Can asians say the n word

Can Asians Say The «N» Word? Well…

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Asians. Asian Americans. They are considered to be people of color (POC) in the United States. Like any minority, Asian Americans have had little representation in the media since 1940s. Since 2000, only 1 percent of Asian Americans were nominated for the Oscars. Non-Asian actors such Scarlett Johansson and Nate Wolf are criticized for being cast as characters that were of Asian decent. Asian Americans including actress Constance Wu and Emmy-nominated actor/comedian Aziz Ansari take a stand on Asian representation in America’s pop culture, and not just in K-Pop or anime. Despite these progressive changes, there is one question that needs to be answered for Asians and Asian Americans— who are POC:

Can Asians say the «n» word?

Not naega, Korean word for «I,» or na ge/na yi ge, Mandarin for «that.» The «N» word.»

Recently, BamBam, a member of popular K-Pop group GOT7, got into controversy when a Snapchat video of him using the «N» word went viral. During the incident, BamBam was attending an L.A. pool party held by his fellow member Mark, while they were on their world tour. Many fans quickly found the video on Twitter and scolded him, even demanding that he should be kicked out of the group. While BamBam did apologize for his mistake, he wasn’t the only Asian who has done it.

Warning: Foul language

Omg I just found a video of mark’s friends
— L (@kinkerbell_) July 14, 2016

Black culture is often showcased by music, movies, television, etc… Like everyone else, Asians and Asian Americans grew up listening to black artists and respecting their music such as Bruno Mars (he’s half Filipino), Dumbfounded and Timothy DeLAGhetto. They learned from the content they loved, then started to imitate what they observed without understanding why wearing a bandana, throwing gang signs, and lip-syncing the «N» word were problematic.

Just to be clear, BamBam was born and raised in Thailand. He was a foreigner when he flew to the states with his group. Fans found out that Mark’s friends at the pool party taught him that word and how it meant «friend» or «brother.» Aside from manipulating the poor guy, BamBam was a huge fan of dabbing and whipping the Nae Nae. He’s constantly dabbing to his hit songs in front of screaming fans.

Like BamBam, many Asians outside of America didn’t know what the «N» word meant. While they understood it was bad, they assumed it was another fun American swear word such as «shit» or «fuck» because that word is constantly played in hip-hop music. They learn from watching music videos and listening to Bigge, Nicki Minaj and that «Nae Nae» guy. They were never taught what the «N» word means and why it was really bad to say in front of Black Americans and African Americans.

Many people accused Asian Americans who used the «N» word for wanting to be «black.»

However, there are Asian Americans who do more than blasting Drake through their speakers. «Letters To BLM» is an organization that brought many Asian Americans together to write an open letter on why they support Black Lives Matter. While this doesn’t answer my «N» word question, this letter shines the light on Asian community who are stepping up and respecting not only Black culture but also supporting Black community.

Am I saying you should give up listening to Beyonce or stop watching a marathon of The Game on BET? No.

As an Asian American woman, I still rock to Beyonce’s «Lemonade» album. I still quote anything Steve Urkel from «Family Matters.» However, I am not excused to say the «N» word. It still holds a hurtful feeling towards the black community with ill history. The «N» word degrades a black person and disrespecting them for their heritage and as a person.

Personally, I get uncomfortable using the «N» word. In my first class in college, my class was required to read August Wilson’s «Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom» out loud. My class didn’t have one black or African American person. My professor wasn’t African American. Before I raised my hand if I could censor myself saying the «N» word, my professor wanted everyone not to censor ourselves. I had to read and say the «N» word. Because I needed a good grade, I forced myself to read it but tried to look for a character who doesn’t say the «N» word at all. Hearing everyone popcorn read the «N» word in different parts, I almost screamed. I wanted to shout out an alternative word if anyone walked past my classroom.

What was worse, I had to read a different line with the «n» word. I have never used the «N» word in my life, not even when I sang along to Jay-Z’s «Blueprint III» album. I refused to say it. But I ended up biting my tongue and read that word, all for a good grade. After class was over, I wanted to go up to run up to every Black and African American and apologize. I wanted to Google search where August Wilson’s grave is, dig up his corpse, and apologize. Saying the «N» word felt like I had offended the entire black community. The «N» word has been used towards Black and African Americans since they were slaves on plantations. It is still used today but holds so much painful history. It is like non-Asian people using a derogatory term for Asian, towards Asian Americans.

To me, the «N» word is a disrespectful way to call a Black/African American person’s name. A refusal to call them by their names, degrading their culture, history, and how far they have come to be visible in today’s society.

If you want to be ignorant and ignore my reason not to use it, go ahead. But remember this: don’t justify what the «N» word means. Don’t create a rule for yourself when to use it and not to use it like some people in this video. Whether you say it around your black friends or when you’re talking about them, the «N» word will mean the same thing. It will still be offensive. If you have black friends and classmates and use the «N» word, you are disrespecting them. You will lose them. If you did, please apologize to them. Learn why you shouldn’t say the «N» word. BamBam did. If a K-Pop singer can learn from his mistake, I’m sure you can too.

Instead, learn Korean or Chinese. So if you happen to say «naega» or «na ge,» you can kindly explain its language difference. But if you tried to be sneaky and take an advantage on both languages, you are screwed.

Forget what I said. Just don’t use it.

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There are some people that believe people of color can say the n word, because they’re not white.

When I say “people of color” or “POC” I’m referring to non Black people that also happen to be non white.

This word, the “N word” seems to always slap bang in the middle of race relations in regards to a multitude of issues. I think by now most of us should know the history of this very derogatory word. It’s very clear the impact of this word towards African people and people of African descent. 


But what is the attraction to non Black people with saying this word?
There has been many excuses made for saying this word from non Black people:
“I’m not white, I’m a person of color, so it’s okay”.
“I’m not saying it in a racist way”.
“It means friend”.
“But Black people say it so why can’t I?”

“But Black people say it so why can’t I?” 

I think one of the most common arguments I’ve heard from a multitude of races is “But Black people say it so why can’t I?”
Now, if you feel the way I do, then we’re in agreement that no one should say this word. I am not a believer of reclaiming the N word. I do not believe for one second that you can reclaiming a word and take the sting out of it by using it in your everyday vocabulary.

Historically during slavery even when Black people started to use the N word, they themselves were using it in a derogatory manner. It was used to describe someone lazy, disloyal, untrustworthy, dirty. It was always in a negative manner.

So when did the N word start to mean “Friend”?

In my opinion, I do not believe that it ever was used as a friendly term. When you think of the ways it’s used in music, it’s normally always in a negative way. In reference to violence.

Long Story Short

It’s 2021. No one should be saying the N-word.
One minute it’s a weapon, the next it’s a term of endearment. Some people get a pass, other people don’t. 

A slur shouldn’t have rules and regulations. A slur is a slur and will always be a slur, no matter how you try to dress it up.

However, I know I’m not the only Black person noticing non-Black people saying it more than Black people. Especially in the age of political correctness and freedom of speech, there are more and more non Black people fighting for the “right” to say this evil word.

I read an article a few months back with a white person stating “It is my right as a human being to be able to say any word I choose. I pay my taxes and I will say whatever I want when I want how I want, as many times as I want”. Yep, you read right. It’s strange how you can’t “mis-gender” someone or call a person that was born biologically male that now identifies as female a man. But you can however say the N-word as much as you like without repercussions. 

So Can Asian People & Hispanic People Say The N Word? 

A big pet peeve of mine is the incorrect assumption that hispanic or latino are races. They are not. There are Black hispanics, white hispanics, asian hispanics, you name a race there’s a hispanic or latino of that race. This video will explain what race hispanics are.

There’s an assertion that because you aren’t white, your experiences are similar to those of a Black person’s, which is far from the truth. Especially when the majority of asians are inherently racist towards Black people. Or in latino communities racism towards Black latinos is rife.
If you know the history of the n-word, why would you say it? What do you get out of it? Everybody wants to be Black until it’s time to be Black. Everybody wants to use the N word, but no one wants to be treated like a nigger! Whether you add an “er” on the end or an “a” on the end, really makes no difference. The word still means the same thing.

It’s just For Black People

The need to say the N-word by non Black people is one of authority and control. They hate the idea of being policed and not having rights over Black people. It drives them crazy to not be allowed to do something. So when you tell them that something is just for Black people, of course they will react in a child like manner. 

How many times have white women interjected themselves in conversations that are strictly for Black women in regards to positivity or upliftment? “But all women are beautiful”.
White people can never allow Black people to have anything to themselves. So do you really think for one moment that white people would allow Black people to be the only people allowed to use the N word? A word that white people introduced to Black people in a derogatory term? Of course not. This is not our word, this is white people’s word. This is their word that they used to describe us. I am a great believer that if we want white people to stop using the word, then we ourselves must also stop using this word. 

“I can call myself a b*tch, but you can’t call me a b*tch”. It makes no sense right?
If a word is offensive, then it’s offensive period, regardless of who says it. I myself have no desire to reclaim a word that has such a long history of oppressing my ancestors. 


Sadly the culture today with the new generation of kids growing up is simply an urban culture. It is not a Black culture or a white or asian culture. It has mutated and merged into one. This may sound good to some, but it’s really not. Of Course this new hybrid culture is predominately Black in roots as most things. But the the problem is these kids do not care about history. They don’t care about the history of words or the oppression of our ancestors. They have forgotten the significance and meaning behind everything. Well, I say they’ve forgotten, but they were never taught.

Society wants to make our children stupid. At this rate it will be the next generation that will think slavery was a job and the transatlantic slave trade was a migration to a better new world.

As a teacher in a racial diverse high school school I can tell you, that these children do not care about the use of the N word. I see white and asian kids in my classes with cornrows, freely calling each other the n-word and the Black children smile and laugh with them like it’s normal. 

I grew up in a day and age (I’m a 1986 baby) where if a non Black person said the N word, we kicked their ass, many times over. 

But now….. that’s not the case.

Look at music, Tv and social media. The N word is now fair game. 

The only way to stop this is by making sure we educate all children about the history of the N word. We as Black people must also stop using this word and honor our ancestors.

Post Views: 277



5 дней назад

Lol i just dont understand people lol lietrally as an asian that is just a fucking words lol what the peoblem of its literally people making that words and start claiming that words lol that how human at the back of the days creating words so that we can learn …if u think it again how does people make alphabet lol and making we understand what is it.



1 неделя назад

Hell no the n word is meant for Black people only

John BlackBerry

John BlackBerry

2 недели назад

If they can say it white man can say it in fact anyone can say it…

Gabriel Marisco

Gabriel Marisco

2 недели назад

Just say it

Lee Bode

Lee Bode

3 недели назад

It seems Ol’ Yang never heard CKY — Chinese Freestyle

Ïtž WölfiGächāPH🇵🇭

Ïtž WölfiGächāPH🇵🇭

1 месяц назад

“Bring his ass back.”

Bro, you were the one using his ass for shit.

ciel phantomhive

ciel phantomhive

1 месяц назад




1 месяц назад




1 месяц назад

God this is an amazing show what is the name of this.



1 месяц назад

Everyone knows Asians have a pass, there’s no animosity in the way it was said.. more like we don’t even need one. Since when y’all dictate to gate keeping the colour black.

Rewind back to the late 90’s on Rush Hour with Jackie Chan, the world is a bit more chill and no one is trigger happy for something that’s obviously a joke/comedy. I never know raciist and the «wasup ma niga» word Jackie said until I’m in collage 2012-ish and the world is a better place not knowing then.

P.S. My own country was occupied before. One of them is from Japan themselves but those are my gramps generation during worldwar 2. The war’s over, get over it. Remember is as a dark history, and hope the world will work together for a better future. For our kids sake. So that future gen won’t know what raciist is. THAT’S how you get rid of raciist, not keep plaster it in front of everyone face and keed reminding them.

This is just my Asian opinions you can have your own. Idc.

Yuu Tuu

Yuu Tuu

1 месяц назад





1 месяц назад

And y’all NIGG*

Jasmine Soto

Jasmine Soto

1 месяц назад


Braxton Oertwig

Braxton Oertwig

1 месяц назад

Jackie Chan did in rush hour.



2 месяца назад

Subtle message to the Black community from Jimmy Yang: if you don’t want others to say the N-word, stop calling yourselves by it.

Icey Bird

Icey Bird

2 месяца назад

They call Asians sand ni- So I thought it was ok

Awi Sintaro

Awi Sintaro

2 месяца назад

He means to said Nick to Latrell

Grey vish

Grey vish

2 месяца назад

My guy is a perfect actor, the way he vibrates his voice to sound scared. Also just say nigga if it’s in a song lmao, it’s not that deep 😂💀



2 месяца назад

Believe it or not, anyone can say the n word. Just don’t do it in front of black people



3 месяца назад

“Can Asians say the n word”

“The song I just heard”



Updated on

10 Jan 2019

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Can Asians say the N-word? – Jimmy O. Yang

YouTube captionJimmy O. Yang can Asians say the nWord.


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