Bullshit is one word

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BULLSHIT stamp on the desk of a street photographer

Bullshit (also bullshite or bullcrap) is a common English expletive which may be shortened to the euphemism bull or the initialism B.S. In British English, «bollocks» is a comparable expletive. It is mostly a slang term and a profanity which means «nonsense», especially as a rebuke in response to communication or actions viewed as deceptive, misleading, disingenuous, unfair or false. As with many expletives, the term can be used as an interjection, or as many other parts of speech, and can carry a wide variety of meanings. A person who excels at communicating nonsense on a given subject is sometimes referred to as a «bullshit artist» instead of a «liar.»[1]

In philosophy and psychology of cognition the term «bullshit» is sometimes used to specifically refer to statements produced without particular concern of truth, to distinguish from a deliberate, manipulative lie intended to subvert the truth.[2] In business and management, guidance for comprehending, recognizing, acting on and preventing bullshit, are proposed for stifling the production and spread of this form of misrepresentation in the workplace, media and society.[3] Within organizations bullshitting is considered to be a social practice that people engage with to become part of a speech community, to get things done in that community, and to reinforce their identity.[4] Research has also produced the Organizational Bullshit Perception Scale (OBPS) that reveals three factors of organizational bullshit (regard for truth, the boss, and bullshit language) that can be used to gauge perceptions of the extent of organizational bullshit that exists in a workplace.[5]

The word is generally used in a depreciatory sense, but it may imply a measure of respect for language skills or frivolity, among various other benign usages. In philosophy, Harry Frankfurt, among others, analyzed the concept of bullshit as related to, but distinct from, lying; the liar tells untruth, the bullshitter aims to convey a certain impression of themselves without being concerned about whether anything at all is true—it may be.[6]

As an exclamation, «Bullshit!» conveys a measure of dissatisfaction with something or someone, but this usage need not be a comment on the truth of the matter.


«Bull», meaning nonsense, dates from the 17th century, while the term «bullshit» has been used as early as 1915 in British[7] and American[8] slang, and came into popular usage only during World War II. The word «bull» itself may have derived from the Old French bole meaning «fraud, deceit».[8] The term «horseshit» is a near synonym. An occasionally used South African English equivalent, though more common in Australian slang, is «bull dust».

Although there is no confirmed etymological connection, these older meanings are synonymous with the modern expression «bull», generally considered and used as a contraction of «bullshit».

Another proposal, according to the lexicographer Eric Partridge, is that the term was popularized by the Australian and New Zealand troops from about 1916 arriving at the front during World War I. Partridge claims that the British commanding officers placed emphasis on bull; that is, attention to appearances, even when it was a hindrance to waging war. The Diggers allegedly ridiculed the British by calling it bullshit.[9]

In the philosophy of truth and rhetoric

Assertions of fact

«Bullshit» is commonly used to describe statements made by people concerned with the response of the audience rather than with truth and accuracy. On one prominent occasion, the word itself was part of a controversial advertisement. During the 1980 U.S. presidential campaign, the Citizens Party candidate Barry Commoner ran a radio advertisement that began with an actor exclaiming: «Bullshit! Carter, Reagan and Anderson, it’s all bullshit!» NBC refused to run the advertisement because of its use of the expletive, but Commoner’s campaign successfully appealed to the Federal Communications Commission to allow the advertisement to run unedited.[10]

Harry Frankfurt’s concept

In his essay On Bullshit (originally written in 1986, and published as a monograph in 2005), philosopher Harry Frankfurt of Princeton University characterizes bullshit as a form of falsehood distinct from lying. The liar, Frankfurt holds, knows and cares about the truth, but deliberately sets out to mislead instead of telling the truth. The «bullshitter», on the other hand, does not care about the truth and is only seeking to impress:[11]

It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction. A person who lies is thereby responding to the truth, and he is to that extent respectful of it. When an honest man speaks, he says only what he believes to be true; and for the liar, it is correspondingly indispensable that he considers his statements to be false. For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and of the liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose.

Frankfurt connects this analysis of bullshit with Ludwig Wittgenstein’s disdain of «non-sense» talk, and with the popular concept of a «bull session» in which speakers may try out unusual views without commitment. He fixes the blame for the prevalence of «bullshit» in modern society upon anti-realism and upon the growing frequency of situations in which people are expected to speak or have opinions without appropriate knowledge of the subject matter.

Several political commentators have seen that Frankfurt’s concept of bullshit provides insights into political campaigns.[12] Gerald Cohen, in «Deeper into Bullshit», contrasted the kind of «bullshit» Frankfurt describes with a different sort: nonsense discourse presented as sense. Cohen points out that this sort of bullshit can be produced either accidentally or deliberately. While some writers do deliberately produce bullshit, a person can also aim at sense and produce nonsense by mistake; or a person deceived by a piece of bullshit can repeat it innocently, without intent to deceive others.[13]

Cohen gives the example of Alan Sokal’s «Transgressing the Boundaries» as a piece of deliberate bullshit. Sokal’s aim in creating it, however, was to show that the «postmodernist» editors who accepted his paper for publication could not distinguish nonsense from sense, and thereby by implication that their field was «bullshit».

David Graeber’s theory of bullshit work in the modern economy

Anthropologist David Graeber’s book Bullshit Jobs: A Theory argues the existence and societal harm of meaningless jobs. He contends that over half of societal work is pointless, which becomes psychologically destructive.

Education and reasoning as immunization against bullshit

Brandolini’s law, also known as the “bullshit asymmetry principle,” holds that “the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than what’s needed to produce it.” This truism highlights that while the battle against misinformation more generally must be fought “face to face,” the larger war against belief in misinformation won’t be won without prevention. Once people are set in their ways, beliefs are notoriously hard to change. Building immunity against false beliefs in the first place is the more effective long-term strategy.[14][15]

Almost 20 years before Dr. Frankfurt, NYU professor Neil Postman gave a talk entitled, “Bullshit and the Art of Crap Detection” at the 1969 National Convention for Teachers of English in Washington DC. He started by telling his audience that “helping kids to activate their crap-detectors should take precedence over any other legitimate educational aim.»

University of Washington biologist Carl Bergstrom and professor Jevin West began a college course on «Calling Bullshit: Data Reasoning in a Digital World».[16] They then launched the Calling Bullshit website and published a book with the same title.

As an object of psychological research

While Dr. Frankfurt sparked the academic study of bullshit and bullshitting, few have advanced our knowledge of “bullshittees”, those who consume bullshit, more than University of Regina psychology professor Dr. Gordon Pennycook. He and his colleagues won the 2016 Ig Nobel Prize (for Peace) for developing a questionnaire designed to quantify receptiveness to a particular kind of bullshit that they called “pseudoprofound bullshit.»[17]

Wake Forest University psychologists found evidence to support that beyond the Dunning-Kruger effect (unwarranted high self-confidence), bullshitting tends to happen when there’s social pressure to provide an opinion and a social “pass” that will allow someone to get away with it. Psychology research from Yale University demonstrated that the Dunning-Kruger effect is amplified by access to the internet: we tend to conflate the ability to look up information on the internet with actual personal knowledge. Social media also offers an environment that combines the social pressure to bullshit with an anonymity that provides the social “pass.” In 2018, education experts from Queen’s University in Belfast summed it up this way: “…along with a pervasive and balkanized social media ecosystem and high internet immersion, public life provides abundant opportunities to bullshit and lie on a scale we could have scarcely credited 30 years ago.”[18]

Psychologists at Vanderbilt University, Duke University and University of North Carolina researched the Illusory truth effect, or the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. The listener is likely to let it override their prior knowledge on the subject and believe it.[19][20]

Research by psychologists at the University of Waterloo tested the familiar adage that “you can’t bullshit a bullshitter.” To do so, they explored correlations between a scale that measures “bullshitting” (the Bullshitting Frequency Scale or BFS) and a scale that measures “bullshit receptivity” (the Bullshit Receptivity Scale or BRS) and found that higher scores on the former were correlated with higher scores on the latter. In other words, those who are most likely to bullshit are in turn more likely to believe bullshit, suggesting that you can indeed bullshit a bullshitter after all.[21][22]

In everyday language

Outside of the academic world, among natural speakers of North American English, as an interjection or adjective, bullshit conveys general displeasure, an objection to, or points to unfairness within, some state of affairs. This colloquial usage of «bullshit», which began in the 20th century, «bullshit» does not give a truth score to another’s discourse. It simply labels something that the speaker does not like & feels he is unable to change.[23]

In the colloquial English of the Boston, Massachusetts area, «bullshit» can be used as an adjective to communicate that one is angry or upset, for example, «I was wicked bullshit after someone parked in my spot».[24]

In popular culture

  • The Showtime TV series Penn & Teller: Bullshit! debunks many common beliefs and often criticizes specific people’s comments. Penn Jillette stated the name was chosen because you could be sued for saying someone is a liar, but not if you said they were talking bullshit.
  • A running joke in the Channel 4 series The Last Leg is that the host, Adam Hills, has a series of «bullshit buttons» on his desk that are pressed whenever an appropriate event occurs. Upon doing so, the speaker system will play the word «bullshit».[25] These are normally programmed with the voices of celebrity guests,[26] except for the «People’s Bullshit Button», which is programmed with the collective voices of a past audience.[27]
  • Wooden versions of the Trammel of Archimedes are sold as novelty items under the name of bullshit grinders.
  • Novelty cup

    Novelty cup

  • Novelty bag

    Novelty bag

See also

  • Buzzword bingo, also known as bullshit bingo
  • Chicken shit
  • Confabulation
  • Fake news
  • Gish gallop
  • Holy cow
  • Humbug
  • Not even wrong
  • Sacred cow
  • Shibai
  • Tall tale
  • Waffle (speech)



  1. ^ Heer, Jeet (2015-12-01). «Donald Trump Is Not a Liar». The New Republic. Retrieved 2022-03-13.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit, Gordon Pennycook, James Allan Cheyne, Nathaniel Barr, Derek J. Koehler, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 10, No. 6, November 2015, pp. 549-563
  3. ^ McCarthy, Ian P.; Hannah, David; Pitt, Leyland F.; McCarthy, Jane M. (2020-05-01). «Confronting indifference toward truth: Dealing with workplace bullshit». Business Horizons. 63 (3): 253–263. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2020.01.001. ISSN 0007-6813. S2CID 214037079.
  4. ^ Spicer, André (4 June 2020). «Playing the Bullshit Game: How Empty and Misleading Communication Takes Over Organizations». Organization Theory. 1 (2). doi:10.1177/2631787720929704.
  5. ^ Ferreira, Caitlin; Hannah, David; McCarthy, Ian; Pitt, Leyland; Ferguson, Sarah Lord (3 December 2020). «This Place Is Full of It: Towards an Organizational Bullshit Perception Scale». Psychological Reports. 125 (1): 448–463. doi:10.1177/0033294120978162. PMID 33269982. S2CID 227260056.
  6. ^ Frankfurt, Harry G. (30 January 2005). On Bullshit. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691122946. Retrieved 13 May 2022.
  7. ^ Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  8. ^ a b «Online Etymology Dictionary». Etymonline.com. Retrieved 2011-11-12.
  9. ^ Peter Hartcher (2012-11-06). «US looks Down Under to stop poll rot». Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 2013-11-05.
  10. ^ Paul Siegel (2007). Communication Law in America. Paul Siegel. pp. 507–508. ISBN 978-0-7425-5387-3.
  11. ^ «Harry Frankfurt on bullshit». Archived from the original on 2005-03-08. Retrieved 2013-11-05.
  12. ^ Shafer, Jack (December 24, 2015), «The Limits of Fact-Checking», Politico Magazine, retrieved 10 January 2016
  13. ^ Cohen, G.A. (2002). «Deeper into Bullshit». Originally appeared in Buss and Overton, eds., Contours of Agency: Themes from the Philosophy of Harry Frankfurt. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Reprinted in Hardcastle and Reich, Bullshit and Philosophy (Chicago: Open Court, 2006), ISBN 0-8126-9611-5.
  14. ^ Pierre, Joe (February 2020). «The Psychology of Bullshit». Psychology Today. Sussex Publishing. Retrieved March 31, 2022.
  15. ^ MacMillan, Thomas (June 26, 2017). «A Beginner’s Guide to Calling BS». New York Magazine, The Cut. VOX Media, LLC. Retrieved April 9, 2022.
  16. ^ McWilliams, James (2019-04-17). «‘Calling bullshit’: the college class on how not to be duped by the news». the Guardian. Retrieved 2023-02-06.
  17. ^ Pierre, Joe (February 2020). «The Psychology of Bullshit». Psychology Today. Sussex Publishing. Retrieved March 31, 2022.
  18. ^ MacKenzie, A (February 2020). «Lies, bullshit and fake news: some epistemological concerns». Postdigital Science and Education. 2: 9-13. doi:10.1007/s42438-018-0025-4. S2CID 158148106.
  19. ^ Fazio L., Brashier N., Payne B.K., Marsh E. (2015). «Knowledge Does Not Protect Against Illusory Truth» (PDF). Journal of Experimental Psychology. 144 (5): 993–1002. doi:10.1037/xge0000098. PMID 26301795. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-10-09. Retrieved April 9, 2022.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  20. ^ «Fine-Tune Your B.S. Detector». Association for Psychological Science. APS. March 23, 2018. Retrieved April 9, 2022.
  21. ^ Littrell, Risko, Fugelsang (2021). «You can’t bullshit a bullshitter’ (or can you?)». British Journal of Social Psychology.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  22. ^ Pierre, Joe. «Can You Bullshit a Bullshitter?». Psychology Today. Sussex Publishing. Retrieved March 31, 2022.
  23. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, «Bullshit». This entry gives a cross-reference to the definition of «Bull», 4.3: «Trivial, insincere, or untruthful talk or writing; nonsense.»
  24. ^ «Bullshit». Universal Hub.
  25. ^ «‘Our humour gets very dark, very fast’: The Last Leg presenters on busting disability taboos». the Guardian. 2021-08-24. Retrieved 2022-08-24.
  26. ^ Mhairi Black’s New Bullsh*t Buzzer — The Last Leg, retrieved 2022-08-24
  27. ^ We’re Gonna Need a Bigger B*llshit Button | The Last Leg, retrieved 2022-08-24


  • Eliot, T. S. (1997). Inventions of the March Hare: Poems 1909–1917. Harcourt. ISBN 0-15-100274-6
  • Frankfurt, Harry G. (2005). On Bullshit. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-12294-6. – Harry Frankfurt’s detailed analysis of the concept of bullshit.
  • Hardcastle, Gary L.; Reisch, George A., eds. (2006). Bullshit and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court (Carus Publishing). ISBN 0-8126-9611-5.
  • Holt, Jim, Say Anything, one of his Critic At Large essays from The New Yorker, (August 22, 2005)
  • Penny, Laura (2005). Your Call Is Important To Us: The Truth About Bullshit. Random House. ISBN 1-4000-8103-3.  – Halifax academic Laura Penny’s study of the phenomenon of bullshit and its impact on modern society.
  • Weingartner, C.. «Public doublespeak: every little movement has a meaning all of its own». College English, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Sep., 1975), pp. 54–61.

Further reading

  • Bergstrom, Carl T.; West, Jevin D. (2020). Calling bullshit : the art of skepticism in a data-driven world. New York. ISBN 978-0-525-50918-9. OCLC 1127668193.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bullshit.

vulgar slang for deceptive or exaggerated nonsense See also translations at nonsense

  • Albanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Arabic:
    Gulf Arabic: خَرَابِيط(χɐˈrɑːbitˁ), حَچِي فَاضِي(ħɐʃ͡ʒi fɑːðˤi)
  • Armenian: please add this translation if you can
  • Bulgarian: please add this translation if you can
  • Catalan: collonades (ca) f pl
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 廢話废话 (zh) (fèihuà), 狗屁 (zh) (gǒupì), 放屁 (zh) (fàngpì)
  • Czech: kecy m, kravina (cs) f, nesmysl (cs) m
  • Danish: pis (da) n
  • Dutch: lulkoek (nl) m, kletskoek (nl) m, lariekoek (nl) m, gelul (nl) n, onzin (nl) m, bullshit (nl) m, smoes (nl) m, zever (nl) m, nonsens (nl) f
  • Esperanto: fekaĵo (in context, vulgar), stultaĵo, falsaĵo, merdo (in context, vulgar, proscribed)
  • Finnish: paskapuhe (fi), hevonpaska (fi), soopa (fi), sonta (fi), paska (fi), pötypuhe (fi), hölynpöly (fi)
  • French: conneries (fr) f pl, baratin (fr) m, pipeau (fr) m
  • Georgian: ყლეობა (q̇leoba)
  • German: Quatsch (de) m, Gequatsche (de) n, durchsichtiges Geschwätz n
  • Greek: μαλακίες (el) f pl (malakíes), μπούρδες (el) f pl (boúrdes)
  • Hungarian: süketelés, duma (hu), süket duma, hülyítés, kamu (hu), blöff (hu), humbug, mese habbal, szófosás (hu)
  • Icelandic: kjaftæði (is) n, bull (is) n, þvættingur m
  • Indonesian: cuma ngomong gede, omong besar, omong kosong (id)
  • Irish: cacamas
  • Italian: cazzata (it) f (vulg.), stronzata (it) f (vulg.), coglionata (it) f (rare)(vulg.), minchiata (it) f (vulg.)
  • Japanese: でたらめ (ja) (detarame)
  • Khmer: please add this translation if you can
  • Korean: 헛소리 (ko) (heotsori)
  • Latin: muscerdae f pl
  • Latvian: please add this translation if you can
  • Lithuanian: nesąmonė f pl
  • Macedonian: срање n (sranje)
  • Malay: mengarut
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Navajo: łį́į́ʼ bichąąʼ, dóola bichąąʼ, tʼáá ádzaagóó
  • Nepali: वाहियात (vāhiyāt), हावा (ne) (hāwā)
  • Norwegian: pisspreik, okseavføring, bull (no)
  • Persian: کسشعر(koseše’r, kosše’r)
  • Polish: gówno prawda (pl), pierdoły (pl) pl, pieprzenie (pl) n, sranie (pl) c (vulgar), bzdura (pl) f, pierdolenie (pl) c (vulgar), sranie w banię (pl) n, sranie w banię i po ścianie n, pierdzielenie o Chopinie n
  • Portuguese: besteira (pt) f, asneira (pt) f, merda (pt) f
  • Romanian: pulărie f, rahat (ro), căcat (ro) n, vrăjeală f
  • Russian: фигня́ (ru) f (fignjá), хуета́ (ru) f (xujetá) (vulgar), пиздёж m (pizdjóž) (vulgar), хуйня́ (ru) m (xujnjá) (vulgar), херня́ (ru) m (xernjá) (vulgar), чепуха́ (ru) m (čepuxá), бред си́вой кобы́лы (ru) m (bred sívoj kobýly) (lit.: delirium of a grey mare), чушь соба́чья f (čušʹ sobáčʹja)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: срање n
    Roman: sranje (sh) n
  • Spanish: tontería (es) f, pendejadas (es) f, cuento chino m, idiotez (es) f, huevada (es) f, mierda (es) f, caca (es) f, chamullo (es) m, gilipollez, leseras f (Chile), chorrada (es) f, bosta (es), mierda de toro
  • Swedish: skitsnack (sv) n, strunt (sv) n
  • Thai: ล้อเล่น (th) (lór lên)
  • Turkish: saçmalık (tr), palavra (tr)
  • Ukrainian: маячня (uk) f (majačnja)
  • Vietnamese: please add this translation if you can
  • Welsh: cachu rwtsh m
  • 1

    bullshit [ˊbυlʃɪt]


    n разг.

    дерьмо́ соба́чье, ерунда́, несусве́тная чушь

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > bullshit

  • 2

    бессмыслица, вранье, ерунда, треп, болтовня, что-то типа нашего «бред сивой кобылы.». Даже несколько грубее (дословно — лошадиные или бычьи испражнения, т. е. большой объем не представляющего ценности материала). Очень популярное слово.

    American slang. English-Russian dictionary > BULLSHIT

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > bullshit

  • 4

    имя существительное:

    херня (bullshit, nonsense)

    хуйня (bullshit, nonsense)


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > bullshit

  • 5


    vulg sl


    vulg sl

    While that dumb-ass bullshits and enjoys himself those he claims he is trying to help still go hungry — Пока этот придурок засерает всем мозги и наслаждается жизнью, те, которым он с понтом помогает, ходят голодными

    The guys who were always bullshitting about how addicted they were had never seen a needle in their lives — Парни, которые постоянно заливали о том, какие они наркоманы, в жизни своей не видели шприца


    vulg sl

    You wouldn’t bullshit us, would you? — Ты же не станешь нам вешать лапшу на уши, правда?


    vulg sl

    «He says he could write a book if he would» «Bullshit! He doesn’t even begin to understand what genuine literature is about» — «Он говорит, что смог бы написать книгу, если бы захотел» — «Пиздеж! Он даже не понимает, что такое настоящая литература»

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > bullshit

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bullshit

  • 7



    1) дерьмо

    2) враки; ≅ бред собачий

    НБАРС > bullshit

  • 8

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > BULLSHIT

  • 9

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bullshit

  • 10


    абсурд, ерунда

    говорить ерунду

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > bullshit

  • 11

    1 (a) собачья чушь

    2 (n) враки; дерьмо

    * * *

    1. абсурд, ерунда 2. говорить ерунду

    * * *

    (сленг) чушь собачья, несусветная чушь, враки, ерунда

    * * *

    1. сущ.; груб.
    2. гл.; груб.
    говорить ерунду

    Новый англо-русский словарь > bullshit

  • 12

    Дерьмо собачье. Чушь собачья. Полное дерьмо. Полный бред

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Bullshit

  • 13

    нести чушь собачью, заливать: — Stop bullshitting me! А IIyou are talking is a bull shit! — Хватит нести ерунду! Все это чушь собачья!

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > bullshit

  • 14




    чушь, бред собачий




    говорить ерунду, нести чушь

    Англо-русский современный словарь > bullshit

  • 15

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > bullshit

  • 16

    дерьмо, ерунда (о чьих-то словах, действиях, мнении)

    English-Russian diving dictionary > bullshit

  • 17

    1. n неприст. дерьмо

    2. n неприст. враки

    English-Russian base dictionary > bullshit

  • 18

     нести чушь собачью, заливать

    Subsidiary English-Russian dictionary > bullshit

  • 19
    bullshit artist

    I’ve never seen the likes of him before. He’s a bullshit artist allright — Таких, как он, я еще не встречал. Он может кому угодно мозги заканифолить

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > bullshit artist

  • 20
    bullshit (somebody)

    Табуированная лексика:

    говорить чепуху , лгать , хвастаться

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bullshit (somebody)


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bullshit! — Penn Teller Titre original Penn Teller Bullshit! Genre Information satyrique Production Randall Moldave Star Price (2003 2006) Eric Small Mark Wolper Michael Goudeau Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bullshit — (englisch vulgär für Quatsch, Schwachsinn, Blödsinn) steht für: On Bullshit, Bestseller von Harry Frankfurt, in Deutschland als Bullshit veröffentlicht Bullshit (Kartenspiel) Bullshit!, dokumentarische US Fernsehserie Siehe auch: Bullshit Bingo… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bullshit — [bool′shit΄] Slang n. foolish, insincere, exaggerated, or boastful talk; nonsense vi., vt. bullshit, bullshiting to talk bullshit (to) interj. nonsense: Somewhat vulgar bullshitter n …   English World dictionary

  • bullshit — ullshit n. a ludicrously false statement. [vulgar] Syn: bull, Irish bull, horseshit, shit, crap, crapola, bunk, bunkum, buncombe, guff, rot, tommyrot, balderdash, hogwash, dogshit. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bullshit — ullshit v. to talk through one s hat. [vulgar] Syn: waffle, bull, fake. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bullshit — eloquent and insincere rhetoric, 1915, Amer.Eng. slang. Bull in the sense of trivial or false statements (1914) is usually associated with this, but it existed since M.E. in the sense of false talk, fraud, apparently from O.Fr. bole deception,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • bullshit — vulgar slang ► NOUN ▪ nonsense. ► VERB (bullshitted, bullshitting) ▪ talk nonsense in an attempt to deceive. DERIVATIVES bullshitter noun …   English terms dictionary

  • Bullshit — This article is about the expletive. For other uses, see Bullshit (disambiguation). Bullshitters redirects here. For the television programme, see The Bullshitters: Roll Out The Gunbarrel. Bullshit (also bullcrap, bullplop, bullbutter) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bullshit — (англ.  дословно  бычье дерьмо)  широко распространенный в англоязычных странах, прежде всего США и Великобритании, сленговый термин, означающий неправильное, некорректное утверждение. Х …   Википедия

  • bullshit — 1. n. lies; deception; hype; nonsense. (Also an exclamation: Bullshit! Widely known and used by both sexes. Usually objectionable.) □ That’s just a lot of bullshit! □ I’ve heard enough of your bullshit. 2. tv. to deceive someone verbally.… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Bullshit — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Bullshit est une expression d anglais américain qui signifie littéralement « merde de taureau » ou « merde de bison ». Elle sert à… …   Wikipédia en Français

I know you don’t give a shit about your grammar, but I knew your last post was bullshit immediately. Way to go and fake a «study.» Maybe if you «studied» more in college, you would:

a.) Know how to spell.
b.) Have a job, other than watching «90210» reruns all day and faking studies that are more confusing than your grasp of the English language.

Come to think of it, if you were «always right,» as your study asserts, wouldn’t you (according to your 15-year-old self) be dating Bryan Austin Greene right now, instead of lucky ol’ me?

Isn’t he perfect!

Come here hunky man! Satisfy my every whim!


As a matter of fact, I think you should give him a call anyway; I mean, just look at him.

You think I can compete with that?

• My only 6-pack is in the fridge.

• My only bronze chain controls the flushing mechanism on my toilet.

• I own T-shirts.

The next time you make a post, please try to make a point about something real in our relationship.

I’m sick of the bull. And the shit.


bullshit — перевод на русский


Oh, bullshit.

Вот дерьмо.

All uniforms are bullshit.

Любая форма — это дерьмо.

Everything outside this place is bullshit.

Все, что за пределами этой комнаты — дерьмо.

— Oh, bullshit.

— Вот дерьмо.

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Bullshit, Mr. Han!

Чушь, мистер Хан!

It was bullshit about it being a path toward being detective… because I’ve been there two years now…

Разговор о том, что это путь к золотому значку— чушь. Я уже 2 года здесь и…


Не пори чушь!

— That’s bullshit! — That’s the way it is, my friend.

— Что за чушь ты несешь?

I just ran out of bullshit.

у меня просто кончилась чушь.

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What’s all this fucking bullshit about a soccer game? Why? You scared?

Что это за херня про футбольный матч?

Fucking bullshit !


The rest is bullshit and you know it.

Все остальное — херня, и вы это знаете.

It’s all bullshit except the pain, right?

Кроме боли, все остальное херня, так?

That is total bullshit!


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It’s all bullshit, tyranny, I don’t believe you.

Это ерунда, тирания, Я тебе не верю.

Bullshit! Full speed ahead.

Ерунда, прибавьте ход.

I said it’s bullshit.

А я сказал, что все это ерунда.

Oh, bullshit.

— Я слишком стар. Ерунда.

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«Gotta get movin’, gotta hit the road.» Bullshit.

«Должен двигаться, должен собираться в путь.» Фигня!

Bullshit, man.

Фигня, мужик.

Bullshit! — Who wants a drink?


You think that’s bullshit.

Ты считаешь, все это фигня.

It’s bullshit and I’m not doing it!

Это фигня, и я не буду этого делать!

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Tired of hearing bullshit.

Устала слушать этот бред.

It’s bullshit, that’s all.

Это все бред.

She’s my sister’s friend, and my sister says it’s bullshit, waste of time.

Она к сестре моей ходит, та ей, мол, бред, пустая трата времени.

-This is bullshit, man. -David…

Это просто бред Дэвид

— That’s bullshit.

— Что за бред!

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All the rest is bullshit!

— Остальное чушь собачья!

This thing that Dr. Bruner asked you to bring him here, this is bullshit.

Ты сказал, что доктор Брунер посоветовал привезти его сюда. Это чушь собачья.

That’s bullshit, man.

Вы пригласили нас! – Чушь собачья!

— Oh, bullshit. — I’m not you.

Чушь собачья!


Чушь собачья.

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The taxi strike is bullshit, it’s been six months, this is an old newspaper.

Забастовка такси — враньё. Это было 6 месяцев назад, а газета старая.

We’ve been to see a film. One of those films about violence; it was rubbish. They’re all bullshit.

Мы были в кино, смотрели фильм о насилии, это полное безобразие и враньё.

It’s bullshit!

Это всё враньё.

Dominic will say it’s a lot of bullshit.

Доминик скажет, что это — враньё.

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Well go then, if it is so important, don’t stand there talking bullshit!

Тогда давай, и прекрати делать глупости!

Electronics, all that bullshit. You know.

Электроника и все остальные глупости.

But I see your bullshit the same way I see mine.

Просто вижу, что ты совершаешь глупости, как и я.

Everyone’s got bugs tonight, and I don’t have time for bullshit.

У всех сегодня жучки, и у меня нет времени на глупости.

Cut the bullshit and get this through your skull.

Хватит, малыш, ты начинаешь говорить глупости.

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Bullshit, Ron!

Чепуха, Рон!

— It’s typical bullshit.

— Типичная чепуха.

What kind of bullshit is that?

Что это за чепуха?

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8 окт. 2022

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  • Английский (британский вариант)

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Yes it is.
I would say it’s one word, but I would understand if someone wrote it as two words.

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Арабский

  • Английский (британский вариант)

Yes, written as one-word, it is expletive but not common here. The most common here are “bollocks” and the milder version “rubbish”. Both hold a similar meaning to B.S.

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бред собачий, чушь, говорить ерунду, нести чушь


- дерьмо
- враки; ≅ бред собачий

Мои примеры


to talk bullshit / crap / nuts — разг. нести ахинею, пороть чушь  
buy that bullshit — верить лжи  
buy the bullshit — верить лжи  
buy this bullshit — верить лжи  
bullshit bull-shit — лакейская работа; бред собачий; сплетничать  
bullshit artist — человек, который много говорит не по делу; человек, который заливает  
bullshit-artist — хвастун; болтун; лгун  
bullshit baffles brain — комментарий по поводу явно лживого утверждения  

Примеры с переводом

Don’t bullshit me. Tell me the truth!

Не гони мне. Скажи мне правду!

Forget all that bullshit and listen to me!

Забудь всю ту чушь и слушай меня!

Stop bullshitting and tell me the truth.

Хватит нести херню, скажи мне правду.

What he told me was a load of bullshit.

То, что он сказал мне, было полной фигней.

I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk

Я много дерьма натерпелся от этого идиота.

Формы слова

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usually vulgar

: nonsense


: foolish insolent talk

intransitive verb


informal + usually vulgar

: to talk foolishly, boastfully, or idly


informal + usually vulgar

: to engage in a discursive discussion

transitive verb

informal + usually vulgar

: to talk nonsense to especially with the intention of deceiving or misleading

Example Sentences


Don’t bullshit me. Tell me the truth!

Stop bullshitting and tell me the truth.

Word History

First Known Use


1914, in the meaning defined above


1926, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of bullshit was
in 1914

Dictionary Entries Near bullshit

Cite this Entry

“Bullshit.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bullshit. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.


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