Business word vocabulary lists

500+ Business Vocabulary Words List In English | Business Vocabulary

500+ Business Vocabulary Words List In English | Business Vocabulary

500+ Business Vocabulary Words list in English. All the common and daily use business vocabulary words are listed here. You can use these vocabulary words with your boss and other professionals in meetings.

What Are Some Business Vocabulary Words?

  • Scarcity
  • Negotiate
  • Proposal
  • Advertisement
  • Interest rate
  • Profit
  • Director
  • Dividend
  • Experience
  • Online
  • Portfolio
  • Superintendent
  • Business card
  • Demand
  • Shipment
  • Workspace

Business Vocabulary Words List In English

Professional Business Vocabulary

  • Scarcity
  • Negotiate
  • Proposal
  • Advertisement
  • Interest rate
  • Profit
  • Director
  • Dividend
  • Experience
  • Online
  • Portfolio
  • Superintendent
  • Business card
  • Demand
  • Shipment
  • Workspace
  • Income tax
  • Plan
  • Pay
  • Growth
  • Stock
  • Costs
  • Diversify
  • Banknote
  • Mainframe
  • Economical
  • Deal
  • Credit card
  • Remuneration
  • Distribution
  • Sign
  • Deficit
  • Employer
  • Partner
  • Outgoing
  • Decrease
  • Deadline
  • Job
  • Office
  • Risk
  • Market
  • Terms
  • Organization
  • Petty cash
  • Vice-president
  • Wastebasket
  • Business
  • Dismiss
  • Lend
  • Shareholder
  • Loan
  • Interview
  • Cost
  • Unsocial hours
  • Tax
  • Down payment
  • Video conference
  • Database
  • Report
  • Niche
  • Manage
  • Laptop
  • Proxy
  • Payment
  • Manager
  • Opportunity
  • Launch
  • Retailer
  • Contract
  • Inventory
  • Yield
  • Venture
  • Income
  • Spreadsheet
  • Cold call
  • Quit
  • Break-even
  • Hours
  • Duty
  • Notice
  • Accounts
  • Corporate
  • Agenda
  • Accruals
  • Success
  • Liability
  • Fax
  • Authorization
  • Trademark
  • Log-in
  • Consumer
  • Marketing
  • Earning
  • Clause
  • Close
  • Temp
  • Advertise
  • Merchant
  • Occupation
  • Order
  • Rank
  • Recruiter
  • Cashier
  • Goal
  • Treasurer
  • Career
  • Tariff
  • Purchasing
  • Confirmation
  • Letterhead
  • Bill of lading
  • Currency

500+ Business Vocabulary Words List In English | Business Vocabulary

International Business Vocabulary

  • Volume
  • Promotion
  • Finance
  • Motherboard
  • Delivery
  • Lease
  • Resign
  • Quarterly
  • Secretary
  • President
  • Employee
  • Password
  • Fire
  • Customer
  • Application
  • Production
  • Monthly
  • Unemployment
  • Duties
  • Policy
  • Purchase
  • Rise
  • Economics
  • Foreman
  • Incentive
  • Capitalist
  • Overhead
  • Chairwoman
  • Board of directors
  • Wage
  • Presentation
  • Retire
  • Estimate
  • Vacation time
  • Collateral
  • Withdraw
  • Wholesale
  • Borrow
  • Saleswoman
  • Shipping
  • Merchandise
  • Upload
  • Memo
  • Net worth
  • Leave
  • Freight
  • Product
  • Efficiency
  • Board
  • Typewriter
  • Headquarters
  • Quarter
  • Lucrative
  • Cubicle
  • Retail
  • Capital
  • Corporation
  • Laborer
  • Work
  • Guarantee
  • No-win
  • Buy
  • Signature
  • Debit
  • Offline
  • Position
  • Framework
  • Invest
  • Guidebook
  • Overtime
  • Gross
  • Monopoly
  • Sick leave
  • Penalty
  • Advantage
  • Public holidays
  • Typeface
  • Commerce
  • Deflation
  • Bottom line
  • Boss
  • Entrepreneur
  • Username
  • Facilities
  • Management
  • Negotiation
  • Copyright
  • Wholesaler
  • Win-win
  • Purchase order
  • Billboard
  • Shop
  • Budget
  • Strike
  • Compromise
  • Coupon
  • Fund
  • Investment
  • Economy of scale
  • Co-worker
  • Interest
  • Benefits
  • Biannual
  • Headhunter
  • Bookkeeping
  • Unit cost
  • Credit
  • Commission
  • Offer
  • Weekly
  • Insurance
  • Import

500+ Business Vocabulary Words List In English | Business Vocabulary

Common Business Vocabulary Words List

  • Make redundant
  • Expenses
  • Part-time
  • Financial
  • Target
  • Trainee
  • Employment
  • Mailbox
  • Worker
  • Figures
  • Client
  • Vacancy
  • Union
  • Employ
  • Trade-off
  • Workroom
  • Disadvantage
  • Seller
  • Open
  • Lead
  • Salesman
  • Hourly
  • Prime rate
  • Chairman
  • Commodity
  • Low
  • Department
  • Supervisor
  • Discount
  • Net
  • Overdraft
  • Recruit
  • Packing list
  • Full-time
  • Meeting
  • Waybill
  • Transaction
  • Ads
  • High
  • Ship
  • Paperweight
  • Bill
  • Bond
  • Sale
  • Competition
  • Owner
  • Arbitration
  • Buyer
  • Sell
  • Sales tax
  • Result
  • Notebook
  • Brand
  • Profitable
  • Calculate
  • Intern
  • Company
  • Money
  • Facility
  • Trade
  • Accounting
  • Merger
  • Agreement
  • Briefcase
  • Feedback
  • Mogul
  • Trend
  • Receipt
  • Loss
  • Debt
  • Treasury
  • Charge
  • Prospects
  • Commercial
  • Service
  • Principal
  • Invoice
  • Staff
  • Inflation
  • Perk
  • Increase
  • Network
  • Graph
  • Export
  • Price
  • Cargo
  • Statement
  • Bonus
  • Industry
  • Affordable
  • Supply
  • Mouse pad
  • Personnel
  • Accountant
  • Corner office
  • Maternity leave
  • Warranty
  • Salary
  • Refund
  • Goods
  • Upgrade
  • Support
  • Improvement
  • Equipment
  • Stockholder
  • Hire
  • Executive
  • Labor
  • Factory
  • Output
  • Download
  • Annual

500+ Business Vocabulary Words List In English | Business Vocabulary

Business English vocabulary is the vocabulary about the business contexts, such as finance, banking, international trade, investment, commerce, advertising, marketing etc, so it may be difficult to understand even for many native speakers of English. One another side of learning business vocabulary is that it needs to be specialised on negotiating and making a presentations.

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Top 140 business English vocabulary

  • advantage: favorable or superior position
  • advertise: describe or draw attention to something for promotion
  • advice: guidance or recommendations
  • agenda: a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting
  • authorization: official permission
  • bill: a piece of paper money
  • brand: a product of a particular company under a particular name
  • budget: an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time
  • capital : money or possessions that can be used for business purposes
  • change: coins as opposed to paper currency
  • commission: money paid for commercial transaction
  • competition: making an effort to gain or win something against others
  • competitor: one that is engaged in commercial or economic competition with others
  • confirmation: the truth or correctness
  • costs: an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy something
  • creditor: a person or company to whom money is owed
  • customer: one that buys goods or services
  • deadline: the latest time or date
  • debt: something, typically money, that is owed
  • debtor: one that owes a sum of money
  • decision: a conclusion after thinking about something
  • decrease: become smaller or fewer
  • deficit: spending more money than the money received
  • delivery: to bring and hand over to the recipient
  • department: a division of a large organization
  • difference: being not the same
  • disadvantage: an bad circumstance or condition
  • Discount: price reduction
  • distribution: sharing among recipients
  • drop: let or make (something) fall vertically
  • employ: give work to (someone) and pay them for it
  • employee: worker
  • employer: patron
  • encourage: give support, confidence, or hope
  • enquiry: asking for information
  • environment: the surroundings or conditions
  • equipment: the necessary items
  • establish: set up
  • estimate: roughly calculate or judge
  • exchange: giving one thing and receiving another in return
  • experience:  knowledge or skill from doing or seeing something
  • explanation: a statement to make something clear
  • extend: cover a larger area
  • facilities: necessities for doing something
  • factory: a building where goods are manufactured
  • feedback: information about reactions
  • fund: provide with money
  • get worse: become more severe
  • goal: target, aim
  • goods: merchandise or possessions
  • growth: the process of increasing in physical size
  • guarantee: a formal promise or assurance
  • improve: make or become better
  • improvement: instance of getting better
  • increase: instance of growing
  • industry: economic activity of processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods
  • inform: give facts or information; tell
  • install: place or fix in position ready for use
  • instructions: tell someone how to make or use something
  • interest: money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent
  • inventory: a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building
  • invest: expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material
  • invoice: bill
  • join: link; connect
  • knowledge: facts, information, and skills acquired by a person
  • lend: grant the use of on the understanding that it shall be returned
  • limit: a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass
  • loss: having less or none of something
  • maintain: cause or enable to continue
  • manage: administer; run
  • margin: the edge or border of something
  • market: an area in which commercial dealings are conducted
  • mention: a reference to someone or something
  • objective: goal
  • obtain: get, acquire
  • offer: to provide or supply something
  • opinion: a view or judgement
  • option: a thing that may be chosen
  • order: give an authoritative direction; request something
  • organise: order
  • output: an amount that a person, machine, or organization produces
  • owe: have an obligation to pay or repay
  • own: possess
  • participate: take par
  • pay: give money that is due
  • payment: an amount paid or payable
  • penalty: punishment
  • permission: consent; authorization
  • possibility: a thing that may happen
  • preparation: making ready or being made ready
  • present: give something formally or ceremonially
  • prevent: keep from happening
  • price: the amount of money a sold item
  • process: a series of actions or steps taken for a particular end
  • produce: make or manufacture from components or raw materials
  • product: an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale
  • production: the action of making or manufacturing
  • profit: financial gain
  • promise: a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing
  • promotion: activities of advertising something; raising someone to a higher position
  • provide: make available for use; supply
  • purchase: get something by paying for it
  • raise: lift or move to a higher position or level
  • reach: stretch out in order to touch or grasp something
  • receive: get
  • reduce: make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size
  • reduction: making smaller or less in amount
  • refund: pay the money back
  • refuse: showing that one is not willing to do something
  • reject: refuse
  • remind: cause (someone) to remember someone or something
  • remove: take (something) away or off; eliminate
  • repairs: fixing or mending something
  • reply: a verbal or written answer
  • report: give a spoken or written account of something
  • resign: voluntarily leave a job or other position
  • respond: say something in reply
  • responsibility: something that it is your job or duty
  • result: a consequence, effect, or outcome of something
  • retailer: a person or shop that sells goods to the public
  • return: come or go back; give, put, or send (something) back
  • rise: go up; move from a lower position to a higher one
  • risk: a situation involving exposure to danger
  • salary: a fixed regular payment
  • sales: number of sold items;
  • schedule: programme; a plan for a process or procedure
  • sell: give or hand over (something) in exchange for money
  • separate: cause to move or be apart
  • share: one of the equal parts into which a capital of a company is divided
  • shipping: sending goods from one place to another
  • shorten: make or become shorter
  • signature: a letter or figure of a person’s identification in authorizing a document
  • stock: the goods or merchandise of a business for sale or distribution
  • success:  accomplishment of an aim
  • suggestion: an idea or plan put forward for consideration
  • supply: provide; make something available
  • support: give assistance to
  • target: aim; goal
  • transaction: a business deal
  • transport: take or carry from one place to another

Flip the card memory game

Read the definition on the card below and then guess the meaning of it. To check your answer click on the card to see the answer.

❯❯ Sales and Marketing vocabulary for business English
❯❯ Money, Finance and Banking vocabulary for business English
❯❯ Advertising vocabulary for business English
❯❯ Project Management vocabulary for business English
❯❯ International Trade (Import-Export) vocabulary for business English
❯❯ Human Resources vocabulary for business English
❯❯ Investment Vocabulary for business English

Business English vocabulary exercises

Memory cards


External resource links:
A nice source is also here. You can click here to read about business English or here to listen podcasts about business English. This is another source to learn business English online. You can also see some nice videos on Youtube here.

300+ Business Vocabulary Words list in English. All the common and daily use business vocabulary words are listed here. You can use these vocabulary words with your boss and other professionals in meetings.

Table of Contents

What is Business or Professional Vocabulary?

The vocabulary words that we use in office with our boss, employee, with colleagues or other official work places. Business or Professional vocabulary helps you a lot during your meetings and presentations. If you use professional vocabulary words it is beneficial for both speaker and listeners around the world wide.

What are some Business vocabulary words?

  • Scarcity
  • Negotiate
  • Proposal
  • Advertisement
  • Interest rate
  • Profit
  • Director
  • Dividend
  • Experience
  • Online
  • Portfolio
  • Superintendent
  • Business card
  • Demand
  • Shipment
  • Workspace

Business Vocabulary Words list in English

Professional business Vocabulary

  • Scarcity
  • Negotiate
  • Proposal
  • Advertisement
  • Interest rate
  • Profit
  • Director
  • Dividend
  • Experience
  • Online
  • Portfolio
  • Superintendent
  • Business card
  • Demand
  • Shipment
  • Workspace
  • Income tax
  • Plan
  • Pay
  • Growth
  • Stock
  • Costs
  • Diversify
  • Banknote
  • Mainframe
  • Economical
  • Deal
  • Credit card
  • Remuneration
  • Distribution
  • Sign
  • Deficit
  • Employer
  • Partner
  • Outgoing
  • Decrease
  • Deadline
  • Job
  • Office
  • Risk
  • Market
  • Terms
  • Organization
  • Petty cash
  • Vice-president
  • Wastebasket
  • Business
  • Dismiss
  • Lend
  • Shareholder
  • Loan
  • Interview
  • Cost
  • Unsocial hours
  • Tax
  • Down payment
  • Video conference
  • Database
  • Report
  • Niche
  • Manage
  • Laptop
  • Proxy
  • Payment
  • Manager
  • Opportunity
  • Launch
  • Retailer
  • Contract
  • Inventory
  • Yield
  • Venture
  • Income
  • Spreadsheet
  • Cold call
  • Quit
  • Break even
  • Hours
  • Duty
  • Notice
  • Accounts
  • Corporate
  • Agenda
  • Accruals
  • Success
  • Liability
  • Fax
  • Authorization
  • Trademark
  • Log-in
  • Consumer
  • Marketing
  • Earning
  • Clause
  • Close
  • Temp
  • Advertise
  • Merchant
  • Occupation
  • Order
  • Rank
  • Recruiter
  • Cashier
  • Goal
  • Treasurer
  • Career
  • Tariff
  • Purchasing
  • Confirmation
  • Letterhead
  • Bill of lading
  • Currency

business vocabulary words list pdf

business vocabulary words list pdf (3) english business vocabulary (2)

International Business vocabulary

  • Volume
  • Promotion
  • Finance
  • Motherboard
  • Delivery
  • Lease
  • Resign
  • Quarterly
  • Secretary
  • President
  • Employee
  • Password
  • Fire
  • Customer
  • Application
  • Production
  • Monthly
  • Unemployment
  • Duties
  • Policy
  • Purchase
  • Rise
  • Economics
  • Foreman
  • Incentive
  • Capitalist
  • Overhead
  • Chairwoman
  • Board of directors
  • Wage
  • Presentation
  • Retire
  • Estimate
  • Vacation time
  • Collateral
  • Withdraw
  • Wholesale
  • Borrow
  • Saleswoman
  • Shipping
  • Merchandise
  • Upload
  • Memo
  • Net worth
  • Leave
  • Freight
  • Product
  • Efficiency
  • Board
  • Typewriter
  • Headquarters
  • Quarter
  • Lucrative
  • Cubicle
  • Retail
  • Capital
  • Corporation
  • Laborer
  • Work
  • Guarantee
  • No-win
  • Buy
  • Signature
  • Debit
  • Offline
  • Position
  • Framework
  • Invest
  • Guidebook
  • Overtime
  • Gross
  • Monopoly
  • Sick leave
  • Penalty
  • Advantage
  • Public holidays
  • Typeface
  • Commerce
  • Deflation
  • Bottom line
  • Boss
  • Entrepreneur
  • Username
  • Facilities
  • Management
  • Negotiation
  • Copyright
  • Wholesaler
  • Win-win
  • Purchase order
  • Billboard
  • Shop
  • Budget
  • Strike
  • Compromise
  • Coupon
  • Fund
  • Investment
  • Economy of scale
  • Co-worker
  • Interest
  • Benefits
  • Biannual
  • Headhunter
  • Bookkeeping
  • Unit cost
  • Credit
  • Commission
  • Offer
  • Weekly
  • Insurance
  • Import

english business vocabulary,

Common Business vocabulary words List

  • Make redundant
  • Expenses
  • Part-time
  • Financial
  • Target
  • Trainee
  • Employment
  • Mailbox
  • Worker
  • Figures
  • Client
  • Vacancy
  • Union
  • Employ
  • Trade-off
  • Workroom
  • Disadvantage
  • Seller
  • Open
  • Lead
  • Salesman
  • Hourly
  • Prime rate
  • Chairman
  • Commodity
  • Low
  • Department
  • Supervisor
  • Discount
  • Net
  • Overdraft
  • Recruit
  • Packing list
  • Full-time
  • Meeting
  • Waybill
  • Transaction
  • Ads
  • High
  • Ship
  • Paperweight
  • Bill
  • Bond
  • Sale
  • Competition
  • Owner
  • Arbitration
  • Buyer
  • Sell
  • Sales tax
  • Result
  • Notebook
  • Brand
  • Profitable
  • Calculate
  • Intern
  • Company
  • Money
  • Facility
  • Trade
  • Accounting
  • Merger
  • Agreement
  • Briefcase
  • Feedback
  • Mogul
  • Trend
  • Receipt
  • Loss
  • Debt
  • Treasury
  • Charge
  • Prospects
  • Commercial
  • Service
  • Principal
  • Invoice
  • Staff
  • Inflation
  • Perk
  • Increase
  • Network
  • Graph
  • Export
  • Price
  • Cargo
  • Statement
  • Bonus
  • Industry
  • Affordable
  • Supply
  • Mouse pad
  • Personnel
  • Accountant
  • Corner office
  • Maternity leave
  • Warranty
  • Salary
  • Refund
  • Goods
  • Upgrade
  • Support
  • Improvement
  • Equipment
  • Stockholder
  • Hire
  • Executive
  • Labor
  • Factory
  • Output
  • Download
  • Annual

business vocabulary words list pdf (3) business vocabulary words list pdf (2)

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Business English refers to the English language skills used in the business world. This includes language used in business communication, such as email, presentations, and meetings, as well as language used for business writing, such as reports and business documents. Business English may also include language used in specific industries, such as finance, marketing, or international trade.

Business English is an important field for ESL learners. Learning business vocabulary can help you to improve your English vocabulary bank. Here is a list of some common business vocabulary to add to your vocabulary.

What Is Business English?

Business English is a specialized form of the English language that is used for business communication. It is used in a variety of business contexts, including meetings, presentations, negotiations, and correspondence. Business English typically includes a specific vocabulary, as well as certain conventions for communication, such as the use of formal titles and language that is more formal and formal than in everyday English. It is important for people who use Business English to be able to communicate clearly and effectively, as this can have a significant impact on their ability to succeed in the business world.

Why You Should Learn Business English?

There are several reasons why you may want to consider learning Business English:

  • Improved communication skills: Being proficient in Business English can help you communicate more effectively and professionally with colleagues and clients, both in person and in writing.
  • Enhanced career opportunities: Proficiency in Business English can be beneficial for professionals in a variety of industries, as it is often the language of choice for business communication worldwide.
  • Greater ability to do business internationally: If you want to do business internationally, being proficient in Business English can give you an advantage when communicating with clients and partners in other countries.
  • Increased confidence: Knowing how to speak and write in Business English can give you confidence in professional settings and help you feel more comfortable in business situations.
  • Enhanced cultural understanding: Learning Business English can also give you insights into different business cultures and help you better understand how business is conducted in other countries.

Business Vocabulary

List of Business Vocabulary

Here is a list of some common business vocabulary terms in English.

  • Advantage
  • Advertisement
  • Agenda
  • Authorization
  • Bill
  • Brand
  • Budget
  • Commission
  • Confirmation
  • Costs
  • Customer
  • Debt
  • Decrease
  • Deficit
  • Delivery
  • Disadvantage
  • Distribution
  • Employee
  • Employer
  • Equipment
  • Estimate
  • Experience
  • Facilities
  • Feedback
  • Goal
  • Growth
  • Guarantee
  • Improvement
  • Increase
  • Industry
  • Interest
  • Inventory
  • Invoice
  • Market
  • Offer
  • Order
  • Output
  • Payment
  • Mogul
  • Penalty
  • Product
  • Profit
  • Promotion
  • Purchase
  • Refund (Learn more about Shopping Vocabulary)
  • Report
  • Result
  • Rise
  • Risk
  • Interview
  • Full-time
  • Salary
  • Stock
  • Supply
  • Support
  • Trademark
  • Launch
  • Consumer
  • Wholesaler
  • Overtime
  • Lucrative
  • Commodity
  • Unsocial hours
  • Public holidays
  • Inflation
  • Strike
  • Recruit
  • Merger
  • Pay
  • Remuneration
  • Make redundant
  • Wage
  • Earning
  • Biannual
  • Billboard
  • Scarcity
  • Annual
  • Quarterly
  • Sick leave
  • Hourly
  • Retire
  • Application
  • Trainee
  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Banknote
  • Cashier
  • Loan
  • Currency
  • Co-worker
  • Lend
  • Borrow
  • Resign
  • Dismiss
  • Fire
  • Hire
  • Worker
  • Maternity leave
  • Part-time
  • Petty cash

Common Business Vocabulary

  • Budget: A financial plan for a company or project that outlines projected costs and revenues.
  • Capital: Money or assets that are used to start or fund a business.
  • Competitor: A company or organization that offers similar products or services as another company and is in competition with it.
  • Customer: A person or organization that purchases goods or services from a business.
  • Deadline: A date or time by which something must be completed.
  • Earnings: The amount of money a company or individual makes, usually over a specific period of time.
  • Growth: An increase in size, amount, or number.
  • Investment: The act of putting money into a business or project with the expectation of making a profit.
  • Market: A place or channel through which goods or services are sold.
  • Profit: The amount of money a company or individual makes after all expenses have been paid.
  • Sale: The exchange of goods or services for money.
  • Stock: A share of ownership in a company.
  • Strategy: A plan or course of action designed to achieve a goal.
  • Supply: The amount of goods or materials that are available for sale or use.
  • Trade: The exchange of goods or services for other goods or services, or for money.

Examples of Business Vocabulary

  • This company is a regular customer.
  • The government taxed fuel highly in order to finance the national debt.
  • The scheme offers seedcorn finance with loans at only 4% interest.
  • The company has offered a high salary.
  • These items are usually paid for out of petty cash.
  • The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.
  • She joined as a management trainee.
  • I was absolutely staggered when I saw the bill.
  • We need to cut our advertising costs.
  • Please pay for the goods on delivery.
  • A variety of factors come into play when choosing an employee.
  • There has been a rapid acceleration in the growth of the industry.
  • The total output is double that of last year.
  • Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.

Business Vocabulary Word List | Infographic

Business English

Last Updated on February 21, 2023

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. disciplinary

    relating to discipline in behavior

  2. discipline

    a system of rules of conduct or method of practice

  3. abreast

    alongside each other, facing in the same direction

  4. accountability

    responsibility to someone or for some activity

  5. achieve

    gain with effort

  6. advantageous

    giving a benefit

  7. agenda

    a list of matters to be taken up, as at a meeting

  8. aggregator

    a person who collects things

  9. align

    arrange so as to be parallel or straight

  10. articulate

    express or state clearly

  11. ascertain

    learn or discover with confidence

  12. associate

    bring or come into action

  13. bewildered

    extremely confused and uncertain what to do

  14. bipartisan

    supported by both sides

  15. Boolean algebra

    a system of symbolic logic devised by George Boole

  16. capitalize

    write in large alphabetic characters

  17. clarification

    the act of removing solid particles from a liquid

  18. compartmentalize

    keep separate; separate into isolated categories

  19. comportment

    manner of behaving or conducting oneself; bearing

  20. comprehensive

    including all or everything

  21. concise

    expressing much in few words

  22. confident

    having or marked by assurance

  23. converge

    be adjacent or come together

  24. credibility

    the quality of being believable or trustworthy

  25. crisis

    a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something

  26. captivating

    attracting and holding interest as if by a spell

  27. customize

    make to specifications

  28. define

    show the form or outline of

  29. derived

    formed or developed from something else; not original

  30. detrimental

    causing harm or injury

  31. devastation

    the state of being decayed or destroyed

  32. differentiate

    acquire a distinct character

  33. economic

    of or relating to production and management of wealth

  34. efficiently

    in a manner that wastes no time or effort

  35. embellish

    make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

  36. embrace

    squeeze tightly in your arms, usually with fondness

  37. emerging

    coming into existence

  38. empowered

    invested with legal or official authority

  39. extensible

    capable of being protruded or stretched or opened out

  40. extract

    remove, usually with some force or effort

  41. fundamental

    serving as an essential component

  42. global

    involving the entire earth

  43. idealize

    consider or render as the best or most appropriate type

  44. ideology

    an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group

  45. impact

    the striking of one body against another

  46. implement

    a piece of equipment or a tool used for a specific purpose

  47. impugn

    attack as false or wrong

  48. incumbent

    necessary as a duty or responsibility; morally binding

  49. indicator

    a device for showing the operating condition of some system

  50. infrastructure

    the basic features of a system or organization

  51. inhabit

    live in; be a resident of

  52. inhibit

    limit the range or extent of

  53. integrate

    make into a whole or make part of a whole

  54. internalize

    incorporate within oneself; make subjective or personal

  55. intuitive

    spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency

  56. irresponsibility

    the trait of lacking trustworthiness or reliability

  57. kilter

    in working order

  58. magnitude

    the property of relative size or extent

  59. marginalize

    relegate to a lower or outer edge, as of groups of people

  60. mental

    involving the mind or an intellectual process

  61. Nativity

    the theological doctrine that Jesus Christ had no human father; Christians believe that Jesus’s birth fulfilled Old Testament prophecies and was attended by miracles; the Nativity is celebrated at Christmas

  62. operation

    process or manner of functioning

  63. organic

    having properties characteristic of living beings

  64. pariah

    a person who is rejected from society or home

  65. partisan

    a fervent and even militant proponent of something

  66. precede

    be earlier in time

  67. precedent

    an example that is used to justify similar occurrences

  68. prosperity

    the condition of having good fortune

  69. provocation

    a means of arousing or stirring to action

  70. random

    lacking any definite plan or order or purpose

  71. realize

    be fully aware or cognizant of

  72. resonate

    produce a deep, clear sound

  73. restructure

    construct or form anew or provide with a new structure

  74. rhetorical

    relating to using language effectively

  75. situation

    physical position in relation to the surroundings

  76. sportsmanship

    fairness and courtesy in following the rules of a game

  77. stability

    the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast

  78. stifle

    impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of

  79. stigmatize

    condemn or openly brand as disgraceful

  80. transition

    the act of passing from one state or place to the next

  81. undermine

    weaken or impair, especially gradually

  82. unison

    the state of corresponding exactly

  83. viable

    capable of life or normal growth and development

  84. woven

    made or constructed by interlacing threads or strips of material or other elements into a whole

  85. reiterate

    say, state, or perform again

  86. coordinate

    of equal importance, rank, or degree

  87. administration

    the act of governing or exercising authority

  88. ambiguous

    having more than one possible meaning

  89. pioneer

    one the first colonists or settlers in a new territory

  90. omnipotent

    having unlimited power

  91. nimble

    moving quickly and lightly

  92. monotonous

    sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch

  93. rigorously

    in a rigorous manner

  94. comparative

    involving the examination of similarities and differences

  95. superlative

    highest in quality

Created on July 13, 2010
(updated July 13, 2010)

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