Business model canvas excel

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If you want to make the most out of your brand new Business Model Canvas Template, then one of the following personalised services may be for you. At Neos Chronos we have helped over 120 startups progress in their entrepreneurial journey and our advisors created over £150 million of sales revenue for the companies they have served.

Как работать с business model canvas. Скачать шаблон .xls

Подробная инструкция и шаблон в exel и Miro

Для создания канвы бизнес модели последовательно заполните 9 блоков с разными аспектами вашего бизнеса. Это наиболее простой и эффективный способ рассказать о своей идее другим людям. Как выглядит Canvas business model exel (Канва бизнес модели в exel) на рисунке ниже:

canvas business model

канва бизнес модели

Бережливый стартап — концепция предпринимательства, которая была впервые сформулированная Эриком Рисом сначала в своем блоге, потом в книге «Бизнес с нуля. Метод Lean Startup для быстрого тестирования идей и выбора бизнес-модели» подробнее

Лучший способ рассказать и структурировать ваше представление о стартапе — заполнить канву бизнес модели (Lean Canvas).

Сегодня мы подготовили информацию о том, как работать с таблицей business canvas, а также добавили ссылку на шаблон xls, вы можете скачать его бесплатно по ссылке ниже

Шаблон business model .xls

Шаблон Lean Canvas в Miro

Как работать с Canvas business model для достижения потрясающих результатов?

Концепция customer development становится все более популярной. Это очень эффективный способ структурировать идею нового бизнеса. Что из себя представляет собой бизнес-модель Канвас, для кого она и как с ней работать, давайте разберемся.

Модель состоит из 9 ячеек, последовательно заполняя которые вы сможете охватить все сферы продукта или бизнеса, включая ценности, сегменты, дистрибуцию и партнеров, но давайте по порядку:

1. Сегменты потребителей.

В этой колонке вы обозначаете основные сегменты ваших потребителей для того, чтобы лучше понять кто все эти люди? Чего они боятся? Чего хотят получить? Чем на них можно воздействовать? Индивидуально или массовыми инструментами? Что они слушают, куда ходят, что ценят?

Разумеется, все это надо делать в разрезе вашего бизнеса. Если важен пол – то выделяете его, если возраст – то его… Главное, чтобы вы четко обозначили кто конкретно покупает ваши товары.

2. Ключевые ценности.

В этом блоке вы должны выделить те ценности, которые действительно покупают ваши потребители. Обратите внимание, что надо описать не сам товар, а именно то, что он делает, какую проблему решает. На основании этого вы сможете сформировать ценностное предложение. Например, если это автомобиль, то ценностью может быть скорость, надежность, именитость бренда.
Отдельно следует выделить, что клиент покупает и что он хотел бы покупать. Вполне возможно, что он покупает не совсем то, что ему надо, просто нет альтернативы которую ему готов предложить рынок. Стоит это проанализировать.

Быть может с вами работают из-за удобства или условия доставки, а не ассортимента. Или наоборот. Ваша задача – определить именно ту ключевую ценность, которая перетягивает клиента на вашу сторону, в этом будет ваше конкурентное преимущество.

3. Каналы сбыта.

Каналы, с помощью которых вы контактируете с вашими клиентами – неотъемлемая часть любого бизнеса. Причем, важно учитывать абсолютно все каналы: первый контакт, убеждение, доставка, послепродажный сервис, реклама и т.д. Все точки контактов с вашими клиентами должны быть учтены чтобы вы смогли грамотно разработать маркетинговую стратегию.

Полностью ли они устраивают клиентов? Насколько они удобны вам? Вписываются ли они в бизнес клиента?

4. Отношения с клиентами.

Какие отношения у нас выстроены с каждым из сегментов? Этого ли они ожидают? Все ли их устраивает? С кем у нас индивидуальный договор? С кем общий? Во сколько нам это обходится? Задавайте больше открытых вопросов для того, чтобы портрет потребителя сформировался как можно отчетливее.

5. Потоки доходов.

В этом разделе нужно отметить все доходы, которые мы получаем с разбивкой по типам. Например: постоянные доходы с фиксированной ценой, плавающие продажи, аренда и т.д.

Можно бить по группам клиентов и типам продаж.

Обязательно к каждому источнику прикрепить его характеристику и долю в общем потоке доходов чтобы понимать структуру финансовых потоков. Таким образом мы сможем выделить основные, наиважнейшие потоки, и дополнительные. Это поможет определится со стратегией развития на будущее: что усилить, на что можно не обращать особого внимания.

6. Ключевые ресурсы.

Следующий этап – определение необходимых ресурсов. Причем, тут следует выделить все ресурсы, которые нужны как для производства, так и для выстраивания взаимоотношений, каналов сбыта и т.д.

Ресурсы нужно разбить по видам: финансы, сырье, человеческие, интеллектуальные, нематериальные (например, патенты, сертификаты). Это требуется для определения затратной составляющей (например на ФОТ).

7. Ключевая деятельность (Ключевые мероприятия)

В данном случае имеется в виду, какие непосредственно шаги нужно выполнять для всех вышесказанных блоков. Этапы производственного процесса, доставка, рекламная деятельность, создание послепродажного сервиса и т.д.

Другими словами, в этой колонке обозначаются основные этапы самих работ вашего бизнес-процесса.

8. Ключевые партнеры.

Сюда нужно выписать тех партнеров, без которых ваш бизнес не может существовать. Это рекламные агентства, например, поставщики, консультанты, фрилансеры, аутсорсинговые компании.

Какие ключевые ресурсы они вам поставляют? Насколько они стабильны? Есть гарантии поставок? Можно ли как-то на этом сэкономить? Есть ли альтернативы? Возможен ли бартер на нашу продукцию? Какие у нас взаимоотношения?

9. Структура расходов.

Какие расходы в нашей бизнес-модели самые важные? Какие самые высокие? Какая деятельность требует максимальных расходов?

Постоянные издержки, переменные издержки, расход на заработную плату, налоги, цена ресурсов и т.д. Все наиболее значительные расходы должны быть выделены. Аналогично можно указать их долю в общей сумме расходов за период.

Наглядное видео, объясняющее как работать с таблицей:

2 минутный ролик о том, как работать с Business Model Canvas

In this article, you’ll find the most comprehensive business canvas and business model templates in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF formats. Document, outline, and manage your unique business structure to ensure you are optimizing your target market, key resources, value proposition, and more.

Direct Sales Business Model Template

Direct Sales Business Model Template

Strategize on sales and distribution tactics and plan for your organization’s unique sales pipeline with this template. With room to document distribution models, pricing models, partner strategy, and sales management, you can easily create an effective sales business model. Download this template in Microsoft Excel, Word, or PDF formats.

Download Direct Sales Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Pay-Per-Use Business Model Template

Pay Per Use Business Model Template

Designed for business structures that rely on pay-per-use customers, this business model template allows you to track the success of your organization and strategize on future plans. With sections to document and track year-over-year paying customers, customer growth, premium paying customers, and net new customers, you can stay on top of the success — or areas of improvement — in your pay-per-use business model.

Download Pay-Per-Use Business Model Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Business Model Canvas Template

Business Model Canvas Template

This template is designed to analyze and review current business models or to plan and document a strategy for new business models. Use this template to document the key details of your business plan, including key partners and activities, value proposition, and strategic channels. This template is available for customization and download in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF formats.

Download Business Model Canvas Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Franchise Business Model Template

Franchise Business Model Template

Use this template to create a targeted business model for franchises in order to illustrate potential success or highlight current profits. This template includes areas for documenting executive summaries and company descriptions, product or service descriptions, management structure, and more. This free template is available in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF formats.

Download Franchise Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Freemium Business Model Template

Freemium Business Model Template

This template provides a business model for companies that have a freemium pricing strategy. It helps you enumerate key products or services that the organization should upcharge for. Use this template to document critical details of your freemium business, such as cost structure, customer segments, and revenue streams.

Download Freemium Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Subscription Business Model Template

Subscription Business Model Template

Outline subscription details, monitor business growth, and keep track of the highest producing revenue streams with this business model template. This template offers space to document and track new subscription members, premium subscription members, and total yearly paid revenue. Download and customize this Microsoft Excel template based on your business needs.

Download Subscription Business Model Template — Excel

Startup Business Model Template

Startup Business Model Template

Create a traditional business model and detail all key aspects of your organization with this startup business model template. This template allows you to document the components of your startup that you want to highlight, such as executive summaries, company descriptions, marketing plans, and financial information. This template is available for download and customization in Microsoft Word.

Download Startup Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Collective Business Model Template

Collective Business Model Template

Gather, document, and report on all the key details of your business with this collective business model template. Use this template to share the core components of your organization, such as key partners, resources, and activities, as well as customer segments and cost structures.

Download Collective Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Inclusive Business Model Template

Inclusive Business Model Template

This free template includes space to document the most fundamental building blocks of your company, so you can create a comprehensive business model. Document and communicate key details, such as products or services, cost structures, revenue streams, and more. This template is available for download in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF formats.

Download Inclusive Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Open Source Business Model Template

Open Source Business Model Template

Use this template to plan and record a comprehensive business model for open source projects. This template includes sections to document everything from problems and solutions to unique value propositions and customer channels. It is available for download in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF formats.

Download Open Source Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Consulting Business Model Template

Consulting Business Model Template

Geared toward businesses in the consulting field, this template lets you construct a comprehensive overview of your organization’s business model. Customize the details of this template to fit your needs. The template includes sections for company descriptions, mission statements, finances, key business metrics, and more.

Download Consulting Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Small Business Model Template

Small Business Business Model Template

This template is perfect for small businesses who want to map out their business model, either at the beginning stages of their business, or as their business grows. Use this template to include the most important high-level details, such as company description, market analysis, organization information, and financial projections.

Download Small Business Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Harvard Business Model Template

Harvard Business Model Template

Use this business model template, influenced by the Harvard Business School, to create the most comprehensive and detailed overview of your business. With space to include key details, like partners, business activities, resources, and value propositions, this template allows you to customize your business plan and share the details among your team.

Download Harvard Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

SaaS Business Model Template

SaaS Business Model Template

Leverage this template to accurately explain, build out, and model your SaaS business plan. This template is especially helpful in mapping out key resources, like developers, software value propositions, and revenue streams based on usage. Download this template, available in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF, and customize it based on the details of your company.

Download SaaS Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Lean Business Model Template

Lean Business Model Template

To eliminate waste and provide the best value to the customer of a lean business, use this template to document and track the core components that contribute to your organization’s success. With room to include potential problems and solutions, cost structure, and unique customer segments, this template allows you to model and perfect the ideal lean business.

Download Lean Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Service Business Model Template

Service Business Model Template

This template is designed to analyze and review business models related to the service industry. Use this template to document the key details of your business plan, including key partners and activities, value propositions, and strategic channels. This template is available for customization and download in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF formats.

Download Service Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

Affiliate Business Model Template

Affiliate Business Model Template

Use this preformatted template to plan, track, and assess the business model of an affiliate business in order to keep all details in check. With space to record key details, such as market segmentation and targeting, marketing strategy, business operation, and more, this template gives you the structure to maintain a successful affiliate business. This template is available for download in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PDF formats.

Download Affiliate Business Model Template

Excel | Word | PDF

What Is a Business Model Canvas?

A business model canvas is a strategic management document that assists you in developing business models of all kinds, from lean to startup to subscription models. It is a purely visual chart that identifies and describes core business elements, like value propositions, market segments, and customers.

What Is a Business Model Canvas Used For?

Typically a one-page document, a business model canvas grants a high-level overview of the business structure and operation and describes the overall value of an organization. Not only is it a strategic tool for developing a new business, but it’s also a way to upgrade or analyze an already-active business. A business model canvas brings clarity, strategy, and simplicity to a business plan, especially regarding areas that are usually difficult to describe.

Why Is a Business Model Canvas Important?

A business model canvas is important because it helps provide a company with clarity, focus, and strategy. It offers a detailed structure of what the business does, how it should perform, and what markets or customer groups it should target.

What a Business Model Canvas Can Help an Organization Do

A business model canvas not only increases the transparency of the business plan by supplying a single, flexible explanation of the business and its strategy, but also helps a business or organization to do the following:

  • Describe, design, or redesign a business model

  • Organize new thoughts and ideas about how a business can increase its success

  • Enable both new and existing organizations to increase their focus on the operations and processes that run their business

  • Provide a platform to explore new options for a business, test any assumptions, and discover new opportunities

  • Devise new strategies for a business

  • Look at a business with a critical eye, identifying areas of improvement or areas of great success

  • Reevaluate any unique aspects of a business that are working and fine tune those aspects in order to improve an overall business strategy

  • Discover opportunities to grow or improve upon existing processes

  • Provide either a general guideline or a detailed layout of a business, depending on its structure

  • Identify specific instructions on how to achieve a new or improved business plan

  • Assess potential trade-off opportunities

  • Align marketing strategies and other business activities

  • Enable a structured conversation about a business model and an operation and management strategy that can include stakeholders, key team members, and external resources

  • Present strategic analyses, like a market analysis, customer analysis, or operational analysis

  • Develop new insight on customers and what they are seeking from a business

  • Describe the relationships between new initiatives and how a company can achieve those initiatives simultaneously

Who Created the Business Model Canvas?

Business theorist Alexander Osterwalder created the business model canvas following his earlier work on business model ontology.

The Core Structures of Business Models

Based on his analysis, Osterwalder proposed that all businesses share similar modeling, using the following core structures:

  • Infrastructure: This includes key business activities, key resources, and key partners that the business leverages on a regular basis.

  • Offering: The concept of offering deals with the unique value proposition of a business, which is what distinguishes one business from another.

  • Customers: This includes customer segments, channels, and customer relationships, all of which drive the strategy and overall success of a business.

  • Finances: Finances include both the cost structure and the revenue streams that drive the profit of a business.

When Was the Business Model Canvas Invented?

Alexander Osterwalder invented the business model canvas in 2008, following his work on business model ontology. Since 2008, business experts have created many variations on Osterwalder’s original business model canvas, including ones that are industry specific.

What Do You Include in a Business Model Canvas Template?

A business model canvas has a few main components that build out the structure, organization, and strategy of a business. The components include the following:

  • Key Activities: The key activities identify the crucial steps and activities a business must perform in order to deliver on its propositions and continue to succeed. As a business changes and grows, it must discover new techniques to perform better, provide better services or products, and consider how these key activities help to drive the value proposition.

  • Key Resources/Partners: The key resources delineate the strategic assets needed to achieve core business goals and maintain a more targeted and successful approach than one’s competitors. Three core business products make up the key resources: product, scope, and infrastructure.

  • Value Proposition: This is the driving force of the business, as it identifies the uniqueness of a business’s offering (i.e., what differentiates it from other competitors). The value prop works to pinpoint the needs of the customer and deliver on those needs with the company’s own product or service.

  • Channels: The channels signify the various media used to communicate the value prop to the appropriate customers. Channels also identify where and how you will sell your product and to what customers.

  • Customer Segments: This refers to the way in which customers interact with the business through the product or service lifecycle and which type of market a customer might engage with. Types of markets can include niche, mass, segmented, diversified, or multi-sided.

  • Cost Structure: The cost structure of a business model canvas pairs together how key activities will drive costs and determines how well the costs are aligned with the value prop. It is at this time that businesses must determine other key cost decisions, like using a fixed, variable, cost-driven, or value-driven structure and figuring out how the scope and scale of the business relate to the costs and revenue.

  • Revenue Streams: This determines the way a company generates revenue from each customer segment. Revenue streams can come in the form of asset sales, usage or subscription fees, lending, leasing, renting, licensing, brokerage fees, and advertising. A business determines its revenue streams based on its overall structure.

What Is a Business Model Canvas Report?

A business model canvas report is a roll-up of all the key details described in a business model canvas. The report aims to describe each component in further detail, providing commentary on both why a company is structured the way it is and how it plans to attain that structure.

What Is a Lean Canvas Template?

A lean canvas template is a one-page business plan that summarizes a business and breaks it down into nine key elements. Those elements include problems, solutions, key metrics, value propositions, advantages, channels, customer segments, cost structures, and revenue streams.

Why Have a Business Model Canvas?

Businesses and organizations should have a business model canvas in order to break down the key components of a business and discuss what is and isn’t working. This process will help you identify problem areas, improve on certain aspects, and continue to grow, generate revenue, and succeed.

Tips For Creating a Business Model Canvas

The best way to get started is by gathering a core group comprised of key team members and stakeholders (ideally around 3-5 people) and drawing out a canvas on paper or creating a canvas digitally.

Allow yourself plenty of undisturbed time to start mapping out a high-level overview of the business and its structure. Connect the core building blocks of your business, like market segments and target customers, and brainstorm how to achieve the most success.

Make sure to keep on open mind and separate the current from the ideal state of the business. After you have completed your canvas, review it and share it with your team to collect further ideas or comments. Ask team members to look for missing details, both in the design and structure of the canvas.

Once you have completed the canvas review, test your new plan and analyze it periodically to ensure it is working for your business.

Examples of Successful Business Models

Move Beyond Your Business Model Canvas with Real-Time Work Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

business model canvas free template coverIn this business model canvas free template, you will be able to develop your business model based on the lean startup concept. Start structuring how you are going to produce, capture, and deliver value to customers and shareholders.

 Download the Business model canvas free template – Excel spreadsheet example

How does the Canvas model generate the result for my organization?

Canvas is used to build a business model, which can be used to create a new organization or revise the existing model in a mature company.
In the Excel Canvas model, you easily record the proposed idea and identify the variables that influence the business.

professional excel templates business

In the past, the possibility of starting a company was usually conditioned by extensive research, summarized in a business plan that could exceed a hundred pages.
The Canvas model created in the 2000s by Swiss consultant Alex Osterwalder, enabled the essence of the business proposal to be compiled into a single page so that it can be validated with real customers before receiving major investments, which means discovering the MVP – Minimum Viable Product.

The following aspects will be developed in your Canvas model:

  • Partners: main partners, including suppliers.
  • Activities: key activity required by the value proposition.
  • Resources: key resources to generate value.
  • Value Proposal: the real problem the offered solution solves.
  • Customer Relationship: type of relationship and segments.
  • Channels: channels that reach the target audience.
  • Customer Segment: the most important audience for which value is generated.
  • Cost Structure: cost of the business model and more costly resources and activities.
  • Revenue Flow: the amount currently paid by the public and how much it intends to pay.

Start now! Click here and download the Business Model Canvas Free Template – Excel Spreadsheet Example.

Combine this free template with other tools:

Michael Porter’s Five Forces
SWOT Analysis
Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
4P’s of Marketing

Business Models Canvas 101

So you have a great idea and you want to create your company, your own startup. This is

Starting something on your own, creating value for you, your family and
the world is a totally recommendable thing to do. The world has been made by
people like you. Entrepreneurs, Self-Made Men, Creators, Builders people
that believed an obstacle is just another great challenge to overcome, to
solve and put behind them as an achievement. 

If you want to create your own company, you need to know your environment very well and for this we give you a structure that you can follow and use, not only at the moment of creation but also on a regular base in order to assess if you are still on track or already deviating from your target. It helps you define your product, understand better your revenue streams, give you an overview about your customers and competitors, helps you define a good value proposition, decide on your various distribution Channels, focus on you Key Activities, assign correctely your Key Resources, select your Key Partners, define a adequate Cost Structure, makes you think about the Long Term Mission of your business, the strategy to reach it Strategy.

So in order to give your business idea all the chances for a success startup, it is
important to go through a few important points that should not be forgotten
before starting your race towards success. We also share with you our Excel business model canvas template or business canvas or business plan model for some.

The main part is to define clearly your business idea: this is called the
business plan  and part of it is the business model which we
are discussing here.

This business model mainly looks at your company, your startup as a cloud or black box
that has stuff going in (material from suppliers, money from lenders,
workers and their work, market feedback, orders, …), stuff going out (whatever
your are producing, marketing campaigns, salaries, taxes, waste, investments
in equipment’s, people, consumable, …) and internal processes that are the
heart, lungs and liver of your company (production or creation of your
product, finance controlling, creation of marketing campaigns, websites,

We propose to you here a business model canvas Template that is used very
frequently by many companies that want to start, restructure or just see
where they stand in terms of their business model. The Business Model Canvas was at first developed by Alexander Osterwalder a Swiss Author and Theorist.

This business model canvas Template is very easy to use and similar to a paper one as it uses the
virtual Paper Notes that you can move around the sheet.

paper notes for business model

Here is the screenshot of the full business model canvas Template sheet. We will explain here under and in
the next pages how to use it. Go to the bottom
of the page to download it.

business model template

We will go through all the blocks in this template.

Value Proposition (just hereunder),
Revenue Streams,
Key Activities,
Key Resources,Key Partners,
Cost Structure,
Long Term, Mission, Strategy,

Our Example for the next 7 pages: A cupcake Factory

A business model is made of various parts.

The Value Proposition

First you have to know what you want to do (The VALUE PROPOSITION) with your business, your startup or current company and this does not start with «I
want to do money», because it has been proven a million time that money has
no lasting effect
on willpower, pleasure at work, drive, etc…Of
course if you have no money at all, then your priority in the short term is
to make money to be able to grow bigger.
The only
way people are driven for the long term is by passion. So your business
model has to be driven by a passion and show the banker/investors (if you
need some) that your passion will contribute to their well being too.
my case, I am passionate about helping people and seeing that my efforts
have produced an added value to these customers. Some are driven by
discovering new planets, some by developing new virtual reality glasses,
some by creating new medicine, some are feeding of the wellbeing, happiness
or contentment they are producing and this is enough to drive them. At the
end it is all about you being content even better happy with what you are
doing and this leaves a lot of open avenues to explore and create a
business. I am writing here and hopefully it will have a positive effect
that in return will make me happy.

Happiness is important but making money while being happy is even better. So
that is why you have to do something you like but also that other will
benefit of.

In the case of a Cupcake factory, the business model value proposition could
be written a a few sentence: We provide to our customers a cupcake for every
occasion. These are healthy cupcakes (low sugar, low fat, ….) and we
guaranty that they are locally produced with local ingredients.

value proposition

Here the questions you have to answer for the value

  • What value/products do we deliver to the customer? 

  • Which customer problem do we solve?

  • Which product or set of products (can
    be service too), are we offering to our customers?

  • Which are the customer problems we are solving (Example: quality, performance, design, branding,
    strategy, cost reduction, pricing, risk reduction, production efficiency,
    legal, etc…)

Next: the Customer Segment

if you want to short cut, download
the business model canvas Template for Excel from here.

A SWOT Matrix  (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) is also used to define the strategy of your company when used
in conjunction with the business model. The SWOT matrix can also be used for
personal development, for example to compare yourself to other for a certain

For this purpose we have created this
SWOT matrix Template.

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