son of a bitch is broken.”

You can also use it as an exclamation. 

“Son of a bitch! I spilled my beer everywhere.”

And you can use it to say that a man is impressive or that you admire him, often grudgingly. 

“The son of a bitch has done it. He’s won the competition.”

3. Asshole

Asshole is another American swear word that is more often used for men. It describes a stupid or unpleasant person. It’s not a particularly strong swear word and like all of them on this list, there’s a time and a place to use it, and it’s not in class or at family dinner. In British English, you’re more likely to hear someone being called an arsehole

“I can’t believe the asshole forgot my birthday.”

“Stop being an asshole! I’m going to tell mom.”

Just to be clear, we are not encouraging you to start swearing at your lovely English teachers (‘bugger off, I’m not doing that homework,’ is actually quite offensive). But now you should be able to enjoy some great British banter with a side of swear words thrown in.

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Laura is a freelance writer and was an ESL teacher for eight years. She was born in the UK and has lived in Australia and Poland, where she writes blogs for Lingoda about everything from grammar to dating English speakers. She’s definitely better at the first one. She loves travelling and that’s the other major topic that she writes on. Laura likes pilates and cycling, but when she’s feeling lazy she can be found curled up watching Netflix. She’s currently learning Polish, and her battle with that mystifying language has given her huge empathy for anyone struggling to learn English. Find out more about her work in her portfolio.

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Disclaimer: This article contains lots of bad words. If you don’t want to read bad words, don’t click on an article about swearing.

I haven’t included racist or homophobic language. You should swear at someone because they are behaving badly, not because of how they were born.

Note: Don’t use these phrases in your job interviews and Cambridge exams. And be careful when using them on a first date.

So you are learning English. The language of Shakespeare. Of Dickens. Of Wordsworth and James Joyce. You love its beauty and majesty and you never tire of its power and precision. English sparks joy.

Yes. Yes, it does.

But sometimes you just have to scream at someone. Sometimes your computer freezes and you lose 2 hours of work. Sometimes your car won’t start and you’re already late.

That’s when you want to swear.

When I’m teaching my classes I almost never swear. I try to be a ‘good model’ of English so that students can safely mimic me. But when the lesson is over – I start swearing like a sailor.

When to Swear

  • When you are frustrated.
  • When something unexpected happens.
  • When you want to make a sentence funnier.
  • When today ends with the letter Y.

The 10 Best English Swear Words

1. Fucking

The cornerstone of all swearing.

Basically you can and should use it liberally before nouns and adjectives.

  • He’s so fucking stupid!
  • It’s too fucking cold in here!

And before verbs.

  • Fucking slow down!
  • Can you please fucking shut up?
  • Could you fucking pass the fucking salt?

And before other swear words.

  • Where the fucking fuck is my fucking phone?

2. Dick

Synonyms: cock, prick, knob, tool (and a million others)

A dick is a penis. Obviously calling someone a penis has a negative meaning.

Why do you like Brian? He’s a total dick.

I mostly use it in the phrase ‘don’t be a dick’. It means ‘please behave with more class and dignity, like Anthony Hopkins in The Remains of the Day’.

Karen is stealing flowers from a field for her Instagram. They don’t belong to you, Karen. You fucking dick.

The first time I told my girlfriend she was ‘being a dick’ she was NOT happy. But the next day she said, ‘you know what? I was being a dick. I’m truly, truly sorry.’

That’s how I remember it, anyway.

3. Shit

There’s shit in the sense of ‘this movie is shit‘, which means ‘really bad’. And there’s ‘a shit’ which is just like ‘a dick’ in part 2.

Note: If you want to get creative you can often add the suffix head to these curse words. ‘He’s a shithead’. ‘Trump is such a dickhead.’

But my favourite version is ‘little shit’, which is how I show affection to my cat.

My cat has his own schedule, and he doesn’t give a shit what I am doing. He wants to go outside at 3AM and be let back in one microsecond before I fall back asleep. He’s extremely demanding and everything has to be done just how he likes it. Otherwise he wails his fucking head off, scratches at doors – whatever it takes. But you can’t stay mad at him. He’s adorable!

Guess what that little shit did? He waited until I got in the bath to start demanding his dinner! He does it on purpose!

4. Talking Shit

Movies are shit, someone is a shit, and people talk shit. That means saying stupid or impossible things.

  • Francis says we swallow 10 spiders in our sleep.
  • As always, Francis is talking shit. That’s not true.

My favourite is to look someone in the eye and say ‘don’t talk shit’. The important thing is to put a space/pause between each word. Make it three sentences!

5. Jesus

Most swearing is based on religion. But if God didn’t want us to swear, why did he make it so cool?

You can say ‘Jesus’ almost any time anything happens. Your cat vomits on your new socks? Jesus! Your neighbour has a new haircut that makes him look like a fucking serial killer? Jesus! You drop a knife and it nearly hits your toe? Jesus!

The best thing about the word ‘Jesus’ is that it’s so modular. Modular means you can easily add bits to it. So if you want extra emphasis you go:

Jesus Christ!

That’s literally twice as powerful as just saying ‘Jesus’.

But there’s more. One of the two great American inventions of the 20th century was stuffed crust pizza. The other was adding the letter H to Jesus’s name.

Jesus H. Christ!

Try it! It’s very satisfying.

If you want to get really creative with this one, you can try this:

Christ on a bike!

Yes, it’s real. People say it. Especially me.

6. Jesus Wept

We haven’t totally finished the Jesus theme. That’s because I feel ‘Jesus wept’ deserves its own entry.

‘Jesus wept’ is the shortest sentence in The Bible, and in the 1990s people started using it to express disappointment and/or annoyance. You have to put some negative energy into your voice as you say it.

Imagine your drunk boyfriend is trying to unlock the front door but he can’t get the key in the lock. You’re not angry enough to shout ‘stop dicking around!’ but you do want to say something. That’s where ‘Jesus wept’ comes in.

Or you’re watching your favourite football team and after 10 minutes they are 2-0 down and miss a penalty. You put your head in your hands and go ‘Jesus wept‘.

Because it’s a line from The Bible it’s much safer to use in public than those in section 5. If you say it in school and you get in trouble, you can say that you were just memorising scripture.

7. Holy Fuck

Take your basic ‘farmer English’ and add a hint of religious mysticism and you get ‘Holy Fuck’. It feels so smooth coming out of your mouth. Use it to express surprise and amazement.

  • Holy fuck! That bumblebee is the size of a tennis ball!
  • Holy fuck! That bitch is wearing a white dress to MY wedding!
  • Holy fuck! I just noticed three spelling mistakes in my resume!
  • Holy fuck! The guy who wrote Chernobyl also wrote The Hangover 2!

8. God Damn It

This one is pretty mild these days (although technically you’ll go to hell if you use it), but it remains deeply satisfying to say. Use it when you’re frustrated.

  • Ah god damn it! This machine is broken again!
  • Who’s phoning me during dinner? God damn it!

It’s another one with fun variations.

  • Damn it all to hell!
  • Fuck this goddamnedcocksucking game. Seriously. Fuck it sideways.

9. Fuckwit

A fuckwit is an idiot. A moron. An imbecile.

But it’s got the word ‘fuck’ in it so it’s much stronger than all of those.

You have to WARM IT UP before you TURN IT ON you absolute FUCKWIT.

10. Sod It

This is a very British way of saying ‘I’ve had enough of this’ or ‘I don’t want to continue’.

It’s too hot to do any work. Sod it, let’s go to the pub.

People often say ‘sod this’ or ‘sod that’.

As you know, ‘this‘ is used for things that are physically or emotionally close to you.

  • We’ve nearly finished this IKEA wardrobe but there’s a piece of wood and 14 screws left over. I think we’ve made a big mistake.
  • Sod this. Let’s call a pizza and watch TV.

And ‘that‘ is used for things that are physically or emotionally DISTANT.

  • My boss wants me to work on Saturday.
  • Sod that! Come to the lake with me and we’ll eat corn on the cob smothered in butter.

Although the queue is physically NEAR, it is emotionally FAR.

Let’s Practice Swearing

Who is the most famous writer in English?

1. William Fucking Shakespeare.

2. Charles ‘The Dick’ Dickens.

You, a cat, are having a nice relaxing day. Suddenly, this happens.

1. Haha, what an entertaining prank. You got me.

2. Oh you little shit! Do that again and I will fucking murder you.

Come on, bro! Let your emotions out! Tell us how you really feel!

What did Karl (the guy on the right) say?

1. «The best topping for a pizza is pineapple.»

2. «Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie.»

3. «The 1980s was the best decade for music.»

The other two sentences are 100% accurate (so if he said them, he wouldn’t have been talking shit).

Pineapple is absolutely fucking disgusting. If I went on a date with Jennifer Lawrence and she ordered a Hawaiian pizza I would walk out.

Why is Eggsy so upset?

1. He’s watching episode 4 of the hit TV show Chernobyl.

2. He’s watching Peppa Pig.

3. He just got his exam results from Cambridge.

Nobody would ever react badly to watching Peppa Pig, and Eggsy’s exam results were great because he prepared by taking online courses here at EFL Academy.

The correct answer is that he’s watching Chernobyl. It’s amazing, but holy fuck, it’s hard to watch.

All 4 questions completed!

Let’s Practice Swearing

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Sweary Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms

FFS – For fuck’s sake. Great for showing disbelief. Trump said what?! Oh, FFS.

WTF – What the fuck? Multi-purpose. WTF were you doing in a hotel with our marriage counselor?

BS – Bullshit. Used when something is untrue. That’s BS! I never went to The Plaza Inn with Simon last night!

STFU – Shut the fuck up.

GTFO – Get the fuck out.

Fubar – Fucked up beyond all recognition. Used to describe a situation that has gone VERY wrong.

BFD – Big fucking deal. Who cares?

A Partial List of English Swear Words

Quite Mild

Arse – Means ‘bottom’. Arse is British English and ass is American. She has a face like a slapped arse.

Asshat – A moron. An idiot. Jack is, and always will be, a prize asshat. If you marry him I shall never speak to you again.

Bugger – Basically a much milder version of ‘fuck’. You want me to work on Saturday? Bugger that!

Cow – A rude name for a woman. Drive on the left you silly cow!

Damn – Means all kinds of things, from ‘wow!’ to ‘that is bad news’. Here’s a picture of my younger sister. / Damn! She’s hot!  / And here’s a picture of her husband. / Damn.

Git – Someone you don’t like. That Boris Johnson is a bit of a git, isn’t he? / Clean your room you lazy git!

A Bit Harsh

Arsehole – A particular part of a bottom. It’s ruder than ‘arse’ because holes are generally rude.

Balls – Testicles. Generally used to mean something bad. We put him in charge of the Lisbon project and he totally ballsed it up. He doesn’t have the balls to make hard decisions.

Bitch – Like cow, but cowier.

Bollocks – A very British way of saying ‘bullshit’.

Bullshit – An American way of saying ‘bollocks’.

Pissed – angry or drunk. I got pissed last night, and when I got home my wife was really pissed.

Son of a bitch – Child of a cow. That son of a bitch has parked in my space again! I’ll rip his head off!

Tits – Boobs. Lol.


Bastard – A bad dude.

Bellend – Another way to say ‘dick’.

Cocksucker – Someone who gives blowjobs to men. Still considered offensive even though more than half of the population do it. Not a word I ever use, but it has lots of strong harsh syllables in it, so you can really spit it in someone’s face.

Fanny – In the UK, a lady’s special area (rude). In the USA, a bottom (not that rude).

Pussy/Snatch/Twat/Minge/Beaver – Lady’s special area again. “When you’re a star you can just grab ’em by the pussy.” The 45th President of the USA.

Slag/Slut/Whore – A woman who sleeps with lots of men. There’s no equivalent for a man who sleeps with lots of women.

Wanker – A man who pleasures himself sexually. The implication is that he’s a loser who can’t get a girlfriend.

Very Toxic

Cunt – Lady bits. For some reason this version is considered much stronger than the other variants. Calling someone a cunt is a good way to start a fight.

Motherfucker – This one is still considered provocative even though it’s used 400 times in every Hollywood movie.

swear-wordsAre you scared of swear words? Are you unsure of when to use them? It’s good to be cautious, because it’s delicate issue.

Swear words can be one of the most difficult parts of a language to master, as you have to be careful when practicing them. Some people may get really offended by their use.

But even if you don’t want to use swear words, you still need to understand them as they are quite common in the English language. You may not say them, but you still want to understand what’s going on during TV, a movie, a book, a conversation or any other type of English you may be trying to understand.

FREE E-Book on Slang: 101 Words You Won’t Learn in School

Listen to INTRO

Swear words, love them or hate them, are an integral part of a language. To master fluency, you must master swear words.

But why do people use them? What’s the point?

When you use swear words, they allow you to convey emotion that would otherwise not be as easy to communicate. Swear words increase your vocabulary and give you a wider range of emotions to invoke than if you didn’t use any.

Some swear words are extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways. When you begin to overcome your negative gut-reaction, you may start to see the beauty in all of these amazing swear words.

Of course, it’s important not to overuse swear words, just like you wouldn’t want to overuse any word. However, because some swear words are so interchangeable, it can become easy to just rely on a few swear words as the majority of your vocabulary.

The most important lesson to take home from swear words is to just notice how they make you react and ask yourself why these feelings arise inside you.

Below is a list of the nine most common swear words in English with the many different ways in which they are used.

It’s important that when you practice swear words that you do it with close friends who can help guide you towards the proper time and place to use them. But when in doubt, use them with people who are near your age.

NOTE: PG stands for Parental Guidance, meaning it’s appropriate for all ages. It’s used in movies as a rating of who should see the movie. The PG tag will help you convey the same meaning without vulgar. 

Translating Swear Words

It’s almost impossible to translate swear words, because they are so colloquial and unique to the culture. However, we will do our best to help you understand the words in relation to Portuguese. If you have any suggestions or better translations please feel free to let us know in the comments!

1. How to Use DAMN

Listen to Part 1 (DAMN)

A light swear word, can be said on TV and radio. Damn means to condemn (a person) to suffer eternal punishment in hell, but is more commonly used when expressing surprise or disgust.

PG version – darn 

Different Uses

God Dammit: To express pain, sadness or anger.

  • God dammit / damn / dammit

Damn You: To express that you are upset with another person.

  • “Hey man, I lost your phone.””Damn you (to hell!)

“Daaaam”: Expression of awe or wonder.

  • ‘Woah, check out the sunrise.””Daaaaamn.”

Damn: Expression of dismay or disappointment.

  • “I can’t find my keys.””Damn….”

To Give a Damn: To express how little you care.

  • “Hey, what do you want for dinner?””I don’t give a damn.” (non-vulgar: I don’t give a care)

Damn Well: Expressing agreement and encouraging action.

  • “I think I’m gonna call her today.””You damn well (better)!”

Damn (Adj): To add a feeling of stigma/negativity to a noun.

  • “That damn teacher gave us a ton of homework.”

2. How to Use HELL

Listen to Part 2 (HELL)

Another light swear word, can be said on TV. Hell is a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often described as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the evil people go to be punished after death.

PG version – heck

Different Uses

When Hell Freezes Over: To express how unlikely it is for an event to occur.

  • “Hey man, do you think Julia will go out with me?””Yeah, when Hell freezes over.” or “You got a snowball’s chance in Hell.”

Go to Hell: Expression of anger.

  • “I want to break up with you.””Go to Hell!”

To Hell with it: It’s not important.

  • “I can’t find my car keys””To hell with it, I’m going to walk”

Hell Yeah: Used as emphasis for yes/no questions.

  • “Do you want to live in another country?”Hell yeah!” (non-vulgar: heck yeah)

3. How to Use ASS

Listen to Part 3 (ASS)

Different Uses of ASSAss can be said on TV, but asshole cannot. Ass is another word for buttocks or anus, but is commonly used to describe someone who’s rude or mean. Can also be used to refer to a donkey or mule (burro) in a non-vulgar way.

PG version – butt

Different Uses

Make an Ass: To make oneself look foolish.

  • “Did you see Johnny pick his nose on TV?”Yeah, he made an ass out of himself.”

My Ass: No way / yeah right / I don’t believe you.

  • “Yeah so guess who I met yesterday.””Who?””Ethan, from RealLife English.””My ass!”

Asshole: A stupid, mean, or despicable person (usually a guy)

  • “That dude just knocked my papers out of my hands and didn’t stop to help or even apologize!””What an ass(hole).”

Ass-load: A lot / Quite a bit

  • “There was an ass-load of people there last night.”

Badass (1): A person who shows supreme confidence, nearly divine ability, and a frequent disregard for authority.

  • “Damn, Chad is one tough, bad ass.”

Badass (2): Another way to say cool.

  • “That movie was bad ass!”

Kiss my Ass: A sarcastic insult to anyone who wants something from you.

  • “Hey you! Get back here!”
  • Kiss my ass.

Ass (Adj): Is also used as an adjective amplifier:

  • “Dude, check out those hot ass bitches!”
  • “Damn, look at those ugly ass teeth!”
  • “Get ready for this hard ass test!”

Recommended: 34 Ways to Use the Word Ass

4. How to Use PISS

Listen to Part 4 (PISS)

Piss is a vulgar term for pee or urine.

PG version – urinate

Different Uses

Pissed: Used to describe anger.

  • “I’m pissed off!

Pissed: Another word for drunk (used in British English, not American).

  • “He was pissed last night.”

Piss Off: To express you want to be left alone.

  • “Hey, you want some help?””Piss off.

Piss Down Rain: To show how hard it’s raining.

  • It’s pissing down rain” (Check out the video 5 ways to say it’s raining below)

Suggested: 30 Uses of the Word PISS

5. How to Use BITCH

Listen to Part 5 (BITCH)

Bitch can mean someone who whines and complains a lot or someone who’s angry (usually in regards to a woman).

PG Version – bitch literally means female dog.

Different Uses

To Bitch: To whine or complain.

  • “These pants are too big, mosquitos keep bitting me, I don’t like this place.””Hey, stop your bitching.”

My/ Your/ His Bitch = Servant

  • “You’re the boss’s little bitch aren’t you?”

Bitch Out: To yell and criticize.

  • “My wife just bitched me out over the phone.”

Bitchin’: Cool / Fun

  • “Dude, the party was bitchin’ last night!

Something is a Bitch: to be Difficult

  • “Life’s a bitch.”

Bitch Please: As a response to a stupid comment.

  • “Give me $20.””Bitch please.”

To Ride Bitch: The middle seat in a car.

  • “Hey Jim, you’ve got to ride bitch because you’re the smallest.”

Bitch Slap: To slap someone with the back of your hand.

  • “Did you see that?! She just got bitched slapped!”

Recommended: The Essential Guide to the Word BITCH

6. How to Use COCK / DICK

Listen to Part 6 (COCK/ DICK)

Cock can also mean a male chicken (rooster), though it it’s not as common to use it this way. The most common use of cock for rooster is where two roosters fight each other, called cock fights.

Dick can be used to mean penis too, but it’s also short for the name Richard. I have no idea how they got that..

PG version – penis

Different Uses

Cock Block: To deny someone an opportunity to hook up with a girl.

  • “Dude, that girl just grabbed her friend and took her away from.””What a cock block.”

Dick: A mean or selfish person.

  • “That dick took up two parking spots.”

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7. How to Use SHIT

Listen to Part 7 (SHIT)

A vulgar word for fecal matter.

PG version – poop

Different Uses

To be Shit: Can mean both horrible or great.

  • “That movie was shit!” and “that movie was the shit!” are opposites. When “the” is added into the front of “shit,” it becomes really good, the best of the best. Note that there is an emphasis on THE in “the shit.”

Up Shit Creek: To be in an extremely bad situation.

  • “That sounds horrible!””Yeah, I was up shit creek.

(Holy) Shit: Expression of surprise, dismay.

  • (Holy) shit!

Shit-Faced: To be extremely drunk

  • “You seemed pretty drunk last night…””Yeah, I was totally shit-faced.”

Eat Shit: An insulting way to say no.

  • “Excuse me sir, would you mind filling out a quick survey?”Eat shit!

Shit out of Luck: To have no luck what-so-ever.

  • “Oh no, my cell phone died!””Damn, we’re shit out of luck!

Dumb Shit/ Shit for Brains: Someone who’s not very smart.

  • “Hey dumb shit / shit for brains!

Get Your Shit Together: Calm down, rise above your problems.

  • “Stop crying, man. Get your shit together.”

This Shit: Used in place of stuff / thing(s).

  • [Looking for an email, but all you see is spam]”I ain’t got time for this shit!

Bullshit: To express disbelief.

  • “I have three girlfriends.””Bullshit!” (B.S.)

Shoot the Shit: Small talk / not talking about anything important.

  • “What were you guys talking about?””Oh, we were just shooting the shit.”

To Be in Deep Shit: Big trouble.

  • “The cops are coming!””Damn, we’re in deep shit.”

Taste Like Shit: Horrible.

  • “Have you tried my casserole?”Yeah, it tastes like shit.”

Know Your Shit: To be very smart.

  • “Damn, those Real Life guys really know their shit.”

A Shit Ton (of Something): To emphasize ton (do a lot of something)

  • “I got a shit ton of work done today.”

Recommended: How to Really Use the Word SHIT

8. How to Use CUNT / PUSSY

Listen to Part 8 (CUNT/ PUSSY)

Vulgar words for vagina. Cunt is a derogatory term for a woman, considered by many Americans to be the most offensive word in the English language—not the case for Australians, they frequently use the term. Pussy can also be used when talking about a “pussy cat.”

PG version – vagina

Different Uses

Pussy: “What a pussy.” – means you are afraid, “what a chicken” has the same meaning without being vulgar.

Cunt: a stupid, incompetent person. “Shut up, you cunt.”

9. How to Use FUCK

Listen to Part 9 (FUCK)

Fuck is one of the most interesting a malleable words that there is. It can be used to describe almost anything.

The Word Fuck that will tell you all you need to know about the word fuck. Below there is a semi-transcript of what is said in the video.

Fuck is often used to add emphasis and is the only word that can be an adjective, adverb, adverb enhancing an adjective, a noun, as part of a word, and almost every word in a sentence.

Fuck can be used to describe pain, pleasure, hate, or love.

PG versions – frick, screw, the f word, fudge

Different Uses

Adjective: “Why am I doing all the fucking work?”Adverb: “That girl talks too fucking much.”Adverb enhancing adjective: “Those Real Life parties are fucking awesome.Noun: “I don’t give a fuck.” (I don’t care at all)As part of a word: “Abso-fucking-lutely.” or “In-fucking-credible.

And, as almost every word in a sentence, “Fuck the fucking fuckers.”

It can be used to describe…

Fraud—”The car salesman fucked me over.” (me fudeu)Dismay—”Ahh fuck it.” (foda se)Trouble—”I guess I’m totally fucked now.” (estou fudido)Aggression, pain—”Don’t fuck with me dude or I’ll fuck you up.” (não fode comigo)Inquiry—Who the fuck was that? (Que porra que essa?)Dissatisfaction—I don’t like what the fuck is going on right now.Bewilderment—What the fuck? (que porra?)Sex—”Hey baby, you wanna fuck?” (quer transar)Stupidity—”What a dumb fuck” (que cara burro)Misfortune—”That’s fucked up.”Caring—”I don’t give a fuck about your problems.” (estou nem aí)Agitation—”Hey stop fucking with me, it’s annoying.”Dismissal—”Fuck off.” (vai se fuder)

For a more complete understanding of using the word fuck, check out these articles:

  • How to Use the Word FUCK: 26 Different Uses (Part I)


Swear words can be fun, and funny, when used in the right context. Just be sensitive to the people around you when you say these words. And remember to practice with your friends to find out exactly how to use the different words. Okay mother fucker??

For more information about swearing, watch this episode about swearing from the animated TV series South Park online for free!


  • The Power of Learning to Swear in English
  • How to Use the Word FUCK (26 Different Uses)
  • Bitch Please- How to Use the Word BITCH Correctly
  • How to Really Use the Word SHIT: What Most Learners Don’t Know
  • 34 Ways to Use the Word ASS: Idioms, Slang, and Collocations
  • Do You Confuse the Word PISS in British & American English?
  • Not So Offensive Alternatives to Bad Words in English
  • 40 Ways to Say Sex: Synonyms, Slang, and Collocations
  • Learn English Swear Words With Natalie Portman
  • Learn English Swearwords With Justin Timberlake (Dick in a Box)

Return from How to Use Swear Words in English to Swear Words

Do you think swearing is a bad habit?

It’s not polite, that’s for sure. However, swear words are a part of every language and they can sometimes
help us reduce stress. 

English cursing words have different styles and variants, depending on the country. 

With more than 1.5 billion speakers worldwide, English is definitely the most popular and spoken language. 

From American English swearing that can be heard in Hollywood movies, we are heading to Canada, and learning Canadian English bad words. Then we’re off to the Land Down Under with cursing words you definitely want to remember. In the end, we’re landing to the UK to repeat some familiar, and some new British English cursing words.

english curse words are easy to learn

British Swear Words

Although British English is quite sophisticated, sometimes even they can’t resist saying bloody hell or rubbish.

In the following lines, you’ll find a list of curse words British people tend to use.


This word translates to ‘the end of the penis.’

As a cursing word, it’s used in situations similar to American ‘assh*ole’ or ‘d*ck.’

Bloody Hell

The word ‘bloody’ literally means covered or smeared of blood.

It’s also an exclusive British cursing word rarely used in the USA or Canada.

It expresses disgust, and depending on context, it can refer to anger as well. You can use it with other words like ‘bloody moron,’ or ‘bloody brilliant!’


This word is, in other words, s*it. It literally means ‘testicles.’

You can use this word to describe something useless, of poor quality, or nonsense.


This one is a typical British cursing word. To bugger can be translated as to sodomize someone. It refers to someone whose behavior is displeasing or to express dissatisfaction.

However, it’s not a real offensive, but a more mild swear word.

In the USA, it is used as a slang word in some parts of the meaning ‘small critter.’


The word ‘choad’ is another word for the penis that is wider than long. It’s used the same way the word ‘di*k’ is used in the USA.


Among various definitions, according to
Urban Dictionary, this isn’t a swear word but a slang. It is an expression of surprise, like when someone shouts ‘Christ!’


Rubbish is a synonym for ‘trash.’ It’s literally described as a waste material, so if you want to offend someone, you can describe them with this word.

This one isn’t a real cursing word, though, it can be very offensive to some people. Calling someone ‘rubbish’ means you want to offend them and with this word, to show them that they are bad.


‘Shag’ is a word that can be used instead of ‘to have s*x.’ It isn’t offensive and is used usually among close friends.

According to the
Dictionary, this word is much older than we all think, and it dates back from 1680.

Taking the piss

This phrase is a pejorative phrase that is used in the meaning ‘to make a joke,’ or ‘to take liberties at the expense of others.’ 

If you say, for example, ‘Are you taking the piss?’ it means ‘Are you joking with me?’


Twat can be translated as ‘vagina,’ or more precisely, ‘p*ssy.’

As a cursing word, it can be used in many situations.

To use it as a verb, you can use it in the meaning ‘to be drunk’ or ‘to hit.’


The word ‘wank’ means ‘to masturbate.’ Therefore, the word ‘wanker’ means ‘masturbator.’ 

As some sort of swear word, this one is used for drunk persons, precisely, to use the verb ‘wanker’ in that context, means ‘to be drunk.’

learn to curse like Americans

American Swear Words

Some would say that there are not many
differences between British English and American English when talking about swearing, but in fact, there are

If you want to
curse like a proper American person, then stay with us.


This word is used to describe a stupid or an annoying person. By using this word, you can refer to someone as cruel and heartless as well.

While ‘bitch’ is used for women, the word  ‘assh*le’ is often used for male persons.


This word literally means mongrel or illegitimate child.

If you want to insult someone, without using a real cursing word, then ‘bastard’ is the right one.

It’s mainly used to describe those who give you unpleasant experiences, who lie, spread misinformation, or make you feel angry all the time.


Even though the word means ‘female dog,’ as an offensive word, it’s used for both males and females.

However, back in the days, it was used only for women in the most insulting way by reducing her to a dog status.

When used today, it refers to an unpleasant term for those who are unreasonable, aggressive, or malicious. 


‘Damn’ isn’t a cursing word that can be harsh or offensive.

It’s mostly used in the eastern part of the USA.

Using this word people express their anger towards someone or something.


D*ckhead can be used in two completely different situations. On one hand, it’s used to describe an unfair person or an idiot. On the other, it can be used among close friends without a goal to offend.


This American English swear word is the most used and the most common one. 

Besides in the USA, it’s widely used in every country,
English-speaking one or not.

Literally, it means ‘the act of sexual intercourse,’ but globally, it’s used to express anger and disgust, sometimes surprise, and even amazement.

F*ck you

Similar to f*ck, f*ck you is also quite offensive. Only here, by adding the pronoun ‘you,’ you can directly offend someone.

Piss Off

This quite offensive phrase means ‘to go’ or ‘to leave.’

If you are angry at someone, and you want them to leave you alone, you can use the verb ‘piss off.’


It’s considered to be vulgar in today’s English. It literally refers to a fecal matter, or simply said ‘poo’. This one is one of the most popular bad words. 

You can use it in many different situations and contexts when something unexpected comes up.

Son of a b*tch

This offensive word is used in situations when you want to offend  someone who is being unfair, nasty, or rude.

According to the
Merriam-Webster dictionary, this phrase also expresses surprise, disappointment, or annoyance.

Canadian Swear Words

Even though Canadians are thought to be the most polite people in the world, there are some situations when even the most polite people simply have to use some cursing words.

Here are some of them:

Beau cave

The phrase comes from Quebec French in the meaning ‘total idiot.’ And even though it’s in French, English speakers use it as much as French do.


This word is used for someone very stupid.

This one is a typical Canadian word, and over there, it’s used pretty often.


This cursing word is popular in Ontario, where it’s commonly used. This word is a big insult and describes ‘stupid’ and ‘thick in the head.’


This one is the most common and worldwide-known Canadian insult.

It originally refers to hockey players who lose games. When they lose, that is, when the game is over, they have to hose the rink down.

Today, it’s used as a synonym for ‘stupid.’


It’s one more typical Canadian insult. It’s similar to ‘white trash,’ poor people in the USA.

Mainly refers to youngsters who commit petty crimes.

swearing can help reduce stress

Australian Swear Words

Even though Australia is an English-speaking country, there are many differences when it comes to
slang and cuss words. If you want to learn Australian curse words, read on.

Bloody Oath 

In other words, this phrase is used to say ‘F*ck yeah!’ or ‘Isn’t that the truth?’

Like its synonym, ‘Bloody oath’ is used to express support for something, or an affirmation as an understatement.

Bugger me/off

Some use this phrase as ‘bugger me’ while others use ‘bugger off.’ It’s used in the UK as well as in Australia and refers to someone or something very annoying.


For those who spend some time living or traveling to Australia surely know what DADS mean. It is an abbreviation for ‘dumb as a dog.’

The phrase ‘you have DADS disease’ is quite common. It means that your joke wasn’t funny, or you clearly didn’t get it right.


Behind this story, there is a sad story. Drongo was a racehorse who never won any race during his almost three-year career. 

The word started being used to refer to a dumb person, a fool, or a loser.

Fair Suck of the Sav

The word ‘sav’ is shorter for a red, seasoned sausage called saveloy.

This phrase is used when someone is unfair, and it’s actually a replacement for ‘Give me a fair shot.’

Get Stuffed

While Americans say ‘Piss off,’ in Australia the most suitable equivalent is ‘Get stuffed.’


It’s an abbreviation for ‘Go F*ck yourself.’ Australians use it pretty often.


This word appears to be a synonym with the British ‘shag.’ The phrase ‘ Cop a root’ is a common phrase in Australia, which means ‘to have sex.’


The word means a promiscuous man or woman. Depending on the situation, it can be pretty offensive.


Learning these cuss words and phrases can be helpful for many reasons.

You will sound like a local when you spontaneously start using them. 

Releasing anger, or any other positive or negative emotion is suitable for your mental health.

And you have to admit that many of these words are funny, at least in the way we use them. So you can laugh at them, too.

What’s your favorite English curse word? Let us know in the comments.

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