Can a compound word have 3 words

Can a compound word have 3 words?

Triple word compound words may be confusing, nonetheless, they should be used more nowadays. What’s better than an ordinary compound word? Well, I can easily think of hundreds of items, but for this column the answer is compound words that are made up of three words.

What is a compound word example?

Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning. For example, “sun” and “flower” are two different words, but when fused together, they form another word, Sunflower.

Is coffee a mixture?

Coffee is a solution, not a compound or mixture, as it includes a solute that dissolves into a solvent. Coffee can also be considered a mixture since it involves two mixed substances, but this is too vague.

What are the 4 types of mixtures?

MIXTURES? together. Four to be specific, called SOLUTIONS, SUSPENSIONS, COLLOIDS and EMULSIONS.

What are the 10 examples of homogeneous?

Homogeneous mixtures are mixtures in which the constituents don’t appear separately.

  • blood.
  • a sugar solution when the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • a mixture of alcohol and water.
  • a glass of orange juice.
  • salty water (where the salt is completely dissolved)
  • brewed tea or coffee.
  • soapy water.

What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

Examples of Heterogeneous Mixtures

  • Concrete is a heterogeneous mixture of an aggregate: cement, and water.
  • Sugar and sand form a heterogeneous mixture.
  • Ice cubes in cola form a heterogeneous mixture.
  • Salt and pepper form a heterogeneous mixture.
  • Chocolate chip cookies are a heterogeneous mixture.

Is pizza a homogeneous mixture?

A pizza is an example of a heterogeneous mixture.

Where can you find a common homogeneous mixture?

Examples of homogeneous mixtures include air, saline solution, most alloys, and bitumen. Examples of heterogeneous mixtures include sand, oil and water, and chicken noodle soup.

Is coffee a heterogeneous mixture?

The same applies to the beans and ground coffee: for example when you make filtered coffee, some parts dissolve in water to make the drink, and some are insoluble, remaining behind in the filter. If the properties are different, then the composition is different, and so the mixture is heterogeneous.

Is oil and water a homogeneous mixture?

By definition, a pure substance or a homogeneous mixture consists of a single phase. A heterogeneous mixture consists of two or more phases. When oil and water are combined, they do not mix evenly, but instead form two separate layers. This phase would be homogeneous.

Is Salt a homogeneous mixture?

The salt water described above is homogeneous because the dissolved salt is evenly distributed throughout the entire salt water sample. Often it is easy to confuse a homogeneous mixture with a pure substance because they are both uniform. The amount of salt in the salt water can vary from one sample to another.

Is milk a homogeneous mixture?

Milk, for example, appears to be homogeneous, but when examined under a microscope, it clearly consists of tiny globules of fat and protein dispersed in water. The components of heterogeneous mixtures can usually be separated by simple means.

Is ice cream a homogeneous mixture?

Ice cream is said to be a homogeneous mixture when it is all the same throughout. That is, nothing has been added to it which is not mixed into it so there are no parts which are different.

Is sugar and water a homogeneous mixture?

Sugar dissolves and is spread throughout the glass of water. The sugar-water is a homogenous mixture while the sand-water is a heterogeneous mixture. Both are mixtures, but only the sugar-water can also be called a solution.

What does it mean that a solution is a homogeneous mixture?

Solution: a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. Example: water, sugar, flavor mixture (Coke). The substances are physically combined, not chemically combined or bonded to each other. The substance used to dissolve the solute or solutes.

Which is an example of homogeneous solution?

Homogenous and Heterogeneous Solutions Homogeneous solutions are solutions with uniform composition and properties throughout the solution. For example a cup of coffee, perfume, cough syrup, a solution of salt or sugar in water, etc.

What type of mixture is Coke?

For example, cola is a mixture that can be separated into carbonated water, corn syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, and caffeine. Homogeneous mixture is the same throughout A homogeneous mixture is the same throughout. In other words, all samples of a homogeneous mixture are the same.

Is flour and water a heterogeneous mixture?

The mixture of water and flour forming a dough is a heterogeneous mixture that has the properties of a suspension.

What mixture is soft drink?

Soft drinks are produced by mixing three basic ingredients, namely syrup, water and carbon dioxide.

Is chocolate a mixture?

Chocolate is a solid mixture. In its basic form it is composed of cacao powder, cocoa butter, and some type of sweetener such as sugar; however, modern chocolate includes milk solids, any added flavors, modifiers, and preservatives.

Is Fruit Salad a mixture?

A heterogeneous mixture does not mix smoothly during an experiment and the different substances are distinct throughout. Fruit salad is a heterogeneous mixture because when the fruit is mixed together, it looses it’s composition and mixes together, therefore, forming a salad.

Is chocolate a homogeneous?

A solution is a special type of homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. Chocolate is a solid mixture. In its basic form it is composed of cacao powder, cocoa butter, and some type of sweetener such as sugar; however, modern chocolate includes milk solids, any added flavors, modifiers, and preservatives.

Why is milk and chocolate a mixture?

Therefore, chocolate milk would be a homogeneous mixture. Since there are two components, chocolate and milk, and when they are mixed together there is no obvious separation of the two substances, everything is uniform.

What’s better than an ordinary compound word?

Well, I can easily think of hundreds of items, but for this column the answer is compound words that are made up of three words.

Heretofore you may not have thought much about these words, nevertheless I will explain my love for them inasmuch as possible so that whosoever reads this will also love these words forevermore.

I enjoy the idea that some words are just three words smashed together for reasons I don’t completely understand, while others only pretend to be three words pushed together, which is a fun example.

Together is not a triple compound word, but it always look to me like it is because of the advice one of my elementary school teachers gave me when I was trying to learn to spell the 8-letter word. She told me to remember that the group went out together to get her, which was mind-blowing to my geeky, younger self.

Anyway, here are a few examples of triple compound words and a few of their fake friends.

Nevertheless – A great word that means “despite anything to the contrary,” but also means notwithstanding. Also, the word nevertheless evolved from the earlier word of neverthelater, which was probably created before the invention of space between words.

Nonetheless – Very similar to nevertheless, but still uniquetheless.

Natheless – Another older word that means the same as nevertheless.

Scatheless – While it looks like it would be a poorly spelled way of saying that something is without ska music, it actually means without harm or unscathed. I like how sneaky that word is, though.

Woebegone – I appreciate the word woebegone, which means sad or miserable in appearance, even though it seems like the woe should be gone. The “begone” portion means surrounding, and this is apparently just a sneaky double compound word and not a triple word. It seems like we should also have words like happybegone or boredombegone, and I think Hungrybegone would be a great name for a restaurant.

Albeit – This excellent word means although and originated from although it be. It is also related to several other enjoyable but lesser known triple words.

Howbeit –It also means although, howbeit it is somehow different.

Sobeit – I didn’t know it was a word. It apparently means “as long as” and is another great triple compound to use if you are trying to shorten your word count.

Counterclockwise – I can’t decide if this is two words or three, and I honestly sometimes can’t remember which direction it is, but I am still quite fond of counterclockwise.

Inasmuch – This seems like it would be much better as three words, inasmuch as I might know about grammar.

Insofar – A word with similar meaning to inasmuch, and is inasconfusing about why it is one word and not three.

Whatsoever and its siblings – This word’s family is ever so large as it includes Wheresoever, Whosesoever, Whosoever, Whichsoever, Howsoever and even Whithersoever.

Nowadays – People don’t use this word as much nowadays.

Hereupon – I think we can all agree that I have talked about this far too long, so hereupon I will let you think up your own triple compound words. If you think up any good ones, please paste them in the comments below. Hopefully, we’ll have a smorgasbord of words. Thanks.

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The words pancake, living room, and merry-go-round have something in common.

They are all examples of compound words.

The noun compound means something made up of two or more separate components. Compound can also be an adjective meaning consisting of two or more parts or components.

A compound word is one word, or one unit of meaning, that is created by joining two or more separate words together.

Image showing definition of compound words

What Are Compound Words?

A compound word is a word made up of usually two but sometimes more words that are joined together. The two (or more) that make the compound word are independent words; they have their own distinct meanings. When those words are joined and form a compound word, that compound word has its own new meaning.

The Three Types of Compound Words

Compound words can take three possible forms: closed, open, or hyphenated. In closed form, there is no space between the joined words. In open form, there is a space between the “joined” words that still act as one unit, and in hyphenated form—you guessed it! There is a hyphen between the joined words.

Image showing the forms of compound words

These general “rules”—which are somewhat fluid and flexible—provide guidance as to what format a compound word takes.

  • Closed compound words are usually nouns: They put on makeup.

  • Open compound words are usually nouns or verbs: I have to make up (verb) that exam at my high school. (noun)

  • Hyphenated compound words are usually adjectives or adverb-adjective combinations: I have to take a make-up (adjective) exam. I will be well-prepared. (adverb + adjective)

The key word in each of those examples is “usually.” Some compound words break the rules. We’ll see how soon.

1. Closed Compound Words

To review: closed compound words are usually made up of two separate words that are put together to form a new word. There is no space between the two words in a closed-form compound word; the compound appears as one single word.

Examples of Closed Compound Words

Image showing closed compound words

  • Cup + cake becomes cupcake

  • Basket + ball becomes basketball

  • Key + board becomes keyboard

  • Extra + ordinary becomes extraordinary

  • Birth + day becomes birthday

You can see through these examples that the meaning of the compound word is not just a merger of the independent definitions of the individual words that join together to make that compound.

However, there is a relationship between the individual word meanings and the compounds. Compound words have been integrated into language as speakers have discovered those relationships. It makes perfect sense to call a cake that could fit into a cup a cupcake and to call a ball thrown through a basket (now a hoop) a basketball.

The rules for compound words, listed earlier in the post, include the word usually. That word means the rules are not hard and fast, and there are examples of compound words that break those rules.

For example, compound words that are verbs are usually open form, but here are rule-breaking closed-form compound verbs that remind us to hold those rules loosely:

  • I need to proofread my essay.

  • I think the clerk shortchanged me.

  • I have to babysit my little sister.

2. Open Compound Words

In an open compound word, there is a space between the two independent words, though they are still treated as one unit with a new “compound meaning.”

Examples of Open Compound Words

Image showing open compound words

  • Living room: as a unit, this compound noun refers to a room in a house.

  • High school: as a unit, this compound noun refers to a school that has students in grades 9-12.

  • Post office: as a unit, this compound refers to a building where mail is collected, sorted, and sent.

  • Give up: as a unit, this compound verb means to stop trying.

  • Ask for: as a unit, this compound verb means to request something.

3. Hyphenated Compound Words

Hyphenated compound words have hyphens between each of the independent words that serve as connectors. The hyphens are a visual cue that the words form one unit.

Image showing hyphenated compound words

Some compound words are always hyphenated.

  • Merry-go-round

  • Mother-in-law (and brother-, sister-, and father-in-law)

  • Self-esteem

Did you notice that all of those examples are nouns? Remember: the rules are flexible!

Examples of Hyphenated Compound Adjectives:

Image showing compound word rulese

When compound words are used as adjectives (officially known as compound adjectives), the hyphenation rules change depending on where the compound adjective comes in the sentences.

If the compound adjective comes before the noun it modifies (describes), you should usually add a hyphen:

  • High-speed chase

  • Part-time employee

  • Full-time job

  • Fire-resistant pajamas

  • Good-looking person

  • Well-respected politician

  • Up-to-date records

Of course, there are exceptions. Remember, those “rules” are flexible. Some compound adjectives that precede the nouns they modify never take a hyphen. For example, ice cream and high school:

  • High school students
  • Ice cream sundae

There’s really no “why” to explain these exceptions; we’ve just adopted these forms and made them part of our language.

Examples of Open-Form Compound Adjectives

If the compound adjective comes after the noun it modifies, the hyphen is usually omitted.

  • Make sure the files are up to date. “Up to date” modifies, but comes after, the noun “files.”

  • The cat is two years old. “Two years old” modifies, but comes after, the noun “cat.”

Though post-noun modifiers don’t technically take hyphens, according to Merriam-Webster, usage trends indicate the hyphens are often included anyway, if the compounds “continue to function as unit modifiers.” So there’s that flexibility again.


What About Adverb Compounds?

It’s easy to find examples of closed, open, and hyphenated adverbs.

As for the closed-form examples, we probably don’t even register them as compound words much of the time.

  • Sometimes

  • Thereafter

  • Somewhere

Open-form adverbs occur when the adverb is the first word in the compound and ends in —ly. You should not hyphenate after an —ly adverb.

  • We made the discovery early on.

  • Her opinion is highly regarded.

  • They entered the dimly lit room.

What to Do If You’re Not Sure Which Form Is Right

While those flexible rules can help you, there may still be times when you feel confused about which compound form to use. Don’t stress too much.

According to Merriam Webster, the rules are more like patterns. You may see differences in different publications depending on editorial choice and style. For example, I looked on Amazon for a teapot. I saw mostly teapots, but also a few tea pots. Out of curiosity I put “tea pot” into a New York Times search bar, and found articles from the 1800s that included “tea-pot” in the title!

While interesting, those stylistic changes and choices shouldn’t be too surprising. Language is fluid and ever-evolving. Compound words themselves are proof of that evolution.

Keep Clarity the Focus

Image of woman talking

The purpose of hyphens in compound words is to ensure clarity. For example,

  • I bought over-the-counter medication.

  • He passed the medicine over the counter.

In the first example, I know by the hyphen that the medicine «I» bought did not require a prescription. «Over-the-counter» is one unit—one compound—describing a type of medicine.

In the second example, «over the counter» is serving another purpose and, while the words form a phrase to tell me where «he» passed the medicine, hyphens do nothing to make the purpose of the phrase clear and are therefore unnecessary.

Now look at these examples:

  • He owned a little-used car.
  • He owned a little used car.

In the first example, I know the man owns a car that has not been driven much. The car is described by the compound modifier «little-used.»

In the second example, it seems that the man owns a used car that is also small, or little. In this example, putting a comma after «little» would help to separate the two words, «little» and «used,» and show that they aren’t intended to work as a compound.

ProWritingAid Can Help

hyphenation suggestion in prowritingaid

Though you’re a compound-word expert now, if you find yourself with lingering doubts, remember that ProWritingAid is here to help. It will let you know if you’ve added an unnecessary hyphen after an -ly adverb, or if you’ve left one out of a pre-noun compound adjective. You don’t have to write alone!

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20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers

20 Editing Tips from Professional Writers

Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas.

This guide contains the 20 most important writing tips and techniques from a wide range of professional writers.


  • 1 Compound words
    • 1.1 (1) Open compounds
    • 1.2 (2) Closed compounds
    • 1.3 (3) Hyphenated compounds
  • 2 Examples of Compound Words

Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning.

These words are formed by either adding a hyphen or just using the two words as a single term. Compound words can be written in three ways:

(1) Open compounds

An open compound word is created in cases when the modifying adjective is used with its noun to create a new noun. They are spelled as two words.

example: ice cream, living room, dinning table .

(2) Closed compounds

Closed compound words are usually made up of only two words. They are joined to form a single word. They are formed when two fully independent, unique words are combined to create a new word.

Example: doorknob, notebook, fireman, bookstore

(3) Hyphenated compounds

Words that use a hyphen in between two words.

Example: Long-term, second-rate, merry-go-round,

More than two words can form a compound (e.g., mother-in-law).

Examples of Compound Words

1st Word 2nd Word Compound Word
Sun glasses Sunglasses
book case bookcase
stair case staircase
Sun Flower Sunflower
Sea Shell seashell
high chair highchair
bed room bedroom
gold fish goldfish
wrist watch wristwatch
rain bow rainbow
butter fly butterfly
wind shield windshield
fire man fireman
star fish starfish
ice cream ice-cream
sauce pan saucepan
coffee maker coffeemaker
egg shell eggshell
earth worm earthworm
air plane Airplane
water melon watermelon
wheel chair wheelchair
Tea spoon Teaspoon
Work sheets worksheets
super star superstar
straw berry strawberry
space ship spaceship
solar system solar system
skate board skate board
rain coat raincoat
news paper newspaper
mid night midnight
light house lighthouse
hot dog hotdog
hand shake handshake
French fries French fries
mail box mailbox
in side inside
basket ball basketball
grand father grandfather
grass hopper grasshopper
moon light moonlight
living room living room
hot dog hot dog
check in check-in
father-in law father-in-law
two fold two-fold
one half one-half
after birth afterbirth
air brush airbrush
back ace back ace
milk shake milkshake
note book notebook
arrow head arrowhead
pop corn popcorn
camp fire campfire
self esteem self-esteem
after noon afternoon
house wife housewife
jelly fish jellyfish
see saw seesaw
home work homework
door knob doorknob
tree house treehouse
scare crow scarecrow
thunder storm thunderstorm
him self himself
no where nowhere
eye ball eyeball
hand shake handshake
bird house birdhouse
cross word crossword
hose pipe hosepipe
motor bike motorbike
wind mill windmill
ear ring earring
cat fish catfish
air craft aircraft
water fall waterfall
lip stick lipstick
fish bowl fishbowl
back bone backbone
snow flakes snowflakes
fire place fireplace
black berry blackberry
flower pot flowerpot
cow boy cowboy
finger nails fingernails
honey moon honeymoon
hair cut haircut
ear muffs earmuffs
sea horse seahorse
suit case suitcase
foot ball football
loud speaker loudspeaker
post man postman
air port airport
your self yourself
flip flop flipflop
grass hopper grasshopper
bean stalk beanstalk
house fly housefly
rattle snake rattle snake
friend ship friendship
silk worm silkworm
honey moon honeymoon
luke warm lukewarm
key board keyboard
jelly beans jellybeans
life guard lifeguard
match box matchbox
pass port passport
jig saw jigsaw
nail cutter nail -cutter
open minded open-minded
story book story book
pony tail pony tail
for ever forever
sweet heart sweetheart
mouth wash mouthwash
arrow head arrowhead
dough nut doughnut
black smith blacksmith
wave length wavelength
up stairs upstairs
water fall waterfall
table cloth tablecloth
volley ball volleyball
sun set sunset
pepper mint peppermint
fire cracker firecracker
back pack backpack
wood pecker woodpecker
post card postcard
house keeper housekeeper
butter milk buttermilk
clock wise clockwise
store room storeroom
down pour downpour
wipe out wipeout
blue print blueprint
brief case briefcase
dragon fly dragonfly
hour glass hourglass
bare foot barefoot
whirl pool whirlpool
knee cap kneecap
step mother stepmother
sky scrapers skyscrapers
black list blacklist
tooth fairy tooth fairy
cave man caveman
pin hole pinhole
nut cracker nutcracker
eye sight eyesight
under graduate undergraduate
car pet carpet
ware house warehouse
back yard backyard
eye lash eyelash
head ace headace
body guard bodyguard
white wash whitewash
what ever whatever
water cooler watercooler
type writer typewriter
town ship township
super market superman
stock room stockroom
some day someday
yog hurt yoghurt
under wear underwear
suit case suitcase
paper soap papersoap
mother hood motherhood
pea nut peanut
lime stone limestone
land mark landmark
grave yard graveyard
for get forget
every time everytime
day time daytime
counter part counterpart
cross breed crossbreed

The word compound means one thing that is composed of two or more elements. When you hear the word compound, you might think of a chemical compound, compound interest, or you might just use the word as a synonym for a mixture. Compounding is also a grammatical phenomenon, and there is a lengthy list of compound words in the English language.

Compound Words Definition

Simply put, compound means one thing made of many things. The definition for compound words means just that.

Compound words: two or more words joined to create a new meaning.

Compound words are not two random words thrust together. Compound words will be two words that are frequently found together, such as late-night, nice-looking, or seafood.

Compound words are usually two base words used together. Remember, base words are standalone words that signal a particular meaning, even when stripped of affixes (example: success in successful).

That’s not to say, however, that compound words can’t use derived words. Derived words are words that are built on a root, typically with the addition of an affix (example: teach + er = teacher). Many compound words include derived words (coffee maker, sewing machine, skyscraper).

The process of compounding is different from derivation and inflection — both of which typically involve adding an affix to change a word’s grammatical category. While derivation, inflection, and compounding are all a process for creating new words, compounding uses two base words, rather than a single base word and an affix (e.g., -ing, im, or -ed).

Compounding in English Examples

Compounds help us understand words as a single unit, which in some cases helps to clarify the meaning of a word or phrase in English.

Let’s look for a vegan-friendly restaurant.

Compounding, Compounding in English examples, Vegan restaurant, StudySmarterFig. 1 — A «vegan-friendly» restaurant is different from a «vegan, friendly» restaurant.

Using a hyphen here shows the reader that the words vegan and friendly should be taken as a single unit. Otherwise, it might be read as, “Let’s look for a vegan friendly restaurant,” with vegan and friendly being two different adjectives to describe a restaurant.

When new things, ideas, or phrases come into the collective consciousness of the public, they need a name or something people can say to refer to them. Compounding words is one of the most (if not the most) common types of word formation in English because it is so easy to do.

These new words can be figurative like chairman (the head of a committee or group, not a chair-shaped man), or simply a combination of the meaning of each of the base words, like lighthouse (a house of light).

Just email me, and I’ll respond to it later.

The word email wasn’t used until the late twentieth century because email, or electronic mail, didn’t exist until then. There was a need to create a word to communicate this new idea of sending a message electronically, and e-mail —which became email, without the hyphen — was a simple option.

Types of Compound Words

There are three types of compound words: open, closed, and hyphenated.

Open Compounds

Open compound words are formed by combining an adjective with the noun it modifies to create a new noun. These compound words are usually the result of two words being so frequently used together that they eventually come to mean one specific thing.

Shopping cart

Potting soil

Real estate

Even though these words are separated with a space, they’re still considered a single unit. You can tell it’s an open compound word, rather than merely a noun modified by an adjective, because the two words are so regularly used together to mean something specific.

For example, real is not used as the modification of the word estate to express it’s real as opposed to a fake estate. Real estate is the business of buying and selling property and buildings on said property.

Closed Compounds

Closed compound words look the most like a “real word” because there is no space between the two roots.




Two words might form a closed compound because they are so frequently used together.

Compounding, Types of compound words, Email example, StudySmarterFig. 2 — Email is a newer word that came from two base words: electronic and mail.

In the 1990s when someone wanted to connect to the internet, they might say they were going to go on-line (cue the sounds of dial-up internet and a male voice saying, “You’ve got mail”). Today in the twenty-first century, the internet is a part of our everyday experience, and so the word has lost its hyphen and is typically shortened to online.

Hyphenated Compounds

The final type of compound words are hyphenated compounds. These are words that — just like closed and open compounds — are frequently used together. The hyphen connects these words, so they function as one unit.

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that shouldn’t be confused with a dash (). A hyphen connects two words or word parts, whereas dashes indicate a pause or range. Dashes can be short (an “en dash” which is the length of the letter n) or long (an “em dash” which is the length of the letter m).




Many hyphenated compounds become closed compounds if they’re used frequently enough.

Hyphenating Compound Words

You might wonder, “How do I know when to hyphenate a compound word?” There are many rules regarding hyphens in general, and here are the ones that are key in hyphenating compound words.

  1. Only hyphenate when the compound comes before the noun it will modify. If it comes after, don’t include a hyphen.

The man-eating bear was only a few yards away. vs. The bear was definitely a man eater.

  1. When a compound modifier contains an adverb ending in -ly and a participle or adjective, don’t use a hyphen.

A highly contested race.

Unfortunately, there is not always a consensus about whether to hyphenate compound words or create a closed compound word. If you’re ever in doubt about whether to hyphenate a compound word, consult a dictionary or the appropriate style guide for a definitive answer.

Compound Words List

Here is a longer compound words list for reference.

Open Compound Words

  • Sun room

  • Cheer up

  • Summer break

  • Garage sale

  • Dress up

  • Fire pit

  • Jumping jack

  • Science fiction

  • Vice President

  • Swimming pool

Closed Compound Words

  • Dishware

  • Bookstore

  • Seatbelt

  • Birthday

  • Carpool

  • Limelight

  • Comeback

  • Candlelit

  • Football

  • Lawsuit

Hyphenated Compound Words

  • House-of-mirrors

  • Self-contempt

  • Father-in-law

  • Well-read

  • Full-length

  • Free-fall

  • High-rise

  • Life-size

  • Deep-fried

  • Right-handed

Compounding — Key takeaways

  • Compound words are two or more words joined to create a new meaning.
  • Compound words are usually two base words used together.
  • Compounds help us understand words as a single unit, which in some cases helps to clarify the meaning of a word or phrase.
  • There are three types of compound words: open, closed, and hyphenated.
  • There is not always a consensus about whether to hyphenate compound words or create a closed compound word.

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