Broad word systematic problem


a) Try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases: А В 1) broad a) word 2) systematic b) problem 3) natural c) theory 4) Latin d) principle 5) different e) groups 6) general f) methods 7) major g) field 8) industrial h) objects 9) scientific i) technology 10) mathematical j) sciences



заместитель директора

    _____________ В.Н.Павленко

    «____»_______________2016 г.


по учебной

ООПб.02 Иностранный язык


Сварщик (ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки)

для группы

Преподаватель:  Саакян Ирина

Рассмотрено на

ПЦК преподавателей
иностранного языка

протокол № ____ от
___________ 2016 г.

председатель ПЦК
_____________ Е.А.Белошапкина

Контрольные задания

по учебной дисциплине  ООПб.02 Иностранный язык

по разделу: « Science and technology»
(«Наука и техника»)

CВ -21

1. a) Read the words
following the rules of read­ing. Pronounce correctly. Practise aloud:

invention, investigate, attempt, interconnect, shelter,

measure, cell;

examine, animal, act, national, overlap, satisfy;


subject, structure, become, discovery;

technology, quantity;

true, computer, tool, prove, unity;

field, deal, steam;

contribute, digital, liquid, since;

research, refer, word, universe;

way, same, relationship, great, explain, complicated;


closely, process, social, grow;

theory, clear;

typewriter, wide, try, divide, provide;

science, scientist, variety


Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the following groups of words:

social, digital, technical;

natural, analog, hybrid;

tools, machines, materials;

knowledge, telephone, television;

universe, plants, trees, animals

Find the names for the groups of words. Fill in each of the spaces:

social, technical
— _________________________________;

analog, hybrid
—     _________________________________ ;

television, telephone
— ________________________________;

machines, materials
— _________________________________;

animals, trees
— _____________________________________.


a) Translate the following definitions of
the words:

the study of knowledge which can be made into a system, and which usually
depends on seeing and interest­ing facts and stating general natural laws;

a branch of knowledge dealing with scien­tific and industrial methods and their
practical use in in­dustry;

a serious and detailed study of a subject, that is aimed at learning new facts,
scientific laws, testing ideas, etc.;

is a building or something of the kind
that gives protection;

is a
machine that prints letters.

The following words also appear in the texts and dia­logues. Match each one
with its correct definition:

prove, to process, to unify, to explain, to appear

combine parts of something to form a single whole;

make clear or easy to understand, usually by speaking or writing;

become able to be seen, to come into sight;

show to be true by means of facts, documents, infor­mation, etc.;

put (information, numbers, etc.) into a computer for examination.


the words from the column A with the words from the column B.

broad                                         a) word

2. systematic                               
b) problem

3. natural                                     
c) theory

4. Latin                                        
d) principle

5. different                                   
e) groups

6. general                                      
f) methods

7. major                                       
g) field

8. industrial                                  

9. scientific                                   
i) technology

10. mathematical                      
    j) sciences

a) Try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:

1) broad a) word
2) systematic b) problem
3) natural c) theory
4) Latin d) principle
5) different e) groups
6) general f) methods
7) major g) field
8) industrial h) objects
9) scientific i) technology
10) mathematical j) sciences

b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

to cover… a) clues

to deal with … b) the cells

to come from… c) the problem

to search for… d) tools

to examine … e) the field

to investigate … f) facts

to develop … g) the word

to divide into … h) a theory

to provide … i) groups

to shape … j) the basis

to invent… k) the views

EXERCISE 5. Translate the following word combinations; pay attention to the prepositions:

comes from, the field of knowledge, deals with facts, among these facts, a wide variety of subjects, search for clues to the origin of the universe, consist of general principles, a part of scientific knowledge, can be divided into, new fields of science, at the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields, numerous areas of science, influence on our lives, the basis of modern technology, inventions of scientists, our views about, in the universe, on the earth, through the ages, speak of technology, about 200 years ago, with the development of the steam engine, the growth of factories, production of goods, aspect of people’s lives, the development of the car, contributed much to modern technology, for example, from iron, for centuries, the structure of the metal.

Introduction to Systems Distance Word Problem
Solving Systems by Graphing Which Plumber Problem
Solving Systems with Substitution Geometry Word Problem
Solving Systems with Linear Combination or Elimination Work Problem
Types of Equations Three Variable Word Problem
Systems with Three Equations The “Candy” Problem
Algebra Word Problems with Systems: Right Triangle Trigonometry Systems Problem
Investment Word Problem Inequality Word Problem (in Linear Programming section)
Mixture Word Problems More Practice

Note that we solve Algebra Word Problems without Systems here, and we solve systems using matrices in the Matrices and Solving Systems with Matrices section here.

Introduction to Systems

“Systems of equations” just means that we are dealing with more than one equation and variable. So far, we’ve basically just played around with the equation for a line, which is (y=mx+b). Let’s say we have the following situation:

You’re going to the mall with your friends and you have $200 to spend from your recent birthday money. You discover a store that has all jeans for $25 and all dresses for $50.  You really, really want to take home 6 items of clothing because you “need” that many new things. How many pairs of jeans and how many dresses you can buy so you use the whole $200 (tax not included)?  

Now, you can always do “guess and check” to see what would work, but you might as well use algebra! It’s much better to learn the algebra way, because even though this problem is fairly simple to solve, the algebra way will let you solve any algebra problem – even the really complicated ones.

The first trick in problems like this is to figure out what we want to know. This will help us decide what variables (unknowns) to use. What we want to know is how many pairs of jeans we want to buy (let’s say “(j)”) and how many dresses we want to buy (let’s say “(d)”). Always write down what your variables will be:

Let (j=) the number of jeans you will buy
Let (d=) the number of dresses you’ll buy

Like we did before, let’s translate word-for-word from math to English:




“You really, really want to take home 6 items of clothing because you need that many.”


(Number of Items)

If you add up the pairs of jeans and dresses, you want to come up with 6 items.
“… you have $200 to spend from your recent birthday money. You discover a store that has all jeans for $25 and all dresses for $50.”



This one’s a little trickier. Use easier numbers if you need to: if you buy 2 pairs of jeans and 1 dress, you spend (left( {2times $25} right)+left( {1times $50} right)). Now you can put the variables in with their prices, and they have to add up to $200.

Now we have the 2 equations as shown below. Notice that the (j) variable is just like the (x) variable and the (d) variable is just like the (y). It’s easier to put in (j) and (d) so we can remember what they stand for when we get the answers.

This is what we call a system, since we have to solve for more than one variable – we have to solve for 2 here. The cool thing is to solve for 2 variables, you typically need 2 equations, to solve for 3 variables, you need 3 equations, and so on. That’s easy to remember, right?

We need to get an answer that works in both equations; this is what we’re doing when we’re solving; this is called solving simultaneous systems, or solving system simultaneously. There are several ways to solve systems; we’ll talk about graphing first.

Solving Systems by Graphing

Remember that when you graph a line, you see all the different coordinates (or (x/y) combinations) that make the equation work. In systems, you have to make both equations work, so the intersection of the two lines shows the point that fits both equations (assuming the lines do in fact intersect; we’ll talk about that later). The points of intersections satisfy both equations simultaneously. 

Put these equations into the (y=mx+b) ((d=mj+b)) format, by solving for the (d) (which is like the (y)):

(displaystyle j+d=6;text{ },text{ }text{solve for }d:text{ }d=-j+6text{ })

(displaystyle 25j+50d=200;text{ },,text{solve for }d:text{ }d=frac{{200-25j}}{{50}}=-frac{1}{2}j+4)

Now graph both lines:

Solving Systems using Graph


To graph, solve for the “(y)” value (“(d)” in our case) to use the slope-intercept method, or keep the equations as is and use the cover-up, or intercept method.

The easiest way to graph the second equation is the intercept method; when we put 0 in for “(d)”, we get 8 for the “(j)” intercept; when we put 0 in for “(j)”, we get 4 for the “(d)” intercept. We can do this for the first equation too, or just solve for “(d)” to see that the slope is (-1) and the (y)-intercept is (6).

The two graphs intercept at the point ((4,2)). This means that the numbers that work for both equations are 4 pairs of jeans and 2 dresses!

We can also use our graphing calculator to solve the systems of equations:

Graphing Calculator Instructions


(displaystyle begin{array}{c}j+d=6text{ }\25j+50d=200end{array})

Solve for (y,left( d right)) in both equations.

Push (Y=) and enter the two equations in ({{Y}_{1}}=) and ({{Y}_{2}}=), respectively. Note that we don’t have to simplify the equations before we have to put them in the calculator.

Push GRAPH. You may need to hit “ZOOM 6” (ZoomStandard) and/or “ZOOM 0” (ZoomFit) to make sure you see the lines crossing in the graph.

(You can also use the WINDOW button to change the minimum and maximum values of your (x)- and (y)-values.)

To get the point of intersection, push “2nd TRACE” (CALC), and then either push 5, or move cursor down to intersect. You should see “First curve?” at the bottom.

Then push ENTER. Now you should see “Second curve?” and then press ENTER again. Now you should see “Guess?”. Push ENTER one more time, and you will get the point of intersection on the bottom! Pretty cool!

Note that with non-linear equations, there will most likely be more than one intersection; an example of how to get more than one solution via the Graphing Calculator can be found in the Exponents and Radicals in Algebra section. Also, there are some examples of systems of inequality here in the Linear Inequalities section.

Solving Systems with Substitution

Substitution is the favorite way to solve for many students! It involves exactly what it says: substituting one variable in another equation so that you only have one variable in that equation. Here is the same problem:

You’re going to the mall with your friends and you have $200 to spend from your recent birthday money. You discover a store that has all jeans for $25 and all dresses for $50.  You really, really want to take home 6 items of clothing because you “need” that many new things. How many pairs of jeans and how many dresses you can buy so you use the whole $200 (tax not included)?

Below are our two equations, and let’s solve for “(d)” in terms of “(j)” in the first equation. Then, let’s substitute what we got for “(d)” into the next equation. Even though it doesn’t matter which equation you start with, remember to always pick the “easiest” equation first (one that we can easily solve for a variable) to get a variable by itself.

Steps Using Substitution


(displaystyle begin{array}{c}j+d=text{ }6;,,,,d=6-j\25j+50d=200end{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}25j+50(6-j)=200\25j+300-50j=200\-25j=-100,,\j=4,\d=6-j=6-4=2end{array})

Solve for (d): (displaystyle d=6-j). Plug this in for (d) in the second equation and solve for (j).

When you get the answer for (j), plug this back in the easier equation to get (d): (displaystyle d=6-(4)=2).

The solution is ((4,2)).

We could buy 4 pairs of jeans and 2 dresses. Note that we could have also solved for “(j)” first; it really doesn’t matter. You’ll want to pick the variable that’s most easily solved for. Let’s try another substitution problem that’s a little bit different:

Steps Using Substitution


(displaystyle begin{array}{c}color{#800000}{begin{array}{c}37x+4y=124,\x=4,end{array}}\\37(4)+4y=124\4y=124-148\4y=-24\y=-6end{array}) This one is actually easier: we already know that (x=4).

Now plug in 4 for the second equation and solve for (y).

The solution is ((4,-6)).

Solving Systems with Linear Combination or Elimination

Probably the most useful way to solve systems is using linear combination, or linear elimination. The reason it’s most useful is that usually in real life we don’t have one variable in terms of another (in other words, a “(y=)” situation).

The main purpose of the linear combination method is to add or subtract the equations so that one variable is eliminated. We can add, subtract, or multiply both sides of equations by the same numbers – let’s use real numbers as shown below. We are using the Additive Property of Equality, Subtraction Property of Equality, Multiplicative Property of Equality, and/or Division Property of Equality that we saw here in the Types of Numbers and Algebraic Properties section:

(displaystyle begin{array}{c},,,3,,=,,3\underline{{+4,,=,,4}}\,,,7,,=,,7end{array}) (displaystyle begin{array}{l},,,12,=,12\,underline{{-8,,=,,,8}}\,,,,,4,,=,,4end{array}) (displaystyle begin{array}{c}3,,=,,3\4times 3,,=,,4times 3\12,,=,,12end{array}) (displaystyle begin{array}{c}12,,=,,12\frac{{12}}{3},,=,,frac{{12}}{3}\4,,=,,4end{array})

If we have a set of 2 equations with 2 unknowns, for example, we can manipulate them by adding, multiplying or subtracting (we usually prefer adding) so that we get one equation with one variable. Let’s use our previous problem:

Linear Elimination Steps Notes
(displaystyle begin{array}{c}color{#800000}{begin{array}{c}j+d=6text{ }\25j+50d=200end{array}}\\,left( {-25} right)left( {j+d} right)=left( {-25} right)6text{ }\,,,,-25j-25d,=-150,\,,,,,underline{{25j+50d,=,200}}text{ }\,,,0j+25d=,50\\25d,=,50\d=2\\d+j,,=,,6\,2+j=6\j=4end{array}) Since we need to eliminate a variable, we can multiply the first equation by –25. Remember that we need to multiply every term (anything separated by a plus, minus, or (=)  sign) by the –25.

Then we add the two equations to get “(0j)” and eliminate the “(j)” variable (thus, the name “linear elimination”). We then solve for “(d)”.

Now that we get (d=2), we can plug in that value in the either original equation (use the easiest!) to get the other variable.

The solution is ((4,2)):  (j=4) and (d=2).

We could buy 4 pairs of jeans and 2 dresses.

Here’s another example:

Linear Elimination Steps Notes

(displaystyle begin{array}{l}color{#800000}{{2x+5y=-1}},,,,,,,text{multiply by –}3\color{#800000}{{7x+3y=11}}text{ },,,,,,,text{multiply by }5end{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{l}-6x-15y=3,\,underline{{35x+15y=55}}text{ }\,29x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=58\,,,,,,,,,,,,,x=2\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\2(2)+5y=-1\,,,,,,4+5y=-1\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5y=-5\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y=-1end{array})

Since we need to eliminate a variable, we can multiply the first equation by –3 and the second one by 5. There are many ways to do this, but we want to make sure that either the (x) or (y) will be eliminated when adding the two equations.  (We could have also picked multiplying the first by –7 and the second by 2).

We then get the second set of equations to add, and the (y)’s are eliminated.  Solving for (x), we get (x=2).

Now we can plug in that value in either original equation (use the easiest!) to get the other variable.

The solution is ((2,-1)).

Types of equations

In the example above, we found one unique solution to the set of equations. Sometimes, however, for a set of equations, there are no solutions (when lines are parallel) or an infinite number of solutions or infinitely many solutions (when the two lines are actually the same line, and one is just a “multiple” of the other).

When there is at least one solution, the equations are consistent equations, since they have a solution. When there is only one solution, the system is called independent, since they cross at only one point. When equations have infinite solutions, they are the same equation, are consistent, and are called dependent or coincident (think of one just sitting on top of the other).

When equations have no solutions, they are called inconsistent equations, since we can never get a solution

Here are graphs of inconsistent and dependent equations that were created on a graphing calculator:

Systems of Equations Calculator Screens Notes

(displaystyle begin{array}{l}y=-x+4\y=-x-2end{array})

Notice that the slope of these two equations is the same, but the (y)-intercepts are different. In this situation, the lines are parallel, as we can see from the graph.

These types of equations are called inconsistent, since there are no solutions.

If we were to “solve” the two equations, we’d end up with “(4=-2)”; no matter what values we give to (x) or (y), (4) can never equal (-2). Thus, there are no solutions. The symbol (emptyset ) is sometimes used for no solutions; it is called the “empty set”.

(displaystyle x+y=6,,,,,,,text{or},,,,,,,y=-x+6)

(displaystyle 2x+2y=12,,,,,,,text{or},,,,,,,y=frac{{-2x+12}}{2}=-x+6)

Sometimes we have a situation where the system contains the same equations even though it may not be obvious. See how we may not know unless we actually graph, or simplify them?

These types of equations are called dependent or coincident since they are one and the same equation and they have an infinite number of solutions, since one “sits on top of” the other. Since they have at least one solution, they are also consistent.

If we were to “solve” the two equations, we’d end up with “(6=6)”, and no matter what values we give to (x) or (y), (6) always equals (6). Thus, there are an infinite number of solutions (infinitely many), but (y) always has to be equal to (-x+6). We can also write the solution as ((x,-x+6)).

Systems with Three Equations

Let’s get a little more complicated with systems; in real life, we rarely just have two unknowns to solve for.

Let’s say at the same store, they also had pairs of shoes for $20 and we managed to get $60 more to spend! Now we have a new problem. To spend the even $260, how many pairs of jeans, dresses, and pairs of shoes should we get if want, for example, exactly 10 total items (Remember that jeans cost $25 each and dresses cost $50 each).

Let’s let (j=) the number of pair of jeans, (d=) the number of dresses, and (s=) the number of pairs of shoes we should buy. So far, we’ll have the following equations:

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}j+d+s=10text{ }\25j+text{ }50d+,20s=260end{array})

We’ll need another equation, since for three variables, we need three equations (otherwise, we theoretically might have infinite ways to solve the problem). In this type of problem, you would also need something like this: We want twice as many pairs of jeans as pairs of shoes. Now, since we have the same number of equations as variables, we can potentially get one solution for the system of equations. Here are the three equations:

 (displaystyle begin{array}{c}j+d+s=10text{ }\25j+50d+,20s=260\j=2send{array}) Note that when we say “we have twice as many pairs of jeans as pair of shoes”, it doesn’t translate that well into math.

We can think in terms of real numbers, such as if we had 8 pairs of jeans, we’d have 4 pairs of shoes. Then it’s easier to put it in terms of the variables.

We’ll learn later how to put these in our calculator to easily solve using matrices (see the Matrices and Solving Systems with Matrices section). For now, we can use two equations at a time to eliminate a variable (using substitution and/or elimination), and keep doing this until we’ve solved for all variables. These can get really difficult to solve, but remember that in “real life”, there are computers to do all this work!

Remember again, that if we ever get to a point where we end up with something like this, it means there are an infinite number of solutions: (4=4)  (variables are gone and a number equals another number and they are the same). And if we up with something like this, it means there are no solutions: (5=2) (variables are gone and two numbers are left and they don’t equal each other).

And another note: equations with three variables are represented by planes, not lines (you’ll learn about this in Geometry). If all the planes crossed in only one point, there is one solution, and if, for example, any two were parallel, we’d have no solution, and if, for example, two or three of them crossed in a line, we’d have an infinite number of solutions.

Let’s solve our system:     (displaystyle begin{array}{c}j+d+s=10text{ }\25j+text{ }50d+20s=260\j=2send{array}):

Solving Systems Steps


(displaystyle begin{array}{c}j+d+s=10text{ }\25j+50d+20s=260\j=2send{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}2s+d+s=10,,,,,,,,,,Rightarrow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3s+d=10\25(2s)+50d+,20s=260,,,,,,Rightarrow ,,,,70s+50d=260end{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{l}-150s-50d=-500\,,,,,underline{{,,70s+50d=,,,,260}}\,,-80s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=-240\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s=3\\3(3)+d=10;,,,,,d=1,\j=2s=2(3);,,,,,,j=6end{array})

Use substitution since the last equation makes that easier. We’ll substitute (2s) for (j) in the other two equations and then we’ll have 2 equations and 2 unknowns.

We then multiply the first equation by –50 so we can add the two equations to get rid of the (d). We could have also used substitution again.

First, we get that (s=3), so then we can substitute this in one of the 2 equations we’re working with.

Now we know that (d=1), so we can plug in (d) and (s) in the original first equation to get (j=6).

The solution is ((6,1,3)).       

We could buy 6 pairs of jeans, 1 dress, and 3 pairs of shoes.

Here’s one more example of a three-variable system of equations, where we’ll only use linear elimination:

(displaystyle begin{align}5x-6y-,7z,&=,7\6x-4y+10z&=,-34\2x+4y-,3z,&=,29end{align})

Solving Systems Steps



(displaystyle begin{array}{l}5x-6y-,7z,=,,7\6x-4y+10z=,-34\2x+4y-,3z,=,29,end{array})    (displaystyle begin{array}{l}6x-4y+10z=-34\underline{{2x+4y-,3z,=,29}}\8x,,,,,,,,,,,,,+7z=-5end{array})

(require{cancel} displaystyle begin{array}{l}cancel{{5x-6y-7z=7}},,,,,,,,,,,,,,20x-24y-28z,=,28,\cancel{{2x+4y-,3z,=29,,}},,,,,,,,underline{{12x+24y-18z=174}}\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-46z=202end{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{l},,,cancel{{8x,,,+7z=,-5}},,,,,-32x,-28z=,20\32x,-46z=202,,,,,,,,,,,,underline{{,,32x,-46z=202}}\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-74z=222\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,z=-3end{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{l}32x-46(-3)=202,,,,,,,,,,,,,x=frac{{202-138}}{{32}}=frac{{64}}{{32}}=2\\5(2)-6y-7(-3)=7,,,,,,,,y=frac{{-10+-21+7}}{{-6}}=4end{array})

We first pick any 2 equations and eliminate a variable; we’ll use equations 2 and 3 since we can add them to eliminate the (y).

We then use 2 different equations (one will be the same!) to also eliminate the (y); we’ll use equations 1 and 3. To eliminate the (y), we can multiply the first by 4, and the second by 6.

Now we use the 2 equations we’ve just created without the (y)’s and solve them just like a normal set of systems. We can multiply the first by –4 to eliminate the (x)’s to get the (z), which is –3.

We can then get the (x) from either of the equations we just worked with.

Since we have the (x) and the (z), we can use any of the original equations to get the (y).

The solution is ((2,4,-3)).

I know – this is really difficult stuff! But if you do it step-by-step and keep using the equations you need with the right variables, you can do it. Think of it like a puzzle – you may not know exactly where you’re going, but do what you can in baby steps, and you’ll get there (sort of like life sometimes, right?!). And we’ll learn much easier ways to do these types of problems.

Algebra Word Problems with Systems

Let’s do more word problems; you’ll notice that many of these are the same type that we did earlier in the Algebra Word Problems section, but now we can use more than one variable. This will actually make the problems easier! Again, when doing these word problems:

  • If you’re wondering what the variables (or unknowns) should be when working on a word problem, look at what the problem is asking. These are usually (but not always) what your variables are!
  • If you’re not sure how to set up the equations, use regular numbers (simple ones!) and see what you’re doing. Then put the variables back in!

Here are some problems:

Investment Word Problem

Investment Word Problem Solution
Suppose Lindsay’s mom invests $10,000, part at 3%, and the rest at 2.5%, in interest bearing accounts.

The totally yearly investment income (interest) is $283.

How much did Lindsay’s mom invest at each rate?

Define a variable, and look at what the problem is asking. Use two variables: let (x=) the amount of money invested at 3%, and (y=) the amount of money invested at 2.5%.

The yearly investment income or interest is the amount that we get from the yearly percentages. (This is the amount of money that the bank gives us for keeping our money there.) To get the interest, multiply each percentage by the amount invested at that rate. Add these amounts up to get the total interest.

We have two equations and two unknowns. The total amount ((x+y)) must equal $10000, and the interest ((.03x+.025y)) must equal $283:

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}x,+,y=10000\.03x+.025y=283end{array})          (displaystyle begin{array}{c}y=10000-x\.03x+.025(10000-x)=283\,,,.03x,+,250,-.025x=283\,.005x=33;,,,,x=6600,,\,,y=10000-6600=3400end{array})

Turn the percentages into decimals: move the decimal point two places to the left. Substitution is the easiest way to solve. Lindsay’s mom invested $6600 at 3% and $3400 at 2.5%.

We also could have set up this problem with a table:

  Amount Turn % to decimal Total  
Amount at 3% (x) (.03) (.03x) Multiply across
Amount at 2.5% (y) (.025) (.025y) Multiply across
Total (10000) (283) Do Nothing Here
Add Down:


Do Nothing Here Add Down: (.03x+.025y = 283) and solve the system

Mixture Word Problems

Here’s a mixture word problem. With mixture problems, remember if the problem calls for a pure solution or concentrate, use 100% (if the percentage is that solution) or 0% (if the percentage is another solution).

Mixture Word Problem Solution
Two types of milk, one that has 1% butterfat, and the other that has 3.5% of butterfat, are mixed. 

How many liters of these two different kinds of milk are to be mixed together to produce 10 liters of low-fat milk, which has 2% butterfat?

(Note that we did a similar mixture problem using only one variable here in the Algebra Word Problems section.)

First define variables for the number of liters of each type of milk. Let (x=) the number of liters of the 1% milk, and (y=) the number of liters of the 3.5% milk. Use a table again:

Amount Turn % to decimal Total
1% Milk (x) (.01) (.01x) Multiply across
3.5% Milk (y) (.035) (.035y) Multiply across
Total (10) (.02) (10(.02)=.2) Multiply across
Add Down:


Do Nothing Here Add Down: (.01x+.035y=.2) and solve the system

We can also set up mixture problems with the type of figure below. We add up the terms inside the box, and then multiply the amounts in the boxes by the percentages above the boxes, and then add across. This will give us the two equations.

Let’s do the math (use substitution)!

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}x,,+,,y=10\.01x+.035y=10(.02)end{array})          (displaystyle begin{array}{c},y=10-x\.01x+.035(10-x)=.2\.01x,+,.35,,-,.035x=.2\,-.025x=-.15;,,,,,x=6\,y=10-6=4end{array})

We would need 6 liters of the 1% milk, and 4 liters of the 3.5% milk.

Here’s another mixture problem:

Mixture Word Problem with Money Solution
A store sells two different types of coffee beans; the more expensive one sells for $8 per pound, and the cheaper one sells for $4 per pound.

The beans are mixed to provide a mixture of 50 pounds that sells for $6.40 per pound.

How much of each type of coffee bean should be used to create 50 pounds of the mixture?

First define variables for the number of pounds of each type of coffee bean. Let (x=) the number of pounds of the $8 coffee, and (y=) the number of pounds of the $4 coffee.

Use a table again:

Amount Cost Total
$8 Coffee Beans (lbs) (x) (8) (8x) Multiply across
$4 Coffee Beans (lbs) (y) (4) (4y) Multiply across
Total (50) (6.40) (50(6.4)=320) Multiply across
Add Down:


Do Nothing Here Add Down: (8x+4y=320) and solve the system

Let’s do the math (use substitution)!

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}x+y=50\8x+4y=50left( {6.4} right)end{array})                   (displaystyle begin{array}{c}y=50-x\8x+4left( {50-x} right)=320\8x+200-4x=320\4x=120,;,,,,x=30\y=50-30=20\8x+4y=50(6.4)end{array})

We would need 30 pounds of the $8 coffee bean, and 20 pounds of the $4 coffee bean. See how similar this problem is to the one where we use percentages?

Distance Word Problem:

Here’s a distance word problem using systems; distance problems have to do with an object’s speed, time, and distance. Note that, as well as the distance word problem here in the Algebra Word Problems section, there’s an example of a Parametric Distance Problem here in the Parametric Equations section.

Distance Word Problem Solution
Lia walks to the mall from her house at 5 mph. 10 minutes later, Lia’s sister Megan starts riding her bike at 15 mph (from the same house) to the mall to meet Lia. They arrive at the mall the same time.

How far is the mall from the sisters’ house?

How long did it take Megan to get there?

Remember always that (text{distance}=text{rate}times text{time}). It’s difficult to know how to define the variables, but usually in these types of distance problems, we want to set the variables to time, since we have rates, and we’ll want to set distances equal to each other in this case (the house is always the same distance from the mall). (Sometimes we’ll need to add the distances together instead of setting them equal to each other.)

Let (L) equal the how long (in hours) it will take Lia to get to the mall, and (M) equal to how long (in hours) it will take Megan to get to the mall. The rates of the Lia and Megan are 5 mph and 15 mph respectively. (Usually a rate is “something per something”). Lia’s time is Megan’s time plus (displaystyle frac{{10}}{{60}}=frac{1}{6},,,,(L=M+frac{1}{6})), since Lia left 10 minutes earlier than Megan (convert minutes to hours by dividing by 60 – try real numbers to see this).

Use the distance formula for each of them separately, and then set their distances equal, since they are both traveling the same distance (house to mall). Then use substitution to solve the system for Megan’s time: after dividing both sides by 5, multiply both sides by 6 to get rid of the fractions.

      (begin{array}{c}L=M+frac{1}{6};,,,,,5L=15M\5left( {M+frac{1}{6}} right)=15M;,,,M+frac{1}{6}=3M,,\6M+1=18M;,,,12M=1;,,M,,=frac{1}{{12}},,text{hr}text{.}\D=15left( {frac{1}{{12}}} right)=1.25,,text{miles}end{array})

Megan’s time is (displaystyle frac{1}{{12}}) of any hour, which is 5 minutes. The distance to the mall is rate times time, which is 1.25 miles.

Which Plumber Problem

Many word problems you’ll have to solve have to do with an initial charge or setup charge, and a charge or rate per time period. In these cases, the initial charge will be the (boldsymbol {y})-intercept, and the rate will be the slope. Here is an example:

“Which Plumber” Systems Word Problem Solution
Michaela’s mom is trying to decide between two plumber companies to fix her sink.

The first company charges $50 for a service call, plus an additional $36 per hour for labor. The second company charges $35 for a service call, plus an additional $39 per hour of labor.

At how many hours will the two companies charge the same amount of money?

The money spent depends on the plumber’s set up charge and number of hours, so let (y=) the total cost of the plumber, and (x=) the number of hours of labor. Again, set up charges are typical (boldsymbol {y})-intercepts, and rates per hour are slopes. The total price of the plumber’s house call will be the initial or setup charge, plus the number of hours ((x)) at the house times the price per hour for labor.

To get the number of hours when the two companies charge the same amount of money, we just put the two (y)’s together and solve for (x) (substitution, right?):

First plumber’s total price:  (displaystyle y=50+36x)

Second plumber’s total price:  (displaystyle y=35+39x)

(displaystyle 50+36x=35+39x;,,,,,,x=5)

Here’s what a graph would look like:

At 5 hours, the two plumbers will charge the same. At this time, the (y)-value is 230, so the total cost is $230. Note that, in the graph, before 5 hours, the first plumber will be more expensive (because of the higher setup charge), but after the first 5 hours, the second plumber will be more expensive. Thus, the plumber would be chosen based on how many hours Michaela’s mom thinks the plumber will be there.

Geometry Word Problem:

Many times, we’ll have a geometry problem as an algebra word problem; these might involve perimeter, area, or sometimes angle measurements (so don’t forget these things!). Let’s do one involving angle measurements.

Geometry Systems Word Problem Solution
Two angles are supplementary. The measure of one angle is 30 degrees smaller than twice the other. 

Find the measure of each angle.

From Geometry, we know that two angles are supplementary if their angle measurements add up to 180 degrees (and remember also that two angles are complementary if their angle measurements add up to 90 degrees).

Define the variables and turn English into Math. Let (x=) the first angle, and (y=) the second angle. We really don’t need to worry at this point about which angle is bigger; the math will take care of itself.

(x) plus (y) must equal 180 degrees by definition, and also (x=2y-30) (Remember the English-to-Math chart?) Solve, using substitution:

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}x+y=180\x=2y-30end{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}2y-30+y=180\3y=210;,,,,,,,,y=70\x=2left( {70} right)-30=110end{array})

The larger angle is 110°, and the smaller is 70°. Let’s check our work: The two angles do in fact add up to 180°, and the larger angle (110°) is 30° less than twice the smaller (70°).

See – these are getting easier! Here’s one that’s a little tricky though:

Work Problem

Let’s do a “work problem” that is typically seen when studying Rational Equations (fraction with variables in them) and can be found here in the Rational Functions, Equations and Inequalities section.

Note that there’s also a simpler version of this problem here in the Direct, Inverse, Joint and Combined Variation section.

Work Word Problem


8 women and 12 girls can paint a large mural in 10 hours.

6 women and 8 girls can paint it in 14 hours. 

Find the time to paint the mural, by 1 woman alone, and 1 girl alone.

Let’s let (w=) the part of the job by 1 woman in 1 hour, and (g=) the part of the job by 1 girl in 1 hour. We have 10 hours with 8 women and 12 girls that paint the mural (do 1 job), and 14 hours with 6 women and 8 girls that paint the mural (do 1 job).

Since (w=) the part of the job that is completed by 1 woman in 1 hour, then (8w=) the amount of the job that is completed by 8 women in 1 hour. Also, if (8w=) the amount of the job that is completed by 8 women in 1 hour, (10times 8w) is the amount of the job that is completed by 8 women in 10 hours.

Similarly, (10times 12g) is the amount of the job that is completed by 12 girls in 10 hours. Add these two amounts and we get (displaystyle 10left( {8w+12g} right)), which will be the whole job. Use the same logic for the 6 women and 8 girls to paint the mural in 14 hours.

The whole job is 1 (this is typical in work problems), and we can set up two equations that equal 1 to solve the system. Use linear elimination to solve the equations; it gets a little messy with the fractions, but we can get it!

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}10left( {8w+12g} right)=1,text{ or }8w+12g=frac{1}{{10}}\,14left( {6w+8g} right)=1,text{ or },6w+8g=frac{1}{{14}}end{array})

(displaystyle begin{array}{c}text{Use elimination:}\left( {-6} right)left( {8w+12g} right)=frac{1}{{10}}left( {-6} right)\left( 8 right)left( {6w+8g} right)=frac{1}{{14}}left( 8 right)\cancel{{-48w}}-72g=-frac{3}{5}\cancel{{48w}}+64g=frac{4}{7},\,-8g=-frac{1}{{35}};,,,,,g=frac{1}{{280}}end{array})             (begin{array}{c}text{Substitute in first equation to get }w:\,10left( {8w+12cdot frac{1}{{280}}} right)=1\,80w+frac{{120}}{{280}}=1;,,,,,,w=frac{1}{{140}}\g=frac{1}{{280}};,,,,,,,,,,,w=frac{1}{{140}}end{array})

The answers we get is the part of the job that is completed by 1 woman or girl in 1 hour, so to get how long it would take them to do a whole job, we have to take the reciprocal. (Think about it; if we could complete (displaystyle frac{1}{3}) of a job in an hour, we could complete the whole job in 3 hours).

Thus, it would take one of the women 140 hours to paint the mural by herself, and one of the girls 280 hours to paint the mural by herself.

Three Variable Word Problem:

Let’s do one more with three equations and three unknowns:

Three Variable Word Problem Solution
A florist is making 5 identical bridesmaid bouquets for a wedding.

She has $610 to spend (including tax) and wants 24 flowers for each bouquet. Roses cost $6 each, tulips cost $4 each, and lilies cost $3 each. She wants to have twice as many roses as the other 2 flowers combined in each bouquet.

How many roses, tulips, and lilies are in each bouquet?

The trick is to put real numbers in to make sure you’re doing the problem correctly, and also make sure you’re answering what the question is asking!

Look at the question being asked to define our variables: Let (r=) the number of roses, (t=) the number of tulips, and (l=) the number of lilies in each bouquet. Put the money terms together, and also the counting terms together:

(begin{array}{l}5left( {6r+4t+3l} right)=610,,,text{(price of each flower times number of flowers x }5text{ bouquets= total price)}\,,,,,,,,,r=2(t+l)text{ },,,,,,,,,,text{ (two times the sum of the other two flowers = number of roses)}\,,,,,,r+t+l=24text{ },,,,,,,,,text{(total number of flowers in each bouquet is }24text{)}end{array})

Use substitution and put (r) from the middle equation in the other equations. Then, use linear elimination to put those two equations together: multiply the second by –5 to eliminate the (l). We typically have to use two separate pairs of equations to get the three variables down to two!

(begin{array}{c}6r+4t+3l=122\r=2left( {t+l} right)\,r+t+l=24\\6left( {2t+2l} right)+4t+3l=122\,12t+12l+4t+3l=122\16t+15l=122\\left( {2t+2l} right)+t+l=24\3t+3l=24end{array})           (displaystyle begin{array}{c},16t+15l=122\,,,,,,,,,cancel{{3t+3l=24}}\,,,,underline{{-15t-15l=-120}}\,,,,,t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=2\16left( 2 right)+15l=122;,,,,l=6\\r=2left( {2+6} right)=16\,,,,,,,,,,r=16,,,,t=2,,,,l=6end{array})

We get (t=2). Solve for (l) in this same system, and (r) by using the value we got for (t) and (l) (most easily in the second equation at the top). Thus, for one bouquet, we’ll have 16 roses, 2 tulips, and 6 lilies. If we had solved for the total number of flowers, we would have had to divide each number by 5.

The “Candy” Problem

Sometimes we get lucky and can solve a system of equations where we have more unknowns (variables) then equations. (Actually, I think it’s not so much luck, but having good problem writers!) Here’s one like that:

More Unknowns Than Variables Problem Solution
Sarah buys 2 pounds of jelly beans and 4 pounds of chocolates for $4.00.

She then buys 1 pound of jelly beans and 4 pounds of caramels for $3.00.

She also buys 1 pound of jelly beans, 3 pounds of licorice and 1 pound of caramels for $1.50.

How much will it cost to buy 1 pound of each of the four candies?

Look at the question being asked to define our variables: Let (j=) the cost of 1 pound of jelly beans, (o=) the cost of 1 pound of chocolates, (c=) the cost of 1 pound of caramels, and (l=) the cost of 1 pound of licorice. Here is the system of equations:

(begin{array}{c}2j+4o=4\j+4c=3\j+3l+1c=1.5\text{Want: }j+o+c+lend{array})

Wait! Something’s not right since we have 4 variables and 3 equations. But note that they are not asking for the cost of each candy, but the cost to buy all 4! Maybe the problem will just “work out” so we can solve it; let’s try and see.

From our three equations above (using substitution), we get values for (o), (c) and (l) in terms of (j).

(displaystyle begin{align}o=frac{{4-2j}}{4}=frac{{2-j}}{2},,,,,,,,,c=frac{{3-j}}{4},\j+3l+1left( {frac{{3-j}}{4}} right)=1.5\4j+12l+3-j=6\,l=frac{{6-3-3j}}{{12}}=frac{{3-3j}}{{12}}=frac{{1-j}}{4}end{align})               (require{cancel} displaystyle begin{align}j+o+c+l&=j+frac{{2-j}}{2}+frac{{3-j}}{4}+frac{{1-j}}{4}\&=cancel{j}+1-cancel{{frac{1}{2}j}}+frac{3}{4}cancel{{-frac{j}{4}}}+frac{1}{4}cancel{{-frac{j}{4}}}=2end{align})

When we substitute back in the sum (text{ }j+o+c+l), all in terms of (j), our (j)s actually cancel out, which is very unusual! We can’t really solve for all the variables, since we don’t know what (j) is. But we can see that the total cost to buy 1 pound of each of the candies is $2. Pretty cool!

There are more Systems Word Problems in the Matrices and Solving Systems with Matrices section, Linear Programming section, and Right Triangle Trigonometry section.

Understand these problems, and practice, practice, practice!

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On to Algebraic Functions, including Domain and Range – you’re ready! 

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  • mathrm{Lauren’s:age:is:half:of:Joe’s:age.:Emma:is:four:years:older:than:Joe.:The:sum:of:Lauren,:Emma,:and:Joe’s:age:is:54.:How:old:is:Joe?}

  • mathrm{Kira:went:for:a:drive:in:her:new:car.:She:drove:for:142.5:miles:at:a:speed:of:57:mph.:For:how:many:hours:did:she:drive?}

  • mathrm{Bob’s:age:is:twice:that:of:Barry’s.:Five:years:ago,:Bob:was:three:times:older:than:Barry.:Find:the:age:of:both.}

  • mathrm{Two:men:who:are:traveling:in:opposite:directions:at:the:rate:of:18:and:22:mph:respectively:started:at:the:same:time:at:the:same:place.:In:how:many:hours:will:they:be:250:apart?}

  • mathrm{If:2:tacos:and:3:drinks:cost:12:and:3:tacos:and:2:drinks:cost:13:how:much:does:a:taco:cost?}

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How do you solve word problems?

  • To solve word problems start by reading the problem carefully and understanding what it’s asking. Try underlining or highlighting key information, such as numbers and key words that indicate what operation is needed to perform. Translate the problem into mathematical expressions or equations, and use the information and equations generated to solve for the answer.
  • How do you identify word problems in math?

  • Word problems in math can be identified by the use of language that describes a situation or scenario. Word problems often use words and phrases which indicate that performing calculations is needed to find a solution. Additionally, word problems will often include specific information such as numbers, measurements, and units that needed to be used to solve the problem.
  • Is there a calculator that can solve word problems?

  • Symbolab is the best calculator for solving a wide range of word problems, including age problems, distance problems, cost problems, investments problems, number problems, and percent problems.
  • What is an age problem?

  • An age problem is a type of word problem in math that involves calculating the age of one or more people at a specific point in time. These problems often use phrases such as «x years ago,» «in y years,» or «y years later,» which indicate that the problem is related to time and age.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as combinatorial group theory, the word problem for a finitely generated group G is the algorithmic problem of deciding whether two words in the generators represent the same element. More precisely, if A is a finite set of generators for G then the word problem is the membership problem for the formal language of all words in A and a formal set of inverses that map to the identity under the natural map from the free monoid with involution on A to the group G. If B is another finite generating set for G, then the word problem over the generating set B is equivalent to the word problem over the generating set A. Thus one can speak unambiguously of the decidability of the word problem for the finitely generated group G.

The related but different uniform word problem for a class K of recursively presented groups is the algorithmic problem of deciding, given as input a presentation P for a group G in the class K and two words in the generators of G, whether the words represent the same element of G. Some authors require the class K to be definable by a recursively enumerable set of presentations.


Throughout the history of the subject, computations in groups have been carried out using various normal forms. These usually implicitly solve the word problem for the groups in question. In 1911 Max Dehn proposed that the word problem was an important area of study in its own right,[1] together with the conjugacy problem and the group isomorphism problem. In 1912 he gave an algorithm that solves both the word and conjugacy problem for the fundamental groups of closed orientable two-dimensional manifolds of genus greater than or equal to 2.[2] Subsequent authors have greatly extended Dehn’s algorithm and applied it to a wide range of group theoretic decision problems.[3][4][5]

It was shown by Pyotr Novikov in 1955 that there exists a finitely presented group G such that the word problem for G is undecidable.[6] It follows immediately that the uniform word problem is also undecidable. A different proof was obtained by William Boone in 1958.[7]

The word problem was one of the first examples of an unsolvable problem to be found not in mathematical logic or the theory of algorithms, but in one of the central branches of classical mathematics, algebra. As a result of its unsolvability, several other problems in combinatorial group theory have been shown to be unsolvable as well.

It is important to realize that the word problem is in fact solvable for many groups G. For example, polycyclic groups have solvable word problems since the normal form of an arbitrary word in a polycyclic presentation is readily computable; other algorithms for groups may, in suitable circumstances, also solve the word problem, see the Todd–Coxeter algorithm[8] and the Knuth–Bendix completion algorithm.[9] On the other hand, the fact that a particular algorithm does not solve the word problem for a particular group does not show that the group has an unsolvable word problem. For instance Dehn’s algorithm does not solve the word problem for the fundamental group of the torus. However this group is the direct product of two infinite cyclic groups and so has a solvable word problem.

A more concrete description[edit]

In more concrete terms, the uniform word problem can be expressed as a rewriting question, for literal strings.[10] For a presentation P of a group G, P will specify a certain number of generators

x, y, z, …

for G. We need to introduce one letter for x and another (for convenience) for the group element represented by x−1. Call these letters (twice as many as the generators) the alphabet Sigma for our problem. Then each element in G is represented in some way by a product

abc … pqr

of symbols from Sigma , of some length, multiplied in G. The string of length 0 (null string) stands for the identity element e of G. The crux of the whole problem is to be able to recognise all the ways e can be represented, given some relations.

The effect of the relations in G is to make various such strings represent the same element of G. In fact the relations provide a list of strings that can be either introduced where we want, or cancelled out whenever we see them, without changing the ‘value’, i.e. the group element that is the result of the multiplication.

For a simple example, take the presentation {a | a3}. Writing A for the inverse of a, we have possible strings combining any number of the symbols a and A. Whenever we see aaa, or aA or Aa we may strike these out. We should also remember to strike out AAA; this says that since the cube of a is the identity element of G, so is the cube of the inverse of a. Under these conditions the word problem becomes easy. First reduce strings to the empty string, a, aa, A or AA. Then note that we may also multiply by aaa, so we can convert A to aa and convert AA to a. The result is that the word problem, here for the cyclic group of order three, is solvable.

This is not, however, the typical case. For the example, we have a canonical form available that reduces any string to one of length at most three, by decreasing the length monotonically. In general, it is not true that one can get a canonical form for the elements, by stepwise cancellation. One may have to use relations to expand a string many-fold, in order eventually to find a cancellation that brings the length right down.

The upshot is, in the worst case, that the relation between strings that says they are equal in G is an Undecidable problem.


The following groups have a solvable word problem:

  • Automatic groups, including:
    • Finite groups
    • Negatively curved (aka. hyperbolic) groups
    • Euclidean groups
    • Coxeter groups
    • Braid groups
    • Geometrically finite groups
  • Finitely generated free groups
  • Finitely generated free abelian groups
  • Polycyclic groups
  • Finitely generated recursively absolutely presented groups,[11] including:
    • Finitely presented simple groups.
  • Finitely presented residually finite groups
  • One relator groups[12] (this is a theorem of Magnus), including:
    • Fundamental groups of closed orientable two-dimensional manifolds.
  • Combable groups
  • Autostackable groups

Examples with unsolvable word problems are also known:

  • Given a recursively enumerable set A of positive integers that has insoluble membership problem, ⟨a,b,c,d | anban = cndcn : nA⟩ is a finitely generated group with a recursively enumerable presentation whose word problem is insoluble[13]
  • Every finitely generated group with a recursively enumerable presentation and insoluble word problem is a subgroup of a finitely presented group with insoluble word problem[14]
  • The number of relators in a finitely presented group with insoluble word problem may be as low as 14 [15] or even 12.[16][17]
  • An explicit example of a reasonable short presentation with insoluble word problem is given in Collins 1986:[18][19]
begin{array}{lllll}langle & a,b,c,d,e,p,q,r,t,k & | & &\ 
&p^{10}a = ap,  &pacqr = rpcaq,             &ra=ar, &\
&p^{10}b = bp,  &p^2adq^2r = rp^2daq^2,     &rb=br, &\
&p^{10}c = cp,  &p^3bcq^3r = rp^3cbq^3,     &rc=cr, &\
&p^{10}d = dp,  &p^4bdq^4r = rp^4dbq^4,     &rd=dr, &\
&p^{10}e = ep,  &p^5ceq^5r = rp^5ecaq^5,    &re=er, &\
&aq^{10} = qa,  &p^6deq^6r = rp^6edbq^6,    &pt=tp, &\
&bq^{10} = qb,  &p^7cdcq^7r = rp^7cdceq^7,  &qt=tq, &\
&cq^{10} = qc,  &p^8ca^3q^8r = rp^8a^3q^8,  &&\
&dq^{10} = qd,  &p^9da^3q^9r = rp^9a^3q^9,  &&\
&eq^{10} = qe,  &a^{-3}ta^3k = ka^{-3}ta^3  &&rangle end{array}

Partial solution of the word problem[edit]

The word problem for a recursively presented group can be partially solved in the following sense:

Given a recursive presentation P = ⟨X|R⟩ for a group G, define:

{displaystyle S={langle u,vrangle :u{text{ and }}v{text{ are words in }}X{text{ and }}u=v{text{ in }}G }}
then there is a partial recursive function fP such that:

{displaystyle f_{P}(langle u,vrangle )={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} langle u,vrangle in S\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} langle u,vrangle notin Send{cases}}}

More informally, there is an algorithm that halts if u=v, but does not do so otherwise.

It follows that to solve the word problem for P it is sufficient to construct a recursive function g such that:

{displaystyle g(langle u,vrangle )={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} langle u,vrangle notin S\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} langle u,vrangle in Send{cases}}}

However u=v in G if and only if uv−1=1 in G. It follows that to solve the word problem for P it is sufficient to construct a recursive function h such that:

{displaystyle h(x)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} xneq 1 {text{in}} G\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} x=1 {text{in}} Gend{cases}}}


The following will be proved as an example of the use of this technique:

Theorem: A finitely presented residually finite group has solvable word problem.

Proof: Suppose G = ⟨X|R⟩ is a finitely presented, residually finite group.

Let S be the group of all permutations of N, the natural numbers, that fixes all but finitely many numbers then:

  1. S is locally finite and contains a copy of every finite group.
  2. The word problem in S is solvable by calculating products of permutations.
  3. There is a recursive enumeration of all mappings of the finite set X into S.
  4. Since G is residually finite, if w is a word in the generators X of G then w ≠ 1 in G if and only of some mapping of X into S induces a homomorphism such that w ≠ 1 in S.

Given these facts, algorithm defined by the following pseudocode:

For every mapping of X into S
    If every relator in R is satisfied in S
        If w ≠ 1 in S
            return 0
        End if
    End if
End for

defines a recursive function h such that:

{displaystyle h(x)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} xneq 1 {text{in}} G\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} x=1 {text{in}} Gend{cases}}}

This shows that G has solvable word problem.

Unsolvability of the uniform word problem[edit]

The criterion given above, for the solvability of the word problem in a single group, can be extended by a straightforward argument. This gives the following criterion for the uniform solvability of the word problem for a class of finitely presented groups:

To solve the uniform word problem for a class K of groups, it is sufficient to find a recursive function f(P,w) that takes a finite presentation P for a group G and a word w in the generators of G, such that whenever GK:

{displaystyle f(P,w)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} wneq 1 {text{in}} G\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} w=1 {text{in}} Gend{cases}}}
Boone-Rogers Theorem: There is no uniform partial algorithm that solves the word problem in all finitely presented groups with solvable word problem.

In other words, the uniform word problem for the class of all finitely presented groups with solvable word problem is unsolvable. This has some interesting consequences. For instance, the Higman embedding theorem can be used to construct a group containing an isomorphic copy of every finitely presented group with solvable word problem. It seems natural to ask whether this group can have solvable word problem. But it is a consequence of the Boone-Rogers result that:

Corollary: There is no universal solvable word problem group. That is, if G is a finitely presented group that contains an isomorphic copy of every finitely presented group with solvable word problem, then G itself must have unsolvable word problem.

Remark: Suppose G = ⟨X|R⟩ is a finitely presented group with solvable word problem and H is a finite subset of G. Let H* = ⟨H⟩, be the group generated by H. Then the word problem in H* is solvable: given two words h, k in the generators H of H*, write them as words in X and compare them using the solution to the word problem in G. It is easy to think that this demonstrates a uniform solution of the word problem for the class K (say) of finitely generated groups that can be embedded in G. If this were the case, the non-existence of a universal solvable word problem group would follow easily from Boone-Rogers. However, the solution just exhibited for the word problem for groups in K is not uniform. To see this, consider a group J = ⟨Y|T⟩ ∈ K; in order to use the above argument to solve the word problem in J, it is first necessary to exhibit a mapping e: Y → G that extends to an embedding e*: JG. If there were a recursive function that mapped (finitely generated) presentations of groups in K to embeddings into G, then a uniform solution of the word problem in K could indeed be constructed. But there is no reason, in general, to suppose that such a recursive function exists. However, it turns out that, using a more sophisticated argument, the word problem in J can be solved without using an embedding e: JG. Instead an enumeration of homomorphisms is used, and since such an enumeration can be constructed uniformly, it results in a uniform solution to the word problem in K.

Proof that there is no universal solvable word problem group[edit]

Suppose G were a universal solvable word problem group. Given a finite presentation P = ⟨X|R⟩ of a group H, one can recursively enumerate all homomorphisms h: HG by first enumerating all mappings h: XG. Not all of these mappings extend to homomorphisms, but, since h(R) is finite, it is possible to distinguish between homomorphisms and non-homomorphisms, by using the solution to the word problem in G. «Weeding out» non-homomorphisms gives the required recursive enumeration: h1, h2, …, hn, … .

If H has solvable word problem, then at least one of these homomorphisms must be an embedding. So given a word w in the generators of H:

{displaystyle {text{If}} wneq 1 {text{in}} H, h_{n}(w)neq 1 {text{in}} G {text{for some}} h_{n}}
{displaystyle {text{If}} w=1 {text{in}} H, h_{n}(w)=1 {text{in}} G {text{for all}} h_{n}}

Consider the algorithm described by the pseudocode:

Let n = 0
    Let repeatable = TRUE
        while (repeatable)
            increase n by 1
            if (solution to word problem in G reveals hn(w) ≠ 1 in G)
                Let repeatable = FALSE
output 0.

This describes a recursive function:

{displaystyle f(w)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} wneq 1 {text{in}} H\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} w=1 {text{in}} H.end{cases}}}

The function f clearly depends on the presentation P. Considering it to be a function of the two variables, a recursive function f(P,w) has been constructed that takes a finite presentation P for a group H and a word w in the generators of a group G, such that whenever G has soluble word problem:

{displaystyle f(P,w)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} wneq 1 {text{in}} H\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} w=1 {text{in}} H.end{cases}}}

But this uniformly solves the word problem for the class of all finitely presented groups with solvable word problem, contradicting Boone-Rogers. This contradiction proves G cannot exist.

Algebraic structure and the word problem[edit]

There are a number of results that relate solvability of the word problem and algebraic structure. The most significant of these is the Boone-Higman theorem:

A finitely presented group has solvable word problem if and only if it can be embedded in a simple group that can be embedded in a finitely presented group.

It is widely believed that it should be possible to do the construction so that the simple group itself is finitely presented. If so one would expect it to be difficult to prove as the mapping from presentations to simple groups would have to be non-recursive.

The following has been proved by Bernhard Neumann and Angus Macintyre:

A finitely presented group has solvable word problem if and only if it can be embedded in every algebraically closed group

What is remarkable about this is that the algebraically closed groups are so wild that none of them has a recursive presentation.

The oldest result relating algebraic structure to solvability of the word problem is Kuznetsov’s theorem:

A recursively presented simple group S has solvable word problem.

To prove this let ⟨X|R⟩ be a recursive presentation for S. Choose a ∈ S such that a ≠ 1 in S.

If w is a word on the generators X of S, then let:

S_w = langle X | Rcup {w} rangle.

There is a recursive function f_{langle X | Rcup {w} rangle} such that:

{displaystyle f_{langle X|Rcup {w}rangle }(x)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} x=1 {text{in}} S_{w}\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} xneq 1 {text{in}} S_{w}.end{cases}}}


g(w, x) = f_{langle X | Rcup {w} rangle}(x).

Then because the construction of f was uniform, this is a recursive function of two variables.

It follows that: {displaystyle h(w)=g(w,a)} is recursive. By construction:

{displaystyle h(w)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} a=1 {text{in}} S_{w}\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} aneq 1 {text{in}} S_{w}.end{cases}}}

Since S is a simple group, its only quotient groups are itself and the trivial group. Since a ≠ 1 in S, we see a = 1 in Sw if and only if Sw is trivial if and only if w ≠ 1 in S. Therefore:

{displaystyle h(w)={begin{cases}0&{text{if}} wneq 1 {text{in}} S\{text{undefined/does not halt}} &{text{if}} w=1 {text{in}} S.end{cases}}}

The existence of such a function is sufficient to prove the word problem is solvable for S.

This proof does not prove the existence of a uniform algorithm for solving the word problem for this class of groups. The non-uniformity resides in choosing a non-trivial element of the simple group. There is no reason to suppose that there is a recursive function that maps a presentation of a simple groups to a non-trivial element of the group. However, in the case of a finitely presented group we know that not all the generators can be trivial (Any individual generator could be, of course). Using this fact it is possible to modify the proof to show:

The word problem is uniformly solvable for the class of finitely presented simple groups.

See also[edit]

  • Combinatorics on words
  • SQ-universal group
  • Word problem (mathematics)
  • Reachability problem
  • Nested stack automata (have been used to solve the word problem for groups)


  1. ^ Dehn 1911.
  2. ^ Dehn 1912.
  3. ^ Greendlinger, Martin (June 1959), «Dehn’s algorithm for the word problem», Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13 (1): 67–83, doi:10.1002/cpa.3160130108.
  4. ^ Lyndon, Roger C. (September 1966), «On Dehn’s algorithm», Mathematische Annalen, 166 (3): 208–228, doi:10.1007/BF01361168, hdl:2027.42/46211, S2CID 36469569.
  5. ^ Schupp, Paul E. (June 1968), «On Dehn’s algorithm and the conjugacy problem», Mathematische Annalen, 178 (2): 119–130, doi:10.1007/BF01350654, S2CID 120429853.
  6. ^ Novikov, P. S. (1955), «On the algorithmic unsolvability of the word problem in group theory», Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (in Russian), 44: 1–143, Zbl 0068.01301
  7. ^ Boone, William W. (1958), «The word problem» (PDF), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 44 (10): 1061–1065, Bibcode:1958PNAS…44.1061B, doi:10.1073/pnas.44.10.1061, PMC 528693, PMID 16590307, Zbl 0086.24701
  8. ^ Todd, J.; Coxeter, H.S.M. (1936). «A practical method for enumerating cosets of a finite abstract group». Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 5 (1): 26–34. doi:10.1017/S0013091500008221.
  9. ^ Knuth, D.; Bendix, P. (2014) [1970]. «Simple word problems in universal algebras». In Leech, J. (ed.). Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Oxford Under the Auspices of the Science Research Council Atlas Computer Laboratory, 29th August to 2nd September 1967. Springer. pp. 263–297. ISBN 9781483159423.
  10. ^ Rotman 1994.
  11. ^ Simmons, H. (1973). «The word problem for absolute presentations». J. London Math. Soc. s2-6 (2): 275–280. doi:10.1112/jlms/s2-6.2.275.
  12. ^ Lyndon, Roger C.; Schupp, Paul E (2001). Combinatorial Group Theory. Springer. pp. 1–60. ISBN 9783540411581.
  13. ^ Collins & Zieschang 1990, p. 149.
  14. ^ Collins & Zieschang 1993, Cor. 7.2.6.
  15. ^ Collins 1969.
  16. ^ Borisov 1969.
  17. ^ Collins 1972.
  18. ^ Collins 1986.
  19. ^ We use the corrected version from John Pedersen’s A Catalogue of Algebraic Systems


  • Boone, W.W.; Cannonito, F.B.; Lyndon, Roger C. (1973). Word problems : decision problems and the Burnside problem in group theory. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics. Vol. 71. North-Holland. ISBN 9780720422719.
  • Boone, W. W.; Higman, G. (1974). «An algebraic characterization of the solvability of the word problem». J. Austral. Math. Soc. 18: 41–53. doi:10.1017/s1446788700019108.
  • Boone, W. W.; Rogers Jr, H. (1966). «On a problem of J. H. C. Whitehead and a problem of Alonzo Church». Math. Scand. 19: 185–192. doi:10.7146/math.scand.a-10808.
  • Borisov, V. V. (1969), «Simple examples of groups with unsolvable word problem», Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Matematicheskie Zametki, 6: 521–532, ISSN 0025-567X, MR 0260851
  • Collins, Donald J. (1969), «Word and conjugacy problems in groups with only a few defining relations», Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 15 (20–22): 305–324, doi:10.1002/malq.19690152001, MR 0263903
  • Collins, Donald J. (1972), «On a group embedding theorem of V. V. Borisov», Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 4 (2): 145–147, doi:10.1112/blms/4.2.145, ISSN 0024-6093, MR 0314998
  • Collins, Donald J. (1986), «A simple presentation of a group with unsolvable word problem», Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 30 (2): 230–234, doi:10.1215/ijm/1256044631, ISSN 0019-2082, MR 0840121
  • Collins, Donald J.; Zieschang, H. (1990), Combinatorial group theory and fundamental groups, Springer-Verlag, p. 166, MR 1099152
  • Dehn, Max (1911), «Über unendliche diskontinuierliche Gruppen», Mathematische Annalen, 71 (1): 116–144, doi:10.1007/BF01456932, ISSN 0025-5831, MR 1511645, S2CID 123478582
  • Dehn, Max (1912), «Transformation der Kurven auf zweiseitigen Flächen», Mathematische Annalen, 72 (3): 413–421, doi:10.1007/BF01456725, ISSN 0025-5831, MR 1511705, S2CID 122988176
  • Kuznetsov, A.V. (1958). «Algorithms as operations in algebraic systems». Izvestia Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser Mat. 13 (3): 81.
  • Miller, C.F. (1991). «Decision problems for groups — survey and reflections». Algorithms and Classification in Combinatorial Group Theory. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications. Vol. 23. Springer. pp. 1–60. doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-9730-4_1. ISBN 978-1-4613-9730-4.
  • Nyberg-Brodda, Carl-Fredrik (2021), «The word problem for one-relation monoids: a survey», Semigroup Forum, 103 (2): 297–355, arXiv:2105.02853, doi:10.1007/s00233-021-10216-8
  • Rotman, Joseph (1994), An introduction to the theory of groups, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-94285-8
  • Stillwell, J. (1982). «The word problem and the isomorphism problem for groups». Bulletin of the AMS. 6: 33–56. doi:10.1090/s0273-0979-1982-14963-1.

Solving Systems of Equations
Real World Problems

Wow! You have learned many different strategies for solving systems of equations! First we started with Graphing Systems of Equations.
Then we moved onto solving systems using the Substitution Method. In our last lesson we used the
Linear Combinations or Addition Method to solve systems of equations.

Now we are ready to apply these strategies to solve real world
problems! Are you ready? First let’s look at some guidelines for
solving real world problems and then we’ll look at a few examples.

Steps For Solving Real World Problems

  • Highlight the important information in the problem that will help write two equations.
  • Define your variables
  • Write two equations
  • Use one of the methods for solving systems of equations to solve.
  • Check your answers by substituting your ordered pair into the original equations.
  • Answer the questions in the real world problems. Always write your answer in complete sentences!

Ok… let’s look at a few examples. Follow along with me. (Having a calculator will make it easier for you to follow along.)

Example 1: Systems Word Problems

You are running a concession stand at a basketball game. You are selling hot dogs and sodas. Each hot dog costs $1.50 and each soda costs $0.50. At the end of the night you made a total of $78.50. You sold a total of 87 hot dogs and sodas combined. You must report the number of hot dogs sold and the number of sodas sold. How many hot dogs were sold and how many sodas were sold?


1.  Let’s start by identifying the important information:

  • hot dogs cost $1.50
  • Sodas cost $0.50
  • Made a total of $78.50
  • Sold 87 hot dogs and sodas combined

2.  Define your variables.

  • Ask yourself, «What am I trying to solve for? What don’t I know?

In this problem, I don’t know how many hot dogs or sodas were sold. So this is what each variable will stand for. (Usually the question at the end will give you this information).

Let x = the number of hot dogs sold

Let y = the number of sodas sold

3. Write two equations.

One equation will be related to the price and one equation will be related to the quantity (or number) of hot dogs and sodas sold.

1.50x + 0.50y = 78.50    (Equation related to cost)

 x + y = 87   (Equation related to the number sold)

4.  Solve! 

We can choose any method that we like to solve the system of equations. I am going to choose the substitution method since I can easily solve the 2nd equation for y.

Solving a systems using substitution

5. Think about what this solution means.

x is the number of hot dogs and x = 35. That means that 35 hot dogs were sold.

y is the number of sodas and y = 52. That means that 52 sodas were sold.

6.  Write your answer in a complete sentence.

35 hot dogs were sold and 52 sodas were sold.

7.  Check your work by substituting.

1.50x + 0.50y = 78.50

1.50(35) + 0.50(52) = 78.50

52.50 + 26 = 78.50


x + y = 87

35 + 52 = 87

Since both equations check properly, we know that our answers are correct!

That wasn’t too bad, was it? The hardest part is writing the equations.
From there you already know the strategies for solving. Think
carefully about what’s happening in the problem when trying to write the
two equations.

Example 2: Another Word Problem

You and a friend go to Tacos Galore for lunch. You order three soft tacos and three burritos and your total bill is $11.25. Your friend’s bill is $10.00 for four soft tacos and two burritos. How much do soft tacos cost? How much do burritos cost?

1.  Let’s start by identifying the important information:

  • 3 soft tacos + 3 burritos cost $11.25
  • 4 soft tacos + 2 burritos cost $10.00

2.  Define your variables.

  • Ask yourself, «What am I trying to solve for? What don’t I know?

In this problem, I don’t know the price of the soft tacos or the price of the burritos.

Let x = the price of 1 soft taco

Let y = the price of 1 burrito

3. Write two equations.

One equation will be related your lunch and one equation will be related to your friend’s lunch.

3x + 3y = 11.25  (Equation representing your lunch)

4x + 2y = 10   (Equation representing your friend’s lunch)

4.  Solve! 

We can choose any method that we like to solve the system of equations. I am going to choose the combinations method.

Solving Systems Using Combinations

5. Think about what the solution means in context of the problem.

x = the price of 1 soft taco and x = 1.25.

That means that 1 soft tacos costs $1.25.

y = the price of 1 burrito and y = 2.5.

That means that 1 burrito costs $2.50.

Yes, I know that word problems can be intimidating, but this is the
whole reason why we are learning these skills. You must be able to
apply your knowledge!

If you have difficulty with real world problems, you can find more examples and practice problems in the Algebra Class E-course.

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