But never word he spoke

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

He lived in the same cramped, single-room apartment for over 40 years, and he never spoke a word of his lifelong dream to anybody.

Он жил в той же самой тесной квартире более 40 лет, и никогда никому ничего не рассказывал о своих мечтах.

And he never spoke a word of German.

As my father never spoke of his life before marrying, and for truth said hardly a word regarding anything at all, I did not know his history before he plied his trade as farmer in Billerica.

Поскольку отец никогда ничего не говорил о своей жизни до женитьбы и, сказать по правде, вообще ни о чем не рассказывал, я не имела никаких сведений о его жизни до того, как он стал фермером в Биллерике.

It is said that Confucius never spoke words written by himself.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите, пожалуйста.

Insert the required tense (Passive Voice).
1. «I don’t want to hear another word. I __ never __ so __ in my whole life, (to insult) (/. Shaw)
2. But what shall I do if you __ ? (to kill) (Shaw)
3. Godfrey waited, before he spoke again, until the ale __ and the door __ (to bring, to close) (Eliot)
4. In whatever spare time he could find, he read the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which __ throughout the world, (to perform) (Wilson)
5. Merriman, order the dog-cart at once. Mr. Ernest __ suddenly to town, (to call back) (Wilde)
6. Upon the Doctor and the widow the eyes of both Mr. Tuprnan and his companion __ for some time, when the stranger broke silence, (to fix) (Dickens)
7. In 1834, the Houses of Parliament, with the exception of Westminster Hall __ by fire. They __ ‘. by Sir Charles Barry, (to destroy, to rebuild)
8. «I’m afraid that we’re going to have to move,» he said. «This lab won’t be big enough for us after all. But there’s a double room on the eleventh floor that __ » (to use — negative) (Wilson)
9. Lanny noticed that he __ by three white men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road, (to watch)
10. It was past eleven o’clock — a late hour for the little village of Cobham — when Mr. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which __ for his reception, (to prepare) (Dickens)
11. We __. if we __, but never mind, (to scold, to see) (Ch. Bronte)
12. The Nobel Prize __ to him in 1924 when the advent of wave mechanics had revealed the importance of his work, ten years after his famous experiment __ (to give, to perform) (Wilson)
13. The camp of peace will not allow the outbreak of a new war that __ by the imperialists. (to prepare)
14. I called… to ask if a diamond brooch of mine __ (to find) (Wilde)
15. The tea-things __ scarcely ___ when the London coach deposited Mr. Weller, senior, at the door, (to put away) (Dickens)
16. Annette’s most valuable stone was ruby, which __ to her when she was twelve by an Indian prince who was in love with her mother, (to give) (Murdoch)
17. He [Jim] put down his pail… and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage __ (to unwind) (Twain)
18. He carefully examined the contents of his case, and did not speak again until the beer __ and he had paid for it. (to bring) (Priestley)
19. The little patient — and __, and now lay composed in her crib, (to examine, to soothe) (Ch. Bronte)
20. It was an idea that __ at that moment __ by Colonel Melchett and Colonel Bantry. (to discuss) (Christie)
21. Lanny __ cruelly, heartlessly in the way Sara __ When he __, the barking of a dog __ It __ by hurried footsteps, (to beat, to beat, to beat, to hear, to follow).

never spoke — перевод на русский

He never spoke of it.

Он никогда не говорил о себе.

Believe me, I never spoke this way to anyone.

Поверь мне, я никогда не говорил об этом.

I’ve never spoken for anything else.

Я никогда не говорил ничего другого.

I never spoke to him.

Слушай, я с этим мальчиком никогда не говорил.

He certainly never spoke of the man like a brother.

Во всяком случае, он никогда не говорил о нём, как о брате. Вот они.

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I never spoke to you about her.

Я вам не говорил о ней.

I’ve never spoken about it to you, Virginia…

Я тебе об этом не говорил, Вирджиния…

I’ve never spoken or written of it until just now.

Никогда ещё я не писал и не говорил об этом до настоящего момента.

And he never spoke to you about the dream?

И Вам он не говорил о сне?

He never spoke of that to me.

Он мне этого не говорил.

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— You never spoke to him in your hotel?

— И в гостинице вы не разговаривали?

They never spoke to me again after I’d had the chop.

После операции они со мной больше не разговаривали.

The others were nearby, but we never spoke.

Все были поблизости, но мы не разговаривали.

And then yoυ jυst stopped being my friend… . ..and you never spoke to me again affer that, ever.

А затем ты перестала дружить со мной, и больше мы не разговаривали.

Okay, first of all, I was never here and we never spoke.

Ладно, для начала меня здесь никогда не было и мы не разговаривали.

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They never spoke from that time on.

С тех пор они никогда не разговаривали.

You never spoke to them?

Вы с ними никогда не разговаривали?

So you were lying before when you told us… — that you had never spoken to him.

Значит, вы лгали, когда сказали нам, что никогда не разговаривали?

Since they have never spoken to me, I’ll have to take your word for it.

Что ж, поскольку они никогда не разговаривали со мной, мне придется поверить вам на слово.

You’re gonna try to tell me I never spoke to you? Huh?

Говоришь, мы никогда не разговаривали?

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Yes, if you promise me you’ll never speak to a strange woman again.

Да. Если вы обещаете никогда не впускать в дом незнакомых женщин.

If I get married I’ll never speak ill of my husband.

Если я выйду замуж, я никогда не буду дурно отзываться о своём муже.

Promise you’ll never speak a word about me to anyone, not even Knorr.

Обещай, что ты никогда не скажешь ни слова обо мне. Даже Кнорру.

I’ll cut off all ties and I’ll never speak to you again!

Если я сейчас уйду, ты больше меня никогда не увидишь!

Once that’s done, we disperse and never speak of this again.

Когда мы закончим, мы разлетимся и никогда не будем об этом разговаривать.

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What if he never speaks again?

-Что, если он никогда не заговорит?

She probably will never speak.

Возможно, она никогда не заговорит.

And Alice is never speaking to Henry again, and neither am I.

И Элис никогда не заговорит снова с Генри, и я тем более.

He’ll never speak?

Он никогда не заговорит?

I’m going to tell them if either of them has anything to do with you I’m never speaking to them again.

Я собираюсь им сказать, что, если хоть один из них будет иметь с тобой дело я с ним больше никогда не заговорю.

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— lf l tell Jack that I lied to his family, he will never speak to me again.

≈сли € скажу ƒжеку, что обманываю семью… ќн никогда больше не заговорит со мной.

My mother may never speak to me again after this job, So I want to make sure it was worth it.

Моя мама, может никогда больше не заговорит со мной после этой работы так что я хочу удостовериться, это стоило того

I understand if Ricky never speaks to me again.

Я пойму, если Рики никогда больше не заговорит со мной.

Jenna will never speak to me again, but at least something good’s come out of all this.

Дженна никогда больше не заговорит со мной, но хоть что-то хорошее получилось из всего этого

He will never speak to me again.

Он больше никогда не заговорит со мной

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I’m never speaking to either of you ever again!

Я больше никогда не буду с вами разговаривать!

You’ll never speak to me again.

Ты больше никогда не будешь со мной разговаривать?

My show is getting cancelled, I’m never speaking to Jack Donaghy again, and the worst thing that happened to me today is that you showed up.

Мое шоу закрывают, я больше никогда не смогу переговорить с Джеком Донаги, и самое худшее из того, что случилось со мной сегодня, то, что ты нарисовался.

I hate him and I’m never speaking to him again ever!

Я ненавижу его и больше никогда не буду с ним разговаривать!

Let’s never speak of it again.

Давай больше никогда не будем о нём заикаться.

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So, just, never speak to me again.

Тогда просто, никогда больше со мной не разговаривай.

Never speak to me again.

Никогда больше со мной не разговаривай.

I never spoke to the rat again I know;

После этого я с ним больше никогда не разговаривал.

I know you’re under a terrible strain, but if you’re wise you will never speak to me with such disrespect again.

Я знаю, ты находишься под большим давлением, но будь мудрой, и никогда больше не разговаривай со мной в таком неуважительном тоне.

From that day on, John Dolittle never spoke to animals again.

Джон Дулитл больше никогда не разговаривал с животными.

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And we agreed never speak of it again.

И мы договорились больше никогда не говорить об этом.

As your maker, I command you to never speak of Sheriff Stormer and his untimely true death.

Как твой создатель, я приказываю тебе больше никогда не говорить о шерифе Стормере и его скоропостижной настоящей смерти.

Because of what we swore to never speak of again.

Потому что мы поклялись кое о чем больше никогда не говорить.


Никогда больше не говори мне об этом.

Never speak to my wife about such things again. Do you understand?

Никогда больше не говори такого моей жене, понял?

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  • никогда не говорил
  • не говорил
  • не разговаривали
  • никогда не разговаривали
  • никогда не
  • никогда не заговорит
  • никогда больше не заговорит
  • больше никогда не
  • никогда больше со мной не разговаривай
  • больше никогда не говорить

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I can’t say I really feel at home anywhere. I was born in a city, but I hate cities_ I love mountains, but I have A22 ………….. lived in a mountain country: my home is a flat agricultural area in the south of England which I find boring. I don’t have much in A23 ………….. with the local people there, and my way of life is very A24 ………….. from theirs, so I don’t feel that I am really part of the community. Although I am English, in some ways I don’t feel English. I have spent time in various countries., and I can happily live abroad for a period. Not for ever, though. In the end I always begin to feel too foreign, and miss too many things. It is then that I realize that my A25 ………….. really are in England, even if I can’t say exactly where. I don’t have very A26 ………….. family ties, and I am not in contact with many of my relatives. My Canadian wife has a much stronger sense of family, which she has passed to our son. His home and his immediate family mean a great deal to him, and his extended family is very important to him as well, He is very fond of all his A27 ………….., and likes to see them as often as he can.So perhaps the next generation will have more ties than I have. In some ways I hope so, but being rootless has advantage too. On balance, I am not sure that I would prefer to A28 ………….. to one place, one community and one set of ideas.


1) always

2) ever

3) never

4) usually


1) familiar

2) general

3) relation

4) common


1) different

2) various

3) contrary

4) unusually


1) home

2) routes

3) place

4) roots


1) strong

2) hardy

3) powerful

4) tough


1) relationship

2) relations

3) ancestors

4) friends


1) like

2) love

3) belong

4) choose


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I can’t say I really feel at home anywhere. I was born in a city, but I hate cities_ I love mountains, but I have A22 never lived in a mountain country: my home is a flat agricultural area in the south of England which I find boring. I don’t have much in A23 common with the local people there, and my way of life is very A24 different from theirs, so I don’t feel that I am really part of the community. Although I am English, in some ways I don’t feel English. I have spent time in various countries., and I can happily live abroad for a period. Not for ever, though. In the end I always begin to feel too foreign, and miss too many things. It is then that I realize that my A25 roots really are in England, even if I can’t say exactly where. I don’t have very A26 strong family ties, and I am not in contact with many of my relatives. My Canadian wife has a much stronger sense of family, which she has passed to our son. His home and his immediate family mean a great deal to him, and his extended family is very important to him as well, He is very fond of all his A27 relations, and likes to see them as often as he can.So perhaps the next generation will have more ties than I have. In some ways I hope so, but being rootless has advantage too. On balance, I am not sure that I would prefer to A28 belong to one place, one community and one set of ideas.


1) always


2) ever


3) never

никогда (с present perfect мы используем как правило ever или never. Поскольку здесь подразумевается отрицательное значение, а мы видим перед пропущенным словом положительный глагол have, то используем слово never)

4) usually



1) familiar

2) general

3) relation

4) common

Have smth in common with smbиметь что-либо общее с кем-либо; устоявшееся выражение


1) different

Другой, отличный

2) various

Различный, разнообразный

3) contrary

Противоположный, обратный

4) unusually

Это наречие, поэтому точно сюда не подходит


1) home


2) routes


3) place


4) roots

Корни (предки)


1) strong

Strong family tiesкрепкие семейные узы, остальные 3 слова нельзя употребить с ties

2) hardy

3) powerful

4) tough


1) relationship

Отношения (He is very fond of ALL his … – all указывает на мн. число, поэтому здесь relations, а не relationship)

2) relations

Отношения (He is very fond of ALL his … – all указывает на мн. число, поэтому здесь relations, а не relationship)

3) ancestors


4) friends



1) like

2) love

3) belong

Belong to smth/smbпринадлежать чему-либо/кому-либо; из 4-х слов только belong употребляется с to

4) choose


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Baseball is one of the oldest and most A22 ………….. spectator sports. The game as it is known today developed during the early 1800s A23 ………….. children and amateur players. Today, professional baseball attracts millions of A24 ………….. to ballparks each year and entertains millions more through radio and television broadcasts. Baseball is played in organized leagues throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. An organized league can be defined as a group of A25 ………….. that play one another regularly and follow an official set of rules. In professional baseball, players receive payment for their play. Professional baseball includes the major leagues and the minor leagues. Amateur baseball, in which players are not paid, includes most other leagues, such as Little League, high school, and university competition as well as various community leagues. The most common amateur leagues include A26 ………….. organized for young people. Little League, established in 1939, is an organization that operates baseball programs in communities of many countries. Boys and girls from 5 to 18 years old can play Little League. Each year an annual Little League World Series is held in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, A27 ………….. Little League was founded. Many high schools and universities have baseball teams made up of student players. They usually play against other teams in their athletic conference during the spring. Professional baseball clubs often recruit outstanding A28 ………….. from high schools, colleges, or universities.


1) easy

2) hard

3) merry

4) popular


1) between

2) with

3) among

4) through


1) spectators

2) spectacles

3) viewers

4) specs


1) peoples

2) crews

3) teams

4) commands


1) that

2) those

3) this

4) these


1) when

2) where

3) whereas

4) what


1) referees

2) judges

3) sportsman

4) players


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Baseball is one of the oldest and most A22 popular spectator sports. The game as it is known today developed during the early 1800s A23 among children and amateur players. Today, professional baseball attracts millions of A24 spectators to ballparks each year and entertains millions more through radio and television broadcasts. Baseball is played in organized leagues throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and other countries. An organized league can be defined as a group of A25 teams that play one another regularly and follow an official set of rules. In professional baseball, players receive payment for their play. Professional baseball includes the major leagues and the minor leagues. Amateur baseball, in which players are not paid, includes most other leagues, such as Little League, high school, and university competition as well as various community leagues. The most common amateur leagues include A26 those organized for young people. Little League, established in 1939, is an organization that operates baseball programs in communities of many countries. Boys and girls from 5 to 18 years old can play Little League. Each year an annual Little League World Series is held in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, A27 where Little League was founded. Many high schools and universities have baseball teams made up of student players. They usually play against other teams in their athletic conference during the spring. Professional baseball clubs often recruit outstanding A28 players from high schools, colleges, or universities.


1) easy


2) hard

тяжелый, трудный

3) merry


4) popular



1) between


2) with


3) among


4) through



1) spectators

зрители (зрелищных мероприятий)

2) spectacles


3) viewers

зрители, наблюдатели

4) specs

сокращенное от specification — спецификация


1) peoples


2) crews

бригада, экипаж (обычно на корабле)

3) teams

команды (обычно спортивные)

4) commands

приказы, команды


1) that


2) those


3) this


4) these



1) when


2) where


3) whereas

тогда как, несмторя на то

4) what



1) referees

судьи (спорт.), рефери

2) judges


3) sportsman


4) players



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Global Warming

Our planet has warmed and cooled A22 ………….. times during the 4.65 billion years of its history. At present Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities. The chief A23 ………….. of this warming is thought to be the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining more of the heat provided to the planet by the Sun. The average surface temperature of Earth is about 15’C. Over the last century, this average has A24 ………….. by about 0.6 Celsius degree. Scientists predict further warming of 1.4 to 5.8 Celsius degrees by the year 2100. This temperature rise is expected to A25 ………….. polar ice caps and glaciers as well as warm the oceans, all of which will expand ocean volume and A26 ………….. sea level by an estimated 9 to 100 cm, flooding some coastal regions and even entire islands. Some regions in warmer climates will receive more rainfall than before, but soils will dry out faster between storms. This soil drying may A27 ………….. food crops, disrupting food supplies in some parts of the world. Plant and animal species will shift their ranges toward the poles or to higher elevations seeking cooler temperatures, and species that cannot do so may become A28 ………….. .


1) much

2) a lot

3) many

4) little


1) reason

2) cause

3) question

4) matter


2) risen

2) raised

3) lifted

4) dropped


1) grind

2) damage

3) crisp

4) melt


1) risen

2) raise

3) arise

4) go up


1) harm

2) increase

3) erase

4) damage


1) die

2) extinguished

3) extinct

4) exile


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Global Warming

Our planet has warmed and cooled A22 many times during the 4.65 billion years of its history. At present Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities. The chief A23 cause of this warming is thought to be the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining more of the heat provided to the planet by the Sun. The average surface temperature of Earth is about 15’C. Over the last century, this average has A24 risen by about 0.6 Celsius degree. Scientists predict further warming of 1.4 to 5.8 Celsius degrees by the year 2100. This temperature rise is expected to A25 melt polar ice caps and glaciers as well as warm the oceans, all of which will expand ocean volume and A26 raise sea level by an estimated 9 to 100 cm, flooding some coastal regions and even entire islands. Some regions in warmer climates will receive more rainfall than before, but soils will dry out faster between storms. This soil drying may A27 damage food crops, disrupting food supplies in some parts of the world. Plant and animal species will shift their ranges toward the poles or to higher elevations seeking cooler temperatures, and species that cannot do so may become A28 extinct.


1) much

2) a lot

3) many

Many times множество раз, с time можно употребить только many

4) little


1) reason

причина (из-за чего что-то случилось; разница с cause очень скользкая)

2) cause

причина (что привело к тому, что что-то случилось; разница с reason очень скользкая)

3) question


4) matter

вопрос, дело


2) risen

Riseподниматься; непереходный глагол

2) raised

Raiseподнимать; переходный глагол

3) lifted

Liftподнимать(ся), но не употребляется с цифрами. Только в прямом значении, т.е. физически поднимать что-либо или подниматься

4) dropped

Dropронять; снижать(ся)


1) grind

молоть; полировать

2) damage

повреждать, портить

3) crisp

делать хрустящим, завивать

4) melt



1) risen

Riseподниматься; непереходный глагол (к тому же здесь глагол стоит не в нужном нам времени)

2) raise

Raiseподнимать; переходный глагол

3) arise

AriseПодниматься (о солнце, крике и т.д.); непереходный глагол

4) go up

Go up Расти, увеличиваться


1) harm

вредить, наносить ущерб (обычно с одушев.)

2) increase

поднимать(ся), увеличивать(ся)

3) erase

стирать, уничтожать следы

4) damage

повреждать, портить


1) die

не причастие, die — умирать (глагол)

2) extinguished

погашенный, потушенный

3) extinct

вымерший, пресекшийся (о роде)

4) exile

малоурожайный, неплодородный


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Customs and Traditions

In the United States most people celebrate their birthdays on the day of the month they were born. Birthdays are celebrated with family and friends. Invitations are sent for a party and mothers usually cook birthday cake decorated with candles. The number of candles A22 …………..the age of the birthday person. After the candles are lighted, the person A23 ………….. three wishes and then blows the candles out in one breath so the wishes will come true. Everybody sings «Happy Birthday» and wishes the person health and long life. It is A24 …………..to bring or send birthday cards and gifts to the birthday person. Many people send flowers; other gifts may be clothing, books, or perfumes. There are birthstones and flowers for each month of the year which can also be A25 ………….. presents. Parties for children are usually held at home. At children’s parties, children A26………….. birthday hats and get souvenirs from the birthday child. Sometimes birthdays are celebrated at school in the classroom with classmates. Mothers bring cake, candy, and refreshments for the whole class. Some parties are catered at restaurants. Parents reserve a special room for the birthday group and supply the refreshments and decorations. Some birthdays are special. Girls have a special celebration for the sixteenth birthday, called «sweet sixteen». The eighteenth birthday is important because it is the legal A27 ………….. age. The legal age for driving and drinking alcohol A28 ………….. with each state.


1) is

2) represents

3) considers

4) resembles


1) think

2) does

3) makes

4) realizes


1) custom

2) usually

3) generally

4) traditional


1) appropriate

2) necessary

3) needed

4) distinctive


1) dress

2) wear

3) bear

4) carry


1) election

2) voting

3) own

4) middle


1) differs

2) different

3) varies

4) similar


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Customs and Traditions

In the United States most people celebrate their birthdays on the day of the month they were born. Birthdays are celebrated with family and friends. Invitations are sent for a party and mothers usually cook birthday cake decorated with candles. The number of candles A22 representsthe age of the birthday person. After the candles are lighted, the person A23 makes three wishes and then blows the candles out in one breath so the wishes will come true. Everybody sings «Happy Birthday» and wishes the person health and long life. It is A24 traditionalto bring or send birthday cards and gifts to the birthday person. Many people send flowers; other gifts may be clothing, books, or perfumes. There are birthstones and flowers for each month of the year which can also be A25 appropriate presents. Parties for children are usually held at home. At children’s parties, children A26 wear birthday hats and get souvenirs from the birthday child. Sometimes birthdays are celebrated at school in the classroom with classmates. Mothers bring cake, candy, and refreshments for the whole class. Some parties are catered at restaurants. Parents reserve a special room for the birthday group and supply the refreshments and decorations. Some birthdays are special. Girls have a special celebration for the sixteenth birthday, called «sweet sixteen». The eighteenth birthday is important because it is the legal A27 voting age. The legal age for driving and drinking alcohol A28 varies with each state.


1) is


2) represents

изображает, символизирует

3) considers


4) resembles

имеет сходство


1) think

2) does

3) makes

Make a wish — загадать желание; устоявшееся выражение

4) realizes


1) custom

обычай (Это существительное, здесь должно быть прилагательное)

2) usually

обычно (Это наречие, здесь должно быть прилагательное)

3) generally

в общем (Это наречие, здесь должно быть прилагательное)

4) traditional



1) appropriate


2) necessary


3) needed


4) distinctive

отличительные, характерные


1) dress


2) wear

носить (об одежде)

3) bear

выносить (страдания и т.п.)

4) carry



1) election

2) voting

Voting age — возраст, когда можно голосовать; устоявшееся выражение

3) own

4) middle


1) differs

отличается (всегда идет с дополнением differ from smth/smb)

2) different

другой (это прилагательное, здесь должен быть глагол)

3) varies


4) similar

подобный (это прилагательное, здесь должен быть глагол)


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Plant Doctor

On a January day in 1921, a middle-aged Negro man sat in a room of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. He was waiting to talk to an important congressional committee which was meeting to A22 ………….. tariffs on products. He had made the long journey from his research laboratory in Tuskegee, Alabama, at the request of peanut farmers who wanted to A23 ………….. their growing industry from foreign imports. He had introduced them to the peanut as a soil-building valuable crop. He had also developed more than 300 separate products from this plain plant — products ranging from peanut milk and instant coffee to leather and wood stains. After several hours of waiting, a committee staff member finally told Dr. Carver that he would be allowed only ten minutes for his talk. The committee members, he said, were tired from A24 ………….. to facts and figures all day. They were A25 ………….. to end the meeting. Dr. Carver quickly began A26 ………….. to the committee his work and the important role the peanut was beginning to play in the economy of the South. By the time ten minutes were up, the congressmen had become so A27 ………….. that they asked Carver to continue. They asked question after question. For more than two hours the scientist answered. When the meeting finally ended, the congressmen stood and applauded, a rare honour for a committee witness. Three months later The Peanut World magazine published a full-page tribute to Dr. Carver for his efforts in obtaining the desired tariff. That tribute was only one of hundreds that came to this son of slave parents who had overcome hardship and prejudice to become one of the world’s most A28 ………….. botanists and agricultural chemists.


1) take

2) set

3) appoint

4) point


1) seize

2) persuade

3) defend

4) protect


1) hearing

2) presenting

3) listening

4) showing


1) anxious

2) boring

3) tiring

4) desirable


1) telling

2) explaining

3) representing

4) speaking


1) excited

2) interested

3) depressed

4) active


1) wonderful

2) beautiful

3) respectful

4) respected


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Plant Doctor

On a January day in 1921, a middle-aged Negro man sat in a room of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. He was waiting to talk to an important congressional committee which was meeting to A22 set tariffs on products. He had made the long journey from his research laboratory in Tuskegee, Alabama, at the request of peanut farmers who wanted to A23 protect their growing industry from foreign imports. He had introduced them to the peanut as a soil-building valuable crop. He had also developed more than 300 separate products from this plain plant — products ranging from peanut milk and instant coffee to leather and wood stains. After several hours of waiting, a committee staff member finally told Dr. Carver that he would be allowed only ten minutes for his talk. The committee members, he said, were tired from A24 listening to facts and figures all day. They were A25 anxious to end the meeting. Dr. Carver quickly began A26 explaining to the committee his work and the important role the peanut was beginning to play in the economy of the South. By the time ten minutes were up, the congressmen had become so A27 interested that they asked Carver to continue. They asked question after question. For more than two hours the scientist answered. When the meeting finally ended, the congressmen stood and applauded, a rare honour for a committee witness. Three months later The Peanut World magazine published a full-page tribute to Dr. Carver for his efforts in obtaining the desired tariff. That tribute was only one of hundreds that came to this son of slave parents who had overcome hardship and prejudice to become one of the world’s most A28 respected botanists and agricultural chemists.


1) take

2) set

Set tariffs — установить тарифы; устоявшееся выражение

3) appoint

4) point


1) seize


2) persuade


3) defend

защищать, защищаться (как правило в споре или суде. Так можно сказать о человеке)

4) protect

защищать, охранять


1) hearing

2) presenting

3) listening

Listen to smthслушать что-либо; из 4-х слов только listen употребляется с to

4) showing


1) anxious

To be anxious to do smthсильо желать чего-либо; остальные 3 слова не могут употребляться в такой конструкции

2) boring

3) tiring

4) desirable


1) telling

Tell X smbговорить кому-либо (используется без to)

2) explaining

Explain to smbобъяснять кому-либо

3) representing

Represent to smbобъяснять, излагать кому-либо; представить кому-либо

4) speaking

Speak to smbразговаривать с кем-либо


1) excited


2) interested


3) depressed


4) active



1) wonderful


2) beautiful


3) respectful


4) respected



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Roosevelt and the Great Depression

When Roosevelt became president, on March 4, 1933, and with his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, moved into the White House, the Great Depression was at its A22 ………….. . The American depression had begun with the stock market crash in New York City in October 1929. As a result, the banking system had collapsed. Many states had declared so-called bank holidays to A23 ………….. banks from being ruined when their clients withdrew all their money. People who had been successful suddenly found themselves penniless overnight. Sixteen million or more people were unemployed, and many had been out of A24 ………….. for a year or even longer. In 1932 nearly two million Americans were without homes moving from one locality to another. They were what Fortune magazine called the Depression’s «wandering population». Whether Americans would be A25 …………..with the new leadership depended on Roosevelt’s success in bringing aid to those in distress and in achieving some measure of economic improvement. Roosevelt’s first inaugural address, with its promise to make war upon the depression and its final phrase, «the only thing we have to fear is fear A26 …………..,» brought a new style to the U.S. presidency. Roosevelt was A27 ………….., both in himself as a leader and in the American people. The prospect of change offered hope to the millions of people trapped in the depression. But the despair and the bitterness which people felt took time to A28 ………….. away.


1) beginning

2) worst

3) middle

4) centre


1) not give

2) convince

3) prevent

4) protrude


1) home

2) house

3) work

4) employment


1) glad

2) satisfied

3) joined

4) helpful


1) us

2) ourselves

3) oneself

4) itself


1) confident

2) honest

3) believed

4) reserved


1) pass

2) leave

3) put

4) keep


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Roosevelt and the Great Depression

When Roosevelt became president, on March 4, 1933, and with his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, moved into the White House, the Great Depression was at its A22 worst. The American depression had begun with the stock market crash in New York City in October 1929. As a result, the banking system had collapsed. Many states had declared so-called bank holidays to A23 prevent banks from being ruined when their clients withdrew all their money. People who had been successful suddenly found themselves penniless overnight. Sixteen million or more people were unemployed, and many had been out of A24 work for a year or even longer. In 1932 nearly two million Americans were without homes moving from one locality to another. They were what Fortune magazine called the Depression’s «wandering population». Whether Americans would be A25 satisfiedwith the new leadership depended on Roosevelt’s success in bringing aid to those in distress and in achieving some measure of economic improvement. Roosevelt’s first inaugural address, with its promise to make war upon the depression and its final phrase, «the only thing we have to fear is fear A26 itself,» brought a new style to the U.S. presidency. Roosevelt was A27 confident, both in himself as a leader and in the American people. The prospect of change offered hope to the millions of people trapped in the depression. But the despair and the bitterness which people felt took time to A28 pass away.


1) beginning

2) worst

At its (one’s) worstв худшем состоянии; остальные 3 слова не могут быть употреблены в такой конструкции

3) middle

4) centre


1) not give

Не давать

2) convince

убеждать, уверять

3) prevent

предотвращать, предупреждать

4) protrude

выдаваться, выступать вперед


1) home

Be out of homeбыть бездомным

2) house

Be out of houseне может использоваться без артикля (Be out of the house)

3) work

Be out of workбыть безработным

4) employment

Be out of employment — нет такого сочетания


1) glad

2) satisfied

Be satisfied with smth/smbбыть удовлетворенным чем-то; остальные 3 слова с with в данном контексте не употребляются

3) joined

4) helpful


1) us

2) ourselves

3) oneself

4) itself

Fearнеодушевленное, абстрактное понятие, поэтому здесь подходит только itself


1) confident

Be confident in smth/smbбыть уверенным в ком-либо/чем-либо; остальные 3 слова не могут быть употреблены в такой грамматической конструкции

2) honest

3) believed

4) reserved


1) pass

Pass awayисчезать

2) leave

Leave away — нет такого сочетания

3) put

Put awayоткладывать (деньги)

4) keep

Keep away — нет такого сочетания (есть keep away from)


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Briar-Rose or Sleeping Beauty

Long ago there lived a king and a queen and never a day passed but they said, ‘Oh, if only we had a child!’ and yet they never had one. Then it happened one day when the queen was taking her bath that a frog crawled ashore out of the water and A22 ………….. to her, ‘Your wish is to be granted; before a year is over you will give birth to a daughter.’ It happened as the frog had said, and the queen gave birth to a little girl of such beauty that the king was so happy that he ordered a great feast. He invited to it not only his relatives and friends and acquaintances but also the wise women of the land, in the hope that they would show the child affection and favour. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but because he had only twelve golden A23 …………..for them to eat from, one of them had to stay at home. The feast was celebrated with great magnificence, and when it was over the wise-women gave their magic gifts to the child: one gave her virtue, another beauty, a third wealth, and so on, A24 …………..she had everything in the world you could wish for. Just as the eleventh of them had spoken her spell, the thirteenth suddenly entered. She meant to A25 …………..revenge for not having been invited, and without greeting or looking at anyone she A26 ………….. out in a loud voice, ‘In her fifteenth year the princess will prick herself on a spindle and fall dead.’ And without speaking another word she turned her A27………….. and left the hall. Everyone was horrified, but then the twelfth wise woman, who still had not uttered her wish, stepped forward: she could not A28 ………….. the evil spell but only lessen its effect, so she said, ‘But it will not be death the princess falls into, only a deep sleep lasting a hundred years.’


1) talked

2) said

3) spoke

4) told


1) cups

2) knives

3) forks

4) plates


1) though

2) despite

3) till

4) before


1) take

2) make

3) put

4) keep


1) said

2) spoke

3) cried

4) cursed


1) head

2) back

3) neck

4) hand


1) refuse

2) persuade

3) cancel

4) stop


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Briar-Rose or Sleeping Beauty

Long ago there lived a king and a queen and never a day passed but they said, ‘Oh, if only we had a child!’ and yet they never had one. Then it happened one day when the queen was taking her bath that a frog crawled ashore out of the water and A22 said to her, ‘Your wish is to be granted; before a year is over you will give birth to a daughter.’ It happened as the frog had said, and the queen gave birth to a little girl of such beauty that the king was so happy that he ordered a great feast. He invited to it not only his relatives and friends and acquaintances but also the wise women of the land, in the hope that they would show the child affection and favour. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but because he had only twelve golden A23 platesfor them to eat from, one of them had to stay at home. The feast was celebrated with great magnificence, and when it was over the wise-women gave their magic gifts to the child: one gave her virtue, another beauty, a third wealth, and so on, A24 tillshe had everything in the world you could wish for. Just as the eleventh of them had spoken her spell, the thirteenth suddenly entered. She meant to A25 takerevenge for not having been invited, and without greeting or looking at anyone she A26 cried out in a loud voice, ‘In her fifteenth year the princess will prick herself on a spindle and fall dead.’ And without speaking another word she turned her A27 back and left the hall. Everyone was horrified, but then the twelfth wise woman, who still had not uttered her wish, stepped forward: she could not A28 cancel the evil spell but only lessen its effect, so she said, ‘But it will not be death the princess falls into, only a deep sleep lasting a hundred years.’


1) talked

Talk to smbговорить с кем-либо

2) said

Say to smb сказать кому-либо

3) spoke

Speak to smbразговаривать с кем-либо

4) told

Tell X smbсказать кому-либо (без to)


1) cups

чашки, кубки

2) knives


3) forks


4) plates



1) though


2) despite

несмотря на

3) till

до тех пор пока (не)

4) before

раньше, прежде; перед


1) take

Take revenge мстить; устоявшееся выражение

2) make

3) put

4) keep


1) said

Say out — нет такого сочетания

2) spoke

Speak outоткровенно высказывать свое мнение; говорить громко

3) cried

Cry outвыкрикивать

4) cursed

Curse out — (используется редко) выругиваться


1) head

Turn one’s headповернуть голову

2) back

Turn one’s backразвернуться, повернуться

3) neck

Turn one’s neckповернуть шею

4) hand

Turn one’s hand повернуть руку


1) refuse


2) persuade


3) cancel


4) stop



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Walt Disney

Walt Disney’s name is known around the world, but even better known are the characters which he created — Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and countless other cartoon personalities. Disney was an American cartoon A22 ………….. and producer of animated films. Born in Chicago, he left school at the age of 16, but later studied A23 ………….. at art schools in Chicago and in Kansas City. In 1923 he began to produce animated motion pictures in Hollywood in partnership with his brother Roy О. Disney with a capital base of $280. While Walt and his staff of artists were A24 ………….. for creating the animated cartoons, Roy was engaged in the management side. This division of authority worked remarkably well. From 1926 to 1928 Disney produced a cartoon series, Oswald the Rabbit, for Universal Pictures. Steamboat Willie, produced by Disney’s own company, had synchronized sound for the first time in an animated cartoon. The cartoon starred Disney’s most popular cartoon character, Mickey Mouse. Disney himself defined the kind of personality which Mickey would have and for 20 years A25 ………….. the falsetto voice which Mickey had. Disney originated the feature-length cartoon with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and followed it with other feature-length films, such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Bambi. In the 1950s and 1960s, Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., was one of the major producers of films for theaters arid television. The company was A26 ………….. in the publication of children’s books and comic strips, most of them featuring such characters as Donald Duck and Pluto, the dog. In 1955 Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., opened a huge amusement park called Disneyland in California. Having historical reconstructions, displays, and rides, it became a famous tourist A27 ………….. . Meanwhile, in addition to cartoons, the company made several documentary films, including The Living Desert and Secrets of Life. Beginning in 1950 the company made such live-action films as Treasure Island, Robin Hood, and Mary Poppins. During his career as a film-maker Disney received 26 Academy A28 ………….. .


1) actor

2) artist

3) entertainer

4) worker


1) shortly

2) little

3) a few

4) briefly


1) busy

2) accountable

3) responsible

4) working


1) provided

2) realized

3) said

4) told


1) aimed

2) busy

3) involved

4) included


1) place

2) attraction

3) guide

4) agency


1) awards

2) rewards

3) medals

4) recognitions


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Walt Disney

Walt Disney’s name is known around the world, but even better known are the characters which he created — Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and countless other cartoon personalities. Disney was an American cartoon A22 artist and producer of animated films. Born in Chicago, he left school at the age of 16, but later studied A23 briefly at art schools in Chicago and in Kansas City. In 1923 he began to produce animated motion pictures in Hollywood in partnership with his brother Roy О. Disney with a capital base of $280. While Walt and his staff of artists were A24 responsible for creating the animated cartoons, Roy was engaged in the management side. This division of authority worked remarkably well. From 1926 to 1928 Disney produced a cartoon series, Oswald the Rabbit, for Universal Pictures. Steamboat Willie, produced by Disney’s own company, had synchronized sound for the first time in an animated cartoon. The cartoon starred Disney’s most popular cartoon character, Mickey Mouse. Disney himself defined the kind of personality which Mickey would have and for 20 years A25 provided the falsetto voice which Mickey had. Disney originated the feature-length cartoon with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and followed it with other feature-length films, such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Bambi. In the 1950s and 1960s, Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., was one of the major producers of films for theaters arid television. The company was A26 involved in the publication of children’s books and comic strips, most of them featuring such characters as Donald Duck and Pluto, the dog. In 1955 Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., opened a huge amusement park called Disneyland in California. Having historical reconstructions, displays, and rides, it became a famous tourist A27 attraction. Meanwhile, in addition to cartoons, the company made several documentary films, including The Living Desert and Secrets of Life. Beginning in 1950 the company made such live-action films as Treasure Island, Robin Hood, and Mary Poppins. During his career as a film-maker Disney received 26 Academy A28 awards.


1) actor


2) artist

художник, творец

3) entertainer

эстрадный артист; тот, кто развлекает

4) worker



1) shortly

коротко, кратко

2) little

Мало (с неисчисл)

3) a few

Мало (с исчисл)

4) briefly

Сжато, мимолетом


1) busy

2) accountable

3) responsible

Be responsible for smth/doing smthбыть ответственным за что-либо; остальные 3 слова не могут быть употреблены в такой грамматической конструкции

4) working


1) provided


2) realized


3) said

сказал ( не может быть употреблено здесь грамматически)

4) told

сказал ( не может быть употреблено здесь грамматически)


1) aimed

Be aimed in smth — нет такого сочетания

2) busy

Be busy in smth быть занятым в чем-либо

3) involved

Be involved in smth быть задействованным в чем-либо

4) included

Be included in smth быть включенным во что-либо


1) place

2) attraction

Tourist attractionтуристические достопримечательности; устоявшееся выражение

3) guide

4) agency


1) awards

Academy Awardsпремия «Оскар»; устоявшееся выражение

2) rewards

3) medals

4) recognitions


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A Pair of Shoes

Mr Black was just shutting his shoe shop at the end of the day when he saw a man in a well-cut suit walk in. The man wanted Mr Black to show him an expensive pair of shoes. It was a stroke of A22 …………..: such shoes meant a large sum of money. Chatting pleasantly, Mr Black showed him the most expensive suede pair. But the man insisted on a leather one. There was something about the way the man talking that made Mr Black feel A23 ………….. . He thought he had seen the man before somewhere and then he remembered where. Mr Black A24 ………….. across his photo in a magazine and saw it on TV. The man was a criminal and was wanted by the police. «If I sell him shoes that are not comfortable, he will return to change them,» Mr Black thought. «But I am not sure I will be able to sell them to him.» Then Mr Black decided that he would try. The man A25 …………..on a few pairs before he bought the pair that Mr Black strongly recommended. «They are a bit A26 …………..,» he complained. «They will stretch, sir,» Mr Black said. «Just buy them. You will never regret it. What size do you wear, sir? Shall I wrap them for you?» «O.K., do it,» answered the man. As Mr Black expected, the man came into the shop the next day to A27 ………….. about the shoes. As he entered the shop he was surrounded by the police. Mr Black exclaimed: «I have done it! Yesterday I deliberately sold the man a pair of shoes that was a size too small. I knew he would A28 ………….. them back the next day!»


1) news

2) surprise

3) luck

4) happiness


1) worrying

2) suspicious

3) trembling

4) responsible


1) came

2) found

3) took

4) gave


1) tried

2) took

3) got

4) gave


1) solid

2) loose

3) stable

4) tight


1) admit

2) tell

3) complain

4) regret


1) take

2) bring

3) get

4) exchange


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A Pair of Shoes

Mr Black was just shutting his shoe shop at the end of the day when he saw a man in a well-cut suit walk in. The man wanted Mr Black to show him an expensive pair of shoes. It was a stroke of A22 luck: such shoes meant a large sum of money. Chatting pleasantly, Mr Black showed him the most expensive suede pair. But the man insisted on a leather one. There was something about the way the man talking that made Mr Black feel A23 suspicious. He thought he had seen the man before somewhere and then he remembered where. Mr Black A24 came across his photo in a magazine and saw it on TV. The man was a criminal and was wanted by the police. «If I sell him shoes that are not comfortable, he will return to change them,» Mr Black thought. «But I am not sure I will be able to sell them to him.» Then Mr Black decided that he would try. The man A25 triedon a few pairs before he bought the pair that Mr Black strongly recommended. «They are a bit A26 tight,» he complained. «They will stretch, sir,» Mr Black said. «Just buy them. You will never regret it. What size do you wear, sir? Shall I wrap them for you?» «O.K., do it,» answered the man. As Mr Black expected, the man came into the shop the next day to A27 complain about the shoes. As he entered the shop he was surrounded by the police. Mr Black exclaimed: «I have done it! Yesterday I deliberately sold the man a pair of shoes that was a size too small. I knew he would A28 take them back the next day!»


1) news

2) surprise

3) luck

A stroke/bit of luckудача; устоявшееся выражение

4) happiness


1) worrying


2) suspicious

недоверчивый, подозрительный

3) trembling


4) responsible



1) came

Come acrossнатыкаться на что-либо (случайно); остальных трех сочетаний не существует

2) found

3) took

4) gave


1) tried

Try onпримерять (одежду)

2) took

Take onпринимать на службу; браться за работу

3) got

Get onНадевать что-либо; делать успехи; ладить

4) gave

Give on — нет такого сочетания


1) solid

твердый; надежный

2) loose

просторный (об одежде)

3) stable


4) tight



1) admit


2) tell


3) complain


4) regret



1) take

Take smth backвернуть что-либо назад в магазин

2) bring

Bring smth backпринести что-либо назад; ввести что-либо вновь в практику

3) get

Get smth back получить что-либо назад

4) exchange

Exchange smth back — нет такого сочетания


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Hector Johnson was a silent man of perhaps thirty-eight. Many years ago he was a sheepman, but then he got A22 …………..of his sheep, sold his ranch and moved to Santa Rosa. His only wish was to grow strawberries. When his strawberries began to ripen, Hector bought a heavy whip as all children of Santa Rosa watched the berries growing and tried to get into his garden. One day Hector saw the neighbour’s children eating his strawberries. He took his whip and went into the garden. The children started to run and soon disappeared. He turned round and stood A23 ………….. . He saw Panchitta, a young and beautiful girl, who was his neighbour’s eldest daughter. She put a big red strawberry into her mouth. Then she giggled and slowly left his garden. He was shocked so much that he did not say a word. After this a strange thing happened A24 ………….. Hector. For the first time in his life he fell in love with a young and beautiful girl. He bought a carriage and a fine horse and every day he drove out with the girl. He began to wear nice clothes, and he took her to dances and parties. No man ever tried so A25 ………….. to be young as he did. One day when he came up to Panchitta’s house a bit earlier than he promised, he heard the children laughing. He looked into the open door and saw Panchitta who was dressed in man’s clothes. She was A26 …………..her brothers and sisters. He at once understood whom she was acting, and quietly left. Twenty minutes later Panchitta came to his gate. She could not understand why he had not come. Then Hector came out. He was A27 ………….. his old clothes and he did not A28…………..how old he looked. «Go home and play some more theatricals!» he said to the girl. But Panchitta did not move. And in her eyes he read that she would never leave him even if he used a whip.


1) through

2) troubled

3) tired

4) around


1) silent

2) motionless

3) unspoken

4) immovable


1) with

2) upon

3) to

4) about


1) hard

2) hardly

3) efficiently

4) tough


1) teaching

2) looking

3) amusing

4) showing


1) putting on

2) wearing

3) dressing

4) taking off


1) care

2) like

3) want

4) imagine


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Hector Johnson was a silent man of perhaps thirty-eight. Many years ago he was a sheepman, but then he got A22 tired of his sheep, sold his ranch and moved to Santa Rosa. His only wish was to grow strawberries. When his strawberries began to ripen, Hector bought a heavy whip as all children of Santa Rosa watched the berries growing and tried to get into his garden. One day Hector saw the neighbour’s children eating his strawberries. He took his whip and went into the garden. The children started to run and soon disappeared. He turned round and stood A23 motionless. He saw Panchitta, a young and beautiful girl, who was his neighbour’s eldest daughter. She put a big red strawberry into her mouth. Then she giggled and slowly left his garden. He was shocked so much that he did not say a word. After this a strange thing happened A24 to Hector. For the first time in his life he fell in love with a young and beautiful girl. He bought a carriage and a fine horse and every day he drove out with the girl. He began to wear nice clothes, and he took her to dances and parties. No man ever tried so A25 hard to be young as he did. One day when he came up to Panchitta’s house a bit earlier than he promised, he heard the children laughing. He looked into the open door and saw Panchitta who was dressed in man’s clothes. She was A26 amusingher brothers and sisters. He at once understood whom she was acting, and quietly left. Twenty minutes later Panchitta came to his gate. She could not understand why he had not come. Then Hector came out. He was A27 wearing his old clothes and he did not A28 carehow old he looked. «Go home and play some more theatricals!» he said to the girl. But Panchitta did not move. And in her eyes he read that she would never leave him even if he used a whip.


1) through

2) troubled

3) tired

Be/get tired of smthутомиться, устать от чего-либо; остальные 3 слова не употребляются с of

4) around


1) silent


2) motionless

неподвижный, без движения, неспособный двигаться

3) unspoken


4) immovable

неподвижный, недвижимый; непоколебимый


1) with

2) upon

3) to

Happen to smbслучиться, произойти с кем-либо; happen употребляется с to

4) about


1) hard


2) hardly


3) efficiently

эффективно, как следует

4) tough

жестко; тяжело


1) teaching

Teach smb учить кого-либо

2) looking

Look smb — нет такого сочетания; не употребляется без предлога (look for smb, look at smb и т.д.)

3) amusing

Amuse smb развлекать кого-либо

4) showing

Show smb smthне употребляется без дополнения (показать что-то)


1) putting on

Put onнадевать

2) wearing


3) dressing


4) taking off

Take offснимать


1) care

тревожиться, беспокоиться

2) like


3) want


4) imagine



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Once A22 ………….. was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. It happened that he had to go and speak to the King, and in A23 ………….. to make himself important he said to him, «I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold.» The King said to the miller, «That is an art which pleases me well; if your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her tomorrow to my palace, and I will try what she can do.» And when the girl was brought to him he took her into a room which was quite full of straw, gave her a spinning-wheel and a reel, and said, «Now sit to work, and if by tomorrow morning early you have not spun this straw into gold during the night, you must die.» Then he himself locked up the room, and left her in it alone. So there sat the poor miller’s daughter, and she had no idea how straw could be spun into gold, and she grew more and more A24 ………….., until at last she began to weep. But all at once the door opened and a little man came in and said, «Good evening, Mistress Miller; why are you crying?» «Alas!» answered the girl, «I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know how to do it.» «What will you give me,» said the dwarf, «if I do it for you?» «My necklace,» said the girl. The little man took the necklace, A25 ………….. himself in front of the wheel, and «whirr, whirr, whirr,» three turns, and the reel was full; then he put another on, and «whirr, whirr, whirr,» three times round, and the second was full too. And so it A26…………..on until the morning, when all the straw was spun, and all the reels were full of gold. By daybreak the King was already there, and when he saw the gold he was astonished and delighted, but his heart became only A27 ………….. . He had the miller’s daughter taken into another room full of straw, which was much larger, and ordered her to spin that also in one night if she A28 ………….. her life.


1) it

2) this

3) that

4) there


1) belief

2) thought

3) order

4) attempt


1) worrying

2) amazed

3) capable

4) miserable


1) seated

2) sat

3) set

4) sit


1) finished

2) went

3) came

4) passed


1) generous

2) pleased

3) worse

4) greedier


1) won

2) valued

3) appreciated

4) cared


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Once A22 there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. It happened that he had to go and speak to the King, and in A23 order to make himself important he said to him, «I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold.» The King said to the miller, «That is an art which pleases me well; if your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her tomorrow to my palace, and I will try what she can do.» And when the girl was brought to him he took her into a room which was quite full of straw, gave her a spinning-wheel and a reel, and said, «Now sit to work, and if by tomorrow morning early you have not spun this straw into gold during the night, you must die.» Then he himself locked up the room, and left her in it alone. So there sat the poor miller’s daughter, and she had no idea how straw could be spun into gold, and she grew more and more A24 miserable, until at last she began to weep. But all at once the door opened and a little man came in and said, «Good evening, Mistress Miller; why are you crying?» «Alas!» answered the girl, «I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know how to do it.» «What will you give me,» said the dwarf, «if I do it for you?» «My necklace,» said the girl. The little man took the necklace, A25 seated himself in front of the wheel, and «whirr, whirr, whirr,» three turns, and the reel was full; then he put another on, and «whirr, whirr, whirr,» three times round, and the second was full too. And so it A26 wenton until the morning, when all the straw was spun, and all the reels were full of gold. By daybreak the King was already there, and when he saw the gold he was astonished and delighted, but his heart became only A27 greedier. He had the miller’s daughter taken into another room full of straw, which was much larger, and ordered her to spin that also in one night if she A28 valued her life.


1) it

2) this

3) that

4) there

There was a miller — жил мельник; Когда мы говорим о предмете, и его существовании в общем, мы используем оборот there is/there are


1) belief

In belief to — нет такого сочетания

2) thought

In thought to — нет такого сочетания

3) order

In order to — для того, чтобы

4) attempt

In AN attempt toв попытке что-либо сделать; обычно с артиклем


1) worrying


2) amazed


3) capable


4) miserable

печальный, несчастный


1) seated

Seat oneselfзанять определенное место (как здесь — in front of the wheel), усадиться, усесться,

2) sat

Sit oneselfусаживаться (не перед определенным местом)

3) set

Set oneself — нет такого сочетания

4) sit

Sit oneself — усаживаться (не перед определенным местом) + не подходит по времени


1) finished

Finish on — нет такого сочетания

2) went

Go onпродолжаться

3) came

Come on наступать, надвигаться

4) passed

Pass on (to smth) — переходить, продолжать дальше (что-либо другое)


1) generous

великодушный, добрый

2) pleased


3) worse


4) greedier

более жадный


1) won

Win smthвыигрывать что-либо

2) valued

Value smth ценить что-либо

3) appreciated

Appreciate smthоцениватьчто-либо

4) cared

Care smth — не употребляется без предлога


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Dreadful Monster

I heard this story from a man with whom we were travelling by the Indian Pacific, a train which makes a journey from the western territory to the eastern coast of Australia every two weeks. The A22 ………….. of the Indian Pacific, which derived its name from the two oceans it connects, is long and indirect. A passenger can devote hours simply to the views in the train’s windows. That’s why after a substantial breakfast my companion and I passed the time looking into the window. Besides eagles, we could see kangaroos and emus which grazed close to the track. Then we saw a farm and a small A23………….. of cattle. There were sheep, some cows and a large bull. Suddenly my companion asked: «Do you know who is the most A24 ………….. animal in the world?» — «A tiger,» I replied without any hesitation. «No, you are A25………….. . It is a bull.» And he told me the following story. «I was working in a small aircraft company then. We delivered vegetables, fruit, and sometimes cattle by air. It was not a surprise for us that the plane was hired to transport a large bull from one part of the country to the other. I went to check the wooden crate and was sure that it looked safe. Soon the plane A26 ………….. off and our dramatic flight started. At first all went well, but suddenly we heard a loud crack. The bull broke loose from his crate and rushed into the flight cabin. For a moment we were at a A27 ………….. . Then the captain seized the bull’s nose-ring and pulled him away. I made an emergency A28 …………..in a field. We both jumped out safe, while the bull crashed about inside our tiny plane, smashing everything to pieces!»


1) travel

2) trip

3) route

4) road


1) herd

2) crowd

3) school

4) pack


1) wild

2) cruel

3) dangerous

4) mean


1) mistake

2) faulty

3) mistaken

4) imperfect


1) flew

2) took

3) put

4) brought


1) loss

2) uncertainty

3) trouble

4) danger


1) stop

2) finish

3) ending

4) landing


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Dreadful Monster

I heard this story from a man with whom we were travelling by the Indian Pacific, a train which makes a journey from the western territory to the eastern coast of Australia every two weeks. The A22 route of the Indian Pacific, which derived its name from the two oceans it connects, is long and indirect. A passenger can devote hours simply to the views in the train’s windows. That’s why after a substantial breakfast my companion and I passed the time looking into the window. Besides eagles, we could see kangaroos and emus which grazed close to the track. Then we saw a farm and a small A23 herd of cattle. There were sheep, some cows and a large bull. Suddenly my companion asked: «Do you know who is the most A24 dangerous animal in the world?» — «A tiger,» I replied without any hesitation. «No, you are A25 mistaken. It is a bull.» And he told me the following story. «I was working in a small aircraft company then. We delivered vegetables, fruit, and sometimes cattle by air. It was not a surprise for us that the plane was hired to transport a large bull from one part of the country to the other. I went to check the wooden crate and was sure that it looked safe. Soon the plane A26 took off and our dramatic flight started. At first all went well, but suddenly we heard a loud crack. The bull broke loose from his crate and rushed into the flight cabin. For a moment we were at a A27 loss. Then the captain seized the bull’s nose-ring and pulled him away. I made an emergency A28 landingin a field. We both jumped out safe, while the bull crashed about inside our tiny plane, smashing everything to pieces!»


1) travel


2) trip


3) route

путь (обычно употребляется с водой: морем, океаном и т.д.)

4) road



1) herd


2) crowd


3) school


4) pack



1) wild


2) cruel

жестокий, безжалостный

3) dangerous


4) mean



1) mistake

Be A mistakeупотребляется с артиклем, так как mistake — существительное

2) faulty

Be faultyбыть неисправным, поврежденным

3) mistaken

Be mistakenзаблуждаться, ошибаться

4) imperfect

Be imperfectбыть несовершенным


1) flew

2) took

Take offвзлететь; употребляется с воздушными суднами как устоявшийся фразовый глагол, ничего другого здесь быть не может

3) put

4) brought


1) loss

Be at a lossбыть в затруднительномположении; устоявшееся выражение

2) uncertainty

3) trouble

4) danger


1) stop


2) finish

финиш, конец

3) ending

завершение, окончание

4) landing



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Miss Martha’s Bread

Miss Martha was 40 years old but she was not married. She had her own bakery, where she sold bread, both A22 …………..and stale which was cheaper. There was a customer who called at her shop two or three times a week. The man was not young but he was very pleasant. He wore cheap clothes but they looked nice on him. He always bought stale bread. Miss Martha decided that he was a poor artist. She liked the man and began to think of him. She wanted to know more about him. She even bought some cold creme to make her face look nicer and began to wear her best dress in the bakery. She wanted to help the poor man but did not know how. Once when her customer called on her to buy stale bread, a bright idea A23 ………….. Miss Martha. As the customer stood with his back to her, she put some butter into his stale bread. The next day two men came into the shop. One of them was the artist and the other was a young man she had never seen before. The artist was very angry. He A24 ………….. his fists and shook them in Miss Martha’s face. Then he shouted, «You have spoiled everything, I want to tell you! You are a meddlesome old cat!» The young man took the artist by the A25 ………….. and dragged him into the street. Then he returned and explained to Miss Martha everything: «We work together in the same office. We use stale bread to A26 ………….. away pencil lines from our plans. We have worked at a plan of a new district for six months. We finishedи it this morning and began to rub pencil lines from it with your bread. You see, as there was butter in it, the plan is good for A27 …………..and we cannot show it to anybody now.» When the men left, Miss Martha went to her room. She took off her best dress and A28 ………….. on an old one. Then she went up to the window and threw the cold creme into the street.


1) new


3) rye

4) fresh


1) beat

2) came

3) struck

4) occurred


1) rose

2) lifted

3) increased

4) raised


1) hand

2) shoulder

3) arm

4) collar


1) take

2) give

3) keep

4) hide


1) somebody

2) nothing

3) anyone

4) nowhere


1) dressed

2) wore

3) took

4) put

If someone has ever said “truer words have never been spoken” in response to something you’ve said, well, pat yourself on the back. You’ve obviously said something quite clever.

But what exactly does this phrase mean, and when is it generally used? Read on to find out!

The phrase “truer words have never been spoken” means that you agree wholeheartedly with something someone has said whether privately or in a public announcement. The phrase has political origins, so is most frequently used to express approval of ideological or political statements.

Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken - Meaning

At first glance, the phrase “truer words have never been spoken” may come across as unnecessarily verbose. Surely “I agree” has the same effect.

However, the emotive nature of this phrase is most likely quite intentional considering its political origins. Politicians are notoriously theatrical, but more on that later!

How to Use “Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken” in a Sentence

The phrase “truer words have never been spoken” is a sentence in itself. That being said, it wouldn’t hurt to look at some of the contexts in which this phrase can be used:

  • The Vice President said that capitalism is the root of every evil we currently face in our society. In my opinion, truer words have never been spoken.
  • Desmond Tutu once said that to be neutral in situations of injustice is to take the side of the oppressor, and truer words have never been spoken.
  • “Truer words have never been spoken,” he said, before leaving the room for good.

Have you noticed anything about the context of these sentences? Let’s talk origin stories!

Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken – Origin

The phrase “truer words have never been spoken” has political origins. It was M.E. Grant Duffy, an English MP, who said it first in 1878, just over a decade after the American Civil War had concluded.

During a discussion in Downing Street about the ongoings in Asia, another MP expressed concerns about the UK’s hostile engagement with Russia. Duffy gave emphatic agreement to these concerns using the phrase “truer words have never been spoken”.

Thereafter, the phrase seems to have caught on over time.

Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken – Similar Quotes

There are a number of quotes and idioms out there that express the same emphatic agreement with a statement as “truer words have never been spoken”.Here are some examples:

  • So true
  • You’ve hit the nail on the head
  • No doubt about it
  • My thoughts exactly
  • True that
  • I have to agree

Phrases That Mean the Opposite of “Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken”

Since “truer words have never been spoken” expresses agreement, any opposite phrase should express emphatic disagreement:

  • That’s absolute rubbish
  • Those words ring false
  • I have to disagree

Correct Ways to Say “Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken”

There are many suitable variations of the phrase “truer words have never been spoken”, so let’s look at a few of them now:

  • Truer words were never spoken
  • No truer words have been spoken
  • Truer words have never before been spoken

Incorrect Ways to Use “Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken”

The phrase “truer words have never been spoken” may, on occasion, be confused with the following proverb:

  • Never a truer word said in jest
  • Many a true word is spoken in jest

These phrases do not carry the same meaning as our phrase of the day, since they are not used to express emphatic agreement per se.

Rather, this phrase is saying that people often express their true feelings in the humorous remarks they make.

In What Situations Can You Use “Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken”?

You can use the phrase “truer words have never been spoken” when you emphatically agree with a statement made by someone else. This phrase is especially appropriate in formal and political contexts.

The phrase also makes a good crossword clue. Ten letters across: AMENTOTHAT.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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  • But in word usage
  • But in word and deed
  • But in my mind i whisper every single word you said
  • But i can never found the word to say
  • But i can hear the word you say