By the word of mouth idiom

by word of mouth
на словах; из уст в уста

I think she heard about the job by word of mouth.

We heard the news by word of mouth long before it was reported in the newspapers.

Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов.

Смотреть что такое «by word of mouth» в других словарях:

  • Word of mouth — is a reference to the passing of information by verbal means, especially recommendations, but also general information, in an informal, person to person manner. Word of mouth is typically considered a face to face spoken communication, although …   Wikipedia

  • Word of mouth (disambiguation) — Word of Mouth may refer to:*word of mouth, a method of communication * Word of Mouth (The Kinks album) * Word of Mouth (Jaco Pastorius album) * Word of Mouth (Vicious Rumors album) * Word of Mouth (The Blueskins album) * Word of Mouth (John… …   Wikipedia

  • Word of Mouth — Studioalbum von Jaco Pastorius Veröffentlichung 1981 Label Warner Bros. Records Format …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Word of Mouth (website) — Word of Mouth is a scam website promoted by spam e mail. Word of Mouth spam mails state that an anonymous person posted a secret about the recipient and that he needs to pay a fee in order to see the message. The editors of Snopes examined the… …   Wikipedia

  • Word of Mouth (Begriffsklärung) — Word of Mouth ist die englische Bezeichnung für Mundpropaganda, davon abgeleitet steht es für: Word of Mouth, eine Bigband und ein Album von Jaco Pastorius (1981) Word of Mouth, ein Album von Toni Basil (1982) Word of Mouth (The Kinks Album), ein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • word of mouth — UK US (also word of mouth) noun [U] COMMERCE ► the process of telling people you know about a particular product or service, usually because you think it is good and want to encourage them to try it: by/through word of mouth »We get most of our… …   Financial and business terms

  • Word of Mouth — Álbum de estudio de The Kinks Publicación 19 de noviembre de 1984 Grabación Junjio de 1983 Septiembre de 1984 en Konk Studios, Londres Género(s) Rock …   Wikipedia Español

  • Word of Mouth — Album par The Kinks Sortie 19 novembre 1984 Enregistrement juin 1983 – septembre 1984 Studios Konk (Londres) Durée 43:04 Genre rock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • word-of-mouth — ˌword of ˈmouth noun [uncountable] when people hear about something from their friends, people they work with etc: • Many of our clients come through word of mouth recommendations …   Financial and business terms

  • word of mouth — word′ of mouth′ n. cvb informal oral communication: rumors spreading by word of mouth[/ex] • Etymology: 1545–55 word′ of mouth′, adj …   From formal English to slang

  • word-of-mouth — [wʉrdəv mouth′] adj. communicated orally, as in conversation * * * See word of mouth. * * * …   Universalium

by word of mouth

Through the verbal sharing of information. A: «How did you hear about our bakery?» B: «Oh, by word of mouth. My dad told me about it.» We don’t have the budget for a big marketing campaign, so we’ll just have to hope that buzz about our shop gets spread by word of mouth.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

by word of mouth

by speaking rather than writing. I learned about it by word of mouth. I need it in writing. I don’t trust things I hear about by word of mouth.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

word of mouth, by

Orally, by one person telling another, as in They don’t advertise; they get all their customers by word of mouth. [Mid-1500s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

by ˌword of ˈmouth

in spoken, not written, words: The news spread by word of mouth.

‘By word of mouse’ (= a computer mouse) is a humorous version of this that refers to communication by email, etc.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

word of mouth, by

Orally. This phrase dates from the sixteenth century and persists to the present, though simply “orally” would be more direct. “A little message unto hir by worde of mouth,” wrote Nicholas Udall in Ralph Roister Doister (ca. 1553), presumably differentiating it from a written message.

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • word of mouth, by
  • word of mouth
  • have an argument
  • have an argument (with someone)
  • mm-hmm
  • mhm
  • mm
  • go in with
  • go in with (someone)
  • have a skin like a rhinoceros

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

These traditions were first transmitted by word of mouth and later recorded.

Эти воспоминания изначально передавались из уст в уста, а в дальнейшем были записаны.

What little is known circulates by word of mouth.

То немногое, что известно, циркулирует из уст в уста.

Had it been delivered by word of mouth, people would never have understood it.

Если бы она была выражена устно, люди попросту не поняли бы ее.

The US government does not care about children even though by word of mouth a lot of good things are being said.

Правительство США не заботится о детях даже притом, что устно говорит много хороших вещей.

But, we know only of it by word of mouth.

Но пока об этом нам известно только на словах.

Presently, by word of mouth, mutually exclusive alternatives are being suggested.

В настоящее время оно на словах поддерживает взаимоисключающие альтернативы.

These schemes are also often spread by word of mouth as unsuspecting and well-intentioned people tell their friends and relatives.

Информация об этих махинациях часто передается из уст в уста, когда доверчивые и доброжелательные люди рассказывают о них своим друзьям и родственникам.

Sufficiently important news would be repeated quickly and often, and could spread by word of mouth over a large geographic area.

Достаточно важные новости будут повторяться быстро и часто и могут распространяться из уст в уста по большой географической территории.

Over eighty percent of our new residents hear of us by word of mouth.

Более восьмидесяти процентов наших новых жителей слышат о нас из уст в уста.

However, the legends of the most mysterious and mystical places will always be passed by word of mouth.

Но легенды самых загадочных и мистических мест будут всегда передаваться из уст в уста.

It was initially released in very limited quantities, and was mainly distributed through live performances and advertised by word of mouth.

Первоначально он был выпущен в очень ограниченном количестве и в основном распространялся на концертах и рекламировался из уст в уста.

The embalming business is basically passed on by word of mouth.

Бальзамирование, в основном, передается из уст в уста.

These stories are passed on by word of mouth and make even atheists think about how powerful this patroness is.

Эти истории передаются из уст в уста и заставляют даже атеистов задуматься о том, насколько могущественной является эта покровительница.

Hundreds of years ago, communication physically travelled by word of mouth from one person to another.

Сотни лет тому назад информация физически передавалась из уст в уста, от одного человека к другому.

Little by little, my good deeds were spread by word of mouth.

Постепенно слух о моих добрых делах распространился из уст в уста.

Their story of escape, first told by word of mouth and poetry, helps forge a collective identity among the tribes.

История бегства сначала передававшаяся из уст в уста в стихах, помогла сформировать коллективные самосознания племен.

Alternative medicine is diverse, and their recipes are passed on by word of mouth for hundreds of years.

Средства нетрадиционной медицины разнообразны, и их рецепты передаются из уст в уста сотни лет.

These unofficial health-related practices were passed on informally by word of mouth and were developed through observation and experimentation.

Подобные неофициальные методы лечения передавались из уст в уста и основывались лишь на наблюдениях и экспериментах.

Establishing a company account or page on a social network site means the chance to build an audience by word of mouth.

Создание корпоративного аккаунта или страницы на сайте социальной сети означает возможность собрать аудиторию из уст в уста.

Once the news about your business spreads by word of mouth, it will gain popularity.

После новости о вашем бизнесе распространяется из уст в уста, он будет набирать популярность.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 381. Точных совпадений: 381. Затраченное время: 118 мс


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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

By Word of Mouth Meaning

Definition: Spreading information through verbal communication.

When something is done by word of mouth, it is communicated informally by people speaking with one another rather than writing or typing.

Many things spread by word of mouth. For example, stories can be spread by word of mouth, and marketing can be done by word of mouth.

This phrase can also be used as a hyphenated adjective to modify a noun, as in the phrase word-of-mouth marketing.

word of mouth definitionWord of mouth has been in use since the mid-1500s. The hyphenated adjective version has been in use since the 1800s.

However, oral storytelling has been around for thousands of years prior to either of these phrases being used. Before the invention of writing, even before the invention of the printing press to make the spread of writing easier, communicating by word of mouth was the main way to communicate.

Now, however, communicating by word of mouth is more of an anomaly because of the advent of writing. Access to books and paper and technology like email and texting have made word-of-mouth­ a more costly way to communicate.

Examples of By Word of Mouth

what does word of mouth meanOne of the main things that people think of when using the phrase word of mouth is a rumor. Many times, one person will inadvertently start a rumor by saying something to another, and then that person will slightly change the story when telling it to yet another person.

The story will continue to change as more people spread it to each other. This will evolve into a rumor that is spread by word of mouth.

Businesses and advertising agencies often want their customers to use word of mouth communication to talk about them. They will design advertisements to encourage customers to spread their information via word of mouth.

More Examples

  • As the popularity of his work has grown — mostly through word-of-mouth from customers and online galleries of his creations — Williams said he’s felt motivated… –Chicago Tribune
  • Marketers rely on word of mouth more than ever –Houston Chronicle


The phrase word of mouth information is spread through people talking to each other.


  • 1 By Word of Mouth Meaning
  • 2 Origin of By Word of Mouth
  • 3 Examples of By Word of Mouth
  • 4 More Examples
  • 5 Summary

Смотреть что такое BY WORD OF MOUTH в других словарях:


by word of mouth: translationby word of mouthby speaking rather than writing. • I learned about it by word of mouth. • I need it in writing. I don’t tr… смотреть


by word of mouth: translationby word of mouthby speaking rather than writing. • I learned about it by word of mouth. • I need it in writing. I don’t tr… смотреть


— by mouth устно, изустно; из уст в уста I think she heard about the job by word of mouth. — По-моему, она узнала об этой работе от кого-то из своих знакомых. Syn: orally, verbally… смотреть

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