Buried in word meaning

bury in

(redirected from buried in)

bury in

1. To hide something in a particular place so that others cannot find it. A noun or pronoun can be used between «bury» and «in.» I buried my cupcake in the back of the fridge so no one else would eat it! You can always find change buried in the couch cushions.

2. To hide oneself somewhere. In this usage, a reflexive pronoun is used between «bury» and «in.» When guests come over, my shy sister is quick to bury herself in her bedroom so that she doesn’t have to talk to anyone.

3. To immerse oneself in a task or project. In this usage, a reflexive pronoun is used between «bury» and «in.» Ever since my breakup with Ben, I’ve tried to bury myself in my work to keep from crying all day long. You will need to bury yourself in your schoolwork to get a passing grade this semester.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

bury someone or something in something


1. Lit. to inter someone or something in a grave, the ground, a vault, a tomb, etc. They buried the old man in the family vault. Thousands of war veterans are buried in the national cemetery.

2. Fig. to hide or conceal someone or something from view in some place. The office manager buried Tom at a small desk in the back room. Someone buried the manual typewriter in a room full of old junk.

bury oneself in something


1. Fig. to become very busy with something. She stopped taking phone calls and buried herself in her work. He tended to bury himself in his work.

2. Fig. to hide oneself some place. (Alludes to burying oneself in a cave or something similar.) He buried himself in the back of the little shop and worked quietly. The lizard buried itself in the sand.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • bury oneself in
  • hand to
  • hand to (one)
  • identify with
  • ascertain from
  • involve with
  • involve with (someone or something)
  • involved with
  • rescue from
  • rescue from (someone or something)

References in periodicals archive

‘Sino ba namang hero ang inilibing ng patago (Did we ever have a hero that was buried in such a clandestine way)?’ she said.

QUETTA — The burials of victims of the Mastung bomb attack on pilgrims which left at least 25 Hazara people dead had begun with four of those killed being buried in the Hazara Town graveyard in Quetta, media reported.

While the former put the death toll for the forcible dispersal at 21, Wiki Thawra reported that 96 people were killed in that incident, including two security personnel and seven bodies found buried in the Orman Garden nearby.

Eight workers lost their lives buried in coal dust and one was recovered alive, said Mahmut Ozcelik, deputy director of Turkish coal mining firm TTK.

A worker buried in only a few feet of soil experiences pressure on the chest area, preventing the lungs from expanding and contracting.

He died in 1797 and is buried in St Mary’s Church, Norton.

Like other councils, Flintshire is struggling to meet targets set by Government for authorities to reduce the amount of rubbish having to be buried in landfill sites and dramatically increase its waste recycling.

A new Bush administration proposal to deputize state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws is an astonishingly bad idea that should be buried in a deep hole and left there to decay into nothingness.

Around 1860 and 1870, before work on the construction of the two northeast terminals began, these poverty-stricken quarters were forcibly cleared and vast quantities of soil, together with the bones buried in them [the previous page shows a contemporary photograph of four skulls unearthed by workers], were dug up and removed, so that the railway lines, which on the engineers’ plans looked like muscles and sinews in an anatomical atlas [the adjacent page provides one such blueprint], could be brought to the outskirts of the City.

The three red roses are presumably meant for Poe, his wife, Virginia, and his mother-in-law, who are buried in adjacent plots.

In the time since the original electrical cable was buried, a host of other utilities have been buried in the same easements, making the new horizontal directional drilling shots troublesome at best, and difficult and time consuming at worst.

Jacques Caradec, director of the French government tourist office’s West Coast division, is eager to point out the little detail that the flamboyant writer is not buried in England but in the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris.

Jonathan Daniels was buried in Keene on the Tuesday following the shooting.

Specially trained dogs also are used to «sniff out» drugs, bombs, and people buried in an avalanche or the rubble left by an earthquake.

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Palladio himself is buried in this church.

Интересный факт: сам Палладио похоронен в этой церкви.

He was buried in Hilandar, alongside his son who died prematurely.

Он был похоронен в монастыре Хиландар вместе со своим сыном, который скончался раньше его.

My grandpa’s buried in that cemetery.

Мой двоюродный прадед был похоронен на этом кладбище».

J.F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington Cemetery.

Дж. Ф. Кеннеди был похоронен на Арлингтонском кладбище.

Six men were killed and buried in single graves.

Во время этого нападения были убиты 6 мужчин, они похоронены в отдельных могилах.

Social Security and Medicare taxes are buried in paycheck stubs and rarely talked about.

Между тем налоги на социальное обеспечение и медицинское страхование похоронены в заглушках зарплаты и редко говорят о них.

The lovers were buried in the same grave.

«Возлюбленные были похоронены в одной и той же могиле.

Many think the body should be buried in York.

Многие считали, что президент должен был быть похоронен в Вашингтоне.

Even so my father is buried in Germany.

И теперь мы знаем, что дед похоронен в Германии.

He is buried in the Invalides.

Мы хотим, чтобы он был похоронен в Доме инвалидов.

Both father and son are buried in Istanbul.

On 28 January 2000 her brother was buried in Psedakh.

28 января 2000 г. ее брат был похоронен в селе Пседах.

The Spanish swear that the sailor is buried in Seville.

Испанцы же продолжают настаивать, что «настоящий Колумб» похоронен в Севилье.

He was buried in Austin, Texas.

Pantani was buried in his hometown, Cesenatico.

Марко Пантани был похоронен в родном городе Чезенатико (Cesenatico).

On December 22 Sergei was buried in Perm.

23 декабря Сергей был похоронен в Перми на Закамском кладбище.

Sidney Preston Osborn is buried in Phoenix, Arizona.

Сидни Престон Осборн был похоронен в городе Финикс, штат Аризона.

Hudson was buried in St James’s Church in Westminster, London.

Он был похоронен в церкви Святого Джеймса в Вестминстере, Лондон[З].

He was buried in Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, Italy.

Он был похоронен в Базилике ди Санта Мария Мадджиоре в Риме, Италия.

He was buried in 1680 in Riddarholmskyrkan in Stockholm and was then buried in the Wrangelska burial ground in Skokloster’s church.

Он был похоронен в 1680 году в Риддархолмскиркане в Стокгольме, а затем был похоронен в Врангельском могильнике в церкви Скоклостера.

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Each chair had a McKinnon name etched on the back, and the owner of the name buried underneath. ❋ Deb Caletti (1999)

Most authors, even well-known ones, have some title buried in their back-catalogue which deserves … ❋ Unknown (2008)

Most authors, even well-known ones, have some title buried in their back-catalogue which deserves better recognition. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Rushdale, having passed the crisis of his disorder, fell into a deep sleep; a gentle dew moistened his burning frame, and he awoke refreshed, restored to reason, and so much better, as to remove from the mind of the countess the horror of being what she called buried alive — remaining at Torrington Castle with no other company than the perfect lady ❋ Unknown (1821)

This time — you know, we laid the last track down in November, and it’s just been one thing after another, some snafu at the label buried the Christmas release, and then there was — oh man, I can’t even talk about that, but it was supposed to hit the shelves in February but now, you know, we just don’t know. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Inherited characters are sometimes either-or, with one or a few dominant genes deciding which of several alternatives will be expressed, and which will remain buried until, in a later generation, they are paired with like recessives and then expressed in offspring. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The list of very hot properties that got buried is a long one. ❋ Unknown (2009)

No child that was once buried is still underground. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Related question: How long does rabies persist on/in buried bones? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Underneath the tombstones, members of the clergy have lain buried for centuries. ❋ Javier Espinoza (2010)

But Brissenden, breathing painfully, had dropped off to sleep, his chin buried in a scarf and resting on his sunken chest, his body wrapped in the long overcoat and shaking to the vibration of the propellers. ❋ Unknown (2010)

But for a lot of us who are used to the plain buried six feet under or the basic cremation, these burials are far from normal. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Van Toorn, because few have admired his work, would remain buried in the past, instead of alive, thanks in part to your appreciation, in this exchange today. ❋ Unknown (2009)

WANTED — To exchange a half interest in buried treasure, worth five million francs, for transportation for one to an unknown island in the ❋ Unknown (2010)

And their voice is again buried within themselves as they were afraid that they would be abandoned by their husbands and society. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But when I got him into his bunk he again buried his face in his hands, covering his eyes, and as I turned to go I could hear him murmuring, ❋ Unknown (2010)

The result is the screenshot of the Captain buried in the Arctic. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I never thought I would see the day; Apricot a computer company I thought was dead and buried is announcing their new Picobook Pro, their new ultramobile PC. ❋ Not A Sheep (2008)

[dat] girl/[boy] [got] buried ❋ Lateifah (2005)

That [poor guy] [owes] [twice] as much as his car is worth. He is buried! ❋ Car Czar (2010)

«Dude i just [buried] [my ex], everyone hates that bitch»
«HAHA, Well at least everyone likes [you now]» ❋ Y2kevin (2015)

Marc- Andre- Wow, did you see [Buries It] bury it?!?!?!
Kris- I sure did!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd [Lemieux] [buries it] again for [the hat trick]!
Mario buries the puck in the net, giving the Pens the lead. ❋ FlowerPower66 (2010)

Tom: [Harb]. I heard you [tossed] that bitches [salad].
Harb: Yea dude. You better believe i buried it. ❋ Kevin Baconn (2007)

[Check that] person from Bury.
Bury is the best place in all [the land] and all the world.
UP THE [SHAGGERS]. ❋ Burylad (2012)

Person 1: «Hey, where are you from?»
Person 2: «I’m from the ‘bury.»
Person 1: «Nice. When are you [moving] out of your [parent’s] [house]?» ❋ Cmin7b5 (2004)

Maheel is a [big] [buri] ❋ MaldivianWords (2019)

‘I went to [Bury] today’
‘Did you? How did you [find it]?’
‘It was great! Even better than my holiday I had to [France]!’
(genuine comments about [bury]) ❋ Akaspiderray (2012)

[Dyanna] [are you ready] for this game?
Yeah im gonna [Bury it] ! ❋ Mikeybee123 (2016)

  1. He buried his mother today. …
  2. She buried her face in his shoulder, hoping he wouldn’t notice she was crying. …
  3. They selected the most valuable food items and buried them. …
  4. Connor held Sarah, her face buried in his chest. …
  5. They say he may have buried others in his own yard.

What word type is buried?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to dispose of by depositing in or as if in the earth buried their pet rabbit in the backyard especially : to inter with funeral ceremonies was buried with full military honors. 2a : to conceal by or as if by covering with earth a dog burying a bone buried treasure.

What is the same as Bury?

Frequently Asked Questions About bury

Some common synonyms of bury are conceal, hide, screen, and secrete. While all these words mean “to withhold or withdraw from sight,” bury implies covering up so as to hide completely.

How do you bury someone with no money?

If you simply can’t come up with the money to pay for cremation or burial costs, you can sign a release form with your county coroner’s office that says you can’t afford to bury the family member. If you sign the release, the county and state will pitch in to either bury or cremate the body.

How do you spell bury as in burying someone?

verb (used with object), bur·ied, bur·y·ing. to put in the ground and cover with earth: The pirates buried the chest on the island. to put (a corpse) in the ground or a vault, or into the sea, often with ceremony: They buried the sailor with full military honors.

What is a buried verb?

Sometimes called “buried verbs,” nominalizations occur when you express a verb or an adjective as a noun. … “I had the thought” takes the action of thinking and makes it a thing. “To take on the writing of a column” turns the action of writing into an object.

What are buried verbs examples?

Buried verbs are those that are needlessly converted to wordy noun expressions. Such nouns often end in –tion, -ment, and –ance. Zombie nouns increase sentence length, slow the reader, and muddy the thought. An example of a buried verb/zombie noun is “motivation.” 8.

How do you spell buried in present tense?

The past tense of bury is buried. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of bury is buries. The present participle of bury is burying. The past participle of bury is buried.

What does bury mean in place names?

That’s because the suffix “-bury” derives from the Anglo-Saxon “burh,” meaning “a fort or fortified place.” So when you drive along I-84 from Waterbury to Danbury, passing Middlebury and Southbury along the way, you’re traveling a well-fortified route.

Why is bury pronounced Berry?

Word History: Why do many speakers of English pronounce bury like berry instead rhyming it with jury? … Because scribes from the East Midlands pronounced the word with this vowel they tended to spell the word with a u, and this spelling became standard when spellings were fixed after the introduction of printing.

What does bury mean in Old English?

Old English byrgan “to raise a mound, hide, enclose in a grave or tomb, inter,” akin to beorgan “to shelter,” from Proto-Germanic *burzjan- “protection, shelter” (source also of Old Saxon bergan, Dutch bergen, Old Norse bjarga, Swedish berga, Old High German bergan “protect, shelter, conceal,” German bergen, Gothic …

What happens to a body if there is no funeral?

When someone who has no family dies and no one is able to cover funeral expenses or claim the body, the body is turned over to a funeral home. The funeral home will cremate or bury the body in a cemetery and will charge the costs of the disposition to the estate of the deceased.

Who pays for a funeral if there is no money?

NSW offers destitute funerals to those who are unable to pay for the cost of a funeral, and whose friends and relatives are also unable to help with the funeral costs. The service will be a basic cremation unless a burial is requested by the deceased’s next of kin.

What happens if you can’t afford to bury someone?

NSW offers destitute funerals to those who are unable to pay for the cost of a funeral, and whose friends and relatives are also unable to help with the funeral costs. The service will be a basic cremation unless a burial is requested by the deceased’s next of kin.

Is Bury pronounced berry or Burry?

If you live in Bury, England, you’re likely to pronounce it “Burry” rather then “Berry” – I used to work there and had to get out of the habit of saying “Berry”.

Are there two ways to pronounce epitome?

As reported by the NOAD and the OED, Epitome is pronounced /əˈpɪdəmi/ in American English and /ɪˈpɪtəmi/ (or /ɛˈpɪtəmi/) in British English.

Is it berry or bury?

A berry is a small edible fruit that has seeds but not a stone. The plural of berry is berries. … Bury means to place a dead body in a grave or to hide something underground, such as treasure.

What does Don mean in place names?

The suffix ‘don’ can come from what means either ‘valley’ (from OE), ‘hill’ or ‘down’ (from Celtic) or even ‘fort’ (as a prefix from Celtic). So depending on your particular town, look around and if you’re in a lower area, it comes from one kind of name, but a low flat top grassy hill another, and a steep hill another.

What does the ending bury mean?

1. – bury. From Old English, meaning a ‘fortified enclosure‘. You can skip the ‘u’ and just use the weak pronunciation /bri/: Aylesbury, Canterbury, Glastonbury.

What is the past perfect tense of Hug?

So for HUG: Past simple – I hugged the girl, Past perfect – He had hugged the leper before I realized, Past Continuous – I was hugging the guests and Past perfect continuous – I had been hugging guests, since we entered the hall.

How do you bury something?

When you dig a hole in the ground, put an object in the hole, and cover it up with dirt, you bury it. Your dog might prefer spending the majority of his time digging holes to bury his toy collection. You can bury something to hide it, or it can be part of a funeral ritual to bury a person who’s died.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Dr. Herbert Schaden IV

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1 : to dispose of by depositing in or as if in the earth buried their pet rabbit in the backyard especially : to inter with funeral ceremonies was buried with full military honors. 2a : to conceal by or as if by covering with earth a dog burying a bone buried treasure.

What does it mean when someone is buried?

Burial, also known as interment or inhumation, is a method of final disposition whereby a dead body is placed into the ground, sometimes with objects. … Humans have been burying their dead since shortly after the origin of the species. Burial is often seen as indicating respect for the dead.

What is burials means explain in short?

: the act or ceremony of burying a dead person in a grave. : the act of burying something in the ground.

What does buried mean in slang?

(slang) To outdo or defeat by a large margin. The team was buried in the first half by its crosstown rivals.

Is buried a real word?

verb (used with object), bur·ied, bur·y·ing. to put in the ground and cover with earth: The pirates buried the chest on the island. to put (a corpse) in the ground or a vault, or into the sea, often with ceremony: They buried the sailor with full military honors.

26 related questions found

What is a buried verb?

Sometimes called “buried verbs,” nominalizations occur when you express a verb or an adjective as a noun. … “I had the thought” takes the action of thinking and makes it a thing. “To take on the writing of a column” turns the action of writing into an object.

What is the same as Bury?

Frequently Asked Questions About bury

Some common synonyms of bury are conceal, hide, screen, and secrete. While all these words mean «to withhold or withdraw from sight,» bury implies covering up so as to hide completely.

Was does interred mean?

transitive verb. : to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb.

Why are people buried facing east?

The concept of being buried facing east to represent meeting the new day or the next life is also evident in Christianity and Christian burials. … Most Christians tend to bury their dead facing east. This is because they believe in the second coming of Christ and scripture teaches that he will come from the east.

What do funeral homes do with the blood from dead bodies?

The blood and bodily fluids just drain down the table, into the sink, and down the drain. This goes into the sewer, like every other sink and toilet, and (usually) goes to a water treatment plant. … Now any items that are soiled with blood—those cannot be thrown away in the regular trash.

Why are bodies buried 6 feet underground?

(WYTV) – Why do we bury bodies six feet under? The six feet under rule for burial may have come from a plague in London in 1665. The Lord Mayor of London ordered all the “graves shall be at least six-foot deep.” … Gravesites reaching six feet helped prevent farmers from accidentally plowing up bodies.

What is a grave without a body called?

Cenotaph — a grave where the body is not present; a memorial erected as over a grave, but at a place where the body has not been interred. A cenotaph may look exactly like any other grave in terms of marker and inscription.

Why do we bury the dead in coffins?

Coffins are an important part of death and funeral rites as they allow the body to rest peacefully, to be safe from disruptions, and to make the living feel like they have taken care of their loved one and valued it.

How do you bury someone with no money?

If you simply can’t come up with the money to pay for cremation or burial costs, you can sign a release form with your county coroner’s office that says you can’t afford to bury the family member. If you sign the release, the county and state will pitch in to either bury or cremate the body.

Why is buried pronounced berried?

Word History: Why do many speakers of English pronounce bury like berry instead rhyming it with jury? … Because scribes from the East Midlands pronounced the word with this vowel they tended to spell the word with a u, and this spelling became standard when spellings were fixed after the introduction of printing.

What does bury mean in Old English?

Old English byrgan «to raise a mound, hide, enclose in a grave or tomb, inter,» akin to beorgan «to shelter,» from Proto-Germanic *burzjan- «protection, shelter» (source also of Old Saxon bergan, Dutch bergen, Old Norse bjarga, Swedish berga, Old High German bergan «protect, shelter, conceal,» German bergen, Gothic …

What are buried verbs examples?

Buried verbs are those that are needlessly converted to wordy noun expressions. Such nouns often end in –tion, -ment, and –ance. Zombie nouns increase sentence length, slow the reader, and muddy the thought. An example of a buried verb/zombie noun is “motivation.” 8.

How do you spell buried in present tense?

The past tense of bury is buried. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of bury is buries. The present participle of bury is burying. The past participle of bury is buried.

What Bury Bury?

transitive verb. 1 : to dispose of by depositing in or as if in the earth buried their pet rabbit in the backyard especially : to inter with funeral ceremonies was buried with full military honors. 2a : to conceal by or as if by covering with earth a dog burying a bone buried treasure.

Is burial pronounced or buried?

It is of course often used in the context of funerals, and less frequently in the context of hidden treasures. The pronunciation of the words bury and buried (the simple past of bury) is less straight-froward than expected. The standard (British and American) pronunciations are [ˈberi] and [ˈberid], listen here.

How do you spell bury as in bury someone?

verb (used with object), bur·ied, bur·y·ing. to put in the ground and cover with earth: The pirates buried the chest on the island. to put (a corpse) in the ground or a vault, or into the sea, often with ceremony: They buried the sailor with full military honors.

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    ˈberɪ гл.
    1) хоронить, зарывать в землю to have buried one’s relatives ≈ потерять, похоронить близких My elder sister buried her husband about six months ago. ≈ Моя старшая сестра потеряла мужа около шести месяцев тому назад.
    2) прятать, скрывать, укрывать to bury one’s face in one’s hands ≈ закрыть лицо руками to bury one’s hands in one’s pockets ≈ засунуть руки в карманы to bury oneself in books ≈ зарыться в книги Syn: hide, conceal
    3) похоронить, предать забвению to bury the past ≈ предать забвению прошлое
    4) погружаться to be buried in thought ≈ погрузиться в раздумье ∙ bury in
    хоронить, погребать;
    совершать погребальный обряд — to * smb. with all due honours похоронить кого-л. со всеми почестями — to have buried all one’s relatives потерять всех близких зарывать, закапывать — to * smth. in sand зарыть что-л. в песок — to be buried under snow быть засыпанным снегом похоронить, предать забвению — to * smth. under a mountain of words утопить что-л. в потоке слов — to * one’s differences предать забвению размолвки погружать;
    прятать, скрывать — to * one’s face in one’s hands закрыть лицо руками — to * one’s hands in one’s pockets засунуть руки в карманы погружаться — to be buried in thought погружаться в раздумье — to be buried in memories of the past уйти в воспоминания о прошлом — to be buried in sloth совсем разлениться — to * oneself in one’s books зарыться с головой в книги, погрузиться в чтение — to * oneself in the country похоронить себя в деревне, уединиться
    bury погружаться;
    to be buried in thought погрузиться в раздумье
    bury погружаться;
    to be buried in thought погрузиться в раздумье ~ похоронить, предать забвению;
    to bury the past предать забвению прошлое ~ прятать;
    to bury one’s face in one’s hands закрыть лицо руками ~ хоронить, зарывать в землю;
    to have buried one’s relatives потерять, похоронить близких
    ~ прятать;
    to bury one’s face in one’s hands закрыть лицо руками
    to ~ one’s hands in one’s pockets засунуть руки в карманы;
    to bury oneself in books зарыться в книги
    to ~ one’s hands in one’s pockets засунуть руки в карманы;
    to bury oneself in books зарыться в книги
    ~ похоронить, предать забвению;
    to bury the past предать забвению прошлое
    ~ хоронить, зарывать в землю;
    to have buried one’s relatives потерять, похоронить близких

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bury

  • 5


    bury погружаться; to be buried in thought погрузиться в раздумье bury погружаться; to be buried in thought погрузиться в раздумье bury похоронить, предать забвению; to bury the past предать забвению прошлое bury прятать; to bury one’s face in one’s hands закрыть лицо руками bury хоронить, зарывать в землю; to have buried one’s relatives потерять, похоронить близких bury прятать; to bury one’s face in one’s hands закрыть лицо руками to bury one’s hands in one’s pockets засунуть руки в карманы; to bury oneself in books зарыться в книги to bury one’s hands in one’s pockets засунуть руки в карманы; to bury oneself in books зарыться в книги bury похоронить, предать забвению; to bury the past предать забвению прошлое bury хоронить, зарывать в землю; to have buried one’s relatives потерять, похоронить близких

    English-Russian short dictionary > bury

  • 6



    1) хоронить, предавать земле

    My elder sister buried her husband about six months ago. — Моя старшая сестра потеряла мужа около шести месяцев тому назад.

    2) зарывать, закапывать, засыпать

    а) погружать; скрывать, прятать

    He was buried in thought. — Он был погружён в размышления.

    The castle was buried deep in the forest. — Замок находился глубоко в лесу.

    б) погружаться; прятаться, скрываться, уединяться

    Bob likes to bury himself in the countryside, away from the city. — Боб любит сидеть безвылазно в деревне, подальше от города.

    I shall have to bury myself in my studies if I am to pass the exam. — Если я хочу сдать этот экзамен, я должна сосредоточиться на учёбе.


    4) похоронить, предать забвению

    Англо-русский современный словарь > bury

  • 7

    1. n геогр. Бери

    2. v хоронить, погребать; совершать погребальный обряд

    3. v зарывать, закапывать

    4. v похоронить, предать забвению

    5. v погружать; прятать, скрывать

    6. v обыкн. погружаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. conquer (verb) beat; conquer; defeat; overcome; win over

    3. inter (verb) enshrine; entomb; inhume; inter; lay away; plant; put away; sepulcher; sepulchre; sepulture; tomb

    4. inundate (verb) cache; conceal; cover; cover up; engulf; ensconce; enshroud; hide; immerse; inundate; obscure; occult; screen; secrete; sink; stash; submerge; submerse

    Антонимический ряд:

    excavate; exhume; expose; resuscitate; reveal; rise; uncover

    English-Russian base dictionary > Bury

  • 8

    1) хорони́ть, зарыва́ть в зе́млю;

    2) пря́тать;

    3) похорони́ть, преда́ть забве́нию;

    4) погружа́ться;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > bury

  • 9


    1) хоронить, зарывать в землю; to have buried one’s relatives потерять, похоронить близких

    2) прятать; to bury one’s face in one’s hands закрыть лицо руками; to bury one’s hands in one’s pockets засунуть руки в карманы; to bury oneself in books зарыться в книги

    3) похоронить, предать забвению; to bury the past предать забвению прошлое

    4) погружаться; to be buried in thought погрузиться в раздумье

    * * *

    (v) похоронить; хоронить

    * * *

    * * *

    [bur·y || ‘berɪ]
    хоронить, похоронить; зарывать в землю, зарывать, закопать; предать забвению; прятать, схоронить

    * * *










    * * *

    1) хоронить, зарывать в землю
    2) прятать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > bury

  • 10

    1. III

    bury smb., smth, bury a (dead person (one’s uncle, etc.) похоронить покойника и т. д., she has buried all her children (all her relatives, etc.) она потеряла /схоронила/ всех своих детей и т. д.; she has buried five husbands она пережила пятерых мужей; bury one’s differences позабыть разногласия

    2. IV

    bury smb. in same manner bury one’s parents solemnly торжественно и т. д. похоронить родителей

    3. VI

    4. XI

    1) be buried he is dead and buried он уже давно лежит в сырой земле; the whole thing is dead and buried все это давно быльем поросло /предано забвению/; be buried in some manner the victim of accident was buried without identification жертву несчастного случая похоронили без установления личности; be buried in smth. he was buried in his home town он был похоронен в родном городе; he was buried in an avalanche он был погребен под снежной лавиной и т. д., the house was buried under the snow дом занесло снегом; my passport was buried under the other papers мой паспорт лежал под другими бумагами; we found a poem of his buried in an obscure periodical нам удалось раскопать одно из его стихотворений, затерявшееся в малоизвестном журнале; he is buried in oblivion память о нем канула в лету || be buried alive быть заживо погребенным

    2) be buried in smth. be buried in the memories of the past быть погружённым /уйти/ в воспоминания о прошлом и т. д., be buried in business с головой уйти /погрузиться/ в дела и т. д.; the town is already buried in sleep город уже погрузился в сон

    5. XVIII

    bury oneself in smith.1)


    bury oneself In one’s books погрузиться /уйти с головой/ в книги и т. д.

    6. XXI1

    1) bury smb. in /at/ smth. bury the hero in his native earth похоронить героя на родине /в родной земле/ и т. д.; bury smb. with smth. bury the defenders of the town with the traditional funeral rites похоронить защитников города по традиционному похоронному обряду; they buried him with all due honours его тело было предано земле со всеми почестями

    2) bury smth. in smth. bury a bone in the ground закачивать /прятать/ кость в землю и т. д.; we decided to bury the box in the ground мы решили закопать этот ящик в землю

    3) bury smth. in smth. bury one’s face in one’s hands закрыть лицо и т. д. руками; bury one’s face oil smb.’s breast спрятать лицо у кого-л. на /на чьей-л./ груди; the child buried his face in her lap ребенок уткнулся лицом ей в колени: bury one’s hands in one’s pocket засунуть руки глубоко в карманы; he buried his head in the sand он зарылся головой в песок

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > bury

  • 11
    turn up

    1. I

    1) an opportunity turned up подвернулась возможность и т.д.; till something better turns up пока не подвернется что-нибудь получше; several people turned up [неожиданно] появилось /пришло/ несколько человек; he was the only person who turned up только он один и явился; the employees failed to turn up служащие так и не пришли

    2. II

    1) turn up at some time turn up one of these days появиться на днях; turn up 10 minutes late опоздать на десять минут; I shouldn’t think that he’ll turn up tonight не думаю, чтоб он объявился сегодня вечером; tun up somewhere you did not expect me to turn up here, did you? вы не ожидали, что я появлюсь здесь, верно?

    2) turn up sometime her purse has turned up today сегодня ее кошелек нашелся; your watch will turn up some day ваши часы и т.д. когда-нибудь и т.д. найдутся

    3. III

    1) turn up smth. /smth. up/ blow your horn when you turn up the drive посигнальте, когда будете подъезжать к дому

    2) turn up smb., smth. /smb., smth. up/ turn a child up перевернуть ребенка и т.д. [на спину]

    3) turn up smth. /smth. up/ turn one’s collar up поднять воротник; turn up one’s hat brims загнуть поля шляпы; turn up one’s sleeves закатать рукава; turn up the hem подшивать подол платья; turn up the ends of one’s trousers подвертывать брюки || turn up one’s nose задирать нос

    4) turn up smth. /smth. up/ turn up some buried treasure выкопать клад и т.д.

    5) turn up smth. /smth. up/ turn up the soil вскапывать /пахать/ землю

    6) turn up smb. /smb. up/ coll. the sight turns me up от этого зрелища и т.д. меня просто тошнит; the mere thought of flying turns me up даже от алиби мысли о полете мне делается дурно

    7) tuna up smth. /smth. up/ turn up the radio сделать радио погромче; turn up the gas увеличить газ; turn up the lamp сделать свет поярче

    4. XI

    5. XIII

    turn up to do smth. he turned up to help us он пришел помочь нам; something always turned up to prevent their meeting что-нибудь всегда мешало им встретиться

    6. XVI

    2) turn up from some place turn up from India приехать из Индии; turn up at a meeting появиться на собрании и т.д.; his name is always turning up in the newspapers его имя все время мелькает /попадается, упоминается/ в газетах; turn up at some time turn up at noon появиться в полдень и т.д.; come around next week, maybe a job will turn up by then загляните на следующей неделе, может быть к тому времени появится /будет/ какая-нибудь работа; turn up for smth. nobody turned up for the lecture никто не пришел на лекцию и т.д.

    3) turn up under smth. the pen turned up under the rug ручка нашлась под ковриком и т.д.

    7. XXI1

    1) turn up smth. /smth. up/ in smth. turn up a word in the dictionary отыскать /откопать/ слово в словаре и т.д.; among the letters I turned up a photograph of your mother среди писем я откопал /разыскал/ фотографию твоей матери

    2) || turn up one’s nose at smth. воротить нос от чего-л.; she turned up her nose at the idea ей не понравилась эта мысль и т.д.; she turns up her nose at my cooking она воротит нос от моей стряпни

    8. XXV

    turn up where… he’s always turning up where you don’t want him он всегда появляется там, где он совсем не нужен; he turned up when we least expected him он объявился, когда мы меньше всего его ждали

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > turn up

См. также в других словарях:

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  • absorbed — Synonyms and related words: absent, absentminded, absorbed in, abstracted, bemused, buried, buried in, buried in thought, castle building, caught up in, concentrating, contemplating, contemplative, daydreaming, daydreamy, deep, devoted, devoted… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • engrossed — Synonyms and related words: absent, absentminded, absorbed, absorbed in, abstracted, assiduous, autograph, autographic, bemused, buried in, buried in thought, busy, calligraphic, castle building, caught up in, chirographic, consumed,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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  • preoccupied — Synonyms and related words: absent, absentminded, absorbed, absorbed in, abstracted, assiduous, bemused, besotted, blind, buried in, buried in thought, castle building, caught up in, constant, contemplating, contemplative, continuing, daydreaming …   Moby Thesaurus

  • introspective — Synonyms and related words: absorbed, abstracted, buried in thought, cogitative, cognitive, concentrating, concentrative, conceptive, conceptual, conceptualized, contemplating, contemplative, deliberating, deliberative, engaged in thought,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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  • rapt — Synonyms and related words: absent, absentminded, absorbed, abstracted, arrested, assiduous, beatific, bemused, bewitched, blissful, buried in thought, bursting with happiness, captivated, carried away, castle building, caught, charmed, constant …   Moby Thesaurus

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placed in the ground and covered with earth: There are countless opportunities for leaks in the miles of buried, hard-to-inspect pipes under the nuclear plant site.

(of a corpse) placed in the ground or a vault or tomb, or into the sea, often with ceremony: Here, in the largest of these cemeteries, lie 12,000 buried soldiers from many countries.

plunged deeply into something: She looked in shock at the mayor, who was calmly taking the buried knife out of his chest without spilling a drop of blood.

covered or concealed; made hard to find: One of the best reasons for the poem’s effectiveness as propaganda is its barely buried exposé of the true engine of war: fear.

put out of one’s mind: These pages of fiction woke me up to the buried emotions left from a relationship that nearly cost me my life as a teen.


the simple past tense and past participle of bury.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of buried


half-bur·ied, adjectiveun·bur·ied, adjectivewell-bur·ied, adjective

Words nearby buried

burial, burial ground, burial mound, Buriat, Buridan’s ass, buried, burier, burin, Burj Dubai, Burk, burka

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to buried

covered, hidden, submerged, wrapped, entombed, inhumed, interred, obscured, absorbed, stuck, captive

How to use buried in a sentence

  • Their bodies were later found incinerated and buried in mass graves outside of town.

  • The procession continued on to the Cypress Hill Cemetery, where Ramos was buried the week before.

  • And there are a few nice things buried beneath the rubble that I could use in my apartment.

  • In it, Kraven the Hunter tracks down Spider-Man, shoots him repeatedly, and leaves him for dead, buried underground.

  • Before preservationists could put a stop to it, he and other looters had raided and destroyed precious relics buried at the site.

  • If they are Ancients and dead then let them be buried and left to the archæological excavator.

  • They carried the two bodies together on some litters, and buried them both in the same grave.

  • Then the two bodies of the men were buried, carrying them together from the street to the grave.

  • They buried her body in the Recollect convent, with the greatest pomp possible.

  • Their bodies are buried in peace, and their name liveth unto generation and generation.

transitive verb


: to dispose of by depositing in or as if in the earth

buried their pet rabbit in the backyard


: to inter with funeral ceremonies

was buried with full military honors



: to conceal by or as if by covering with earth


: to cover from view

buried her face in her hands

Their car was buried under the snow.



: to have done with

burying their differences


: to conceal in obscurity

buried the retraction among the classified ads


: to put (a playing card) out of play by placing it in or under the dealer’s pack



: to succeed emphatically or impressively in making (a shot)


: to defeat overwhelmingly

They were buried by a score of 15-2.


bury the hatchet

: to settle a disagreement : become reconciled

time for them to bury the hatchet and start working together again


Choose the Right Synonym for bury

a house hidden in the woods

conceal usually does imply intent and often specifically implies a refusal to divulge.

screen implies an interposing of something that prevents discovery.

a house screened by trees

secrete suggests a depositing in a place unknown to others.

secreted the amulet inside his shirt

bury implies covering up so as to hide completely.

Example Sentences

He was buried with full military honors.

Their ancestors are buried in the local cemetery.

cultures that bury their dead

The dog buried her bone.

He buried the money in the backyard.

the search for buried treasure

He has learned to bury his feelings.

She buried her face in her hands.

The disclaimer was buried in the fine print.

The newspaper covered the story, but it was buried in the back of section C.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Evidence suggests the dinosaurs were buried in floods.

Tom Page, CNN, 29 Mar. 2023

The elder Abdulhak reportedly died from cancer in October 2020 in Germany and was buried in Egypt.

Danielle Wallace, Fox News, 28 Mar. 2023

Tuat’s family never learned where his body was buried.

Megan Burrow And Nhung Nguyen, USA TODAY, 28 Mar. 2023

The winter months can cool down slightly, but even when the rest of the country is buried in snow in January and February, Charleston is likely to have sunny, beautiful days.

Todd Plummer, Travel + Leisure, 28 Mar. 2023

The email jungle is literally exploding and the productivity of sales and customer service professionals is increasingly buried in email quagmire.

Cindy Gordon, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

Ramirez shared a table that is buried toward the end of an almost four-hundred-page report on the 2015 test, which compares responses with separate and combined race and ethnicity questions.

Geraldo Cadava, The New Yorker, 25 Mar. 2023

The wealthy can be buried under elaborate monuments in prestigious cemeteries while some of the least fortunate are relegated to a pauper’s grave.

Corey Kilgannon, New York Times, 24 Mar. 2023

While Langley hoped to find the king’s grave, the University of Leicester Archaeological Services was more interested in locating Grey Friars, the Franciscan friary where Richard was reportedly buried.

Meilan Solly, Smithsonian Magazine, 23 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘bury.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English burien, birien, beryen, going back to Old English byrgan, byrian, going back to Germanic *burgjan-, probably meaning «to conceal» (whence also Old Norse byrgja «to close, shut, hide»), zero-grade derivative from the base of *bergan- «to keep safe» — more at harbor entry 1

First Known Use

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of bury was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near bury

Cite this Entry

“Bury.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bury. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on bury

Last Updated:
1 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

buried — перевод на русский


I have decided to forgive everything, so let me bury it all deep in my heart, and let us compromise a little.

Я решила простить его смерть. Позволь похоронить это у себя в сердце и позволь остаться в стороне.

«I’m going to bury that guy while these lilies are still fresh!»

«Я собираюсь похоронить этого парня, пока эти лилии еще не завяли!»

— At least we could bury him. — Why?

По крайней мере, мы могли бы его похоронить.

He ain’t gonna let us bury that child.

Он не даст нам похоронить ребёнка.

You didn’t even save one to bury me in?

И даже одного не сохранил, чтобы меня в нём похоронить?

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When he’s buried, no one can identify him.

Когда он будет похоронен, никто его не опознает.

Harry’s dead and buried.

Гарри умер и похоронен.

He’s buried far from his birthplace, near a town with a foreign name.

Он похоронен далеко от родной земли у деревни с нерусским названием.

He’s buried in the American cemetery outside Liege.

Он похоронен на американском военном кладбище под Льежем.

Only our child is dead and buried.

Только наш ребенок умер и похоронен.

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We know, but ain’t none of our folks ever been buried without a few words.

Знать-то знаем, но нельзя же близких совсем молча хоронить.

Don’t bury me yet.

Не стоит хоронить меня раньше времени.

Help me! You helped bury him.

Ты же помогал его хоронить.

You’re not supposed to bury bodies whenever you find them.

Никто не обязан хоронить все тела, которые он находит.

I’m not burying someone else’s bad habits.

Не желаю хоронить последствия чужих поступков.

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Now, stay with her — and help her bury the dog.

А теперь останься с ней и помоги ей закопать собаку.

Bury him?

Закопать его?

Bury the hatchet.

Закопать топор войны.

We gotta get him out of here and bury him.

Надо унести его отсюда и закопать.

I could bury him in the arbor where the ground is soft… but how will I get him out of here?

Я могу закопать его за беседкой, где земля мягкая но как я его вытащу отсюда?

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Yes, as of today, he would accept condolers’ visits and bury her on the third day.

а через три будут похороны.

I haven’t even buried her.

Похороны ещё даже не закончились.

Are we going to waste more time burying them?

Нам обязательно терять время на похороны?

You have that long to bury Mr. Gaetano.

Именно столько времени у вас на похороны мистера Гаэтано.

Here I’d missed seein’ Woody one more time, and Shelly was buried before I ever made it back up there.

Я не смог повидаться с Вуди в последний раз, и опоздал на похороны Шелли.

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There’s a city buried under here.

Тут под нами погребен город.

It’s been deliberately buried.

Он был намеренно погребён.

Deliberately buried.

Намеренно погребён.

No difficulty in that, it’s like he was already dead and buried.

Никаких трудностей, считайте, что он уже мёртв и погребён.

In addition, I want to be buried in the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Mont, in the city of Paris.

Добавьте, что я хочу быть погребен в церкви Сен-Этьен-дю-Мон, в Париже.

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You know why? Because he had something buried in that garden that the dog scented.

Потому что от там что-то зарыл, а собака это унюхала.

At the beginning of the school year he had buried a quart jar of pennies underneath his house.

В начале учебного года Верн зарыл литровую банку с мелочью под верандой своего дома.

— And you also buried the raft, right?

— И катамаран тоже ты зарыл, верно?

I do not know why I buried it.

Не знаю, зачем я его зарыл.

You need us only show where he had buried machine.

Ты должен нам только показать, где зарыл станок.

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It’s better not to have buried him.

Лучше не закапывать его.

But it was silly to want to bury the medal pinned on Claude’s coat.

Но это же глупо, закапывать медаль вместе с Клодом.

For sanitary reasons a British bulldozer had to bury the bodies as quickly as possible.

По причинам гигиены им пришлось немедленно закапывать трупы при помощи бульдозеров.

But neither Yamamori nor Doi had buried the hatchet.

Но конечно же ни Ямамори, ни Дои не собирались закапывать топор войны.

— But why had she buried the bicycle?

Зачем ей нужно было закапывать велосипед?

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As the one grandfather says here is buried?

Как дедушка говорит, захоронены здесь?

It is the only place where bodies of plague victims can be buried without contaminating all humanity. That is the work we’re doing here.

Это единственное место, где тела погибших от чумы могут быть захоронены, не заразив остальное человечество.

I merely resurrected those things which lay buried in the depths of her pathetic little mind.

Я просто воскрешал те вещи, которые захоронены в глубине ее трогательно маленького разума.

But I figured the destinations I tried were destroyed or buried.

Но я считаю, что пункты назначения были, либо уничтожены, либо захоронены.

The pieces were scattered, buried in every corner of the Earth.

Части были разделены и захоронены в разных частях света.

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Did he say what was buried in the flower bed?

Он сказал, что зарыто в клумбе?

— Something’s been buried…

— Что-то там зарыто. — Что-то?

But I wondered, what was still buried… deep inside the mommies downstairs?

Но я задумалась, что… было зарыто глубоко в душах остальных мам?

In the back, buried in the garden, you’ll find the body of Robert Paulsen.

В саду за домом зарыто, тело Роберта Полсона.

Such a rare treasure is buried in their own backyard and these people don’t have a clue.

Даже не догадываются, что у них под ногами зарыто настоящее сокровище,

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