Calcium and hydrochloric acid word equation

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What is the word and chemical equation of calcium oxide plus hydrochloric acid?

Ca2o2 + h2cl

What is the word equation for hydrochloric acid and sodium?

Sodium + Hydrochloric acid —> Sodium Chloride

What is the word equation for hydrochloric acid and aluminum?

The answer is:
Hydrochloric Acid + Aluminium Hydroxide —> Water + Aluminium

What is the word equation for hydrochloric acid?

A word equation represent the reactions between metals and
acids. The reaction for zinc and hydrochloric acid would be, zinc
plus hydrochloric acid produces hydrogen plus zinc chloride.

What is the word equation for the reaction between limestone and hydrochloric acid?

Limestone is calcium carbonate(CaCO3).
CaCO3 + 2HCl ——-> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

【】What is the word equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide?


Calcium hydroxide +Hydrochloric acid ——->Calcium chloride + Water

is the word equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide.


Calcium hydroxide,Ca(OH)2,  is  a base and  hydrochloric acid,HCl, is an acid.So acid-base reaction will happen and we will get salt .

The following equation is the chemical reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide.

Ca(OH)₂ + HCl —> CaCl₂ + H₂O


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>471-34-1>Q&A>What is a balanced word and symbol equation to show the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid?

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Answered Jan 19 2022

CaCO3 + 2HCl —-> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

Calcium carbonate + hydrocloric acid —-> calcium chloride + carbon dioxide + water

Answered Jan 19 2022

Well, calcium carbonate plus hydrochloric acid gives aqueous calcium chloride, and carbon dioxide, and water… And symbolically….

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Density 2.93
Melting Point 825℃
Boiling Point 333.6°C at 760mmHg
Vapour 0 mm Hg (approx) (NIOSH, 2016)
Refractive Index 1.6583
Flash Point 197℃
HS Code 28365000

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Calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
is a metal carbonate compound and reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to
produce carbon dioxide (CO2), calcium chloride (CaCl2) and water. You can see, carbon
dioxide gas is released through the solution.

calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid reaction

CaCO3 + HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

Carbon dioxide gas is released when a dilute acid is added to a metal carbonate compound.

Metal carbonate compounds react with dilute acids and emit carbon dioxide gas.

Balanced chemical equation of CaCO3 and HCl reaction with physical states

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Calcium carbonate is not soluble
in water and exists as white precipitate in the water. When aqueous hydrochloric acid is added,
calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water are formed.

  • Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is soluble in water and colorless. So, it exists as an aqueous solution. Therefore,
    you can see, white precipitate is dissolved and colorless solution is formed with time.
  • Also, due to formation of carbon dioxide gas, gas bubbles are rising to the top of the solution.

This reaction is used to calculate purity of CaCO3 samples when they are mixed with impurities.

If impurity material does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid, You can conduct this experiment. Released carbon dioxide
volume is measured and then calculate the released amount (mol) of carbon dioxide gas. Then, you can calculate the reacted
calcium carbonate amount and mass.

Reaction properties

  • When calcium carbonate precipitate exist in water, that solution become weak basic due to presence of carbonate ion. When
    aqueous HCl is added, carbonate is converted to carbon dioxide and alkalinity of the solution decreases.

Calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid reaction is an exothermic reaction.

When calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid, heat is released to the environment.

Questions asked by students

Ask your question and find the
answer free.

When HCl reacts with calcium carbonate why heat is released?

If heat is released from a reaction, it means products of the reactions are more stable than reactants. When something is stable, it should have less energy. When HCl reacts with calcium carbonate, calcium chloride and carbon dioxide gas are given.

calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid balanced equation

When you are said to write balanced equation, remember that to write physical properties of compounds.

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

What happens when CaCO3 reacts with dilute HCl acid?

Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute acids to produce a calcium salt, water and carbon dioxide gas: calcium carbonate +
hydrochloric acid → calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide.

What does HCl and CaCO3 produce?

Calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water are given as products.

Can I identify calcium carbonate from zinc carbonate from this reaction?

Both carbonates are not insoluble in water and form white precipitates. Calcium carbonate and zinc carbonate reacts with
dilute hydrochloric acid and emit carbon dioxide gas form colorless solutions. (CaCl2 and ZnCl2 are
colorless solutions).

But, treating hydrogen sulfide gas to calcium chloride and zinc chloride can be used to identify solutions. Calcium sulfide
is soluble in water. But, ZnS is not
a soluble sulfide in water and form a white precipitate.

Related Tutorials

Sodium carbonate and HCl reaction
FeCl2 + NaOH reaction
NaOH and chlorine gas reaction
of metal carbonate compounds compounds



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welcome to ask about the right correctly balanced equation for the following word equation hair word equation is given that calcium Ka Kitchen with hydrochloric acid chloride water and carbon dioxide first of all write the for calcium + 2 and carbonate is jio 3 carbonate is there you 3 — 2 on combining with calcium calcium carbonate like this year on reaction with hydrochloric acid hydrochloric acid is HCL it is hydrochloric acid on reaction of calcium chloride chloride is real and here calcium is CA + 2 so it form cacl2 compound and

water H2O and also produce hair 80202 is carbon dioxide it is even in the equation to balance the equation for stop all bro and table and write the element on the reactant sites on the reactant side calcium is percent carbon is burnt oxygen is present and hydrogen chlorine is element are present on the reactant size and hear calcium carbon oxygen hydrogen and chlorine also present on production cost of all the number write the number of element on the reactive nitrogen is one carbon is also one of the reason is 3 hydrogen is one and chlorine is also worked on the product side calcium is one carbon is

oxygen is oneplus 2 and hydrogen is 2 and chlorine is also to to balance the chlorine for X 200 chlorine on creatine side is 2 and product side also to so if x is chlorine by 2 then it is multiplied by 2 then hydrogen atom as to get the world to hydrogen as you will be balanced hydrogen is balance and other element is already here so this is the balanced chemical equation and this is the contrary to this is our answer thank you have a nice day

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