Can i have a quick word meaning

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Dean, can I have a quick word with you?

Woody, can I have a quick word?

Kenny, before you go, can I have a quick word?

Peter, can I have a quick word?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 558754. Точных совпадений: 31. Затраченное время: 172 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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can i have a quick word — перевод на русский

можно вас на пару слов


can i have a quick wordможно вас на пару слов

Can I have a quick word with you?

Можно вас на пару слов?

Can I have a quick word?

Можно вас на пару слов?

Mr Fisher, can we have a quick word?

Мистер Фишер, можно вас на пару слов?

Can I have a quick word, please?

Можно вас на пару слов?

Can I have a quick word?

Можно вас на пару слов?

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  • можно вас на пару слов

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  • can i have a quick word: phrases, sentences

have a quick word

1) Общая лексика: have a short conversation

2) Идиоматическое выражение: перекинуться парой слов

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «have a quick word» в других словарях:

  • word — word1 W1S1 [wə:d US wə:rd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(unit of language)¦ 2 somebody s words 3 have a word 4 want a word 5 not hear/understand/believe a word 6 without (saying) a word 7 say a word/say a few words 8 a word of warning/caution/advice/thanks etc 9… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable …   Collocations dictionary

  • word — 1 noun LANGUAGE/STH YOU SAY OR WRITE 1 (C) the smallest unit of language that people can understand if it is said or written on its own: Write an essay of about five hundred words. | There were a lot of words in the film I couldn t understand. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • word — I UK [wɜː(r)d] / US [wɜrd] noun Word forms word : singular word plural words *** 1) [countable] a single unit of written or spoken language The first word that many babies speak is Mama . Can you read the words on this page? The Latin word for a… …   English dictionary

  • quick — I UK [kwɪk] / US adjective Word forms quick : adjective quick comparative quicker superlative quickest *** 1) a) able to move fast or do something fast He s surprisingly quick for such a big man. a quick worker b) able to understand things very… …   English dictionary

  • HAVE QUICK — is a frequency hopping system used to protect military UHF radio traffic.Since the end of World War II, U.S. and Allied military aircraft have used AM radios in the 225 ndash;400 MHz UHF band for short range air to air and ground to air… …   Wikipedia

  • HAVE QUICK — американская система военной УКВ радиосвязи обычно применяемая в ВВС. Диапазон частот 225 400 МГц. Используется амплитудная модуляция. Радиостанции могут работать как в режиме ППРЧ, так и в режиме фиксированной настройки частоты. На первом этапе… …   Википедия

  • word — [wʉrd] n. [ME < OE, akin to Ger wort < IE * werdh (extension of base * wer , to speak, say) > Gr eirein, to speak, L verbum, word] 1. a) a speech sound, or series of them, serving to communicate meaning and consisting of at least one… …   English World dictionary

  • Quick — Quick, a. [Compar. {Quicker}; superl. {Quickest}.] [As. cwic, cwicu, cwucu, cucu, living; akin to OS. quik, D. kwik, OHG. quec, chec, G. keck bold, lively, Icel. kvikr living, Goth. qius, Lith. q[=y]vas, Russ. zhivoi, L. vivus living, vivere to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Quick grass — Quick Quick, a. [Compar. {Quicker}; superl. {Quickest}.] [As. cwic, cwicu, cwucu, cucu, living; akin to OS. quik, D. kwik, OHG. quec, chec, G. keck bold, lively, Icel. kvikr living, Goth. qius, Lith. q[=y]vas, Russ. zhivoi, L. vivus living,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Quick match — Quick Quick, a. [Compar. {Quicker}; superl. {Quickest}.] [As. cwic, cwicu, cwucu, cucu, living; akin to OS. quik, D. kwik, OHG. quec, chec, G. keck bold, lively, Icel. kvikr living, Goth. qius, Lith. q[=y]vas, Russ. zhivoi, L. vivus living,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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quick word

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    на пару слов

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Asked by: Frederique Daugherty

Score: 4.4/5
(1 votes)

1 : acting or capable of acting with speed: such as. a(1) : fast in development or occurrence a quick succession of events. (2) : done or taking place with rapidity gave them a quick look. b(1) : fast in understanding, thinking, or learning : mentally agile a quick wit quick thinking.

What does this word mean quick?

easily provoked or excited; hasty: a quick temper. keenly responsive; lively; acute: a quick wit. acting with swiftness or rapidity: a quick worker. prompt or swift to do something: quick to respond.

What does have a quick mean?

happening or done with great speed, or lasting only a short time: … I only had time for a quick glance at the paper this morning. He scored three goals in quick succession (= one after the other in a short time). Could I have a quick word (= speak to you for a short time)?

What is the type of quick?

As detailed above, ‘quick’ can be an adverb, a noun or an adjective. Adverb usage: get rich quick. … Adjective usage: My father is old but he still has a quick wit. Adjective usage: She was quick with child.

Can you make it quick meaning?

used to tell someone to do something quickly or to hurry up: Take him to the hospital — and make it quick!

16 related questions found

What can I say instead of quick?

synonyms for quick

  • agile.
  • brisk.
  • cursory.
  • energetic.
  • hasty.
  • immediate.
  • rapid.
  • instantaneous.

How do you use the word quick?

  1. [S] [T] May I ask a quick question? ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] She is quick at everything. ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] We took the quickest route. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] We will take a quick break. ( …
  5. [S] [T] He is quick to take offense. ( …
  6. [S] [T] He’s quick in his movements. …
  7. [S] [T] Tom gave Mary a quick smile. ( …
  8. [S] [T] Tom has a very quick temper. (

What is a sentence for quick?

Quick sentence example. Her breath came out in a quick sigh. He was quick to forgive her father. A quick look revealed the speedometer was nearing the ninety mark — or did it merely look like it from her seat?

What is the example of quick?

«He took a quick nap.» «They made a quick trip.» «That was some quick thinking.» «She gave me a quick glance.»

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted.

What is the sentence of strong?

Strong sentence example. Too head strong to do what you know is best. I was strong , active, indifferent to consequences. The building swayed gently in the strong winds whipping through southern Florida, and water pelted the windows across from her.

What is a good sentence for beautiful?

She is as beautiful as her elder sister. She is the most beautiful girl in this town. He had a beautiful house. I have bought very beautiful furniture.

What is a quick study meaning?

: one that can speedily learn the essentials of something to be done especially : a performer (as an actor, musician) with a gift for learning with remarkable speed new material (as lines, stage business, scores)

What type of verb is quickly?

No, quickly is an adverb. An adverb is a word that describes or modifies an adjective, a verb or another adverb.

What is a good word for fast?


  • speedy, quick, swift, rapid.
  • brisk, nimble, sprightly, lively.
  • fast-moving, high-speed, turbo, sporty, accelerated, express, flying.
  • whirlwind, blistering, breakneck, pell-mell, meteoric, smart.
  • hasty, hurried.
  • unhesitating, expeditious.
  • fleet-footed.
  • informal nippy, zippy, spanking, scorching, blinding, supersonic.

What is a stronger word for quickly?

(Idiomatic) Instantaneous, very quick. … In this page you can discover 93 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for quickly, like: speedily, flashing, swiftly, hurrying, hastily, shooting, hurriedly, rapidly, rushing, without delay and dashing.

How do you say study quickly?

quick study

  1. mind like a sponge.
  2. quick mind.
  3. ready grasp.
  4. receptivity.

How do you use quick study in a sentence?

someone able to acquire new knowledge and skills rapidly and easily.

  1. He’s a quick study .
  2. Garnett is indeed a quick study.
  3. I was a quick study, learning my way around new subject areas fast.
  4. He rarely missed work and was considered a quick study.
  5. Quick study with good interpersonal skills.
  6. He is a quick study.
  7. A.

What is beautiful example?

The definition of beauty is the quality that provides pleasure to the senses or to the mind by behavior or attitude. … An attractive young lady, a stunning flower and a mother cat taking care of her kittens are all examples of beauty.

What is correct sentence?

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and verb must both be singular or plural. In other words, the subject and verb must agree with one another in their tense. If the subject is in plural form, the verb should also be in plur al form (and vice versa).

What is the most beautiful quote?

Most Beautiful Quotes

  • The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart. …
  • The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. …
  • One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.

What is the examples of strong?

The definition of strong refers to someone or something who can exert a lot of power or force, or is the ability to do a task very well. An example of strong is someone who can lift 200 pounds. An example of strong is a wind that knocks over trees. An example of strong is someone who can run fast.

How do you write 5 sentences?

A five sentence paragraph consists of a main idea sentence, three sentences that explain the main idea with reasons, details or facts and a concluding sentence.

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